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zbMath0980.16001MaRDI QIDQ2734153

Tsit-Yuen Lam

Publication date: 14 August 2001

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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When is every matrix over a ring the sum of two tripotents?, A generalization of WUU rings, On the inclusion ideal graph of a ring., Characterizations of regular local rings via syzygy modules of the residue field, Two-weight codes, graphs and orthogonal arrays, The computability, definability, and proof theory of Artinian rings, Slice monogenic functions, Fracpairs and fractions over a reduced commutative ring, Classification of affine symmetry groups of orbit polytopes, Equivalence of some homological conditions for ring epimorphisms, Some properties of the idempotent graph of a ring, Irreducible representations of the Chinese monoid, On the Bézout equation in the ring of periodic distributions, Annelidan rings, Leavitt path algebras: graded direct-finiteness and graded \(\Sigma\)-injective simple modules, Artinian and Noetherian partial skew groupoid rings, On congruence-semisimple semirings and the \(K_{0}\)-group characterization of ultramatricial algebras over semifields, Canonical extensions of bounded Archimedean vector lattices, Partial crossed products and fully weakly prime rings, Continuous modules are clean., Ringel duality and Auslander-Dlab-Ringel algebras, Almost perfect commutative rings, Tensor products of higher almost split sequences, Fuchs' problem for dihedral groups, A note on stable equivalences of Morita type., An alternative perspective on skew generalized power series rings, Rings of low rank with a standard involution, Semiprime CS group algebra of polycyclic-by-finite group without domains as summands is hereditary., Representations of groups with CAT(0) fixed point property, Jacobson radical algebras with Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two over countable fields., Minimal spectrum and the radical of Chinese algebras., The regular algebra of a quiver., Stable self-homotopy equivalences, On pairs of matrices generating matrix rings and their presentations., Division algebras with left algebraic commutators, Golod-Shafarevich algebras, free subalgebras and Noetherian images., Ring theoretic properties of partial crossed products and related themes, Affine planes over finite rings, a summary, Commutator Leavitt path algebras., The one-sided inverse along an element in semigroups and rings, Shirshov's theorem and division rings that are left algebraic over a subfield., Bootstrapping the bounded nilradical., On two dimensional mixed characteristic rings of finite Cohen Macaulay type, A note on completeness and strongly clean rings., Integer-valued polynomials over quaternion rings., Nilpotent and polycyclic-by-finite maximal subgroups of skew linear groups., Strongly clean matrices over arbitrary rings., An extension of Herglotz's theorem to the quaternions, Euclidean pairs and quasi-Euclidean rings., Frobenius algebras of corepresentations and group-graded vector spaces., The Green rings of the 2-rank Taft algebra and its two relatives twisted., Perspective rings., An algebraic geometric model of an action of the face monoid associated to a Kac-Moody group on its building, Inner inverses and inner annihilators in rings., Generic modules of tame algebras over real closed fields., CS matrix rings over local rings, A numerical algorithm for block-diagonal decomposition of matrix \(*\)-algebras with application to semidefinite programming, Generalization of CS condition, Rad-supplemented modules., Unions of chains of primes, Skolem-Noether algebras, Witt rings of \(G\)-forms and product of trace \(G\)-forms and quadratic forms, Rings of idempotent stable range one., Properties of codes with two homogeneous weights, Pseudo Drazin inverses in associative rings and Banach algebras, Plactic algebra of rank 3, Whitehead groups of localizations and the endomorphism class group., Wedderburn polynomials over division rings. 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I, Characterising Clifford parallelisms among Clifford-like parallelisms, Covering numbers of commutative rings, Rings virtually satisfying a polynomial identity., Study of the modules over rings and their extensions, Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over a noncommutative 2-dimensional singularity, On the idempotent and nilpotent sum numbers of matrices over certain indecomposable rings and related concepts, On unit fine rings, A note on commutative nil-clean corners in unital rings, Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, braces and symmetric groups, Lexicodes over finite principal ideal rings, Infinitely generated pseudocompact modules for finite groups and Weiss' theorem, Notes on noncommutative fitting invariants (with an appendix by Henri Johnston and Andreas Nickel), Radicals and Köthe's conjecture for skew PBW extensions, Projective covers over local rings, Quasi-dual Baer modules, Subnormal subgroups and self-invariant maximal subfields in division rings, Graded polynomial identities of triangular algebras, On Z-symmetric rings, Strongly \(q\)-nil-clean rings, The pseudo core inverse of a lower triangular matrix, Equivalent generating vectors of finitely generated modules over commutative rings, Soclean rings, Characterizing von Neumann regular rings in reverse mathematics, Locally solvable and solvable-by-finite maximal subgroups of \(\mathrm{GL}_n (D)\), On injectivity of semimodules over additively idempotent division semirings and chain MV-semirings, Symplectic groups over noncommutative algebras, Growth of graded twisted Calabi-Yau algebras, Rings whose elements are sums or minus sums of two commuting idempotents, \texttt{VIC}-modules over noncommutative rings, Rank of elements of general rings in connection with unit-regularity, The radical formula for noncommutative rings, Weakly clean and exchange UNI rings, On the Gleason-Kahane-Żelazko theorem for associative algebras, The representation theory of Brauer categories. I: triangular categories, Computing the Lie algebra of the differential Galois group: the reducible case, Morita theory for non-commutative Noetherian schemes, Examples of non-commutative crepant resolutions of Cohen Macaulay normal domains, On the zero divisor graphs of the ring of Lipschitz integers modulo \(n\), Global parameter test ideals, Strongly clean triangular matrix rings over local rings., On V-semirings and Semirings All of Whose Cyclic Semimodules Are Injective, How far can we go with Amitsur's theorem in differential polynomial rings?, On one sided ideals of a semiprime ring with generalized derivations., A Criterion for the Triviality ofG(D) and Its Applications to the Multiplicative Structure ofD, Slice-polynomial functions and twistor geometry of ruled surfaces in \(\mathbb {CP}^3\), Stable equivalences of graded algebras., UN-rings, Conjugacy classes of left ideals of a finite dimensional algebra., On zero-divisor graphs of finite rings., Desarguesian nets without ovals, The prime spectrum and the extended prime spectrum of noncommutative rings., Non-commutative Krull monoids: a divisor theoretic approach and their arithmetic., Obtaining free group algebras in division rings generated by group graded rings, On transfer of annihilator conditions of rings, The prime spectra of relative stable module categories, Equivalence of Lattice Orbit Polytopes, On the complexity of radicals in noncommutative rings, Corrigendum to ``Tits alternative for maximal subgroups of \(\text{GL}_n(D)\)., Heat trace for Laplace type operators with non-scalar symbols, Matrices over Zhou nil-clean rings, Rings all of whose right ideals are U-modules, Graded semisimple algebras are symmetric, Some remarks on the Jacobson radical types of semirings and related problems, Automorphisms of a Clifford-like parallelism, Division algebras graded by a finite group, Multiplicative subgroups in weakly locally finite division rings, Invo-regular unital rings, Generic elements of a Zariski-dense subgroup form an open subset, Rings whose elements are sums or minus sums of three commuting idempotents, A survey on coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials, On free resolutions of Iwasawa modules, Maximal subgroups of \(\mathrm{SL}_{n}(D)\), Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear matrix identities to always hold, Some types of ring elements in Ore extensions over noncommutative rings, On the matrix wreath product of algebras, Generalized Koszul algebra and Koszul duality, Unital rings with cardinality restrictions on unital subrings, Ranks of linear matrix pencils separate simultaneous similarity orbits, Realizing ultragraph Leavitt path algebras as Steinberg algebras, Structure of Chinese algebras., Dimensions of some binary codes arising from a conic in \(\mathrm{PG}(2,q)\), Polarization identities, Malcolmson semigroups, Krull-Remak-Schmidt decompositions in Hom-finite additive categories, Scalar-vector algorithm for the roots of quadratic quaternion polynomials, and the characterization of quintic rational rotation-minimizing frame curves, Unnamed Item, Injective modules and torsion functors*, The p-canonical basis for Hecke algebras, Rings with kernel inclusion quasiorder., Nil clean rings., Radicals in skew polynomial and skew Laurent polynomial rings., Quasi-Baer and biregular generalized matrix rings, Strongly clean matrix rings over commutative local rings., Remarks on vector space generated by the multiplicative commutators of a division ring, On Annelidan, Distributive, and Bézout Rings, The multiplicative Jordan decomposition in group rings. II., On Prüfer-like properties of Leavitt path algebras, McCoy rings and zero-divisors., Nilpotent ideals in polynomial and power series rings, Morphic and principal-ideal group rings., Algebraic prime subalgebras in simple Artinian algebras., Asymmetry in the Converse of Schur's Lemma, Branch rings, thinned rings, tree enveloping rings., Stably just infinite rings., Maximal quadratic modules on \(*\)-rings., POOR MODULES: THE OPPOSITE OF INJECTIVITY, Partial Actions and Partial Fixed Rings, Tits Alternative for Maximal Subgroups of Skew Linear Groups, Zero-divisor graphs of non-commutative rings., Commuting graphs of some subsets in simple rings, When is the \(2\times 2\) matrix ring over a commutative local ring strongly clean?, Half-orthogonal sets of idempotents, Invariance conditions on substructures of division rings, Idempotent lifting and ring extensions, Representation theory of finite semigroups, semigroup radicals and formal language theory, Addendum to ``Factoring skew polynomials over Hamilton's quaternion algebra and the complex numbers, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Elementary Derivations of the Euclidean Hurwitz Algebras Adapted from Gadi Moran’s last paper, Rings in which every element is either a sum or a difference of a nilpotent and an idempotent, On modules with cyclic socle, Left localizations of left Artinian rings, Fine rings: A new class of simple rings, Exchange elements in rings, and the equation $XA-BX=I$, On reducibility of 𝑝-adic principal series representations of 𝑝-adic groups, Exchange rings, exchange equations, and lifting properties, Shorted Operators Relative to a Partial Order in a Regular Ring, Free Fields in Malcev–Neumann Series Rings, Radicals of Skew Inverse Laurent Series Rings, Centrally essential rings which are not necessarily unital or associative, Representation of some finite rings by matrices over commutative rings., Some notes on Lie ideals in division rings, The Moore-Penrose inverses of matrices over quaternion polynomial rings, Strongly clean triangular matrices over abelian rings., The inversion height of the free field is infinite., A taxonomy of Dedekind-finite and reflexive rings, Powers of commutators, On radical ideals of non-commutative rings, On some Lie groups in degenerate Clifford geometric algebras, A characterization of potent rings, The Jacobson property in rings and Banach algebras, A certain decomposition of infinite invertible matrices over division algebras, Commutative rings whose certain modules decompose into direct sums of cyclic submodules, Symmetric closure in modules and rings, Locally solvable maximal subgroups in division rings, Definable version of Wedderburn-Artin theorem in o-minimal structures, Some Classes of Weakly Prime Center Rings, Manifolds of Lie-group-valued cocycles and discrete cohomology, Simple algebraic groups with the same maximal tori, weakly commensurable Zariski-dense subgroups, and good reduction, The Ring of Integer-Valued Polynomials on 3 × 3 Matrices and Its Integral Closure, A symmetric generalization of \(\pi\)-regular rings, Certain functional identities on division rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On fusible rings, On weak Rickart modules, Group algebras whose p-elements form a subgroup, An introduction to q-central idempotents and q-abelian rings, On rings admitting nonzero homomorphisms between non-projective modules, Some identities on twisted group algebras, Generalizations of UU-rings, UJ-rings and UNJ-rings, Sums of commuting potent and nilpotent elements in rings, A closer look at primal and pseudo-irreducible ideals with applications to rings of functions, A note on locally soluble almost subnormal subgroups in divsion rings, Gelfand Factor Rings and Weak Zariski Topologies, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the joins of group rings, Pure semisimple and Köthe group rings, Odd primary analogs of real orientations, The Steinberg representation is irreducible, Some remarks on surjections of unit groups, Representation stability for diagram algebras, Structure of semisimple rings in reverse and computable mathematics, Commutators in special linear groups over certain division rings, Automorphisms of dense subrings of the endomorphism ring of a free module, Involution widths of skew linear groups generated by involutions, Products of unipotent elements in certain algebras, Maximally-fine rings, On weakly radical ideals of non-commutative rings, Primitive and prime rings with s.Baer or related modules, A NOTE ON SUBNORMAL SUBGROUPS IN DIVISION RINGS CONTAINING SOLVABLE SUBGROUPS, Spectra of groups, Transformation invariance in the combinatorial Nullstellensatz and nowhere-zero points of non-singular matrices, Effective aspects of Jacobson radicals of rings, Extensions algébriques maximales de corps gauches, The complexity of decomposability of computable rings, Idempotent chains and bounded generation of \(\mathrm{SL}_2\), \(\mathrm{SL}_2\) tilting modules in the mixed case, On \(\mathcal{Z}\)-reversible rings, On the Goldman-Millson theorem for \(A_\infty\)-algebras in arbitrary characteristic, Cyclic algebras, symbol algebras and gradings on matrices, \(S\)-prime ideals, \(S\)-Noetherian noncommutative rings, and the \(S\)-Cohen's theorem, On the structure and representation theory of \(q\)-deformed Clifford algebras, Representation stability and finite orthogonal groups, A class of retractable and coretractable modules, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Commutative L*-rings II, Unifying strongly clean power series rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A note on multiplicative commutators of division rings, V-Rings versus Σ-V rings, Free subgroups in maximal subgroups of skew linear groups, FINITE UNITARY RINGS IN WHICH ALL SYLOW SUBGROUPS OF THE GROUP OF UNITS ARE CYCLIC, Rings additively generated by tripotents and nilpotents, Central Drazin inverses, Symmetries in idempotent factorizations, Rings in which every left zero-divisor is also a right zero-divisor and conversely, Identifying the Matrix Ring: Algorithms for Quaternion Algebras and Quadratic Forms, On prime nonprimitive von Neumann regular algebras, On a problem of Bertram Yood, Morita Equivalence and Morita Invariant Properties: Applications in the Context of Leavitt Path Algebras, Quasinilpotents in rings and their applications, A generalization of -regular rings, Some minimal rings related to 2-primal rings, Valuations on Algebraic Division Algebras, Commensurability of automorphism groups, Cohomology of \(G\)-sheaves in positive characteristic, Centrally essential rings, A Variant of Higher Product Levels of Integral Domains and *-Domains, On diameter of the zero-divisor and the compressed zero-divisor graphs of skew Laurent polynomial rings, Goldie twisted partial skew power series rings, Commutatively closed sets in rings, On clean and regular elements of noncommutative ring extensions, Right core inverse and the related generalized inverses, On Asano’s theorem, Representations of automorphism groups of algebras associated to star polygons, Chinese Algebras of Rank 3, Spectrum of a Noncommutative Ring, Spectra of Maximal 1-Sided Ideals and Primitive Ideals, 𝑛-torsion clean rings, Jacobson pairs and Bott-Duffin decompositions in rings, Socle-injective semiprime rings, with some applications to Leavitt path algebras, Multiplicative properties of integer valued polynomials over split-quaternions, $P$-orderings of noncommutative rings, On (b,c)-inverses and (c,b)-inverses, Rings which are Baer or quasi-Baer modulo a radical, Perspectivity and von Neumann regularity, Commutative Monoids, Noncommutative Rings and Modules, On rings with xn − x nilpotent, Semicommutativity of rings by the way of idempotents, On the weighted pseudo Drazin invertible elements in associative rings and Banach algebras, On radical formula in modules over noncommutative rings, One-sided (b,c)-inverses in rings, Note on strongly quasi-primary ideals, Leavitt path algebras for power graphs of finite groups, Rings with xn + x or xn − x nilpotent, Nilradicals of the unique product monoid rings, On rings whose nonunits are a unit multiple of a nilpotent, Quasi-clean rings and strongly quasi-clean rings