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zbMath0983.17001MaRDI QIDQ2774024

N. Bourbaki

Publication date: 28 February 2002

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

Related Items

Factor and normal subgroup theorems for lattices in products of groups, Faces and maximizer subsets of highest weight modules, Splints of root systems for special Lie subalgebras, Hecke algebras and affine flag varieties in characteristic \(p\), An application of hypergeometric functions to heat kernels on rectangular and hexagonal tori and a ``Weltkonstante-or-how Ramanujan split temperatures, Equivariant Pieri rules for isotropic Grassmannians, Torus quotients of homogeneous spaces of the general linear group and the standard representation of certain symmetric groups, Hilbert series for moduli spaces of two instantons, More on the \(\mathcal{N}=2 \) superconformal systems of type \(D_p(G)\), Essential dimension of algebraic groups, including bad characteristic, Asymptotic dimension of invariant subspace in tensor product representation of compact Lie group, Correlations between the ranks of submatrices and weights of random codes, Tangent cones to Schubert varieties in types \(A_{n}\), \(B_{n}\) and \(C_{n}\), On Eigen's quasispecies model, two-valued fitness landscapes, and isometry groups acting on finite metric spaces, Three-way tiling sets in two dimensions, Spherical harmonic analysis on affine buildings, Support properties and Holmgren's uniqueness theorem for differential operators with hyperplane singularities, Hurwitz spaces of Galois coverings of \(\mathbb P^1\), whose Galois groups are Weyl groups, On cotangent manifolds, complex structures and generalized geometry, Maximal subloops of finite simple Moufang loops., A notion of rank for unitary representations of reductive groups based on Kirillov's orbit method, Cohomology of Coxeter groups with group ring coefficients. 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and Rowvacuation of Root Posets, Unnamed Item, Distinguished Bases and Monodromy of Complex Hypersurface Singularities, Graded multiplicities in the exterior algebra of the little adjoint module, Minuscule Doppelgängers, The Coincidental down-Degree Expectations Property, and Rowmotion, Subring subgroups of symplectic groups in characteristic 2, Fundamental local equivalences in quantum geometric Langlands, Composantes PRV généralisées et chemins de Littelmann, Presentations of groups with even length relations, Curve neighborhoods and minimal degrees in quantum products, Local Coefficients and Gamma Factors for Principal Series of Covering Groups, Characterizing D-optimal rotatable designs with finite reflection groups, A criterion of smoothness at infinity for an arithmetic quotient of the future tube, New simple Lie superalgebras in characteristic 3, Extremal contractions, stratified Mukai flops and Springer maps, Bi-isotropic decompositions of semisimple Lie algebras and homogeneous bi-Lagrangian manifolds, Kac-Moody Geometry, A note on parabolic subgroups of a Coxeter group., Isotropic random walks on affine buildings, Elements with finite Coxeter part in an affine Weyl group., Generic representations for symmetric spaces. With an appendix by Yiannis Sakellaridis., Root system chip-firing, PBW bases and marginally large tableaux in types B and C, Reducibility of certain induced representations of \(E_6\) and \(E_7\), Nearly holomorphic sections on compact Hermitian symmetric spaces, A generalized Harish-Chandra method of descent for reductive Lie algebras, Essential dimension of Albert algebras, Lattices, Diophantine equations and applications to rational surfaces, Integral models in unramified mixed characteristic (0, 2) of hermitian orthogonal Shimura varieties of PEL type, Part II, Perfect submonoids of dominant weights, Rhizospheres in spherical buildings, Dimension formula for the affine Deligne-Lusztig variety \(X(\mu, b)\), Unitary representations of the Cherednik algebra: \(V^*\)-homology, Quot schemes for Kleinian orbifolds, Polarized 3-folds in a codimension 10 weighted homogeneous \(F_4\) variety, Constant term identities and Poincaré polynomials, Higher central charges and Witt groups, R-group and Whittaker space of some genuine representations. II, Finite groups generated in low real codimension, Standard parabolic subsets of highest weight modules, Minimal elements for the limit weak order on affine Weyl groups, Steinberg's fixed point theorem for crystallographic complex reflection groups, Lie algebra of column-finite infinite matrices: ideals and derivations, Spectral correspondences for rank one locally symmetric spaces: the case of exceptional parameters, Galois automorphisms and classical groups, Twisted chiral algebras of class \({\mathcal{S}}\) and mixed Feigin-Frenkel gluing, Geometric and homological properties of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties, Mermin pentagrams arising from Veldkamp lines for three qubits, Compactifications of moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces: stable pair and toroidal, On the affineness of distinguished Deligne-Lusztig varieties, A classification of commutative parabolic Hecke algebras., The exceptional Tits quadrangles, Multiloop algebras, iterated loop algebras and extended affine Lie algebras of nullity 2, The absolute order of a permutation representation of a Coxeter group, Recollement for perverse sheaves on real hyperplane arrangements, On central extensions and simply laced Lie algebras, Generalized Macdonald-Ruijsenaars systems., Finite traces and representations of the group of infinite matrices over a finite field, Coarse equivalences of Euclidean buildings. (With an appendix by Jeroen Schillewaert and Koen Struyve.), Local finiteness of the twisted Bruhat orders on affine Weyl groups, Minimal families of curves on surfaces, Uniformization of semistable bundles on elliptic curves, Types for tame \(p\)-adic groups, Higher order Levi forms on homogeneous CR manifolds, Conjugacy in Garside groups. III: Periodic braids., On groups with root system of type \(G_2\)., Gradedness of the set of rook placements in \(A_{n -1}\), Nonholonomic Riemann and Weyl tensors for flag manifolds, On excess in finite Coxeter groups., Kostant-Kumar polynomials and tangent cones to Schubert varieties for involutions in \(A_{n}\), \(F_{4}\), and \(G_{2}\), Improved stability for the odd-dimensional orthogonal group, Permutonestohedra, Normal, unipotent subgroup schemes of reductive groups, Buildings and Hecke algebras., Hyperplane arrangements in preference modeling, Die Symmetriegruppen der ebenen Ornamente. (The symmetry groups of plane ornaments.), Partial symmetry, reflection monoids and Coxeter groups., Coxeter complexes and graph-associahedra, On the enumeration of positive cells in generalized cluster complexes and Catalan hyperplane arrangements., Minimal anisotropic groups of higher real rank, Toric partial orders, A positive formula for the Ehrhart-like polynomials from root system chip-firing, Separable elements in Weyl groups, Geometries, the principle of duality, and algebraic groups, Holomorphic aspects of moduli of representations of quivers, Central subalgebras of the centralizer of a nilpotent element, Classifying \(\tau\)-tilting modules over preprojective algebras of Dynkin type, Cusp forms on the exceptional group of type, Classifying forms of simple groups via their invariant polynomials, Kazhdan-Lusztig representations and Whittaker space of some genuine representations, Projective deformations of weakly orderable hyperbolic Coxeter orbifolds, Almost-minimal nonuniform lattices of higher rank, Coxeter groups and abstract elementary classes: the right-angled case, Maximal abelian subgroups of compact simple Lie groups of type E, On the Hurwitz action in affine Coxeter groups, Good and semi-stable reductions of Shimura varieties, $E_8$, the most exceptional group, Root system chip-firing. I: Interval-firing, Determinants of representations of Coxeter groups, Twisted Poincaré series and zeta functions on finite quotients of buildings, Infinite reduced words, lattice property and braid graph of affine Weyl groups, Automorphism groups of rational surfaces, On higher level Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals, Demazure crystals, and related uniform models, \(K\)-automorphisms of a weak-crossed product \(F\)-algebra over a Galois extension \(K/F\), Lübeck's classification of representations of finite simple groups of Lie type and the inverse Galois problem for some orthogonal groups, Quiver mutations and Boolean reflection monoids, Quivers with additive labelings: classification and algebraic entropy, Brauer algebras of multiply laced Weyl type, Dual Euclidean Artin groups and the failure of the lattice property., Constructions of \(\Phi_p\)-optimal rotatable designs on the ball, An inverse Satake isomorphism in characteristic \(p\), On parahoric Hitchin systems over curves, Twisted Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series over the rational function field, The maximal subgroups of the exceptional groups \(F_4(q)\), \(E_6(q)\) and \(^2\!E_6(q)\) and related almost simple groups, On analytic structure of weighted shifts on generalized directed semi-trees, Higher derivative Hamiltonians with benign ghosts from affine Toda lattices, The double Fock space of type B, Levi-spherical Schubert varieties, Weight polytopes and saturation of Demazure characters, The centralizer of a Coxeter element, Right‐angled Artin subgroups of Artin groups, Initial degenerations of spinor varieties, Tangent spaces on the trianguline variety at companion points, Infinite affine, hyperbolic and Lorentzian Weyl groups with their associated Calogero models, 3-spherical twin buildings, Locally finite simple groups whose non-Abelian subgroups are pronormal, Reeder's conjecture for even orthogonal Lie algebras, On Medium-Rank Lie Primitive and Maximal Subgroups of Exceptional Groups of Lie Type, Lie algebra and Dynkin index, Congruence subgroups and crystallographic quotients of small Coxeter groups, On the multiplicity spaces of spherical subgroups of minimal rank, Stability conditions for 3-fold flops, The ordinal of dynamical degrees of birational maps of the projective plane, A natural idempotent in the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group, Unnamed Item, Low energy dynamics from deformed conformal symmetry in quantum 4D \({\mathcal N}=2\) SCFTs, Parabolic induction in characteristic \(p\), On the wavefront sets associated with theta representations, On the moduli space of pairs consisting of a cubic threefold and a hyperplane, A Paley-Wiener theorem for the \(\Theta\)-hypergeometric transform: the even multiplicity case, General Serre weight conjectures, On the exponent of geometric unipotent radicals of pseudo-reductive groups, Opposition diagrams for automorphisms of large spherical buildings, Modules of derivations for toral arrangements., On reducing submodules of Hilbert modules with \(\mathfrak{S}_n\)-invariant kernels, On some subspaces of the exterior algebra of a simple Lie algebra, Existence of non-obvious divergent trajectories in homogeneous spaces, Reducing submodules of Hilbert modules and Chevalley-Shephard-Todd theorem, A proposal on culling \& filtering a Coxeter group for 4D, \( \mathcal{N} =1\) spacetime SUSY representations: revised, Extremal rays of the embedded subgroup saturation cone, Real structures on horospherical varieties, Locally elusive classical groups, Lines in supersingular quartics, Orders and polytropes: matrix algebras from valuations, Reductive subgroup schemes of a parahoric group scheme, Minimal length elements of finite Coxeter groups., On the central limit theorem for the two-sided descent statistics in Coxeter groups, Infinite-dimensional reductive monoids associated to highest weight representations of Kac-Moody groups, Coxeter triangulations have good quality, Killing forms of isotropic Lie algebras, A note on distinguished bases of singularities, Gradings of positive rank on simple Lie algebras, Complex conjugation and Shimura varieties, On the mod 2 cohomology of the classifying space of the exceptional Lie group \(E_6\), Uniform description of the rigged configuration bijection, A remark on the Kottwitz homomorphism, Weyl groups of fine gradings on matrix algebras, octonions and the Albert algebra., Extremal rays in the Hermitian eigenvalue problem for arbitrary types, Outer automorphisms of algebraic groups and determining groups by their maximal tori., Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. I, Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. II, \(\mathfrak{L}\)-prolongations of graded Lie algebras, Weyl-Kac character formula for affine Lie algebras in Deligne's categories, On the Borel submonoid of a symplectic monoid, A refined count of Coxeter element reflection factorizations, Ind-varieties of generalized flags: a survey, Multiple flag varieties, Generalized Bump-Hoffstein conjecture for coverings of the general linear groups, Centrally generated primitive ideals of \(U(\mathfrak{n})\) for exceptional types, On exceptional instanton strings, Graph product Khintchine inequalities and Hecke \(C^\ast \)-algebras: Haagerup inequalities, (non)simplicity, nuclearity and exactness, Steinberg's theorem for crystallographic complex reflection groups, There is no ``Theory of everything inside \(\text E_{8}\), Coxeter systems for which the Brink-Howlett automaton is minimal, Supersymmetric V-systems, Quasi-homogeneity of the moduli space of stable maps to homogeneous spaces. II., Minuscule embeddings, Parabolic subgroups and automorphism groups of Schubert varieties, On Boolean intervals of finite groups, Minuscule representations and Panyushev conjectures, Twisted endoscopy and reducibility of induced representations for \(p\)- adic groups, Fano-Mukai fourfolds of genus 10 as compactifications of \(\mathbb{C}^4\), Freudenthal triple systems by root system methods, On existence of invariant measures, Characteristic classes and Hitchin systems. General construction, Computations of de Rham cohomology rings of classifying stacks at torsion primes, On two theorems for flat, affine group schemes over a discrete valuation ring, Level-two structure of simply-laced Coxeter groups., The differential geometry of the orbit space of extended affine Jacobi group \(A_1\), \(C\)-vectors and non-self-crossing curves for acyclic quivers of finite type, From Coxeter higher-spin theories to strings and tensor models, Fano manifolds and stability of tangent bundles, Quotients of buildings by groups acting freely on chambers, Motivic Galois representations valued in spin groups, A note on Weyl groups and root lattices, Automorphisms of odd Coxeter groups, The semi-classical expansion and resurgence in gauge theories: new perturbative, instanton, bion, and renormalon effects, Normal elements in the Iwasawa algebras of Chevalley groups, Stability of certain minimal submanifolds in compact symmetric spaces of rank two, Reflection fusion categories, A note on irreducible, infinite Coxeter groups., Braided zesting and its applications, Galois cohomology of real semisimple groups via Kac labelings, Totally geodesic submanifolds in compact symmetric spaces of rank two, Cambrian fans., Helly meets Garside and Artin, Geometric designs and rotatable designs. I, Geometric optimal techniques to control the muscular force response to functional electrical stimulation using a non-isometric force-fatigue model, Examples of buildings constructed via covering spaces, Nilpotent elements and reductive subgroups over a local field, The \(\ell^2\)-homology of even Coxeter groups., Cluster algebras of finite type via Coxeter elements and principal minors., The zonotope of a root system, A combinatorial realization of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for type E arising from translations, Maximal rank subgroups and strong functoriality of the additive eigencone, Patterns in sets of positive density in trees and affine buildings, A proof of Lee-Lee's conjecture about geometry of rigid modules, Generic stabilizers for simple algebraic groups, Tritangents to smooth sextic curves, A combinatorial study of affine Schubert varieties in the affine Grassmannian, Comparing formulas for type \(GL_n\) Macdonald polynomials, Geometric Howe dualities of finite type, Unipotent ideals for spin and exceptional groups, Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and quantum Bruhat graph, Poles of finite-dimensional representations of Yangians