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zbMath0567.20023MaRDI QIDQ3682663

Roger W. Carter

Publication date: 1985

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Non-abelian composition factors of \(m\)-rational groups, On L. G. 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III: Exceptional groups, On the dimension of twisted centralizer codes, Rational Brauer characters., Spectra of finite simple groups \(E_6(q)\) and \(^2E_6(q)\)., Equivariance and extendibility in finite reductive groups with connected center., Double centralizers of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups of type \(G_2\), \(F_4\) and \(E_6\)., Depth-zero supercuspidal \(L\)-packets for inner forms of \(\mathrm{GSp}_4\), On orbits in double flag varieties for symmetric pairs, \(\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}(\mathbb F_{q^2})\)-invariants in irreducible unipotent representations of \(\mathrm{Sp}_{4n}(\mathbb F_q)\)., On defining characteristic representations of finite reductive groups., Towards a classification of global integral constructions and functorial liftings using the small representations method, Motives with exceptional Galois groups and the inverse Galois problem, The supersingular locus of the Shimura variety for \(\mathrm{GU}(1, n-1)\) over a ramified prime, Uno's invariant conjecture for Steinberg's triality groups in defining characteristic., On Lusztig's conjecture for connected and disconnected exceptional groups., Brauer characters with cyclotomic field of values., On minimal representations of Chevalley groups of type \(D_n\), \(E_n\) and \(G_{2}\), Dade's invariant conjecture for Steinberg's triality groups \(^3D_4(2^n)\) in defining characteristic., A reduction theorem for the McKay conjecture., Enveloping algebras of Slodowy slices and the Joseph ideal, On the extension of \(G_2(3^{2n+1})\) by the exceptional graph automorphism., Isolated blocks in finite classical groups. 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II: Bad primes., A generalization of Pillen's theorem for principal series modules. II., Element orders and Sylow structure of finite groups., Deligne-Lusztig restriction of Gelfand-Graev characters., The development version of the \texttt{CHEVIE} package of \texttt{GAP3}., Finite \(W\)-superalgebras for basic Lie superalgebras, Classification of some global integrals related to groups of type \(A_n\), Finite groups with only one \(p\)-singular Brauer character degree, Small automorphic representations and degenerate Whittaker vectors, The decomposition of permutation module for infinite Chevalley groups, On the unipotent characters of the Ree groups of type \(G_2\)., Arithmetic groups, base change, and representation growth., The inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for \(G_{2}(q)\) and \(^3D_4(q)\), Deformations of Galois representations and exceptional monodromy, A note on perfect isometries between finite general linear and unitary groups at unitary primes, A generating function approach to counting theorems for square-free polynomials and maximal tori, 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Verifying Huppert's conjecture for \(^2G_2(q^2)\)., Nonzero infinitesimal blocks of category \({\mathcal{O}}_{S}\), Multiplicities of simple modules in the \(\text{Sp}(4,q)\)-permutation module on \(P(3,q)\), \(q\) even., Alternating and sporadic simple groups are determined by their character degrees., Exterior powers of the reflection representation in Springer theory, The second lowest two-sided cell in an affine Weyl group., On equivariant bijections relative to the defining characteristic., Growth in solvable subgroups of \(\mathrm{GL}_r(\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z)\)., Symmetric groups are determined by their character degrees., Chevalley groups of type \(E_7\) in the 56-dimensional representation., Big and small elements in Chevalley groups., Thompson's conjecture for Lie type groups \(E_7(q)\)., Some infinite dimensional representations of reductive groups with Frobenius maps., Generating functions for real character degree sums of finite general linear and unitary groups, Simple irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups., Distinguished nilpotent orbits, Kostant pairs and normalizers of Lie algebras, Representation theory of rectangular finite \(W\)-algebras, The simple Ree groups \(^2F_4(q^2)\) are determined by the set of their character degrees., Endotrivial modules for the general linear group in a nondefining characteristic., A non-computational approach to the gradings on \(\mathfrak f_4\), On 2-Brauer characters of odd degree, Nonsolvable groups satisfying the prime-power hypothesis., On certain global constructions of automorphic forms related to a small representation of \(F_4\), Structure of the maximal tori in spin groups., A doubling integral for \(G_2\), Groups equal to a product of three conjugate subgroups, Intersection and incidence distances between parabolic subgroups of a reductive group, Covering groups of almost simple groups as Galois groups over \(\mathbb{Q}^{ab}(t)\), Spectra of the finite simple groups \(E_{7}(q)\), On the modular composition factors of the Steinberg representation, Finite groups have more conjugacy classes, Cartan coherent configurations, A decomposition of the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group, Quasi-simple groups all of whose non-principal blocks are of defect zero, Generators and commutators in finite groups; abstract quotients of compact groups., Unipotent classes in the classical groups parameterized by subgroups., Bitraces for \(\text{GL}_n(\mathbb{F}_q)\) and the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type \(A_{n-1}\), Decompositions related to symmetric varieties, Inducing \(W\)-graphs. II., A symmetry of the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group., Equations in simple Lie algebras, Closures of conjugacy classes in \(G_2\), Small intersections of principal blocks, An algorithm for Lang's theorem., Large element orders and the characteristic of Lie-type simple groups., A supercharacter theory for the Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of the finite symplectic and orthogonal groups., Degree graphs of simple groups., Isometries and extra special Sylow groups of order \(p^3\)., Epipelagic representations and rigid local systems, Geometric structure for the principal series of a split reductive \(p\)-adic group with connected centre, Universal modules in natural characteristic for finite reductive groups., Some unitary groups as Galois groups over \({\mathbb{Q}}\), The decomposition numbers of the Hecke algebra of type \(F_ 4\), On a conjecture of Quillen and a lemma of Robinson, The \(D_\pi\) property of finite groups in the case \(2\notin\pi\)., On the minimum rank of a graph over finite fields, On Thompson's conjecture for some finite simple groups., Finite groups with special codegrees, Isométries de caractères et équivalences de Morita ou dérivées. (Isometries of characters and Morita or derived equivalences), The Ruziewicz problem and distributing points on homogeneous spaces of a compact Lie group, Shifted Yangians and finite \(W\)-algebras, Schur algebras of reductive \(p\)-adic groups. I, Variation on a theme of Richardson., A note on applications of the `Vector Enumerator' algorithm., Odd-degree rational irreducible characters, The geometry of generalized Steinberg varieties., Some small unipotent representations of indefinite orthogonal groups, Character tables of parabolic subgroups of Steinberg's triality groups., Unipotent centralizers in algebraic groups., Bounding graph diameters of nonsolvable groups., Centralizers of semisimple subgroups in locally finite simple groups, Generalised connected sums of quaternionic manifolds, Irreducible representations of Lie algebras of reductive groups and the Kac-Weisfeiler conjecture, The Brauer trees of the exceptional Chevalley groups of type \(E_ 6\), On the center of the enveloping algebra of a Takiff algebra, Coxeter group actions on interacting particle systems, Harmonic analysis on the finite symmetric space \(\mathrm{GL}(n,K)/\mathrm{GL}(1,K)\times \mathrm{GL}(n-1,K)\), On the image of a word map with constants of a simple algebraic group. II, On the orders of conjugacy classes of cyclic subgroups, \(p\)-regular conjugacy classes and \(p\)-rational irreducible characters, Double cosets in \(F_4\), Decomposition numbers and global properties, Hall-Higman type theorems for exceptional groups of Lie type. I, On covering number of groups with trivial Fitting subgroup, Torsion free endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type, On the values of unipotent characters of finite Chevalley groups of type \(E_7\) in characteristic 2, On a converse theorem for \({\text{G}}_2\) over finite fields, Sylow normalizers and irreducible characters with small cyclotomic field of values, Morita equivalence classes of tame blocks of finite groups, Cellular algebras, CHEVIE -- A system for computing and processing generic character tables, On codegrees and solvable groups, Howe correspondence for reductive groups over finite fields, On the number of irreducible real-valued characters of a finite group, Turning weight multiplicities into Brauer characters, Crossed \(S\)-matrices and Fourier matrices for Coxeter groups with automorphism, Decomposition numbers and local properties, Galois group action and Jordan decomposition of characters of finite reductive groups with connected center, On semisimple classes and semisimple characters in finite reductive groups., On a finite group with restriction on set of conjugacy classes size, Good gradings of basic Lie superalgebras, Brauer's height zero conjecture for two primes, Computing Green functions in small characteristic, On Huppert's conjecture for \(G_2(q)\), \(q\geq 7\)., Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups, Alvis-Curtis duality for representations of reductive groups with Frobenius maps, On refined Bruhat decompositions and endomorphism algebras of Gelfand-Graev representations, A remark on Gelfand-Graev characters for finite simple groups., Cyclic elements in semisimple Lie algebras, Finite groups, 2-generation and the uniform domination number, On Huppert's conjecture for \(^3D_4(q)\), \(q\geq 3\)., Modular invariants of finite gluing groups, Graph product Khintchine inequalities and Hecke \(C^\ast \)-algebras: Haagerup inequalities, (non)simplicity, nuclearity and exactness, Splitting fields of characteristic polynomials of random elements in arithmetic groups, There is no ``Theory of everything inside \(\text E_{8}\), On a uniqueness property of supercuspidal unipotent representations, The inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for \(\text{PSp}_{2n}(q)\) and odd primes, Geck's conjecture and the generalized Gelfand-Graev representations in bad characteristic, On rigid tuples in linear groups of odd dimension, Semisimple orbits of Lie algebras and card-shuffling measures on Coxeter groups, Characteristic cycles for the loop Grassmannian and nilpotent orbits., Monodromy groups of Kloosterman and hypergeometric sheaves, On the irreducible representations of the specializations in characteristics \(2\) and \(3\) of the generic Hecke algebra of type \(F_4\), Decomposition numbers of unipotent blocks of \(\text{Sp}_6(2^a)\) in odd characteristics, Affine Hecke algebras and their representations, Multiplicity-free primitive ideals associated with rigid nilpotent orbits, Koszul duality of affine Kac-Moody algebras and cyclotomic rational double affine Hecke algebras, Irreducibility of infinite dimensional Steinberg modules of reductive groups with Frobenius maps, Controlling composition factors of a finite group by its character degree ratio., On the diameters of McKay graphs for finite simple groups, The Navarro refinement of the McKay conjecture for finite groups of Lie type in defining characteristic, Conormal varieties on the cominuscule Grassmannian. II, Generalised Gelfand-Graev representations in bad characteristic ?, Principal blocks with 5 irreducible characters, Harish-Chandra bimodules over quantized symplectic singularities, Sign signatures and characters of Weyl groups, Equivariant Euler characteristics of unitary buildings, On the Gan-Gross-Prasad problem for finite classical groups, The block graph of a finite group, Relative deformation theory, relative Selmer groups, and lifting irreducible Galois representations, \(z\)-classes in groups: a survey, Gelfand criterion and multiplicity one results for \(\mathrm{GL}_n\) over finite chain rings, Character degrees in blocks and defect groups, On self-normalizing cyclic subgroups, Monoids on groups with BN-pairs, The monoid generated by projections in an algebraic group, Weyl groups, the Dirac inequality, and isolated unitary unramified representations, Certain complex representations of \(S L_2( \bar{\mathbb{F}}_q)\), Modular Harish-Chandra theory. II, On almost \(p\)-rational characters of \(p^{\prime}\)-degree, Asymptotics of the powers in finite reductive groups, Special transverse slices and their enveloping algebras, Steinberg representation and idempotent relations, Carter subgroups in finite groups, Intersection cohomology of \(B\times B\)-orbit closures in group compactifications., On the computation of the nilpotent pieces in bad characteristic for algebraic groups of type \(G_2, F_4\), and \(E_6\), A reduction principle for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms, Semisimple conjugacy classes and classes in the Weyl group., The space of unipotently supported class functions on a finite reductive group., Fourier transforms and Frobenius eigenvalues for finite Coxeter groups., Nilpotent orbits in good characteristic and the Kempf-Rousseau theory, The Steinberg variety and representations of reductive groups., Calculating conjugacy classes in Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of finite Chevalley groups., Real characters and degrees., Unipotent classes in maximal subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups., Periodic simple modules for \(SU_ 3(q\) 2) in the describing characteristic p\(\neq 2\), On the inductive McKay condition in the defining characteristic., A converse to the Fong-Swan-Isaacs theorem, On the coordinate ring of spherical conjugacy classes., Spherical conjugacy classes and the Bruhat decomposition., Primitive ideals and nilpotent orbits in type \(G_ 2\), A generalized Cameron-Kantor theorem., Complex group algebras of finite groups: Brauer's problem 1., Super-characters of finite unipotent groups of types \(B_n\), \(C_n\) and \(D_n\)., Finite groups admitting Grassmannian 4-designs, The exponential image of simple complex Lie groups of exceptional type, On finite groups all of whose \(p\)-blocks are of the highest defect, Blocks of defect zero in finite simple groups of Lie type, Finite groups whose all irreducible character degrees are Hall-numbers., On the decomposition numbers of \(G_ 2(q)\), On the Schur indices of certain irreducible characters of simple algebraic groups over finite fields, The number of trivial composition factors of the Steinberg module, Quasi-parabolic subgroups of the Weyl group of type \(D\)., Parameterizing conjugacy classes of maximal unramified tori via Bruhat-Tits theory, Brauer trees for blocks of cyclic defect in the groups \(G_ 2(q)\) for primes dividing \(q^ 2\pm q+1\), Fixed point ratios in actions of finite classical groups. II., On the characteristic map of finite unitary groups., The number of homomorphisms from finite groups to classical groups., Nonsolvable \(D_2\)-groups., Dimensions of orthosymplectic nilpotent orbits, Divisibility among even character degrees., The symmetric invariants of centralizers and Slodowy grading, The 2-decomposition numbers of Sp(4,q), q odd, Ordinary and modular characters of \(\mathrm{SU}(3,p)\)., Decomposition numbers of Sp(4,q) for primes dividing \(q\pm 1\), Extending morphisms from finite to algebraic groups, 3-blocks and 3-modular characters of \(G_ 2(q)\), Nilpotent variety of a reductive monoid., Richardson elements for parabolic subgroups of classical groups in positive characteristic, Primes dividing the degrees of the real characters., Rational points and Coxeter group actions on the cohomology of toric varieties, Springer representations for the imprimitive complex reflection groups., Subgroups of a spinor group containing a maximal split torus. I, Orbit closures in the enhanced nilpotent cone, On torsion free crystallographic groups, Springer correspondences for dihedral groups., Recognition by spectrum for finite simple groups of Lie type., On \(\ell\)-independence of algebraic monodromy groups in compatible systems of representations, Connectivity of the product replacement graph of simple groups of bounded Lie rank., Values of character sums for finite unitary groups., A simple proof of Pommerening's theorem., Polynomial identities for partitions, On a formula of Solomon, A description of Baer-Suzuki type of the solvable radical of a finite group., Notes on the norm map between the Hecke algebras of the Gelfand-Graev representations of \(\text{GL}(2,q^2)\) and \(\text{U}(2,q)\)., Identities arising from Gauss sums for finite classical groups, Multiplicity matrices for the affine graded Hecke algebra., Certain orthogonal and symplectic groups as Galois groups over \(\mathbb{Q}\), Modular Harish-Chandra theory. I, On large subgroups of finite groups, On the characters of the affine group over a finite field, On the classification of \(l\)-blocks of finite groups of Lie type, Rich intervals in subgroup lattices, A classification of nilpotent orbits in infinitesimal symmetric spaces., Subgroups of Lie type groups containing a unipotent radical., Finite nonsolvable groups whose character graphs have no triangles., Shintani lifting and real-valued characters., Aspects of the conjugacy class structure of simple algebraic groups., Minimal logarithmic signatures for finite groups of Lie type, A rigid irregular connection on the projective line, Degrees of rational characters of finite groups., From Thompson to Baer-Suzuki: a sharp characterization of the solvable radical., Two results related to the solvability of M-groups., The Ore conjecture., Estimating proportions of elements in finite groups of Lie type., Duality, central characters, and real-valued characters of finite groups of Lie type., Perverse coherent sheaves and the geometry of special pieces in the unipotent variety., Automorphism groups of linear spaces and their parabolic subgroups, Basic sets in defining characteristic for general linear groups of small rank., Staggered sheaves on partial flag varieties, The McKay conjecture for exceptional groups and odd primes., Baer-Suzuki theorem for the solvable radical of a finite group., Signalizers and balance in groups of finite Morley rank., Decomposition numbers of the group \(\mathcal J_ 2\), Visual decompositions of Coxeter groups., Left cells in the affine Weyl group of type \(\widetilde C_4\), The generalized Gelfand-Graev representations of \(U(3,q)\), The Alperin and Dade conjectures for Ree groups \(^2F_4(q^2)\) in non-defining characteristics, Stratifying endomorphism algebras associated to Hecke algebras, Semisimplicity of parabolic Hecke algebras, Finite quotients of the pure symplectic braid group, Normal nilpotent varieties in \(F_4\), Cross-characteristic character and fixed point space ratios for groups of Lie type, The minimal realization from deformation theory, On quotients of Hom-functors and representations of finite general linear groups. II, Supercuspidal representations of GL\(_n\): Explicit Whittaker functions, An exotic Deligne-Langlands correspondence for symplectic groups., Zero weight spaces and the Springer correspondence, Note on rational points in nilpotent orbits of semisimple groups, The action of \(F_4(q)\) on cosets of \(B_4(q)\), On eigenvalues of group elements in representations of simple algebraic groups and finite Chevalley groups., Finite groups satisfying character degree congruences, Multiplying a conjugacy class by its inverse in a finite group, Parabolic induction in characteristic \(p\), The decomposition numbers of Hecke algebras of type \(F_ 4\) with unequal parameters, Characteristic cycles of highest weight Harish-Chandra modules, Local automorphisms of finite dimensional simple Lie algebras, Basic sets of Brauer characters of finite groups of Lie type. III, The twisted endoscopy of \(GL(4)\) and \(GL(5)\): Transfer of Shalika germs, Characters and Sylow 2-subgroups of maximal class revisited, Weights for the Steinberg triality groups \({^ 3D_ 4(q)}\), Branes and the Kraft-Procesi transition, On the \( \mathcal{N}={1}^{\ast } \) gauge theory on a circle and elliptic integrable systems, Branes and the Kraft-Procesi transition: classical case, The lattice automorphisms of simple algebraic groups over \(\overline F_ 2\), Morita equivalence for blocks of finite general linear groups, The Gelfand-Graev representation of \(U(3,q)\), Some decomposition numbers of Hecke algebras, A geometrical approach to the Littlewood-Richardson rule, Orders of elements of finite almost simple groups, On Jordan blocks of elements of order \(p\) in irreducible representations of classical groups with \(p\)-large highest weights, A finiteness theorem for parabolic subgroups of fixed modality, Fourier coefficients for degenerate Eisenstein series and the descending decomposition, Orthogonal roots and orbits of graded semisimple Lie algebras, Surjective word maps and Burnside's \(p^aq^b\) theorem, On the automorphic theta representation for simply laced groups, Double cosets of stabilizers of totally isotropic subspaces in a special unitary group. I, Serial group rings of classical groups defined over fields with an odd number of elements, Analogue of the Bruhat-Chevalley order for reductive monoids, Subgroups of type \(A_1\) containing semiregular unipotent elements., Automorphisms of generic Iwahori-Hecke algebras and integral group rings of finite Coxeter groups, The involution width of finite simple groups, Left cells in the affine Weyl group of type \(\widetilde F_4\), Gradings on modules over Lie algebras of E types, Connectedness of degree graphs of nonsolvable groups., Cell decompositions of quiver flag varieties for nilpotent representations of the cyclic quiver, Almost independence and irreducibility in simple finite and algebraic groups, Invariants of maximal tori and unipotent constituents of some quasi-projective characters for finite classical groups, Nonsolvable groups with few primitive character degrees, Weyl group \(q\)-Kreweras numbers and cyclic sieving, Unipotent elements of finite groups of Lie type and realization fields of their complex representations., Hochschild cohomology of tame blocks., Components of the Springer fiber and domino tableaux., On the Jordan block structure of images of some unipotent elements in modular irreducible representations of the classical algebraic groups., Infiniteness of double coset collections in algebraic groups., Classification of balanced toral elements of exceptional Lie algebras, Nilpotent commuting varieties of reductive Lie algebras, Probability distributions of multi-species \(q\)-TAZRP and ASEP as double cosets of parabolic subgroups, Irreducible characters of 3'-degree of finite symmetric, general linear and unitary groups, On refined filtration by supports for rational Cherednik categories \(\mathcal {O}\), Non-abelian composition factors of \(\ell\)-Brauer \(m\)-rational groups, 6d conformal matter, Simple classical groups of Lie type are determined by their character degrees., Additive polynomials for finite groups of Lie type, On the Sylow graph of a group and Sylow normalizers., Pronormality of Hall subgroups in finite simple groups., Varieties of nilpotent elements for simple Lie algebras. I: Good primes., Fully commutative elements in the Weyl and affine Weyl groups., Representation of finite groups and the first Betti number of branched coverings of a universal Borromean orbifold, Finite groups with consecutive nonlinear character degrees., Diameters of degree graphs of nonsolvable groups., Reflection independence in even Coxeter groups., Spectra of groups \(E_8(q)\), On base sizes for almost simple primitive groups, Combinatorics and Poincaré polynomials of hyperplane complements for exceptional Weyl groups, Residual properties of free groups. III, Unipotent characters of the Chevalley groups \(D_ 4(q)\), \(q\) odd, The uniformly 3-homogeneous subsets of PGL\((2,q)\), The character table of the Hecke algebra \({\mathcal H}(GL_{2n}(\mathbb{F}_ q),Sp_{2n}(\mathbb{F}_ q))\), Induction, deformation, and specialization of Lie algebra representations, Some problems in computational representation theory, Unitary spherical spectrum for \(p\)-adic classical groups, The minimal basis for the centre of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra, On two presentations of the affine Weyl groups of classical types, Invariant algebra and cuspidal representations of finite monoids, Globally irreducible representations of \(\text{SL}_3(q)\) and \(\text{SU}_3(q)\), Minimal length elements in twisted conjugacy classes of finite Coxeter groups., Algebra--12. Dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor A. I. Kostrikin, Some aspects of finite linear groups: A survey, \(p\)-large representations and asymptotics: a survey and conjectures, Monoid deformations and group representations, Modular representations of finite monoids of Lie type, On the unipotent \(l\)-blocks of finite reductive groups when \(l\) is bad, Scopes reduction and Morita equivalence classes of blocks in finite classical groups, Subgroups of type \(A_1\) containing a fixed unipotent element in an algebraic group, Matrices for affine Hecke modules, Left cells in the Weyl group of type \(E_8\), On blocks of finite reductive groups and twisted induction, Units in Hecke algebras, Counting semisimple orbits of finite Lie algebras by genus, Hecke algebras and semisimplicity of monoid algebras, On the irreducible representations of the specializations of the generic Hecke algebra of type \(F_4^*\), Reduction modulo \(p\) of some Deligne-Lusztig characters, Gelfand-Graev representations for nonconnected reductive groups, A note on Harish-Chandra induction, On the lattice automorphisms of certain simple algebraic groups, Automorphisms of Coxeter groups of rank 3 with infinite bonds., Quaternionic geometry of a nilpotent variety, Tamely ramified intertwining algebras, Generation of classical groups, Unipotent blocks of finite reductive groups of a given type, Dade's Invariant Conjecture for the Ree Groups2F4(q2) in Defining Characteristic, Bounds on the number and sizes of conjugacy classes in finite Chevalley groups with applications to derangements, Degree Graphs of Simple Groups of Exceptional Lie Type, Elliptic centralizers in Weyl groups and their coinvariant representations, Translation for finite 𝑊-algebras, Pieces of nilpotent cones for classical groups, R-POLYNOMIALS OF FINITE MONOIDS OF LIE TYPE, Generalized Green Functions and Unipotent Classes for Finite Reductive Groups, I, Strong Reality Properties of Normalizers of Parabolic Subgroups in Finite Coxeter Groups, Growth in finite simple groups of Lie type, Finite subgroups of algebraic groups, Reduced fusion systems over 2-groups of sectional rank at most 4, Curve Complexes Versus Tits Buildings: Structures and Applications, Modular Representations, Old and New, Nonsolvable groups satisfying the one-prime hypothesis., Parity sheaves, Outer unipotent classes in automorphism groups of simple algebraic groups, Gradings on the Albert algebra and on \(\mathfrak{f}_4\), Uniform projection of the Weil character, A sharp upper bound for the size of Lusztig series, On irreducible products of characters, Descents of unipotent cuspidal representations of finite classical groups, On the Gan-Gross-Prasad problem for finite unitary groups, Characters of \(\pi'\)-degree and small cyclotomic fields, The principal representations of reductive algebraic groups with Frobenius maps, Restricting unipotent characters in special orthogonal groups, On the inductive McKay-Navarro condition for finite groups of Lie type in their defining characteristic, Principal blocks for different primes. I, On Quasitriangular Structures in Hopf Algebras Arising from Exact Group Factorizations, Normalisers of maximal tori and a conjecture of Vdovin, Nonsolvable groups whose irreducible character degrees have special 2-parts, Groups in which the centralizer of any non-central primary element is maximal, On Cocharacters Associated to Nilpotent Elements of Reductive Groups, The Centralizer of a Nilpotent Section, Height zero characters in principal blocks, Geometric structure of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties for \(\mathrm{GL}_3\), On the generic local Langlands correspondence for 𝐺𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑛 groups, The smallest vertex-primitive 2-arc-transitive digraph, Descent algebras, hyperplane arrangements, and shuffling cards, HyperKähler potentials in cohomogeneity two, Left Cells witha-Value 4 in the Affine Weyl Groups (i = 6, 7, 8), Categorical actions on unipotent representations of finite classical groups, Mod 𝑝 Galois representations of solvable image, Automorphisms of Coxeter groups of rank three, Nonsolvable Groups All of Whose Character Degrees are Odd-Square-Free, Groups with few conjugacy classes, ROOT SEMIGROUPS IN REDUCTIVE MONOIDS, The Weil-Steinberg character of finite classical groups, Unramified representations of reductive groups over finite rings, Low-Dimensional Complex Characters of the Symplectic and Orthogonal Groups, Restricting Unipotent Characters in Finite Symplectic Groups, On Domino Insertion and Kazhdan–Lusztig Cells in Type B n, Runner Removal Morita Equivalences, Tensoring generalized characters with the Steinberg character, SMALLEST DEGREES OF REPRESENTATIONS OF EXCEPTIONAL GROUPS OF LIE TYPE, DONOVAN CONJECTURE AND LOEWY LENGTH FOR PRINCIPAL 3-BLOCKS OF FINITE GROUPS WITH ELEMENTARY ABELIAN SYLOW 3-SUBGROUP OF ORDER 9, DADE'S INVARIANT CONJECTURE FOR THE GENERAL UNITARY GROUP GU4(q2) IN DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC, The closure diagrams for nilpotent orbits of the real forms EVI and EVII of 𝐄₇, The Steinberg representation, Dade's Invariant Conjecture for the Symplectic Group Sp4(2n) and the Special Unitary Group SU4(22n) in Defining Characteristic, Modular Irreducible Representations of Weyl Groups of TypeBn, THE RENNER MONOIDS AND CELL DECOMPOSITIONS OF THE SYMPLECTIC ALGEBRAIC MONOIDS, Multiplicity of the Adjoint Representation in Simple Quotients of the Enveloping Algebra of a Simple Lie Algebra, Reflection Groups, Rational points on generalized flag varieties and unipotent conjugacy in finite groups of Lie type, Nilpotent and abelian Hall subgroups in finite groups, A Murnaghan–Nakayama rule for values of unipotent characters in classical groups, Uno's Invariant Conjecture for the Finite Symplectic Group Sp4(q) in the Defining Characteristic, On unitary unipotent representations of 𝑝-adic groups and affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters, Unipotent Overgroups in Simple Algebraic Groups, On finite simply reducible groups, Weight elements of Chevalley groups, Centres of centralizers of unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups, Finite groups with exactly one composite character degree, The solvability comes from a given set of character degrees, On spectra of automorphic extensions of finite simple groups F4(q) and 3D4(q), Computing with Nilpotent Orbits in Simple Lie Algebras of Exceptional Type, Character Table of a Borel Subgroup of the Ree Groups 2F4(q2), Character tables of the maximal parabolic subgroups of the Ree groups 2F4(q2), Verifying Huppert's Conjecture for PSL3(q) and PSU3(q2), Local base change via Tate cohomology, Coxeter Orbits and Modular Representations, Equivalence Classes of Ideals in the Nilradical of a Borel Subalgebra, Probabilistic and Asymptotic Aspects of Finite Simple Groups, Finite Groups Whose Irreducible Character Degrees Constitute Two Chains, On the variety of Lagrangian subalgebras, II, The classification of almost simple $\tfrac {3}{2}$-transitive groups, Black box exceptional groups of Lie type, WEYL GROUPS AND BASIS ELEMENTS OF HECKE ALGEBRAS OF GELFAND–GRAEV REPRESENTATIONS, Character degree graphs that are complete graphs, CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLVABLE GROUPS AND SOLVABLE RADICAL, On the Validity of Thompson's Conjecture for Finite Simple Groups, A note on the representation theory of the Hecke algebra of type F4, PARABOLIC MONOIDS I: STRUCTURE, FINE BRUHAT INTERSECTIONS FOR REDUCTIVE MONOIDS, A jordan decomposition of representations forGLn(O), PROJECTIVE SPECIAL LINEAR GROUPS PSL4(q) ARE DETERMINED BY THE SET OF THEIR CHARACTER DEGREES, A note on Huppert's ρ – σ conjecture: An improvement on a result by Casolo and Dolfi, On the Steinberg character of an orthogonal group over a finite field, Homogeneity results for invariant distributions of a reductive p-adic group1, The Canonical Compactification of a Finite Group of Lie Type, Classification of one $\textsf K$-type representations, THE IRREDUCIBLE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE HECKE ALGEBRAS CONSTRUCTED FROM THE GELFAND-GRAEV REPRESENTATIONS OF GL(3, q) AND U(3, q), Local character expansions of admissible representations of p-adic general linear groups, FIXED POINT RATIOS IN EXCEPTIONAL GROUPS OF RANK AT MOST TWO, The Maximal Tori in The Finite Chevalley Groups of Type E6E7And E8, Reducibility modulo $p$ of complex representations of finite groups of Lie type: Asymptotical result and small characteristic cases, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cell Decompositions of the Special Orthogonal Algebraic Monoids, Finite quotients of the multiplicative group of a finite dimensional division algebra are solvable, Big cells and LU factorization in reductive monoids, Generalized gelfand-graev characters for steinberg's triality groups and their applications, Isogenies of Hecke algebras and a Langlands correspondence for ramified principal series representations, Cross characteristic representations of even characteristic symplectic groups, On the orders of primitive linear P'-groups, Fixed point spaces in actions of classical algebraic groups, Groups with complete prime graph connected components, Distinction of the Steinberg representation III: the tamely ramified case, On pro-𝑝-Iwahori invariants of 𝑅-representations of reductive 𝑝-adic groups, On the characters of affine Kac–Moody groups, Finite groups with many values in a column of the character table, Cell decomposition in the affine weyl group wA([Btilde4)], Imprimitive irreducible modules for finite quasisimple groups. II, Brauer correspondent blocks with one simple module, On a certain permutation character of the general linear group, On the automorphism groups of certain hypersurfaces II, Residual properties of free groups, II, Images of commutator MAPS, Some left cells in the affine Weyl group Ẽ6, On Induced Projective Indecomposable Modules, On the Iwahori-spherical discrete series for $p$-adic Chevalley groups; formal degrees and $L$-packets, On the involution fixity of exceptional groups of Lie type, On a Theorem of Feit and Tits, Mixing for three-term progressions in finite simple groups, Quantizing Mishchenko–Fomenko subalgebras for centralizers via affine $W$-algebras, Thompson’s conjecture on conjugacy class sizes for the simple group PSUn(q), Multiplicities of irreducible components of restrictions of complex representations of finite groups to certain subgroups, Brauer trees of hecke algebras, Character degrees of extensions of the Suzuki groups 2B2(q2), Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Centralizers of abelian subgroups in locally finite simple groups, Representations of monoids arising from finite groups of Lie type, -TYPE SUBGROUPS CONTAINING REGULAR UNIPOTENT ELEMENTS, Some genuine small representations of a nonlinear double cover, The spherical Hecke algebra, partition functions, and motivic integration, Bounding Harish-Chandra series, The Gelfand–Graev representation of GSp(4,𝔽q), Local character expansions, Group Representations and Lattices, RIGID ORBITS AND SHEETS IN REDUCTIVE LIE ALGEBRAS OVER FIELDS OF PRIME CHARACTERISTIC, Torus quotients of Richardson varieties, Monoid Hecke algebras, On Non-Generic Finite Subgroups of Exceptional Algebraic Groups, Nonsolvable Normal Subgroups with Few Induced Character Degrees, Unipotent Representations and Reductive Dual Pairs over Finite Fields, Sandwich Matrices, Solomon Algebras, and Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, On degrees of irreducible Brauer characters, Sur le transfert des intégrales orbitales pour les groupes linéaires (cas $p$-adique), Infinite products of finite simple groups, On the Decomposition Numbers of Steinberg's Triality Groups3D4(2n) in Odd Characteristics, Orbital varieties of the minimal orbit, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Exterior power operations in the representation theory of the classical Weyl groups, The unitary 𝕀–spherical dual for split 𝕡–adic groups of type 𝔽₄, Unnamed Item, Automorphisms of nearly finite Coxeter groups, Formal degrees and L--packets of unipotent discrete series representations of exceptional p--adic groups, Arithmetical Conditions on Element Orders and Group Structure, On Special Pieces in the Unipotent Variety, Higher nullcones and commuting varieties, The möbius function of the lattice of closed subsystems of a root system, On faithful permutation representations of small degree, On certain stabilizers in algebraic groups, Principal series component of Gelfand-Graev representation, An Analogue of the Jacobson-Morozov Theorem for Lie Algebras of Reductive Groups of Good Characteristics, Conjugacy Classes in Algebraic Monoids, The fields of values of characters of degree not divisible byp, Supercharacter formulas for pattern groups, Finite simple unisingular groups of Lie type, A CHARACTERIZATION OF Bn(q) BY THE SET OF ORDERS OF MAXIMAL ABELIAN SUBGROUPS, Springer correspondence in non connected reductive groups, MINIMAL IRREDUCIBILITY AND THE UNIPOTENT CHARACTERS OF GROUPS OF TYPE Bm AND Cm, Tamely ramified supercuspidal representations, Some solvable character degree sets, The number of subgroups with trivial unipotent radicals in finite groups of Lie type, Groups with just one character degree divisible by a given prime, Algebraic Monoids whose Nonunits are Products of Idempotents, The 𝑞-Schur² algebra, Bases in equivariant 𝐾-theory. II, Rigidity Theorems for Right Angled Reflection Groups, Ru< E7(5), Semigroups and weights for group representations, The Cuspidal Modules of the Finite General Linear Groups, Multiplicity of the Adjoint Representation in Simple Quotients of the Enveloping Algebra of a Simple Lie Algebra, Almost irreducible tensor squares, The diameter of the prime graph of a finite group, Examples of Simply Reducible Groups, On splitting of the normalizer of a maximal torus in orthogonal groups, Products of conjugacy classes in simple algebraic groups in terms of diagrams, Products of derangements in simple permutation groups, ON FORMAL DEGREES OF UNIPOTENT REPRESENTATIONS, Characteristic cycles and the microlocal geometry of the Gauss map, I, Unisingular representations of finite symplectic groups, Recognition of Janko groups and some simple $K_4$-groups by the order and one irreducible character degree or character degree graph, Overgroups of regular unipotent elements in reductive groups, INTERSECTION OF CONJUGATE SOLVABLE SUBGROUPS IN FINITE CLASSICAL GROUPS, On the prime graph of a finite group with unique nonabelian composition factor, Centers and Azumaya loci for finite W-algebras in positive characteristic, Блочная структура образов регулярных унипотентных элементов из подсистемных симплектических подгрупп ранга 2 в неприводимых представлениях симплектических групп. I, THE INDUCTIVE BLOCKWISE ALPERIN WEIGHT CONDITION FOR TYPE AND THE PRIME, Unnamed Item, Codegrees and element orders of almost simple groups, Degrees and fields of values of irreducible characters, Total Stiefel Whitney classes for real representations of \(\mathrm{GL}_n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_q\), \(\mathbb{R}\) and \(\mathbb{C}\), Conjugacy classes of \(\pi \)-elements and nilpotent/abelian Hall \(\pi \)-subgroups, The inductive McKay-Navarro condition for the Suzuki and Ree groups and for groups with non-generic Sylow normalizers, Upper bounds for eigenvalue multiplicities of almost cyclic elements in irreducible representations of simple algebraic groups, EXTENSIONS OF CHARACTERS IN TYPE D AND THE INDUCTIVE MCKAY CONDITION, I, On the generalised Springer correspondence for groups of type 𝐸₈, On Alperin's lower bound for the number of Brauer characters, CHARACTER STACKS ARE PORC COUNT, Principal blocks for different primes. II, Equivalent version of Huppert’s conjecture for codegrees of K3-groups, On Irreducible Carpets of Additive Subgroups of Type $F_4$, Wavefront sets and descent method for finite unitary groups, Cohomology of moduli spaces of Del Pezzo surfaces, Algebraic Monoids and Renner Monoids, Descents of unipotent representations of finite unitary groups, Groups with few 𝑝’-character degrees in the principal block, Unnamed Item, Order of products of elements in finite groups, Robinson’s conjecture on heights of characters, Irreducible representations of odd degree, Modulo $p$ representations of reductive $p$-adic groups: Functorial properties, Torus quotient of Richardson varieties in orthogonal and symplectic grassmannians, Characters and Brauer trees of the covering group of ²𝐸₆(2), Character ratios for finite groups of Lie type, and applications, A classification of unipotent spherical conjugacy classes in bad characteristic, Nonsolvable groups with no prime dividing three character degrees., Jordan Blocks of Richardson Classes in the Classical Groups and the Bala-Carter Theorem#, Simple groups with few irreducible character degrees, On the multiplicity of character degrees of nonsolvable groups, An algorithm of Katz and its application to the inverse Galois problem., Embeddings of \(\text{PSL}(2,41)\) and \(\text{PSL}(2,49)\) in \(E_8(\mathbb{C})\), Low-dimensional representations of special unitary groups, Spherical Bessel functions of \(\text{GL}_2(\mathbb F_{q^2})\)., ORBIT CLOSURES IN THE WITT ALGEBRA AND ITS DUAL SPACE, On characters of Chevalley groups vanishing at the non-semisimple elements, Finite groups in which \(p'\)-classes have \(q'\)-length, Five-vertex common divisor character degree graphs of non-solvable groups, Centralizers of Involutions in Locally Finite Groups, Integer polynomials with roots mod \(p\) for all primes \(p\), A conjugacy class as a transversal in a finite group, Ideals in polynomial rings and the module of differentials, On decomposition numbers and Alvis–Curtis duality, The basic character table of the unitriangular group, Support varieties for modules over Chevalley groups and classical Lie algebras, The classical involution theorem for groups of finite Morley rank, The classification of elements in \(T\times\mathbb{C}^*\)., Applications of the Brauer complex: card shuffling, permutation statistics, and dynamical systems, A Note on the Spectral Transfer Morphisms for Affine Hecke Algebras, Rational irreducible characters and rational conjugacy classes in finite groups, The closure ordering of adjoint nilpotent orbits in \(\mathfrak{so}(p,q)\), Lusztig’s conjecture for finite special linear groups, Unitary ℐ-spherical representations for split 𝓅-adic 𝐄₆, 𝑝-rational characters and self-normalizing Sylow 𝑝-subgroups, Height 0 characters of finite groups of Lie type, On refinements of the Bruhat decomposition, Weil representations of finite symplectic groups and finite odd-dimensional orthogonal groups, Finite groups with an irreducible character of large degree., Eisenstein Series Arising from Jordan Algebras, CHARACTER LEVELS AND CHARACTER BOUNDS, Automorphisms of fusion systems of finite simple groups of Lie typeandAutomorphisms of fusion systems of sporadic simple groups, A computational approach to the Frobenius–Schur indicators of finite exceptional groups, On the characters of Sylow $p$-subgroups of finite Chevalley groups $G(p^f)$ for arbitrary primes, Frobenius morphisms and representations of algebras, Representation growth of compact linear groups, The completion of the $3$-modular character table of the Chevalley group $F_4(2)$ and its covering group, Finite Groups Whose Common-Divisor Graph is Regular, Sylow subgroups, exponents, and character values, Non-solvable groups each of whose character degrees has at most two prime divisors, Degree Graphs of Simple Linear and Unitary Groups, Absolute Fourth Moments and Finiteness of Linear Groups, On Thompson’s conjecture for finite simple groups, Real ordinary characters and real Brauer characters, Formal degrees of unipotent discrete series representations and the exotic Fourier transform, Borel subgroups adapted to nilpotent elements of standard Levi type, Imprimitive irreducible modules for finite quasisimple groups, McKay graphs for alternating and classical groups, Characters and generation of Sylow 2-subgroups, Jordan decomposition and real-valued characters of finite reductive groups with connected center, On splitting of the normalizer of a maximal torus in linear groups, On quasi Steinberg characters of symmetric and alternating groups and their double covers, The generalized injectivity conjecture, Блочная структура образов регулярных унипотентных элементов из подсистемных симплектических подгрупп ранга $2$ в неприводимых представлениях симплектических групп. II, О расщепляемости нормализаторов максимальных торов в группах $E_7(q)$ и $E_8(q)$, Primes and degrees of Brauer characters, On Lusztig's map for spherical unipotent conjugacy classes in disconnected groups, Conjugacy classes and union of cosets of normal subgroups, Nonsolvable groups have a large proportion of vanishing elements, On soluble subgroups of sporadic groups, Explicit central elements of \(U_q(\mathfrak{gl}(N+1))\), Toward a sharp Baer-Suzuki theorem for the \(\pi \)-radical: exceptional groups of small rank, Splitting of normalizers of maximal tori in finite groups of Lie type, Character levels and character bounds for finite classical groups, Punctured groups for exotic fusion systems, A characterization of the simple Ree groups \(^2 F_4( q^2)\) by their character codegrees, On quasi Steinberg characters of complex reflection groups, Element orders and codegrees of characters in non-solvable groups, Depth-preserving property of the local Langlands correspondence for quasi-split classical groups in large residual characteristic, On Héthelyi-Külshammer's conjecture for principal blocks, On endomorphism algebras of Gelfand-Graev representations, On groups with the same character degrees as almost simple groups with socle small Ree groups, Reeder's conjecture for even orthogonal Lie algebras, On Medium-Rank Lie Primitive and Maximal Subgroups of Exceptional Groups of Lie Type, The spectra of almost simple groups with socle E 7 (q) , On the irreducible carpets of additive subgroups of type \(F_4 \), Torus quotients of Richardson varieties in \(G_{r, qr+1}\), Unipotent \(\ell\)-blocks for simply connected \(p\)-adic groups, The continuity of 𝑝-rationality and a lower bound for 𝑝’-degree characters of finite groups, Brauer's height zero conjecture for two primes holds true, Principal blocks with distinct character degrees