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zbMath0475.30001MaRDI QIDQ3931656

Irwin Kra, Hershel M. Farkas

Publication date: 1980

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II: Poisson integral formula, Critical measures on higher genus Riemann surfaces, Riemann-Roch theorem and Kodaira-Serre duality, The Bessel kernel determinant on large intervals and Birkhoff's ergodic theorem, Reduction cohomology of Riemann surfaces, Solution of the Jacobi inversion problem on non-hyperelliptic curves, Stability of Determination of Riemann Surface from its Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map in Terms of Teichmüller Distance, The long-time asymptotics of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation with step-like initial value, Type IIB \textit{parabolic} \((p, q)\)-strings from M2-branes with fluxes, Concavity of minimal \(L^2\) Integrals related to multiplier ideal sheaves, Riemann surfaces of complex classical trajectories and tunnelling splitting in one-dimensional systems, Product-type classes for vertex algebra cohomology of foliations on complex curves, Non-Hermitian orthogonal polynomials on a trefoil, On (q,n)-gonal pseudo-real Riemann surfaces, On the topology and index of minimal surfaces. II, Modular embeddings of Teichmüller curves, Parametrised databases of surfaces based on Teichmüller theory, Period matrices of some hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces, CONVERGENCE OF THE HEAT KERNEL AND THE RESOLVENT KERNEL ON DEGENERATING HYPERBOLIC RIEMANN SURFACES OF FINITE VOLUME, Supersymmetric algebra of the massive supermembrane, Stability of spacelike surfaces with constant mean curvature in Lorentzian manifolds, On the solution of the Liouville equation, Green Function and Self-adjoint Laplacians on Polyhedral Surfaces, Unnamed Item, Bergman kernels on punctured Riemann surfaces, On reduced lantern relations in mapping class groups, Classification of the solutions to an overdetermined elliptic problem in the plane, Thomae type formulae for singular \(Z_N\) curves, Stringy K-theory and the Chern character, The moduli space of embedded singly periodic maximal surfaces with isolated singularities in the Lorentz-Minkowski space \({\mathbb L}^3\), Phase transitions in multi-cut matrix models and matched solutions of Whitham hierarchies, Finite Unions of Intervals, Part I, A necessary and sufficient condition for lifting the hyperelliptic involution, Algebraic Description of Jacobians Isogeneous to Certain Prym Varieties with Polarization (1,2), Group actions on Jacobian varieties, The kernel of the monodromy of the universal family of degree d smooth plane curves, The motion of a vortex on a closed surface of constant negative curvature, Unnamed Item, Fixed points of automorphisms of real algebraic curves, Numerical-analytical method for conformal mapping of polygons with six right angles, Indecomposable representations in \(\mathbb Z_n\) symmetric \(b, c\) ghost systems via deformations of the Virasoro field, The quantum equivalence of Nambu and Polyakov string actions, Solving the open bosonic string in perturbation theory, Regular foliations along curves, Finiteness of isomorphism classes of curves in positive characteristic with prescribed fundamental groups, On the existence of a proper conformal maximal disk in \(\mathbb L^3\), The space of complete embedded maximal surfaces with isolated singularities in the 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space, \(N=2\) quantum string scattering, Variational formulae for Fuchsian groups over families of algebraic curves, New superconformal field theories in four dimensions and \(N=1\) duality, Numerical Schottky uniformizations, Topological classification of conformal actions on elliptic-hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces, Quasiperiodic Solutions of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet Hierarchy, Holomorphic spectral geometry of magnetic Schrödinger operators on Riemann surfaces, Unnamed Item, Topology of branched surfaces which admit expanding immersions, Riemann surfaces and their associated Wirtinger varieties, The symplectic and twistor geometry of the general isomonodromic deformation problem, On the Euler characteristic of measured foliations, On a class of Riemann surfaces, On Weierstrass points of Hurwitz curves, Supersymmetric index of the M-theory 5-brane and little string theory, Dimers and the critical Ising model on lattices of genus \(>1\), AKNS and NLS hierarchies, MRW solutions, P n breathers, and beyond, The Hadamard theorem and Borel-Carathéodory theorem on Riemann surfaces, A Survey on L 2 Extension Problem, Sampling in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Domains: A Unified Approach, On Weierstrass Points of a Family of Quartic Curves, Groups of automorphisms of Riemann surfaces and maps of genus p + 1 where p is prime, Critical weak immersed surfaces within sub-manifolds of the Teichmüller space, The supercritical regime in the normal matrix model with cubic potential, Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with finite range interaction, A New Look at Equivariant Minimal Lagrangian Surfaces in $${\mathbb {C}} P^2$$ C P 2, Characterizing hyperelliptic surfaces in terms of closed geodesics, Unnamed Item, Rosenhain-Thomae formulae for higher genera hyperelliptic curves, Theta Functions in Complex Analysis and Number Theory, Degeneracy of holomorphic maps via orbifolds, Zero-pole interpolation for meromorphic matrix functions on an algebraic curve and transfer functions of 2D systems, Transplantation and Jacobians of Sunada isospectral Riemann surfaces, Gap probabilities in the bulk of the Airy process, On hyperelliptic Euclidean 3-manifolds, A description of the Weierstrass gap sequence by means of the Riemann theta function, Open bosonic string amplitudes, Finite dimensional de Branges spaces on Riemann surfaces, On the period matrix of a Riemann surface of large genus (with an appendix by J. H. Conway and N. J. A. Sloane), Weierstrass points and double coverings of curves. With application: Symmetric numerical semigroups which cannot be realized as Weierstrass semigroups, Principal transformations between Riemann surfaces, Torsion points on elliptic curves over all quadratic fields, Liouville and Toda field theories on Riemann surfaces, A discriminant criteria for reducibility of a polynomial, Weights of Weierstrass points in double coverings of curves of genus one or two, The \((g-1)\)-support cover of the canonical locus, Covering theorems for Riemann surfaces, Infinite groups and Hill's equation, Theta functions, modular invariance, and strings, Quantum Riemann surfaces. III: The exceptional cases, Toeplitz quantization of Kähler manifolds and \(gl(N)\), \(N\to \infty\) limits, Computing twists of hyperelliptic curves, Reduction of theta functions and elliptic finite-gap potentials, Finite-gap elliptic solutions of the KdV equation, Algebraic values of meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces, On the distribution of Weierstrass points on singular curves, The canonical constellations of k-Weierstrass points, Vector nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchies as approximate Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchies, A triangulation of moduli space from light-cone string theory, A study of Hasse-Witt matrices by local methods, Uniqueness of the Seiberg-Witten effective Lagrangian, Geodesics in homology classes, Representations of sl(n,\({\mathbb{C}})\) and the Toda lattice, Bosonization on higher genus Riemann surfaces, Realization of the ideal boundary of a Riemann surface under conformal closures, Geometric realization of conformal field theory on Riemann surfaces, A theory of ordinary \(p\)-adic curves, Affine coordinates for Teichmüller spaces, \(c=I\) conformal field theories on Riemann surfaces, Conformal mapping of rectangular heptagons. II, Topological charges and the genus of surfaces, On the Picard-Fuchs equations for massive \(N=2\) Seiberg-Witten theories, The Schottky-Jung theorem for Mumford curves, Graded Riemann surfaces, Super Riemann surfaces: Uniformization and Teichmüller theory, Moduli of super Riemann surfaces, Uniformization of surfaces of genus two with automorphisms, Dynamics of regularly ramified rational maps. I: Julia sets of maps in one-parameter families, A characterization of the periodic Callahan-Hoffman-Meeks surfaces in terms of their symmetries, On the uniqueness of the effective Lagrangian for \(N= 2\) SQCD, Sufficient conditions for a group of automorphisms of a Riemann surface to be its full automorphism group, Weierstrass factorizations in compact Riemann surfaces, Plotting the polyhedral geometry of a quadratic differential, On the constructibility of a negatively curved complete surface of constant mean curvature in \(\mathbb{H}^3\) determined by a prescribed Hopf differential, Möbius transformations, the Carathéodory metric, and the objects of complex analysis and potential theory in multiply connected domains, On the Nielsen-Thurston-Bers type of some self-maps of Riemann surfaces, A transcendental method for the study of automorphisms of a closed Riemann surface, The Caratheodory metric on abelian Teichmüller disks, The equisymmetric stratification of the moduli space and the Krull dimension of mapping class groups, Krichever-Novikov global operator formalism: NSR superstring in curved background, The end behavior of complete 2-dimensional area-minimizing mod 2 surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\), 2+1 gravity for genus \(>1\), Branched two-sheeted covers, Summations over equilaterally triangulated surfaces and the critical string measure, A note on the fixed points of a hypermap automorphism, Harmonic spinors on Riemann surfaces, Deformations of super Riemann surfaces, Partially \(U(1)\) compactified scalar massless field on the compact Riemann surface and bosonic string amplitudes, Poincaré series and holomorphic averaging, Computing the Abel map, The Jacobian, the square root and the set \(\infty \), The orbifold transform and its applications, Representations of the Heisenberg algebra on a Riemann surface, A global operator formalism on higher genus Riemann surfaces: \(b\)-\(c\) systems, Standard isotrivial fibrations with \(p_g=q=1\), The Poisson boundary of Teichmüller space, On the classical Dirichlet problem in the plane with rational data, Finite gap Jacobi matrices: An announcement, Multi-boundary effects in Dirichlet string theory, On the WDVV equation and M-theory, Weierstrass points and their impact in the study of algebraic curves: a historical account from the ``Lückensatz to the 1970s, Differential forms on modular curves \(\mathbb{H}/\Gamma (k)\), A complex extremal problem of Chebyshev type, Intersection numbers and automorphisms of stable curves, Algebraic hypermap morphisms, Universality in the two matrix model with a monomial quartic and a general even polynomial potential, Almost periodic Jacobi matrices with homogeneous spectrum, infinite dimensional Jacobi inversion, and Hardy spaces of character-automorphic functions, Properties of period integrals of complex algebraic curves, On automorphisms of prime order of a Riemann surface as matrices, On surfaces in four-spaces, Covering theorems for meromorphic functions, Weierstrass points and multiple intersection points of closed geodesics, Automorphismen und Modulraum Galoisscher dreiblättriger Überlagerungen, A complete minimal Klein bottle in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\), On Fay's tri-secant formula, Period matrices of hyperelliptic curves, On an algebraization of the Riemann-Hurwitz relation, Quantum mechanics on noncommutative Riemann surfaces, Some loci in Teichmüller space for genus seven defined by vanishing thetanulls, On the Neron-Severi group of Jacobians of curves with automorphisms, Generalized Weierstrass kernels on the intersection of two complex hypersurfaces, Isomorphisms between certain function fields over compact Riemann surfaces, Capacity of a union of three intervals and theta functions of genus 2, Weierstrass weight of Gorenstein singularities with one or two branches, Unitary dilations of commutation relations associated to alternating bilinear forms