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zbMath0306.54002MaRDI QIDQ4064160

J. L. Kelley

Publication date: 1975

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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With an appendix by José Ignacio Burgos Gil and Martín Sombra., Wave propagation in fractal trees. 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system, Path-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equations: the minimax solutions revised, A study of convergences in partially ordered sets, The approximate correctness of systems based on \(\delta\)-bisimulation, The \(k_{R}\)-property of free abelian topological groups and products of sequential fans, A note on extensions of non-additive measures, Asymptotic ensemble stabilizability of the Bloch equation, Remarks on smooth real-compactness for Sikorski spaces, Finite intersection property and dynamical compactness, The closures of arithmetic progressions in the common division topology on the set of positive integers, Universal geometric cluster algebras, \(\varphi\)-amenability and character amenability of Fréchet algebras, Combinatorial properties of ultrametrics and generalized ultrametrics, Learning sets with separating kernels, Standard fuzzy uniform structures based on continuous t-norms, A representation theorem for fuzzy pseudometrics, On topological Morse theory, On the three properties of stationary populations and knotting with non-stationary populations, Optimal reinsurance under risk and uncertainty, Diffeomorphism groups of compact convex sets, The pro-\(p\) group of upper unitriangular matrices, Invariant measures for multivalued semigroups, On abstract economies and their applications, A meaning based information theory - informalogical space: basic concepts and convergence of information sequences, A characteristic of the space of orbital complex-valued functions on a compactum, Real-linear isometries between subspaces of continuous functions, On the construction of an asymptotic analog of a pencil of trajectories for a linear system with a single-impulse control, Order- and graph-theoretic investigation of dimensions of finite topological spaces and Alexandroff spaces, A coercivity condition for nonmonotone quasiequilibria on finite-dimensional spaces, Decay estimates for the quadratic tilt-excess of integral varifolds, A characterization of totally disconnected compactly ruled groups, Equivariant dissipation in non-Archimedean groups, Safe \& robust reachability analysis of hybrid systems, Existence of quasiequilibria in metric vector spaces, Characterizations of endograph metric and \(\Gamma\)-convergence on fuzzy sets, A stronger form of Neumann's BFC-theorem, Expansive actions with specification on uniform spaces, topological entropy, and the Myhill property, Local times and Tanaka-Meyer formulae for càdlàg paths, Asymptotic properties of PDEs in compact spaces, A study of uniformities on the space of uniformly continuous mappings, Locally pro-\(p\) contraction groups are nilpotent, Pincherle's theorem in reverse mathematics and computability theory, Operator means of probability measures, \(L\)-valued quasi-overlap functions, \(L\)-valued overlap index, and Alexandroff's topology, The Tychonoff theorem and invariant pseudodistances, Profinite groups with an automorphism of prime order whose fixed points have finite Engel sinks, Basic reproduction ratios for periodic abstract functional differential equations (with application to a spatial model for Lyme disease), Joint continuity of separately continuous mappings, On order continuous duals of vector lattices of continuous functions, Expansive flows on uniform spaces, A non-linear version of the Amir-Lindenstrauss method, On a topology defined by primitive words, An energy method for rough partial differential equations, Cosine manifestations of the Gelfand transform, Existence of a holomorphic retraction onto a common fixed point set of a family of commuting holomorphic self-mappings of \(B _{H} ^{n}\), Existence, uniqueness and stability of \(C^m\) solutions of iterative functional equations