Notes on SUSY gauge theories on three-sphere

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DOI10.1007/JHEP03(2011)127zbMath1301.81133arXiv1012.3512MaRDI QIDQ475879

Kazuo Hosomichi, Sungjay Lee, Naofumi Hama

Publication date: 27 November 2014

Published in: Journal of High Energy Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

81T40: Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics

81T60: Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics

81T13: Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory

81V10: Electromagnetic interaction; quantum electrodynamics

81R40: Symmetry breaking in quantum theory

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II: Orthogonal groups, knots, and vortices, \({\mathcal N=2}\) supersymmetric \(\mathrm{AdS}_4\) solutions of M-theory, Three-dimensional superconformal field theories, indices, and monopoles, Four-dimensional superconformal index reloaded, 6j symbols for the modular double, quantum hyperbolic geometry, and supersymmetric gauge theories, AGT on the S-duality wall, Superconformal indices of \({{\mathcal N}=4}\) SYM field theories, Eigenvalue distributions in matrix models for Chern-Simons-matter theories, F-theorem, duality and SUSY breaking in one-adjoint Chern-Simons-Matter theories, Calculating the partition function of \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) gauge theories on \(S^{3}\) and AdS/CFT correspondence, Refined test of AdS\({}_{4}\)/CFT\({}_{3}\) correspondence for \( \mathcal{N} = 2,3 \) theories, SUSY gauge theories on squashed three-spheres, Rigid supersymmetric theories in curved superspace, On the exact \(R\) charge for \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) CS theories, Towards the \(F\)-theorem: \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) field theories on the three-sphere, Superconformal indices of three-dimensional theories related by mirror symmetry, \( {\text{SL}}\left( {2,\mathbb{R}} \right) \) Chern-Simons, Liouville, and gauge theory on duality walls, Summing up all genus free energy of ABJM matrix model, Relation between the 4d superconformal index and the \(\mathbf S^{3}\) partition function, 3d and 5d gauge theory partition functions as \(q\)-deformed CFT correlators, Comments on 3d Seiberg-like dualities, The free energy of \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) supersymmetric AdS\({}_{4}\) solutions of M-theory, Z-extremization and F-theorem in Chern-Simons matter theories, Localization and non-renormalization in Chern-Simons theory, Aspects of massive gauge theories on three sphere in infinite mass limit, Cardy formula for 4d SUSY theories and localization, Fundamental vortices, wall-crossing, and particle-vortex duality, Boundary terms and three-point functions: an AdS/CFT puzzle resolved, Index for three dimensional superconformal field theories with general \(R\)-charge assignments, S-duality and the \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) Lens space index, Extended supersymmetry on curved spaces, Localization on three-manifolds, Exact results in supersymmetric field theories on manifolds with boundaries, Localization on round sphere revisited, 3d Chern-Simons theory from M5-branes, Maximal super Yang-Mills theories on curved background with off-shell supercharges, Baryonic symmetries in \(\text{AdS}_4/\text{CFT}_3\): An overview, Duality and transport for supersymmetric graphene from the hemisphere partition function, Gluing II: boundary localization and gluing formulas, 5D SYM on 3D deformed spheres, Dualities and phases of \(3d\) \( \mathcal{N}=1 \) SQCD, Seifert fibering operators in 3d \( \mathcal{N}=2 \) theories, Supersymmetry breaking phase in three dimensional large \(N\) gauge theories, New 3d \( \mathcal{N} =2\) dualities from quadratic monopoles, BPS Wilson loops in \( \mathcal{N} \geq 2\) superconformal Chern-Simons-matter theories, Aspects of defects in 3d-3d correspondence, Exact results for ABJ Wilson loops and open-closed duality, D2-brane Chern-Simons theories: \(F\) -maximization = \(a\)-maximization, Mordell integrals and giveon-kutasov duality, Accidental symmetries and the conformal bootstrap, Instanton effects in ABJM theory with general \(R\)-charge assignments, Large \(N\) behavior of mass deformed ABJM theory, A nonperturbative proof of Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture, Exact solution of Chern-Simons-matter matrix models with characteristic/orthogonal polynomials, Bootstrapping \(O(N)\) vector models with four supercharges in \(3\leq d\leq 4\), Gauging and decoupling in 3d \( \mathcal{N} =2\) dualities, Exact relations between M2-brane theories with and without orientifolds, 3D \(\tau_{RR}\)-minimization in \(\mathrm{AdS}_{4}\) gauged supergravity, ABJM on ellipsoid and topological strings, Explicit examples of DIM constraints for network matrix models, \( \mathcal{N}=2\) supersymmetric field theories on 3-manifolds with A-type boundaries, Large \(N\) matrix models for 3d \( \mathcal{N} =2\) theories: twisted index, free energy and black holes, 3d deconfinement, product gauge group, Seiberg-Witten and new 3d dualities, 3d \( \mathcal{N} =2\) mirror symmetry, pq-webs and monopole superpotentials, Romans-mass-driven flows on the D2-brane, Notes on integral identities for 3d supersymmetric dualities

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