Random Walks on Infinite Graphs and Groups

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DOI10.1017/CBO9780511470967zbMath0951.60002OpenAlexW1532790179MaRDI QIDQ4937700

Wolfgang Woess

Publication date: 10 February 2000

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511470967

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II: Applications, A Sears-type self-adjointness result for discrete magnetic Schrödinger operators, Martin boundary of a killed random walk on a quadrant, Harmonic models and spanning forests of residually finite groups, Analysis of the physical Laplacian and the heat flow on a locally finite graph, Is the critical percolation probability local?, Scaling limit of the random walk among random traps on \(\mathbb Z^{d}\), (Homogeneous) Markovian bridges, The measurable Kesten theorem, Boundaries of planar graphs, via circle packings, Conjugacy in Baumslag's group, generic case complexity, and division in power circuits, Counting self-avoiding walks on free products of graphs, Unimodular hyperbolic triangulations: circle packing and random walk, Invariance of return probabilities on locally compact groups, The quenched invariance principle for random walks in random environments admitting a bounded cycle representation, Equality of Lifshitz and van Hove exponents on amenable Cayley graphs, Percolation and local isoperimetric inequalities, Random walk in a finite directed graph subject to a road coloring, Sharp lower bounds for the asymptotic entropy of symmetric random walks, An index theory for uniformly locally finite graphs, Classification of harmonic structures on graphs, Free groups and ends of graphs, Level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular graphs. I. Regular trees, Phase transition in the CAR algebra, Branching random walks with uncountably many extinction probability vectors, The Sierpiński gasket as the Martin boundary of a non-isotropic Markov chain, New relations between discrete and continuous transition operators on (metric) graphs, Amenability via random walks., On the spectrum of Markov semigroups via sample path large deviations, Protection of a network by complete secure domination, Growth of harmonic functions on biregular trees, BIHARMONIC GREEN FUNCTION AND BISUPERMEDIAN ON INFINITE NETWORKS, Self-avoiding walks and multiple context-free languages, Weighted graphs, spanning tree generating functions and anisotropic lattice systems: illustrative results for the Ising and dimer models, Existence of graphs with sub exponential transitions probability decay and applications, Ramanujan graphings and correlation decay in local algorithms, Random walks on free products of cyclic groups, Denker–Sato type Markov chains and Harnack inequality, Identifying several biased coins encountered by a hidden random walk, Some Remarks on the Krein-von Neumann Extension of Different Laplacians, Conditionally negative type functions on groups acting on regular trees, Fractal models for normal subgroups of Schottky groups, Local limit theorem for symmetric random walks in Gromov-hyperbolic groups, Gillis' Random Walks on Graphs, Planar groups and the Seifert conjecture, Approximating Critical Parameters of Branching Random Walks, Local limit theorems in relatively hyperbolic groups I: rough estimates, A large scale approach to decomposition spaces, Local limit theorems in relatively hyperbolic groups II: the non-spectrally degenerate case, Cheeger estimates of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators on infinite subgraphs of graphs, Sobolev-type inequalities and eigenvalue growth on graphs with finite measure, Transition probability estimates for subordinate random walks, Laplacians on infinite graphs: discrete vs. continuous, Limit Set of Branching Random Walks on Hyperbolic Groups, The Space of Spaces: Curvature Bounds and Gradient Flows on the Space of Metric Measure Spaces, Spectra of infinite graphs via freeness with amalgamation, New Hilbert space tools for analysis of graph Laplacians and Markov processes, Random walk speed is a proper function on Teichmüller space, Local limit theorem for a Markov additive process on with a null recurrent internal Markov chain, A central limit theorem for the mean starting hitting time for a random walk on a random graph, Landscape approximation of the ground state eigenvalue for graphs and random hopping models, Asymptotic capacity of the range of random walks on free products of graphs, Transportation Distance between Probability Measures on the Infinite Regular Tree, Sharp Liouville type results for semilinear elliptic inequalities involving gradient terms on weighted graphs, Self‐adjoint and Markovian extensions of infinite quantum graphs, Random walk on finite extensions of lattices, Limit distributions of branching Markov chains, Random walks on mapping class groups, Arboreal structures on groups and the associated boundaries, A non-local quasi-linear ground state representation and criticality theory, A Numerical Lower Bound for the Spectral Radius of Random Walks on Surface Groups, Critical Behaviors and Critical Values of Branching Random Walks on Multigraphs, Exponentials and $R$-Recurrent Random Walks on Groups, Amenability of Groups and G-Sets, Strong Isoperimetric Inequality for Tessellating Quantum Graphs, Self‐similar sets, simple augmented trees and their Lipschitz equivalence, Sur le nombre de points visités par une marche aléatoire sur un amas infini de percolation, Martin boundaries of the duals of free unitary quantum groups, Harmonic functions on hyperbolic graphs, Post-critically finite fractal and Martin boundary, On Conformal Measures and Harmonic Functions for Group Extensions, Self-Avoiding Walks and Connective Constants, The closure of a random braid is a hyperbolic link, Poincaré and Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Trees, Extensive amenability and an application to interval exchanges, A local limit theorem and loss of rotational symmetry of planar symmetric simple random walk, Green's function asymptotics near the internal edges of spectra of periodic elliptic operators. Spectral edge case, L p -distortion and p -spectral gap of finite graphs, Linear progress in the complex of curves, Random Walks on Dense Graphs and Graphons, Global survival of branching random walks and tree-like branching random walks, Strong Local Survival of Branching Random Walks is Not Monotone, Separately superharmonic functions in product networks, Asymptotic spectral analysis of growing regular graphs, Liouville theorems and spectral edge behavior on abelian coverings of compact manifolds, A note on Liouville type equations on graphs, The expected degree of minimal spanning forests, A geometric approach to on-diagonal heat kernel lower bounds on groups., A Local Limit Theorem for Random Walks on the Chambers of Ã2 Buildings, On Continuity of Range, Entropy and Drift for Random Walks on Groups, Polynomial Growth, Recurrence and Ergodicity for Random Walks on Locally Compact Groups and Homogeneous Spaces, Generalized Solutions and Spectrum for Dirichlet Forms on Graphs, Continuous-time quantum walk on integer lattices and homogeneous trees, The spectrum of the random environment and localization of noise, Martin boundary of a reflected random walk on a half-space, Asymptotics of the transition probabilities of the simple random walk on self-similar graphs, Conformal mapping in linear time, Sobolev Inequalities in Familiar and Unfamiliar Settings, Divergence and quasi-isometry classes of random Gromov’s monsters, Non-triviality of the Poisson boundary of random walks on the group of Monod, Yaglom limits can depend on the starting state, Entropy and drift for Gibbs measures on geometrically finite manifolds, Combinatorics Encoding Geometry: The Legacy of Bill Thurston in the Story of One Theorem, Linear and Nonlinear Harmonic Boundaries of Graphs; An Approach with ℓ p-Cohomology in Degree One, The Martin boundary of a discrete quantum group, Uniform asymptotic estimates of transition probabilities on combs, A global Riesz decomposition theorem on trees without positive potentials, Eternal Family Trees and dynamics on unimodular random graphs, The asymptotic shape theorem for the frog model on finitely generated abelian groups, Percolation on an infinitely generated group, Phase transitions for random walk asymptotics on free products of groups, The conformal measures of a normal subgroup of a cocompact Fuchsian group, Effective impedance over ordered fields, Drifted Laplace operators on homogeneous trees, Analytic and geometric background of recurrence and non-explosion of the Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds, Some Results and Problems for Anisotropic Random Walks on the Plane, Spanning tree generating functions for infinite periodic graphs L and connections with simple closed random walks on L, Growth and ergodicity of context-free languages, Knapsack and the power word problem in solvable Baumslag–Solitar groups, Thin-ended clusters in percolation in, Anatomy of a Gaussian giant: supercritical level-sets of the free field on regular graphs, Random interlacement is a factor of i.i.d., Geometry and Laplacian on discrete magic carpets, Discrete-time quantum walks on one-dimensional lattices, On the boundary at infinity for branching random walk, Heat Kernel Fluctuations for Stochastic Processes on Fractals and Random Media, Asymptotic behaviors of random walks on countable groups, A random walk on the Rado graph, Shannon-McMillan-Breiman theorem along almost geodesics in negatively curved groups, Unnamed Item, Boundary and entropy of space homogeneous Markov chains, On random walks on wreath products, Determination of the walk dimension of the Sierpiński gasket without using diffusion, Law of large numbers for the drift of the two-dimensional wreath product, Harmonic functions on locally finite networks, The absolute of finitely generated groups. I: Commutative (semi)groups, Range of random walks on free products, Spectral estimates for infinite quantum graphs, Percolation and isoperimetry on roughly transitive graphs, Recurrence of a weighted random walk on a circle packing with parabolic carrier, Martin boundary of killed random walks on isoradial graphs, A note on Neumann problems on graphs, Equivariant discretizations of diffusions and harmonic functions of bounded growth, Contracting elements and random walks, Random walks on weakly hyperbolic groups, An embedding of the Morse boundary in the Martin boundary, Global properties of Dirichlet forms in terms of Green's formula, Deviation inequalities for random walks, Green's function asymptotics of periodic elliptic operators on abelian coverings of compact manifolds, Tiling-based models of perimeter and area, The Martin boundary of a free product of abelian groups, Self-avoiding walks and amenability, Expansion in perfect groups., Heavy Bernoulli-percolation clusters are indistinguishable, Periodic Jacobi matrices on trees, Graph-theoretical versus topological ends of graphs., Asymptotic entropy of the ranges of random walks on discrete groups, Popular products and continued fractions, Non-intersection of transient branching random walks, Critical densities for random quotients of hyperbolic groups., Central limit theorems for non-symmetric random walks on nilpotent covering graphs. I, Spanning trees in hyperbolic graphs, Entropy and drift in word hyperbolic groups, Long time behavior of the transition probability of a random walk with drift on an Abelian covering graph., Random interlacements and amenability, Groups of oscillating intermediate growth., Dirichlet forms and associated heat kernels on the Cantor set induced by random walks on trees, Central limit theorems for Gromov hyperbolic groups, An interlacing technique for spectra of random walks and its application to finite percolation clusters, On rigidity and convergence of circle patterns, Large time behavior of the heat kernel., Growth-sensitivity of context-free languages., Thermodynamic formalism for transient potential functions, Oscillating heat kernels on ultrametric spaces, Monopoles, dipoles, and harmonic functions on Bratteli diagrams, Lamplighter random walks on fractals, Heat kernel estimates on connected sums of parabolic manifolds, KMS states, conformal measures and ends in digraphs, Spectral theory of infinite quantum graphs, Disconnection by level sets of the discrete Gaussian free field and entropic repulsion, Riesz decompositions for Schrödinger operators on graphs, Laws of the iterated logarithm on covering graphs with groups of polynomial volume growth, Finitary random interlacements and the Gaboriau-Lyons problem, Percolation on hyperbolic graphs, Quantum walks: a comprehensive review, Some remarks on the Dirichlet problem on infinite trees, Enlargement of subgraphs of infinite graphs by Bernoulli percolation, Anchored expansion, percolation and speed. (With an appendix by Gábor Pete), Synchronization of Bernoulli sequences on shared letters, Convergence of Dirichlet forms induced on boundaries of transient networks, Tracking rates of random walks, Cogrowth and spectral gap of generic groups., Bridges and networks: exact asymptotics, Critical constants for recurrence of random walks on \(G\)-spaces., The \(L^2\) boundedness condition in nonamenable percolation, Level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular graphs II: finite expanders, Isoperimetric inequalities, shapes of Følner sets and groups with Shalom's property \(H_{\mathrm{FD}}\), Positive harmonic functions on the Heisenberg group. II, Lipschitz classification of self-similar sets with overlaps, On the tail of the branching random walk local time, Entropy and drift for word metrics on relatively hyperbolic groups, Maximum matchings of a digraph based on the largest geometric multiplicity, Growth gap in hyperbolic groups and amenability, Continuum versus discrete networks, graph Laplacians, and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Gaussian fluctuations for the directed polymer partition function in dimension \(d\ge 3\) and in the whole \(L^2\)-region, Some results for range of random walk on graph with spectral dimension two, Directed polymers on infinite graphs, On transience of frogs on Galton-Watson trees, The limit of first eigenfunctions of the \(p\)-Laplacian on graphs, Gromov hyperbolic graphs arising from iterations, Random walks on groups and KMS states, Harry Kesten's work in probability theory, A Glazman-Povzner-Wienholtz theorem on graphs, The Martin boundary of relatively hyperbolic groups with virtually abelian parabolic subgroups, Combinatorial modulus and type of graphs, Some function theoretic properties of nonlinear resistive networks, Doob equivalence and non-commutative peaking for Markov chains, Hardy spaces on homogeneous trees with flow measures, Random walks on the discrete affine group, Large deviations for random walks on free products of finitely generated groups, Weights of uniform spanning forests on nonunimodular transitive graphs, The exact convergence rate in the ergodic theorem of Lubotzky-Phillips-Sarnak and a universal lower bound on discrepancies, Return probabilities on nonunimodular transitive graphs, On the distribution of family names, Random walks on convergence groups, Maximum of the membrane model on regular trees, On an approach for evaluating certain trigonometric character sums using the discrete time heat kernel, Green functions on self-similar graphs and bounds for the spectrum of the Laplacian, On infinite, cubic, vertex-transitive graphs with applications to totally disconnected, locally compact groups, On the effective impedance of finite and infinite networks