scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3206496

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zbMath0127.05402MaRDI QIDQ5332396

S. V. Fomin, Israel M. Gel'fand

Publication date: 1965

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Application of Lie groups and related transformations, Types of stationary points in a variational formulation of shallow-water flows, Perturbations of geodesic flows on surfaces of constant negative curvature and their mixing properties, A new mathematical model applied to tornado genesis, On nonexistence of minimizing solutions of variational problems, Varying without varying: reparameterizations, diffeomorphisms, general covariance, Lie derivatives, and all that, Variational models for the interaction of surfactants with curvature – existence and regularity of minimizers in the case of flexible curves, Optimal and Efficient Auctions for the Gradual Procurement of Strategic Service Provider Agents, Causal set generator and action computer, Hierarchical off-diagonal low-rank approximation of Hessians in inverse problems, with application to ice sheet model initialization, Lagrangian formalism and Noether-type theorems for second-order delay ordinary differential equations, The conjugate locus in convex 3-manifolds, Energy based methods applied in mechanics by using the extended Noether's formalism, On the control of the navier- stokes equation with the extended conjugate gradient method, Conjugate Points of Vector-Matrix Differential Equations, On a Classic Problem in the Calculus of Variations: Setting Straight Key Properties of the Catenary, Quadratic functionals for second order matrix equations on time scales, Optimal Time-Sampling in a Statistical Process Control with a Polynomial Expected Loss, Reformulation of the second Weierstrass-Erdmann condition, Unnamed Item, When rank-one convexity meets polyconvexity: an algebraic approach to elastic binodal, Unconditionally stable mixed finite element methods for Darcy flow, A Unification of Weighted and Unweighted Particle Filters, Existencia de juegos diferenciales con valor dado, A generalization of Lagrange multipliers, A unifying view of synchronization for data assimilation in complex nonlinear networks, Approximation of Jacobian inverse kinematics algorithms, Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions of weak minimum for solutions with corner points, Local and global bivariational gradients and singular variational derivatives of functionals on Cn[a,b], Rankine-Hugoniot conditions for fluids whose energy depends on space and time derivatives of density, Fractional variational problems on conformable calculus, The stability of a static liquid column pulled out of an infinite pool, Shape Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Generalized Thermoelastic Solids, A variational characterization of contact metric structures, Forces and variational compatibility for equilibrium liquid crystal director models with coupled electric fields, Optimal spatially-dependent diffusion tensors, Global and local energy minimizers for a nanowire growth model, Higher-order Noether's theorem for isoperimetric variational problems, On the Herglotz variational problem, Solving brachistochrone problem via scaling functions of Daubechies wavelets, Apodizer Design to Efficiently Couple Light into a Fiber Bragg Grating, Sufficient Conditions for the Generalized Problem of Bolza, Optimal fluxes and Reynolds stresses, Slip Rates and Slip Modes in an Actively Mode-Locked Laser, Unnamed Item, Foundations of Support Constraint Machines, On equilibrium equations and their perturbations using three different variational formulations of nonlinear electroelastostatics, Designing for Minimum Elongation, Fractional calculus of variations with a generalized fractional derivative, TONUITY: A NOVEL INDIVIDUAL-ORIENTED RETIREMENT PLAN, Spline collocation approach to study Brachistochrone problem, Discrete Energy Laws for the First-Order System Least-Squares Finite-Element Approach, Extending the Knops-Stuart-Taheri technique to $C^{1}$ weak local minimizers in nonlinear elasticity, A review of numerical methods for nonlinear partial differential equations, A model for the deformations and thermodynamics of liquids involving a dislocation kinetics, Machine Learning: Deepest Learning as Statistical Data Assimilation Problems, Multi-transmission-line-beam interactive system, 4.—Comparison Theorems for a Class of Second-order Non-linear Ordinary Differential Equations, Optimal control of the wave propagation problem with the extended conjugate gradient method, Infinite Dimensional Jordan Operators and Sturm-Liouville Conjugate Point Theory, Stability properties for solitary waves in 3 space dimensions, Geometric constrained variational calculus. 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