scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3220362

From MaRDI portal

zbMath0136.00604MaRDI QIDQ5508993

Barry Mitchell

Publication date: 1965

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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(Topological categories), Relative functor categories and categories of algebras, Hopf algebras over Hopf algebras, An equivalence criterion for the generalized injectivity of modules with respect to algebraic classes of homomorphisms, On a structure theorem for a semi-simple ring-like object, Über Tensorprodukte in abelschen Kategorien, Equivalence of n-extensions, A characterization of initial functors, Pure theories, Die Epimorphismen der Ringe von Operatoren, Fractional categories, On coherent rings, Representable functors with values in arbitrary categories, Über Kokerne und Pushouts in der Kategorie der komplex-analytischen Räume, Il sistema spettrale di un complesso multiplo, Relations for exact categories, Satelliten; singuläre Erweiterungen und Derivationen, Exact couples and spectral sequences, Modular representations of p groups, Übertragung automatentheoretischer Sätze auf Chomsky-Sprachen, Quasiprimitive subcategories, Semihereditary endomorphism rings, Structures Henseliennes, Hopf-Algebren und Coradikal, Extensions of abelian varieties defines over a finite field, Über einige formale Eigenschaften von Faserungen und \(h\)-Faserungen, Diagonalisierungspaare. I, Diagonalisierungspaare. II, On the characterization of centered Lukasiewicz algebras, Weak adjoint functors, Weak homotopy category of a category with a cotriple, A general injectivity for modules, The homological dimension of commutative group schemes over a perfect field, Virtual groups and group actions, On modules over a semiring, Cohomology of Jordan algebras, Algebraische Operationen auf Faserbündeln, Modular lattices and abelian categories, On a characterization of sums in certain categories, The automorphism class group of the category of rings, Kan-Bedingungen und abstrakte Homotopietheorie. (Kan conditions and abstract homotopy theory), Algèbre catégorique relative. III: Foncteurs adjoints relatifs. (Relative categorical algebra. III.: Relative adjoint functors), Bivarieties in categories, Kompakt definierbare topologische Gruppen. 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Duality for groups and a universal isomorphism theorem, Coextensions in the category of compact semigroups, On four subspaces of a vector space, A generalization of the Mitchell lemma: the Ulmer theorem and the Gabriel-Popescu theorem revisited, Representation of \(n\)-abelian categories in abelian categories, The Brauer group and the second Abel-Jacobi map for 0-cycles on algebraic varieties., Realizing stable categories as derived categories, \(q\)-deformations of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory: classification, categorification and refinement, A category of association schemes, Splitting and parameter dependence in the category of \(\mathrm{PLH}\) spaces, Canonical resolutions in hereditary abelian model categories, Exactness of direct limits for abelian categories with an injective cogenerator, Torsion and ortho-slender classes, On \(n\)-phantom and \(n\)-ext-phantom morphisms, Almost laura algebras., Mapping class group actions from Hopf monoids and ribbon graphs, Categorification of persistent homology, Uniqueness of uniform decompositions in exact categories, Quantum logic, dagger kernel categories and inverse Baer\(^\ast\)-categories, Envelopes of commutative rings, The global dimension of polynomial categories in partially commuting variables, Partial morphisms on partial algebras, On adjoint dynamical systems, Duality theory for Grothendieck categories and linearly compact rings, Global dimension in categories of diagrams, Group actions on posets, Scalar extensions of triangulated categories, Somme dirette nella categoria degli spazi vettoriali topologici, Arbitrary products are coproducts in complete \((\lor-)\)semilattices, Change of base for toposes with generators, Symétrisations de catégories. I: Généralités, Varieties of binary systems, Matricial theories, A recollement construction of Gorenstein derived categories, Categories of chain-complete posets, Remarks on special homomorphic relations, Homomorphisms of graphs and of their orientations, Generalizations of intersection homology and perverse sheaves with duality over the integers, Free ideal monoid rings, Sur l'anneau des endomorphismes d'un module, générateur projectif, Kernel compactifications of uniquely divisible semigroups, A unified setting for projections in pattern recognition, The Deligne-Illusie theorem and exceptional Enriques surfaces, Constructions and applications of rigid spaces. I, A study of Kripke-type models for some modal logics by Gentzen's sequential method, Homomorphisms and direct sums of nested Hilbert spaces, The connecting morphism in the kernel-cokernel sequence, Eine Exponentialfunktion für kompakte abelsche Halbgruppen, On the structure of some abstract differential problems. I, Flache Darstellungen von geordneten Mengen, Ideal compactifications in uniquely divisible semigroups, A fixpoint theorem for complete categories, Abelian Hopf algebras, A new description of Kasparov's theory of \(C^*\)-algebra extensions, \( \infty \)-tilting theory, Exactly definable categories, Generalized persistence diagrams for persistence modules over posets, Global dimensions of a class of tiled orders, Endomorphism rings and category equivalences, Projective modules over classical Lie algebras of infinite rank in the parabolic category, The Jordan-Hölder property and Grothendieck monoids of exact categories, On the relative homology of cleft extensions of rings and abelian categories, On the global dimension of the functor category \(((\bmod R)^{op},Ab)\) and a theorem of Kulikov, An abstract characterization of noncommutative projective lines, Non-normal Galois theories and some resulting structures, Correspondences over a category, Torsion theories in non-additive categories, Boolean \(\delta\)-algebras and quasiopen mappings, Cohomological characterization of amalgamated products of groups, Weak subobjects and the epi-monic completion of a category., Exact embedding functors for module categories and submodule lattice quasivarieties, The singularity category of a Nakayama algebra., Constructing cogenerators in triangulated categories and Brown representability, Yoneda extensions of abelian quotient categories, The stable category of a left hereditary ring, A comparison of Vassiliev and Ziegler-Živaljević models for homotopy types of subspace arrangements, Set functors, \(L\)-fuzzy set categories, and generalized terms., Hochschild and cyclic (co)homology of superadditive categories, Graded quotients of path algebras: A local theory, Étale cohomology for non-Archimedean analytic spaces, Cofinitely projective modules. II, Representations of additive relation algebras by modules, Purely Rickart and dual purely Rickart objects in Grothendieck categories, Skew continuous morphisms of ordered lattice ringoids, Representation of categories, \(n\mathbb{Z}\)-Gorenstein cluster tilting subcategories, Saturated algebras in filtral varieties, Duality theorems for Néron models, A categorical treatment of pre- and post-conditions, Constructing inverse monoids from small categories, Derivations of differential forms on jet bundles, Torsion theories and radicals in normal categories, On the existence of free topological groups, On the direct limit of a direct system of multialgebras, Jordan-Hölder, modularity and distributivity in non-commutative algebra, Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology and Galois extensions., Simplicial cohomology is Hochschild cohomology, On injective rational coefficient systems, On induced representations of Lie algebras, groups and coalgebras, Compact homotopy functors and the equivariant Sullivan profinite completion, Exact categories and distributive lattices (orthodox symmetrizations, 2), Fibre functors of finite dimensional comodules, Exact category of hypermodules, Monomorphisms and epimorphisms in pro-categories, An axiomatic construction of an almost full embedding of the category of graphs into the category of \(R\)-objects, The Yoneda isomorphism commutes with homology, Morita equivalence of semigroups with local units., Colocalization and localization in Abelian categories, Natural transformations of organismic structures, Localizations, colocalizations and non additive \(\ast\)-objects, Pattern recognition: The categorical setting, Irreducible characters of general linear superalgebra and super duality, Super duality and irreducible characters of ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras, Filter convergence structure, Projective diagrams over partially ordered sets are free, Supertropical semirings and supervaluations, Duality for semigroup rings, Adjoint functors, projectivization, and differentiation algorithms for representations of partially ordered sets., Ordered sets: retracts and connections, The projective dimension of valuated vector spaces, Epimorphisms and dominions, Exact embedding functors between categories of modules, Injective objects and cogenerating sets, Realization of cohomology classes in arbitrary exact categories, The categorical approach to social choice theory, An introduction to the axiomatics of procedures of aggregation, Some categories related to distributively generated near rings, Equivalence between colocalization and localization in Abelian categories with applications to the theory of modules, Commutative semigroup cohomology, Direct-sum cancellation of submodule systems, Semigroups and ordered categories. I: The reduced case, The Drinfeld center of the category of Mackey functors, Perpendicular categories with applications to representations and sheaves, T.T.F. theories for left and right exact sequences, A homological approach to the splitting theory of \(\mathrm{PLS}_{\mathrm{w}}\) spaces, Existence of reflections and its applications, Dynamics in the decompositions approach to quantum mechanics, Crossed products by twisted partial actions and graded algebras., Adas and the equational theory of if-then-else, Factorization, diagonal separation, and disconnectedness, The global dimension of a trace monoid ring, Characterizations of Morita equivalent inverse semigroups., An exactness property of the \(\Hom\) functor and some characterizations of modules, On the existence and exactness of the associated sheaf functor, Deriving graphs from graphs by applying a production, Discrete-time machines in closed monoidal categories. I, Compact normal bands of groups, A criterion for relative global dimension zero with applications to graded rings, The bivariant long exact sequence for the Ext functor, A continuity criterion for functors, Separable \(K\)-linear categories, V-localizations and V-Kleisli algebras, A theory for environmental systems, I subquozienti nelle categorie abeliane, Non-existence of a continuum that models a Newtonian system of interacting particles, A class of projective modules which are nearly free, Completely enumerated sets, Smoothness and rigidity of tensor algebras and their factors, Chain-complete posets and directed sets with applications, On algebras of finite representation type, Pattern recognition categories, Structural induction in institutions, Separable closure in categories, Projectivity of sheaves on a locale and of free modules, Cohomology of small categories with coefficients in an Abelian category with exact products, Sui sottouniversi normali di un universo di dispositivi lineari su un corpo, Recursively unsolvable word problems of modular lattices and diagram- chasing, Rings which are generated by their units, Clifford semigroups as functors and their cohomology., The HNN construction for rings, A note on matrix inversion, Spectral categories and varieties of preadditive categories, Small ideals in radical theory, Homological dimension and Farrel cohomology, On weak monomorphisms in the category of convex processes, On conceptual completeness of syntactic-semantical systems, Skew group algebras in the representation theory of Artin algebras, Characterizing categories of algebras, Closure functions and general iterates as reflectors, Cohomology of small categories, Commutative semigroup amalgams, Abstract representations of biological systems in supercategories, Exact structures for operator modules, Exactness of inverse limits, Modules for pseudo-rings, On Diagrams of Vector Spaces, Additive categories and a theorem of W. G. Leavitt, On the dualization of subdirect embeddings, Rings of dominant dimension $\geqq 1$, Remarks concerning 𝐸𝑥𝑡*(𝑀,-), A five lemma for free products of groups with amalgamations, THE YONEDA EXT AND ARBITRARY COPRODUCTS IN ABELIAN CATEGORIES, Organismic supercategores: II. On multistable systems, Cofree objects in the centralizer and the center categories, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Inverse limits and embedding of compact totally disconnected machines, Logische Kategorien, Unnamed Item, Real Characters and the Radical of an Abelian Group, Transfer of CS-Rickart and dual CS-Rickart properties via functors between Abelian categories, Decompositions of semigroups, CS-Rickart and dual CS-Rickart objects in abelian categories, A note on the axioms for \(n\)-angulated categories, The indecomposable objects in the center of Deligne's category Re̲pSt$\protect\underline{{\rm Re}}\!\operatorname{p}S_t$, The left heart and exact hull of an additive regular category, Stirling complexes, On the obscure axiom for one-sided exact categories, Morita isomorphism for Cuntz algebras, Categorical Homotopy and Fibrations, Liftable pairs of functors and initial objects, The category of representations of a completely 0-simple semigroup, Triangular matrix categories. I: Dualizing varieties and generalized one-point extensions, The Tensor Product of Commutative Semigroups, Pure-direct-injective objects in Grothendieck categories, Realization is universal, On the Nullity and Enclosure Genus of Wild Knots, The Universal Compact Subunithetic Semigroup, Multiplier Rings and Primitive Ideals, Persistence Diagrams as Diagrams: A Categorification of the Stability Theorem, Modules for pseudo-rings. II, What is the Spectral Category?, Injective hulls as completions, Frobenius reciprocity in ergodic theory, Unnamed Item, Semigroups Through Semilattices, Monofunctors as Reflectors, An Elementary Theory of the Category of Topological Spaces, Functorial Characterizations of Pontryagin Duality, Compact Functors and their Duals in Categories of Banach Spaces, Unnamed Item, Monofunctors as Reflectors, Component Functors, Extensions in Certain Topological Algebraic Categories, Coreflective Subcategories, Amalgamated Products of Profinite Groups: Counterexamples, Generating and Cogenerating Structures, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Osofsky-Smith Theorem for Modular Lattices, and Applications (II), Semimodule Enrichment, Injective Compact Distributive Lattices, Unnamed Item, On Categories of Quotients, Projective Compact Distributive Topological Lattices, Exact sequences in the Enchilada category, The Completion of an Abelian Category, Prime ideals in categories, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, (Co)Homology of crossed modules, Semi-abelian categories, On homological classification of monoids, On amalgamated products of profinite groups, On amalgamated products of profinite groups, On homological classification of monoids, Concerning almost realcompactifications, Regular morphisms in abelian categories, A representation-theoretic approach to recollements of abelian categories, On Solvability and Nilpotency of Leibnizn-Algebras, A survey of selected categorical properties of algebras with multivalued addition, Affine highest weight categories and affine quasihereditary algebras, Homological dimensions of Banach spaces, L-homologies of double complexes, F-Baer objects with respect to a fully invariant short exact sequence in abelian categories, Gabriel localization in functor categories, Time and Mnemonic Morphism, Unnamed Item, Perfect Category-Graded Algebras, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cohomologies des anneaux-groupes, Produits croisés mixtes: extensions de groupes et extensions d'anneaux, Construction of 𝑡-structures and equivalences of derived categories, Exact Embedding Functors and Left Coherent Rings, Analogues of the braid group and their corresponding coxeter groups, Unnamed Item, Equivalences Induced by Adjoint Functors, Unnamed Item, Topological aspects of graded rings, COMPLETELY REAL HULLS OF PARTIALLY ORDERED RINGS, Integral motives and special values of zeta functions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Finite-dimensional representations of minimal nilpotent W-algebras and zigzag algebras, Unnamed Item, The moduli of rational weierstrass fibrations over p1:isotropy stratification, When is homR(M,−) equal to homR(M,−) in the category R-gr?, Quotients of representation-finite algebras, Unnamed Item, Weak Rickart and dual weak Rickart objects in abelian categories, The hereditariness of the upper radical, Unnamed Item, Noncommutative Topologies, Localization, and Sheaves, Sheaves over infinite posets, Perfect quotient functors, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, T.T.F. theories in abelian categories, Comatrix Coring Generalized and Equivalences of Categories of Comodules, BOCSES over Small Linear Categories and Corings, FLUIDIFICATION OF QUIVERS AND THE TIETZE EXTENSION THEOREM FOR DIAGRAMS OF TOPOLOGICAL SPACES, PARTIALIZATION OF CATEGORIES AND INVERSE BRAID-PERMUTATION MONOIDS, Baxter algebras and combinatorial identities. II, Unnamed Item, Categories whose objects are determined by their rings of endomorphisms, Endomorphism algebras of peak $I$-spaces over posets of infinite prinjective type, On Perfectly Generating Projective Classes in Triangulated Categories, A Non-Existence Theorem for Almost Split Sequences, OBJECTS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cohomology of semigroups via topology - with an application to semigroup algebras, Topological coordinatizations and dualities of Brouwer lattices, Functorial structure of units in a tensor product, The actor of a crossed module in lie algebras, Reflected radical classes, Unnamed Item, Abelian categories, almost split sequences, and comodules, Some left pure semisimple ringoids which are not right pure semisimple, Limits and colimits in categories of d.g. near-rings, A functorial approach to near-rings, Some applications of double-negation sheafification, Graded Endomorphism Rings and Equivalences, The snake lemma in an abelian category with enough projectives (Injectives), Closed e-functors on categories of finite representation type1), Erbliche moduln und nichtassoziative ringe, SHEAVES OF BANACH SPEACES, Transfer maps, Modules Commuting (Via Hom) with Some Colimits, On Derived Functors of Limit, Indecomposable injective functors from an abelian category to the category of abelian groups, The Category of Generalized Lie Groups, Symmetric Homology over Rings Containing the Rationals, Semiperfect Category-Graded Algebras, Corings over rings with local units, On direct limits of MV-algebras, A relative description of a cohomolgy of representations, Radicals in Categories, VARIETAL HULLS OF FUNCTORS, A general theory of algebras of polynomials, Commutative semigroup cohomology, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Representations relatives d'algebres, Stochastic Decision Theory, HILBERT BASIS QUIVERS, Unnamed Item, Tilting objects in abelian categories and quasitilted rings, Unnamed Item, Note on adjoints, Cohomologie des morphismes, The varieties of commutative semigroups for which epis are onto, Adjoint and Frobenius Pairs of Functors for Corings, On a theorem of kulikov for artinian rings, Unnamed Item, Some topics on homA(M, –) in the category of relative hopf modules, Unnamed Item, Zero-Dimensional Compact Associative Distributive Universal Algebras, A category theory for programming languages, Unnamed Item, On Bicategories of Relations and Pullback Spans, Epis are onto for finite regular semigroups, Cleft extensions of abelian categories and applications to ring theory, Unnamed Item