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zbMath0138.06002MaRDI QIDQ5512337

Lars Valerian Ahlfors

Publication date: 1966

Related Items

Rigidity of smooth critical circle maps, On the removal of singularities of the Orlicz-Sobolev classes, Boundary-value problems with shift and Beltrami systems, Singular generalized analytic functions, On the inclusion of the quasiconformal Teichmüller space into the length-spectrum Teichmüller space, Quasisymmetrically thick generalized-Cantor sets in \(\mathbb R\), On the Nitsche conjecture for harmonic mappings in \(\mathbb R^2\) and \(\mathbb R^3\), Once-holed tori embedded in Riemann surfaces, A problem on extremal quasiconformal extensions, On locally quasiconformal mappings, Characterizations of circle patterns and finite convex polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space, Computing Teichmüller maps between polygons, Conformal mappings of stretched polyominoes onto half-plane, Conditions for injectivity in the issue of factor price equalization, Optimal Green energy points on the circles in \(d\)-space, On the Hilbert boundary-value problem for Beltrami equations with singularities, On locally quasiconformal Teichmüller spaces, Polynomial inequalities in regions with zero interior angles in the Bergman space, Conformal blocks and bilocal vertex operator transition amplitudes, On the existence of solutions of quasilinear Beltrami equations with two characteristics, A note on the regularity of the holes for permeability property through a perforated domain for the 2D Euler equations, Strengthened Belinskii theorem and its applications, BMO and Dirichlet problem for degenerate Beltrami equation, Estimating deformations of isotropic Gaussian random fields on the plane, BMO embeddings, chord-arc curves, and Riemann mapping parametrization, On compact classes of solutions of Dirichlet problem in simply connected domains, On the boundary behavior of weak \((p, q)\)-quasiconformal mappings, On the Hilbert problem for semi-linear Beltrami equations, On quasilinear Beltrami-type equations with degeneration, A uniqueness theorem for inverse problems in quasilinear anisotropic media, Moduli of quadrilaterals and quasiconformal reflection, Ray transforms on a conformal class of curves, On Rational Maps with Two Critical Points, Chirurgie croisée, Cardinality of Rauzy classes, Uniform perfectness of the limit sets of Kleinian groups, Siegel discs, Herman rings and the Arnold family, A note on Faber operator, Weighted \(L_p\) Bernstein-type inequalities on a quasismooth curve in the complex plane, Stability of Calderón inverse conductivity problem in the plane, Teichmüller geodesics that do not have a limit in \(\mathcal PMF\), Quasisymmetrically minimal uniform Cantor sets, Some metrics on Teichmüller spaces of surfaces of infinite type, On Grunsky operator, Complete maximal surfaces in static Robertson-Walker 3-spaces, Finite mean oscillation and the Beltrami equation, On the structure of spectra of periodic elliptic operators, Rigidity for rational maps with Cantor Julia sets, Teichmüller theory of the punctured solenoid, On generation of orthogonal grids, On sparse sets with the Green function of the highest smoothness, Remez-type inequalities in terms of linear measure, Prolongements analytiques au sens de Riemann, Note on \(p\)-harmonic measure, A priori degeneracy of one-dimensional rotation sets for periodic point free torus maps, Dilatations and exponents of quasisymmetric homeomorphisms, Convergence of some horocyclic deformations to the Gardiner-Masur boundary, An improved bound for Sullivan's convex hull theorem, Teichmüller's extremal ring problem, Construction of sufficient univalent conditions in domains convex in a sector of directions, A short note on the local solvability of the quaternionic Beltrami equation, The Schwarz type inequality for harmonic mappings of the unit disc with boundary normalization, On the scaling ratios for Siegel disks, Bounded distortion harmonic mappings in the plane, Uniform convergence of the \(p\)-Bieberbach polynomials in domains with zero angles, Intersection number and stability of some inscribable graphs, Exponential Thurston maps and limits of quadratic differentials, Removable sets for intrinsic metric and for holomorphic functions, On the differential geometry of Teichmüller spaces, The universal Teichmüller space and function space, Variational problems of minimal surface type. III: The Dirichlet problem with infinite data, Mating quadratic maps with the modular group II, Fundamental groups, 3-braids, and effective estimates of invariants, Bernstein-Walsh-type polynomial inequalities in domains bounded by piecewise asymptotically conformal curve with nonzero inner angles in the Bergman space, Determining a Riemannian metric from minimal areas, Planar domain parameterization for isogeometric analysis based on Teichmüller mapping, Bounded type Siegel disks of a family of sine families, Distortion theorems associated with Schwarzian derivative for harmonic mappings, Ermittlung des konformen Moduls von Vierecken mit Differenzenmethoden. (Determination of the conformal module of quadrangles with differnece methods), Distortion under conformal and quasiconformal mappings, Pointwise bounded approximation and Dirichlet algebras, Fiber spaces over Teichmüller spaces, On the interference of the weight and boundary contour for algebraic polynomials in weighted Lebesgue spaces. II, The Velling-Kirillov metric of the universal Teichmüller curve, Non-existence of prescribable conformally equivariant dilatation in space, On approximation of conformal maps with slowly growing complex dilatation by the Bieberbach polynomials, On spatial mappings with integral restrictions on the characteristic, C*-algebras of Bergman type operators with piecewise slowly oscillating coefficients over domains with Dini-smooth corners, The index of a plane curve and Green's formula, Quantization of the Sobolev space of half-differentiable functions. II, Classical and quantum Teichmüller spaces, Uniform approximation by polynomial solutions of second-order elliptic equations, and the corresponding Dirichlet problem, Kähler geometry of the universal Teichmüller space and coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro group, Variations of Hartogs' theorem, Muckenhoupt weights and Lindelöf theorem for harmonic mappings, Quaternionic Beltrami equations with \(VMO\) coefficients, Diffeomorphism spline, Uniform and pointwise polynomial inequalities in regions with asymptotically conformal curve on weighted Bergman space, String theory and quasiconformal maps, Some generalizations of the class of functions convex in one direction, Estimates of the dilatation function of Beurling--Ahlfors extension, On the geometric definition of quasiconformality, Chebyshev polynomials on a system of continua, On the boundary-value problems for quasiconformal functions in the plane, Harmonic quasiconformal mappings between \(\mathcal{C}^1\) smooth Jordan domains, Localized regularity of planar maps of finite distortion, Consistent estimates of deformed isotropic Gaussian random fields on the plane, Local distortion of M-conformal mappings, Optimal regularity for planar mappings of finite distortion, Circle packings and combinatorial moduli, Skinning maps, Analog of the Montel theorem for mappings of the Sobolev class with finite distortion, Equivalence problem for annuli and Bell representations in the plane, The Sobolev space of half-differentiable functions and quasisymmetric homeomorphisms, Cross-ratio distortion and Douady-Earle extension. II: Quasiconformality and asymptotic conformality are local, Dirichlet problem for the general Beltrami equation in Jordan domains, Strong asymptotics for Bergman polynomials over domains with corners and applications, Zygmund functions on the real line and quasiconformal deformations, On transonic flow in a nozzle, Extending homeomorphisms of the circle to quasiconformal homeomorphisms of the disk, Extremal quasiconformal mappings with given boundary correspondence, On integral conditions for the general Beltrami equations, A symplectic map between hyperbolic and complex Teichmüller theory, Puiseux series polynomial dynamics and iteration of complex cubic polynomials, Holomorphic extensions of Laplacians and their determinants, Ricci flow compactness via pseudolocality, and flows with incomplete initial metrics, Hyperbolic convexes and quasiisometries., Uniqueness for inverse boundary value problems by Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on subboundaries, Brownian measures on Jordan-Virasoro curves associated to the Weil-Petersson metric, Harmonic Teichmüller mappings, Circle homeomorphisms and shears, On recent advances in the Beltrami equations, On the \(\Pi\)-operator in Clifford analysis, A note on the BMO-Teichmüller space, An extended Fatou-Shishikura inequality and wandering branch continua for polynomials, On approximation of continuous functions by trigonometric polynomials, Fourier coefficients of Zygmund functions and analytic functions with quasiconformal deformation extensions, The cross-ratio distortion of integrably asymptotic affine homeomorphism of unit circle, On the geometry of a class of embeddings in the plane, On the Riemann-Hilbert problem for the Beltrami equations in quasidisks, Conformal images and the angle of parallelism, All bounded type Siegel disks of rational maps are quasi-disks, Stolz angle limit of a certain class of self-mappings of the unit disk, A quasiconformal extension using the parametric representation, Cauchy transform and Poisson's equation, Quaternionic Beltrami-type equations and homeomorphic solutions, Ring domains with separating circles or separating annuli, A note on the second variational formulas of functionals on Riemann surfaces, On the configuration of Herman rings of meromorphic functions, Characterization of the generic unfolding of a weak focus, Constructive presentation of classes of harmonic functions with singularities on a quasiconformal arc, Computing quasiconformal maps using an auxiliary metric and discrete curvature flow, Extension of conformal mappings and hyperbolic metrics, On weakly non-decreasable quasiconformal mappings, One generalization of the class of helical functions, Hyperbolically bi-Lipschitz continuity for \(1/|w|^2\)-harmonic quasiconformal mappings, Asymptoticity of grafting and Teichmüller rays, Fundamentals of computational conformal geometry, Harmonicity of the inverse of a harmonic diffeomorphism, Decomposition of extremal length and a proof of Shen's conjecture on QED constant and boundary dilatation, Thick-skinned 3-manifolds, Quasiconformal mappings in the theory of semi-linear equations, On dilatations and substantial boundary points of homeomorphisms of Jordan curves, On some properties of the orthogonal polynomials over a contour with general Jacobi weight, On a model semilinear elliptic equation in the plane, On the infinitesimal space of UQR mappings, On Lebesgue constants for interpolation points on a quasiconformal arc, To the theory of variational method for Beltrami equations, On the coefficients of quasiconformality for convex functions, Holomorphic open book decompositions, Modulus of curve families and extremality of spiral-stretch maps, Geometric invariants associated with projective structures and univalence criteria, Quadrilaterals and John disks, Combinatorics and topology of straightening maps. I: Compactness and bijectivity, Normal solutions of the Beltrami equation, Remarks on holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces, Quadruples and spatial quasiconformal mappings, Sharp estimates of the modulus of a univalent analytic function with quasiconformal continuation, Extremal function for capacity and estimates of QED constants in \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Analytic continuation of eigenvalues of a quartic oscillator, Quasiconformal mappings with integral constraints on M. A. Lavrent'ev's characteristic, Normal solutions of the Beltrami equation. II, Picard sets admitting exceptionally ramified meromorphic functions, Separation of continua by circles, Boundaries for multipliers of periodic points of holomorphic mappings, Generation of orthogonal grids with control of spacing, Real two-zone solutions of the sine-Gordon equation, On some properties of generalized quasiisometries with unbounded characteristic, On the Fredholm theory of a planar problem with shift for a pair of functions, Weighted uniform polynomial approximation and moduli of smoothness on continua in the complex plane, Bilipschitz extensions of maps having quasiconformal extensions, Convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domains with quasiconformal boundary, Variations of Abelian differentials under quasiconformal deformations, Stability of classes of multi-dimensional holomorphic mappings. III: Properties of mappings close to holomorphic ones, Basic differential models for coordinate generation, Mapping that quasipreserve cones, Mappings of homogeneous groups and imbeddings of functional spaces, Hyperbolic manifolds with convex boundary, On the Fibonacci complex dynamical systems, On ring solutions of Beltrami equations, Stability estimates for the magnetic Schrödinger operator with partial measurements, Bi-Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal solutions to a biharmonic Dirichlet-Neumann problem in the unit disk, Conformality of a quasiconformal mapping at a point, On explicit connections between dynamical and parameter spaces, Dirichlet solutions on bordered Riemann surfaces and quasiconformal mappings, Boundary behavior of \(\mu\)-homeomorphisms, Bernstein-Walsh type inequalities for derivatives of algebraic polynomials in quasidisks, Canonical Brownian motion on the space of univalent functions and resolution of Beltrami equations by a continuity method along stochastic flows, Quasisymmetrically co-Hopfian Menger curves and Sierpiński spaces, Gromov's Oka principle, fiber bundles and the conformal module, Cubic rational maps with escaping critical points. I: Julia set dichotomy in the case of an attracting fixed point, Wachspress type rational complex planar splines of degree (3,1), On the degenerate Beltrami equation and hydrodynamic normalization, On the Carathéodory metric of universal Teichmüller space, On Ulam-von Neumann transformations, \(\mathcal{Q}_K\) spaces: a brief and selective survey, Markov partitions and Feigenbaum-like mappings, Conformal mappings of a once-holed torus, Univalent functions and holomorphic motions, Riemann surfaces of second kind and effective finiteness theorems, Microstructures with finite surface energy: The two-well problem, The Schwartz inequality and the Schwartz formula for \(A\)-analytic functions, Approximation of harmonic functions on compact sets in \(\mathbb{C}\), Rigidity of groups of circle diffeomorphisms and Teichmüller spaces, Automorphisms of surfaces: Kummer rigidity and measure of maximal entropy, Fatou components and Julia sets of singularly perturbed rational maps with positive parameter, Partial Cauchy data for general second order elliptic operators in two dimensions, Universal Teichmüller space and BMO, Some estimates for the product of modules of specific pairs of foliations, Teichmüller rays and the Gardiner-Masur boundary of Teichmüller space. II, Quantization of the theory of half-differentiable strings, Geometric Gibbs theory, Monotonicity properties of generalized elliptic integrals with respect to the parameter, Residues and argument principle for \(A(z)\)-analytic functions, Quasisymmetric rigidity of square Sierpiński carpets, The Grötzsch and Teichmüller extremal problems on a Riemann surface, Singular sets of holonomy maps for algebraic foliations, Hausdorff dimension of quasi-cirles of polygonal mappings and its applications, On mappings related to the gradient of the conformal radius, Analytic torsion for surfaces with cusps. II: Regularity, asymptotics and curvature theorem, Quasiconformal mirrors, Spectral stability estimates of Dirichlet divergence form elliptic operators, Pressure metrics and Manhattan curves for Teichmüller spaces of punctured surfaces, Space quasiconformal composition operators with applications to Neumann eigenvalues, Fredholm eigenvalues and quasiconformal geometry of polygons, Use of quadratic differentials for description of defects and textures in liquid crystals and \(2+1\) gravity, Capacities on a compact Riemann surface, Hyperbolic lengths and conformal embeddings of Riemann surfaces, Handle operators in string theory, Conformality in the self-organization network, On the existence of solutions of the Beltrami equations with conditions on inverse dilatations, Weil-Petersson Teichmüller space. III: Dependence of Riemann mappings for Weil-Petersson curves, Moduli of Legendrian foliations and quadratic differentials in the Heisenberg group, The failure of Ruelle's property for entire functions, Logarithmic Hölder continuous mappings and Beltrami equation, On univalent conditions in domains belonging to one of the Rahmanov classes, Teichmüller spaces of piecewise symmetric homeomorphisms on the unit circle, On boundary-value problems for semi-linear equations in the plane, The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains. II, On inner dilatations of the mappings with unbounded characteristic, Bernstein-Walsh type inequalities in unbounded regions with piecewise asymptotically conformal curve in the weighted Lebesgue space, Teichmüller space of circle diffeomorphisms with Hölder continuous derivatives, Monotonicity theorems and inequalities for the Hübner function with applications, Automorphic Schwarzian equations, On the tangent space to the BMO-Teichmüller space, Spectral triples for the Sierpinski gasket, Quasiconformal maps with controlled Laplacian, Schwarzian equations and equivariant functions, Extremal length decomposition and domain constants for finitely connected domains, Spiraling minimal graphs, On a Hölder constant in the theory of quasiconformal mappings, Hyperbolic spaces in Teichmüller spaces, On a problem of the constructive theory of harmonic mappings, Permeability through a perforated domain for the incompressible 2D Euler equations, On the Totik-Widom property for a quasidisk, Weil-Petersson Teichmüller space. II: Smoothness of flow curves of \(H^{\frac{3}{2}} \)-vector fields, Uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions with simultaneously exterior and interior zero angles, Carleson measures on simply connected domains, On the behavior of algebraic polynomial in unbounded regions with piecewise Dini-smooth boundary, Lipschitz continuity for solutions of the \(\bar{\alpha}\)-Poisson equation, An analog of the Schwarz lemma for locally quasiconformal automorphisms of the unit disk, Some notes on quasisymmetric flows of Zygmund vector fields, Quasiconformal planes with bi-Lipschitz pieces and extensions of almost affine maps, Non-stretch mappings for a sharp estimate of the Beurling-Ahlfors operator, On Fredholm eigenvalues of unbounded polygons, Schwarz reflections and anti-holomorphic correspondences, To the theory of semilinear equations in the plane, To the theory of quasiconformal mappings, On a quasilinear Poisson equation in the plane, Asymptotics of conformal module of nonsymmetric doubly connected domain under unbounded stretching along the real axis, Around a theorem of F. Dyson and a. Lenard: energy equilibria for point charge distributions in classical electrostatics, Loewner chains with quasiconformal extensions: an approximation approach, A Thurston boundary and visual sphere of the universal Teichmüller space, Strongly quasiconformal extension of harmonic mappings, ``Near-best polynomial approximation of harmonic functions on compact sets in \(\mathbb{C}\), Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal solutions of the non-homogeneous Yukawa equations, Bernstein-Nikol'skii-type inequalities for algebraic polynomials from the Bergman space in domains of the complex plane, On the Hölder continuity of ring \(Q\)-homeomorphisms, Conformal invariants of 3-braids and counting functions, Some transcendental entire functions with irrationally indifferent fixed points, On the instability of Herman rings, Chern forms and the Riemann tensor for the moduli space of curves, Convex surfaces with positive bounded specific curvature and a priori estimates for Monge-Ampère equations, Estimates of analytic functions in Jordan domain, Certain asymptotic properties of subsolutions of equations of minimal surface type, Estimate in a stability theorem of conformal maps of a disc, A counterexample in conformal welding concerning chord-arc curves, Zum Aufbau einfach zusammenhängender Minimalflächen - besonders über ihre Instabilität und Häufung. (About the structure of simply connected minimal surfaces with emphasis on instability and clustering), On Teichmüller's proof of Teichmüller's theorem, A smoothness problem for an integral of Cauchy type, Convergence of characteristics of quasiconformal maps, Numerical solution for viscous flow for two-dimensional domains using orthogonal coordinate systems, The Laplacian for domains in hyperbolic space and limit sets of Kleinian groups, A constructive description of Hölder classes on closed Jordan curves, Harmonic measure of continua with a fixed diameter, Variational method for quasiconformal mappings, Asymptotics of the spectrum and the Selberg zeta function on the space of Riemann surfaces, On the Teichmüller-Wittich-Belinskij theorem, Extremal functions for Boch constants, On the convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials in regions with corners, Diophantine approximation on hyperbolic orbifolds, Compact isospectral sets of surfaces, Outradii of the Teichmüller spaces of Fuchsian groups of the second kind, On p-harmonic functions in the plane and their stream functions, Quasi-conformal variations and local minimality of the Ahlfors-Grunsky function, A new method of solving variational problems in the theory of quasiconformal mappings, Approximation of Sobolev functions in Jordan domains, A quantitative refinement of Rado's theorem, On p-harmonic functions in the complex plane and curvature, The iteration of cubic polynomials. I: The global topology of parameter space, Newton's method and complex dynamical systems, Quasilines and conformal mappings, Metric-geometric relations for a conformal mapping of a simply connected domain onto the exterior of the unit disk, Criteria for extension of functions of the class \(L^1_2\) from unbounded plane domains, Approximation of functions by partial sums of series of Faber polynomials on continua with nonzero local geometric characteristic, Variational method for schlicht analytic functions with a quasiconformal continuation, Constructibility and geometric finiteness of Kleinian groups, Some properties of continua with piecewise-quasiconformal boundary, Analytic classification of germs of conformal mappings \((C,O) \to (C,O)\) with identity linear part, Courbes corde-arc et espaces de Hardy généralisés, Courbes de Jordan vérifiant une condition corde-arc, On the Nielsen type and the classification for the mapping class group, Strengthening pseudoconvexity of finite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces, On the calculation of quantum mechanical ground states from classical geodesic motion on certain spaces of constant negative curvature, Approximation of functions in domains with a quasiconformal boundary in weighted planar integral metrics, Diff(S\({}^ 1)\) and the Teichmüller spaces, Direct and inverse theorems for approximation of functions for rational modules in domains with quasiconformal boundary, Sufficient conditions for the finite-valence of analytic functions and their applications, The Hausdorff dimension of limit sets of some Fuchsian groups, Geometric properties of V. K. Dzyadyk's regions, Die 3-Weierstrass-Punkte über dem Teichmüller-Raum \(T_ 2\)., Degree of summability of the generalized derivatives of quasiconformal homeomorphisms, Capacity and continuation of functions with generalized derivatives, Trace results on domains with self-similar fractal boundaries, On polynomials with a prescribed zero on a quasicircle, Super Beltrami differentials, An alternative to wave mechanics on curved spaces, Orthogonal mapping in two dimensions, Associate and conjugate minimal immersions in \(M \times R\), Approximation of analytic functions and their real part, Quasiconformal and harmonic mappings between Jordan domains, On the symplectic geometry of the super Teichmüller space, On the structure of Fatou domains, The parameter planes of \(\lambda z^m \exp(z)\) for \(m \geq 2\), Inner radii of Teichmüller spaces of finitely generated Fuchsian groups, Normal solutions of the Beltrami equation for bounded analytic functions, Teichmüller rays and the Gardiner-Masur boundary of Teichmüller space, Embeddings of surfaces in 4-manifolds. I, A Sierpiński carpet with the co-Hopfian property, Mostow rigidity and the Bishop-Steger dichotomy for surfaces of variable negative curvature, Meromorphic functions with large sums of deficiencies, Quasisymmetric property for conjugacies between Anosov diffeomorphisms of the two-torus, On boundaries of Teichmüller spaces and on Kleinian groups. III, Automorphic forms for Schottky groups, Monodromy groups and linearly polymorphic functions, A property of convex conformal maps, One-parameter groups of quasi-conformal homeomorphisms in Euclidean space, Sufficient conditions for the univalence of quasiconformal mappings, Extremal polygonal quasiconformal mappings and biLipschitz mappings, Harmonic extensions of symmetric maps, Integrability of derivatives of inverses of maps of exponentially integrable distortion in the plane, On \(p\)-harmonic mappings in the plane, Combinatorial characterization of sub-hyperbolic rational maps, The maximal range problem for a bounded domain, Inner estimate and quasiconformal harmonic maps between smooth domains, On quasiregular mappings between smooth Jordan domains, Unique extremality of quasiconformal mappings, Proof of the Branner-Hubbard conjecture on Cantor Julia sets, Holomorphic motions, Fatou linearization, and quasiconformal rigidity for parabolic germs, On leafwise conformal diffeomorphisms, Représentation conforme et courbes presque lipschitziennes, Rational approximation and weak analyticity. I, A remark on the boundary behavior of quasiconformal mappings and the classification of Riemann surfaces, Weighted estimates of singular integrals and their applications, The symplectic nature of fundamental groups of surfaces, Orthogonal mapping, Characterization of quasi-disks and Teichmüller spaces, Some singular integrals in regions with quasiconformal boundary, Are there critical points on the boundaries of singular domains?, Schiffer variation of complex structure and coordinates for Teichmüller spaces, On the moduli set of continuations of an open Riemann surface of genus one, Extremal distance and quasiconformal reflection constants of domains in \(\mathbb{R}^ N\), Automorphic spectrum and Fermi's golden rule, Meromorphic functions of the form \(f(z)=\sum^ \infty_{n=1}a_ n/(z-z_ n)\)., Critical values of slowly growing meromorphic functions, Quasiconformal mappings and periodic spectral problems in dimension two, Lipschitz continuity of quasiconformal mappings and of the solutions to second order elliptic PDE with respect to the distance ratio metric, Quasiconformal mappings with restrictions in measure, Besov functions and tangent space to the integrable Teichmüller space, A proof of Thurston's topological characterization of rational functions, On the multiplier of a repelling fixed point, PCBC: quasiconformality of point cloud mappings, On the complement of the Mandelbrot set, Quasisymmetric maps and string theory, Hypberbolic geometry and spaces of Riemann surfaces, BMO-Teichmüller spaces revisited, Branched folded maps and alternating Beltrami equations, On the Christoffel function for the generalized Jacobi measures on a quasidisk, Large parameter spaces of quasiconformally distinct hyperbolic structures, On a Dirichlet problem for a generalized Beltrami equation, Extremal configurations of certain problems on the capacity and harmonic measure, Isothermic coordinates on irregular sewing surfaces, Geometric approach to detecting volumetric changes in medical images, Dynamics of quadratic polynomials. I, II, Ergodic reduction of random products of two-by-two matrices, On the distortion of relative circle domain isomorphisms, Some remarks on the modulus of continuity of a conformal mapping of the disk onto a Jordan domain, On the boundary value problem for harmonic maps of the Poincaré disc, Sewing homeomorphism and conformal invariants, Higher Bers maps and BMO-Teichmüller space, On recent advances in boundary-value problems in the plane, Milton's conjecture on the regularity of solutions to isotropic equations, On the isotopy problem for quasiconformal mappings, The dual of a Bergman space on simply connected domains., Mappings of BMO-distortion and Beltrami-type operators, On quasiconformal maps and semilinear equations in the plane, On rigidity and convergence of circle patterns, Hyperbolic convex sets and quasisymmetric functions, \(\mu(z)\)-homeomorphisms in the plane, Interference of the weight and boundary contour for algebraic polynomials in weighted Lebesgue spaces. I, Regular or stochastic dynamics in real analytic families of unimodal maps, Polynomial inequalities in quasidisks on weighted Bergman spaces, \(C^*\)-algebras of Bergman type operators with piecewise continuous coefficients over domains with Dini-smooth corners, Integral estimates of conformal derivatives and spectral properties of the Neumann-Laplacian, Rational maps with Fatou components of arbitrarily large connectivity, Harmonic measure on quasicircles and symmetric quasicircles, Quasiconformal harmonic mappings between \(C^{1,\mu}\) Euclidean surfaces, Analogs of the Ikoma-Schwartz lemma and Liouville theorem for mappings with unbounded characteristic, The fractal ``frog, The exponent of convergence of Poincaré series, Variation of the Green's function due to quasiconformal distortion of the region, One-sided estimates for the curvature of the free boundary in the obstacle problem, The inverse problem of the Nevanlinna theory, Trace moduli for Teichmüller spaces of Kleinian groups, Limit sets of mappings and a nonmetrizable compactification of metric spaces, On the first eigenvalue of the degenerate \(p\)-Laplace operator in non-convex domains, Discrete quasiconformal mappings, On Teichmüller's theorem on the quasi-invariance of cross ratios, Brownian motions and generalized analytic and inner functions, An extremal problem for quasiconformal mappings and a theorem by Thurston, Spirals and the universal Teichmüller space, A novel diffeomorphic model for image registration and its algorithm, Weierstrass formula for surfaces of prescribed mean curvature, A fast algorithm to solve the Beltrami equation with applications to quasiconformal mappings, Quasiregular mappings in even dimensions, Boundary problems in the theory of conformal mappings, Uniform approximation of functions in Jordan domains, A minimal area problem in conformal mapping, Compact deformations of Fuchsian groups, Extremal problems in the theory of quasiconformal mappings, Teichmüller spaces and BMOA, Potential of the Weil-Petersson metric on the Torelli space, Conformally natural extension of homeomorphisms of the circle, Dynamics of the complex standard family, The Hausdorff dimension of the harmonic class on negatively curved surfaces, On solutions of the Beltrami equation, A new proof of the Ahlfors five islands theorem, Nonlinear Hodge theory on manifolds with boundary, Erdős-Turán type theorems on quasiconformal curves and arcs, Free interpolation in Hölder classes in quasiconformal domains, Boundary conformal field theories, limit sets of Kleinian groups and holography, On the approximation of a continuum by lemniscates, On new kinds of Teichmüller spaces, Integrably asymptotic affine homeomorphisms of the circle and Teichmüller spaces, The growth of Q-pseudomeromorphic functions, On properly embedded minimal surfaces with three ends., Harmonic automorphisms of the unit disk, A condition of quasiconformal extendability, Constructive theory of analytic functions on a quasidisk, Teichmüller spaces and holomorphic motions, Maximum principle for spatial quasiconformal mappings, Geometry of geometrically finite one-dimensional maps, Propagation of smallness and the uniqueness of solutions to some elliptic equations in the plane, The Calabi invariant for quasiconformal mappings of the unit disk, Rigidity of circle domains whose boundary has \(\sigma\)-finite linear measure, Simultaneous approximation and interpolation of functions on continua in the complex plane., John disks and extension of maps, Period quotient maps of meromorphic 1-forms and minimal surfaces on tori., Maximal polynomial subordination to univalent functions in the unit disk, Kontsevich-Witten model from \(2+1\) gravity: new exact combinatorial solution, A-harmonic equation and cavitation, On circular and radial slit disc mappings, The diffeomorphism group of a compact Riemann surface, The diffeomorphism group of a compact Riemann surface, Totally geodesic boundaries of knot complements, The Loewner differential equation and slit mappings, Interpolation by periods in a planar domain, Robust sensitive dependence of geometric Gibbs states for analytic families of quadratic maps, Quasiconformality to quasisymmetry via weak (L,M)-quasisymmetry, Quasiconformal solutions to elliptic partial differential equations, The type problem for Riemann surfaces via Fenchel–Nielsen parameters, Toward the theory of semi-linear Beltrami equations, Quasisymmetry and solidity of quasiconformal maps in metric spaces, Asymptotically holomorphic methods for infinitely renormalizable unimodal maps, Extremal problems in geometric function theory, The decomposition of $L^2 \left( {\Gamma \backslash SL\left( {2,R} \right)} \right)$ and Teichmiller spaces, Inequalities of the Markov-Nikol'skii type in regions with zero interior angles in the Bergman space, Asymptotics of the exterior conformal modulus of a quadrilateral under stretching map, Stability of Determination of Riemann Surface from its Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map in Terms of Teichmüller Distance, On critical renormalization of complex polynomials, The Dirichlet problem for the Beltrami equations with sources, Cost of observability inequalities for elliptic equations in 2-d with potentials and applications to control theory, Quasi‐invariance of modulus and quasisymmetry of weakly (L,M)‐quasisymmetric maps in metric spaces, Extremal properties of Sobolev's Beltrami coefficients and distortion of curvelinear functionals, \(C^\ast\)-algebras of poly-Bergman type operators with piecewise slowly oscillating coefficients, Characterizations of circle homeomorphisms of different regularities in the universal Teichmüller space, Hilbert and Poincaré problems for semi-linear equations in rectifiable domains, On divergence-type linear and quasi-linear equations in the complex plane, Analytic and geometric quasiinvariants of convex curvelinear polygons with infinite number of vertices, Topological angles and freely quasiconformal mappings in real Banach spaces, On compact classes of Beltrami solutions and Dirichlet problem, ON THE GROWTH OF m-TH DERIVATIVES OF ALGEBRAIC POLYNOMIALS IN REGIONS WITH CORNERS IN A WEIGHTED BERGMAN SPACE, Dynamics of several point vortices for the lake equations, The jump problem for the critical Besov space, Large genus bounds for the distribution of triangulated surfaces in moduli space, Fatou's theorem for \(A(z)\)-analytic functions, Modifizierung und Erweiterung einer Schifferschen Variationsmethode für quasikonforme Abbildungen, NEW COMPLEX ANALYTIC METHODS IN THE THEORY OF MINIMAL SURFACES: A SURVEY, Extremal Quasiconformal Mappings with Prescribed Boundary Values, Real and complex earthquakes, Quantization of the universal Teichmüller space, Random holomorphic iterations and degenerate subdomains of the unit disk, More of the bulk from extremal area variations, Riemann surfaces, Covering theorems for univalent functions, On a Class of Quasiconformal Functions in Banach Spaces, Estimates for the discrepancy of a signed measure using its energy norm, About the error term for best approximation with respect to the Hausdorff related metrics, On the distortion theorem for quasiconformal mappings with fixed boundary values, Variational formulae for Fuchsian groups over families of algebraic curves, Inverse problems: seeing the unseen, Boundary behavior of a conformal mapping, Estimates on \(\mu(z)\)-homeomorphisms of the unit disk, Abelianization of Fricke groups and rhombic lattices., On zeros of polynomials orthogonal over a convex domain, Quasisymmetry of weakly quasisymmetric homeomorphisms, \(\bar \partial{}\)-equations, integrable deformations of quasiconformal mappings and Whitham hierarchy, A quaternionic Beltrami-type equation and the existence of local homeomorphic solutions, On Bounded Oscillation and Asymptotic Expansion of Conformal Strip Mappings, BMO-quasiconformal mappings, A new version of the main inequality and the uniqueness of harmonic maps, Space quasiconformal composition operators with applications to Neumann eigenvalues, Bounded earthquakes, Integrable Teichmüller space, Integrable Teichmüller space, How many cages midscribe an egg, Quasicircles and the conformal group, Quasicircles and the conformal group, Equilateral triangle skew condition for quasiconformality, On conformal spectral gap estimates of the Dirichlet–Laplacian, Random ideal hyperbolic quadrilaterals, the cross ratio distribution and punctured tori, Injectivity of the quotient Bers embedding of Teichmüller spaces, Quasiconformal mappings with controlled Laplacian and Hölder continuity, Quasiregular mappings from a punctured ball into compact manifolds, Optimal extension of Lipschitz embeddings in the plane, Factoring the higher dimensional quasiconformal mappings, Spectral properties of the Neumann-Laplace operator in quasiconformal regular domains, On a Class of A-Analytic Functions, Unnamed Item, Simultaneous Reconstruction of Conductivity, Boundary Shape, and Contact Impedances in Electrical Impedance Tomography, Higher Schwarzian derivative and Dirichlet Morrey space, Jordan form, parabolicity and other features of change of type transition for hydrodynamic type systems, On Moduli of Plane Domains, Space of chord-arc curves and BMO/VMO Teichmüller space, Carleson measures and chord-arc curves, Bernstein-Walsh-type inequalities for derivatives of algebraic polynomials on the regions of complex plane, Hyperbolic 2-spheres with conical singularities, accessory parameters and Kähler metrics on ℳ_{0,𝓃}, Continued fractals and the Seifert conjecture, Best possibility of the Fatou-Shishikura inequality for transcendental entire functions in the Speiser class, On the dynamics of polynomial-like mappings, $\overline {\partial }$-energy integral and harmonic mappings, The perturbation method for the skew-symmetric strongly elliptic systems of PDEs, Gradient Young Measures Generated by Quasi-Conformal Maps in the Plane, An Extremal Problem for Quasiconformal Mappings in an Annulus, Asymptotically symmetric embeddings and symmetric quasicircles, Moduli spaces for Lamé functions and Abelian differentials of the second kind, Unnamed Item, Extremal length boundary of the Teichmüller space contains non-Busemann points, An approach to studying quasiconformal mappings on generalized Grushin planes, Mating Kleinian groups isomorphic to 𝐶₂∗𝐶₅ with quadratic polynomials, Some topological characterizations of rational maps and Kleinian groups, On the degenerate Beltrami equation, Uniform and pointwise estimates for algebraic polynomials in regions with interior and exterior zero angles, On the p-harmonic radii of circular sectors, Complex Geometry of Universal Teichm¨uller Space, On the quasiconformal surgery of rational functions, Orthogonal complex structures in $\mathbb{R}^4$, Quasiconformal mappings and Neumann eigenvalues of divergent elliptic operators, Symmetric rigidity for circle endomorphisms having bounded geometry, Complex analytic dynamics on the Riemann sphere, On the Uniform Convergence of Quasiconformal Mappings, A note on quasisymmetric homeomorphisms, QUASISYMMETRIC PACKING-MINIMALITY OF MORAN SETS, Constant Gauss curvature foliations of AdS spacetimes with particles, Teichmüller spaces of generalized symmetric homeomorphisms, On Hilbert boundary value problem for Beltrami equation, An application of the degenerate Beltrami equation: quadratic polynomials with a Siegel disk, Nonlinear Dynamics on the Plane and Integrable Hierarchies of Infinitesimal Deformations, Radial images by holomorphic mappings,, Fundamental Groups, Slalom Curves and Extremal Length, Extremalprobleme bei quasikonformen Abbildungen unter höheren Normierungen, Product formalisms for measures on spaces with binary tree structures: representation, visualization, and multiscale noise, Chebyshev Polynomials Associated with a System of Continua, A direct reconstruction algorithm for the anisotropic inverse conductivity problem based on Calderón’s method in the plane, Smooth classification of geometrically finite one-dimensional maps, Quasisymmetric distortion and rigidity of expanding endomorphisms of $S^1$, Cusps on boundaries of Teichmüller spaces, Transversality for Critical Relations of Families of Rational Maps: An Elementary Proof, Unnamed Item, Singular behavior of harmonic maps near corners, Asymptotic Teichmüller space of a closed set of the Riemann sphere, Unnamed Item, Über die Anwendung von singulären Integraloperatoren zur Konstruktion von Lösungen überbestimmter Systeme linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen in mehreren komplexen Veränderlichen, In search of infinite-dimensional Kähler geometry, On Mappings with Integrable Dilatation, Sugli Operatori Differenziali Lineari del Secondo Ordine Connessi Alle Rappresentazioni Quasiconformi, Extremal decomposition problems for p-harmonic Robin radius, Dynamics of meromorphic maps : maps with polynomial schwarzian derivative, Real bounds and quasisymmetric rigidity of multicritical circle maps, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A construction of trivial Beltrami coefficients, The uniform and pointwise estimates for polynomials on the weighted Lebesgue spaces in the general regions of complex plane, Univalent functions and Dirichlet-Morrey spaces, Invariance of Capacity Under Quasisymmetric Maps of the Circle: An Easy Proof, On the compactness of homeomorphisms with integrable dilatations, Quasiconformal mappings, with applications to differential equations, function theory and topology, On homeomorphisms of the unit circle preserving orientation, Geometric construction of quasiconformal mappings in the Heisenberg group, Solving Beltrami Equations by Circle Packing, Uniform Convergence of the Generalized Bieberbach Polynomials in Regions with Zero Angles, Number and location of pre-images under harmonic mappings in the plane, Semi-linear equations and quasiconformal mappings, Monodromy groups and Poincaré series, The Argument of an Extremal Dilatation, On the proof of Sullivan's eventual periodicity theorem, On the Dilatation Estimates for Beurling-Ahlfors Quasiconformal Extension, On the transverse beltrami equation, A counterexample to Cartan’s conjecture on holomorphic curves omitting hyperplanes, Extremal problems and symmetrization for plane ring domains, Applications of noncommutative geometry in function theory and mathematical physics, Shears for quasisymmetric maps, Quasiconformal Mappings and Chord-Arc Curves, Geometric relations between homeomorphic Riemann surfaces, Existence of unique SRB-measures is typical for real unicritical polynomial families, Quasicircles and width of Jordan curves in CP1, Mating quadratic maps with Kleinian groups via quasiconformal surgery, Rays to renormalizations, A Markov-type inequality for arbitrary plane continua, The Distortion Theorem for quasiconformal mappings, Schottky’s Theorem and holomorphic motions, The ACL property of homeomorphisms under weak conditions, Mating a Siegel disk with the Julia set of a real quadratic polynomial, Uniformly bounded maximal $\varphi$-disks, Bers space and harmonic maps, Finite dimensional Teichmüller spaces and generalizations, Infinitely Renormalizable Quadratic Polynomials, Geometry of Cantor Systems, Polynomial inequalities in regions with corners in theweighted Lebesgue spaces, Angles and quasiconformal mappings between manifolds, Approximate properties of the p-Bieberbach polynomials in regions with simultaneously exterior and interior zero angles, On logarithmic Hölder continuity of mappings on the boundary, The method of extremal length, Branched Structures and Affine and Projective Bundles on Riemann Surfaces