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zbMath0209.05503MaRDI QIDQ5609457

László Fuchs

Publication date: 1970

20Kxx: Abelian groups

20-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to group theory

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Notes on mixed groups. II, Connection between constructivizibility and strong constructivizibility for different classes of Abelian groups, Cofinitely projective modules. II, Tensor products of torsion free Abelian groups of finite rank., Examples of nonautostable systems, Tensor products of modules and elementary equivalence, Two problems on \(\aleph _ 0\)-indecomposable Abelian groups, On groups with certain lattices of normal subgroups, Residually finite FC-groups, Nonperiodic FC-groups and related classes of locally normal groups and torsionfree Abelian groups, Identities in lattices of ring varieties, FC-groups of countable free rank, Brauer groups are not characterized by Ulm invariants, Generating solutions of some Cauchy and cosine functional equations, The construction of mixed modules from torsion-free modules, Semi-local localizations of rings and subdirect decompositions of modules, Abelian groups like modules, Duality in some classes of torsion-free Abelian groups of finite rank, On subfunctors of the identity, Vector spaces with five distinguished subspaces, On the homological significance of the group of rationals with square- free denominators, Structure of locally compact groups with metrizable connected components up to negligible subsets, Zur Modelltheorie von Kranzprodukten. (On the model theory of wreath products), On reconstructing separable reduced p-groups with a given socle, Generating cotorsion theories and injective classes, Very decomposable Abelian groups, Central automorphisms of periodic groups, Groups with finite automorphism classes of subgroups, On p-local Abelian groups with decomposition bases, A class of Abelian groups with hereditary rings of endomorphisms, Generalized Morita equivalence for linearly topologized rings, Just infinite modules over locally soluble groups, On some subgroups of infinite rank Butler groups, Componentwise splitting mixed Abelian groups, On the structure of \(Ext_ p(G,{\mathbb{Z}})\), On pure subgroups of Cartesian products of integers, Prescribing endomorphism algebras. The cotorsion-free case, Exchanging torsion modules over Dedekind domains, A generalization of Baer's splitting problem on Abelian groups, Splitting in locally compact Abelian groups, Sur les modules tels que toute suite croissante de sous-modules engendres par n générateurs soit stationnaire, Constructive periodic Abelian groups, Indecomposable \(\omega_1\)-free Abelian groups, On the rank of Ext, Splitting the Künneth sequence in K-theory. II, Functorial topologies with totally ordered neighborhood bases, Komplemente für zyklische Moduln über Dedekindringen, On the values of the functor \(\lim^1\), Minimal and prime models of complete theories of torsion free abelian groups, Über distributive Paare von Ringen und arithmetische, nilpotente Ringe, On units of group rings, The Baer-invariant and the direct limit, Modular extensions and abelian groups, Decompositions of torsion free abelian groups of rank 3, Modules over bounded hereditary Noetherian prime rings. II, Valuations and semi-valuations of graded domains, Tischler fibrations of open foliated sets, Torsion-free Abelian groups and completely decomposable p-adic modules, Abelian groups with anti-isomorphic endomorphism rings, A property of p-serving subgroups of groups of p-adic integers, Extensions of partially ordered Abelian groups, Martin's axiom implies the existence of certain slender groups, Direct sums and direct products of canonical pencils of matrices, On the number of \(\{Q,I\}\)-closed classes of Abelian \(p\)-groups, Maximal functorial topologies on Abelian groups, The consistency of \(\mathrm{Ext}\,(G,\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Q}\), Algebraically compact field extensions, Whitehead groups may not be free even assuming CH. II, Darstellung von Ringen als Endomorphismenringe, Factor group of the direct product of Abelian groups by their direct sum, A note on products of infinite cyclic groups, Extension of products on a mixed Abelian group of countable rank, A class of Abelian groups, Completions of linearly topologized vector spaces, Duality and completions of linearly topologized modules, Supplemented nilpotent groups, Classification of torsion free Abelian minimax groups, Komplemente als direkte Summanden. II, Über eine Endlichkeitsbedingung an den Unterringverband eines Ringes, On endomorphism rings of primary Abelian groups, Auflösbare kompakte lineare Gruppen über den ganzen p-adischen Zahlen, Wittringe höherer Stufe, On endo-rigid, strongly \(\aleph_1\)-free Abelian groups in \(\aleph_1\)., Direct summands of vector groups, Classes of topological groups suggested by Galois theory, Homomorphic images of completely decomposable finite rank torsion-free groups, Factor morphisms of nilpotent groups, Mittag-Leffler modules, reduced products, and direct products, Kaplansky test problem for \(R\)-modules, An isomorphism theorem between the 7-adic integers and a ring associated with a hexagonal lattice, On the splitting group basis problem for Abelian group rings, Minimal freeness and commutativity, Realization theorems for semigroups with divisor theory, \(E\)-rings as localizations of orders, On almost-free modules over complete discrete valuation rings, Fuchs' problem 43, Strong semi-simplicity, Endomorphism rings of abelian groups as isomorphic restrictions of full endomorphism rings, Extensionless modules of finite rank over countable Dedekind domains, Von Neumann regular group rings not representable as rings of continuous functions, Endomorphism rings of Abelian groups as isomorphic restrictions of full endomorphism rings. II, A comparison theorem on convergence rates of random walks on groups, Notes on the structure of modules over complete discrete valuation rings. I, Groups of finitary permutations, Primäre Abelsche Gruppen mit Semidualität, Direct limits of abelian groups, Sul completamento di un gruppo abeliano nella topologia dei sottogruppi di indice finito, Kartesische Produkte von Gruppen, Infinite Abelian groups, Whitehead problem and some constructions, Vom Conner-Floyd Theorem zum Hattori-Stong Theorem, Operations on elementary classes of groups, Finite groups of exponent 12 as automorphism groups, Infinitary model theory of Abelian groups, Klassifizierung torsionsfreier Abelscher Gruppen des Ranges 2, Abelian groups with many automorphisms, Torsion-free Abelian groups with cyclic p-basic subgroups, On the algebraic compactness of some quotients of product groups, Algebraically compact rings and modules, Torsionskompakte Gruppen, A topological approach to a problem of Nunke, Group pairs associated with a class of coverings, The structure of skew products with ergodic group automorphisms, Abelian groups admitting fixed-point-free automorphisms of order \(q^n\), The structure of Ext\((A,\mathbb{Z})\) and \(V=L\), Invarianten wesentlicher Überdeckungen, A compactness theorem for singular cardinals, free algebras, Whitehead problem and transversals, Zerfällungskörper verschränkter Gruppenalgebren, Endomorphismes maigres de groupes abeliens primaires, Proof of a lemma on model completeness, Embedding of totally projective groups, Gruppi monotoni di successioni intere, Die Struktur kartesischer Produkte ganzer Zahlen modulo kartesische Produkte ganzer Zahlen, Solution of two problems on cotorsion abelian groups, Endocyclic groups, Valuated groups, Homology of group extensions with divisible abelian kernel, The second augmentation quotient of an integral group ring, Pure-extension groups for Abelian groups, On the lattice of varieties of completely simple semigroups, Klassifizierung torsionsfreier abelscher Gruppen des Ranges 2. II, Rings in which a power of each element is an integral multiple of the element, On uncountable Abelian groups, Splitting the Künneth sequence in K-theory, The Baer-invariant of a direct product, Groups whose normal subgroups have minimal supplements, Divisibility and type-conditions in generalized nilpotent groups, Extensions of locally finite André systems, On endomorphism rings of non-separable Abelian \(p\)-groups, A problem of coincidence of dimensions in topological groups, On almost-dense extension groups of torsion-free groups, A family of commutative endomorphism algebras, Henselian valued stable fields, On mixed Abelian groups with periodic groups of automorphisms, On groups with isomorphic holomorphs, On a cardinal group invariant related to decompositions of Abelian groups, Rigid families and endomorphism algebras of Kronecker modules, Localization in dimension theory, On the splitting of big Cohen-Macaulay modules, Jordan form of extensions of linear operators (Carlson's problem) and minimal reducing subspaces containing a given subspace, Structure of ultrapowers on Abelian groups over \(\omega\), Fuzzy generators and fuzzy direct sums of Abelian groups, Generating properties of fuzzy algebraic structures, On \(t\)-uniform groups, Purity in abelian groups, Hausdorff separation in categories, Pseudocompact refinements of compact group topologies, Bouquets of Baer modules, The weight of a Butler group, An isomorphism between the \(p\)-adic integers and a ring associated with a tiling of \(N\)-space by permutohedra, The torsion type of nilpotent groups, A characterization of \(L_ n(K)\) as a permutation group, On the quotients of countable direct products of modules modulo direct sums, Multiple transitivity in abelian groups, Abelian groups with semi-simple Artinian quasi-endomorphism rings, Automorphism groups of fields, Basic fuzzy subgroups, Extensions of compact Abelian groups by discrete ones and their duality theory. I, Chains of pseudocompact group topologies, Endomorphism rings of \(B_2\)-groups of infinite rank, Essentially rigid floppy subgroups of the Baer-Specker group, Locally finite groups with all subgroups normal-by-(finite rank), An equivalence for categories of modules over a complete discrete valuation domain, Classi di gruppi abeliani chiuse rispetto alle immagini omomorfe ed ai limiti proiettivi, On equationally compact semigroups, Continuity in \(G^*\), Almost free groups and long Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé games, Polar decomposition of locally finite groups, Two-sided E-rings., Abelian groups with self-injective quasi-endomorphism rings., The development of the theory of \(p\)-groups., Abelian groups in Russia., Remarks about the history of Abelian groups in England and Germany., Jerzy Łoś and a history of Abelian groups in Poland., Pure projectives and injectives., A class of abelian groups defined by continuous cross sections in the Bohr topology., Tight subgroups of almost completely decomposable groups., \(M\)-free Abelian groups., Strictly nonzero charges., On unit sum numbers of rational groups., On torsion and mixed minimal Abelian groups., Isomorphism classes of uniform groups., Quasi-purifiable subgroups and height-matrices., Cotorsion theories cogenerated by \(\aleph_1\)-free Abelian groups., Strong Mori and Noetherian properties of integer-valued polynomial rings., Local-global relations for almost completely decomposable groups, Cardinality and nilpotency of localizations of groups and \(G\)-modules, Generalized flags in \(p\)-groups, Does the automorphism group generate the endomorphism ring in \(\text{Rep}(S,R)\)?, Every endomorphism of a local Warfield module of finite torsion-free rank is the sum of two automorphisms., Tilting modules over small Dedekind domains, Existentially closed CSA-groups., Wreath products of cyclic \(p\)-groups as automorphism groups., Extremal pseudocompact topological groups, Quasi-decomposition of abelian groups and Baer's lemma, Generalizations of purity, On the \(p\)-rank of Ext, Successor of singulars: Combinatorics and not collapsing cardinals \(\leq\kappa\) in \((<\kappa)\)-support iterations, The group of central locally splitting extensions, Fully transitive torsion-free Abelian groups, Groups in the class semigroups of valuation domains, Exterior powers of torsion-free Abelian groups., Arithmetic hierarchy of Abelian groups, Invariante Typen in torsionsfreien, auflösbaren Gruppen endlichen Ranges. (Invariant types in torsion free soluble groups of finite rank), A characterization of a class of locally compact abelian groups via Korovkin theory, Products of minimal abelian groups, Finite groups of automorphisms of infinite groups. II, Separable torsion modules over valuation domains, The characteristic subgroups of the Baer-Specker group, A note on the extensions of the infinite cyclic group and realizable groups, Torsion-free Abelian groups with isomorphic endomorphism rings, Generalized Hopfian modules, Central extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, The fine structure on the Kasparov groups. II: Topologizing the UCT, The quasi-Baer-splitting property for mixed Abelian groups., Frobenius quasigroups and regular polygons., A splitting criterion for a class of mixed modules, Definability of vector groups by endomorphism semigroups, Relation between the functors \(Hom\) and \(Tor\) over the ring of \(p\)-adic integers, Universal abelian groups, The UCT, the Milnor sequence, and a canonical decomposition of the Kasparov groups, Invariants of fuzzy subgroups, A result on \(B_ 1\)-groups, The finite torsion subgroup of an LCA group need not split, Generalized sine equations. III, Submodule lattice quasivarieties and exact embedding functors for rings with prime power characteristic, Classification of mixed modules, A universal multicoefficient theorem for the Kasparov groups, Abelian groups as UA-modules over the ring \(\mathbb{Z}\)., Quasibases of \(p\)-groups, Cotilting and a hierarchy of almost cotorsion groups, Quasi-Boolean powers of elementary Abelian \(p\)-groups, Asymmetric decompositions of Abelian groups, A note on mixed \(A\)-reflexive groups., Realization of rings by endomorphism rings, \(g\)-quasifields, Regulating subgroups and the regulator of almost completely decomposable groups, Splitting of the identity component in locally compact abelian groups, Baer cotorsion pairs., Zero homomorphism groups of Abelian groups., On locally free Abelian groups., Semitopological homomorphisms, Erratum: ``Pure extensions of locally compact abelian groups [Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 116 (2006), 31-40], Generalized Dieudonné and Hill criteria., Addendum: Class number of an Abelian group., Dualities between almost completely decomposable groups and their endomorphism rings., On hypercentral groups., On cosmall Abelian groups., Torsion and ortho-slender classes, A note on clean abelian groups., An integral homological characterization of finite groups., On weakly quasipure injective groups., Local tameness of \(v\)-Noetherian monoids., Quasi-localizations of \(\mathbb{Z}\)., Sums of automorphisms of free modules and completely decomposable groups., On the Steinhaus property in topological groups, Generalized almost completely decomposable groups., Compact topologically torsion elements of topological abelian groups, Definability of Abelian groups by homomorphism groups and endomorphism semigroups., On definability of a periodic \(\text{EndE}^+\)-group by its endomorphism group., Small Abelian groups., Homomorphic images of Abelian groups., Rank-1 quotient divisible groups., On regularity of the center of the endomorphism ring of an Abelian group., On \(K\)-large and generalized \(K\)-large Abelian groups., Completely torsion-free, finite-rank, almost decomposable groups with torsion factor., Semisimple rings on completely decomposable Abelian groups., The group \(\Hom(A, B)\) as an Artinian \(E(B)\)- or \(E(A)\)-module., Some generalizations of slender Abelian groups., Full transitivity of Abelian groups., Strictly purely correct, torsion-free Abelian groups., Representations of the first degree of Abelian groups., T-radicals in the category of Abelian groups., On subdirect sums of Abelian torsion-free groups of rank 1., A category of matrices representing two categories of Abelian groups., Abelian factorizations of infinite groups, A general injectivity for modules, Commutative semigroups having greatest regular images, Classes of Abelian groups closed under taking subgroups and direct limits, Über die cohomologische Dimension der auflösbaren Gruppen, Functorial subgroups commuting with inverse limits, Bicharacters of semigroups, Torsion-free Abelian groups with hereditary rings of endomorphisms, K-theory of discrete valuation rings, Groups with finite conjugacy classes of subnormal subgroups, Arbitrary torsion classes and almost free abelian groups, Countable torsion FC-groups as automorphism groups, Commutator invariant subgroups of Abelian groups., The maximal pure spectrum of an Abelian group., The Markov-Zariski topology of an abelian group, Pseudocompact group topologies with no infinite compact subsets, Strict radicals and endomorphism rings., Periodic-by-nilpotent linear groups., Rad-supplemented modules., Varieties of algebras and algebraic varieties, Rings with involution and chain conditions, On lattice isomorphic mixed Abelian groups, A generalization of Ulm subgroups, Long chains of Hausdorff topological group topologies, Necessary conditions for the coperiodicity of quotients of direct products of Abelian groups, Some constructivizations of Abelian groups, Factor-splitting length of torsionfree Abelian groups of rank two, On the structure of certain types of Abelian groups, On a problem of F. A. Szász, Modules over arbitrary domains, Strongly homogeneous torsion-free Abelian groups, On a Boolean power of a torsion free Abelian group, Groups with boundedly finite automorphism classes, The embedding of certain linear and Abelian groups in finitely presented simple groups, Projective classes of torsion free Abelian groups. II, Topological categories, Lokal endliche André-Systeme. (Locally finite André systems), The Skolem-Noether theorem for modules over principal rings, On thick subgroups of uncountable \(\sigma \)-compact locally compact commutative groups, Skeletons, bodies and generalized \(E(R)\)-algebras., Continuous modules are clean., Partial tilting and cotilting bimodules., Torsion-free groups and modules with the involution property., Classifying \(E\)-algebras over Dedekind domains., On the existence of continuous (approximate) roots of algebraic equations, Compact groups containing dense pseudocompact subgroups without non-trivial convergent sequences, Semilattices of groups and nonstable K-theory of extended Cuntz limits, Discrete models for the \(p\)-local homotopy theory of compact Lie groups and \(p\)-compact groups, \(E(R)\)-algebras that are sharply transitive modules., Pure extensions of locally compact abelian groups, Self-c-injective Abelian groups., Projective and generating modules over the ring of pseudorational numbers., When is an Abelian group isomorphic to its endomorphism group?, Relative convexity of subgroups of finite rank, Quasipure injective torsion-free Abelian groups, On the coperiodic hull of a separable \(p\)-group, Existential equivalence of ordered abelian groups with parameters, Arithmetical characterizations of divisor class groups, Existence and number of maximal precompact topologies on Abelian groups, Endomorphism rings of faithfully flat Abelian groups, Lie group structures on groups of smooth and holomorphic maps on non-compact manifolds, Completely decomposable torsion-free Abelian End-groups., On L. Fuchs' problems 17 and 43., Analogues of IBN and related properties for modules., Almost completely decomposable groups with primary regulator quotients and their endomorphism rings, Almost completely decomposable groups and rings., Determination of a class of countable-rank, torsion-free Abelian groups by their endomorphism rings., Abelian groups as endomorphic modules over their endomorphism ring., On the socles of characteristic subgroups of Abelian \(p\)-groups., Locally minimal topological groups. I, Adjoint algebraic entropy., On the arithmetic of tame monoids with applications to Krull monoids and Mori domains., The Chase radical and reduced products., Fully invariant subgroups, full transitivity, and homomorphism groups of Abelian groups., Arithmetic of Dedekind cuts of ordered abelian groups, Relative categoricity in abelian groups. II, Injectivity relative to closed submodules., Free groups in the smallest ideal of \(\beta G\), Locally nilpotent linear groups with restrictions on their subgroups of infinite central dimension., Which infinite abelian groups admit an almost maximally almost-periodic group topology?, Small subsets of groups., Endomorphisms and product bases of the Baer-Specker group., The divisible radical of a group., Abelian torsion groups with a countably compact group topology, On maximal subgroups of the multiplicative group of a division algebra., Invariants for Abelian groups and dual exact sequences., Prebasic submodules over valuation rings, Automorphismen nilpotenter proendlicher Gruppen, Isomorphic almost refinements of some direct decompositions of Abelian groups, Bemerkungen zur Borel-Moore-Homologie, Martinaxiom und die Beschreibung gewisser Homomorphismen in der Theorie der \(\aleph_1\)-freien Abelschen Gruppen, Locally pure topological Abelian groups: Elementary invariants, Direct decompositions of torsion-free Abelian groups of finite rank, Strongly constructive Abelian p-groups, On reduced products of Abelian groups, Abelian groups with free subgroups of infinite index and their endomorphism groups, A generalization of separable torsion-free Abelian groups, Bewertete p-Gruppen und ein Satz von Szele, Integer valued functions with countable support, Countable mixed Abelian groups with very nice full-rank subgroups, Measurable products of modules, Komplemente als direkte Summanden. III. (Complements as direct summands. III), Discretely normed Abelian groups, A characterization of countable Butler groups, A simple proof for a theorem of Chase, On an alternative Cauchy equation, Caractérisation de certaines classes d'anneaux par des propriétés des endomorphismes de leurs modules, Unnamed Item, A Lemma on Extensions of Abelian Groups, Almost completely decomposable groups with a cyclic regulating quotient, On central automorphisms of infinite groups, An Application of Set Theory to the Torsion Product of Abelian Groups, Looking for more or less hidden vector spaces: A strategy for investigating injective cogenerators, Representation extensions and amalgamation bases in rings, Spectrum functions for certain classes of nilpotent groups, COMPLETIONS AND CATEGORICAL COMPACTNESS FOR NILPOTENT GROUPS, Mixed Abelian Groups with Artinian Quasi-Endomorphism Ring, Partial cotilting modules and the lattices induced by them, On strongly purifiable subgroups of primary abelian groups, A class of groups rich in finite quotients, Unnamed Item, Strict Radical Classes of Commutative Rings, When must pure extensions of countable abelian groups necessarily split?, Groups with Only Resolvable Group Topologies, When Does Almost Free Imply Free? (For Groups, Transversals, etc.), Indecomposable Modules Over Nagata Valuation Domains, Every Uncountable Abelian Group Admits a Nonnormal Group Topology, Self-Small Abelian Groups as Modules over Their Endomorphism Rings, Cofinitely Weak Supplemented Modules, Algebraic structure of small countably compact Abelian groups, INTERPLAY BETWEEN THE ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURE OF A GROUP AND ARITHMETIC PROPERTIES OF ITS SPECTRUM, On congruence compact monoids, Linear algebraic groups and countable Borel equivalence relations, On pure-injective modules over pullback rings, Extension theory of separable metrizable spaces with applications to dimension theory, Hulls of Mixed Modules with Finite Quotient p-Rank, Groups all proper quotient groups of which have Chernikov conjugacy classes, On N1-free modules with trivial dual, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Preradicals induced by torsion free abelian groups, Homology and cohomology of locally supersoluble groups, Hyper-τ groups, Note on the extensions of Butler groups, Unnamed Item, On rings having a special type of subring lattice, Basic sub groups from a constructive viewpoint, On reflections in abelian categories, Indecomposable pure-injective modules over hereditary artin algebras of tame type, Unnamed Item, Local homology and cohomology, Unnamed Item, TWO CLASSES OF HOMOMORPHISMS IN MODULE CATEGORIES, THE ADDITIVE GROUPS OF RINGS WITH TOTALLY ORDERED LATTICE OF IDEALS, Generalizations of the Stacked Bases Theorem, Projective classes of torsion free Abelian groups, Unnamed Item, Algebraic compactness of reduced products and applications to pure global dimension, A Theorem on Free Envelopes, Continuous Functions on Countable Compact Ordered Sets as Sums of Their Increments, TORSION-FREE ABELIAN GROUPS WITH FINITE RANK ENDOMORPHISM RINGS, Unnamed Item, On the existence of pure hulls in primary abelian groups, A new proof of the baer-kaplansky theorem, SOME CARDINALITY CONDITIONS FOR RING RADICALS, Anelli di tipo di rappresentazione finita, di dimensione pura globale zero, e Moduli di Mittag-Leffler, An infinite module-decomposition, Primary Abelian Groups Having all High Subgroups Isomorphic, When are Proper Subgroups of LCA Groups Contained in Maximal Ones?, A homological characterization of large subgroups, The Cotypeset of a Torsion Free Abelian Group of Rank Two, Pseudocomplete Nilpotent Groups, Group-Valued Charges: Common Extensions and the Infinite Chinese Remainder Property, Finite order extensions of a primary group by a torsion-free group, On Groups with a Central Automorphism of Infinite Order, FILTERED-PROJECTIVE AND SEMIFLAT MODULES, Divisible modules codivisible modules and quasi-divisible modules, MAXIMAL CLASSES OF ABELIAN GROUPS ARISING FROM THE ISOMORPHISM G ≅ T[EXT(X,G)], On cogenerators in abelian groups, A Class of Primary Abelian Groups Characterized by Its Socles, One Remark on the Realizability of Singular Cohomology Groups, ALMOST TOTALLY INJECTIVE p-GROUPS, Groups of Dualities, Dense Pure Subgroups of Locally Compact Groups, Characteristic Principal Bundles, Almost Completely Decomposable Torsion Free Abelian Groups, A Class of Pure Subgroups of Completely Decomposable Abelian Groups, Exterior Powers and Torsion Free Modules Over Discrete Valuation Rings, Unnamed Item, New Criteria for Freeness in Abelian Groups. II, Graded krull domains, Propriétés topologiques de $[X,Y$ et fantômes de finitude], A remark on the dimensional fullvaluedness, Unnamed Item, The Structure of Inseparable Field Extensions, K-projectivity in nonabelian groups, A Bound on the Rank of Purely Simple Systems, Balanced Subgroups of Abelian Groups, Modules with a“nice”endomorphism ring and a new characterization of semisimple modules and rings, Some Examples in Shape Theory Using the Theory of Compact Connected Abelian Topological Groups, Conditions for Commutative Semigroups to Have Nontrivial Homomorphisms into Nonnegative (Positive) Reals, Endomorphism Rings and Direct Sums of Torsion Free Abelian Groups, Quasi-Pure Projective and Injective Torsion Groups, Residual Linearity for Certain Nilpotent Groups, Homological Algebra and Set Theory, Existence Theorems for Warfield Groups, Residually small varieties, A note on separable homogeneous extensions of the Specker group, Classification of modules with two distinguished pure submodules and bounded quotients, Extensions of group-valued set functions, Counting generalized orders on not necessarily formally real fields, Torsion groups in cotorsion classes., How rigid are reduced products?, On the zeroeth complete cohomology., The finite quasi-Baer property., Pi-balanced torsion-free modules over a discrete valuation domain, Torus-like continua which are not self-covering spaces, Abelian groups \(\aleph_ 0\)-categorical over a subgroup, A duality property of an uncountable product of \({\mathbb{Z}}\), Countable Butler groups and vector spaces with four distinguished subspaces, Commutativity criterions using normal subgroup lattices., STACKED BASES FOR HOMOGENEOUS COMPLETELY DECOMPOSABLE GROUPS, THE FULLY INVARIANT EXTENDING PROPERTY FOR ABELIAN GROUPS, FACTORIZATION IN MONOID DOMAINS, STACKED BASES FOR COUNTABLE HOMOGENEOUS COMPLETELY DECOMPOSABLE GROUPS, Endomorphism rings and a generalization of torsion-freeness and purity, Unnamed Item, Decomposition theorems for certain C*-crossed products, Torsion in semicomplete nilpotent groups, n-Summable Valuatedpn-Socles and Primary Abelian Groups, Dichotomy and infinite combinatorics: the theorems of Steinhaus and Ostrowski, Abelian groups flat as modules over their endomorphism ring, Extending homomorphisms on the socles of primary abelian groups, CLASSIFICATION AND DIRECT DECOMPOSITIONS OF SOME BUTLER GROUPS OF COUNTABLE RANK, Is There a Core Class for Almost Free Groups of Size ℵ1?, Splitting Mixed Groups of Finite Torsion-Free Rank, Forcing Linearity Numbers for Abelian Groups, Homological Properties of Quotient Divisible Abelian Groups, SOME CRITERIA FOR EXISTENCE OF SUPPLEMENTS TO NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Sulla stabilita' degli omomorfismi e sue applicazioni alle equazioni funzionali, Gabriel filters on the endomorphism ring of a torsion-free abelian group, Precobalanced subgroups of abelian groups, Pure-injective modules, The nilstife of the direct sum of rank 1 torsion free groups, The Additive Group of Rings With Totally Ordered Ideal Lattices, On direct products of modules, Arbitrary torsion classes of abelian groups*, Classifying E-Rings, Nonclosed Pure Subgroups of Locally Compact Abelian Groups, A-Projective Resolutions and an Azumaya Theorem for a Class of Mixed Abelian Groups, The Dual Group of a Dense Subgroup, Regularity in Endomorphism Rings, Postnikov pieces and 𝐵ℤ/𝕡-homotopy theory, Unit Groups of Commutative Group Rings, Alternating forms and the Brauer group of a geometric field, Near Isomorphism for a Class of Infinite Rank Torsion-Free Abelian Groups, On Compact Cohomology Theories and Pontrjagin Duality, Abelian Subgroups of Topological Groups, Countable Abelian Groups with a Discrete Norm are Free, Quasi-Purifiable Subgroups and Minimal Direct Summands, On the Arithmetic of Projective Coordinate Systems, Torsion-Free Abelian Groups with Prescribed Finitely Topologized Endomorphism Rings, A characterization of modules with the summand intersection property, GOLDIE DIMENSION, DUAL KRULL DIMENSION AND SUBDIRECT IRREDUCIBILITY, GOLDIE-SUPPLEMENTED MODULES, SOME FIELD THEORETIC PROPERTIES AND AN APPLICATION CONCERNING TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS, Isomorphism of Modular Group Algebras ofp-Mixed Abelian Groups, A Generalization of Semiregular and Semiperfect Modules, The Ring of Integer-Valued Polynomials of a Dedekind Domain, Function spaces of CW homotopy type are Hilbert manifolds, Unnamed Item, A-Solvability and Mixed Abelian Groups, Direct summands and retract mappings of generalized MV-algebras, The number of minimal right ideals of $\beta G$, Algebraic entropy for Abelian groups, Jacobson Radical Isomorphism Theorems for Mixed Modules Part One: Determining the Torsion, RATIONAL RINGS RELATED TO WEAKLY TRANSITIVE TORSION-FREE ABELIAN GROUPS, Unnamed Item, A Characterization of Tensor—Induced Preradicals in Abelian Groups, Unnamed Item, Monoid rings which are valuation rings, Slender modules over domains, Slender groups and related concepts, Isomorfismi tra reticoli di sottogruppi normali di gruppi nilpotenti senza torsione, On torsion groups with nilpotent automorphism groups, HOW TO USE ABELIAN GROUP THEORY FOR THE STUDY OF DIAGRAMS OVER LOCALLY WELL-ORDERED SETS, BIVARIANT LONG EXACT SEQUENCES I, Modules whose endomorphism rings or automorphism groups commute, Solution of the irwin conjecture in gch, New aspects for two classical theorems on torsion splitting*, Abelian groups with self-injective endomorphism rings, G-injective groups, Characterising complete boolean algebras in terms of pure essentialness, Flat Covers and Flat Cotorsion Modules, The Equivalence of High Subgroups, The number of separable p-groups of cardinality r1 Having isometric socles, When is Ext(A, B) torsion-free?, and related problems, Homological properties of pure injective resolutions, A Cancellation Criterion for Finite-Rank Torsion-Free Abelian Groups, Comments on the completeness of order complements and on the Prüfer numbers, On torision-free ext, Extension of a Theorem of Baayen and Helmberg on Monothetic Groups, Infinite Rank Butler Groups, On the Jacobson Radical of Some Endomorphism Rings, Varieties generated by countably compact Abelian groups, Random walks on discrete Abelian groups, ON THE GALOIS COHOMOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF STABLE FIELDS WITH HENSELIAN VALUATIONS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, COHERENCE, Unnamed Item, Tilting modules over valuation domains, A compact group which is not Valdivia compact, Groups with Polycyclic-by-Finite Conjugate Classes of Subgroups, Quasi-decompositions for Self-Small Abelian Groups, Schichtengleiche Gewichte und Butlergruppen, Homomorphisms between A-Projective Abelian Groups and Left Kasch-Rings, Unnamed Item, Modules whose distinct submodules are not isomorphic, On central automorphisms of finite-by-nilpotent groups, Elliptically embedded subgroups and nilpotent products, Edwards-Walsh resolutions of complexes and Abelian groups, The classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank, Valuated butler groups of special type, Inverse limits of algebras as retracts of their direct products, Pseudocompact topological group refinements of maximal weight, Cohomological Dimension and Metrizable Spaces, ON A CLASS OF MIXED GROUPS WITH SEMI-LOCAL WALK-ENDOMORPHISM RING, FC-Groups All of Whose Factor Groups Are Residually Finite, Self-Free Modules and E-Rings, It is consistent with ZFC that B1 -groups are not B2, Quasi-minimal abelian groups, A separable Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theorem and weak stability, Liapunov stability and adding machines, A Generalization of Algebraic Compactness, Primary abelian groups admitting only small homomorphisms, A Two-Dimensional Non-Noetherian Factorial Ring, Groups whose subnormal subgroups are normal by-finite, On when small semiprime rings are slender, COHOMOLOGICAL DIMENSION OF UNIFORM SPACES, Cohomological dimension and metrizable spaces. II, Single relation almost completely decomposable groups, On purifiable subgroups in arbitrary abelian groups, Equivalence Relations Induced by Actions of Polish Groups, Unnamed Item, Commutative Semilocal Rings Whose Additive or Multiplicative Groups Have Finite Rank, New Criteria for Freeness in Abelian Groups, Extensions of Abelian Groups of Finite Rank, Direct Products and Sums of Torsion-Free Abelian Groups, Butler groups with finite typesets and free groups with distinguished subgroups, An Outer Commutator Multiplier and Capability of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups, Quasi-Isomorphism and Some Quasi-Isomorphic Invariants of QTAG-Modules, On maps of a sphere to a simply connected space with finitely generated homotopy groups, ENDOPRIMAL TORSION-FREE SEPARABLE ABELIAN GROUPS, Extremal pseudocompact Abelian groups are compact metrizable, Purity and Self-Small Groups, The Existence of LargeE(R)-Algebras That Are Sharply Transitive Modules, Periodic Linear Groups with the Weak Chain Conditions on Subgroups of Infinite Central Dimension, TAMENESS OF THE PSEUDOVARIETY OF ABELIAN GROUPS, Groups Satisfying the Maximal Condition on Non-modular Subgroups, A Class of B(2)-Groups, Regularity and Substructures of Hom, On Crawley Modules, A Note on FinitelyA-Presented Abelian Groups, Note on splitting length of abelian groups, Essentially indecomposable modules over a complete discrete valuation ring, Kosinguläre und Kleine Moduln#, Essentially indecomposable modules over a complete discrete valuation ring, On the Structure of Semiprime Rings, Abelian groups, A non-reflexive Whitehead group, Rings whose additive endomorphisms are multiplicative, On the Automorphism Group of a Reduced Primary Abelian Group, Abelian groups, Rings whose additive endomorphisms are multiplicative, Large indecomposable roots of Ext, Automorphism group of a finite Abelian \(p\)-group, Verticality in linear operator theory (study of pairs), Generating systems of primary Abelian groups, On the orbit of invariant subspaces of linear operators in finite-dimensional spaces (new proof of a Halmos's result), The Study of Commutative Semigroups with Greatest Group-Homomorphism, A category equivalence between homogeneous completely decomposable Abelian groups and modules over principal ideal domains, Dense subgroups and divisible quotient groups of locally compact abelian groups, Characterizing a class of Warfield modules by relation arrays, Quasipure injective torsion-free groups with indecomposable pure subgroups, Finite conjugacy in group rings, Trees, fundamental groups and homology groups, COTORSION MODULES AND PROJECTIVE DIMENSION ONE, The use of the finite topology on endomorphism rings, Endomorphism rings of Abelian groups, Isometry types of profinite groups., Modules with the summand intersection property, Modules with the summand intersection property, Modules over endomorphism rings