scientific article; zbMATH DE number 2228448

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zbMath1092.16001MaRDI QIDQ5704250

Daniel Simson, Andrzej Skowroński, Ibrahim Assem

Publication date: 14 November 2005

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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equivalence classification for cluster-tilted algebras of type \(A_n\)., Classification of pointed rank one Hopf algebras., Symmetric quivers, invariant theory, and saturation theorems for the classical groups., Tilting for regular rings of Krull dimension two, Finite-dimensional vertex algebra modules over fixed point commutative subalgebras, On the cardinalities of Kronecker quiver Grassmannians., A graph theoretic expansion formula for cluster algebras of classical type, On components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of trivial extensions of 2-fundamental algebras which contain projective modules., Auslander-Gorenstein resolution., Cluster-tilted algebras and slices., Serial coalgebras and their valued Gabriel quivers., The terms in the Ringel-Hall product of preinjective Kronecker modules., Modular centralizer algebras corresponding to \(p\)-groups., Hom-configurations and noncrossing partitions., Combinatorics of exceptional sequences in type A, Hochschild (co)homology of a class of 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\(\mathbb D_4\)., Auslander-Reiten components over pure-semisimple hereditary rings., Dominant dimension and almost relatively true versions of Schur's theorem., Skew-zigzag algebras, Induced and coinduced modules over cluster-tilted algebras, Contravariantly finite subcategories closed under predecessors., Accumulation points of real Schur roots, Coxeter energy of graphs, Graded Hochschild cohomology of a path algebra with oriented cycles., Indecomposable Calabi-Yau objects in stable module categories of finite type., Tilting theory and functor categories. I: Classical tilting., Algebras whose Coxeter polynomials are products of cyclotomic polynomials., Tubes in derived categories and cyclotomic factors of the Coxeter polynomial of an algebra., On support \(\tau\)-tilting modules over endomorphism algebras of rigid objects, Stably Calabi-Yau algebras and skew group algebras., Cograde conditions and cotorsion pairs, Cluster algebras and cluster categories associated with triangulated surfaces: an introduction, Torsion pairs for quivers and the Weyl groups, Tilting modules arising from knot invariants, On the module categories of generalized preprojective algebras of Dynkin type, The derived and extension dimensions of abelian categories, On interval decomposability of \(2\)D persistence modules, Rationality of rigid quiver Grassmannians, The simple connectedness of tame algebras with separating almost cyclic coherent Auslander-Reiten components, On simple-minded systems over representation-finite self-injective algebras, Morita invariance for infinitesimal deformations, Almost split sequences in tri-exact categories, Characterization of eventually periodic modules in the singularity categories, Weyl roots and equivalences of integral quadratic forms, Nef vector bundles on a projective space or a hyperquadric with the first Chern class small, \(n\)-cluster tilting subcategories for radical square zero algebras, \(\tau\)-tilting finiteness of non-distributive algebras and their module varieties, Counting the number of \(\tau\)-exceptional sequences over Nakayama algebras, The role of gentle algebras in higher homological algebra, Frieze varieties: a characterization of the finite-tame-wild trichotomy for acyclic quivers, Applications of Littlewood-Richardson tableaux to computing generic extension of semisimple invariant subspaces of nilpotent linear operators, 1-Auslander-Gorenstein algebras which are tilted, Some infinitely generated non-projective modules over path algebras and their extensions under Martin's axiom, A McKay correspondence for reflection groups, Indecomposable Jordan types of Loewy length 2, On faithfully balanced modules, F-cotilting and F-Auslander algebras, Nearly Frobenius structures in some families of algebras, Functors and morphisms determined by subcategories, Decompositions of Bernstein-Sato polynomials and slices, Tilting subcategories in extriangulated categories, Quiver representations, group characters, and prime graphs of finite groups, On linearly oriented pullback and classes of algebras, Self-injective cellular algebras whose representation type are tame of polynomial growth, On the radical of the module category of an endomorphism algebra, On the number of \(\tau\)-tilting modules over Nakayama algebras, On polynomial time inflation algorithm for loop-free non-negative edge-bipartite graphs, Auslander algebras which are tilted, Algebras with finite relative dominant dimension and almost \(n\)-precluster tilting modules, Linear degenerations of flag varieties: partial flags, defining equations, and group actions, Orders of bounded and strongly unbounded lattice type, Stability conditions for affine type A, Right \(n\)-Nakayama algebras and their representations, Representation theory of order-related monoids of partial functions as locally trivial category algebras, Eventually polynomial Betti sequences over truncated path algebras, Exceptional cycles for perfect complexes over gentle algebras, Geometric degenerations of weighted surface algebras, On a conjecture about dominant dimensions of algebras, On the finiteness of the derived equivalence classes of some stable endomorphism rings, On deformations of Gorenstein-projective modules over Nakayama and triangular matrix algebras, Every 1D persistence module is a restriction of some indecomposable 2D persistence module, Classifying \(\tau\)-tilting modules over the Auslander algebra of \(K[x/(x^n)\)], Parametrizations for integral slope homogeneous modules over tubular canonical algebras., An algorithm for the construction of parametrizing bimodules for homogeneous modules over tubular canonical algebras., Degrees and composition of irreducible morphisms in almost pre-sectional paths., Hochschild cohomology and the derived class of \(m\)-cluster tilted algebras of type \(\mathbb A\)., Torsion pairs and rigid objects in tubes., On cluster-tilting graphs for hereditary categories, On \(\ell\)-parabolic Hecke algebras of symmetric groups, Intersections, sums, and the Jordan-Hölder property for exact categories, On the global dimension of the endomorphism algebra of a \(\tau\)-tilting module, The differential graded stable category of a self-injective algebra, Dynamical combinatorics and torsion classes, Quivers supporting twisted Calabi-Yau algebras, Extension groups between atoms in abelian categories, Combinatorics of faithfully balanced modules, The t-stabilities and t-structures for the weighted projective line of type \((2,1)\), Gluing of \(n\)-cluster tilting subcategories for representation-directed algebras, Monomial Gorenstein algebras and the stably Calabi-Yau property, Ehresmann semigroups whose categories are EI and their representation theory, The geometric model of gentle one-cycle algebras, The fundamental theorem of finite semidistributive lattices, Noncommutative symplectic manifolds for self-injective Nakayama algebras, Cones from quantum groups to tropical flag varieties, Monobrick, a uniform approach to torsion-free classes and wide subcategories, Graded quiver varieties and singularities of normalized R-matrices for fundamental modules, Schemes of modules over gentle algebras and laminations of surfaces, Morita theorem for hereditary Calabi-Yau categories, PBW parametrizations and generalized preprojective algebras, Rigid modules and ICE-closed subcategories in quiver representations, \(n\)-exangulated categories (II): constructions from \(n\)-cluster tilting subcategories, A bijection between \(m\)-cluster-tilting objects and \((m + 2)\)-angulations in \(m\)-cluster categories, A preprojective Auslander-Reiten component for the socle projective modules of some right-peak algebras, ICE-closed subcategories and wide \(\tau \)-tilting modules, Exact Krull-Schmidt categories with finitely many indecomposables, A counterexample to the \(\phi \)-dimension conjecture, Two tilts of higher spherical algebras, An application of a theorem of Sheila Brenner for Hochschild extension algebras of a truncated quiver algebra, The Jordan-Hölder property and Grothendieck monoids of exact categories, Singularities of zero sets of semi-invariants for quivers, Hall polynomials for tame quivers with automorphism, A proof of Lee-Lee's conjecture about geometry of rigid modules, On \(\tau \)-tilting finite simply connected algebras, Organising the module category, When the Schur functor induces a triangle-equivalence between Gorenstein defect categories, Pairwise compatibility for 2-simple minded collections. II: Preprojective algebras and semibrick pairs of full rank, Almost split sequences of \(m\)-cyclic complexes, Galois coverings of enriched categories and an extension of Cohen-Montgomery theorem, On periodic stable Auslander-Reiten components containing Heller lattices over the symmetric Kronecker algebra, Cambrian combinatorics on quiver representations (type \(\mathbb{A})\), Frobenius-Perron theory of representations of quivers, The strong simple connectedness of tame algebras with separating almost cyclic coherent Auslander-Reiten components, On quiver Grassmannians and orbit closures for gen-finite modules, On tensor products and almost split sequences for Scott lattices over group rings, Classifying exact categories via Wakamatsu tilting, A Tannakian approach to dimensional reduction of principal bundles, An introduction to associative geometry with applications to integrable systems, From submodule categories to the stable Auslander algebra, On sectional paths in a category of complexes of fixed size, A uniform generalization of some combinatorial Hopf algebras, Localising embeddings of comodule categories with applications to tame and Euler coalgebras, On the composite of two irreducible morphisms in radical cube., Gelfand-Ponomarev and Herrmann constructions for quadruples and sextuples, Type \(D\) quiver representation varieties, double Grassmannians, and symmetric varieties, Torus-equivariant Chow rings of quiver moduli, Cell decompositions and algebraicity of cohomology for quiver Grassmannians, Classification of higher wide subcategories for higher Auslander algebras of type \(A\), Schofield sequences in the Euclidean case, \(d \mathbb{Z}\)-cluster tilting subcategories of singularity categories, On mesh geometries of root Coxeter orbits and mesh algorithms for corank two edge-bipartite signed graphs, A Coxeter spectral classification of positive edge-bipartite graphs. II: Dynkin type \(\mathbb{D}_n\), Self-orthogonal \(\tau\)-tilting modules and tilting modules, From the potential to the first Hochschild cohomology group of a cluster tilted algebra, Auslander-Reiten conjecture in a dual vein, On some Hall polynomials over a quiver of type \(\tilde{D}_4\), Novel wall-crossing behaviour in rank one \(\mathcal{N} = 2^*\) gauge theory, The persistent homology of a sampled map: from a viewpoint of quiver representations, Unit elements in the path algebra of an acyclic quiver, Lengths of maximal green sequences for tame path algebras, An algorithm for the periodicity of deformed preprojective algebras of Dynkin types \(\mathbb{E}_6\), \(\mathbb{E}_7\) and \(\mathbb{E}_8\), Applications of mesh algorithms and self-dual mesh geometries of root Coxeter orbits to a Horn-Sergeichuk type problem, Orbit algebras that are invariant under stable equivalences of Morita type., On uniserial twisted group algebras of finite \(p\)-groups over a field of characteristic \(p\)., On the normal forms of modules with respect to parametrizing bimodules., On tame algebras of semiregular tubular type, Finite cycles of indecomposable modules., Simple-minded systems, configurations and mutations for representation-finite self-injective algebras, A spectral sequence and nef vector bundles of the first Chern class two on hyperquadrics, On the Auslander-Reiten conjecture for algebras, Splitting torsion pairs over pure semisimple rings., Universal localisations and tilting modules for finite dimensional algebras., More Arnold's \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) superconformal gauge theories, Degrees of irreducible morphisms in standard components., Coverings of laura algebras: the standard case., A characterization of selfinjective algebras of strictly canonical type., The composite of irreducible morphisms in standard components., Tilting modules and representation dimensions., On the structure of loop-free non-negative edge-bipartite graphs, On supergroups and their semisimplified representation categories, On the non-periodic stable Auslander-Reiten Heller component for the Kronecker algebra over a complete discrete valuation ring, Root systems and inflations of non-negative quasi-Cartan matrices, A computational technique in Coxeter spectral study of symmetrizable integer Cartan matrices, Higher spherical algebras, Maximal \(\tau_d\)-rigid pairs, Mutation of frozen Jacobian algebras, A categorification of biclosed sets of strings, \(d\)-representation-finite self-injective algebras, Higher differential objects in additive categories, Three results for \(\tau\)-rigid modules, Mutation of tilting bundles of tubular type, The (cyclic) enhanced nilpotent cone via quiver representations, Representations of constant socle rank for the Kronecker algebra, Nef vector bundles on a quadric surface with the first Chern class \((2, 1)\), Parabolic conjugation and commuting varieties, On generic semi-simple decomposition of dimension vector for an arbitrary quiver, Poisson structures for canonical algebras, From Brauer graph algebras to biserial weighted surface algebras, Minuscule reverse plane partitions via quiver representations, Towards a categorical boson-fermion correspondence, A Bongartz-type lemma for silting complexes over a hereditary algebra, On derived unique gentle algebras, Dominant dimension and tilting modules, Zariski cancellation problem for non-domain noncommutative algebras, Generalized quiver varieties and triangulated categories, Tree normal forms for quiver representations, Auslander-Reiten theory in quasi-abelian and Krull-Schmidt categories, Singularity categories of derived categories of hereditary algebras are derived categories, Wall and chamber structure for finite-dimensional algebras, Cluster algebras of finite type via Coxeter elements and Demazure crystals of type A, Relations for Grothendieck groups and representation-finiteness, Growth of graded twisted Calabi-Yau algebras, Nearly Frobenius algebras, Maximal Green sequences for cluster-tilted algebras of finite representation type, The first Hochschild (co)homology when adding arrows to a bound quiver algebra, Reduction of exact structures, Weighted surface algebras: general version, Model categories of quiver representations, Maximal subalgebras of finite-dimensional algebras, Regular modules over 2-dimensional quantum Beilinson algebras of type \(S\), Chow rings of fine quiver moduli are tautologically presented, Strongly simply connected algebras with super-decomposable pure-injective modules, General presentations of algebras, Loewy filtration and quantum de Rham cohomology over quantum divided power algebra, On Coxeter type study of non-negative posets using matrix morsifications and isotropy groups of Dynkin and Euclidean diagrams., Combinatorial aspects of extensions of Kronecker modules., A generalization of the composition of irreducible morphisms in regular components., Constructing nearly Frobenius algebras., On the quiver presentation of the descent algebra of the hyperoctahedral group., Specialization orders on atom spectra of Grothendieck categories, Numeric and mesh algorithms for the Coxeter spectral study of positive edge-bipartite graphs and their isotropy groups, Association schemoids and their categories, Two-term tilting complexes and simple-minded systems of self-injective Nakayama algebras, Krull dimension of tame generalized multicoil algebras., 0-Hecke algebra action on the Stanley-Reisner ring of the Boolean algebra, Unfolding of sign-skew-symmetric cluster algebras and its applications to positivity and \(F\)-polynomials, On the computation of fusion over the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra, The structure and homological properties of generalized standard Auslander-Reiten components, On a family of Caldero-Chapoton algebras that have the Laurent phenomenon, Selfinjective algebras having a generalized standard family of quasi-tubes maximally saturated by simple and projective modules, A Gram classification of principal Cox-regular edge-bipartite graphs via inflation algorithm, A polynomial recognition of unit forms using graph-based strategies, Hochschild cohomology for periodic algebras of polynomial growth, Submodules of Kronecker modules via extension monoid products, Selfinjective algebras without short cycles of indecomposable modules, Bimodule monomorphism categories and RSS equivalences via cotilting modules, Tilting theory of preprojective algebras and \(c\)-sortable elements, Weighted surface algebras, Classifying dense resolving and coresolving subcategories of exact categories via Grothendieck groups, The Grothendieck groups and stable equivalences of mesh algebras, \(\tau\)-tilting modules over one-point extensions by a projective module, Mutation of torsion pairs in triangulated categories and its geometric realization, The injective Leavitt complex, Pro-species of algebras. I: Basic properties, Euler characteristics of quiver Grassmannians and Ringel-Hall algebras of string algebras., On regularity in codimension one of irreducible components of module varieties., Representation dimension via tilting theory, Staircase algebras and graded nilpotent pairs, From projective representations to quasi-quantum groups., On some Ringel-Hall products in tame cases., Tilted algebras and short chains of modules., The representation dimension of Artin algebras, Representation dimensions of triangular matrix algebras., Tensor products of tilting modules, On restrictions of generic modules of tame algebras., Algebraically equipped posets, The periodicity conjecture for pairs of Dynkin diagrams, Gerstenhaber algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of quadratic string algebras, Endomorphism algebras of 2-term silting complexes, Classification of indecomposable modules for finite group schemes of domestic representation type, Bimodule structure of the mixed tensor product over \(\mathcal{U}_q s \ell(2 | 1)\) and quantum walled Brauer algebra, Exponential networks and representations of quivers, Exceptional sequences over path algebras of type \(A_n\) and non-crossing spanning trees., Algebras of Ehresmann semigroups and categories, Projective dimensions and extensions of modules from tilted to cluster-tilted algebras, Triangulated quotient categories revisited, Indecomposable modules over pure semisimple hereditary rings., Tilting-connected symmetric algebras., \(n\)-cluster tilting subcategories of representation-directed algebras, Cartan matrices of selfinjective algebras of tubular type, The ``0, 1-property of exceptional objects for nilpotent operators of degree 6 with one invariant subspace, Frobenius-Perron theory of modified \(ADE\) bound quiver algebras, On the structure and cohomology ring of connected Hopf algebras, Quantum Grothendieck ring isomorphisms, cluster algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig algorithm, Matrix method for persistence modules on commutative ladders of finite type, Lattice properties of oriented exchange graphs and torsion classes, Dimension vectors of indecomposable objects for nilpotent operators of degree 6 with one invariant subspace, Higher tetrahedral algebras, On \(\tau\)-tilting finiteness of the Schur algebra, GIT-equivalence and semi-stable subcategories of quiver representations, The global dimension of the algebra of the monoid of all partial functions on an \(n\)-set as the algebra of the EI-category of epimorphisms between subsets, Coefficients of non-negative quasi-Cartan matrices, their symmetrizers and Gram matrices, Representation-finite Birkhoff type problems for nilpotent linear operators, Relative singularity categories, Gorenstein objects and silting theory, Bounds related to Coxeter spectral measures of graphs, Hopf actions of some quantum groups on path algebras, The Auslander-Reiten components seen as quasi-hereditary categories, Generalized tilting theory, A formal system of reduction paths for parallel reduction, Properties of the fixed ring of a preprojective algebra, A \(\tau\)-tilting approach to dissections of polygons, \(\tau\)-rigid modules over Auslander algebras, Representations of regular trees and invariants of AR-components for generalized Kronecker quivers, Injective presentations of induced modules over cluster-tilted algebras, Wide subcategories are semistable, \(d\)-abelian quotients of \((d+2)\)-angulated categories, On Auslander-Reiten components and splitting trace lattices for integral group rings., On one-point extensions of cluster-tilted algebras., Gorenstein properties of simple gluing algebras, The Coxeter transformation on cominuscule posets, Algebras with finitely many conjugacy classes of left ideals versus algebras of finite representation type, On categories of equivariant \(\mathcal{D}\)-modules, Higher Nakayama algebras. I: Construction, On quiver-theoretic description for quasitriangularity of Hopf algebras., Integral bilinear forms, Coxeter transformations and Coxeter polynomials of finite posets, On a class of nontriangular representation-finite algebras forming an open \(\mathbb Z\)-scheme., Connections between representation-finite and Köthe rings, Decomposing moduli of representations of finite-dimensional algebras, Localization in tame and wild coalgebras., A Coxeter spectral classification of positive edge-bipartite graphs. I: Dynkin types \(\mathcal{B}_n\), \(\mathcal{C}_n\), \(\mathcal{F}_4\), \(\mathcal{G}_2\), \(\mathbb{E}_6\), \(\mathbb{E}_7\), \(\mathbb{E}_8\), Short proof of a conjecture concerning split-by-nilpotent extensions, 4d \({\mathcal N}=2\) gauge theories and quivers: the non-simply laced case, The first Hochschild cohomology group of a Schurian cluster-tilted algebra., Representations of skew group algebras induced from isomorphically invariant modules over path algebras., Orbit semigroups and the representation type of quivers., On the Galois coverings of a cluster-tilted algebra., Calabi-Yau Frobenius algebras., Some results on the moduli spaces of quiver bundles, On a separation of orbits in the module variety for string special biserial algebras., Towards the decidability of the theory of modules over finite commutative rings, Group-graded algebras, extensions of infinitesimal groups, and applications, On the structure of tame graded basic Hopf algebras. II., The Gabriel-Roiter measure for right pure semisimple rings., Representations of deformed preprojective algebras and quantum groups., Representation-finite triangular algebras form an open scheme, Semistable representations of quivers with automorphism., On the coefficients of the Coxeter polynomial of an accessible algebra., Tilting and cluster tilting for quotient singularities, Spherical subcategories in representation theory, Auslander-Reiten quiver and representation theories related to KLR-type Schur-Weyl duality, The periodic \(s(2|1)\) alternating spin chain and its continuum limit as a bulk logarithmic conformal field theory at \(c = 0\), Higher \(S\)-dualities and Shephard-Todd groups, Conjugacy classes of left ideals of a finite dimensional algebra., On the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the representations of an infinite quiver., Tilting theoretical approach to moduli spaces over preprojective algebras, Layer lengths, torsion theories and the finitistic dimension, Recent results on quiver sheaves, Cluster tilting for tilted algebras., Cluster-tilted and quasi-tilted algebras, On tilting modules over cluster-tilted algebras., Decomposition theory of modules: the case of Kronecker algebra, Separated monic representations. I: Gorenstein-projective modules, On algorithmic Coxeter spectral analysis of positive posets, Tilting torsion-free classes in the category of comodules, Almost split sequences for polynomial \(G_{r}T\)-modules and polynomial parts of Auslander-Reiten components, Hall algebras and quantum symmetric pairs. II: Reflection functors, Hochschild cohomology: some applications in representation theory of algebras, Dendriform-Nijenhuis bialgebras and DN-associative Yang-Baxter equations, t-stabilities for a weighted projective line, Silting modules over triangular matrix rings, Shuffling functors and spherical twists on \(D^{\mathrm{b}}(\mathcal{O}_0)\), The principal representations of reductive algebraic groups with Frobenius maps, Socle equivalences of weighted surface algebras, Derived equivalence classification of the gentle two-cycle algebras, The closure of the set of periodic modules over a concealed canonical algebra is regular in codimension one, Upper bounds for dominant dimensions of gendo-symmetric algebras, An introduction to the lattice of torsion classes, Diagram categories for \(\mathrm{U}_q\)-tilting modules at roots of unity, Existence of a 2-cluster tilting module does not imply finite complexity, Linear degenerations of flag varieties, Representations of a non-pointed Hopf algebra, Weyl orbits of matrix morsifications and a Coxeter spectral classification of positive signed graphs and quasi-Cartan matrices of Dynkin type \(\mathbb{A}_n\), Categorical webs and \(S\)-duality in 4d \({\mathcal {N}} = 2\) QFT, The Bongartz's theorem on the homotopy category, Universal quantum semigroupoids, Classifying torsion classes for algebras with radical square zero via sign decomposition, On Krull-Gabriel dimension and Galois coverings, Algebras of generalized quaternion type, Selfinjective algebras with hereditary stable slice, Symbolic computation of strong Gram congruences for Cox-regular positive edge-bipartite graphs with loops, On indecomposable \(\tau\)-rigid modules for cluster-tilted algebras of tame type, Geometric description of \(C\)-vectors and real Lösungen, Recollements for dualizing \(k\)-varieties and Auslander's formulas, Virtual mutations of weighted surface algebras, On the nilpotency index of the radical of a module category, Morphisms determined by objects under Galois \(G\)-covering theory, One-peak posets with positive quadratic Tits form, their mesh translation quivers of roots, and programming in Maple and Python, On a deformation theory of finite dimensional modules over repetitive algebras, Combinatorics of type \(D\) exceptional sequences, On quiver representations over \(\mathbb{F}_1\), \(m\)-periodic Gorenstein objects, A condition for a translation quiver to be a generalized multicoil., \(n\)-term silting complexes in \(\mathsf{K}^b (\mathrm{proj}(\Lambda))\), Krull-Remak-Schmidt decompositions in Hom-finite additive categories, Stable categories of higher preprojective algebras., Desingularization of quiver Grassmannians for Dynkin quivers., Realizing stable categories as derived categories, Quiver Grassmannians of type \(\widetilde{D}_n\). II: Schubert decompositions and \(F\)-polynomials, Torsion pairs and Ringel duality for Schur algebras, Degrees of irreducible morphisms in coherent almost cyclic Auslander-Reiten components., Cotorsion pairs in the cluster category of a marked surface, Ext-quivers of hearts of \(A\)-type and the orientations of associahedrons., Zavadskij modules over cluster-tilted algebras of type \(\mathbb{A}\), Decomposition of torsion pairs on module categories., Recollements from partial tilting complexes., A non-simply-laced version for cluster structures on 2-Calabi-Yau categories., On the number of terms in the middle of almost split sequences over cycle-finite Artin algebras., Coxeter spectral classification of almost \(TP\)-critical one-peak posets using symbolic and numeric computations., Endomorphism algebras of tilting modules over \(m\)-replicated algebras., On the quiver presentation of the descent algebra of the symmetric group., \(n\)-representation infinite algebras., A non-commutative \(F_5\) algorithm with an application to the computation of Loewy layers., Hom-computable coalgebras, a composition factors matrix and the Euler bilinear form of an Euler coalgebra., Wild cluster tilted algebras of rank 3., On the composite of irreducible morphisms in almost sectional paths., On the additive categories of generalized standard almost cyclic coherent Auslander-Reiten components., Twisted support varieties., A geometric model for cluster categories of type \(D_n\)., Irreducible morphisms, the Gabriel-valued quiver and colocalizations for coalgebras., Regular orbit closures in module varieties, Geometry and the zero sets of semi-invariants for homogeneous modules over canonical algebras., Nakayama oriented pullbacks and stably hereditary algebras., On the zero set of semi-invariants for regular modules over tame canonical algebras., Cartan matrices of symmetric algebras having generalized standard stable tubes., Unnamed Item, Classifying \(\tau\)-tilting modules over preprojective algebras of Dynkin type, On Hochschild Cohomology of a Self-injective Special Biserial Algebra Obtained by a Circular Quiver with Double Arrows, Cyclic complexes, Hall polynomials and simple Lie algebras., Taking tilting modules from the poset of support tilting modules., On faithful irreducible projective representations of finite groups over a field of characteristic \(p\)., A New Characterization of Hereditary Algebras, Characterizing 𝜏-tilting finite algebras with radical square zero, Full quivers of representations of algebras, Auslander-Reiten components determined by their composition factors, Triangulated Quotient Categories, Approach to Artinian algebras via natural quivers, Comparison morphisms between two projective resolutions of monomial algebras, On the Multiplicity Problem and the Isomorphism Problem for the Four Subspace Algebra, Indecomposable Projective Representations of Direct Products of Finite Groups Over a Field of Characteristicp, Unnamed Item, Corrigendum to “Non-reductive automorphism groups, the Loewy filtration and K-stability”, Graded quantum cluster algebras and an application to quantum Grassmannians, Homological approach to the Hernandez-Leclerc construction and quiver varieties, Small potential counterexamples to the pure semisimplicity conjecture, Relative cluster tilting objects in triangulated categories, Representations of Algebras, Derived representation type and cleaving functors, Stability conditions for cyclic quivers, STRONGLY QUASI-HEREDITARY ALGEBRAS AND REJECTIVE SUBCATEGORIES, AR-components for generalized Beilinson algebras, Dynkin and Extended Dynkin Diagrams, Invariants of finite-dimensional algebras recognized by the semigroup of conjugacy classes of left ideals, Logarithmic conformal field theory, log-modular tensor categories and modular forms, Right ADA algebras, A new characterization of Auslander algebras, Injective representations of bound quiver algebras, Introduction to τ-tilting theory, Representation-Directed Incidence Coalgebras of Intervally Finite Posets and the Tame-Wild Dichotomy, Restriction and induction of indecomposable modules over the Temperley–Lieb algebras, Derived Varieties of Complexes and Kostant’s Theorem for $$\mathfrak{gl}(\mathrm{m}|\mathrm{n})$$, Degrees and composition of irreducible morphisms in coils, Representation theory of partial relation extensions, Finitary 2-categories associated with dual projection functors, DISTRIBUTIVE LATTICES OF TILTING MODULES AND SUPPORT τ-TILTING MODULES OVER PATH ALGEBRAS, THE GRADED CENTER OF A TRIANGULATED CATEGORY, EXT-FINITE MODULES FOR WEAKLY SYMMETRIC ALGEBRAS WITH RADICAL CUBE ZERO, Discreteness of silting objects and t-structures in triangulated categories, Composition of irreducible morphisms in quasi-tubes, Friezes and continuant polynomials with parameters, Introduction to Representations of Quivers, Derived equivalences between generalized matrix algebras, One-sided Gorenstein subcategories, Topological invariants of piecewise hereditary algebras, Projective indecomposable modules and quivers for monoid algebras, Hochschild cohomology of partial relation extensions, Preprojective algebras of tree-type quivers, A classification of torsion classes in abelian categories, On isoclasses of maximal subalgebras determined by automorphisms, Wide subcategories of finitely generated Λ-modules, Quiver approach to some ordered semigroup algebras, m-cluster tilted algebras of type, Periodicities of T-systems and Y-systems, Derived class of m-cluster tilted algebras of type 𝔸̃, Split t-structures and torsion pairs in hereditary categories, A Non-Existence Theorem for Almost Split Sequences, Complexity, periodicity and one-parameter subgroups, Algebras with cycle-finite Galois coverings, Quivers with potentials and their representations II: Applications to cluster algebras, Unnamed Item, Quivers and Representations, Polyhedral models for tensor product multiplicities, Nakayama-type phenomena in higher Auslander–Reiten theory, Derived tame Nakayama algebras, Representations of the generalized Kronecker quiver with countably many arrows, Localization and colocalization in tilting torsion theory for coalgebras, An application of Hochschild cohomology to the moduli of subalgebras of the full matrix ring II, On relative Auslander algebras, d-Auslander–Reiten sequences in subcategories, Tilting cotorsion pairs and pure semisimple rings, A characterization of finite prehomogeneous vector spaces associated with products of special linear groups and Dynkin quivers, Three lectures on quiver Grassmannians, Higher symmetries in abstract stable homotopy theories, Cohen–Macaulay Auslander algebras of gentle algebras, τ-Rigid modules from tilted to cluster-tilted algebras, Sortable elements in infinite Coxeter groups, On the Composite of Three Irreducible Morphisms in the Fourth Power of the Radical, Lifting to Cluster-Tilting Objects in 2-Calabi–Yau Triangulated Categories, Support Varieties for Modules Over Stacked Monomial Algebras, Quivers with relations of Harada algebras, Hochschild cohomology of m-cluster tilted algebras of type 𝔸̃, Integer sequences arising from Auslander–Reiten quivers of some hereditary artin algebras, Computational Classification of Tubular Algebras, Tilting modules over Auslander algebras of Nakayama algebras with radical cube zero, Weakly symmetric biserial algebras, An explicit construction of simple-minded systems over self-injective Nakayama algebras, Tree representations of the quiver $\widetilde{\mathbb{E}}_{6}$, Left orthogonal classes of semidualizing bimodules, Lectures on split-by-nilpotent extensions, A note on sequential walks, A characterization of representation infinite quiver settings, On tame strongly simply connected algebras, Cycle-finite modules over artin algebras, Socle deformations of selfinjective orbit algebras of tilted type, Coxeter Diagrams and the Köthe’s Problem, Report on the finiteness of silting objects, ON COMPONENTS OF STABLE AUSLANDER–REITEN QUIVERS THAT CONTAIN HELLER LATTICES: THE CASE OF TRUNCATED POLYNOMIAL RINGS, τ-Tilting modules over triangular matrix artin algebras, A Note on Periodicity in Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, EQUIVARIANT -MODULES ON ALTERNATING SENARY 3-TENSORS, Algebras whose Tits form accepts a maximal omnipresent root, SPECIAL TILTING MODULES FOR ALGEBRAS WITH POSITIVE DOMINANT DIMENSION, GORENSTEIN SILTING COMPLEXES, WHEN ARE THERE ENOUGH PROJECTIVE PERVERSE SHEAVES?, Piecewise hereditary algebras under field extensions, Twisted Group Algebras of Strongly Unbounded Representation Type of Finite Groups Over a Commutative Local Noetherian Ring of Characteristicpk, Tilting pair over split-by-nilpotent extensions, Exceptional modules over wild canonical algebras, The adjoint cotranspose of modules with respect to subcategories, Green groupoids of 2-Calabi–Yau categories, derived Picard actions, and hyperplane arrangements, On higher-dimensional Auslander–Reiten theory for comodule categories, A Friendly Introduction to Path Algebras and Quiver Representations, REPRESENTATION VARIETIES OF ALGEBRAS WITH NODES, Cell complexes, poset topology and the representation theory of algebras arising in algebraic combinatorics and discrete geometry, Models for functor categories over self-injective quivers, Derived representation type and field extensions, Relative torsion classes, relative tilting, and relative silting modules, On the correspondence between path algebras and generalized path algebras, Finite gentle repetitions of gentle algebras and their Avella-Alaminos–Geiss invariants, On cycles of length three, Existence of n-Auslander–Reiten sequences via a finiteness condition, Classifying tilting modules over the Auslander algebras of radical square zero Nakayama algebras, ON SEMISIMPLE LEAVITT PATH ALGEBRAS OVER A COMMUTATIVE UNITAL RING, Algebraic structures in comodule categories over weak bialgebras, Unnamed Item, Jordan derivations of generalized one point extensions, Hochschild cohomology, finiteness conditions and a generalization of d-Koszul algebras, Unnamed Item, Stability conditions and maximal green sequences in abelian categories, The lattice of submodules of a multiplicity-free module, A non-commutative analogue of Costa’s first conjecture, n-T-COTORSION-FREE MODULES, A Morita Cancellation Problem, On Certain Semigroups Derived from Associative Algebras, TILTING CHAINS OF NEGATIVE CURVES ON RATIONAL SURFACES, On relative projectivity of lattices in Auslander-Reiten components for group rings, Weak orders on symmetric groups and posets of support τ-tilting modules, Gorenstein projective modules and recollements over triangular matrix rings, Generalized gorensteinness and a homological determinant for preprojective algebras, Primeness of simple modules over path algebras and Leavitt path algebras, Recollements and tilting modules, Support $\tau $-tilting modules under split-by-nilpotent extensions, Singularity categories of representations of algebras over local rings, A graded pullback structure of Leavitt path algebras of trimmable graphs, On solvability of the first Hochschild cohomology of a finite-dimensional algebra, Equivariant D-modules on binary cubic forms, Quadratic algorithm to compute the Dynkin type of a positive definite quasi-Cartan matrix, Abelian endoregular modules, Σ-Rickart modules, The fundamental group of an algebra with a strongly simply connected Galois covering, On the representation type of subcategories of derived categories, Duality and contravariant functors in the representation theory of artin algebras, ALGEBRAS OF GENERALIZED DIHEDRAL TYPE, CLUSTER CATEGORIES FROM GRASSMANNIANS AND ROOT COMBINATORICS, On the Combinatorics of Gentle Algebras, Unnamed Item, On the number of tame concealed convex subcategories in cycle-finite algebras, τ-Tilting finite cluster-tilted algebras, $(m,n)$-Quasitilted and $(m,n)$-almost hereditary algebras, Unnamed Item, Symmetric degenerations are not in general induced by type A degenerations, Relative n-rigid objects in (n + 2)-angulated categories, Gentle m-Calabi-Yau tilted algebras, A Correspondence between Rigid Modules Over Path Algebras and Simple Curves on Riemann Surfaces, MASS GROWTH OF OBJECTS AND CATEGORICAL ENTROPY, Singularity categories of gentle algebras, Parabolic orbits of $2$-nilpotent elements for classical groups, Realizations of Indecomposable Persistence Modules of Arbitrarily Large Dimension, ORIENTED FLIP GRAPHS, NONCROSSING TREE PARTITIONS, AND REPRESENTATION THEORY OF TILING ALGEBRAS, Eilenberg-Watts calculus for finite categories and a bimodule Radford 𝑆⁴ theorem, The duality of Auslander-Reiten quiver of path algebras, Two filtration results for modules with applications to the Auslander condition, On the injective dimension of the Jacobson radical, Linearity of stability conditions, Approximations, ghosts and derived equivalences, Quantity vs. size in representation theory, Separated monic representations II: Frobenius subcategories and RSS equivalences, Affine cluster monomials are generalized minors, Multiplicative properties of certain elements in Bridgeland Hall algebras, Quiver-graded Richardson orbits, Characterization of irreducible morphisms of degree three, Unnamed Item, Auslander–Reiten Theory for Finite-Dimensional Algebras, Cluster Characters, A Course on Cluster Tilted Algebras, Brauer Graph Algebras, Monomial algebras of dominant dimension at least two, BONGARTZ τ-COMPLEMENTS OVER SPLIT-BY-NILPOTENT EXTENSIONS, Minimal right determiners of irreducible morphisms in tree string algebras, Universal deformation rings of string modules over certain class of self-injective special biserial algebras, Representations of the small nonstandard quantum groups X¯q(A1), Multisorted modules and their model theory, Modules with irrational slope over tubular algebras, Hall polynomials and the Gabriel–Roiter submodules of simple homogeneous modules, On the invariant theory for acyclic gentle algebras, Semi-stable subcategories for Euclidean quivers, Subalgebra Depths Within the Path Algebra of an Acyclic Quiver, Derived dimension via $\tau$-tilting theory, On Hochschild Cohomology for Selfinjective Special Biserial Algebras, Algebras of Finite Global Dimension, Cycle-Finite Module Categories, Non-kissing complexes and tau-tilting for gentle algebras, Symmetry criteria for Hochschild extensions, Tree representations of the quiver $\widetilde{\mathbb{D}}_{m}$, Support $\tau $-tilting modules and recollements, CANONICAL AND -CANONICAL MODULES OF A NOETHERIAN ALGEBRA, Tonal partition algebras: fundamental and geometrical aspects of representation theory, On riedtmann’s Lie algebra of the gentle one-cycle algebra Λ(n−1,1,1), On the Lie algebra structure of integrable derivations, Quotient bifinite extensions and the finitistic dimension conjecture, Sections in the bounded derived category of piecewise hereditary algebras, A note on stable equivalences of finite dimensional algebras, Homological approximations in persistence theory, \( \tau \)-tilting finiteness of biserial algebras, Derived equivalences of self‐injective 2‐Calabi–Yau tilted algebras, Tame symmetric algebras of period four, Frobenius-Perron theory of the bound quiver algebras containing loops, When does the Auslander-Reiten translation operate linearly on the Grothendieck group? I, Classification results for \(n\)-hereditary monomial algebras, Characterizations of tame algebras with separating families of almost cyclic coherent components, Infinitesimal semi‐invariant pictures and co‐amalgamation, ABHY Associahedra and Newton polytopes of F$F$‐polynomials for cluster algebras of simply laced finite type, Igusa-Todorov and LIT algebras on Morita context algebras, Noncommutative Riemannian geometry of Kronecker algebras, Hybrid algebras, Algebraic properties of face algebras, Frobenius-Perron theory for projective schemes, Gerstenhaber algebra of ℤ2 × ℤ2-Galois covering of quantum exterior algebra, An elementary discussion of the representation and geometric invariant theory of equioriented quivers of type D with an application to quiver bundles, On the Complexity of Isomorphism Problems for Tensors, Groups, and Polynomials I: Tensor Isomorphism-Completeness, Image-extension-closed subcategories of module categories of hereditary algebras, Local cohomology on a subexceptional series of representations, Locally finitely presented and coherent hearts, Almost split triangles in pre-extriangulated categories, Weight spaces and attracting sets for torus actions on quiver moduli, Decidability of flow equivalence and isomorphism problems for graph C*-algebras and quiver representations, Exceptional cycles in triangular matrix algebras, Yoneda algebras and their singularity categories, A note on the axioms for \(n\)-angulated categories, Jordan recoverability of some subcategories of modules over gentle algebras, Decomposition of pointwise finite-dimensional 𝕊1 persistence modules, Tangent spaces of orbit closures for representations of Dynkin quivers of type \(\mathbb{D}\), On irreducible morphisms and Auslander-Reiten triangles in the stable category of modules over repetitive algebras, Associahedra for finite‐type cluster algebras and minimal relations between g‐vectors, Support \(\tau\)-tilting modules and semibricks over group graded algebras, Deformed Cartan matrices and generalized preprojective algebras. II: General type, PRIME TENSOR IDEALS IN ABELIAN CATEGORIES OF REPRESENTATIONS OF QUIVERS OF TYPE <i>A </i>, Complexes with the derived double centralizer property, Tilting quivers for BB‐tilted algebras, Co-t-structures, cotilting and cotorsion pairs, Stability conditions and derived Hall algebras, On \(\tau\)-tilting finiteness of block algebras of direct products of finite groups, Categorical entropy, (co-)t-structures and ST-triples, Dimension vectors with the equal kernels property, A new type restricted quantum group, Moduli spaces of modules over even Clifford algebras and Prym varieties, Acyclic cluster algebras with dense \(g\)-vector fans, Pseudo-absorbing comultiplication modules over a pullback ring, Applications of reduced and coreduced modules I, PBW degenerations, quiver Grassmannians, and toric varieties, Two-sided noncommutative Gröbner basis on quiver algebras, Quivers of stylic algebras, Tropical F$F$‐polynomials and general presentations, Celebrating Loday's associahedron, Schurian‐finiteness of blocks of type A$A$ Hecke algebras, Harish-Chandra bimodules for type A rational Cherednik algebras, Exact Borel subalgebras of path algebras of quivers of Dynkin type \(\mathbb{A}\), On some Ringel-Hall polynomials associated to tame indecomposable modules, The Auslander-Reiten quiver of perfect complexes for a self-injective algebra, The Igusa-Todorov \(\phi \)-dimension on Morita context algebras, Finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras over the infinite dihedral group, Dessins d'enfants, Brauer graph algebras and Galois invariants, Middle terms of AR-sequences of graded Kronecker modules, Ideal mutations in triangulated categories and generalized Auslander-Reiten theory, Quivers and path semigroups characterized by locality conditions, The classification of \(\tau\)-tilting modules over algebras of type \(D_n\), Semistability, modular lattices, and iterated logarithms, Approximation by interval-decomposables and interval resolutions of persistence modules, Dimension vectors of elementary modules of generalized Kronecker quivers, Auslander-Reiten n -exangles and morphisms determined by objects in n -exangulated categories, Varieties of subalgebras and endotrivial modules, Irreducible morphisms in the bounded derived category via the category of complexes of fixed size, Yoneda algebras of the triplet vertex operator algebra, Tensor products of higher almost split sequences in subcategories, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cokernels of the Cartan matrix and stratifying systems, Multi-graded nilpotent tuples, Maximal forward hom-orthogonal sequences for cluster-tilted algebras of finite type, Hochschild homology and truncated cycles, Auslander-Reiten theory of small half quantum groups, A Geometric Interpretation of the Triangulated Structure ofm-Cluster Categories, Homological invariants related to semidualizing bimodules, n-T -torsionfree modules, The Green Rings of Minimal Hopf Quivers, Constructing tilting modules, Minuscule reverse plane partitions via quiver representations, Ordered set partitions and the 0-Hecke algebra, On the first Hochschild cohomology group of a cluster-tilted algebra, Modules over endomorphism rings, Hochschild cohomology of relation extension algebras, A silting theorem, Persistence modules on commutative ladders of finite type, The classification of \(\tau\)-tilting modules over Nakayama algebras, On \(n\)-translation algebras, Independence posets, Homological Expressions of the Tits Form of a Finite Dimensional Algebra, Caldero-Chapoton algebras, Lattice structure of torsion classes for path algebras, Auslander-Reiten quiver of type A and generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality, The representation invariants of 2-term silting complexes, Bruhat inversions in Weyl groups and torsion-free classes over preprojective algebras, τ-Cluster morphism categories and picture groups, Three results concerning Auslander algebras, Support τ-tilting modules and separating splitting tilting triples, The quiver of an affine monoid, (Generalized) tilting modules with respect to the category σ[M], Lifting of recollements and gluing of partial silting sets, On the number of $\tau $-tilting modules over the Auslander algebras of radical square zero Nakayama algebras, A trisection in the Auslander–Reiten quiver, Johns modules and quasi-Johns modules, MINIMAL (-)TILTING INFINITE ALGEBRAS, Classification of ideals of $8$-dimensional Radford Hopf algebra