scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3187905

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zbMath0115.33101MaRDI QIDQ5724171

G. E. Shilov, Israel M. Gel'fand

Publication date: 1964

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: Field solution, Computation of fundamental solutions of the boundary element method for shallow shells, Estimates of the renewal measure, On changing between bases of the space of representations of group \(\mathrm{SO}(2,2)\), Weak lacunae for one-dimensional strictly hyperbolic equations with constant coefficients, New Poisson-Sch type inequalities and their applications in quantum calculus, Hilbert's fourth problem. I, Fundamental properties of the manifold of singular and regular linear systems, A note on diffraction of normally incident P-wave by a line crack in micro-polar elastic medium, Distributional solutions of the hypergeometric differential equation, Support theorems for the Radon transform and Cramér-Wold theorems, The h-p version of the finite element method. I. The basic approximation results, Oscillatory integrals and spherical harmonics, On potentials of measures in Banach spaces, On the perimeter and area of fuzzy sets, On a class of second order Fuchsian hyperbolic equations, Concerning the \(L^ p\) norm of spectral clusters for second-order elliptic operators on compact manifolds, On the zeros of certain trigonometric integrals, Uniform Sobolev inequalities and unique continuation for second order constant coefficient differential operators, Signal estimation from incomplete data, Positive definite symmetric functions on finite-dimensional spaces. II, The Dirac operator on ultrahyperbolic manifolds, Propagation, reflection and refraction of singularities for a hyperbolic transmission problem in two adjacent angular regions, The wave equation for Dunkl operators, Application of generalized function theory on the complete solutions of plates and shells, Local harmonic analysis on spheres, Time reversal of diffusion processes with a boundary condition, The Riemann problem admitting \(\delta-, \delta ^{\prime }\)-shocks, and vacuum states (the vanishing viscosity approach), Generalized intersection bodies, On powers of the Heaviside function for negative integers, Giambelli compatible point processes, Generalized functions with pseudobounded support in constructive mathematics, Wiener-Hopf factorisation of Brownian motion, On pathwise projective invariance of Brownian motion. II, Sensitivity techniques for systems with distributed parameters, A characterization theorem for the Fourier transform on \(R^ n\), System of nonlinear Volterra's integral equations with polar kernel and singularities, Puiseux series polynomial dynamics and iteration of complex cubic polynomials, On the Wiener integral with respect to the fractional Brownian motion on an interval, The distributional products of particular distributions, Some aspects of fractional diffusion equations of single and distributed order, Sharp decay estimates and smoothness for solutions to nonlocal semilinear equations, Counter-ions near a charged wall: exact results for disc and planar geometries, Improved Epstein-Glaser renormalization in \(x\)-space versus differential renormalization, Regularization of divergent integrals: a comparison of the classical and generalized-functions approaches, Multiple Dirichlet series and shifted convolutions, Uncertainty principles and light cones, A new equation of scattering theory and its use in inverse scattering, On the composition of distributions \(x^{-s}\ln |x|\) and \(|x|^{\mu}\), Limit cycles of non-smooth oscillators, Fourier transform and related integral transforms in superspace, A characterization of the Fourier transform and related topics, Analytic and combinatoric aspects of Hurwitz polyzetas, Finite energy solutions to the isentropic Euler equations with geometric effects, Tomograms in the quantum-classical transition, Sharp estimates for periodic solutions to the Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, Mixtures of compound Poisson processes as models of tick-by-tick financial data, Continuous-time random walk and parametric subordination in fractional diffusion, Distribution-based model for the grain boundaries in polycrystalline plasticity, Asymptotics of the solution to Robin problem, Fractional vector calculus and fractional Maxwell's equations, Structure theorems for generalized random processes, The Wiener integral with respect to second order processes with stationary increments, Quantum tomograms related to momentum density, On the equivalence of Lie symmetries and group representations, Plane-strain crack problems in microstructured solids governed by dipolar gradient elasticity, The neutrix limit of the \(q\)-gamma function and its derivatives, Fractional kinetic equation for Hamiltonian chaos, On the \(B\)-convolutions of the Bessel diamond kernel of Riesz, Distributional Taylor formula, Fast convolution with the free space Helmholtz Green's function, Generalized solutions of singular differential problems. Relationship with classical solutions, Solution of three-dimensional crack problems by a finite perturbation method, Laguerre polynomial expansions in indefinite inner product spaces, Numerical inversion of the Laplace transform: a survey and comparison of methods, Generalized derivatives of spherical associated homogeneous distributions on \(\mathbb R^n\), The time-dependent quantum harmonic oscillator revisited: Applications to quantum field theory, Asymptotic expansion of a quadruple integral involving a Bessel function, Stability of an intersonic shear crack to a perturbation of its edge, Some recent advances in theory and simulation of fractional diffusion processes, Analytic continuation of massless Feynman amplitudes in the Schwartz space \({\mathcal S}'\), Convex and star-shaped sets associated with multivariate stable distributions. I: Moments and densities, Spinor-helicity formalism for massless fields in \(\mathrm{AdS}_4\). II: Potentials, Conformal symmetry and composite operators in the \(O(N )^3\) tensor field theory, Feynman amplitudes on moduli spaces of graphs, On the asymptotic expansion of some integrals, Distributions: The evolution of a mathematical theory, Kelvin transforms and harmonic polynomials on the Heisenberg group, Variational principles and operator equations for electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneous media, Généralisation des algèbres de Beurling, Asymptotic inverse scattering, Prolongement méromorphe des séries de Dirichlet associées à des fractions rationnelles de plusieurs variables, Geometric parametrices and the many-body Birman-Schwinger principle, Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators and time-decay of the wave functions. Results in \(L^ 2(R^ 4)\), The Plancherel formula for pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces of the universal covering group of SL(2,\({\mathbb{R}})\), Reverse time diffusions, L\({}^ p\) harmonic analysis and Radon transforms on the Heisenberg group, Convolution estimates for some distributions with singularities on the light cone, ``Generalized Burgers' equation for nonlinear viscoelastic waves, Fractional relaxation-oscillation and fractional diffusion-wave phenomena., Agmon-Kato-Kuroda theorems for a large class of perturbations, Bounds for singular fractional integrals and related Fourier integral operators, Maxent, second variation, and generalized statistics, Dynamics of two externally driven coupled quantum oscillators interacting with separate baths based on path integrals, Uniform Markov renewal theory and ruin probabilities in Markov random walks., Nuclear norm-based recursive subspace prediction of time-varying continuous-time stochastic systems via distribution theory, Uniformly bounded representations of \(\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})\), The second-order bias of quantile estimators, Several results of fractional differential and integral equations in distribution, The Plancherel formula for the line bundles on \(\mathrm{SL}(n + 1, \mathbb{R})/S(\mathrm{GL}(1,\mathbb{R})\times \mathrm{GL}(n, \mathbb{R}))\), Towards the amplituhedron volume, Conformal anomaly of generalized form factors and finite loop integrals, Solution of inhomogeneous differential equations with polynomial coefficients in terms of the Green's function, Babenko's approach to Abel's integral equations, Fine structure of the production in low to medium Reynolds number wall turbulence, Weak-form collocation -- a local meshless method in linear elasticity, Adaptive terminal sliding mode based thruster fault tolerant control for underwater vehicle in time-varying ocean currents, Superbrownian motion and the spatial lambda-Fleming-Viot process, Nonlocal vertices and analyticity: Landau equations and general Cutkosky rule, Morozov principle for Kullback-Leibler residual term and Poisson noise, Logistic map with memory from economic model, Firey-Shephard problems for homogeneous measures, Retracted: New Riesz representations of linear maps associated with certain boundary value problems and their applications, Quasi-diagonalization of Hankel operators, \( \mathcal{N} =4\) super-Yang-Mills in LHC superspace. I: Classical and quantum theory, A point mass and continuous collapse to a point mass in general relativity, Simple solutions of the wave equation with a singularity at a running point, based on the complexified Bateman solution, Averaging under Rayleigh-Taylor instability and density mushy region generation, On defining the distributions \(\delta^{r}\) and \((\delta')^{r}\) by conformable derivatives, Existence results for a Michaud fractional, nonlocal, and randomly position structured fragmentation model, A proof of Łojasiewicz's theorem, Solution of the Navier-Stokes problem, On the model of generation of vortex structures in an isotropic turbulent flow, Recovery of the singularities of a potential from backscattering data in general dimension, Best dispersal strategies in spatially heterogeneous environments: optimization of the principal eigenvalue for indefinite fractional Neumann problems, On powers of the compositions involving Dirac-delta and infinitely differentiable functions, Basic relative invariants of homogeneous cones and their Laplace transforms, On convergence of extended dynamic mode decomposition to the Koopman operator, Piercing of domain walls: new mechanism of gravitational radiation, Cauchy problems for Keller-Segel type time-space fractional diffusion equation, Note on the distribution composition \((x_+^\mu )^\lambda \), Anomalous diffusion with ballistic scaling: a new fractional derivative, Temperedness of measures defined by polynomial equations over local fields, On eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform, Wave propagation in linear viscoelastic media with completely monotonic relaxation moduli, Torus period coefficients on \(\mathrm{PGL}(2)\) and Dirichlet series, Improved accuracy of \(L_{p}\)-approximation to derivatives by radial basis function interpolation, On deconvolution problems: numerical aspects, The solutions of the \(n\)-dimensional Bessel diamond operator and the Fourier-Bessel transform of their convolution, The products on the unit sphere and even-dimension spaces, Fractional dynamics, Cantorian space-time and the gauge hierarchy problem, Optimal transformations for prediction in continuous-time stochastic processes: finite past and future, The convolution of functions and distributions, Dimension of the space of intertwining operators from degenerate principal series representations, An endpoint version of uniform Sobolev inequalities, A supplement to Hölder's inequality. The resonance case. I, Asymptotically homogeneous generalized functions and some of their applications, Quantizations of the classical time of arrival and their dynamics, The dynamic fundamental solution and BEM formulation for laminated anisotropic Kirchhoff plates, A note on eigenvalue bounds for Schrödinger operators, On multivariate approximation by integer translates of a basis function, Conformal harmonic analysis on hyperboloids, Reformulation of the Lax-Phillips approach in terms of stationary scattering theory, Bounds and estimates for linear composites with strain gradient effects, Laguerre-tempered distributions and their expansions, A relation between the \(k\)th derivate of the Dirac delta in \((P\pm i0)\) and the residue of distributions \((P\pm i0)^\lambda\), The inversion of Marcel Riesz ultrahyperbolic causal operators, Wavelets, generalized white noise and fractional integration: The synthesis of fractional Brownian motion, A non-stationary approximation scheme on scattered centers in \({\mathbb R}^{d}\) by radial basis functions., Dynamic stability of a propagating crack., Regularization, pseudofunction, and Hadamard finite part, Harmonic analysis on nilpotent groups and singular integrals. III: Fractional integration along manifolds, Kinetic theory in the weak-coupling approximation. I: Formal theory and application to classical open systems, Kinetic theory in the weak-coupling approximation. II: A classical harmonic oscillator model, On the multiplicative products of the \(n\)-dimensional distributional Hankel transforms, Normalization of eigenfunctions of the continuous spectrum of a three-dimensional periodic lightguide, An explicit solution of a certain Schwinger-Dyson equation, Shirokov algebras. I, Associative algebra of functionals containing delta(x) and \(r^ n\)., A model for an interacting quantum field, Ideal MHD stability calculations in axisymmetric toroidal coordinate systems, Characterizations of multivariate differences and associated exponential splines, Differential rings used in Shirokov algebras, Nonlocal inversion formulas in a problem of integral geometry related to p-dimensional planes in real projective space, Symmetry groups of linear partial differential equations and representation theory: The Laplace and axially symmetric wave equation, On the reconstruction of a function on a circular domain from a sampling of its line integrals, Asymptotic expansions of generalized functions. II, Elementary solutions of coupled model equations in the kinetic theory of gases, Functional differential equations and continuous mean periodic functions, Chaos, fractional kinetics, and anomalous transport, Fundamental solutions for the Tricomi operator. II, Some properties of the generalized causal and anticausal Riesz potentials., Invariant hyperfunction solutions to invariant differential equations on the space of real symmetric matrices, On the operator \(\bigoplus^k\) related to the wave equation and Laplacian, Green's function for incremental nonlinear elasticity: shear bands and boundary integral formulation, Generalized Weierstrass kernels on the intersection of two complex hypersurfaces, Traces for star products on symplectic manifolds, On the pseudo-differential operators in the dual boundary integral equations using degenerate kernels and circulants, Efficient and rapid numerical evaluation of the two-electron, four-center Coulomb integrals using nonlinear transformations and useful properties of sine and Bessel functions, About asymptotic formulas for the inverse Radon transform, Wave propagation in media with singular memory, Rayleigh-Taylor instability of immiscible fluids in porous media, Fractional powers of the wave operator via Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps in anti-de Sitter spaces, Asymptotic analysis of oscillatory integrals via the Newton polyhedra of the phase and the amplitude, A non-iterative derivative-free method for nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Solutions of the Maxwell equations and photon wave functions, On the semi-classical spectrum of an integrable system of dymension 1 around a hyperbolic singularity, On the weak solutions of the compound Bessel ultra-hyperbolic equation, Rigorous and heuristic treatment of certain sensitive singular perturbations, Neural network with unbounded activation functions is universal approximator, On Leighton's comparison theorem, A fractional generalization of the classical lattice dynamics approach, Inversion of weighted divergent beam and cone transforms, RETRACTED: A sharp Trudinger type inequality for harmonic functions and its applications, Numerical computation of compliance contribution tensor of a concave pore embedded in a transversely isotropic matrix, Non-local meta-conformal invariance, diffusion-limited erosion and the XXZ chain, Causal Stroh formalism for uniformly-moving dislocations in anisotropic media: somigliana dislocations and Mach cones, Holography in de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces and Gel'fand Graev Radon transform, Pizzetti and Cauchy formulae for higher dimensional surfaces: a distributional approach, Fundamental solutions in 3D elastodynamics for the BEM: a review, On the gradient of the Green tensor in two-dimensional elastodynamic problems, and related integrals: distributional approach and regularization, with application to nonuniformly moving sources, Poles of the complex zeta function of a plane curve, Three-dimensional nonlocal anisotropic elasticity: a generalized continuum theory of Ångström-mechanics, On the fractional Poisson process and the discretized stable subordinator, Coulomb-nuclear interference: the latest modification, Conceptual and technical challenges of quantum gravity, Intersection bodies and generalized cosine transforms, On the Fourier transform of Lorentz invariant distributions, Global weak solutions to a spatio-temporal fractional Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation, Recovery of the operator \(\Delta_B\) from its incomplete Fourier-Bessel image, On the properties of some operators under the perspective of fractional system theory, General fractional calculus and Prabhakar's theory, Applications of Hilfer-Prabhakar operator to option pricing financial model, Yangian symmetric correlators, The momentum of an electromagnetic wave inside a dielectric, Twisted plane wave expansions using hypercomplex methods, On products of delta distributions and resultants, Generalization of Kramers-Krönig relations for evaluation of causality in power-law media, Stability in the \(L_p\) Shephard problem, Comparative analysis of multiscale Gaussian random field simulation algorithms, Time-harmonic Green's function and boundary integral formulation for incremental nonlinear elasticity: dynamics of wave patterns and shear bands, Collider physics at the precision frontier, On the Bessel diamond and the nonlinear Bessel diamond operator related to the Bessel wave equation, Interior estimates for the eigenfunctions of the fractional Laplacian on a bounded domain, On the local equatorial characterization of zonoids and intersection bodies, On the noncommutative neutrix product of distributions, Associated and quasi associated homogeneous distributions (generalized functions), An extension of the incomplete beta function for negative integers, On singularities of continuity equation solutions, Minimal representations via Bessel operators, Transverse force on a moving vortex with the acoustic geometry, Band-limited scaling and wavelet expansions, Partial positive scaling transform: a separability criterion, Generalized intersection bodies are not equivalent, Best constants of harmonic approximation on classes associated with the Laplace operator, A mathematically rigorous formulation of the pseudopotential method, The Leray measure of nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus, The complex Busemann-Petty problem on sections of convex bodies, Hypersingular integral equations, waveguiding effects in Cantorian universe and genesis of large scale structures, An intuitive discussion on the ideal ramp filter in computed tomography. I, Applications of the dual integral formulation in conjunction with fast multipole method in large-scale problems for 2D exterior acoustics, Several results of fractional derivatives in \(D'(\mathbb R_+)\), How rich is the class of multifractional Brownian motions?, On global smooth solutions to the 3D Vlasov-Nordström system, A construction of real weight functions for certain orthogonal polynomials in two variables, BIEM for 2D steady-state problems in cracked anisotropic materials, Impulse functions over curves and surfaces and their applications to diffraction, Complexity in quantum field theory and physics beyond the standard model, Shape and size dependence of dipolar plasmonic resonance of nanoparticles, A note on the limited stability of surface spline interpolation, Differentiability properties of the symbol of a generalized Riesz potential with homogeneous characteristic, Spectral inequalities for a class of integral operators, Converse theorems for automorphic distributions and Maass forms of level \(N\), Boundary-to-bulk maps for AdS causal wedges and RG flow, Matrix Toda and Volterra lattices, Meromorphy of local zeta functions in smooth model cases, Certain averaging operators on Lebesgue spaces, Spectral theory for systems of ordinary differential equations with distributional coefficients, The second-order asymptotic properties of asymmetric least squares estimation, Analysis of edge and corner points using parabolic dictionaries, Analysis of parametric models. Linear methods and approximations, Solutions to Abel's integral equations in distributions, SOS-representation for the \(\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})\)-invariant \(R\)-operator and Feynman diagrams, Derivative estimates of averaging operators and extension, An inversion formula for the transport equation in \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\) using complex analysis in several variables, Second order Lyapunov exponents for parabolic and hyperbolic Anderson models, Bernstein-Sato identities and conformal symmetry breaking operators, Further results on the neutrix composition of distributions involving the delta function and the function \(\cosh _ + ^{ - 1}( {{x^{1/r}} + 1} )\), Classical and nonclassical solitary waves in the general Degasperis-Procesi model, Effective properties of ageing linear viscoelastic media with spheroidal inhomogeneities, The convolution of analytic functionals, Mean-field expansion, regularization issue, and multi-quark functions in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, Quasi-Carleman operators and their spectral properties, A generalization of an integral arising in the theory of distance correlation, Dual variational methods and nonvanishing for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation, Characterization of local observables in integrable quantum field theories, Fundamental solution of a distributed order time-fractional diffusion-wave equation as probability density, A generalisation of the fractional Brownian field based on non-Euclidean norms, The electrostatic potential of a periodic lattice, Asymptotic expansion of the trace of the heat kernel associated to the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, Covariant axial gauge, Independent-cluster parametrizations of wave functions in model field theories. I: Introduction to their holomorphic representations, Numerical evaluation of hypersingular integrals, The fundamental solutions for the fractional diffusion-wave equation, \(M\)-estimation, convexity and quantiles, Conservative smoothing stabilizes discrete-numerical instabilities in SPH material dynamics computations, The ultrahyperbolic Bessel operator: Some basic properties, On the distribution related to the ultra-hyperbolic equations, An integral transform of generalized functions. II, On zonoids whose polars are zonoids, Differential equations and integral geometry, Local tomography for the limited-angle problem, Transient dynamic elastic frictional contact: A general 2D boundary element formulation with examples of SH motion, Extensions of the Poisson summation formula, Vector states for single an multiple-pole resonances, Rigged Hilbert spaces and time asymmetry: The case of the upside-down simple harmonic oscillator, Decay estimates for fourth order wave equations, Changing the variable in convolution of distributions, The distribution \(\delta^{(k)}(P\pm i0-m^2)\), Fractional dynamics, irreversibility and ergodicity breaking, On weighted \(L^2\) estimates of solutions to wave equations, An analog of the two-dimensional local limit theorem, Ultradistributions and quantum fields: Fourier-Laplace transforms and boundary values of analytic functions, Affine dimension: measuring the vestiges of curvature., A hyper-singular traction boundary integral equation method for stress intensity factor computation in a finite cracked body., The space of distributions treated as a ranked space, Irregular operations in quantum field theory. II: Evaluation functionals and products, convolutions, integrals of distributions, Derivatives of the \(L^p\)-cosine transform., Behavior at infinity of the solutions of a class of systems of equations with variable coefficients, A holographic reduction of Minkowski space-time, Variational principles for dynamic problems for inhomogeneous elastic media, On the fundamental solutions of a class of elliptic quartic operators in dimension 3., Reconstruction of a three-dimensional object from a limited range of views, Bound state equation in the Wilson loop approach with minimal surfaces, The nonexistence of regularization operators., Leading RG logs in \(\varphi^4\) theory, Continuum limit of \(QED_ 2\) on a lattice, Relative efficiency of Gaussian stochastic process sampling procedures., Deduction of L. Hörmander's extension of Ásgeirsson's mean value theorem., Analysis on the minimal representation of \(O(p,q)\). I: Realization via conformal geometry., Analysis on the minimal representation of O(\(p,\) \(q\)). III: Ultrahyperbolic equations on \(\mathbb{R}^{p-1,q-1}\), On the solutions of linear differential equations with singular coefficients, Partial inner product spaces and semi-inner product spaces, Singularity structure of the two-point function in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. II, On the Fourier transforms of retarded Lorentz-invariant functions, Global and local variational derivatives and integral representations of Gateaux differentials, On the stationary \(L_{p}\)-approximation power to derivatives by radial basis function interpolation., Regularization of integral equations in spaces of distributions, Discretization effects in statistical inverse problems, Exact solutions of the Helmholtz-Weyl composition equation in underwater acoustics -- the quadratic profile, A special Green's function for the biharmonic operator and its application to an inverse boundary value problem, Numerical solution of some integral equations in distributions, \(B\)-splines, hypergeometric functions, Dirichlet averages, A quantum mechanical problem involving many interacting solitons and its classical chaotic limit, Note on ``Nash and Stackelberg solutions in a differential game model of capitalism, Invariant distributions of classical groups, The asymptotic expansion of certain multi-dimensional generalized functions, Huygens' principle for wave equations on symmetric spaces, On the relationship of some Fredholm integral equations of the first kind to a family of boundary value problems, 'Quasiasymptotics' of generalized functions and scaling of electromagnetic form factors, A new approach to harmonic analysis on the group SL(2,R), The horospheric approach to harmonic analysis on a semi-simple Lie group, Su certe equazioni astratte ultraparaboliche, Calculus of ordered operators on a factor algebra, The retarded solution of the scalar wave equation by means of Green's functions, On the representation of Dirichlet forms, Dualité des espaces de fonctions entières en dimension infinie, Fourier analysis on space-like surfaces. I: The case of mass \(\nu\neq 0\), An influence function for the intensity factor in tensile fracture, Partial inner product spaces. I: General properties, A Markov model for sedimentation, Bounds and self-consistent estimates for the overall properties of anisotropic composites, Composite integral operators and nuclearity, Numerical solution of the stamp problem, Elementary representations and intertwining operators for the group SU*(4), On the Laplace transforms of retarded, Lorentz-invariant functions, On pLg-splines, Asymptotic expansions of generalized functions with singularities on the light cone, Ruin probability by operational calculus, On Kutt's Gaussian quadrature rule for finite-part integrals, Intersection bodies in \(\mathbb{R}^4\), An application of the Fourier transform to sections of star bodies, Dirac's representation theory as a framework for signal theory. I: Discrete finite signals, Dirac's representation theory as a framework for signal theory. II: Infinite duration and continuous signals, The inverse Laplace transform and analytic pseudo-differential operators, The Berezin form for rank one para-Hermitian symmetric spaces, Quantum field theory, bosonization and duality on the half line., BRST inner product spaces and the Gribov obstruction, Correlation functions of boundary field theory from bulk Green's functions and phases in the boundary theory, Continuum limits and exact finite-size-scaling functions for one-dimensional \(O(N)\)-invariant spin models, Gravitational axial anomaly for four-dimensional conformal field theories, Bosonization at finite temperature and anyon condensation, Operator product expansion and factorization in the \(H^+_3\)-\(\text{WZNW}\) model, The Colombeau generalized nonlinear analysis and the Schwartz linear distribution theory, Computability structure of the Sobolev spaces and its applications, A generalization of the Busemann-Petty problem on sections of convex bodies, Homogenization of a linear transport equation with time depending coefficient, A method for the numerical evaluation of a Hadamard finite part integral, A note on the non-commutative neutrix product of distributions, A result on the composition of distributions, A regularization of Dirac delta function for a singular analytic function, Non-stable laws with all projections stable, Generalized Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle, On Meromorphic Continuation of Local Zeta Functions, Existence and asymptotic behavior of standing waves of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation in the plane, A nonlocal constitutive model generated by matrix functions for polyatomic periodic linear chains, Some Compactness Criteria for Weak Solutions of Time Fractional PDEs, The Horn problem for real symmetric and quaternionic self-dual matrices, A note on iterated spherical average on Lebesgue spaces, Funk-Minkowski transform and spherical convolution of Hilbert type in reconstructing functions on the sphere, On stabilization of small solutions in the nonlinear Dirac equation with a trapping potential, Gravitational radiation in massless-particle collisions, Asymptotic distribution of integers with certain prime factorizations, Comparison of volumes of convex bodies in real, complex, and quaternionic spaces, Distributional Derivation of an Asymptotic Expansion, A family of wave-breaking equations generalizing the Camassa-Holm and Novikov equations, LOCAL FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS ATTACHED TO THE POLARIZATIONS OF HOMALOIDAL POLYNOMIALS, On the neutrix composition of x−−slnmx− and ln(1 + x+), A Generalized Definition of Caputo Derivatives and Its Application to Fractional ODEs, Spherical harmonics and rigged Hilbert spaces, Impulse controllability and impulse observability of stochastic singular systems, Formal expansions in stochastic model for wave turbulence. I: Kinetic limit, Estimate of periods on Hirzebruch-Zagier cycles, On a sharp lemma of Cassels and Montgomery on manifolds, Stress channelling in extreme couple-stress materials. II: Localized folding vs faulting of a continuum in single and cross geometries, Symmetric identity for polynomial sequences satisfying \(A^\prime_{n+1}(x) = (n + 1)A_n(x)\), Symmetry breaking for representations of rank one orthogonal groups, Efficiency functionals for the Lévy flight foraging hypothesis, A class of weak pseudo-bosons and their bi-coherent states, The Dependence of the Generalized Radon Transform on Defining Measures, Restriction theorem for the Fourier-Dunkl transform. I: Cone surface, Supersymmetric Galilean electrodynamics, Nonlocal elasticity of Klein-Gordon type: fundamentals and wave propagation, Fourier transform inversion: bounded variation, polynomial growth, Henstock-Stieltjes integration, Certain averaging operators on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Resolution analysis of inverting the generalized \(N\)-dimensional Radon transform in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) from discrete data, A Poisson Summation Formula for Integrals Over Quadratic Surfaces, Convolution of a measure with itself and a restriction theorem, Maximal subalgebras in \(\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{o}(2,1)\), addition theorems and Bessel-Clifford functions, Induced action for superconformal higher-spin multiplets using SCFT techniques, A convolution estimate for a measure on a curve in $\mathbb {R}^4$, Trasformate di Radon e operatori di convoluzione su gruppi e algebre di Lie, Sulla risolubilita' degli operatori differenziali invarianti sul gruppo di Heisenberg, On the Rate of Convergence of Moments in the Central Limit Theorem for Lattice Distributions, Spanning forests andOSP(N|2M) -invariantσ-models, A Characterization of Fourier and Radon Transforms on Euclidean Space, Characterization of Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian by Boundedness Conditions, Inversion of Hyperbolic B-Potentials, Distributions, Non-smooth Manifolds, Transmutations and Boundary Value Problems, Asymptotic Expansions of Some Integral Transforms by Using Generalized Functions, The Special Values at Negative Integers of Dirichlet Series Associated with Polynomials of Several Variables, Unnamed Item, Generalized operator-scaling random ball model, On Cauchy problem for a system of linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients, Unnamed Item, Newton polyhedra and weighted oscillatory integrals with smooth phases, On the Cauchy problem for spatially homogeneous semiconductor Boltzmann equations: existence and uniqueness, Sobolev orthogonal polynomials in two variables and second order partial differential equations, Unnamed Item, [ Balanced colombeau products of the distributions x � -p and x -p], Nonconservative Lagrangian mechanics: purely causal equations of motion, Asymptotical behavior of one class of \(p\)-adic singular Fourier integrals, Scalar and fermion representations of the Lorentz group in Minkowski plane, QFT correlators, pair creation in electric field and the Unruh effect, On a singular boundary value problem for the Euler-Darboux equation, Defining distribution composition (|x|μ)−s, A technique for computation of a class of convolutional inverses, Unnamed Item, Kernels associated to general elliptic problems, Gap and inversion formulas for the Cauchy integral, Asymptotic and spectral analysis of the gyrokinetic-waterbag integro-differential operator in toroidal geometry, On n-widths in Sobolev spaces and applications to elliptic boundary value problems, The Schrödinger model for the minimal representation of the indefinite orthogonal group 𝑂(𝑝,𝑞), Multivector functions, The Weyl functional calculus, Meromorphic property of the functions \(P^ \lambda\), Numerical evaluation of the Slab Albedo problem solution in one-speed anisotropic transport theory, Huygens' principle for a class of singular Cauchy problems, On Zemanian's distributional eigenfunction transforms, Hyperelliptic Integrals and Multiple Hypergeometric Series, Unnamed Item, Tangential characteristics and coupling of waves, Study of birefringent coatings treated as thick plates, Neutrino oscillation, finite self-mass and general Yang–Mills symmetry, On a class of Volterra equations of the first kind, Hypoellipticity of Certain Degenerate Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Contribution of periodic diffractive geodesics, The problem of lacunas and analysis on root systems, Non-intersection bodies, all of whose central sections are intersection bodies, Ill-Posed Problems: Operator Methodologies of Resolution and Regularization, Построение операторного исчисления Микусинского на основе алгебры свертки обобщенных функций. Решение задач математической физики, Fundamental solutions of the Tricomi operator. III, Limit theorems for occupation time fluctuations of branching systems. II: Critical and large dimensions, Associated homogeneous \(p\)-adic distributions, Singularly perturbed integral equations, A note on 𝑘-intersection bodies, Embeddings of Beppo--Levi spaces in Hölder--Zygmund spaces, and a new method for radial basis function interpolation error estimates, Local tomography with nonsmooth attenuation, On the coupling of BEM and FEM for exterior problems for the Helmholtz equation, Tempered Ultradistributions as Boundary Values of Analytic Functions, On a Method of Asymptotic Evaluation of Multiple Integrals, SUPERBOSONIZATION VIA RIESZ SUPERDISTRIBUTIONS, Strong Type Endpoint Bounds for Analytic Families of Fractional Integrals, Anomalous Relaxation in Dielectrics with Hilfer Fractional Derivative, PROBABILITY DENSITY OF RECOVERY RATE GIVEN DEFAULT OF A FIRM’S DEBT AND ITS CONSTITUENT TRANCHES, Local geometry of singular real analytic surfaces, QFT, RG, and All That, for Mathematicians, Solutions to a nonlinear Dirac–Maxwell system: from periodic waves to soliton-like waves, Representation Formulae for the Determinant in a Neighborhood of the Identity, Swanson Hamiltonian: non-PT-symmetry phase, The variational theorem for the scattering length in low dimensions and its applications to universal systems, Finite point configurations and the regular value theorem in a fractal setting, Bernstein-Sato Polynomials in Commutative Algebra, A general family of multi-peakon equations and their properties, A mild source for the Wu–Yang magnetic monopole, Symmetry breaking operators for line bundles over real projective spaces, Trace formulas for a class of non-Fredholm operators: A review, Path integrals on sl(2, R) orbits, Scattering amplitudes as multi-particle higher-spin charges in the correspondence space, Weak pseudo-bosons, Exact solution and the multidimensional Godunov scheme for the acoustic equations, Analytical solution of the generalized space-time fractional ultra-hyperbolic differential equation, The Consistency and the Monte Carlo Method for Semiconductor Boltzmann Equations with Multivalley, Some Observations on Dirac Measure-Preserving Transformations and their Results, Estimations $L^p$ des fonctions du Laplacien sur les variétés cuspidales, Unnamed Item, Local Convergence of the FEM for the Integral Fractional Laplacian, 𝑝-Adic analysis: A quick introduction, Singular Euler–Maclaurin expansion on multidimensional lattices, On the Radon transform and the Dirac delta distribution in superspace, Unnamed Item, A state estimation strategy for a nonlinear switched system with unknown switching signals, Linear peridynamics for triclinic materials, Splines Are Universal Solutions of Linear Inverse Problems with Generalized TV Regularization, Unnamed Item, KERNEL ESTIMATION WHEN DENSITY MAY NOT EXIST: A CORRIGENDUM, Unnamed Item, The composition of the distributions x−λlnsx− and x+−r/λ, Initial Boundary Value Problems in a Bounded Domain: Probabilistic Representations of Solutions and Limit Theorems. I, Recurrence of random walks with long-range steps generated by fractional Laplacian matrices on regular networks and simple cubic lattices, Bounded multiplicity theorems for induction and restriction, ON THE INCOMPLETE GAMMA FUNCTION AND ITS NEUTRIX CONVOLUTION FOR NEGATIVE INTEGERS, Multilinear fractional integral operators: a counter-example, Approximate inverse for the common offset acquisition geometry in 2D seismic imaging, Unnamed Item, On Problems in Mathematical Physics with Variable Parameter, Hybrid-Impulsive Higher Order Sliding Mode Control, Infinite-dimensional meta-conformal Lie algebras in one and two spatial dimensions, Fundamental solutions and analysis of an interfacial crack in a one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal bi-material, Quantum process tomography with coherent states, Some analytic properties of the cone transform, Couple-stress effects for the problem of a crack under concentrated shear loading, Analysis of resolution of tomographic-type reconstruction from discrete data for a class of distributions, Mathematics of the classical and the quantum, Enhanced velocity fluctuations in interacting swimmer suspensions, On some distributions associated to boundary value problems, The deformation quantisation mapping of Poisson to associative structures in field theory, Remarks on the slow relaxation for the fractional Kuramoto model for synchronization, On the H p -L q boundedness of some fractional integral operators, Hadamard--Babich Ansatz for Point-Source Elastic Wave Equations in Variable Media at High Frequencies, Strichartz estimates for orthonormal families of initial data and weighted oscillatory integral estimates, A continuum theory for one-dimensional self-similar elasticity and applications to wave propagation and diffusion, Extending Babich's Ansatz for Point-Source Maxwell's Equations Using Hadamard's Method, Junction conditions in scalar–tensor theories, The mass quadrupole moment of compact binary systems at the fourth post-Newtonian order, Quantum scalar field theories with fractional operators, The current-type quadrupole moment and gravitational-wave mode (ℓ, m) = (2, 1) of compact binary systems at the third post-Newtonian order, Diagonalizations of two classes of unbounded Hankel operators, Finding Discontinuities from Tomographic Data, Relativistic corrections to the Moyal-Weyl spacetime, Toeplitz versus Hankel: semibounded operators, Dual ground state solutions for the critical nonlinear Helmholtz equation, Fixed Angle Scattering: Recovery of Singularities and Its Limitations, Residue formula for regular symmetry breaking operators, Asymptotic distribution of negative eigenvalues for three-body systems in two dimensions: Efimov effect in the antisymmetric space, Unnamed Item, Об эффекте переноса массы вдоль космической струны, Nonpolar singularities of local zeta functions in some smooth case, Asymptotics of Gaussian integrals in infinite dimensions, Unnamed Item, The Mittag-Leffler function in the thinning theory for renewal processes, The Dirichlet problem for the logarithmic Laplacian, A Convex Approach to Superresolution and Regularization of Lines in Images, Fractional thoughts, Mathematics of Wavefields, Early Work on Defect Driven Phase Transitions, The “Planckonions”, Unnamed Item, Matrix biorthogonal polynomials on the real line: Geronimus transformations, Reconstruction in quantum field theory with a fundamental length, Multiplication of distributions and Dirac formalism of quantum mechanics, Generalization of Padé approximation from rational functions to arbitrary analytic functions — Theory, Spectre conjoint d'opérateurs pseudodifférentiels qui commutent, Radiation fields of a uniformly accelerating point source in the framework of Stueckelberg’s manifestly covariant relativistic dynamics, Madelung representation of damped parametric quantum oscillator and exactly solvable Schrödinger–Burgers equations, Local Time and Local Reflection of the Wiener Process, Remarks on the linear fractional integro-differential equation with variable coefficients in distribution, The generalized Abel's integral equations on R^n with variable coefficients, Moyal multiplier algebras of the test function spaces of type S, Conformally-flat, non-singular static metric in infinite derivative gravity, Integration by differentiation: new proofs, methods and examples, Estimations 𝐿^{𝑝} des solutions de l’équation des ondes sur certaines variétés coniques, Integrable magnetic geodesic flows on 2-surfaces *, Distributions as the boundary values of analytic functions, On ranked spaces and linearity, II, On fractional integrals generated by Radon transforms over paraboloids, Celestial amplitudes in an ambidextrous basis, Lattice Green/Neumann function for the 2D Laplacian operator defined on square lattice on cylinders, tori and other geometries with some applications, Wave operator on compact manifolds, Asymptotic theory of density estimation, Comparison problems for Radon transforms, Resolution of singularities for \(C^\infty\) functions and meromorphy of local zeta functions, Fermionic semiclassical \(L^p\) estimates, Multi-mixed fractional Brownian motions and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Semiclassical theory and the Koopman-van Hove equation *, Iterative inversion of the tensor momentum x-ray transform, Complex \(L_p\)-intersection bodies, Reflective prolate‐spheroidal operators and the adelic Grassmannian, An analogue of polynomially integrable bodies in even-dimensional spaces, Fractional integrals associated with Radon transforms, On One Family of Random Operators, Explicit representations for Banach subspaces of Lizorkin distributions, Revisiting the shadow stress tensor in celestial CFT, A decay estimate for the Fourier transform of certain singular measures in \(\mathbb{R}^4\) and applications, Hadamard integrator for time-dependent wave equations: Lagrangian formulation via ray tracing, Analytic Continuation of Holomorphic Functions with Values in a Locally Convex Space, On representations of the Helmholtz Green's function, The modularity of Siegel's zeta functions, Cuspon-type Waves and Their Properties, Simultaneous Reconstruction of Optical and Acoustical Properties in Photoacoustic Imaging Using Plasmonics, Construction of free quantum fields on nested fractal space-times, The fractional evolution equations associated with the quantum fractional number operator, Restriction theorem for the Fourier-Dunkl transform and its applications to Strichartz inequalities, On generalized solutions of linear differential equations of the first order, The physical interpretation of point interactions in one-dimensional relativistic quantum mechanics, Solution of a boundary value problem for a system of integro-differential equations arising in a model of plasma physics, Surface concentration of transmission eigenfunctions, Effective medium method in solution of the elastic and thermo-elastic homogenization problems for polycrystals with spheroidal transverse isotropic grains, Detectors in weakly-coupled field theories, Self-induced flow over a cylinder in a stratified fluid, Recovery of the solution of the singular heat equation from measurement data, A note on singular integral, The Unruh state for massless fermions on Kerr spacetime and its Hadamard property, A simple algorithm for expanding a power series as a continued fraction, Solitary wave solutions to a generalization of the mKdV equation, Generalized statistical mechanics of Newtonian gravity, Convergence of a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method for the Space Inhomogeneous Semiconductor Boltzmann Equations with Multi-valley, On mean values of solutions to differential equations, Stability analysis of a simple discretization method for a class of strongly singular integral equations, The Cauchy problem and multi-peakons for the mCH-Novikov-CH equation with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities, Energy correlations in heavy states, Constructing Carrollian field theories from null reduction, Stability related to the Lp$L_p$ Busemann–Petty problem, Light-front puzzles, Dynamical symmetries in the non-equilibrium dynamics of the directed spherical model, Application of the dual space of Gelfand-Shilov spaces of Beurling type, Bitensorial formulation of the singularity method for Stokes flows, Carrollian conformal correlators and massless scattering amplitudes, The Plancherel formula of Fourier integral operators: The case of Sp(1,1), Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The limiting absorption principle for the two-dimensional inhomogeneous anisotropic elasticity system, Asymptotic expansions for a class of singular integrals emerging in non-linear wave systems, Trkalian fields: ray transforms and mini-twistors, Unnamed Item, Completeness for sparse potential scattering, The \(HD\) and \(H\bar D\) methods for accelerating the convergence of three-center nuclear attraction and four-center two-electron Coulomb integrals over \(B\) functions and their convergence properties, Approximation in \(L_p (\mathbb{R}^d)\) from spaces spanned by the perturbed integer translates of a radial function, Path integral approach to string theory on \(\text{AdS}_ 3\)., The virtual black hole in 2d quantum gravity, Dual expansions of \(\mathcal N=4\) super Yang-Mills theory via IIB superstring theory., Paley–Wiener–Schwartz type theorem for the wavelet transform, Approximation in \(L_p (\mathbb{R}^d)\) from a space spanned by the scattered shifts of a radial basis function, Double Gegenbauer expansion of |st|α, The distribution composition \((x_+^r)^{-s}\), Bessel integrals and fundamental solutions for a generalized Tricomi operator, Singularity characterization by monoscale analysis: Application to seismic imaging, The three-dimensional noncommutative nonlinear sigma model in superspace, Impulse observability and impulse controllability of linear time-varying singular systems., The role of initial conditions in presence of extra dimensions, Subspace identification for continuous-time stochastic systems via distribution-based approach, Unnamed Item, Scattered date interpolation from principal shift-invariant spaces, Interpolation by radial functions on Sobolev space, Asymptotic ray theory in poro- and viscoelastic media., Diffraction of scalar waves by an impedance cone of arbitrary cross-section., Mittag-Leffler analysis. II: Application to the fractional heat equation., Functions analytic in an octant and boundary values of distributions, Non-equilibrium dynamics of the open quantum O(n)-model with non-Markovian noise: exact results, Functions analytic in an octant and boundary values of distributions, Explicit Cutoff Regularization in Coordinate Representation