Faisceaux algébriques cohérents

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DOI10.2307/1969915zbMath0067.16201OpenAlexW2028590532WikidataQ55869394 ScholiaQ55869394MaRDI QIDQ766653

Jean-Pierre Serre

Publication date: 1955

Published in: Annals of Mathematics. Second Series (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.2307/1969915

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Baldassarri a Torino nel 1961: 'Osservazioni sulla struttura dei fasci lisci', Le problème des modules pour les sous-espaces analytiques compacts d'un espace analytique donné, Zur Theorie der Steinschen Algebren und Moduln, The intersection multiplicity of a conneeted component, Pfaffsche Formen auf komplexen Räumen, Una caratterizzazione di certi fasci algebrici coerenti ed una ulteriore applicazione della proprieta di estensione, Sul prodotto tensoriale di fasci algebrici coerenti e lisci, Normality of DSER elementary orthogonal group, Über lineare Faserräume und schwach negative holomorphe Geradenbündel, Sopra un problema d'immersione per certi fasci algebrici coerenti su una varieta affine, Una dimostrazione elementare della proprieta di estensione per il fascio degli anelli locali di uno spazio affine ed alcune applicazioni di tale proprieta, Representability of group functors, and automorphisms of algebraic schemes, Una condizione affinche il sottofascio di torsione di un fascio algebrico coerente sia sommando diretto, On sheaf cohomology and natural expansions, Bewertungssysteme in Moduln, Vector bundles over real algebraic varieties, Lineare Faserräume und kohärente Modulgarben über komplexen Räumen, Sulle localizzazioni di ideali e moduli di tipo finito privi di torsione (Proprieta del chiuso di un fascio algebrico coerente e liscio), Modules which support nonsingular forms, On the Gaussian map for canonical curves of low genus, Sulla torsione in un prodotto tensoriale di moduli senza torsione, Sulla nozione di q-convessita per gli spazi complessi non ridotti, Proprietà di fasci algebrici coerenti e lisci su varietà algebriche ad algebra fattoriale, Proprietà di fasci algebrici coerenti e lisci su varietà algebriche affini normali, Kohomologiegruppen und Konstantenreduktion in Funktionenkörper, Ein Divisionsproblem und Randintegraldarstellungen in der komplexen Analysis, Über Kokerne und Pushouts in der Kategorie der komplex-analytischen Räume, Eine Künnethformel für Frechetgarben, Zur Berechnung von Ext bei Moduln über Polynomringen, Dimension und Schnittpunktsanzahl von Divisoren in algebraischen Funktionenkörpern, Serie convergenti su un corpo non archimedeo con applicazione ai fasci analitici, A class of indecomposable algebraic vector bundles, Singularities of algebraic surfaces with \(\mathbb C^ *\) action, The Serre-Swan theorem for normed modules, Sur les caractères des groupes de Lie. (On the characters of Lie groups), Equivariant vector bundles over quantum projective spaces, A categorical characterization of quantum projective spaces, \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homotopy theory and contractible varieties: a survey, Noncommutative differential \(K\)-theory, Picard groups for tropical toric schemes, Abstract algebraic geometry, Every algebraic set in n-space is the intersection of n hypersurfaces, Rings of invariants of reductive groups acting on regular rings are Cohen-Macaulay, Quasi-splines and their moduli, Vector Bundles and Projective Modules, Modules de $SU$-bordisme. Couples exacts cohérents, Unnamed Item, Matrices Over Polynomial Rings, Arithmetically Buchsbaum divisors on varieties of minimal degree, Riemannsche Hebbarkeitssätze für Cohomologieklassen, Some results on the quotient space by an algebraic group of automorphisms, Über die normalen Punkte eines komplexen Raumes, Über Satelliten halbexakter Funktoren, Lokalholomorphe Funktionen und das Geschlecht kompakter Riemannscher Flächen, Projektive Modifikationen komplexer Räume, Stably free modules over $\mathbf{R}[X$ of rank $> \dim\mathbf{R}$ are free], Unnamed Item, Proper \(G_a\)-actions on \(\mathbb C^4\) preserving a coordinate, Unnamed Item, On the Geometry of Global Function Fields, the Riemann–Roch Theorem, and Finiteness Properties of S-Arithmetic Groups, On quasi-complete intersections, A Riemann-Roch formula for the blow-up of a nonsingular affine scheme, Orlov's equivalence and maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over the cone of an elliptic curve, Unnamed Item, The preprojective algebra of a tame hereditary artin algebra, Computing the Equations of a Variety, Unnamed Item, Adelic geometry on arithmetic surfaces. I: Idelic and adelic interpretation of the Deligne pairing, New remarks on the factorization and equivalence problems for a class of multivariate polynomial matrices, Algebraic Fiber Bundles, Framed cobordisms in real algebraic geometry, On graded \(\mathbb{E}_\infty\)-rings and projective schemes in spectral algebraic geometry, On the Krull-Schmidt theorem with application to sheaves, Variations on the Grothendieck–Serre Formula for Hilbert Functions and Their Applications, Diagonalizably linearized coherent sheaves, Cohomologie non abélienne et espaces fibrés, Sulle varieta' normali di Cohen-Macaulay, Variétés analytiques réelles et variétés analytiques complexes, Obstructions to Deforming a space curve, New results on the equivalence of bivariate polynomial matrices, Le théorème de Riemann-Roch, Questions de rationalité des diviseurs en géométrie algébrique, Noncommutative curves and noncommutative surfaces, On certain isolated normal singularities, Sur les anneaux factoriels, Théorèmes de finitude pour la cohomologie des espaces complexes, Unnamed Item, The Pillars of Relative Quillen–Suslin Theory, Relating the Principles of Quillen–Suslin Theory, Prolongements d'équations différentielles linéaires. III. La suite exacte de cohomologie de Spencer, Derived quot schemes, AN AXIOMATIC SETUP FOR ALGORITHMIC HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA AND AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH TO LOCALIZATION, Le théorème des zéros en géométries algébrique et analytique réelles, Principal 2-bundles and their gauge 2-groups, Unnamed Item, The Super Gaga Principle and Families of Super Riemann Surfaces, On arithmetic Macaulayfication of Noetherian rings, An embedding theorem of complete Kähler manifolds of positive bisectional curvature onto affine algebraic varieties, On a criterion for hyperplane sections, Arakelov theory of noncommutative arithmetic surfaces, Models of quasiprojective homogeneous spaces for Hopf algebras, A note on the inverse problem for the cohomology vanishing theorem, The homotopy theory of projective modules, Uniqueness of enhancement for triangulated categories, The Spectral Sequence of a Covering, A remark on the Grothendieck-Lefschetz theorem about the Picard group, Unnamed Item, Some applications of the Frobenius in characteristic 0, Zariski's conjecture and related problems, Asymptotic Depth and Connectedness in Projective Schemes, Geometrie algebrique sur un corps non algebriquement clos, Unnamed Item, GEOMETRIC INVARIANT THEORY FOR HOLOMORPHIC FOLIATIONS ON ℂℙ2 OF DEGREE 2, Formal punctured ribbons and two-dimensional local fields, David Rees, FRS 1918–2013, Pullback Moduli Spaces, Morphismes surjectifs de fibrés vectoriels semi-positifs, A condition for a ringed space to be a generator in its category of modules, Complex Analytic Connections in Fibre Bundles, Sheaves and Differential Equations, Conditions for the Existence of Contractions in the Category of Algebraic Spaces, Complément à l'article de P. Deligne La conjecture de Weil pour les surfaces \(K 3\). (Complement to the paper of P. Deligne Weil conjecture for \(K 3\) surfaces), Homological Dimension in Local Rings, Complexe de de Rham filtré d'une variété singulière, Logarithmic differentials and purely inseparable descent, \(K\)-theory and stable algebra, Harmonic Integrals on Almost Product Manifolds, Algebraic Vector Bundles Over the Product of an Affine Curve and the Affine Line, Lacunas for hyperbolic differential operators with constant coefficients. II, Representations of étale Lie groupoids and modules over Hopf algebroids, Controllability and observability of linear delay systems: an algebraic approach, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Torsion Free and Projective Modules, Tori in the Cremona groups, Unnamed Item, Globally generated vector bundles on Pn with c1=3, Decomposing Algebraic Vector Bundles on the Projective Line, Indici D'Irregolarità e sottoirregolarità di un divisore di una varietà algebrica, Unnamed Item, A relative GAGA principle for families of curves, A lifting result for local cohomology of graded modules, Galois representations associated to holomorphic limits of discrete series, An injectivity theorem