Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Dynamic revenue management in a passenger rail network under price and fleet management decisions | 2025-01-20 | Paper |
Robust design of ARMA and ACC charts for imperfect and autocorrelated processes under uncertainty | 2024-07-01 | Paper |
A combinatorial auction‐based approach for ridesharing in a student transportation system | 2023-12-11 | Paper |
An extended ϵ‐constraint method for a multiobjective finite‐horizon Markov decision process | 2023-11-29 | Paper |
Pricing decisions in a multiechelon supply chain under a bundling strategy | 2023-11-16 | Paper |
A competitive pharmaceutical supply chain under the marketing mix strategies and product life cycle with a fuzzy stochastic demand | 2023-07-13 | Paper |
Solving a hub location-routing problem with a queue system under social responsibility by a fuzzy meta-heuristic algorithm | 2023-07-13 | Paper |
A chance-constraint optimization model for a multi-echelon multi-product closed-loop supply chain considering brand diversity: an accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm | 2023-07-04 | Paper |
Solving a new robust green cellular manufacturing problem with environmental issues under uncertainty using Benders decomposition | 2022-12-23 | Paper |
Designing a model for service facility protection with a time horizon based on tri-level programming | 2022-12-23 | Paper |
Agile two-stage lot-sizing and scheduling problem with reliability, customer satisfaction and behaviour under uncertainty: a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm | 2022-12-23 | Paper |
Mathematical modeling of a bi-objective hub location-routing problem for rapid transit networks | 2022-11-28 | Paper |
Measuring the Efficiency of Banks' Performance Based on Economic Policies Using Data Envelopment Analysis | 2022-11-25 | Paper |
Competitive facility location problem with foresight considering discrete-nature attractiveness for facilities: model and solution | 2022-09-27 | Paper |
Dynamic routing-scheduling problem for home health care considering caregiver-patient compatibility | 2022-09-27 | Paper |
Modelling and solving the bi-objective production–transportation problem with time windows and social sustainability | 2022-08-31 | Paper |
Designing a Hybrid Model of Data Envelopment Analysis with Taguchi Approach to Optimize Multiple Response Banks Performance | 2022-08-08 | Paper |
Determining the price and refund of products in a supply chain with quality and advertising costs in a fuzzy environment | 2022-07-21 | Paper |
New definition of the cross entropy based on the Dempster-Shafer theory and its application in a decision-making process | 2022-06-27 | Paper |
An integrated quality, maintenance and production model based on the delayed monitoring under the ARMA control chart | 2022-03-23 | Paper |
Scheduling piecewise linear deteriorating jobs to minimize makespan in a two-machine flowshop | 2021-11-08 | Paper |
A hybrid Z-number data envelopment analysis and neural network for assessment of supply chain resilience: a case study | 2021-08-13 | Paper |
A robust location-arc routing problem under uncertainty: mathematical model with lower and upper bounds | 2021-05-28 | Paper |
A multi-modal competitive hub location pricing problem with customer loyalty and elastic demand | 2021-04-20 | Paper | | 2021-02-22 | Paper |
A new multi-objective model for a capacitated hub covering problem solving by two multi-objective evolutionary algorithms | 2020-10-15 | Paper |
A new method for fuzzy numbers ranking on the basis of hypotenuse set | 2020-10-15 | Paper |
Multi-echelon supply chain design considering unreliable facilities with facility hardening possibility | 2020-03-26 | Paper |
Mathematical modeling for a \(p\)-mobile hub location problem in a dynamic environment by a genetic algorithm | 2020-02-12 | Paper |
A novel multi-stage possibilistic stochastic programming approach (with an application in relief distribution planning) | 2020-02-06 | Paper |
Multi-objective hub network design under uncertainty considering congestion: an M/M/c/K queue system | 2020-01-29 | Paper |
Design of a reliable logistics network with hub disruption under uncertainty | 2020-01-29 | Paper |
A vibration damping optimization algorithm for a parallel machines scheduling problem with sequence-independent family setup times | 2020-01-09 | Paper |
Evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective dual-resource constrained flexible job-shop scheduling problem | 2019-10-18 | Paper |
Application of robust optimization for a product portfolio problem using an invasive weed optimization algorithm | 2019-09-18 | Paper |
Forward and reverse flows pricing decisions for two competing supply chains with common collection centers in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment | 2019-08-15 | Paper |
A branch and bound algorithm for hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with setup time and assembly operations | 2018-10-30 | Paper |
Solving a new stochastic multi-mode \(p\)-hub covering location problem considering risk by a novel multi-objective algorithm | 2018-10-11 | Paper |
A dynamic pricing approach for returned products in integrated forward/reverse logistics network design | 2018-10-11 | Paper |
Solving a multi-objective multi-skilled manpower scheduling model by a fuzzy goal programming approach | 2018-08-30 | Paper |
New approach based on group technology for the consolidation problem in cloud computing-mathematical model and genetic algorithm | 2018-08-09 | Paper |
Solving a bi-objective unrelated parallel batch processing machines scheduling problem: a comparison study | 2018-07-12 | Paper |
Dispatching rule evaluation in flexible manufacturing systems by a new fuzzy decision model with possibilistic-statistical uncertainties | 2018-06-14 | Paper |
Design of a reliable multi-modal multi-commodity model for hazardous materials transportation under uncertainty | 2018-05-24 | Paper |
A discrete-time approximation technique for the time-cost trade-off in PERT networks | 2018-01-12 | Paper |
Solving a fuzzy fixed charge solid transportation problem using batch transferring by new approaches in meta-heuristic | 2018-01-04 | Paper | | 2017-07-27 | Paper |
Modified particle swarm optimization in a time-dependent vehicle routing problem: minimizing fuel consumption | 2017-06-29 | Paper |
A Benders' decomposition algorithm for optimizing distribution of perishable products considering postharvest biological behavior in agri-food supply chain: a case study of tomato | 2017-06-21 | Paper |
A multi-objective fuzzy goal programming model for reverse supply chain design | 2017-05-31 | Paper |
An MCDA-DEA approach for mixed-model assembly line balancing problem under uncertainty | 2017-05-18 | Paper |
Minimizing the total completion time on a single machine with the learning effect and multiple availability constraints | 2016-12-06 | Paper |
Reliable design of a logistics network under uncertainty: A fuzzy possibilistic-queuing model | 2016-12-06 | Paper |
A new multi-objective stochastic model for a forward/reverse logistic network design with responsiveness and quality level | 2016-12-02 | Paper |
A note on minimizing makespan in three machine flow shop with deteriorating jobs | 2016-11-17 | Paper |
Interval programming for the redundancy allocation with choices of redundancy strategy and component type under uncertainty: Erlang time to failure distribution | 2016-05-02 | Paper |
Lead time and ordering cost reductions in budget and storage space restricted probabilistic inventory models with imperfect items | 2015-04-27 | Paper |
A new method for trapezoidal fuzzy numbers ranking based on the Shadow length and its application to manager's risk taking | 2015-03-04 | Paper |
Risk ranking in mega projects by fuzzy compromise approach: A comparative analysis | 2015-02-13 | Paper |
An interactive possibilistic programming approach for a multi-objective closed-loop supply chain network under uncertainty | 2015-02-04 | Paper |
A fuzzy grey model based on the compromise ranking for multi-criteria group decision making problems in manufacturing systems | 2014-09-16 | Paper |
A multi-objective vehicle routing and scheduling problem with uncertainty in customers' request and priority | 2014-07-11 | Paper |
A new capacitated vehicle routing problem with split service for minimizing fleet cost by simulated annealing | 2013-08-15 | Paper |
Solving a group layout design model of a dynamic cellular manufacturing system with alternative process routings, lot splitting and flexible reconfiguration by simulated annealing | 2012-11-15 | Paper |
An integrated artificial neural network-computer simulation for optimization of complex tandem queue systems | 2012-07-05 | Paper |
Resource allocation in dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity | 2012-05-23 | Paper |
Group decision making based on novel fuzzy modified TOPSIS method | 2011-11-11 | Paper |
Two novel FMCDM methods for alternative-fuel buses selection | 2011-05-10 | Paper |
Solving multi-objective optimization formulation for fleet planning in a railway industry | 2011-04-08 | Paper |
Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Using Real Options | 2011-04-07 | Paper |
A New Approach for Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing | 2011-04-07 | Paper |
A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm for a Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing | 2011-04-07 | Paper |
A New Hybrid Multi-objective Pareto Archive PSO Algorithm for a Classic Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Ready Times | 2010-10-28 | Paper |
Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Sequencing and Scheduling a Cellular Manufacturing System | 2010-10-28 | Paper |
Solving a multi periodic stochastic model of the rail-car fleet sizing by two-stage optimization formulation | 2010-05-21 | Paper | | 2010-01-27 | Paper |
An extension of the relaxation algorithm for solving a special case of capacitated arc routing problems | 2009-09-18 | Paper |
A novel hybrid approach combining electromagnetism-like method with Solis and Wets local search for continuous optimization problems | 2009-09-01 | Paper |
A fuzzy programming approach for a cell formation problem with dynamic and uncertain conditions | 2009-08-26 | Paper |
A comprehensive decision making structure for partitioning of make-to-order, make-to-stock and hybrid products | 2009-07-24 | Paper | | 2009-06-05 | Paper |
A simulated annealing method for solving a new mathematical model of a multi-criteria cell formation problem with capital constraints | 2009-03-09 | Paper |
A memetic algorithm for the flexible flow line scheduling problem with processor blocking | 2008-11-07 | Paper |
A multi-objective resource allocation problem in dynamic PERT networks | 2008-09-12 | Paper |
An economic production lot size model with deteriorating items, stock-dependent demand, inflation, and partial backlogging | 2008-09-12 | Paper |
Accessing feasible space in a generalized job shop scheduling problem with the fuzzy processing times: a fuzzy-neural approach | 2008-05-09 | Paper |
A new solution for a dynamic cell formation problem with alternative routing and machine costs using simulated annealing | 2008-05-09 | Paper | | 2008-04-03 | Paper | | 2008-01-02 | Paper |
A hybrid multi-objective immune algorithm for a flow shop scheduling problem with bi-objectives: weighted mean completion time and weighted mean tardiness | 2007-10-18 | Paper |
Design of a facility layout problem in cellular manufacturing systems with stochastic demands | 2007-05-14 | Paper |
Multi-objective time-cost trade-off in dynamic PERT networks using an interactive approach | 2007-03-27 | Paper |
A memetic algorithm for a vehicle routing problem with backhauls | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
Multi-criteria sequencing problem for a mixed-model assembly line in a JIT production system | 2006-12-07 | Paper | | 2006-11-27 | Paper |
Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications | 2006-10-20 | Paper |
A hybrid simulated annealing for capacitated vehicle routing problems with the independent route length | 2006-06-30 | Paper |
A branch-and-bound algorithm for a single machine sequencing to minimize the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness with idle insert | 2006-04-28 | Paper | | 2006-01-16 | Paper |
Solving a dynamic cell formation problem using metaheuristics | 2005-11-22 | Paper |
A hybrid method for solving stochastic job shop scheduling problems | 2005-11-14 | Paper |
Optimal scheduling for a single machine to minimize the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness considering idle insert | 2005-10-28 | Paper | | 2004-05-27 | Paper |