scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3281211

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zbMath0176.12701MaRDI QIDQ5566063

David G. Luenberger

Publication date: 1969

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Yakubovich, Extensions of Gauss quadrature via linear programming, Fiscal policy in debt constrained economies, Dynamic managerial compensation: a variational approach, Comparative statics in dynamic stochastic models. Differential analysis of a stochastic modified golden rule state in a Banach space, \(H^ 2\)-optimization with stable controllers, On model reduction by \(L_ 2\)-optimal pole retention, On programming when the positive cone has an empty interior, A transformation of the inequality-constrained linear model, Estimation of Cauchy data for a first-order nonlinear hyperbolic equation, Multivariate vertex splines and finite elements, The augmented Lagrangian method for equality and inequality constraints in Hilbert spaces, Fundamental theorems of nondominated solutions associated with cones in normed linear spaces, Optimal contracts in continuous-time models, The gap function for optimization problems in Banach spaces, Cascading: An adjusted exchange method for robust conic programming, A method for automatic history matching of a compositional reservoir simulator with multipoint flux approximation, Robust coding for a class of sources: Applications in control and reliable communication over limited capacity channels, Symbolic Fenchel conjugation, Moral hazard with bounded payments, Estimation of vertical wind velocity using Doppler radar data with vorticity constraints, Generalized monotonicity analysis, Adverse selection problems without the Spence-Mirrlees condition, Adaptive T-S fuzzy-neural modeling and control for general MIMO unknown nonaffine nonlinear systems using projection update laws, Stability and reliable data reconstruction of uncertain dynamic systems over finite capacity channels, Control system design subject to SNR constraints, Minimizing measures of risk by saddle point conditions, Metabolic approximation of real periodical functions, Statistical arbitrage with default and collateral, Cost minimization and the stochastic discount factor, Hedging interest rate risk by optimization in Banach spaces, Equilibrium relations in a capital asset market: A mean absolute deviation approach, Substitute goods, auctions, and equilibrium, On \(q\)-optimal martingale measures in exponential Lévy models, An approach for the identification of diffusion coefficients in the quasi-steady state of a post-discharge nitriding process, Sequential quadratic programming method for volatility estimation in option pricing, Inversion of analytically perturbed linear operators that are singular at the origin, Source representation strategy for optimal boundary control problems with state constraints, A linearization procedure and a VDM/ECM algorithm for penalized and constrained nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for mixture models, Sufficient conditions for Stackelberg and Nash strategies with memory, Optimal constrained selection of a measurable subset, Continuous perturbations of infinite optimization problems, Auxiliary problem principle and decomposition of optimization problems, Optimal reinsurance with general risk measures, The law of large numbers for fuzzy variables under a general triangular norm extension principle, Optimal filter design subject to output sidelobe constraints: Computational algorithm and numerical results, Pooling, pricing and trading of risks, Null controllability in function space of nonlinear retarded systems with limited control, Convexity and concavity properties of the optimal value function in parametric nonlinear programming, Stability and regular points of inequality systems, Maximum likelihood estimation in the proportional hazards cure model, Transition points in the capacity-achieving distribution for the peak-power limited AWGN and free-space optical intensity channels, On the convergence of row-modification algorithm for matrix projections, Asymptotic normality of support vector machine variants and other regularized kernel methods, Covariance selection and multivariate dependence, Coercivity and strong semismoothness of the penalized Fischer-Burmeister function for the symmetric cone complementarity problem, The target projection dynamic, On structured distance to uncontrollability of general linear retarded systems, Extending pricing rules with general risk functions, Smoothing of adaptive eigenvector extraction in nested orthogonal complement structure with minimum disturbance principle, Preconditioned optimization algorithms solving the problem of the non unitary joint block diagonalization: application to blind separation of convolutive mixtures, Conditions for constrained efficient solutions of multiobjective problems in Banach spaces, Duality in mathematical programming of set functions: On Fenchel duality theorem, Strong solvability in Orlicz spaces, A graphical method to solve a family of allocation problems, Temporal risk and the nature of induced preferences, Existence of maximal elements and equilibria in linear topological spaces, Controllability for a class of nondiagonal hyperbolic distributed bilinear systems, A sensitivity interpretation of adjoint variables in optimal design, Sensitivity analysis and model optimization for reaction-diffusion systems, Spline approximations for nonlinear hereditary control systems, Steepest ascent algorithms for nonconical multiple objective programming, Calculus on complex Banach spaces, Necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stabilizability of an uncertain system, Costs and benefits of peak-load pricing of electricity. A continuous-time econometric approach, On continuous-time discounted stochastic dynamic programming, On discounted dynamic programming with constraints, A benchmark for comparative dynamics and determinacy in overlapping- generations economies, Quadratic stabilizability of uncertain systems: A two level optimization setup, Loss of information in the presence of nuisance parameters and partial sufficiency, The primal-dual algorithm as a constraint-set-manipulation device, Optimization of wind field retrieval procedures, A dynamic maximum principle for the optimization of recursive utilities under constraints., Robust output feedback stabilization via risk-sensitive control, A Riemannian inexact Newton-CG method for constructing a nonnegative matrix with prescribed realizable spectrum, On Pareto-optimal reinsurance with constraints under distortion risk measures, Asymptotic efficiency of estimation in the partial Koziol-Green model, Fluid model for a network operating under a fair bandwidth-sharing policy., Financial fragility and over-the-counter markets, The global optimal solution to the three-dimensional layout optimization model with behavioral constraints., On the optimization of the weighted Bickel--Rosenblatt test, On projections in a space with an indefinite metric, Zonotope-based recursive estimation of the feasible solution set for linear static systems with additive and multiplicative uncertainties, Methods of calculating \(l_ p\)-minimum norm solutions of consistent linear systems, On transformation noise: Properties and modeling, Labor income, borrowing constraints, and equilibrium asset prices, Optimality conditions in mathematical programming and composite optimization, Nonquadratic Lyapunov functions for robust control, On optimal \(\ell^ \infty\) to \(\ell^ \infty\) filtering, Inverse scattering experiments, structured matrix inequalities, and tensor algebra, The Lagrange approach to infinite linear programs, Duality and liquidity constraints under uncertainty, A new integral sliding mode design method for nonlinear stochastic systems, Robust estimation of parameters in a mixed unbalanced model, Optimal control of fluid equations with buoyancy, Numerical approximation of optimal control of fluid equations with buoyancy, SISO controller design to minimize a positive combination of the \(l_ 1\) and the \({\mathcal H}_ 2\) norms, Iterative minimization of quadratic functionals, Controller design to optimize a composite performance measure, On volatility of prices in arbitrage-free markets, A method of Euclidean centers, Mixed finite element formulations and related limitation principles: A general treatment, Stability of finite linear combinations of vectors under changes of their coefficients. An application to approximation problems, Portfolio selection with consumption ratcheting, Extended fuzzy linear models and least squares estimates, Theorems of the alternative and duality, New algorithm based on sign decomposition to verify the robust stability property for a class of linear time-delay systems, Optimal reinsurance under risk and uncertainty on Orlicz hearts, Duality bounds in robustness analysis, Optimality of sequential screening with multiple units and ex post participation constraints, Finite sample moments results for the quasi-FIML estimator of the reduced form: The linear case, A large deviations analysis of certain qualitative properties of parallel tempering and infinite swapping algorithms, \(\ell_1\)-minimization with magnitude constraints in the frequency domain, Optimal social policies in mean field games, Optimal capacity allocation for sampled networked systems, From the trapezoidal rule to higher-order accurate and unconditionally stable time-integration method for structural dynamics, Influence of random uncertainties of anisotropic fibrous model parameters on arterial pressure estimation, Information and asymptotic efficiency of the case-cohort sampling design in Cox's regression model, Constructing fixed rank optimal estimators with method of best recurrent approximations, On the solution existence of nonconvex quadratic programming problems in Hilbert spaces, Maximum rate of growth of enstrophy in solutions of the fractional Burgers equation, On the optimal control of a random walk with jumps and barriers, B-splines and control theory., Optimal admission control for many-server systems with QED-driven revenues, Fundamental solutions for two-point boundary value problems in orbital mechanics, Binary bases of spaces of continuous functions., Least squares in general vector spaces revisited., Finding the projection of a point onto the intersection of convex sets via projections onto half-spaces., A sliding mode approach to stabilization of nonlinear Markovian jump singularly perturbed systems, Two-degree-of-freedom \(\ell_{2}\)-optimal tracking with preview., A novel discriminant approximation of periodic differential equations, A local minimax method using virtual geometric objects. II. For finding equality constrained saddles, Optimal control problems with oscillations, concentrations and discontinuities, Dynamics-based motion planning for a pendulum-actuated spherical rolling robot, Large deviations for Gaussian diffusions with delay, Piecewise linear vector optimization problems on locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces, Noncooperative oligopoly in economies with infinitely many commodities and traders, A variational approach to vibrations of laminated composite plates with a line hinge, Optimal government policies in models with heterogeneous agents, Preinvex functions and weak efficient solutions for some vectorial optimization problem in Banach spaces, Distance to ill-posedness and the consistency value of linear semi-infinite inequality systems, Recursive reduced-order algorithm for singularly perturbed cross Grammian algebraic Sylvester equation, Coordinate invariance as a fundamental constraint on the form of stimulus-specific information measures, Large market games, the law of one price, and market structure, Reduced order LQG controllers for linear time varying plants, Controller design for plants with structured uncertainty, The complex structured singular value, Operating efficiency and output insensitive employment contracts for capital management, Identification of a class of multivariable systems from impulse response data: Theory and computational algorithm, Solving minimum norm problems using penalty functions and the gradient method, Fenchel duality and the strong conical hull intersection property, Heuristic solutions to polynomial moment problems with some convex entropic objectives, Rational expectations equilibria in sequence economies with symmetric information: The two-period case, Arrow-type sufficient optimality conditions for nondifferentiable optimal control problems with state constraints, Quadratic optimization problems in robust beamforming, Algorithms for solving dynamic models with occasionally binding constraints, Some properties of cones in normed spaces and their application to investigating extremal problems, Three dimensional grid generation using biharmonics, Continuous time programming with set-inclusive constraints and objective set, Dynamics aggregation in stochastic control problems, Projected dynamical systems in a complementarity formalism, Regression analysis and random sampling, Arbitrage and universal pricing., A correlation pricing formula., Existence and stability of solitary-wave solutions of equations of Benjamin-Bona-Mahony type., Status quo bias in bargaining: an extension of the Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem with an application to the Coase theorem., On continuity properties of the two-block \(\ell_{1}\) optimal design., Generalized Cochran-Wald statistics in combining of experiments, An equivalence result in linear-quadratic theory, Managing electricity market price risk, Optimal low-rank approximation to a correlation matrix, Stochastic measures of arbitrage., A survey of vector optimization in infinite-dimensional spaces. II, Prophet regions and sharp inequalities for pth absolute moments of martingales, Existence and Lagrangian duality for maximization of set-valued functions, Extensions of Radstrom's lemma with application to stability theory of mathematical programming, Stop rule and supremum expectations of i.i.d. random variables: A complete comparison by conjugate duality, Distributed control of a hyperbolic problem with control and stress constraints, Epigraphs of convex set functions, Dual complementary variational principles in Reissner's plate theory, Implicitly additive utility and the nature of optimal economic growth, Duality theory for the matrix linear programming problem, A general theory of surrogate dual and perturbational extended surrogate dual optimization problems, Robust microprocessor control of robot manipulators, Constructing membership functions using statistical data, Distributed algorithms for the computation of noncooperative equilibria, The derivation of cubic splines with obstacles by methods of optimization and optimal control, Dynamically similar control systems and a globally minimum gain control technique: IMSC, Estimation of elastic parameters in beams and certain plates: \(H^ 1\)- regularization, Combinatorial behavior of extreme points of perturbed polyhedra, Parameter identification for stochastic diffusion equations with unknown boundary conditions, Null controllability of nonlinear neutral differential equations, On certain linear mappings between inner-product and squared-distance matrices, Estimation of flexural rigidity in a Kirchhoff plate model, Existence theorems for cone saddle points of vector-valued functions in infinite-dimensional spaces, The Neumann-Dirichlet domain decomposition method with inexact solvers on the subdomains, An optimization problem from linear filtering with quantum measurements, Strong duality for infinite-dimensional vector-valued programming problems, A necessary and sufficient condition for robust BIBO stability, Robstness bounds of Hurwitz and Schur polynomials, Moreau-Rockafellar type theorem for convex set functions, Estimation of elastic coefficients in beams with parameter constraints: Penalization, Control effort considerations in the stabilization of uncertain dynamical systems, Efficient dynamic programming implementations of Newton's method for unconstrained optimal control problems, Multidimensional incentive compatibility and mechanism design, Annihilator structure of a principal ideal: Relation to optimal compensators, The non-existence of smooth demand in general Banach spaces, Using weighting vectors to solve multiple attribute problems: A framework, Generalized convex set functions, A cyclic projection algorithm via duality, Estimation of higher-order damping terms in linear plate models, Asymptotic theorems for estimating the distribution function under random truncation, Testing inequality constraints in linear econometric models, A simple solution to the \(\ell ^ 1\) optimization problem, Estimation of weighted multinomial probabilities under log-convex constraints, Nonlinear observer design by approximate error linearization, Optimal consumption choices for a `large' investor, Duality and basis functions for robust \({\mathcal H}_2\)-performance analysis, Penalty approximation of a Sobolev optimal control problem with state constraints, An automatic scaling procedure for a D'yakonov-Gunn iteration scheme, Minimal compatible solutions of linear equations, Differential stability in optimal control problems, Linear and nonlinear mapping of patterns, Boundary control of parabolic systems: Finite-element approximation, Existence of optimal Lagrange multipliers for certain nonconvex allocation problems, Vector-valued Lg-splines. I: Interpolating splines, Control problems governed by Sobolev partial differential equations, The angles between the null spaces of X rays, Generalized Kuhn-Tucker conditions and duality for continuous nonlinear programming problems, Simultaneous equations estimation. Computational aspects, Suboptimal sequential estimation-detection scheme for Poisson driven linear systems, Optimality conditions and duality in continuous programming. I: Convex programs and a theorem of the alternative, New perspectives in competitive location theory, Theoretical aspects of optimal autocorrelation synthesis, The problem of forced fittings. II: The unloading process, Formulation of pseudoparabolic boundary control problems, Convergence properties of optimal controls of pseudo-parabolic problems, Estimation of states and parameters in continuous non-linear systems with discrete observations, Regularizing the abstract convex program, Optimal control of stochastic systems with interrupted observation, Higher-order necessary conditions for infinite and semi-infinite optimization, Some applications of optimization in matrix theory, Duality theory for maximizations with respect to cones, An algorithm for convex constrained minimax optimization based on duality, Error bounds of Newton type process on Banach spaces, Penalty function formulations for incompressible nonlinear elastostatics, Optimality conditions in nonconical multiple objective programming, Anwendungen des Maximumprinzips im Operations Research. I, On the convergence of a class of nonlinear approximation methods, Comparative statics and dynamics of optimal choice models in Hilbert spaces, Singular linear quadratic differential games with bounds on control, Controlled diffusions with constraints, Normed linear relations: Domain decomposability, adjoint subspaces, and selections, \(\ell^ 1\)-optimal control of multivariable systems with output norm constraints, Un principe de Pontryagine pour le contrôle des systèmes semilinéaires elliptiques. (A Pontryagin principle for control of semilinear elliptic systems), Interpolation and approximation by monotone cubic splines, Nonparametric EM algorithms for estimating prior distributions, Theoretical aspects of ill-posed problems in statistics, Duality in infinite dimensional linear programming, On duality theory in multiobjective programming, Structural assignment of Neumann boundary feedback parabolic equations: The unbounded case in the feedback loop, On the invariance principle for differentiable statistical functionals, Buckling of an elastic plate subjected to unilateral constraints, Efficiency and proper efficiency in vector maximization with respect to cones, Return-difference and spectral factorisation relationship for the discrete-time Kalman filter, A class of superlinearly convergent projection algorithms with relaxed stepsizes, Upper bounds on the maximum modulus of subdominant eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices, Convergent stepsizes for constrained optimization algorithms, Convergence results for an accelerated nonlinear Cimmino algorithm, Unified dual optimization and algorithms for image reconstruction and spectral estimation, Estimates and reglarization for solutions of some ill-posed problems of elliptic and parabolic type, Surrogate dual problems and surrogate Lagrangians, Optimal finite horizon contract with limited commitment, Intertemporal preference with loss aversion: consumption and risk-attitude, Non-extensive minimal entropy martingale measures and semi-Markov regime switching interest rate modeling, Efficient iterative solutions to complex-valued nonlinear least-squares problems with mixed linear and antilinear operators, Pareto efficient buy and hold investment strategies under order book linked constraints, Welfare and research and development incentive effects of uniform and differential pricing schemes, The projection onto the cross, A general duality approach to \(I\)-projections, Control systems engineering education, Identification of nonlinear systems using empirical data and prior knowledge -- An optimization approach, Integral constraints on the accuracy of least-squares estimation, Geometry of information structures, strategic measures and associated stochastic control topologies, Optimal linear response for Markov Hilbert-Schmidt integral operators and stochastic dynamical systems, Searching for singularities in Navier-Stokes flows based on the Ladyzhenskaya-Prodi-Serrin conditions, Infinite positive-definite quadratic programming in a Hilbert space, Money burning in the theory of delegation, Derivation of fixed interval smoothing formulas, Duality in time-varying linear systems: A module theoretic approach, Linear programming, complexity theory and elementary functional analysis, Strong duality and minimal representations for cone optimization, Strong Fermat rules for constrained set-valued optimization problems on Banach spaces, Closed-form H-infinity optimal control for a class of infinite-dimensional systems, On efficient portfolio selection using convex risk measures, On restricting planar curve evolution to finite dimensional implicit subspaces with non-Euclidean metric, Equality in the spacetime positive mass theorem, The limiting behavior of isotonic and convex regression estimators when the model is misspecified, A new look at the Lagrange method for continuous-time stochastic optimization, On some classes of normed and risk averse preferences, Computing the variance of tour costs over the solution space of the TSP in polynomial time, A simple proof of strong duality in the linear persuasion problem, Recoverability revisited, Primal and dual model representations in kernel-based learning, Generalized Hoeffding-Sobol decomposition for dependent variables -- application to sensitivity analysis, Towards online model predictive control on a programmable logic controller: practical considerations, Portfolio selection with jumps under regime switching, gBoost: a mathematical programming approach to graph classification and regression, Intractability results for positive quadrature formulas and extremal problems for trigonometric polynomials, Optimal consumption and portfolio selection with stochastic differential utility, Is set modeling of white noise a good tool for robust \({\mathcal H}_2\) analysis?, Duality theory and slackness conditions in multiobjective linear programming, Solving convex programs with infinitely many linear constraints by a relaxed cutting plane method, Computing semiparametric efficiency bounds in discrete choice models with strategic-interactions and rational expectations, Optimal linear instrumental variables approximations, Robust continuous linear programs, Sequential data envelopment analysis, Repeated moral hazard and recursive Lagrangeans, Conditions for factor (in)determinacy in factor analysis, Optimal choice of test signals for linear channel estimation using second order statistics, Workup, Bayesian general equilibrium, Inflection points on 3D curves, Positive loadings and factor correlations from positive covariance matrices, Optimal reinsurance under risk and uncertainty, Implications of indeterminate factor-error covariances for factor construction, prediction, and determinacy, Generalized polyhedral convex optimization problems, A combined penalty function and gradient projection method for nonlinear programming, Differential equations connecting VaR and CVaR, Credibility theory and the Kalman filter, Dual method for continuous-time Markowitz's problems with nonlinear wealth equations, Laurent series for inversion of linearly perturbed bounded linear operators on Banach space, Performance of the stochastic MV-PURE estimator in highly noisy settings, On an infinite dimensional linear-quadratic problem with fixed endpoints: the continuity question, Analytical methods for hedging systematic credit risk with linear factor portfolios, Linear quadratic optimal control problems with fixed terminal states and integral quadratic constraints, Riemannian inexact Newton method for structured inverse eigenvalue and singular value problems, Reduced model of macro-scale stochastic plasticity identification by Bayesian inference: application to quasi-brittle failure of concrete, Monotone smoothing splines with bounds, Random fixed point theorems and applications to random first-order vector-valued differential equations, Exact penalty function algorithm with simple updating of the penalty parameter, Expected utility maximization problem under state constraints and model uncertainty, Connections between mean-field game and social welfare optimization, Omega ratio optimization with actuarial and financial applications, Exhibiting abnormal returns under a risk averse strategy, Smoothing algorithms for computing the projection onto a Minkowski sum of convex sets, Risk-sensitive mean field games via the stochastic maximum principle, A finite element method for an elliptic optimal control problem with integral state constraints, Robust quantile estimation under bivariate extreme value models, Analysis of parametric models. Linear methods and approximations, Adaptive reduced-basis generation for reduced-order modeling for the solution of stochastic nondestructive evaluation problems, A Fenchel-Moreau-Rockafellar type theorem on the Kantorovich-Wasserstein space with applications in partially observable Markov decision processes, Finite element methods for one dimensional elliptic distributed optimal control problems with pointwise constraints on the derivative of the state, Duality in optimal impulse control, Efficient learning with robust gradient descent, Dynamic discrete-time portfolio selection for defined contribution pension funds with inflation risk, Golden options in financial mathematics, Nonparametric estimation of the lifetime and disease onset distributions for a survival-sacrifice model, Valuation and pricing of electricity delivery contracts: the producer's view, On maximum enstrophy dissipation in 2D Navier-Stokes flows in the limit of vanishing viscosity, Computing semiparametric efficiency bounds in linear models with nonparametric regressors, First- and second-order analysis for optimization problems with manifold-valued constraints, Effects of changes in preferences in moral hazard problems, On optimization problem for positive operator-valued measures, Bounds on the conditional and average treatment effect with unobserved confounding factors, A constrained gentlest ascent dynamics and its applications to finding excited states of Bose-Einstein condensates, Robust utility maximization under convex portfolio constraints, A level-set-based topology optimization strategy using radial basis functions and a Hilbertian velocity extension, A Riemannian under-determined BFGS method for least squares inverse eigenvalue problems, Second-order optimality conditions for infinite-dimensional quadratic programs, Lagrange multipliers, duality, and sensitivity in set-valued convex programming via pointed processes, Constrained stochastic LQ control with regime switching and application to portfolio selection, Necessary conditions for optimal terminal time control problems governed by a Volterra integral equation, Optimization of radar scanning strategies using an ensemble relative error criterion, Radar network scanning coordination based on ensemble transform Kalman filtering variance optimization, On the effect of additional input channels on the achievable performance of discrete-time control systems, Unified frameworks for sampled-data extremum seeking control: global optimisation and multi-unit systems, A fixed-point algorithm for blind source separation with nonlinear autocorrelation, The maximum principle for discrete-time control systems and applications to dynamic games, Symmetric duality in continuous-time programming via minmax duality, Canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones and applications, A direct derivation of the interpolation smoother, The \(C_ M\)-embedded problem and optimality conditions, Asymptotically efficient parameter estimation using quantized output observations, On the value of information in the presence of moral hazard, Efficient portfolios in financial markets with proportional transaction costs, A survey on dual decomposition methods, On the Lagrange multiplier theorem in Banach spaces, Optimal control using microscopic models for a pollutant elimination problem, Designing sound deposit insurances, Random fixed point theorems under weak topology features and application to random integral equations with lack of compactness, Existence and uniqueness of fixed points for monotone operators in partially ordered Banach spaces and applications, Bilinear quantum systems on compact graphs: well-posedness and global exact controllability, Injectivity and self-contact in second-gradient nonlinear elasticity, Optimal processes in a parametric optimal economic growth model, Explicit solutions for continuous time mean-variance portfolio selection with nonlinear wealth equations, Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants in \(\ell_A^p\), Indefinite least squares with a quadratic constraint, Optimal control for a coupled spin-polarized current and magnetization system, Optimal reinsurance and investment strategies under mean-variance criteria: partial and full information, Informed principal problems in bilateral trading, Global error bound for convex inclusion problems, Exact optimization: Part I, Vortex design problem, Mean-variance asset-liability management under CIR interest rate and the family of 4/2 stochastic volatility models with derivative trading, Linear pencils and quadratic programming problems with a quadratic constraint, Partially observed nonlinear risk-sensitive optimal stopping control for nonlinear discrete-time systems, Model identification of a network as compressing sensing, Multilevel reverse Stackelberg differential games: existence and solution approach for affine strategies, Imperfect competition in two-sided matching markets, A Riemannian inexact Newton dogleg method for constructing a symmetric nonnegative matrix with prescribed spectrum, Optimal ensemble control of stochastic time-varying linear systems, On the existence of paths between points in high level excursion sets of Gaussian random fields, An optimal model identification for oscillatory dynamics with a stable limit cycle, Approximation of weak adjoints by reverse automatic differentiation of BDF methods, A finite steps algorithm for solving convex feasibility problems, Portfolio optimization in discontinuous markets under incomplete information, Normality of the maximum principle for nonconvex constrained Bolza problems, On convergence to the exponential utility problem, Necessary conditions and duality for inexact nonlinear semi-infinite programming problems, Cone characterizations of approximate solutions in real vector optimization, THE COSTATE VARIABLE IN NATURAL RESOURCE OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS, Risk-neutral valuation with infinitely many trading dates, A multiplier rule on a metric space, Discrete boundary value problems on infinite intervals, Periodic smoothing splines, A result on output feedback linear quadratic control, Smooth backfitting in generalized additive models, Hölder continuity of adjoint states and optimal controls for state constrained problems, Generation of classes of robust periodic railway timetables, Discounted Markov decision processes with utility constraints, Worst-case large-deviation asymptotics with application to queueing and information theory, Robust control and model misspecification, A multiscale method for distributed parameter estimation with application to reservoir history matching, An iterative procedure for general probability measures to obtain \(I\)-projections onto intersections of convex sets, The distance between two convex sets, LINKED RECURSIVE PREFERENCES AND OPTIMALITY, Optimal \(\mathcal H_2\) controllers for spatially invariant systems with delayed communication requirements, Necessary and sufficient conditions for robust identification of uncertain LTIstems, Semiparametric estimation of treatment effect in a pretest-posttest study with missing data (with comments and rejoinder), Automatic decomposition of time series into step, ramp, and impulse primitives, Large deviations of infinite intersections of events in Gaussian processes, Consistent estimation with many moment inequalities, Variable horizon robust predictive control via adjustable controllability sets, Density and cost in nonlinear control, A Gautschi time-stepping approach to optimal control of the wave equation, Dynamic mean-variance asset allocation with stochastic interest rate and inflation rate, Jump-diffusion asset-liability management via risk-sensitive control, Markowitz's mean-variance asset-liability management with regime switching: a continuous-time model, New necessary conditions of optimality for control problems with state- variable inequality constraints, Convergente rate of a penalty-function scheme, Suboptimal security solution of a linear-quadratic pursuit-evasion game with mixed noises, An optimum settling problem for time lag systems, Necessary optimality criteria in mathematical programming in normed linear spaces, Duality relationships for a nonlinear version of the generalized Neyman- Pearson problem, Optimal plastic design for partially preassigned strength distribution, A theorem of the alternative with application to convex programming: optimality, duality, and stability, On sensitivity in optimal control problems, Über eine Penalty-Methode, An attainable sets approach to optimal control of functional differential equations with function space terminal conditions, Mixed strategy solutions for quadratic games, The use of operator factorization for linear control and estimation, General Lagrange multiplier theorems, Optimal filter design subject to output sidelobe constraints: Theoretical considerations, Optimale approximation linearer Funktionale auf periodischen Funktionen, Differential Riccati equation for the active control of a problem in structural acoustics, Computation of Nash equilibria: Admissibility of parallel gradient descent, A note on arbitrage and exogenous collateral, Dykstra's algorithm with strategies for projecting onto certain polyhedral cones, Metric regularity of semi-infinite constraint systems, Strategic response to pollution taxes in supply chain networks: dynamic, spatial, and organizational dimensions, Constrained nonsmooth utility maximization on the positive real line, A hadamard-stable extension of courant's sequential method for convex extremal problems, A note on the existence of subgradients, Descent methods for composite nondifferentiable optimization problems, Two-level hierarchical control for stochastic optimal resource allocation†, A SIMPLE METHOD FOR OPTIMIZATION, Solution of the aggregate production planning problem in a multi-stage-multi-product manufacturing system using functional space analysis and quadratic programming approaches, The Multiobjective Optimization Problem of Set Function, Control Problems Governed by a Pseudo-Parabolic Partial Differential Equation, Advances in Quantum Detection, Average Performance of the Sparsest Approximation Using a General Dictionary, Semidefinite Approximations of Projections and Polynomial Images of SemiAlgebraic Sets, Nondifferentiable optimization by smooth approximations, A systematization of convexity and quasiconvexity concepts for set-valued maps, defined byl-type andu-type preorder relations, Singularities, Walrasian Economies and Economic Crisis, On the relationship between levinson recursion and the r and s arrays for arma model identification, The Kalman filter: an introduction to the mathematics of linear least mean square recursive estimation, EFFICIENT HEDGING FOR DEFAULTABLE SECURITIES AND ITS APPLICATION TO EQUITY-LINKED LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACTS, Optimal nonlinear eddy viscosity in Galerkin models of turbulent flows, The Slater Conundrum: Duality and Pricing in Infinite-Dimensional Optimization, An Energy-Minimization Finite-Element Approach for the Frank--Oseen Model of Nematic Liquid Crystals, Generalized disturbance localization using energy-based interaction measures, Maximum palinstrophy growth in 2D incompressible flows, Necessary conditions for constrained optimal control problems via mathematical programming, LQ Control under Security Constraints, Energy Minimization for Liquid Crystal Equilibrium with Electric and Flexoelectric Effects, Matching a system behavior with a known set of models: A quadratic optimization-based adaptive solution, An inverse scattering problem for the time-dependent Maxwell equations: nonlinear optimization and model-order reduction, Trajectory optimization for kinematically redundant arms, On Optimum Propulsion by Means of Small Periodic Motions of a Rigid Profile. I. Properties of Optimum Motions, On the Hahn-Banach Extension Property, Examples of optimal controls for linear stochastic control systems with partial observation, An adaptive numerical method for semi-infinite elliptic control problems based on error estimates, Experimental design and identifiability for non-linear systems, Optimizing the location of assembly tasks in a manipulator's workspace, Nonlinear alternative theorems and nondifferentiable programming, Simultaneously least favorable experiments, Robust mean field games for coupled Markov jump linear systems, On Block-Iterative Entropy Maximization, Analysis of a constrained minimization problem modeling the orientation distribution of rod-like particles, Dual gauge programs, with applications to quadratic programming and the minimum-norm problem, Application of iterative suboptimal strategies for improving adaptation transients in adaptive systems, Analytical uses of Kalman filtering in econometrics — A survey, Unnamed Item, Fastest recovery after feedback disruption, Neural network coding of natural images with applications to pure mathematics, Computation of optimal control for linear systems with delay, On the Optimality of Linear Signaling to Deceive Kalman Filters over Finite/Infinite Horizons, Sub-Riemannian Methods in Shape Analysis, Linear PDEs and eigenvalue problems corresponding to ergodic stochastic optimization problems on compact manifolds, Markowitz's Mean-Variance Asset–Liability Management with Regime Switching: A Multi-Period Model, Adaptive control design for uncertain polynomial nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties, Design and analysis of linear predictor-corrector digital filters, Dynamics and control of viscoelastic solids with contact and friction effects, Gradient-projection and policy-iteration methods for solving optimization problems in STEOR networks, All optimal Hankel-norm approximations of linear multivariable systems and theirL,-error bounds†, Fundamental theorem for optimal output feedback problem with quadratic performance criterion, Unnamed Item, A vector space model approach to production planning for a multi-product, multi-cell and multi-stage manufacturing system, Generalized Geometric Programming for Functionals, SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IN ECONOMIC THEORY*, The Nearest Real Polynomial with a Real Multiple Zero in a Given Real Interval, AN EQUATION-FREE APPROACH TO NONLINEAR CONTROL: COARSE FEEDBACK LINEARIZATION WITH POLE-PLACEMENT, On optimal allocation of a continuous resource using an iterative approach and total positivity, Optimal spatial field control for controlled release, Comparison of stop rule and maximum expectations for finite sequences of exchangeable random variables, OPTIMAL INVESTMENT WITH AN UNBOUNDED RANDOM ENDOWMENT AND UTILITY‐BASED PRICING, Locally robust correlation coefficients, Shape optimization of piezoelectric sensors or actuators for the control of plates, Deterministic Mean-Field Ensemble Kalman Filtering, $\mathcal{L}^p$-PROJECTIONS OF RANDOM VARIABLES AND ITS APPLICATION TO FINANCE, LOG-GAIN STOICHIOMETRIC STEPWISE REGRESSION FOR MP SYSTEMS, Complete characterization of optimality for convex programming in banach spaces, Wealth optimization and dual problems for jump stock dynamics with stochastic factor, Iterative Learning in Repetitive Optimal Control of Linear Dynamic Processes, A simplex algorithm for minimum-cost network-flow problems in infinite networks, Projection onto a Polyhedron that Exploits Sparsity, Multidimensional Rational Covariance Extension with Applications to Spectral Estimation and Image Compression, INCENTIVE EFFICIENT PRICE SYSTEMS IN LARGE INSURANCE ECONOMIES WITH ADVERSE SELECTION, Lagrangian duality for a class of infinite programming problems, The duality method for optimal control problems of distributed parameter systems with state constraints, Unnamed Item, Space mapping techniques for a structural optimization problem governed by thep-Laplace equation, A balanced truncation-based strategy for optimal control of evolution problems, A General Robust MPC Design for the State-Space Model: Application to Paper Machine Process, The Fenchel-Moreau Theorem for Set Functions, Direct theorems in semi-infinite convex programming, On Levy's identification, its generalization and applications, Optimal control problems on parallelizable Riemannian manifolds: theory and applications, EQUITY CORRELATIONS IMPLIED BY INDEX OPTIONS: ESTIMATION AND MODEL UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS, A simple solution to a continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection via the mean-variance hedging, Remarks on optimal strategies to utility maximizations in continuous time incomplete markets, An algebraic formulation of inverse problems in MP dynamics, Constrained optimization of turbulent mixing-layer evolution, Minimum mean-squared error estimation of stochastic processes by mutual entropy, Existence and derivation of optimal affine incentive schemes for Stackelberg games with partial information: a geometric approach†, Optimal Estimator for the Survival Distribution and Related Quantities for Treatment Policies in Two‐Stage Randomization Designs in Clinical Trials, Operational distance and fidelity for quantum channels, On interpolation in periodic autoregressive processes, Multivariable norm optimal iterative learning control with auxiliary optimisation, On a class of approximate solutions to multi-objective H 2 / H problems, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation for infinite-dimensional systems – a variational point of view, Nonparametric estimating equations based on a penalized information criterion, Perspectives of Risk Sharing, Stability for parameter estimation in two point boundary value problems, A Framework for Wasserstein-1-Type Metrics, MIXED FINITE ELEMENT METHODS FOR ONE-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: A SURVEY, Quasi-Multiplier Rules for Quasidifferentiable Extremum Problems, Mesh-Independence of Lagrange-SQP Methods with Lipschitz-Continuous Lagrange Multiplier Updates, Stability in Affine Optimal Control Problems Constrained by Semilinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Endogenous configuration space approach to mobile manipulators: A derivation and performance assessment of Jacobian inverse kinematics algorithms, Regularization in state space, Parameter Selection Methods in Inverse Problem Formulation, THE TWO-TRAIN SEPARATION PROBLEM ON LEVEL TRACK WITH DISCRETE CONTROL, Optimal robust tracking by state feedback: infinite horizon, Sequential selection of random vectors under a sum constraint, Optimal economic growth problems with high values of total factor productivity, SEMIPARAMETRIC IDENTIFICATION AND FISHER INFORMATION, Duality via halfspaces, Robustness measures for linear systems with application to stability radii of Hurwitz and Schur polynomials, Min-max game theory and algebraic Riccati equations for boundary control problems with analytic semigroups—II. The general case, Mean-variance problem for an insurer with default risk under a jump-diffusion risk model, Approximate Fixed Point Theory for Countably Condensing Maps and Multimaps and Applications, Stochastic monotonicity of a distribution family associated with matrix projections and its application, Optimal robust control of nonlinear time-delay systems: Maintaining low operating errors during feedback outages, On analysis and design of discrete-time constrained switched systems, Semiparametric Stochastic Frontier Estimation via Profile Likelihood, A duality theorem in Hilbert space, Control system design via infinite linear programming, control in discrete time: state feedback control and norm bounds, Asymptotic farthest points and extreme points, Informed-principal problems in environments with generalized private values, H∞-control and filtering with initial uncertainty for time-varying systems, Computation of Ground States of the Gross--Pitaevskii Functional via Riemannian Optimization, Strong Lagrange duality and the maximum principle for nonlinear discrete time optimal control problems, Necessary and sufficient conditions for regularity of constraints in convex programming, First and Second Order Shape Optimization Based on Restricted Mesh Deformations, Periodic sampling: maximising the sampling period, Modelling and hierarchical optimization for oversaturated urban road traffic networks, Optimal scanning control of parabolic systems†, Fenchel and Lagrange duality are equivalent, Multiplier method and optimal control problems with terminal state constraints, On the application of deterministic and stochastic programming methods to problems of economics;Mathematische Programmierung und ihre Anwendung auf die Wirtschaft, Unnamed Item, Well-Posedness and Output Regulation for Implicit Time-Varying Evolution Variational Inequalities, Multidimensional Rational Covariance Extension with Approximate Covariance Matching, On interior and convexity conditions, development of dual problems and saddlepoint optimality criteria in abstract mathematical programming, On generalized control theory and its applications in optimal economic planning, Iterative algorithm for the minimum fuel and minimum amplitude problems for linear discrete systems, A tractable model of monetary exchange with ex post heterogeneity, Multiagent Mechanism Design Without Money, On a general saddle-point condition in normed spaces, Unnamed Item, An innovation approach to optimize a Kalman filter with anHerror bound by secant method, DYNAMIC DUAL PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS AND THEIR ECONOMIC INTERPRETATION, An equilibrium theorem for subdifferential, Boundedness and closedness of linear relations, OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION WITH INCOMPLETE MARKETS AND UPPER AND LOWER BOUND CONSTRAINTS, Numerical methods of nonlinear optimal control based on mathematical programming, The Cosmic Hausdorff Topology, the Bounded Hausdorff Topology and Continuity of Polarity, Infinite dimensional radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear transformations on function spaces, A morley finite element method for an elliptic distributed optimal control problem with pointwise state and control constraints, Unnamed Item, Function evaluation with feedforward neural networks, Quadratic duality over convex cone domains, Upper and lower bounds for solutions of linear operator problems with unilateral constraints, Identification of noisy distributed parameter systems using stochastic approximation†, On infeasible gradient-type coordination algorithms for dynamical systems, Building Adaptive Estimating Equations When Inverse of Covariance Estimation is Difficult, The application of hierarchical control methods to a managerial problem, Unnamed Item, Neighborhood effects and maintenance of the urban housing stock*, Multivalued convexity and optimization: A unified approach to inequality and equality constraints, A Robust Saturated Strategy for $n$-Player Prisoner's Dilemma, Optimal Estimation via Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function and Applications to Time-Varying Gauss--Markov Processes, On the solution of a minimax terminal state estimation problem A Hilbert space approach, Unnamed Item, Une analyse de la méthode des domaines fictifs pour le problème de Helmholtz extérieur, Information Geometry for Approximate Bayesian Computation, Maximum amplification of enstrophy in three-dimensional Navier–Stokes flows, A Comparison of Game-Theoretic Models for Parallel Trade, An extended conjugate gradient algorithm for the diffusion equation, Reachability of targets subject to disturbances bounded by convex sets, Nonparametric Functional Estimation by Asymptotic Regression, First and second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for infinite-dimensional programming problems, Robust Inventory Management: An Optimal Control Approach, Super efficiency in convex vector optimization, Iterative learning control using optimal feedback and feedforward actions, FUNDAMENTAL MARXIAN THEOREM IN CASE OF MULTIPLE ACTIVITIES, Low-sensitivity feedback controllers for linear systems with incomplete state information, Unnamed Item, A lagrange multiplier theorem for control problems with state constraints, Controllability of localised quantum states on infinite graphs through bilinear control fields, Generalized convex functionals and some duality results, An approach to the solution of minimum cost problems by functional analysis, Controllability of bilinear quantum systems in explicit times via explicit control fields, Unnamed Item, A dual parameterization approach to linear-quadratic semi-infinite programming problems, A comparison of numerical methods for optimal shape design problems, Terminal Ranking Games, Modified reference tracking MPC for constrained linear systems, Robust Retirement with Return Ambiguity: Optimal \(\boldsymbol{G}\)-Stopping Time in Dual Space, Projections onto hyperbolas or bilinear constraint sets in Hilbert spaces, Multi-period Telser's safety-first portfolio selection problem in a defined contribution pension plan, Probabilistic learning constrained by realizations using a weak formulation of Fourier transform of probability measures, A Viscous Ergodic Problem with Unbounded and Measurable Ingredients, Part 1: HJB Equation, Some advances on constrained Markov decision processes in Borel spaces with random state-dependent discount factors, Actuarial pricing with financial methods, The Black–Scholes equation in the presence of arbitrage, A control space ensuring the strong convergence of continuous approximation for a controlled sweeping process, Mean escape time of switched Riccati differential equations, Constrained Monotone Mean-Variance Problem with Random Coefficients, Approximated multi-agent fitted Q iteration, Robust resource allocation strategy for technology innovation ecosystems: state and control constraints, Locally Robust Semiparametric Estimation, On the behaviour of the underrelaxed Hildreth's row-action method for computing projections onto Polyhedra, Generalized maximum entropy estimation, Optimality theorems for linear fractional optimization problems involving integral functions defined on Cn [0,1], ε-Pareto Optimality Conditions for Convex Multiobjective Programming via Max Function, Diffusion approximation for an input-queued switch operating under a maximum weight matching policy, Optimization of steerable sensor network for threat detection, A predictive wall model for large-eddy simulation based on optimal control techniques, Unnamed Item, Capacity of a Single Spiking Neuron Channel, A Unified Classification Model Based on Robust Optimization, Minimal-time control of distributed-parameter systems with multiple-norm constraints on the control function†, Active Fault Isolation: A Duality-Based Approach via Convex Programming, Optimal Quantizer Scheduling and Controller Synthesis for Partially Observable Linear Systems, Periodic sampling and continuous system identification, Systematic search for singularities in 3D Euler flows, Financial maintenance covenants in bank loans, Kullback–Leibler-Quadratic Optimal Control, On the formalization of Gram-Schmidt process for orthonormalizing a set of vectors, Improved second-order methods for solving constrained parameter optimization problems arising in control†, Continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection under non-Markovian regime-switching model with random horizon, Optimal fund menus, Optimal control of the vibrations of a non-linear string†, Analysis of the single reference coupled cluster method for electronic structure calculations: the full-coupled cluster equations, Comparative advantage with many goods: new treatment and results, Learning with risks based on M-location, A family of predictor-corrector schemes for a class of variational inequalities, Determination of Volterra kernels from input-output data, Robust Mean Field Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Games with Unknown $L^2$-Disturbance, Extreme vortex states and the growth of enstrophy in three-dimensional incompressible flows, A numerical method for solving optimal control problems with unspecified terminal time†, Unnamed Item, Functional analysis and the optimal control of linear discrete systems, Relative efficiency of computing optimal growth by conjugate gradient and Davidon methods, Dynamic boundary control games with networks of strings, Actuarial Risk Matrices: The Nearest Positive Semidefinite Matrix Problem, A Universal Dynamic Program and Refined Existence Results for Decentralized Stochastic Control, Foundations of Support Constraint Machines, Riemannian Newton-CG methods for constructing a positive doubly stochastic matrix from spectral data*, Fastest recovery after feedback disruption: nonlinear delay-differential systems, Global Exact Controllability of Bilinear Quantum Systems on Compact Graphs and Energetic Controllability, Penalized multidimensional fitting for protein movement detection, Input Efficiency Measures: A Generalized, Encompassing Formulation, Balanced model reduction of partially observed Langevin equations: an averaging principle, Expected Utility Maximization with Stochastic Dominance Constraints in Complete Markets, A necessary and sufficient condition for minimizing a convex Fréchet differentiable function on a certain hyperplane., A functional optimization approach to an inverse magneto-convection problem., On a class of inverse optimal control problems, Optimal control, statistics and path planning, A general Lagrangian approach for non-concave moral hazard problems, Interval-valued random functions and the kriging of intervals, Spatial continuity measures for probabilistic and deterministic geostatistics, New distance measures: the route toward truly non-Gaussian geostatistics, Autocovariance Estimation in Regression with a Discontinuous Signal and m‐Dependent Errors: A Difference‐Based Approach, A study of ``probabilistic and ``deterministic geostatistics. Comment to: ``Spatial continuity measures for probabilistic anddeterministic geostatistics by E. H. Isaaks and R. M. Srivastava. With a reply by Srivastava and Isaaks, Inverse theory in the earth sciences -- an introductory overview with emphasis on Gandin's method of optimum interpolation, Spatial declustering weights, THE BEST WEIGHTED GRADIENT APPROXIMATION TO AN OBSERVED FUNCTION, Optimal control in radiative transfer, Optimal trajectory planning and smoothing splines, A simplified approach to computing efficiency bounds in semiparametric models, Projection pricing, Well-posed and ill-posed optimal control problems, Variational methods, multisymplectic geometry and continuum mechanics, Fuzzy convex set-based pattern classification for analysis of mammographic microcalcifications, Robust m-estimators, Generating Eigenvalue Bounds Using Optimization, Baxter-Chacon topology and vector-valued optimal stopping problems, Yield curve estimation by kernel smoothing methods, Real and complex pseudozero sets for polynomials with applications, Mesh independence and fast local convergence of a primal-dual active-set method for mixed control-state constrained elliptic control problems, Robust stability and performance of stochastic uncertain systems on an infinite time interval, On continuity and consistency of \(\ell_{\infty}\) optimal models, Duality and infinite dimensional optimization, Duality gap function in infinite dimensional linear programming, An acceleration scheme for Dykstra's algorithm, Optimality conditions for infinite order hyperbolic control problem with non-standard functional and time delay, Optimal inverses and abstract splines, Optimal Closures in a Simple Model for Turbulent Flows, A representation of generalized convex polyhedra and applications, INVERSION OF OPERATOR PENCILS ON HILBERT SPACE, Role of the filter functions in noise spectroscopy, Dynamic Asset Allocation with Uncertain Jump Risks: A Pathwise Optimization Approach, An optimal quasi solution for the Cauchy problem for Laplace equation in the framework of inverse ECG, Fastest recovery from feedback loss: Bounded overshoot, Semidefinite Approximations of Reachable Sets for Discrete-time Polynomial Systems, A set-valued Lagrange theorem based on a process for convex vector programming, Finding Relevant Linear Manifolds in Classification by Gaussian Mixtures, Identification of Properties of Stochastic Elastoplastic Systems, Mean-variance portfolio selection with an uncertain exit-time in a regime-switching market, An inverse-model approach to multivariable norm optimal iterative learning control with auxiliary optimisation, Innovation approach to reduced-order estimation of complementary states., Dynamic Programming Subject to Total Variation Distance Ambiguity, Optimal Diversification in the Presence of Parameter Uncertainty for a Risk Averse Investor, Effective conditions for the reflection of an acoustic wave by low-porosity perforated plates, Optimal robust state-feedback control of nonlinear systems: minimal time to target, A Family of $H(div)$ Finite Element Approximations on Polygonal Meshes, Augmented Lagrangian Method for Optimal Control Problems, Analyzing a Maximum Principle for Finite Horizon State Constrained Problems via Parametric Examples. Part 2: Problems with Bilateral State Constraints, Convergence of Slices, Geometric Aspects in Banach Spaces and Proximinality, A primal–dual regularized interior-point method for semidefinite programming, Practical Direct Collocation Methods for Computational Optimal Control