Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Finite-time group consensus of distributed multiagent systems based on competition mechanism | 2021-05-07 | Paper |
Distributed finite-time integral sliding-mode control for multi-agent systems with multiple disturbances based on nonlinear disturbance observers | 2021-04-08 | Paper |
Distributed adaptive consensus control for high-order multiple non-holonomic systems | 2020-11-03 | Paper | | 2020-10-27 | Paper |
Distributed state estimation for dynamic positioning systems with uncertain disturbances and transmission time delays | 2020-10-20 | Paper | | 2020-08-12 | Paper |
Distributed adaptive containment control for high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems | 2019-10-02 | Paper | | 2019-10-02 | Paper |
Distributed adaptive control for multiple nonholonomic systems with nonlinearly parameterized uncertainties | 2019-07-19 | Paper |
Containment Control of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Jointly-Connected Topologies and Varying Delays | 2019-07-17 | Paper |
Swarming movement of dynamical multi-agent systems with sampling control and time delays | 2019-07-02 | Paper |
Containment Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Communication Noises | 2019-05-27 | Paper |
Impulsive flocking of dynamical multiagent systems with external disturbances | 2018-11-05 | Paper |
Second-order containment control of multiagent systems in the presence of uncertain topologies with time-varying delays | 2018-10-15 | Paper |
Distributed adaptive tracking control for high-order multi-agent systems with unknown dynamics | 2017-08-15 | Paper |
Containment Control for First-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Uncertain Topologies | 2016-09-28 | Paper | | 2016-01-15 | Paper | | 2016-01-15 | Paper | | 2015-06-29 | Paper |
Distributed coordination of fractional order multi-agent systems with communication delays | 2015-05-27 | Paper |
New stability criterion for linear switched systems with time-varying delay | 2014-01-24 | Paper |
Robust Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Exogenous Disturbances | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
Movement consensus of delayed multi‐agent systems with directed weighted networks | 2011-11-22 | Paper |
Trajectory Control of Scale-Free Dynamical Networks with Exogenous Disturbances | 2011-08-16 | Paper | | 2011-08-16 | Paper |
Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Prestissimo Scale-Free Networks | 2011-06-30 | Paper |
Consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with exogenous disturbances | 2011-05-18 | Paper |
Autonomous Mobile Intelligent Robots on Fuzzy System with Optimal Theories | 2011-03-02 | Paper |
Consensus of multi-agent systems in scale-free network with different parameters | 2010-12-27 | Paper |
Consensus of second-order delayed multi-agent systems with leader-following | 2010-08-24 | Paper |
Further results concerning delay-dependent \(H_{\infty}\) control for uncertain discrete-time systems with time-varying delay | 2010-04-23 | Paper | | 2008-09-25 | Paper | | 2007-08-20 | Paper | | 2007-05-15 | Paper | | 2007-04-19 | Paper | | 2006-08-23 | Paper | | 2005-10-27 | Paper | | 2005-09-05 | Paper |
Hopf bifurcation in REM algorithm with communication delay | 2005-08-03 | Paper | | 2004-10-25 | Paper |
Stability of the internet congestion control with diverse delays | 2004-10-04 | Paper | | 2002-02-19 | Paper | | 2001-05-16 | Paper |