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James Lam

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zbMath Open lam.jamesWikidataQ88928506 ScholiaQ88928506MaRDI QIDQ186931

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
A bisimulation-based foundation for scale reductions of continuous-time Markov chains2025-01-21Paper
Stability of optimal estimator with unobservable measurement loss: the unstable system case2025-01-21Paper
Input-output gain analysis of linear discrete-time systems with cone invariance2025-01-21Paper
KYP lemma for cone-preserving systems and its applications to controller design2025-01-21Paper
Event-triggered sliding mode control for 2-D FMII systems under bounded direction round-robin protocol2025-01-21Paper
Probability rate optimization of positive Markov jump linear systems via DC programming2025-01-13Paper
Leader-follower consensus over finite fields2024-08-19Paper
Stability and stabilization of periodic piecewise positive systems: a time segmentation approach2024-07-30Paper
Multi-loop networked control system design subject to interchange attack2024-07-30Paper
\(H_\infty\) attenuation of disturbance switching over multiple frequency ranges2024-07-23Paper
Toward stabilizable large-scale Boolean networks by controlling the minimal set of nodes2024-07-21Paper
Distributed global consensus of LTI mass with heterogeneous actuator saturation and communication noises2024-06-14Paper
Stabilization of continuous-time probabilistic logical networks under sampling dwell time constraints2024-04-23Paper
Centralized approximate optimal estimation for cyber‐physical systems under joint cyber‐attacks2024-03-20Paper
Interval observer-based fault-tolerant control for a class of positive Markov jump systems2024-02-28Paper
PD control of positive interval continuous-time systems with time-varying delay2024-01-10Paper
Proportional‐derivative controller design of continuous‐time positive linear systems2023-12-19Paper
State estimation for systems with unobservable packet losses: Approximate estimation, stability, and performance analysis2023-12-02Paper
Observer-based output reachable set synthesis for periodic piecewise time-varying systems2023-11-23Paper
Fault estimation for periodic piecewise T‐S fuzzy systems2023-11-23Paper
Input–output gain analysis of positive periodic systems2023-11-13Paper
Optimal filter design for cyber‐physical systems under stealthy hybrid attacks2023-10-31Paper
Stability and Stabilization of Almost Periodic Piecewise Linear Systems With Dwell Time Uncertainty2023-09-06Paper
Estimation of reachable set for switched singular systems with time-varying delay and state jump2023-06-29Paper
Non-fragile PD control of linear time-delay positive discrete-time systems2023-06-27Paper
Log-log convexity of an optimal control problem for positive linear systems2022-11-14Paper
Stability and $L_{1}$-Gain Analysis of Periodic Piecewise Positive Systems With Constant Time Delay2022-07-28Paper
Analysis of Positive Systems With Input Saturation: Invariant Hyperpyramids and Hyperrectangles2022-07-28Paper
Positive Consensus of Directed Multiagent Systems2022-07-28Paper
A polynomial blossoming approach to stabilization of periodic time-varying systems2022-05-17Paper
Stabilisation of quadrotor aircraft with constrained controls2022-05-06Paper
Multi-sensor Optimal Linear Estimation With Unobservable Measurement Losses2022-02-24Paper
A Bernstein Polynomial Approach to Estimating Reachable Set of Periodic Piecewise Polynomial Systems2022-02-23Paper
On positive realness and negative imaginariness of uncertain discrete-time state-space symmetric systems2022-02-08Paper
Fault detection observer design for periodic piecewise linear systems2022-02-08Paper
Stability and ℓ1-gain analysis for positive 2-D Markov jump systems2022-02-08Paper
Peak-to-peak filtering for periodic piecewise linear polytopic systems2022-02-07Paper
Reachable set estimation for switched positive systems2022-02-07Paper
H control problem of linear periodic piecewise time-delay systems2022-02-04Paper
Bumpless \(H_\infty\) control for periodic piecewise linear systems2021-12-14Paper
Reduced-order interval observer based consensus for MASs with time-varying interval uncertainties2021-12-14Paper
Aperiodic sampled-data controller design for switched Itô stochastic Markovian jump systems2021-12-14Paper
Secure state estimation for systems under mixed cyber-attacks: security and performance analysis2021-12-01Paper
Semi-Global Leader-Following Consensus of Linear Multi-Agent Systems With Input Saturation via Low Gain Feedback2021-09-02Paper
Stability and Stabilization for Markovian Jump Time-Delay Systems With Partially Unknown Transition Rates2021-08-26Paper
Global Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation and Time Delay2021-05-28Paper
Descriptor state‐bounding observer design for positive Markov jump linear systems with sensor faults: Simultaneous state and faults estimation2021-05-28Paper
Robust and nonfragile consensus of positive multiagent systems via observer‐based output‐feedback protocols2021-05-27Paper
Bounded control of feedforward nonlinear systems subject to input time‐delay2021-05-27Paper
Improved reachable set estimation for positive systems: a polyhedral approach2021-04-20Paper
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on Negative Imaginariness for Interval SISO Transfer Functions and Their Interconnection2021-03-12Paper
Geometric Programming for Optimal Positive Linear Systems2021-03-12Paper
A novel \(H_\infty\) tracking control scheme for periodic piecewise time-varying systems2020-11-27Paper
Positivity-Preserving Consensus of Homogeneous Multiagent Systems2020-10-07Paper
Switched systems approach to state bounding for time delay systems2020-09-22Paper
Robust time-weighted guaranteed cost control of uncertain periodic piecewise linear systems2020-09-09Paper
On the algebraic Riccati inequality arising in cone-preserving time-delay systems2020-04-17Paper
State estimation over non-acknowledgment networks with Markovian packet dropouts2019-12-19Paper
On stability of neutral-type linear stochastic time-delay systems with three different delays2019-12-12Paper
Stability and $L_2$ Synthesis of a Class of Periodic Piecewise Time-Varying Systems2019-08-12Paper
Global dynamics of an HIV model incorporating senior male clients2019-04-29Paper
On positive realness, negative imaginariness, and \(H_\infty\) control of state-space symmetric systems2019-04-24Paper
Stability and \(L_1\)-gain analysis of linear periodic piecewise positive systems2019-04-24Paper
Bounded control of feedforward time‐delay systems with linearized systems consisting of chain of oscillators2019-03-28Paper
Mean square stability of linear stochastic neutral‐type time‐delay systems with multiple delays2019-03-28Paper
Stability and Stabilization of Boolean Networks with Stochastic Delays2019-03-28Paper
Interacting Multiple Model Estimator for Networked Control Systems: Stability, Convergence, and Performance2019-03-28Paper
Positive Edge-Consensus for Nodal Networks via Output Feedback2019-03-28Paper
Quantized feedback stabilization of continuous time-delay systems subject to actuator saturation2019-03-06Paper
On stability and \(H_\infty\) control of switched systems with random switching signals2018-11-21Paper
\(l_{1}\)-gain analysis and model reduction problem for Boolean control networks2018-10-30Paper
Stability and stabilization of periodic piecewise linear systems: a matrix polynomial approach2018-10-17Paper
Guaranteed cost control of periodic piecewise linear time-delay systems2018-10-17Paper
New admissibility analysis for discrete singular systems with time-varying delay2018-08-24Paper
Fixed-Time Synchronization of Complex Networks With Impulsive Effects via Nonchattering Control2018-06-27Paper
An Improved Criterion for Controllability of Boolean Control Networks2018-06-27Paper
Stability and stabilization of a class of stochastic switching systems with lower bound of sojourn time2018-06-20Paper
Stability analysis of linear stochastic neutral-type time-delay systems with two delays2018-06-14Paper
H control of periodic piecewise vibration systems with actuator saturation2018-05-15Paper
Constrained predictive control synthesis for quantized systems with Markovian data loss2018-01-12Paper
Stability analysis and \(\mathcal{L}_1\)-gain characterization for switched positive systems under dwell-time constraint2017-11-22Paper
Delay-Dependent <formula formulatype="inline"><tex>$H_{\infty }$</tex> </formula> Control and Filtering for Uncertain Markovian Jump Systems With Time-Varying Delays2017-11-20Paper
New Positive Realness Conditions for Uncertain Discrete Descriptor Systems: Analysis and Synthesis2017-11-20Paper
Fixed-order robust H/sub /spl infin// filter design for Markovian jump systems with uncertain switching probabilities2017-10-30Paper
Corrigendum to: ``On reachable sets for positive linear systems under constrained exogenous inputs.2017-10-11Paper
Improved results on \(H_\infty\) model reduction for continuous-time linear systems over finite frequency ranges2017-10-11Paper
Exponential stability analysis and \(l_1\) synthesis of positive T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delays2017-10-06Paper
Non-fragile multivariable PID controller design via system augmentation2017-10-05Paper
Finite-time H control of periodic piecewise linear systems2017-10-05Paper
On the Decay Rate of Discrete-Time Linear Delay Systems With Cone Invariance2017-09-21Paper
Robust H/sub /spl infin// filtering for Uncertain2-D continuous systems2017-09-20Paper
Induced l/sub 2/ and generalized H/sub 2/ filtering for systems with repeated scalar nonlinearities2017-09-20Paper
New approach to mixed H/sub 2//H/sub /spl infin// filtering for polytopic discrete-time systems2017-09-20Paper
A delay-dependent approach to robust H/sub /spl infin// filtering for uncertain distributed delay systems2017-09-20Paper
Some Extensions on the Bounded Real Lemma for Positive Systems2017-09-08Paper
On Exponential Almost Sure Stability of Random Jump Systems2017-09-08Paper
Nonlinear filtering for state delayed systems with markovian switching2017-09-08Paper
Stabilization of Markovian Systems via Probability Rate Synthesis and Output Feedback2017-08-25Paper
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Analysis and Synthesis of Markov Jump Linear Systems With Incomplete Transition Descriptions2017-08-25Paper
$H_{\infty}$ Positive Filtering for Positive Linear Discrete-Time Systems: An Augmentation Approach2017-08-25Paper
Further Results on Exponential Estimates of Markovian Jump Systems With Mode-Dependent Time-Varying Delays2017-08-25Paper
On positive realness of descriptor systems2017-08-25Paper
Robust D-stability analysis for uncertain discrete singular systems with state delay2017-08-25Paper
LMIs - a fundamental tool in analysis and controller design for discrete linear repetitive processes2017-08-25Paper
Positive real control for uncertain two-dimensional systems2017-08-25Paper
Local stability of limit cycles for time-delay relay-feedback systems2017-08-25Paper
Generalized \(H_{\infty}\) model reduction for stable two-dimensional discrete systems2017-08-10Paper
Filtering for Nonlinear Genetic Regulatory Networks With Stochastic Disturbances2017-08-08Paper
Analysis and Synthesis of Markov Jump Linear Systems With Time-Varying Delays and Partially Known Transition Probabilities2017-08-08Paper
Stabilization of Networked Control Systems With a Logic ZOH2017-08-08Paper
Non-Fragile Exponential Stability Assignment of Discrete-Time Linear Systems With Missing Data in Actuators2017-08-08Paper
New Exponential Estimates for Time-Delay Systems2017-07-27Paper
On Equivalence and Efficiency of Certain Stability Criteria for Time-Delay Systems2017-07-27Paper
Robust Stability and Stabilization of Discrete Singular Systems: An Equivalent Characterization2017-07-12Paper
Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for time-delay systems2017-07-12Paper
Impulsive control in continuous and discrete-continuous systems [Book Reviews]2017-06-20Paper
Robust H∞ filtering for uncertain markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time delays2017-06-20Paper
Robust stability and stabilization for singular systems with state delay and parameter uncertainty2017-06-20Paper
Stability analysis and observer design for neutral delay systems2017-06-20Paper
Non-existence of finite-time stable equilibria in fractional-order nonlinear systems2017-06-02Paper
Positive filtering for positive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems under \(\ell_1\) performance2017-05-16Paper
Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Switched Systems With a Random Switching Signal2017-05-16Paper
Finite-Horizon <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="TeX">${\cal H}_{\infty}$</tex-math></inline-formula> Control for Discrete Time-Varying Systems With Randomly Occurring Nonlinearities and Fading Measurements2017-05-16Paper
<inline-formula> <tex-math notation="TeX">$\ell_{\infty}/L_{\infty} $</tex-math></inline-formula>-Gain Analysis for Positive Linear Systems With Unbounded Time-Varying Delays2017-05-16Paper
Stability and Performance Analysis for Positive Fractional-Order Systems With Time-Varying Delays2017-05-03Paper
Controller synthesis for positive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems under ℓ1performance2017-04-06Paper
Input-output gain analysis for linear systems on cones2017-02-16Paper
Distributed active anti-disturbance output consensus algorithms for higher-order multi-agent systems with mismatched disturbances2016-11-14Paper
On reachable sets for positive linear systems under constrained exogenous inputs2016-11-14Paper
A frequency-partitioning approach to stability analysis of two-dimensional discrete systems2016-11-10Paper
Estimation and synthesis of reachable set for discrete-time periodic systems2016-10-28Paper
HControl with Transients for Singular Systems2016-10-26Paper
Sampling-interval-dependent stability for linear sampled-data systems with non-uniform sampling2016-10-26Paper
Dominant pole and eigenstructure assignment for positive systems with state feedback2016-10-26Paper
Robust stabilisation of time-varying delay systems with probabilistic uncertainties2016-10-26Paper
Containment control of multi-agent systems with unbounded communication delays2016-09-30Paper
Dissipative control and filtering of discrete-time singular systems2016-09-30Paper
Multiobjective controller synthesis via eigenstructure assignment with state feedback2016-09-20Paper
Robust admissibility and admissibilisation of uncertain discrete singular time-delay systems2016-09-20Paper
Output feedback negative imaginary synthesis under structural constraints2016-09-09Paper
Pseudo-predictor feedback control of discrete-time linear systems with a single input delay2016-09-05Paper
Relaxed results on reachable set estimation of time-delay systems with bounded peak inputs2016-08-30Paper
An improved result on reachable set estimation and synthesis of time-delay systems2016-06-21Paper
Stability analysis of static recurrent neural networks using delay-partitioning and projection2016-05-10Paper
New passivity criteria for neural networks with time-varying delay2016-05-10Paper
Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals for predictor feedback control of linear systems with multiple input delays2016-05-02Paper
Towards positive definite solutions of a class of nonlinear matrix equations2016-04-25Paper
Robust quantized output feedback control for uncertain discrete time-delay systems with saturation nonlinearity2016-03-22Paper
Model reduction of discrete Markovian jump systems with time-weightedH2performance2016-03-14Paper
On ℓandLgains for positive systems with bounded time-varying delays2016-03-14Paper
\(H_\infty\) and \(H_2\) filtering for linear systems with uncertain Markov transitions2016-03-11Paper
A probabilistic approach to stability and stabilization of networked control systems2016-02-08Paper
Output feedback delay compensation control for networked control systems with random delays2016-01-14Paper
Quasi-synchronization of heterogeneous dynamic networks via distributed impulsive control: error estimation, optimization and design2015-12-23Paper
Estimation and synthesis of reachable set for switched linear systems2015-12-23Paper
Static output-feedback stabilization with optimal \(L_1\)-gain for positive linear systems2015-12-23Paper
Stability, stabilization and \(L_2\)-gain analysis of periodic piecewise linear systems2015-12-22Paper
On static output‐feedback stabilization for multi‐input multi‐output positive systems2015-12-08Paper
Reliable Dissipative Control for Singular Markovian Systems2015-11-24Paper
On the synthesis ofHconsensus for multi-agent systems2015-10-12Paper
\(\ell_1\)-induced norm and controller synthesis of positive systems2015-08-27Paper
Positive filtering for continuous-time positive systems underL1performance2015-07-31Paper
Optimal partitioning method for stability analysis of continuous/discrete delay systems2015-06-08Paper
New insight into delay‐dependent stability of time‐delay systems2015-06-08Paper
On reachable set estimation of singular systems2015-04-29Paper
Output‐Feedback Control for Continuous‐time Interval Positive Systems under <scp>L</scp>1 Performance2015-03-10Paper
Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain Switched Systems with Partial Actuator Faults2015-03-10Paper
H ∞  model reduction for discrete‐time positive systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions2015-02-17Paper
Reachable set estimation for discrete‐time linear systems with time delays2015-02-17Paper
Consensus control of multi-agent systems with missing data in actuators and Markovian communication failure2015-02-04Paper
State feedbackHcontrol of commensurate fractional-order systems2015-02-04Paper
Synchronization in networks of genetic oscillators with delayed coupling2015-01-13Paper
A new result on the delay-dependent stability of discrete systems with time-varying delays2014-12-10Paper
On a conjecture about the norm of Lyapunov mappings2014-11-17Paper
Distributed filtering in sensor networks with randomly occurring saturations and successive packet dropouts2014-10-20Paper
\(L_{\infty}\)-gain analysis for positive systems with distributed delays2014-10-17Paper
Energy-to-peak model reduction for 2-D discrete systems in Fornasini-Marchesini form2014-08-12Paper
Equivalence of several characteristics of dual switched linear systems2014-08-08Paper
Positive real control for uncertain singular time-delay systems \textit{via} output feedback controllers2014-08-07Paper
Robust \(H_\infty\) control for uncertain fuzzy neutral delay systems2014-08-07Paper
On positive filtering with ℋperformance for compartmental networks2014-07-21Paper
Robust state estimation for stochastic genetic regulatory networks2014-07-21Paper
Improved results on \(H_\infty\) model reduction for Markovian jump systems with partly known transition probabilities2014-07-15Paper
Reachable set estimation and controller design for distributed delay systems with bounded disturbances2014-06-25Paper
H Model Reduction for Positive Fractional Order Systems2014-06-11Paper
Positive definite solutions of the nonlinear matrix equation \(X + A^H\bar{X}^{-1}A = I\)2014-06-03Paper
Consensus of multi-agent systems with Luenberger observers2014-05-26Paper
model reduction for continuous-time switched stochastic hybrid systems2014-05-20Paper
Real‐time Kalman filtering based on distributed measurements2014-04-25Paper
An improved characterization of bounded realness for singular delay systems and its applications2014-04-03Paper
Feedback control with signal transmission after‐effects2014-04-03Paper
Robust ℋ︁ filtering for uncertain differential linear repetitive processes2014-04-01Paper
Simultaneous Optimization of Damper Parameters and Controllers for Building Vibration Attenuation over Finite Frequency Band2014-02-25Paper
Strong practical stability and stabilization of uncertain discrete linear repetitive processes2014-02-19Paper
Dissipative control for linear systems by static output feedback2014-01-15Paper
Passivity criteria for continuous-time neural networks with mixed time-varying delays2013-12-23Paper
Output feedback sliding mode control under networked environment2013-11-19Paper
Positive state-bounding observer for positive interval continuous-time systems with time delay2013-11-05Paper
Integral partitioning approach to robust stabilization for uncertain distributed time-delay systems2013-10-31Paper
Adaptive consensus with a virtual leader of multiple agents governed by locally Lipschitz nonlinearity2013-09-04Paper
Relationships between asymptotic stability and exponential stability of positive delay systems2013-08-22Paper
Stability analysis and control design for 2-D fuzzy systems via basis-dependent Lyapunov functions2013-08-07Paper
Stabilization of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Uncertain Systems by Feedback Based on LS Algorithm2013-07-17Paper
Robust H∞ control for discrete-time polytopic uncertain systems with linear fractional vertices2013-04-10Paper
Optimal time-weightedH2model reduction for Markovian jump systems2013-02-20Paper
Corrigendum to: ``absolute exponential stability criteria for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems2012-12-28Paper
Robust stability for interval stochastic neural networks with time-varying discrete and distributed delays2012-11-30Paper
On the synthesis of linear \(H_\infty\) filters for polynomial systems2012-09-14Paper
Sliding mode control of switched hybrid systems with time-varying delay2012-06-20Paper
Stability analysis of Markovian jump systems with multiple delay components and polytopic uncertainties2012-05-23Paper
Semi-global stabilization of linear time-delay systems with control energy constraint2012-05-14Paper
Delay-dependent robust H controller synthesis for discrete singular delay systems2012-05-04Paper
Non-fragile H∞ vibration control for uncertain structural systems2012-05-03Paper
State estimation for Markov-type genetic regulatory networks with delays and uncertain mode transition rates2012-03-28Paper
Design of structured dynamic output-feedback controllers for interconnected systems2012-03-07Paper
Robust distributed state estimation for sensor networks with multiple stochastic communication delays2011-11-25Paper
Distributed ℋfiltering for repeated scalar nonlinear systems with random packet losses in sensor networks2011-11-25Paper
\(\alpha\)-dissipativity analysis of singular time-delay systems2011-11-17Paper
Positivity-preserving \(H_\infty\) model reduction for positive systems2011-08-01Paper
Toward solution of matrix equation \(X=Af(X)B+C\)2011-07-15Paper
Positive operator based iterative algorithms for solving Lyapunov equations for Itô stochastic systems with Markovian jumps2011-06-24Paper
New results on \(H_{\infty }\) filtering for fuzzy systems with interval time-varying delays2011-06-22Paper
Stabilization for T-S model based uncertain stochastic systems2011-03-28Paper
Estimates of the spectral condition number2011-03-17Paper
Robust guaranteed cost control of discrete-time networked control systems2011-03-15Paper
Variance-constrained dissipative observer-based control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems with degraded measurements2011-03-08Paper
Decay rate constrained stabilization of positive systems using static output feedback2011-02-17Paper
Stabilization for state/input delay systems via static and integral output feedback2011-02-11Paper
Full delayed state feedback pole assignment of discrete-time time-delay systems2010-11-24Paper
Persistent disturbance rejection via state feedback for networked control systems2010-10-31Paper
Stabilization of Networked Control Systems via Dynamic Output-Feedback Controllers2010-10-20Paper
Global stabilization and restricted tracking with bounded feedback for multiple oscillator systems2010-10-18Paper
\(H _{\infty }\) filtering for systems with delays and time-varying nonlinear parameters2010-10-06Paper
A delay-partitioning approach to the stability analysis of discrete-time systems2010-08-13Paper
Static output-feedback stabilization of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems: a system augmentation approach2010-08-03Paper
Internal positivity preserved model reduction2010-07-20Paper
On the absolute stability approach to quantized feedback control2010-07-13Paper
Absolute exponential stability criteria for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems2010-06-03Paper
Robust H ∞ Control and Filtering of Networked Control Systems2010-06-02Paper
Robust incoherent control of qubit systems via switching and optimisation2010-04-06Paper
Design of Non-Fragile H∞ Controller for Active Vehicle Suspensions2010-03-10Paper
Weighted \(\mathcal H _{\infty}\) filtering of switched systems with time-varying delay: average dwell time approach2010-02-24Paper
On Smith-type iterative algorithms for the Stein matrix equation2010-01-29Paper
Robust admissibility of time-varying singular systems with commensurate time delays2010-01-08Paper
Robust stabilization of uncertain T-S fuzzy time-delay systems with exponential estimates2009-11-17Paper
A generalized parameter-dependent approach to robust \(H _{\infty }\) filtering of stochastic systems2009-10-19Paper
Spectral properties of sums of certain Kronecker products2009-09-14Paper
New stability criteria for neural networks with distributed and probabilistic delays2009-09-14Paper
Robust filtering for stochastic genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delay2009-09-01Paper
Control and filtering for discrete linear repetitive processes with \({\mathcal H}_\infty\) and \(\ell_2-\ell_\infty\) performance2009-08-31Paper
Hankel-type model reduction for linear repetitive processes: differential and discrete cases2009-08-06Paper
An augmented system approach to static output-feedback stabilization with ℋ︁performance for continuous-time plants2009-07-27Paper
RobustH2control of Markovian jump systems with uncertain switching probabilities2009-07-27Paper
An ARE approach to semi-global stabilization of discrete-time descriptor linear systems with input saturation2009-07-23Paper
Convergence of gradient-based iterative solution of coupled Markovian jump Lyapunov equations2009-07-16Paper
Network-basedHcontrol for stochastic systems2009-06-16Paper
Robust H  dynamic output feedback control for 2D linear parameter-varying systems2009-05-06Paper
Deconvolution filtering for stochastic systems via homogeneous polynomial Lyapunov functions2009-04-03Paper
A survey of linear matrix inequality techniques in stability analysis of delay systems2009-03-10Paper
Corrigendum to: ``Robust exponential stabilization for Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent input delay2009-01-21Paper
Stabilisation of hybrid stochastic differential equations by delay feedback control2008-12-02Paper
Exponential estimates and stabilization of uncertain singular systems with discrete and distributed delays2008-12-01Paper
Global point dissipativity of neural networks with mixed time-varying delays2008-10-14Paper
Worst-case fault detection observer design: optimization approach2008-09-23Paper
New criteria for synchronization stability of general complex dynamical networks with coupling delays2008-09-05Paper
New versions of bounded real lemmas for continuous and discrete uncertain systems2008-09-04Paper
Stabilization of generalized Hamiltonian systems with internally generated energy and applications to power systems2008-07-21Paper
Convex optimization approaches to robust \({\mathcal L}_{1}\) fixed-order filtering for polytopic systems with multiple delays2008-06-10Paper
Novel global robust stability criteria for interval neural networks with multiple time-varying delays2008-05-21Paper
Iterative solutions of coupled discrete Markovian jump Lyapunov equations2008-05-14Paper
Positive real control for 2-D discrete delayed systems via output feedback controllers2008-04-28Paper
Global robust exponential stability analysis for interval recurrent neural networks2008-03-26Paper
A new delay system approach to network-based control2008-03-18Paper
Discrete bilinear stochastic systems with time-varying delay: Stability analysis and control synthesis2008-01-30Paper
Robust stability of uncertain discrete-time singular fuzzy systems2007-11-01Paper
Robust exponential stabilization for Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent input delay2007-10-18Paper
Robust control of descriptor discrete-time Markovian jump systems2007-06-19Paper
Robust stabilization of Markovian delay systems with delay-dependent exponential estimates2007-05-15Paper
Dynamic output feedbackHcontrol of discrete-time fuzzy systems: a fuzzy-basis-dependent Lyapunov function approach2007-05-09Paper
Stabilization of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems via time-delayed controllers2007-04-16Paper
Filtering for a class of nonlinear discrete-time stochastic systems with state delays2007-03-08Paper
\(H_{\infty}\) filtering of discrete-time fuzzy systems via basis-dependent Lyapunov function approach2007-03-02Paper
Stabilization of linear systems over networks with bounded packet loss2007-02-13Paper
Model simplification for switched hybrid systems2007-02-09Paper
Stability analysis for continuous systems with two additive time-varying delay components2007-02-09Paper
Reduced-order \(H_{\infty}\) filtering for singular systems2007-02-09Paper
Global exponential stability of impulsive high-order bam neural networks with time-varying delays2007-01-11Paper
On stability and stabilizability of singular stochastic systems with delays2006-11-06Paper
Mixed \(\mathcal H_2\)/\(\mathcal H_\infty\) filtering for continuous-time polytopic systems: A parameter-dependent approach2006-10-13Paper
Robust \(H_\infty\) filtering for uncertain discrete stochastic systems with time delays2006-10-13Paper
Controller reduction with error performance: continuous- and discrete-time cases2006-10-11Paper
Bounded real Lemma and robust \(H_{\infty }\) control of 2-d singular roesser models2006-09-25Paper
New characterization of positive realness and control of a class of uncertain polytopic discrete-time systems2006-09-25Paper
Robust energy-to-peak filter design for stochastic time-delay systems2006-09-25Paper
\(H_{\infty }\) model reduction for discrete-time singular systems2006-09-21Paper
\(H_{\infty }\) model reduction of Markovian jump linear systems2006-09-21Paper
Robust \(H_{\infty }\) control for uncertain discrete stochastic time-delay systems2006-09-21Paper
Robust stability and stabilisation of 2d discrete state-delayed systems2006-09-21Paper
Non-fragile positive real control for uncertain linear neutral delay systems2006-09-21Paper
Robust positive real synthesis for 2D continuous systems via state and output feedback2006-06-12Paper
Robust control and filtering of singular systems.2006-06-01Paper
New results on delay-dependent robust \(H_{\infty}\) control for systems with time-varying delays2006-05-29Paper
A new approach to exponential stability analysis of neural networks with time-varying delays2006-05-11Paper
Robust \(H_{\infty}\) filtering for a class of nonlinear discrete-time Markovian jump systems2006-03-28Paper
Computation of robust stability bounds for time-delay systems with nonlinear time-varying perturbations2006-02-14Paper
Network-based robust \(H_{\infty}\) control of systems with uncertainty2006-02-02Paper
\(H_{\infty }\) model reduction of 2-D singular Roesser models2006-01-30Paper
Razumikhin method and exponential stability of hybrid stochastic delay interval systems2005-12-22Paper
Robust integral sliding mode control for uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delay2005-12-08Paper
On robust stabilization of Markovian jump systems with uncertain switching probabilities2005-12-08Paper
Delay-dependent and delay-independent energy-to-peak model approximation for systems with time-varying delay2005-11-15Paper
Robust H control for uncertain linear neutral delay systems2005-10-13Paper
Robust hyperplane synthesis for sliding mode control systems via sensitivity minimization2005-10-13Paper
Robust \(H_{\infty}\) control for discrete-time fuzzy systems via basis-dependent Lyapunov functions2005-10-10Paper
Robust deadbeat pole assignment with gain constraints: an LMI optimization approach2005-09-21Paper
Delay-dependent exponential stability for a class of neural networks with time delays2005-08-25Paper
Stability and stabilization of uncertain 2-D discrete systems with stochastic perturbation2005-05-17Paper
Further results on delay-dependent robust stability conditions of uncertain neutral systems2005-04-21Paper
Robust \(H_\infty\) filtering for 2D stochastic system2005-04-05Paper
Stabilization and H  control of two-dimensional Markovian jump systems2005-04-05Paper
Suboptimal robust mixed \(H_{2}/H_{\infty}\) controller design for uncertain descriptor systems with distributed delays2005-03-08Paper
Robust output feedback stabilization for two-dimensional continuous systems in Roesser form.2005-03-07Paper
Reliable observer-basedHcontrol of uncertain state-delayed systems2005-03-07Paper
Hankel norm approximation of linear systems with time-varying delay: continuous and discrete cases2005-02-24Paper
Robust eigenstructure assignment with minimum subspace separation2005-02-22Paper
Robust fault detection of Markovian jump systems2005-02-11Paper
Exponential stability of high-order bidirectional associative memory neural networks with time delays2005-01-31Paper
Unified gradient approach to performance optimization under a pole assignment constraint.2005-01-11Paper
Robust stability analysis and stabilization for uncertain linear neutral delay systems2004-11-19Paper
Hmodel reduction for discrete time-delay systems: delay-independent and dependent approaches2004-11-19Paper
LMI approach to stability analysis of three-dimensional systems2004-10-26Paper
On \(H_\infty\) filtering for a class of uncertain nonlinear neutral systems2004-10-01Paper
LMI approach to state-feedback stabilization of multidimensional systems2004-08-17Paper
On gramians and balanced truncation of discrete-time bilinear systems2004-08-17Paper
Positive real control of two-dimensional systems: Roesser models and linear repetitive processes2004-03-25Paper
Delay-dependent stochastic stability and \(H_{\infty}\) analysis for time-delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters.2004-03-14Paper
Robust stabilization of delayed singular systems with linear fractional parametric uncertainties2004-03-11Paper
LMI based stability analysis and robust controller design for discrete linear repetitive processes2004-02-12Paper
RobustH? control for uncertain singular systems with state delay2004-02-12Paper
Reliable memory feedback design for a class of non-linear time-delay systems2004-02-12Paper
Robust stability of composite singular and impulsive interval uncertain dynamic systems with time delay2004-01-22Paper
Robust observer design for non-linear interconnected systems using structural characteristics2004-01-21Paper
Reliable linear-quadratic control for symmetric composite systems2003-09-09Paper
Optimal model reduction of discrete-time descriptor systems2003-05-18Paper
Robust H ∞ performance problem for linear systems with nonlinear uncertainties in all system matrices2003-05-08Paper
An LMI approach to design robust fault detection filter for uncertain LTI systems.2003-04-27Paper
Robust H ∞ reliable control for a class of uncertain neutral delay systems2003-04-23Paper
An LMI approach to guaranteed cost control for uncertain linear neutral delay systems2003-02-17Paper
H8model reduction for linear time-delay systems: Continuous-time case2002-10-16Paper
Saturated linear quadratic regulation of uncertain linear systems: Stability region estimation and controller design2002-10-16Paper
Stable controller synthesis for linear time-invariant systems2002-10-16Paper
On \(H_2\) model reduction of bilinear systems2002-09-01Paper
Robust stabilization for uncertain discrete singular systems2002-09-01Paper
Robust stabilization via state feedback for descriptor systems with uncertainties in the derivative matrix2002-08-11Paper
On quadratic stability of systems with structured uncertainty2002-07-21Paper
H/sub ∞/ and positive-real control for linear neutral delay systems2002-07-21Paper
A constructive approach to stabilizability and stabilization of a class of \(n\)D systems2002-04-11Paper
Stochastic stabilizability and \(H_\infty\) control for discrete-time jump linear systems with time delay2001-08-20Paper
Analysis on robust stability for interval descriptor systems2001-08-20Paper
Quadratic stability and stabilization of uncertain linear discrete-time systems with state delay2001-08-20Paper
Robust \(H_{\infty}\) control for uncertain discrete singular systems with pole placement in a disk2001-08-20Paper
On simultaneous \(H_\infty\) control and strong \(H_\infty\) stabilization2001-02-01Paper
Reliable H/sub ∞/ control for affine nonlinear systems2000-10-17Paper
Reliable control using redundant controllers2000-10-17Paper
Decentralized H/sub ∞/-controller design for nonlinear systems2000-10-17Paper
Simultaneous stabilization via static output feedback and state feedback2000-10-17Paper
An approximate approach to H/sup 2/ optimal model reduction2000-10-17Paper
Improvement of parametric stability margin under pole assignment2000-10-17Paper
Lyapunov and Riccati equations of discrete-time descriptor systems2000-10-17Paper
Fault tolerant decentralized H/sub ∞/ control for symmetric composite systems2000-10-17Paper
Robust H/sub ∞/ control of uncertain Markovian jump systems with time-delay2000-10-17Paper
Pole assignment with eigenvalue and stability robustness2000-06-12Paper
Optimal weighted L2 model reduction of delay systems2000-06-12Paper
Decentralized stabilization of large-scale interconnected time-delay systems2000-03-16Paper
Computation of balanced realisation approximations of delay systems2000-01-04Paper
Neural computation for robust approximate pole assignment1999-11-21Paper
Mixed H∞ optimisation with model-matching1999-11-08Paper
Static output feedback stabilization: An ILMI approach1999-08-22Paper
On computation of the stability radius for nonlinearly structured perturbations1999-01-12Paper
Pole assignment with optimal spectral conditioning1998-07-23Paper
Convergent algorithms for frequency weighted \(L_{2}\) model reduction1998-07-22Paper
Newton's approach to gain-controlled robust pole placement1998-07-01Paper
Robust deadbeat regulation1998-01-12Paper
Robust partial pole-placement via gradient flow1997-12-03Paper
Regional pole assignment with eigenstructure robustness1997-08-03Paper
Balanced model reduction of symmetric composite systems1997-03-23Paper
A gradient flow approach to the robust pole‐placement problem1995-08-06Paper
Analysis on the Laguerre formula for approximating delay systems1994-09-25Paper
Multiplicative Hankel norm approximation of linear multivariable systems1993-08-08Paper
Model reduction of delay systems using Pade approximants1993-05-16Paper
Error bounds for Padé approximations of \(e^{-z}\) on the imaginary axis1992-09-27Paper
An application ofH∞design to model-following1992-09-27Paper
\(L_ 1\) impulse response error bound for balanced truncation1992-06-28Paper
Balanced realization of Pade approximants of e/sup -sT/1992-06-28Paper
Rational approximation of a class of infinite-dimensional systems. II: Optimnal convergence rates of \(L_{\infty}\) approximants1991-01-01Paper
Rational approximation of a class of infinite-dimensional systems. I: Singular values of Hankel operators1990-01-01Paper
Convergence of a class of Padé approximations for delay systems1990-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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