The irreducibility of the space of curves of a given genus
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DOI10.1007/BF02684599zbMath0181.48803WikidataQ29027077 ScholiaQ29027077MaRDI QIDQ2535181
Publication date: 1969
Published in: Publications Mathématiques (Search for Journal in Brave)
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I: The string vertices via hyperbolic Riemann surfaces, Cycles on the generic abelian threefold, Stringy canonical forms, Birational geometry of moduli spaces of configurations of points on the line, Non-perturbative geometries for planar \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) SYM amplitudes, Full level structure on some group schemes, The Picard group of the universal moduli space of vector bundles on stable curves, Compactifications of \(\mathcal{M}_{0,n}\) associated with Alexander self-dual complexes: Chow rings, \( \psi \)-classes, and intersection numbers, Stable pairs with a twist and gluing morphisms for moduli of surfaces, Psi-class intersections on Hassett spaces for genus 0 with all weights \(\frac{1}{2}\), Homotopy coherent mapping class group actions and excision for Hochschild complexes of modular categories, The weight in Serre's conjectures on modular forms, Grothendieck and vanishing cycles, Tropicalizing the moduli space of spin curves, Simplicial equations for the moduli space of stable rational curves, A support theorem for the Hitchin fibration: the case of \(\operatorname{GL}_n\) and \(K_C\), The Severi problem for abelian surfaces in the primitive case, Multi-trace correlators from permutations as moduli space, On the height of Gross-Schoen cycles in genus three, Geometric Brauer residue via root stacks, Harmonic maps with free boundary from degenerating bordered Riemann surfaces, A Néron model of the universal Jacobian, Variétés des courbes projectives planes de degré et lieu singulier donnes, Matrix group integrals, surfaces, and mapping class groups. I. \(\mathrm{U}(\mathrm{n})\), On the irreducibility of the moduli space of curves. Appendix to the paper of Harris and Mumford, Global moduli of equisingular complete curves, The generic Torelli theorem for the Prym map, A note on the existence of absolutely simple Jacobians, Truncated cluster algebras and Feynman integrals with algebraic letters, A modular compactification of \(\mathcal{M}_{1,n}\) from \(A_ \infty\)-structures, Modular compactifications of \(\mathcal{M}_{2,n}\) with Gorenstein curves, Moduli of \(G\)-covers of curves: geometry and singularities, Degenerated Calabi-Yau varieties with infinite components, moduli compactifications, and limit toroidal structures, Quillen connection and the uniformization of Riemann surfaces, Abstract algebraic geometry, Limit points of the branch locus of \(\mathcal{M}_g\), Ramification of torsion points on curves with ordinary semistable Jacobian varieties, Star products of Green's currents and automorphic forms., Classification of degenerations of curves of genus three via Matsumoto-Montesinos' theorem., A logarithmic interpretation of Edixhoven's jumps for Jacobians, A Clifford inequality for semistable curves, Semistable principal bundles. I: Characteristic zero., A uniform Poincaré estimate for quadratic differentials on closed surfaces, Algebraic and combinatorial rank of divisors on finite graphs, Hypersurfaces in projective schemes and a moving lemma, A compactification of the universal moduli space of principal \(G\)-bundles, Moduli spaces of weighted pointed stable curves., Vector fields on canonically polarized surfaces, Quantum Kirwan morphism and Gromov-Witten invariants of quotients. I, Linear series on metrized complexes of algebraic curves, Coarse density of subsets of moduli space, Nisnevich descent forK-theory of Deligne-Mumford stacks, Strong rational connectedness of surfaces, On Specializations of Curves. I, On the invariants of base changes of pencils of curves. II, Riemann's existence problem for a \(p\)-adic field, Brill-Noether theory for cyclic covers, Some calculations of spaces \(R^i f_\ast G\) over curves, On Colmez's product formula for periods of CM-Abelian varieties, Towards a classification of modular compactifications of \(\mathcal {M}_{g,n}\), The asymptotic Schottky problem, Moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves with A and D singularities, Effective models of group schemes, Unnamed Item, Investigating the cohomological dimensions of ℳg, Stable reduction of three point covers, An introduction to gerbes on orbifolds, Log structures on generalized semi-stable varieties, Local invariants attached to Weierstrass points, Quantitative Néron theory for torsion bundles, Tropical geometry of moduli spaces of weighted stable curves, Automorphisms of generalized Fermat curves, Functorial reconstruction theorems for stacks, Properness for scaled gauged maps, Scattering equations in AdS: scalar correlators in arbitrary dimensions, Book Review: Topology of algebraic curves. An approach via dessins d’enfants, A complete description of the cohomological invariants of even genus hyperelliptic curves, On the moduli spaces of singular principal bundles on stable curves, Descent of vector bundles under wildly ramified extensions, Book Review: Riemann surfaces, Unnamed Item, Schubert problems, positivity and symbol letters, Ramification of torsion points on a curve with superspecial reduction over an absolutely unramified base, A unified approach to holomorphic anomaly equations and quantum spectral curves, A heuristic for the distribution of point counts for random curves over a finite field, Erratum: Gromov-Witten invariants and rational curves on Grassmannians, Riemann surfaces with boundary and natural triangulations of the Teichmüller space, A transfer principle: from periods to isoperiodic foliations, Cyclic étale coverings of generic curves and ordinariness of dormant opers, Arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves over local fields, Enumerating odd-degree hyperelliptic curves and abelian surfaces over \(\mathbb{P}^1\), Asymptotics of the Teichmüller harmonic map flow, COMPUTINGL-FUNCTIONS AND SEMISTABLE REDUCTION OF SUPERELLIPTIC CURVES, Generalized holomorphic analytic torsion, Duality theorems for étale gerbes on orbifolds, Geometric rigidity for sequences of \(W^{2,2}\) conformal immersions, The Hilbert stack, Fields of moduli of three-point \(G\)-covers with cyclic \(p\)-Sylow. II, The augmented deformation space of rational maps, The Albanese map for curves and contractions, LOG SMOOTH DEFORMATION AND MODULI OF LOG SMOOTH CURVES, GEOMETRY OF THE MODULI OF HIGHER SPIN CURVES, Twisted stable maps to tame Artin stacks, Descent for quasi-coherent sheaves on stacks, Euler characteristics of Teichmüller curves in genus two, Modular compactifications of the space of pointed elliptic curves I, A combinatorial version of the Grothendieck conjecture, Formal deformations of covers: a local-global principle, Galois covers of degree \(p\) and semi-stable reduction of curves in mixed characteristics, A remark on the homotopical dimension of some moduli spaces of stable Riemann surfaces, Noded Teichmüller spaces, Compactifying the space of stable maps, Formal deformation of curves with group scheme action, Toroidal crossings and logarithmic structures., Monodromy group for a strongly semistable principal bundle over a curve, Some results about equivariant deformations of stable curves, Semi-graphs of anabelioids, Towards the ample cone of \overline{𝑀}_{𝑔,𝑛}, Multiple zeta values and periods of moduli spaces \(\bar {\mathfrak M}_{0,n}\)., Operads and PROPs, Compactifications of reductive groups as moduli stacks of bundles, The number of genus 2 covers of an elliptic curve, GENERALIZED EXPLICIT DESCENT AND ITS APPLICATION TO CURVES OF GENUS 3, Good moduli spaces for Artin stacks, Bad Reduction of Genus Three Curves with Complex Multiplication, Deligne products of line bundles over moduli spaces of curves, Compactifications of the Generalized Jacobian Variety, Galois Sections in Absolute Anabelian Geometry, Effective cones of quotients of moduli spaces of stable 𝑛-pointed curves of genus zero, Effective faithful tropicalizations associated to linear systems on curves, Zeta integrals on arithmetic surfaces, Galois-theoretic characterization of isomorphism classes of monodromically full hyperbolic curves of genus zero, Spécialisation du foncteur de Picard, Notes on algebraic log stack, On the slope of hyperelliptic fibrations with positive relative irregularity, Modular compactifications of the space of pointed elliptic curves II, Simultaneous semi-stable reduction for curves with ADE singularities, Elliptic curves: Diophantine torsion solutions and singular j-invariants, Eliminating wild ramification, Subvarieties of moduli spaces, The complete classification of fibres in pencils of curves of genus two, Good and stable reduction of Abelian varieties, Local heights on Mumford curves, Un problème de descente, Classical and quantum Teichmüller spaces, Equivariant deformations of semi-stable curves, The distribution of class groups of function fields, Explicit determination of root numbers of abelian varieties, A compactification of the space of maps from curves, The pre-WDVV ring of physics and its topology, A relative GAGA principle for families of curves, Moduli of twisted spin curves, Spécialisation des revêtements en caractéristique p> 0, Unnamed Item, Steenrod operations in Chow theory, REFLECTION PRINCIPLE AND J-COMPLEX CURVES WITH BOUNDARY ON TOTALLY REAL IMMERSIONS, Singular principal bundles on reducible nodal curves, Reduction Types of Genus-3 Curves in a Special Stratum of their Moduli Space, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, THE ℚ-PICARD GROUP OF THE MODULI SPACE OF CURVES IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC, Unnamed Item, Irrationality of generic cubic threefold via Weil's conjectures, COMPACTIFICATIONS OF PEL-TYPE SHIMURA VARIETIES IN RAMIFIED CHARACTERISTICS, Picard Curves with Small Conductor, Holomorphic maps between moduli spaces, The Deligne–Mumford and the Incidence Variety Compactifications of the Strata of \Omega \protect \mathcal{M}_{g}, Log smooth extension of a family of curves and semi-stable reduction, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Groupe fondamental des champs algébriques, inertie et action galoisienne, Progress in the theory of complex algebraic curves, Unnamed Item, Groupes de Picard et problèmes de Skolem. I, Groupes de Picard et problèmes de Skolem. II, Recent results in the theory of constant reductions, The canonical ring of a stacky curve, A theorem of Gieseker-Petri type for Prym varieties, Bad reduction of genus curves with CM jacobian varieties, Unnamed Item, Tropical Geometric Compactification of Moduli, I – M g Case, Atiyah-Segal theorem for Deligne-Mumford stacks and applications, A MODULI STACK OF TROPICAL CURVES, Families of Riemann surfaces, uniformization and arithmeticity, Unnamed Item, Lectures on Tropical Curves and Their Moduli Spaces, Algebraic Curves and Their Moduli, Polynomial Lemniscates and Their Fingerprints: From Geometry to Topology, Groupe fondamental du complémentaire d'une courbe à points doubles ordinaires, New points on curves, The irreducibility of the spaces of rational curves on del Pezzo surfaces, On finite generation of the section ring of the determinant of cohomology line bundle, On the torsion of Drinfeld modules of rank two, On the geometry of the moduli space of spin curves, Inverse Galois problem for ordinary curves, Orbifolds as diffeologies, Derived splinters in positive characteristic, Virtual moduli cycles and Gromov-Witten invariants of algebraic varieties, Foliations and rational connectedness in positive characteristic, Logarithmic Gromov-Witten invariants, Relative Bogomolov’s inequality and the cone of positive divisors on the moduli space of stable curves, A Compactification of the Universal Picard Variety over the Moduli Space of Stable Curves, Unnamed Item, Principally Polarized Ordinary Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields, Stable modification of relative curves, Unnamed Item, The coincidence of fields of moduli for non-hyperelliptic curves and for their jacobian varieties, An algebro-geometric proof of Witten’s conjecture, Unnamed Item, Twisted Bundles and Admissible Covers, Combinatorial Properties of Stable Spin Curves, Polarized Pushouts over Finite Fields, Propriétés de ramification à l'infini du groupe modulaire de Teichmüller. With an appendix in English by Ken Baclawski, Unnamed Item, Local stable reduction of plane curve singularities, Superelliptic curves with many automorphisms and CM Jacobians, The moduli space of cubic surface pairs via the intermediate Jacobians of Eckardt cubic threefolds, Universal commensurability augmented Teichmüller space and moduli space, Algebraic families of nonzero elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups, Purity of the stratification by Newton polygons, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the standard conjecture for a fibre product of three elliptic surfaces with pairwise-disjoint discriminant loci, On spin and modularity in conformal field theory, Unnamed Item, Quotients of the mapping class group by power subgroups, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Second flip in the Hassett–Keel program: a local description, Hilbert modular forms and p-adic Hodge theory, The decomposition theorem, perverse sheaves and the topology of algebraic maps, Unnamed Item, Sur les représentations $l$-adiques associées aux formes modulaires de Hilbert, Unnamed Item, Boundary contributions to three loop superstring amplitudes, Unnamed Item, THE STRONG FRANCHETTA CONJECTURE IN ARBITRARY CHARACTERISTICS, Local–global principles for curves over semi‐global fields, On the fields of rationality for curves and for their jacobian varieties, Unnamed Item, Alterations can remove singularities, Unnamed Item, On the Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of nodal curves, On quasi-reductive group schemes, Unnamed Item, The essential dimension of congruence covers, Finite dimensional Teichmüller spaces and generalizations, Spanning the isogeny class of a power of an elliptic curve, Stable vector bundles and the frobenius morphism, Derivatives of Wronskians with applications to families of special Weierstrass points, The Hodge cohomology and cubic equivalences, A simplicial calculus for local intersection numbers at non-Archimedian places on products of semi-stable curves, Lie groupoids, deformation of unstable curves, and construction of equivariant Kuranishi charts, On pluri-canonical systems of arithmetic surfaces, Are orthogonal separable coordinates really classified?, Relative pro-\(\ell \)completions of mapping class groups, Stable pair, tropical, and log canonical compactifications of moduli spaces of del Pezzo surfaces, Stable rationality and conic bundles, Harmonic maps from degenerating Riemann surfaces, Higher analytic stacks and GAGA theorems, Canonical integral structures on the de Rham cohomology of curves, Theta divisors and differential forms, Stacky abelianization of algebraic groups, Moduli spaces and multiple polylogarithm motives, Wild ramification kinks, Anabelian geometry with étale homotopy types, Wild monodromy and automorphisms of curves, Stability of tri-canonical curves of genus two, Ramification theory for varieties over a local field, Curves which do not become semi-stable after any solvable extension, The Frobenius map, rank 2 vector bundles and Kummer's quartic surface in characteristic 2 and 3, On the combinatorial cuspidalization of hyperbolic curves, A limit linear series moduli scheme, Moduli stacks of stable toric quasimaps, Polar parts and the ELSV compactification, The integral monodromy of hyperelliptic and trielliptic curves, The rational cohomology of \(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_4\), Topological methods in moduli theory, Gromov-Witten invariants and rational curves on Grassmannians, Zhang-Kawazumi invariants and superstring amplitudes, Deformations of symplectic vortices, Euler characteristics of moduli spaces of curves, An arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel theorem for pointed stable curves, The Picard group of the moduli space of curves with level structures, Pontrjagin-Thom maps and the homology of the moduli stack of stable curves, On the tropical Torelli map, Uniform boundedness of \(p\)-primary torsion of abelian schemes, Variables separated equations: strikingly different roles for the branch cycle lemma and the finite simple group classification, The Chow ring of the stack of cyclic covers of the projective line, Recasting results in equivariant geometry, The Gieseker-Petri divisor in \({\mathcal{M}_g}\) for \(g \leq 13\), Connected and irreducible components in families, Intersection theory on algebraic stacks and on their moduli spaces, The \(p\)-rank stratification of Artin-Schreier curves, On abelian varieties the theta divisor of which is singular in codimension 3, Characterizing Artin stacks, Alternate compactifications of the moduli space of genus one maps, Semi-stable reduction and decomposition of de Rham complexes with coefficients, Determinant fiber bundles, Quillen metric and degeneracy of curves., The concept of hyperellipticity on surfaces with nodes, An explicit semi-factorial compactification of the Néron model, A homotopy theory for stacks, An explicit formula for the generic number of dormant indigenous bundles, Arrangements of rational sections over curves and the varieties they define, Tame stacks in positive characteristic, Kähler-Einstein metrics on stable varieties and log canonical pairs, Good geometry on the curve moduli, Derived algebraic geometry, Stable twisted curves and their \(r\)-spin structures, New results on the geometry of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces, Computation of the first Stiefel-Whitney class for the variety \(\overline{\mathcal{M}_{0,n}^{\mathbb{R}}}\), Quantum Kirwan morphism and Gromov-Witten invariants of quotients. II, Étale homotopy types of moduli stacks of polarised abelian schemes, On Riemann surfaces of genus \(g\) with \(4g\) automorphisms, Global structures for the moduli of (punctured) super Riemann surfaces, Automorphisms of smooth canonically polarized surfaces in positive characteristic, Matrix model for discretized moduli space, Moduli stacks of Serre stable representations in tilting theory, The Lefschetz trace formula for algebraic stacks, Normalization of the 1-stratum of the moduli space of stable curves, Comparing perfect and 2nd Voronoi decompositions: the matroidal locus, Integrable discrete Schrödinger equations and a characterization of Prym varieties by a pair of quadrisecants, Van Kampen theory for algebraic stacks., The \(p\)-rank strata of the moduli space of hyperelliptic curves, Essential dimension of moduli of curves and other algebraic stacks, The cohomology ring of the real locus of the moduli space of stable curves of genus 0 with marked points, Stable reductive varieties. I: Affine varieties, Stable reduction of curves and tame ramification, Notes on an analogue of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture, Group actions on stacks and applications, Galois actions on Néron models of Jacobians, On the kernel and the image of the rigid analytic regulator in positive characteristic, Integral models for moduli spaces of \(G\)-torsors, Enumerative and asymptotic analysis of a moduli space, Generating stable modular graphs, Characterizing Jacobians via trisecants of the Kummer variety, A note on the global structure of supermoduli spaces, Reconstructing pluricanonical embeddings of general \(k\)-gonal curves via odd theta-characteristics, Equivariant versal deformations of semistable curves, Singular fibres in a real pencil of genus two curves., Equivalence of the open KdV and the open Virasoro equations for the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with boundary, Irreducible components of special loci in moduli spaces of curves, Galois action in general genus, Some density results for curves with non-simple jacobians, Stable reduction and uniformization of abelian varieties. I, Weierstrass points in characteristic p, Twisted rings and moduli stacks of ``fat point modules in non-commutative projective geometry, The little bundles operad, The Deligne-Mumford compactification and crystallographic groups, The structure of the Prym map, Class fields of abelian extensions of \(\mathbb Q\), On complete families of curves with a given fundamental group in positive characteristic
Cites Work
- Rational singularities, with applications to algebraic surfaces and unique factorization
- Hurwitz schemes and irreducibility of moduli of algebraic curves
- Die Klassen von topologischen Abbildungen einer geschlossenen Fläche auf sich
- Some Numerical Criteria for Contractability of Curves on Algebraic Surfaces
- Two Fundamental Theorems on Deformations of Polarized Varieties
- Curves Over Discrete Valuation Rings
- Unnamed Item
- Unnamed Item
- Unnamed Item
- Unnamed Item