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zbMath0098.31101MaRDI QIDQ3278561

Jacques Louis Lions

Publication date: 1961

Related Items

Origins, analysis, numerical analysis, and numerical approximation of a forward-backward parabolic problem, Unnamed Item, Optimal control for competing coalitions, Sensitivity analysis of a parabolic-elliptic problem, Some non-linear evolution equations, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Approximation theorems for the propagators of higher order abstract Cauchy problems, Système d'équations d'un gaz visqueux modélisant l'atmosphère avec la force de Coriolis et la stabilité de l'état d'équilibre, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Teoremi di Quasi-Periodicita per Alcune Equazioni Differenziali Operazionali, Nonlinear parabolic boundary value problems of arbitrary order, Some uniqueness theorems for differential equations with operator coefficients, The Trotter product formula for perturbations of semibounded operators, On the nature of weak solutions and some abstract Cauchy problems, Sur les perturbations des équations d'évolution : application à des problèmes de retard, Sur une classe d'opérateurs elliptiques dégénérés, Une méthode d'approximation de la solution des équations de Navier-Stokes, Équations différentielles abstraites, Définition d'opérateurs maximaux et applications, An Eigenvalue Problem for Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Sur une classe d'équations paraboliques dégénérées, The Initial Value Problem for Nonlinear Wave Equations in Hilbert Space, Generalized Finite-Difference Schemes, Fundamental solutions of invariant differential operators on symmetric spaces, Stability results for fractional step discretizations of time dependent coefficient evolutionary problems, A variational approach to evolution problems with variable domains, Initial boundary value problems for the displacement in an isothermal, viscous gas, Difference Equations on a Mesh Arising from a General Triangulation, Regular solutions of a nonlinear model for vibrations of beams in unbounded domains, Infinite-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in gauss-sobolev spaces, A posteriori analysis of the finite element discretization of some parabolic equations, Second order parabolic equations in Banach spaces with dynamic boundary conditions, Optimal control for degenerate parabolic equations with logistic growth, Toward a general theory of transmutation, Runge-Kutta Approximation of Quasi-Linear Parabolic Equations, A generalization of the Lions theory for first-order evolution differential equations with smooth operator coefficients. II, Existence and uniqueness of martingale solutions for SDEs with rough or degenerate coefficients, Some results on the asymptotic behavior for hyperbolic problems in cylindrical domains becoming unbounded, Robust control problems of vortex dynamics in superconducting films with Ginzburg-Landau complex systems, Unilateral problem for the Navier--Stokes operators with variable viscosity in noncylindrical domain, Dedication to Jacques-Louis Lions, Espaces de fonctions et distributions du type de Gevrey et problèmes aux limites paraboliques, Sulle equazioni paraboliche del secondo ordine di tipo non variazzionale, Equazioni paraboliche del secondo ordine e spazi \({\mathfrak L}^{2,\theta} (\Omega,\delta)\), Sul problema misto per l'equazione parabolica del tipo del calore, Regolarita e unicita della soluzione di una equazione differenziale astratta, On the structure of some abstract differential problems. I, Teoremi di esistenza e regolarita per certe classi di equazioni differenziali astratte, Product formulas for perturbations of linear propagators, Optimisation pour certaines classes d'équations d'évolution non linéaires, Sulle equazioni differenziali astratte lineari del primo e del secondo ordine negli spazi di Hilbert, Properties of bilinear forms on Hilbert spaces related to stability properties of certain partial differential operators, State estimation for infinite-dimensional systems, Somma di generatori infinitesimal di semigruppi di contrazione e equazioni di evoluzione in spazi di Banach, Analisi di alcuni classici problemi di propagazione, Sur une équation d'évolution changeant de type, On Sobolev's first embedding theorem, Méthodes d'approximation des solutions de certains problèmes aux limites linéaires, A mixed problem for hyperbolic equations with time-dependent domain, Espaces du type de Gevrey et problèmes aux limites pour diverses classes d'équations d'évolution, The adjoints of ordinary differential operators, Sur la stabilité et la convergence de la méthode des pas fractionnaires, Rate of convergence in singular perturbations, Semigroups and second-order differential equations, Problemi di Cauchy e problemi ai limiti per equazioni di evoluzione del tipo di Schrödinger lineari e non lineari, On the existence and the asymptotic stability of solutions to the equations of linear thermoelasticity, Exterior initial-boundary value problems for quasilinear hyperbolic equations in time-dependent domains, Ein gewöhnlicher Differentialoperator zweiter Ordnung für Funktionen mit Werten in einem Hilbertraum, On the structure of some abstract differential problems. II, Approximation semi-discrete de la solution d'une équation variationnelle, astreinte à verifier des conditions aux limites dependant du temps, Perturbation of eigenvalues with an engineering application, Problemi di Cauchy e problemi ai limiti per equazioni di evoluzione del tipo di Schrödinger lineari e non lineari. Parte II, Une méthode de résolution numérique des équations de Navier-Stokes, On strongly nonlinear parabolic equations, On the Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, A mixed problem for hyperbolic equations of second order with a first order derivative boundary condition, Problèmes de Cauchy abstraits et applications à quelques problèmes mixtes, An abstract Volterra equation with applications to linear viscoelasticity, A regularity theorem for parabolic equations, Sur quelques équations intégrales non linéaires, Un problème aux limites pour une classe d'opérateurs hypoelliptiques du second ordre. (A problem on the limits for a class of second order hypoelliptic operators), Quantum field theoretic properties of a model of Nelson: domain and eigenvector stability for perturbed linear operators, Das Anfangswertverhalten von Evolutionsgleichungen in Banachräumen. Teil I: Approximationseigenschaften von Evolutionsoperatoren, Two-point problems for abstract evolution equations, Huygens' principle for a class of singular Cauchy problems, Evolution equations in Banach space with variable domain, Stochastic differential equations in Hilbert space, Weak solutions of nonlinear evolution equations of Sobolev-Galpern type, Zur Regularisierung einer Klasse nichtkorrekter Probleme bei Evolutionsgleichungen. (On the regularization of a certain class of improperly posed problems for evolution equations), Theory of a general class of dissipative processes, Weak solutions for linear abstract differential equations in Banach spaces, Applications of the invariance principle for compact processes. I. Asymptotically dynamical systems, Existence et unicité de la solution de l'équation d'Euler en dimension deux, Remarks on some nonlinear evolution problems arising in Bingham flows, Sur un problème d'existence de Lions pour une équation différentielle opérationnelle, Generalized projection theorem with application to linear noncoercive equations and some nonlinear situations, Nonlinear optimal control problems of degenerate parabolic equations with logistic time-varying delays of convolution type, Introduction de poids dans l'étude de problèmes aux limites, Quelques remarques sur les équations différentielles opérationnelles du 1er ordre, Soluzioni quasi-periodiche di equazioni quasi-periodiche negli spazi hilbertiani, Énergie et déformations en géométrie différentielle, Spectral concentration near embedded eigenvalues, Analysis of the impact of nonlinear heat transfer laws on temperature distribution in irradiated biological tissues: Mathematical models and optimal controls, Two-grid finite-element schemes for the transient Navier-Stokes problem, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A class of hyperbolic volterra integrodifferential equations, Degenerate variational inequalities of evolution, Unnamed Item, Un résultat d'homogénéisation pour une classe de problèmes de diffusion non linéaires stationnaires, Global existence of smooth solutions for the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation in $1$ and $2$ space dimensions, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Existence et régularité de la fonction potentiel pour des écoulements subcritiques s'établissant autour d'un corps à singularité conique, Some recent developments in the theory of partial differential equations, Initial-value problems for the Boussinesq equations of water waves, Sur les fréquences de diffusion (scattering) d'un corps élastique couplé avec l'air, Unnamed Item, Existence theorems for nonlinear hyperbolic boundary value problems at resonance, On a wave equation with nonlinear strong damping, Regularity of the displacement in a one-dimensional viscoelastic material, Unnamed Item, Problemi Misti per L’Equazione del Galore, On the Numerical Computation of Parabolic Problems for Preceding Times, The Effect of Interpolating the Coefficients in Nonlinear Parabolic Galerkin Procedures, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Nonelliptic Approximation of a Class of Partial Differential Equations with Neumann Boundary Condition, Weak solution for an abstract Cauchy problem of parabolic type, Regularity theorems and optimal error estimates for linear parabolic Cauchy problems, Boundary integral operators for the heat equation, An application of the invariance principle to a non-linear, first order evolution problem: Asymptotic stability in non-isothermal magnetohydrodynamics, Some existence and regularity results for abstract non-autonomous parabolic equations, Problèmes aux limites non homogènes. II, III, Sur l'approximation des solutions de certains problèmes aux limites, A capillary free boundary problem governed by the Navier-Stokes equations, Abstract linear hyperbolic equations with variable domain, An introduction to differential geometry with applications to elasticity, A general Trotter--Kato formula for a class of evolution operators, Reaction-diffusion systems for the macroscopic bidomain model of the cardiac electric field, Existence of solutions to a one-dimensional model of bounded piezoelectric material, A weighted eigenvalue problem for the \(p\)-Laplacian plus a potential, Bilinear minimax control problems for a class of parabolic systems with applications to control of nuclear reactors, On the nonlinear parabolic systems in divergence form. Hölder continuity and partial Hölder continuity of the solutions, The Burns-Epstein invariant and deformation of CR structures, Large scale dynamics of the persistent turning Walker model of fish behavior, On a mixed nonlinear one point boundary value problem for an integrodifferential equation, Suboptimal boundary controls for elliptic equation in critically perforated domain, On a nonlinear wave equation associated with the boundary conditions involving convolution, Degenerate parabolic equations and Harnack inequality, Adaptive finite elements for flow problems with moving boundaries. I. Variational principles and a posteriori estimates, Analytic semigroups generated on Hölder spaces by second order elliptic systems under Dirichlet boundary conditions, A heat equation in which the diffusion coefficient changes sign, A boundary value problem for parabolic operators with degeneration of type \(A_ 2\), Partial Hölder continuity of the spatial derivatives of the solutions to nonlinear parabolic systems with quadratic growth, Compact sets in the space \(L^ p(0,T;B)\), The Galerkin method and degenerate evolution equations, On non-linear wave equations, On semigroups generated by differential operators on Lie groups, Unicita e regolarita della soluzione del problema di Cauchy per una equazione differenziale astratta del secondo ordine, Teoremi di esistenza e di unicita per le soluzioni deboli dei problemi al contorno per una classe di sistemi parabolici di equazioni del secondo ordine, Linearization by means of optimal control for a model in plasma physics, Some remarks concerning regularity of solutions for abstract differential equations, Soluzioni deboli dei problemi al contorno per operatori parabolici che possono degenerare, Mixed approximations of evolution problems, Second order abstract differential equations with singular coefficients, Stability of nonlinear stochastic-evolution equations, Partial Hölder continuity of solutions of quasilinear parabolic systems of second order with linear growth, Sur les petites oscillations planes d'un liquide dans un container symétrique en apesanteur. (Small plane oscillations of a liquid in a symmetrical container under zero gravity), On the existence of global weak solutions for Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker- Planck systems, The optimization of dynamical systems, Stochastic evolution equations and related measure processes, Regular solutions of initial-boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear wave-equations. II, Control problems with time lag. I, Hereditary differential systems with constant delays. II: A class of affine systems and the adjoint problem, Über das Dirichletsche Problem bei der Bipotentialgleichung, Risultati di regolarita locale e globale per soluzioni di equazioni differenziali del I ordine in spazi di Hilbert. IV, Semilineare parabolische Differentialgleichungen mit starker Nichtlinearität, Regularity of solutions of linear coercive evolution equations with variable domain. I, Nonlinear evolution equations of Sobolev-Galpern type, Lineare und semilineare parabolische Differentialgleichungen in Räumen Hölderstetiger Funktionen, Quelques remarques sur le feedback stationnaire et la stabilité asymptotique, Existence of weak solutions of a nonlinear parabolic equation in a noncylindrical domain, Self-adjointness and invariance of the essential spectrum for Dirac operators defined as quadratic forms, On an equation of mixed type from electron scattering theory, State theory of linear hereditary differential systems, Space-time finite elements for the wave propagation problem, Singular evolution equations, Perturbation of bound states of the radial equation by repulsive singular potentials-first-order asymptotics, Asymptotic stability of the linear Ito equation in infinite dimensions, Linearized thermoviscoelasticity with high temperature variations and related periodic problems, Classical solutions of the chain equation. I, Justification de la méthode des echelles multiples pour une classe d'équations aux dérivées partielles, Mathematical model of a gas exchange system, Neue Resolventenabschätzungen für elliptische Differentialoperatoren und semilineare parabolische Gleichungen, A transport equation of mixed type, On the existence of small oscillations of a liquid cylindrical column under zero gravity. I: The cylindrical container is fixed., Parabolic systems with competitive interactions and control on initial conditions, Regularity of weak solutions of semilinear parabolic systems of arbitrary order, Parabolic problems with mixed variable lateral conditions: an abstract approach, Abstract Schrödinger-type differential equations with variable domain, On the minimal extension of \(C_ 0\)-semigroups for second-order damped equations, Nonexistence of global solutions of some quasilinear hyperbolic equations, On some Schrödinger-type variational inequalities, On T-accretive operators, On certain perturbation problems and singular equations of magnetohydrodynamics, Construction of self-adjoint Berezin-Toeplitz operators on Kähler manifolds and a probabilistic representation of the associated semigroups, Homogenization of a model of cure process for composites., On some abstract variable domain hyperbolic differential equations, On the definiteness of quadratic functionals, Virtual and effective control for distributed systems and decomposition of everything, Mathematical and numerical analysis of dehydratation of gypsum plasterboards exposed to fire, Über die Existenz klassischer Lösungen semilinearer parabolischer Differentialgleichungen höherer Ordnung, Singular perturbations of elliptic problems, Generalized projection theorem and weak noncoercive evolution problems in Hilbert space, Phénomènes de transmission à travers des couches minces de conductivite elevee, Regular solutions of initial-boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear wave - equations. I, Robin-type boundary control problems for the nonlinear Boussinesq type equations, Fractional step Runge-Kutta methods for time dependent coefficient parabolic problems, Complete second order differential equations in Banach spaces with dynamic boundary conditions, Interior estimates for time discretizations of parabolic equations, The Cauchy problem for semilinear weakly hyperbolic equations in Hilbert spaces, On a class of linear equations of parabolic type, Application of optimal control theory to bioremediation, Existence and asymptotic expansion for a nonlinear wave equation associated with nonlinear boundary conditions, Vibrations of extensible beams: unilateral problem, Approximation variationnelle des problèmes aux limites, Soluzioni limitate o quasi-periodiche dell'equazione di Poisson