Gravitational Field of a Spinning Mass as an Example of Algebraically Special Metrics

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DOI10.1103/PhysRevLett.11.237zbMath0112.21904WikidataQ21559713 ScholiaQ21559713MaRDI QIDQ3850937

Roy Patrick Kerr

Publication date: 1963

Published in: Physical Review Letters (Search for Journal in Brave)

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Exact solutions of the field equations of the general theory of relativity II, Quantum mechanics of stationary states of particles in a space-time of classical black holes, The Kerr-Newman black hole solution as strong gravity for elementary particles, Axially symmetric type N space-time with causality violating curves and the von Zeipel cylinder, Spinning higher dimensional black hole solutions in f(R) gravity coupled with non-linear Yang-Mills field and P-V criticality, The linear stability of Reissner-Nordström spacetime: the full subextremal range \(|Q|<M\), Harmonic metric for Kerr black hole and its post-Newtonian approximation, Collision energy of particles in the ergosphere of rotating black holes, String memories \dots lost and regained, Accretion of matter and spectra of binary X-ray sources in massive gravity, Singularities, black holes, and cosmic censorship: a tribute to Roger Penrose, Untangling the Newman-Janis algorithm, A third-order approximation for time delay of light propagation in the equatorial plane of Kerr black hole, Myers-Perry black holes with scalar hair and a mass gap, Rotating black holes can have short bristles, The universal property of the entropy sum of black holes in all dimensions, Non-linear \(Q\)-clouds around Kerr black holes, Gravitational lensing and frame dragging of light in the Kerr-Newman and the Kerr-Newman (anti) de Sitter black hole spacetimes, Rotational perturbations of radiating universes coupled with zero-mass scalar field, Approximate gravitational field of a rotating deformed mass, Boundedness and decay for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr spacetimes. 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Chern-Simons axion of Einstein gravity, The Nobel Lectures on Gravitational Waves and LIGO, Hidden symmetry in the double copy, Slowly-rotating compact objects: the nonintegrability of Hartle-Thorne particle geodesics, Kerr-fully diving into the abyss: analytic solutions to plunging geodesics in Kerr, Explicit formulae for surface gravities in stationary circular axi-symmetric spacetimes, Astrophysical Black Holes: A Compact Pedagogical Review, Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon-Fock equations for a charged test particle in space-time with simply transitive four-parameter groups of motions, Can the energy of a particle be negative in the absence of external fields?, In horizon penetrating coordinates: Kerr black hole metric perturbation, construction and completion, Rotating Bardeen black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter as a particle accelerator, Spin Dynamics of Moving Bodies in Rotating Black Hole Spacetimes, A new code for the numerical simulation of relativistic flows on supercomputers by means of a low-dissipation scheme, Effects of the rotation of the central black hole in a disk galaxy model, A spinorial double copy for \(\mathcal{N} = 0\) supergravity, On the photon motion near a five-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole, On the possibility of classical vacuum polarization and magnetization, Scalar QNM Spectra of Kerr and Reissner-Nordström revealed by eigenvalue repulsions in Kerr-Newman, Inflation alternative via the gravitational field of a singularity, Instability of a Kerr-type naked singularity due to light and matter accretion and its shadow, Black-bounce in \(f(T)\) gravity, Fully consistent rotating black holes in the cubic Galileon theory, An ideal conformally covariant characterization of the Kerr conformal structure, On Kähler structures of Taub-Nut and kerr spaces, Sharp decay for Teukolsky equation in Kerr spacetimes, Dark matter spike around Bumblebee black holes, Geodesics and gravitational waves in chaotic extreme-mass-ratio inspirals: the curious case of Zipoy-Voorhees black-hole mimickers, Determination of the angular momentum of the Kerr black hole from equatorial geodesic motion, Mass-charge metric in curved spacetime, Black holes with abelian and non-abelian charges and their impact on matter accretion flows, Scattering on self-dual Taub-NUT, Vector particles tunneling in the background of quintessential field involving quantum effects, Differentially rotating disks of dust, Gamma-ray bursts: LIGO/VIRGO sources of gravitational radiation, General relativistic models for the electron, Massive neutral Dirac particle in a curved space-time with the Kerr-Schild metric, Differentially rotating disks of dust: Arbitrary rotation law, Kerr-Schild symmetries, Quantum corrections to the Reissner-Nordström and Kerr-Newman metrics, Condensates and instanton - torus knot duality. Hidden Physics at UV scale