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zbMath0419.03028MaRDI QIDQ3852172

Thomas J. Jech

Publication date: 1978

03E15: Descriptive set theory

03-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations

03E55: Large cardinals

03E50: Continuum hypothesis and Martin's axiom

03-03: History of mathematical logic and foundations

03E40: Other aspects of forcing and Boolean-valued models

03Exx: Set theory

Related Items

Souslin’s hypothesis and convergence in category, A new proof of Kunen’s inconsistency, Cofinality of the nonstationary ideal, Weak axioms of choice for metric spaces, Strong Measure Zero and Strongly Meager Sets, Unnamed Item, On the strong equality between supercompactness and strong compactness, Transfinite open-point games, Determinacy and the sharp function on the reals, Indestructible properties of \(S\)- and \(L\)-spaces, Generic absoluteness, Sandwiches of ages, Modal logics that need very large frames, Weakly Ramsey sets in Banach spaces, On a superatomic Boolean algebra which is not generated by a well-founded sublattice, A consistency result on thin-very tall Boolean algebras, Bounded forcing axioms and the continuum, Realism, nonstandard set theory, and large cardinals, Terminal notions in set theory, Cross sections and homeomorphism classes of Abelian groups equipped with the Bohr topology, Ultrafilter spaces on the semilattice of partitions, A solution to van Douwen's problem on Bohr topologies, Pytkeev spaces and sequential extensions, Strong cardinals in the core model, Determinacy and the sharp function on the reals, Generalized Iteration of Forcing, Saturated Families, On strongly-non-reflexive groups, More on powers of singular cardinals, Countable ultraproducts without CH, Partition relations for countable topological spaces, Categoricity results for \(L_{\infty \kappa}\)-free algebras, The model \(N=\cup \{L[A:\) A countable set of ordinals\(\}\)], Changing cofinalities and the nonstationary ideal, Combinatorial problems on trees: partitions, \(\Delta\)-systems and large free subtrees, More countably compact, locally countable spaces, A characterization of \(\aleph _ 1\)-free Abelian groups and its application to the Chase radical, A calculation of injective dimension over valuation domains, Some descriptive set theory and core models, On the Mitchell and Rudin-Keisler orderings of ultrafilters, Admissibility spectra and minimality, Completeness properties of certain normal subgroup lattices, Applications of Fodor's lemma to Vaught's conjecture, Normal subgroups and elementary theories of lattice-ordered groups, Infinite combinatorics and definability, \(\Delta^ 1_ 2\)-sets of reals, Filter spaces: Towards a unified theory of large cardinal and embedding axioms, On the structure of \(Ext_ p(G,{\mathbb{Z}})\), Chang's model and covering properties, The negation of the singular cardinal hypothesis from \(o(\kappa)=\kappa ^{++}\), Minimally generated Boolean algebras, A characterization of cardinals \(\kappa\) such that \(2^{\lambda}=2^{\kappa}\) whenever \(\kappa \leq \lambda <2^{\kappa}\), About splitting numbers, On the rank of Ext, Precipitous ideals and \(\sum^1_4\) sets, An approach to the constructivization of Cantor's set theory, Martin's axiom implies the existence of certain slender groups, Spaces co-absolute with \(\beta N-N\), The consistency of \(\mathrm{Ext}\,(G,\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Q}\), Whitehead groups may not be free even assuming CH. II, Iterated forcing and changing cofinalities, Ein Zerlegungssatz für kappa**alpha (alpha not greater kappa), On endomorphism rings of primary Abelian groups, Better quasi-orders for uncountable cardinals, Every cotorsion-free algebra is an endomorphism algebra, Countable spread of \(\exp Y\) and \(\lambda Y\), Constructing strongly equivalent nonisomorphic models for unstable theories, Existence and uniqueness of the real closure of an ordered field without Zorn's lemma, On the structure of \(p\)-local abelian groups, Liftings for Haar measure on \(\{0,1\}^ k\), On separable torsion-free modules of countable density character, Large \(E\)-modules exist, On Whitehead modules, Iterated extended ultrapowers and supercompactness without choice, Large cardinals and iteration trees of height \(\omega\), On \(L_{\infty{}\kappa{}}\)-free Boolean algebras, Woodin cardinals and presaturated ideals, Diverse homogeneous sets, Infinite matching theory, Fast growing functions based on Ramsey theorems, On almost-free modules over complete discrete valuation rings, Non-\((\omega{},\omega{}_ 1)\)-regular ultrafilters and perfect \(k\)- normality of product spaces, Universal algebra in higher types, On orthogonal subcategories of locally presentable categories, On the simplicity of the automorphism group of \(\mathcal P (\omega )\)/fin, Compact interval spaces in which all closed subsets are homeomorphic to clopen ones. I, On products of completion regular measures, Certain \(L\)-spaces under CH, Combinatorial properties of Hechler forcing, Symmetric submodels of a Cohen generic extension, Measures on product spaces and the existence of strong Baire liftings, A \({\Delta{}}^ 2_ 2\) well-order of the reals and incompactness of \(L(Q^{MM})\), Injective positively ordered monoids. I, Injective positively ordered monoids. II, Meager-nowhere dense games. I: \(n\)-tactics, Towers in \([\omega^{\omega}\) and \(^{\omega}\omega\)], Forcings with ideals and simple forcing notions, Iterations of Boolean algebras with measure, Properties of measures on totally ordered spaces, On infinite Goldie dimension, Perfect-set properties in \(L(\mathbb{R})[U\)], An algebraic generalization of Frege structures -- binding algebras, Diffeomorphism invariant norms on \(C^k(X)\), Smooth functions on \(C(K)\), The automorphism tower problem. II, First-order logic -- The unity of fuzziness and randomness, Well-quasi-ordering and the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity, Recent advances in minimal topological groups, Canonical models for \(\aleph_1\)-combinatorics, Categoricity for abstract classes with amalgamation, A model in which there are Jech-Kunen trees but there are no Kurepa trees, On HCO spaces. An uncountable compact \(T_ 2\) space, different from \(\aleph_ 1+1\), which is homeomorphic to each of its uncountable closed subspaces, Retracted: Baire property and axiom of choice, Abelian groups of continuous functions and their duals, Large ideals on small cardinals, On the weak distributivity game, A \(\Pi_ 2^ 1\) singleton incompatible with \(0^ \#\), Kelley-Morse+types of well order is not a conservative extension of Kelley Morse, On the number of non-isomorphic subgraphs, Valuated vector spaces, Kurepa's hypothesis and Abelian \(p\)-groups, Variations on a game of Gale. II: Markov strategies, More on directed colimits of models, Dominating projective sets in the Baire space, Forcing in nonstandard analysis, Proof theory of reflection, Fragments of Martin's axiom and \(\Delta_ 3^ 1\) sets of reals, Essential Kurepa trees versus essential Jech-Kunen trees, Power set recursion, Accessibility and the solution set condition, Strongly almost disjoint functions, Embeddings of Cohen algebras, Can a small forcing create Kurepa trees, Projective forcing, Some combinatorial properties of ineffable cardinals, Narrow coverings of \(\omega\)-ary product spaces, Polynomially continuous operators, Possible values for \(2^{\aleph_n}\) and \(2^{\aleph_\omega}\), Order types of free subsets, Cardinal invariants and independence results in the poset of precompact group topologies, Propositional quantification in the topological semantics for \(\mathbf S4\), An oracle builder's toolkit, Analytic colorings, Infinite trees and completely iterative theories: A coalgebraic view, Do stronger definitions of randomness exist?, Equivalence between Wadge and Lipschitz determinacy, A class of abelian groups defined by continuous cross sections in the Bohr topology., Strictly nonzero charges., Not collapsing cardinals \(\leq\kappa\) in \((<\kappa)\)-support iterations, Alpha-theory: An elementary axiomatics for nonstandard analysis, More canonical forms and dense free subsets., Strongly Baire trees and a cofinal branch principle, Lexicographic orders and preference representation, Changing cardinal characteristics without changing \(\omega\)-sequences or cofinalities, The wholeness axiom and Laver sequences, Free subgroups of free complete products, Hilbert on the infinite: The role of set theory in the evolution of Hilbert's thought, On abstract data types presented by multiequations, The non-existence of a utility function and the structure of non-representable preference relations, Nonstandard methods for upper Banach density problems., How many miles to \(\beta \omega\)? -- Approximating \(\beta \omega\) by metric-dependent compactifications, Models of set theory with definable ordinals, Asymptotic cones of finitely presented groups, Maximal realcompact spaces and measurable cardinals, On the duality between Boolean-valued analysis and reduction theory under the assumption of separability, Mappings of Baire spaces into function spaces and Kadeč renorming, Iteration of Souslin forcing, projective measurability and the Borel conjecture, On the class of measurable cardinals without the axiom of choice, Unbounded families and the cofinality of the infinite symmetric group, Orbit cardinals: On the effective cardinalities arising as quotient spaces of the form \(X/G\) where \(G\) acts on a Polish space \(X\), Forcing extensions of partial lattices, About Prikry generic extensions, Ultrafilters over \(N\) and operators on \(L^ 1\), Ordinals. I: Basic notions, How good is Lebesgue measure?, Forcing with filters and complete combinatorics, Turing determinacy and the continuum hypothesis, The existence of certain pure dense subgroups of Abelian p-groups is not decidable in ZFC, Subtle cardinals and linear orderings, Filters and large cardinals, The non-commutative Specker phenomenon in the uncountable case, Formative processes with applications to the decision problem in set theory. I: Powerset and singleton operators, Degrees of Dowd-type generic oracles, \(P\)-points in \(\mathbb Q_{\max}\) models, Combinatorial principles in nonstandard analysis, A small transitive family of continuous functions on the Cantor set, Numerosities of labelled sets: A new way of counting, An example of a topological group, Maximal independent families and a topological consequence, Sequential density, Supercomplete extenders and type 1 mice. I, On needed reals, The Debreu Gap Lemma and some generalizations, Manuals in orthogonal categories, Regularity properties for dominating projective sets, On the metrizability number and related invariants of spaces, Combinatorial properties of classical forcing notions, Logic, topology, and integration, Combinatorial principles in the core model for one Woodin cardinal, The consistency strength of projective absoluteness, The logical quantization of algebraic groups, \(\Pi_ 1^ 1\) wellfounded relations, A set-theoretic translation method for polymodal logics, Some results on the nonstationary ideal, No random reals in countable support iterations, The Kaplansky test problems -- An approach via radicals, Sequential fans in topology, On preaccessible categories, Logical quantization of differential geometry, Some applications of illfoundedness, Splittings, Logical quantizations of first-order structures, A quasi-metric space without complete quasi-uniformity, Avoiding the axiom of choice in general category theory, Observations about Scott and Karp trees, Choice principles in hyperuniverses, \(\Pi_ 2^ 1\) Wadge degrees, Partial orderings with the weak Freese-Nation property, Determinacy in the difference hierarchy of co-analytic sets, Generic constructions of small sets of reals, On the metrizability number and related invariants of spaces. II, Between P-points and nowhere dense ultrafilters, Smooth categories and global \(\square\), Changing the heights of automorphism towers, More on cardinal invariants of Boolean algebras, The strength of the failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis, Logical quantization of topos theory, Explicitly non-standard uniserial modules, Two more perfectly normal non-metrizable manifolds, A theorem and some consistency results in partition calculus, Semigroups generated by nilpotent transformations, Exact complexity bounds for ordinal addition, Generalized sketches as a framework for completeness theorems. I-III, A game on partial orderings, Cardinal invariants about shrinkability of unbounded sets, Simplified RCS iterations, The differences between Kurepa trees and Jech-Kunen trees, Exact equiconsistency results for \(\Delta_ 3^ 1\)-sets of reals, Empirical set theory, Perfect sets of random reals, A generalization of functions of the first class, On analytic and coanalytic function spaces \(C_ p(X)\), On the consistency strength of two choiceless cardinal patterns, The Hydra battle and Cichon's principle, Shelah's pcf theory and its applications, Boolean powers of abelian groups, Isomorphic incidence algebras, Semi-rigid classes of cotorsion-free Abelian groups, More game-theoretic properties of Boolean algebras, On an extendability problem for measures, On the consistency strength of accessible Jonsson cardinals and of the weak Chang conjecture, Countably decomposable admissible sets, Almost disjoint Abelian groups, Consequences of the Cantor construction, A combinatorial fact about free algebras, Modules over arbitrary domains, Iterating ordinal definability, On a Boolean power of a torsion free Abelian group, Co-absolutes of \(\beta N\setminus N\), The core-Walras equivalence, Some results on consecutive large cardinals, Ein Zerlegungssatz für P(\(\kappa\) ), On chains of purely transcendental field extensions, Minimal elementary extensions of models of set theory and arithmetic, Links between physics and set theory., On a class of pseudocompact spaces derived from ring epimorphisms, On the density of the space of continuous and uniformly continuous functions, \(\sigma\)-collectionwise Hausdorffness at singular strong limit cardinals, Automorphisms of models of arithmetic: a unified view, Lifting elementary embeddings \(j : V_{\lambda } \rightarrow V_{\lambda }\), Covering, measure derivation and dimensions, Concerning connected, pseudocompact Abelian groups, Strong realcompactness and weakly measurable cardinals, Minimal collapsing extensions of models of ZFC, Definable forcing axiom: An alternative to Martin's axiom, The root system of prime subgroups of a free lattice-ordered group (without G.C.H.), On the structure of ideals in sandwich near-rings, A diamond example of an ordinal graph with no infinite paths, Martin's axiom and ordinal graphs: Large independent sets or infinite paths, Results on the generic Kurepa hypothesis, Total categories with generators, Categoricity of theories in \(L_{\kappa \omega}\), with \(\kappa\) a compact cardinal, On \({\mathfrak c}^+\)-chromatic graphs with small bounded subgraphs, Groupwise density and related cardinals, Note on the generality of fuzzy sets, Ordinal notations based on a weakly Mahlo cardinal, Jumping with random reals, Torsion free modules, Fully rigid systems of modules, Shelah's work on non-semi-proper iterations. I, Testing for cotorsionness over domains, The Chase radical and reduced products., A standard model of Peano arithmetic with no conservative elementary extension, Topological group criterion for \(C(X)\) in compact-open-like topologies. I, Epireflections and supercompact cardinals, Various products of category densities and liftings, My six encounters with Victor Marek---a personal account, Aronszajn trees on \(\aleph_2\) and \(\aleph_3\)., On reflexive modules and Abelian groups, On a problem concerning generalizations of realcompact spaces, Determinacy implies that \(\aleph_ 2\) is supercompact, The nonstationary ideal on \(\aleph _ 2\), On Fodor's theorem: A topological version, A dual form of Ramsey's theorem, Ultrafilters and types on models of arithmetic, Isomorphism types of Aronszajn trees, On reduced products of Abelian groups, The Erdős-Dushnik-Miller theorem for topological graphs and orders, The monadic theory and the next world, An approach to the dimension theory of continuous geometry from the standpoint of Boolean valued analysis, Sacks forcing and the total failure of Martin's axiom, P-points and q-points over a measurable cardinal, Identities of cofinal sublattices, Boolean valued analysis and type I \(AW^*\)-algebras, Non-closure of the image model and absence of fixed points, Some curiosities of rings of analytic functions, The lack of definable witnesses and provably recursive functions in intuitionistic set theories, Arithmetic transfinite induction and recursive well-orderings, \(\omega_ 1\)-constructible universe and measurable cardinals, Perfect measurable spaces, Homogeneous Boolean algebras may have non-simple automorphism groups, A characterization of graphical covers, A construction of all normal subgroup lattices of 2-transitive automorphism groups of linearly ordered sets, Necessary uses of abstract set theory in finite mathematics, Decision procedures for elementary sublanguages of set theory. V. Multilevel syllogistic extended by the general union operator, Some coloring properties for uncountable cardinals, Vector spaces with five distinguished subspaces, Remarks on superatomic Boolean algebras, Menas’ Result is Best Possible, Keeping additivity of the null ideal small, Polish group actions: Dichotomies and generalized elementary embeddings, When Does Almost Free Imply Free? (For Groups, Transversals, etc.), Reflection and Weakly Collectionwise Hausdorff Spaces, A Topological Equivalence of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis, The nonstationary ideal and the other 𝜎-ideals on 𝜔₁, Cotorsion theories and splitters, Vaught’s conjecture on analytic sets, Coding into 𝐾 by reasonable forcing, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Gross spaces, Classifying spaces for proper actions of locally finite groups, Inverse limits of algebras as retracts of their direct products, The Ideal Determined by the Unsymmetric Game, Logical dreams, It is consistent with ZFC that B1 -groups are not B2, Rowbottom-Type Properties and a Cardinal Arithmetic, Quasi-minimal abelian groups, A brief remark on van der Waerden spaces, A Partition Theorem for Triples, Changing the Depth of an Ordered Set by Decomposition, Potent Axioms, The Logically Simplest Form of the Infinity Axiom, Sandwich near-rings of homogeneous functions, The additivity of porosity ideals, A note on Fuchs’ Problem 34, Complete Quotient Boolean Algebras, On the Covering and the Additivity Number of the Real Line, Generic Embeddings and the Failure of Box, The spectrum of elementary embeddings \(j: V \to V\), Chains of Baire class 1 functions and various notions of special trees, A solution to Dilworth's congruence lattice problem, Categorical aspects are useful for topology-after 30 years, Absolute graphs with prescribed endomorphism monoid, Middle diamond, Coding into Ramsey sets, External cofinalities and the antichain condition in partial orders, A family of totally ordered groups with some special properties, Small almost free modules with prescribed topological endomorphism rings., Implications of large-cardinal principles in homotopical localization, How rigid are reduced products?, A hierarchy of Ramsey cardinals, New proofs of the consistency of the normal Moore space conjecture. I, An extension of Borel determinacy, Unnamed Item, Products of Michael spaces and completely metrizable spaces, A combinatorial property of cardinals, On translations of subsets of the real line, Determinacy and weakly Ramsey sets in Banach spaces, Unnamed Item, The Generalized Borel Conjecture and Strongly Proper Orders, Independent Families in Complete Boolean Algebras, Homogeneity for Open Partitions of Pairs of Reals, Representing Sets of Ordinals as Countable Unions of Sets in the Core Model, Paradoxical Decompositions and Invariant Measures, Cardinal Conditions for Strong Fubini Theorems, The Dual Group of a Dense Subgroup, More on partitioning triples of countable ordinals, Countable compact Hausdorff spaces need not be metrizable in ZF, Absolutely indecomposable modules, Universality of Asplund spaces, The Ultrafilter Characterization of Huge Cardinals, Unnamed Item, Cardinality of retracts of monounary algebras, Entire functions mapping uncountable dense sets of reals onto each other monotonically, Extensions of Isometrically Invariant Measures on Euclidean Spaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On Certain Elementary Extensions of Models of Set Theory, Normal Subgroups of Doubly Transitive Automorphism Groups of Chains, Universal co-analytic sets, Abstract Theory of Abelian Operator Algebras: An Application of Forcing, Isomorphisms of Trees, On the Egoroff Property of Pointwise Convergent Sequences of Functions, Unnamed Item, Partitions and Diamond, Completion of Factor Algebras of Ideals, Inner Model Operators and the Continuum Hypothesis, An Indecomposable Daniell Integral, A GCH Example of an Ordinal Graph with no Infinite Path, Unnamed Item, Hyperarithmetical Index Sets in Recursion Theory, An Extension of the Closed Unbounded Filter, Borel and Analytic One-One Parametrizations of the Countable Sets of Reals, A Proof of Projective Determinacy, On Weakly Stationary Sets, Weakly Dense Subsets of the Measure Algebra, Remarks on Souslin Properties and Tree Topologies, The Weight of a Pseudocompact (Homogeneous) Space Whose Cardinality Has Countable Cofinality, Une extension d'un théorème de P. Jullien sur les âges de mots, On Perfect Measures, If all Normal Moore Spaces are Metrizable, then there is an Inner Model with a Measurable Cardinal, Refinement Properties and Extensions of Filters in Boolean Algebras, A Model in Which GCH Holds at Successors but Fails at Limits, Unnamed Item, Ultrafilters on 𝜔-their ideals and their cardinal characteristics, The maximality of the core model