scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3579447

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zbMath0372.46058MaRDI QIDQ4150220

Jacques Dixmier

Publication date: 1977

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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compact dynamics, C*-algebraic normalization and Godement-Jacquet factors, Free products with amalgamation over central 𝐶*-subalgebras, Continuous-trace groupoid crossed products, Extension of positive definite functions from subgroups of nilpotent locally compact groups, Cartan subalgebras in C*-algebras. Existence and uniqueness, Quasi-regular representations of discrete groups and associated $C^*$-algebras, Weak containment of measure-preserving group actions, Module bundles and module amenability, The classical limit of mean-field quantum spin systems, A C∗-algebra of Singular Integral Operators with Shifts and Piecewise Quasicontinuous Coefficients, Non-linear new product A*B-B*A derivations on *-algebras, On 𝐶*-algebras associated with locally compact groups, Subgroup Correspondences, Unnamed Item, Algebra-valued G-Frames in Hilbert C^∗-modules, On three concepts of orthogonality in HilbertC*-modules, Unnamed Item, Dynamics of compact quantum metric spaces, THE <i>C*</i><sup> </sup>-ALGEBRAS OF SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF FINITE CYCLIC GROUPS BY K-THEORY, Fourier multipliers on graded Lie groups, On unitary representations of algebraic groups over local fields, The ideal structures of self-similar -graph C*-algebras, Minimizing functions for an uncertainty principle on locally compact groups of bounded representation dimension, On frames for countably generated Hilbert 𝐶*-modules, Ergodic sequences in the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra and measure algebra of a locally compact group, Regularity of operators on essential extensions of the compacts, Properties preserved under Morita equivalence of 𝐂*-algebras, Crossed products on the flow of groupoid with quasi-invariant measures, Representation of partial *-orderings, 𝐶*-algebras generated by a subnormal operator, An equivariant Brauer semigroup and the symmetric imprimitivity theorem, Extensions of bundles of C*-algebras, Unnamed Item, Dynamical Systems from Function Algebras, Orthogonality relations on certain homogeneous spaces, Unnamed Item, Unit vectors in full Hilbert C(Z)-modules, Classical dynamics from self-consistency equations in quantum mechanics, A calculus for magnetic pseudodifferential super operators, De Finetti-type theorems on quasi-local algebras and infinite Fermi tensor products, Recursive subhomogeneous algebras, Quasi-locality for étale groupoids, Fourier multipliers for Hardy spaces on graded Lie groups, Compact quantum group structures on type-I \(\mathrm{C}^*\)-algebras, ON THE ALGEBRAS AND OF AN ULTRASPHERICAL HYPERGROUP, An approximate unique extension property for completely positive maps, Emergent phenomena in nature: a paradox with theory?, On discrete groups of Euclidean isometries: representation theory, harmonic analysis and splitting properties, Normal subgroups and relative centers of linearly reductive quantum groups, Generalized Baer \(\ast \)-rings, On amenable Hilbert-Schmidt stable groups, Harmonic analysis on the affine group of the plane, Minimal boundaries for operator algebras, Goldie dimension for C*-algebras, Transference and restriction of bilinear Fourier multipliers on Orlicz spaces, Morita isomorphism for Cuntz algebras, About the notion of eigenstates for C*-algebras and some application in quantum mechanics, Finite central extensions of type I, Estimations of the numerical index of a JB*-triple, Contractively decomposable projections on noncommutative \(\mathrm{L}^p\)-spaces, Pseudo-differential extension for graded nilpotent Lie groups, Unitary representations of totally disconnected locally compact groups satisfying Ol′šhanskiĭ’s factorisation, The Plancherel formula for complex semisimple quantum groups, Type-I permanence, The density hypothesis for horizontal families of lattices, Colored isomorphism of classifiable C-algebras, Covariant KSGNS construction and quantum instruments, Quantization as a categorical equivalence, On Bohr compactifications and profinite completions of group extensions, On the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism. I: The reduced \(\mathrm{C}^*\)-algebra of a real reductive group and the \(K\)-theory of the tempered dual., Completely bounded bimodule maps and spectral synthesis, Groupoid Fell bundles for product systems over quasi-lattice ordered groups, Unnamed Item, Complex quantum groups and a deformation of the Baum–Connes assembly map, Unnamed Item, Recovering the Elliott invariant from the Cuntz semigroup, Semicrossed products of operator algebras by semigroups, Topological \(^*\)-algebras with \(C^*\)-enveloping algebras. II, Centers of Cuntz–Krieger C*-algebras, Strength of convergence in duals of \(C^*\)-algebras and nilpotent Lie groups, Amenability of Banach and C$^*$-algebras generated by unitary representations, Unperforated pairs of operator spaces and hyperrigidity of operator systems, Fuglede–Kadison determinants and entropy for actions of discrete amenable groups, Banach weak topology on Hilbert C✻-modules, Fell algebras, groupoids, and projections