Validation of subgradient optimization

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DOI10.1007/BF01580223zbMath0284.90057WikidataQ56814043 ScholiaQ56814043MaRDI QIDQ4770776

Harlan P. Crowder, Michael Held, Philip Wolfe

Publication date: 1974

Published in: Mathematical Programming (Search for Journal in Brave)

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generalized assignment problem, An algorithm for a singly constrained class of quadratic programs subject upper and lower bounds, Exact algorithms for the joint object placement and request routing problem in content distribution networks, Variable fixing algorithms for the continuous quadratic Knapsack problem, A decomposition-based pricing method for solving a large-scale MILP model for an integrated fishery, Location and allocation based branch and bound algorithms for the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem, Optimal partitioning of a data set based on the \(p\)-median model, A Lagrangian decomposition approach to computing feasible solutions for quadratic binary programs, Multi-level multi-item lot size planning with limited resources and general manufacturing structure., Mixed-integer bilinear programming problems, Two-commodity reliability evaluation of a stochastic-flow network with varying capacity weight in terms of minimal paths, Capacitated emergency facility siting 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