scientific article; zbMATH DE number 1875877

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zbMath1030.47002MaRDI QIDQ4796283

Vladimir V. Peller

Publication date: 4 March 2003

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I., Rigidity for matrix-valued Hardy functions, Essential commutativity and spectral properties of slant Hankel operators over Lebesgue spaces, (Asymmetric) Dual Truncated Toeplitz Operators, Triangular projection on 𝑆_{𝑝},0<𝑝<1 and related inequalities, Unbounded Hankel operators and the flow of the cubic Szegő equation, Characterization of positive definite, radial functions on free groups, Brown-Halmos type theorems of Toeplitz+Hankel operators, Unnamed Item, Absolutely minimum attaining Toeplitz and absolutely norm attaining Hankel operators, Endpoint weak Schatten class estimates and trace formula for commutators of Riesz transforms with multipliers on Heisenberg groups, Szegő condition, scattering, and vibration of Krein strings, Circle companions of Hardy spaces of the unit disk, Two weight inequality for Hankel form on weighted Bergman spaces induced by doubling weights, Maximal norm Hankel operators, Explicit formulas for the inverses of Toeplitz matrices, with applications, On normal \(\mu \)-Hankel operators, \(\mu\)-Hankel operators on compact abelian groups, Representation theorems in finite prediction, with applications, On the failure of the Nehari theorem for Paley-Wiener spaces, Big Hankel operators on Hardy spaces of strongly pseudoconvex domains, Slantification of Hankel operators on Hardy space of \(n\)-torus, Helson operators and coinvariant subspaces, Singular limits of relative entropy in two dimensional massive free fermion theory, Existence of modified wave operators and infinite cascade result for a half wave Schrödinger equation on the plane, Recent developments in the interplay between function theory and operator theory for block Toeplitz, Hankel, and model operators, Schatten classes and commutator in the two weight setting. I: Hilbert transform, Loops in \(SU(2)\) and factorization. II, Multiplicative properties of infinite block Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, Unnamed Item, Remarks on product 𝑉𝑀𝑂, Verblunsky coefficients and Nehari sequences, Hankel vector moment sequences and the non-tangential regularity at infinity of two variable Pick functions, Complex symmetric operators and applications, Inverse spectral problems for compact Hankel operators, On positive type initial profiles for the KdV equation, A new representation of Hankel operators and its spectral consequences, Completeness of resonance states for quantum graph with two semi-infinite edges, Approximate antilinear eigenvalue problems and related inequalities, The Bezout-corona problem revisited: Wiener space setting, An explicit formula for the cubic Szegő equation, The effect of a positive bound state on the KdV solution: a case study *, On Douglas-Shapiro-Shields factorizations, On extensions of a theorem of Baxter, Prediction theory for stationary functional time series, On singular values of Hankel operators on Bergman spaces, Moment-sequence transforms, Intertwining property for compressions of multiplication operators, Operators associated with soft and hard spectral edges from unitary ensembles, The finite rank perturbations of the product of Hankel and Toeplitz operators, Numerical ranges of Hankel matrices, Shift invariance and reflexivity of compressions of multiplication operators, On the sum of superoptimal singular values, A bootstrap method for sum-of-poles approximations, Asymptotic analysis of von Neumann entropy in conformal field theory, Operator-valued rational functions, Absolutely norm attaining Toeplitz and absolutely minimum attaining Hankel operators, Linearized active circuits: transfer functions and stability, Dual-band general Toeplitz operators, A theorem of Brown-Halmos type on the Bergman space modulo finite rank operators, Quantum differentiability of essentially bounded functions on Euclidean space, On Hankel matrices commuting with Jacobi matrices from the Askey scheme, Spectral representation of some weighted Hankel matrices and orthogonal polynomials from the Askey scheme, Product of truncated Hankel and truncated Toeplitz operators, Commutators, BMO, Hardy spaces and factorization: a survey, On \(k\)-composition and \(k\)-Hankel composition operators on the derivative Hardy space, A survey of the Szegő equation, Ando's inequality for uniform submajorization, Loops in \(SU(2)\) and factorization, Szegő's theorem and its probabilistic descendants, Multivariate prediction and matrix Szegő theory, Compressions of multiplication operators and their characterizations, Nearly invariant subspaces with applications to truncated Toeplitz operators, An index formula in connection with meromorphic approximation, A local inequality for Hankel operators on the sphere and its application, Subnormal and quasinormal Toeplitz operators with matrix-valued rational symbols, Upper estimates for the approximation numbers of the generalized Laplace transform, Ranks of commutators for a class of truncated Toeplitz operators, The commutant and invariant subspaces for dual truncated Toeplitz operators, The Beurling-Lax-Halmos theorem for infinite multiplicity, The first Szegö theorem for the Bergman-Toeplitz matrix, Functional models up to similarity and \(a\)-contractions, Interpolation by vector-valued analytic functions, with applications to controllability, Tau functions associated with linear systems, Invertibility issues for Toeplitz plus Hankel operators and their close relatives, On determinant expansions for Hankel operators, Hyper-positive definite functions I: scalar case, branching-type stationary stochastic processes, Integrable operators and the squares of Hankel operators, Compact Hankel operators between distinct Hardy spaces and commutators, The weighted Weiss conjecture and reproducing kernel theses for generalized Hankel operators, Slant Toeplitz operators on the Lebesgue space of \(n\)-dimensional torus, An F. and M. Riesz theorem for strong \(H^2\)-functions on the unit circle, AAK-type theorems for Hankel operators on weighted spaces, On the membership of Hankel operators in a class of Lorentz ideals, Kato smoothness and functions of perturbed self-adjoint operators, On rational approximation of Markov functions on finite sets, Computation of adaptive Fourier series by sparse approximation of exponential sums, On approximation of functions by exponential sums, Quantum differentiability on noncommutative Euclidean spaces, On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the cubic Szegő equation, Quantum differentiability on quantum tori, Incompleteness of resonance states for quantum ring with two semi-infinite edges, On finite rank Hankel operators, Multiple operator integrals and higher operator derivatives, Singular values and Schmidt pairs of composition operators on the Hardy space, A generalized Hilbert matrix acting on Hardy spaces, Lipschitz functions of perturbed operators, An extension of the Koplienko--Neidhardt trace formulae, On the scattering problem in Ryckman's class of Jacobi matrices, Equivalence after extension and Schur coupling coincide for inessential operators, Independence of vector-valued functions associated with kernels of block Hankel operators, A gradient system approach for Hankel structured low-rank approximation, Litte Hankel operators between vector-valued Bergman spaces on the unit ball, On the difference of spectral projections, The detectable subspace for the Friedrichs model, The spectral density of Hankel operators with piecewise continuous symbols, An integral formula for Schatten norm on the Hardy space: the only high-dimensional case, Hankel operators on Bergman spaces of annulus induced by regular weights, Closed-form expression for finite predictor coefficients of multivariate ARMA processes, An inverse problem for kernels of block Hankel operators, Moment estimates of the cloud of a planar measure, On Nudel'man's problem and indefinite interpolation in the generalized Schur and Nevanlinna classes, Quantum calculus and ideals in the algebra of compact operators, The cubic Szegő flow at low regularity, Homogenization of Poisson's kernel and applications to boundary control, Applications of Hankel and regular matrices in Fourier series, Bergman spaces with exponential type weights, The invertibility of Toeplitz plus Hankel operators with subordinated operators of even index, \(p\)-summable commutators in Bergman spaces on egg domains, Matrix-valued truncated Toeplitz operators: unbounded symbols, kernels and equivalence after extension, Toeplitz operators on backward shift invariant subspaces of \(H^p\), Continuous deformations of harmonic maps and their unitons, Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators, Quasi-Carleman operators and their spectral properties, The spectral density of a product of spectral projections, Hessenberg-Sobolev matrices and Favard type theorem, Algebras of generalized Cauchy singular integral operators, Almost commuting functions of almost commuting self-adjoint operators, Invariant subspaces of the direct sum of forward and backward shifts on vector-valued Hardy spaces, The spectral density of a difference of spectral projections, \(L^p\) regularity of Toeplitz operators on generalized Hartogs triangles, On general domain truncated correlation and convolution operators with finite rank, \(\mathcal{H}_\infty\) control of fractional linear systems