scientific article; zbMATH DE number 2121182
From MaRDI portal
zbMath1064.53051MaRDI QIDQ4830110
Dietmar A. Salamon, Dusa McDuff
Publication date: 6 December 2004
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Symplectic manifolds (general theory) (53D05) Symplectic and contact topology in high or arbitrary dimension (57R17) Elliptic equations on manifolds, general theory (58J05) Global theory of symplectic and contact manifolds (53D35) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to differential geometry (53-02) Gromov-Witten invariants, quantum cohomology, Frobenius manifolds (53D45)
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I, GW invariants relative to normal crossing divisors, A quantum modification of relative Chen-Ruan cohomology, The equivariant pair-of-pants product in fixed point Floer cohomology