Physical Foundations of Cosmology

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DOI10.1017/CBO9780511790553zbMath1095.83002OpenAlexW1672059830MaRDI QIDQ5200675

Viatcheslav Mukhanov

Publication date: 11 April 2006

Full work available at URL:

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+ βϕ 3/3! in the inflationary de Sitter spacetime, Late vacuum choice and slow roll approximation in gravitational particle production during reheating, Non‐Flat Universes and Black Holes in Asymptotically Free Mimetic Gravity, A de Sitter no-hair theorem for 3+1d cosmologies with isometry group forming 2-dimensional orbits, Quantum Fluctuations and New Instantons I: Linear Unbounded Potential, Quantum Fluctuations and New Instantons II: Quartic Unbounded Potential, On the ghost problem of conformal gravity, Leading all-loop quantum contribution to the effective potential in the inflationary cosmology, Novel CMB constraints on the α parameter in alpha-attractor models, On the initial singularity and extendibility of flat quasi-de Sitter spacetimes, Cosmological gravitational particle production of massive spin-2 particles, An almost FLRW universe as an averaged geometry in macroscopic gravity, Gauge/frame invariant variables for the numerical relativity study of cosmological spacetimes, An analytical study of the primordial gravitational-wave-induced contribution to the large-scale structure of the Universe, Semiclassical gravity beyond coherent states, Mimetic inflation and self-reproduction, Geometry of charged rotating discs of dust in Einstein-Maxwell theory, A study of DINKIC inflationary dynamics with non-interacting imperfect fluid, Production of primordial gravitational waves in a simple class of running vacuum cosmologies, Cosmological inflation in a generalized unimodular gravity, Inflation and bounce from classical and loop quantum cosmology imperfect fluids, Effect of radiation-like solid on small-scale CMB anisotropies, Noncommutative Friedmann equations in effective LQC, Friedmann equations for deformed entropic gravity, First analytical calculation of black hole shadow in McVittie metric, Hamiltonian diagonalization in hybrid quantum cosmology, Hidden symmetries for transparent de Sitter space, Non-oscillating power spectra in loop quantum cosmology, Complexity and the Big Bang, Effects of a scalar field on the thermodynamics of interuniversal entanglement, A cosmology of a trans-Planckian theory and dark energy, Conformally Schwarzschild black holes in an accelerating universe, The large-scale structure of vacuum, Stochastic gravity: theory and applications, A new phase of scalar field with a kinetic term non-minimally coupled to gravity, Curvaton reheating mechanism in a scale invariant two measures theory, Constraining quantum collapse inflationary models with current data: The semiclassical approach, Режим скатывания в модели Хиггса с трением, Представление решения уравнения Фридмана обобщeнным рядом Дирихле, Tachyonic braneworld mimetic cosmology, w = 1/3 to w = −1 evolution in a Robertson–Walker space-time with constant scalar curvature, Testing theories of gravity and supergravity with inflation and observations of the cosmic microwave background, A possible new cosmological redshift effect due to Λ on traveling gravitational waves in Friedmann universes, Temperature fluctuations in an inhomogeneous diffusive fluid, Spherically symmetric solutions in a FRW background, An asymptotic method for selection of inflationary modes, Phenomenology of theories of gravity without Lorentz invariance: The preferred frame case, Slow-roll inflation in scalar-tensor models, Enhanced cosmological perturbations and the merger rate of PBH binaries, Higher-order modified Starobinsky inflation, The interacting multiverse and its effect on the cosmic microwave background, Loop Quantum Gravity and the Planck Regime of Cosmology, Potential reconstruction from general power spectrum in single-field inflation, Observational constraints and predictions of the interacting dark sector with field-fluid mapping, Emergent cosmology from quantum gravity in the Lorentzian Barrett-Crane tensorial group field theory model, Light ray fluctuations in simplicial quantum gravity, Boltzmann equations for preheating, Curvature late-time acceleration in an eternal universe, Chiral gravitational waves and baryon superfluid dark matter, Divergence of perturbation theory in large scale structures, Black hole production, eternal inflation, and information in quasi-de Sitter space, Two-point correlation functions in inhomogeneous and anisotropic cosmologies, Quantum corrections for spinning particles in de Sitter, Tensor perturbations during inflation in a spatially closed Universe, Null geodesic congruences, gravitational lensing and CMB intensity profile, Trans-Planckian effects in warm inflation, (P)reheating after minimal plateau inflation and constraints from CMB, Critique of the use of geodesics in astrophysics and cosmology, On CMB B-modes and the onset of inflation, Slow-roll inflation in generalized scalar-torsion gravity, k-essence for warm inflation on the brane, Quantum thermodynamics and quantum entanglement entropies in an expanding universe