scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3204642

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zbMath0126.02404MaRDI QIDQ5331504

Henryk Minc, Marvin Marcus

Publication date: 1964

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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A survey of some problems in combinatorial designs - a matrix approach, The role of powers of matrices in determining the distribution of quadratic forms involving the complex normal distribution, Support functions and analytic inequalities, The monotonicity of and the Đoković conjectures on permanents of doubly stochastic matrices, Combinatorial verification of the elementary divisors of tensor products, On the multiplicative inverse eigenvalue problem, A Fischer inequality for the second immanant, Permanental compounds and permanents of (0,1)-circulants, Sign patterns of matrices and their inverses, Spectra of matrices with P-matrix powers, Sign determinacy of M-matrix minors, On measures of nonnormality of matrices, On the greatest distance between two permanental roots of a matrix, Multiplication of diagonal transforms of Loewner matrices, Representations and bounds for zeros of orthogonal polynomials and eigenvalues of sign-symmetric tri-diagonal matrices, Some E and MV-optimal row-column designs having equal numbers of rows and columns, Complexity of parallel matrix computations, Spanning tree formulas and Chebyshev polynomials, Relations between solutions of the continuous and the discrete Sylvester equation - consequences for stability properties, Stability properties of a class of kinetic equations including Boltzmann's equation, Group-invariant analogues of Hadamard's inequality, Singular (0,1) matrices with constant row and column sums, Self-regulating finite-difference methods for the computation of reacting flows with nonlinear kinetics, Root vectors and Jordan chains of integer matrices, A lower bound for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix. II, Matrices with some extremal properties, Random walks on lattices with points of two colors. II: Some rigorous inequalities for symmetric random walks, Consistent maximum-likelihood estimation with dependent observations. The general (nonnormal) case and the normal case, On singular values and similarity classes of matrices, Qualitative stability of discrete-time systems, The Frobenius rank equality for morphisms, Spectral inequalities and G-functions, Factorization iterative methods, M-operators and H-operators, On the inverse M-matrix problem for (0,1)-matrices, More bounds for eigenvalues using traces, Extending the Kantorovic inequality to normal matrices, Bounds for eigenvalues using traces, On pointwise and analytic similarity of matrices, A general model to account for enzyme variation in natural populations. V. The SAS-CFF model, The diagonal hypergraph of a matrix (bipartite graph), Eigenvalue location using certain matrix functions and geometric curves, Completely positive and Hermitian-preserving linear transformations, Computational methods of linear algebra, Population dynamics in variable environments. I. Long-run growth rates and extinction, Hermitian function matrices which commute with their derivative, Stability and structure of compartmental models of ecosystems, Boundary conditions for linear manifolds. II: Algebraic properties and applications, Schur complements and statistics, Eigenvalue inequalities for principal submatrices, A computational form for finding the integral solutions to a system of linear equations, Matrix identities of the fast Fourier transform, On the use of phase type distributions in reliability modelling of systems with two components, On the sequence of the powers of a given matrix, Linear programming with matrix variables, Irreducibility and primitivity using Markov maps, Nonnegative spectraloid matrices, Linear transformations which preserve fixed rank, On certain generalized matrix norms, Restrictions of the derivatives of positive real functions, Variation of Grassmann powers and spectra, The spread of matrices and polynomials, Spaces of matrices of equal rank, Permanental polynomials of graphs, Congruence and conjunctivity of matrices to their adjoints, Matrices of 0's and 1's with total support, The Moore-Penrose inverse of a morphism with factorization, The linear differential equation whose solutions are the products of solutions of two given differential equations, A generalization of the matrix-tree theorem, Matrices with zero line sums and maximal rank, An application of group theory to matrices and to ordinary differential equations, On the M/G/2 queueing model, Minimal triangulation of the 4-cube, Relationship between genetic algebras and semicommutative matrices, Evaluation of the effectiveness of features selected by discriminant analysis methods, Set intersection matrices, Approximations of contraction operators on \(L^\infty\). 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Gaussian Laurent series on an annulus: weighted Szegő kernels and permanental-determinantal point processes, Some inequalities related to eigenvalues, The prime and generalized nullspaces of right regular pencils, Some remarks on a theorem of Gudkov, Matrix decompositions using displacement rank and classes of commutative matrix algebras, Lie-Trotter formula for the Hadamard product, Spatio-angular order in populations of self-aligning objects: formation of oriented patches, Lower bounds for the determinant and the trace of a class of Hermitian matrices, The determinal rank idempotents of a matrix, Some further matrix extensions of the Cauchy-Schwarz and Kantorovich inequalities, with some statistical applications, On some characterizations of pairwise star orthogonality using rank and dagger additivity and subtractivity, Bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix involving the properties of its graph, Error bounds in the isometric Arnoldi process, Eigenvalue bounds and 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powers have the same trace, Stabilization of a nonlinear multivariable discrete-time time-invariant plant with uncertainty on a linear pseudoinverse model, On a class of determinant preserving maps for finite von Neumann algebras, Convergence of skew-symmetric iterative methods, Analysis of a continuous time SM[K/PH[K]/1/FCFS queue: age process, sojourn times, and queue lengths], Some spectral inequalities for connected bipartite graphs with maximum \(A_\alpha\)-index, Möbius transformations of matrix polynomials, Method of forbidden regions in the dynamic system matrices root clustering problem, New features of stability of linear systems of differential equations with constant coefficients, Relations for imaginary parts of zeros of entire functions, The LU-factorization of totally positive matrices, Bounds for the Perron root of nonnegative matrices and spectral radius of iteration matrices, On the performance of biased estimators in the linear regression model with correlated or heteroscedastic errors, On the complexity of matrix rank and rigidity, Stronger-than-Lyapunov notions of matrix stability, or how ``flowers help solve problems in mathematical ecology, On the distance signless Laplacian spectrum of graphs, Similarity classes and principal submatrices, A new inequality for the Hausdorff distance between spectra of two matrices, Geometric mechanics: foundations of the theory and fundamental equations, Analysis of \(\mathrm{MAP}/\mathrm{PH}_1,\mathrm{PH}_2/1\) queue with vacations and optional secondary services, Simplicial variances, potentials and Mahalanobis distances, Unlikely intersections between isogeny orbits and curves, Fejér-Walsh points for rational functions and their use in the ADI iterative method, On eigenvalue distribution of varying Hankel and Toeplitz matrices with entries of power growth or decay, Coordinate selection rules for Gibbs sampling, On the cone of positive semidefinite matrices, Sperner properties for groups and relations, The eigenvalue product bounds of the Lyapunov matrix differential equation and the stability of a class of time-varying nonlinear system, Necessary and sufficient conditions for zero assignment by constant squaring down, Adaptive dynamics in games played by heterogeneous populations, Projective equivalence of homogeneous binary polynomials, On the ground state of Yang-Mills quantum mechanics, On the spectrum of pairwise comparison matrices, Some new bounds on the spectral radius of graphs, Algorithms for graph partitioning problems by means of eigenspace relaxations, Methods for scaling to doubly stochastic form, Central and local limit theorems applied to asymptotic enumeration. II: Multivariate generating functions, Derandomized graph products, An essay on the history of inequalities, The Drazin inverse and a spectral inequality of Marcus, Minc, and Moyls, Inequalities for generalized matrix functions based on arbitrary characters, Cyclic and diagonal products on a matrix, General structural results for Potts model partition functions on lattice strips, Adaptive prediction and estimation in linear regression with infinitely many parameters., A converse to the Jensen inequality, its matrix extensions and inequalities for minors and eigenvalues, On an eigenvalue property relevant in correspondence analysis and related methods, Bounds for eigenvalues of matrix polynomials, Bifurcations and internal resonances in space-curved rods, Outer inverses: Jacobi type identities and nullities of submatrices, Nonsingularity/singularity criteria for nonstrictly block diagonally dominant matrices., Doubly stochastic matrices and Schur-Weyl duality for partition algebras, Matrix Newton interpolation and progressive 3D imaging: PC-based computation, Perron-Frobenius theory for complex matrices, Note on bounds for eigenvalues using traces, Entropy and the complexity of graphs: III. Graphs with prescribed information content, The norm of a matrix after a similarity transformation, Computation of the GCD of polynomials using gaussian transformations and shifting, Some Sufficient Conditions for the Stability of a Linear Time-varying System, Orthogonal projectors and systems of linear algebraic equations, Unnamed Item, Probabilistic inequalities and measurements in bipartite systems, On the Size of One-way Quantum Finite Automata with Periodic Behaviors, Reflexive generalized inverses and their minors*, Minimization of the permanent and matrices of freedom, An exclusion theorem for tri-diagonal matrices, Clusters on a Thin Quadratic Lattice (Transfer Matrix Technique), Stabilization and disturbance attenuation of uncertain discrete-time linear systems, Bounds for permanents of non-negative matrices, Краевые задачи для матричного уравнения Эйлера-Пуассона-Дарбу с данными на характеристике, The d-dimensional softcore Coulomb potential and the generalized confluent Heun equation, Eigenvalues of complex tridiagonal matrices, RECYCLING RANDOM BITS IN PARALLEL, Turing Instability of a Modified Reaction–Diffusion Holling–Tanner Model Over a Random Network, Isomorphism problem for a special class of graphs, The zeros of complex polynomials, matrix inequalities and non-linear programming†, On equal-input and monotone Markov matrices, Gaussian Approximations for Transition Paths in Brownian Dynamics, Multivariate semi-markov matrices, Dominant Representing Measures and Rational Approximation, Realizations of interlacing by tree-patterned matrics, On generalized numerical ranges with the induced matrix, An extension of the Minkowski determinant theorem, Upper and lower eigenvalue summation bounds of the Lyapunov matrix differential equation and the application in a class time-varying nonlinear system, Linear inequalities, mathematical programming and matrix theory, Quasi-orders on the positive cone of aC, Some eigenvalue inequalities for matrices with restricted entries, An elementary proof of the invertibility of Distance matrices, Unnamed Item, An oscillation theorem for self-adjoint differential systems and an index result for corresponding Riccati matrix differential equations, Diagonal Sums of Doubly Substochastic Matrices, On the covariance of the Moore-Penrose inverse, A determinantal inequality and its permanental counterpart, Simultaneous similarity of matrices, Unnamed Item, The Laplacian permanental polynomial for trees, Unnamed Item, A Multi-Server Retrial Queueing Model with Poisson Signals, Master equations with a unique stationary state, Unnamed Item, Nested regular polygon solutions of \(2N\)-body problem, Lower bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix, Lower bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix, On invertibility and positive invertibility of matrices, Inverse eigenvalue problems, Matrix completion problems of block type, Hamilton and Jacobi come full circle: Jacobi algorithms for structured Hamiltonian eigenproblems, Concavity of certain functions of matrices, Equilibrated anti-Monge matrices, A RETRIAL QUEUEING MODEL WITH THRESHOLDS AND PHASE TYPE RETRIAL TIMES, Nonnegative matrices generating a finite cyclic group, Two layer nested regular polygon central configurations in \(\mathbb R^3\), A study of Auchmuty's error estimate, On the invertlbility of hadamard powers of distance matrices, Isotropic orientation distributions of cubic crystals, Energy Spectral Specifications for the Graph Reconstruction, A characterization of linear transformations which leave the doubly stochastic matrices, Perron complement and Perron root, Weighted Moore-Penrose, Drazin, and group inverses of the Kronecker product \(A \otimes B\), and some applications, Inequalities and equalities associated with the Campbell-Youla generalized inverse of the indefinite admittance matrix of resistive networks, Numerical performance of the matrix pencil algorithm computing the greatest common divisor of polynomials and comparison with other matrix-based methodologies, Estimate for the norm of matrix-valued functions, A study of the van der Waerden conjecture and its generalizations, General Schwarz Lemmata and their applications, Further results on integral generalized inverses of integral matrices, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Задача Коши для системы гиперболических уравнений, содержащей смешанную производную, Unnamed Item, The use of Grassmann products in the computation of the invariant zero polynomial of square linear proper systems, On ranks of integral generalized inverses of integral matrices, The largest eigenvalue of a graph: A survey, The NIEP, Matrix type metric inequalities, The conductivity of superimposed key-graphs with a common one-dimensional adjacency nullspace, Complex eigenvalues of a non-negative matrix with a specified graph II, Subgroup Correspondences, Sinkhorn–Knopp theorem for rectangular positive maps, A note on the determinants and eigenvalues of distance matrices, On the real parts of eigenvalues of a matrix, A unified exposition of some classical matrix theorems, Unifying Matrix Stability Concepts with a View to Applications, A refined bound for the spectral variations of matrices, Approximation theorems for Markov operators, Non-Archimedean normal operators, Necessary conditions and a sufficient condition for the Fischer-Hadamard inequalities, The choice and use of normal approximations to transfer-function matrices of multivariable control systems, Unnamed Item, Stand-alone results and applications in multilinear algebra, Generalised resultants, dynamic polynomial combinants and the minimal design problem, The feedback invariant measures of distance to uncontrollability and unobservability, An Exponential Family on the Upper Half Plane and Its Conjugate Prior, Irreducible matrices, On localization of the eigenvalues of matrices "close" to triangular ones, Using sign patterns to detect the possibility of periodicity in biological systems, Geršgorin variations. IV: A left eigenvector approach., Bounds for the spectrum of a two parameter matrix eigenvalue problem, Analysis of finite buffer queue with state dependent service and correlated customer arrivals, Some new families of integral graphs, Queues with Markovian arrivals, phase type services, breakdowns, and repairs, Distance optimization and the extremal variety of the Grassmann variety, A multi-server queueing model with server consultations, Zero assignment of matrix pencils by additive structured transformations, Projections of self-similar sets with no separation condition, Jordan structures of alternating matrix polynomials, The Gerber-Shiu penalty functions for two classes of renewal risk processes, Queueing models with optional cooperative services, 5-chromatic strongly regular graphs, Bounds for the Perron root, singularity/nonsingularity conditions, and eigenvalue inclusion sets, Analysis of a finite-buffer bulk-service queue under Markovian arrival process with batch-size-dependent service, Two-server parallel system with pure space sharing and Markovian arrivals, Static consensus in passifiable linear networks, Computational analysis of the maximal queue length in the MAP/\(M\)/\(c\) retrial queue, Generator property and stability for generalized difference operators, Geometrical fuzzy clustering algorithms, Rank \(k\)-preservers and preservers of sets of ranks, Positive, path product, and inverse \(M\)-matrices, Chebyshev type inequalities involving permanents and their applications, The periodic solutions for planar \(2N\)-body problems, On eigenvalues of rectangular matrices, Some remarks on Hadamard matrices, Correspondence analysis with fuzzy data: The fuzzy eigenvalue problem, A multi-server synchronous vacation model with thresholds and a probabilistic decision rule, Comparison of discrete mixed means containing symmetric functions, On weakly cospectral graphs, New classes of spatial central configurations for the \(n+3\)-body problem, Approximate zero polynomials of polynomial matrices and linear systems, Skew-symmetric matrix polynomials and their Smith forms, On quasiregular spectrum of matrix pencils, Ky Fan theorem applied to Randić energy, The bialternate matrix product revisited, Maximal linear subspaces of strong self-dual 2-forms and the Bonan 4-form, Characteristic polynomial of a generalized complete product of matrices, New classes of spatial central configurations for \(N + N + 2\)-body problem, A theory of linear non-conservative systems, Optimum experimental design for a regression on a hypercube- generalization of Hoel's result, A general oscillation theorem for self-adjoint differential systems with applications to Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems and quadratic functionals, On the consistency of coordinate-independent sparse estimation with BIC, On the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function in a risk model with delayed claims, Spectral approximations of unbounded operators of the type ``normal plus compact, A direct proof of theorem on generalized Jordan form of linear operators, The lower and upper bounds on Perron root of nonnegative irreducible matrices, Symmetric anti-eigenvalue and symmetric anti-eigenvector, The relationships between regular polygon central configurations and masses for Newtonian \(N\)-body problems, Bounds for the extreme eigenvalues of block \(2 \times 2\) Hermitian matrices, Conjugate-normal matrices: A survey, A nonsingularity criterion for matrices, The Smith normal form, Multivariate refinable functions, differences and ideals -- a simple tutorial, Stochastic matrices and the assessment of the vulnerability of automated systems, On the E-optimality of complete designs under an interference model, Kernels of discrete convolutions and application to stationary subdivision operators, PCA and SVD with nonnegative loadings, On the decidability of sparse univariate polynomial interpolation, Chebyshev approximation of log-determinants of spatial weight matrices, Order independence and factor convergence in iterative scaling, Completely regular codes with different parameters giving the same distance-regular coset graphs, Unitary congruences and theorems on concommuting matrices, Improved bounds for the Laplacian energy of Bethe trees, An inventory system with Markovian demands, phase type distributions for perishability and replenishment, On minimum rank and zero forcing sets of a graph, The ERES method for computing the approximate GCD of several polynomials, Conditions for separability in generalized Laplacian matrices and diagonally dominant matrices as density matrices, Bounds for the signless Laplacian energy, On bounds of extremal eigenvalues of irreducible and \(m\)-reducible matrices, Code loops in both parities, Calculation of the permanent of a sparse positive matrix, Which digraphs with ring structure are essentially cyclic?, Sum uncertainty relation in quantum theory, Matrices with a sequence of accretive powers, On the product of convex combinations and the Kantorovich inequality, Geometric theory and feedback invariants of generalized linear systems: A matrix pencil approach, Central and local limit theorems applied to asymptotic enumeration. III. Matrix recursions, Algorithmic analysis of the MAP/PH/1 retrial queue, A Schur decomposition for Hamiltonian matrices, Higher order derivatives and perturbation bounds for determinants, Sharp bounds on the eigenvalues of trees, Compound matrices: Properties, numerical issues and analytical computations, Cyclic operators for columns of the matrices of discrete transforms, On \(l_{p_ 1,p_ 2}\) antinorms of nonnegative matrices, Stability of discrete age-structured and aggregated delay-difference population models, Extended convergence area for the (MSOR) method, On the average complexity of multivariate problems, A survey of canonical forms and invariants for unitary similarity, One-parameter families of optimization problems: equality constraints, Eigenvector matrices of symmetric tridiagonals, Block scaling with optimal euclidean condition, New bound on the sensitivity of the solution of the Lyapunov equation, Anti-Hadamard matrices, Variation of symmetric tensor powers and permanents, On a two-server finite queueing system with ordered entry and deterministic arrivals, Permanental roots and the star degree of a graph, Iterative algorithms for large stochastic matrices, On the discounted penalty function in a Markov-dependent risk model, Solution and ellipticity properties of the self duality equations of Corrigan \textit{et al.} in eight dimensions, On inequalities for eigenvalues of matrices, Inverse of the discrete Laplacian in the two-dimensional Poisson-Dirichlet problem on a rectangle, A server backup model with Markovian arrivals and phase type services, Convergence of nested classical iterative methods for linear systems, Unified canonical forms for matrices over a differential ring, Justifying the convergence of the rectangular method for complete singular integral equations with continuous coefficients on the circle, The index theorem of topological regular variation and its applications, The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty functions for a risk model with two classes of claims, A matrix inequality including that of Kantorovich, Stochastic tensors and approximate symmetry, On some trace inequalities for positive definite Hermitian matrices, Strong stability of discrete-time systems, The reduced Cayley-Hamilton equation for a pair of commuting matrices, LU decomposition of totally nonnegative matrices, Exact stability analysis of second-order leaderless and leader-follower consensus protocols with rationally-independent multiple time delays, The distribution of eigenvalues of doubly cyclic \(Z^+\)-matrices, A note on Ostrowski's theorem, An asymptotic estimate of the edge effects in the high frequency Kirchhoff diffraction theory for 3-D problems, Tropical bounds for eigenvalues of matrices, On Brauer-Ostrowski and Brualdi sets, On Ostrowski's disk theorem and lower bounds for the smallest eigenvalues and singular values, Bounds for the inverses of \(PM\)- and \(PH\)-matrices, Bounds for zeros of entire functions, Inversion of a truncated Toeplitz operator and limit theorems of Szegő, Full rank positive matrix symbols: interpolation and orthogonality, Approximation of the joint spectral radius using sum of squares, Small size quantum automata recognizing some regular languages, A note on constrained total least-squares estimation, Differentiability of multivariate refinable functions and factorization, Compound matrices and ordinary differential equations, Nested regular polygon solutions for planar \(2N\)-body problems, Performance boundary mapping for continuous and discrete time linear systems, On the prediction of vector-valued random fields and the spectral distribution of their evanescent component, A catastrophic queueing model with delayed action, Spectra of signed graphs with two eigenvalues, The odd case of Rota's bases conjecture, Ruin problems in a discrete Markov risk model, Stability of linear periodic systems, A new criterion for H-stability of complex matrices, Conditions for a matrix to have only characteristic roots with negative real parts, Extensions of the Minkowski inequality, On a theorem of P. Nowosad, Matrices which can be optimally scaled, On the numerical solution of \(u_ t = u_{rr} +{2\over r} u_ r\), Bounds for Perron eigenvectors and subdominant eigenvalues of positive matrices, On the exponential representation of solutions of linear differential equations, On the orthonormalization of sparse vectors, Elementary divisors of associated transformations, On the integral equation \(kf=1/f\) arising in a problem in communication, Inertia theory for simultaneously triangulable complex matrices, Products of positive definite matrices. IV, A generalized monotone character of d.f.'s and moments of statistics from some well-known populations, A special class of irreducible matrices. The nearly reducible matrices, On characterizing certain graphs with four eigenvalues by their spectra, Subadditive functions on a distributive lattice and an extension of Szász's inequality, Some remarks on \(EP_ r\) matrices, and generalized inverses, A generalization of the unitary groups, A theorem on the trace of certain matrix products and some applications, Linear transformations on matrices: The invariance of rank \(k\) matrices, Bounds for determinants, Arithmetic sets in groups, More on linear inequalities with applications to matrix theory, Perron-Frobenius properties of \(Ax-\lambda Bx\), On matrices with doubly stochastic pattern, On complex eigenvalues of M and P matrices, Linear operators and their partitioned matrices, The diagonal equivalence of a nonnegative matrix to a stochastic matrix, The number of idempotents in (0,1)-matrix semigroups, Families of search designs for simultaneous detection of the active main and 2-factor interaction effects, On the non-existence of a class of configurations which are nearly generalized n-gons, Inequalities for partitioned positive semidefinite matrices, Generalized elementary symmetric functions and quaternion matrices, Sensitivity reduction in linear systems, Some notes on integral equivalence of combinatorial matrices, Ergodic properties of populations. I: The one sex model, Minimal polynomials of additive commutators and Jordan products, \(n\)-square matrices which, under row permutations, leave the \((n-1)\)-th elementary symmetric function invariant, Über Matrizen mit semidefinitem Realteil, Some properties of tensor products of matrices, The DAD theorem for symmetric non-negative matrices, Error bounds for numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations, Linear equations over cones with interior: a solvability theorem with applications to matrix theory, Hadamard products and multivariate statistical analysis, Regular equimodular sets of matrices for generalized matrix functions, On the strain-energy density in linear elasticity, The characteristic locus design method, Bounds on the chromatic polynomial and on the number of acyclic orientations of a graph, Selecting a common direction. II: Peak-like solutions representing total alignment of cell clusters, Matrix rings satisfying column sum conditions versus structural matrix rings, On the Smith normal form of \(D\)-optimal designs, On the extreme eigenvalues of block \(2\times 2\) Hermitian matrices, The complexity of some classes of pyramid graphs created from a gear graph, The classical adjoint, Spatial design matrices and associated quadratic forms: structure and properties, Fractional-hyperbolic systems, An anisotropic directional subdivision and multiresolution scheme, The clique problem for graphs with a few eigenvalues of the same sign, Optimal function spaces for continuity of the Hessian determinant as a distribution, Generating operator for discrete Chrestenson functions, The G-bilinear range, Totally Nonnegative, M-, and Jacobi Matrices, On spline collocation methods for boundary integral equations in the plane, A simple criterion for stability of linear discrete systems, The Busy Period and the Waiting Time Analysis of a MAP/M/c Queue with Finite Retrial Group, Pole assignment of strictly proper and proper linear systems by constant output feedback, Singular values and numerical radii, On Schur complements andn-metaharmonic functions, Exhaustive stability analysis in a consensus system with time delay and irregular topologies, Simple eigenvectors of unbounded operators of the type "normal plus compact", Unnamed Item, Enumeration of Hamiltonian Cycles and Paths in a Graph, A fluid system with coupled input and output, and its application to bottlenecks in ad hoc networks, A simpler proof of regular polygon solutions of the \(N\)-body problem, Critical sets in parametric optimization, Invariance properties, and characterization of the greatest common divisor of a set of polynomials, Curves on $S^{n - 1} $ That Lead to Eigenvalues or Their Means of a Matrix, Computational algorithms based on the Schur representation, Synchronism in population networks with non-linear coupling, Iterative Methods for Computing Stationary Distributions of Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains, Optimal robust stabilization compensator design: a deterministic approach, Computing the generic jordan canonical form, On the generalizedc-numerical range, The c-spectralc-radial and c-convex matrices, Opening up and control of spectral gaps of the Laplacian in periodic domains, On the properties of a new tensor product of matrices, Some inequalities for matricesAsuch thatA-Iis positive definite or anM-Matrix, On a conjecture of h. minc, Matrix-Variate $t$-Distribution with Vector of Degrees of Freedom, The inverse Frobenius-Perron problem: a survey of solutions to the original problem formulation, Complexity and Stability in Compartmental Models, On some models for developmental systems Part IV. Cellular composition of certain systems with feedback: numerical and matrix approach, Structural Methods for Linear Systems: An Introduction, Approximate decomposability in and the canonical decomposition of 3-vectors, Determinant and eigenvalue inequalities involving nonnegative matrices, Fifty Three Matrix Factorizations: A Systematic Approach, Enumeration of spanning trees in prisms of some graphs, Solution of the Discrete Lyapunov Equation, Gabor frames for rational functions, Impact of the degradation in service rate in \({MAP}/{PH}/1\) queueing system with phase type vacations, breakdowns, and repairs, A dynamic model of interdependent consumer behavior, Further bounds for the spread of a matrix, A Fiedler-type determinantal inequality in Euclidean Jordan algebras, Shapes of worn stones, Unnamed Item, Structured squaring down and zero assignment, Optimal stabilizing controllers for bilinear systems, Decentralized determinantal assignment problem: fixed and almost fixed modes and zeros, QUANTUM DESIGNS: FOUNDATIONS OF A NONCOMMUTATIVE DESIGN THEORY, Linear G-functions, Convergence in distribution of products of random matrices, Robust stability: parameter-dependent perturbations, Generalized matrix tree theorem for mixed graphs, A Semi-Definite Lyapunov Theorem and the Characterization of Tridiagonal D-Stable Matrices, The abscissa of convergence of the laplace-stieltjes transform of a ph-distribution, L-structured matrices and linear matrix equations, Stable convex sets of matrices, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for hybrid coordinate equations of motion for flexible spacecraft, Random evolutions and the spectral radius of a non-negative matrix, On a theorem of A. Ostrowski, An isomorphism criterion for modules over a principal ideal domain, Solution of the determinantal assignment problem using the Grassmann matrices, Matrix type metric inequalities, An abstract matrix model:the column model, The variation of the eigenvalues of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix upon the variation of some of its elements, Where the numerical range subtends a right angle, The scaling mean and a law of large permanents, Monotonicity of Positive Dependence with Time for Stationary Reversible Markov Chains, Unnamed Item, A RETRIAL QUEUEING MODEL WITH MAP ARRIVALS, CATASTROPHIC FAILURES WITH REPAIRS, AND CUSTOMER IMPATIENCE, Estimation of parameters in a network reliability model with spatial dependence, Interplay of node connectivity and epidemic rates in the dynamics of epidemic networks, Block-Diagonal Similarity and Semiscalar Equivalence of Matrices, On the Principal Permanent Rank Characteristic Sequences of Graphs and Digraphs, How Bad Are Vandermonde Matrices?, More on integral generalised inverses of integral matrics, Inequalities for M-matrices, On n-dimensional piecewise-linear difference equations, R-Symmetry and the Power Functions of the Tests for Inverse Gaussian Means, Structure preserving model order reduction of large sparse second-order index-1 systems and application to a mechatronics model, Unnamed Item, A Note on Characterizing Service Interruptions with Phase-Type Distribution, Operators of minimal norm via modified Green's functions, The permanent of the Laplacian matrix of a bipartite graph, A noncommutative spectral theorem for operator entried companion matrices, Tori in the Cremona groups, THE LEE-SCHEME AND BOUNDS FOR LEE-CODES, Quantum finite automata with control language, Matrices eigenvalues, and directed graphs, Numerical solution of large and sparse continuous time algebraic matrix Riccati and Lyapunov equations: a state of the art survey, Unnamed Item, Zero assignment by dyadic output feedback, On matrices which commute with their derivatives, On principal submatrices, Grassmann invariants, almost zeros and the determinantal zero, pole assignment problems of linear multivariable systems, Bayesian deduction of marginal from conditional probabilities, On the spread of certain normal matrices, THE COMPETITION BETWEEN INTERNET SERVICE QUALITIES FROM A DIFFERENCE GAME VIEWPOINT, Lower bounds for the Perron root of a non-negative irreducible matrix, Some remarks on the method of minimal residues, Additive compound matrices and an inequality for eigenvalues of symmetric stochastic matrices, The intersection of the root-loci of multivariable systems with the imaginary axis, On derivations arising in differential equations, Converses of the Fischer inequality and an inequality of A. Ostrowski, Matrices which, under row permutations, give specified values of trace function, The Birkhoff—Egerváry—Kőnig theorem for matrices over lattice ordered abelian groups