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zbMath0221.10029MaRDI QIDQ5625265

Goro Shimura

Publication date: 1971

11G05: Elliptic curves over global fields

11-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to number theory

11G15: Complex multiplication and moduli of abelian varieties

11Fxx: Discontinuous groups and automorphic forms

Related Items

Stark conjectures for CM elliptic curves over number fields., Rank determines semi-stable conductor., Determining \(L\)-functions by twists., Weierstrass points at cusps on special modular curves, Two variable \(p\)-adic \(L\) functions attached to eigenfamilies of positive slope, Torsion des courbes elliptiques sur les corps cubiques. (Torsion of elliptic curves over cubic fields), Reflection groups of Lorentzian lattices, On relations between Jacobians of certain modular curves, Transcendency of zeros of Eisenstein series, \(p\)-adic uniformization of unitary Shimura varieties, The 2-primary class group of certain hyperelliptic curves, On the image of \(\Lambda\)-adic Galois representations, On Shioda-Inose structures of one-parameter families of \(K3\) surfaces, Asymptotic densities of Maass newforms, On the unobstructedness of the deformation problems of residual modular representations, Motives and admissible representations of automorphism groups of fields, On QM-abelian surfaces with model of GL\(_{2}\)-type over \(\mathbb Q\), Divisors of modular forms on \(\Gamma_{0}(4)\), Class invariants by Shimura's reciprocity law, One special class of modular forms and group representations, Hecke points on modular curves, A tameness criterion for Galois representations associated to modular forms (mod \(p\)), Motives for modular forms, On modular representations of \(\text{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q)\) arising from modular forms, Modular surfaces of quadratic discriminant., Intégrales orbitales sur \(GL(N)\) et corps locaux proches. (Orbital integrals on \(GL(N)\) and close local fields.), Vanishing of the cuspidal cohomology of congruence subgroups of \(\text{GL}_ n(\mathbb{Z})\), The equations for modular function fields of principal congruence subgroups of prime level, Mirror symmetry for lattice polarized \(K3\) surfaces, Another congruence for the Apéry numbers, Un analogue du calcul de Heegner. (An analogue of the Heegner calculus), Elliptic units and a Kummer's criterion for imaginary quadratic fields, The hyperadelic gamma function, Surfaces reglees non compactes et groupes discrets, Models of an abelian variety with complex multiplication over small fields, Elliptic curves with complex multiplication and the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, Mod p Hecke operators and congruences between modular forms, The 2-adic behavior of the number of partitions into distinct parts, Arithmetic of Weil curves, On the trace formula for Hecke operators, Formal groups and the isogeny theorem., Base change and a problem of Serre, Sur la nature non-cyclotomique des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques. (On the noncyclotomic nature of finite-order points of elliptic curves). With an appendix by E. Kowalski and P. Michel, Torsion-free genus zero congruence subgroups of \(\text{PSL}_2(\mathbb R)\), The dihedral Lie algebras and Galois symmetries of \(\pi_1^{(l)}(\mathbb P^1-(\{0,\infty\}\cup\mu-\{N\}))\)., Galois representations with conjectural connections to arithmetic cohomology, Selmer groups of elliptic curves that can be arbitrarily large., Jacobians of modular curves associated to normalizers of Cartan subgroups of level \(p^n\), The critical order of vanishing of automorphic \(L\)-functions with large level, Effective analysis of integral points on algebraic curves, Eisenstein series and zeta functions on symplectic groups, Zeta functions and Eisenstein series on metaplectic groups, Hodge classes and Tate classes on simple abelian fourfolds, Torsion sections of elliptic surfaces, On the representation of integers as sums of triangular numbers, Shimura curves as intersections of Humbert surfaces and defining equations of QM-curves of genus two, On factors of automorphy of fractional weight for cocompact Fuchsian groups, Modular invariance and uniqueness of conformal characters, Small spanning sets of cusp forms, Hecke algebras, type III factors and phase transitions with spontaneous symmetry breaking in number theory, Slopes of modular forms and congruences, On the Fourier coefficients of modular forms. II, Congruences between cusp forms: The \((p,p)\) case, Kloosterman sums and their applications: A review, Integral Hodge theory and congruences between modular forms, On some examples of modular QM-abelian surfaces, Compact Riemann surfaces with many systoles, A remark on dimensions of spaces of modular forms, Algebraic modular forms, Totally inert groups, Modular representations of \(\text{GL}(3,\mathbb{F}_p)\), symmetric squares, and mod-\(p\) cohomology of \(\text{GL}(3,\mathbb{Z})\), A note on the restriction map for Jacobi forms, Congruence module for \(\text{GL}(2)\) of an imaginary quadratic field and Iwasawa theory of biquadratic CM field, Resolving mixed Hodge modules on configuration spaces, Theta identities with complex multiplication, Limit theorems for theta sums, The Gross-Kohnen-Zagier theorem in higher dimensions, The rank of quotients of \(J_0(N)\), Nonvanishing modulo \(l\) of Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms, Rigidity results for groups with radical cohomology of finite groups and arithmeticity problems, The analytic rank of \(J_0(q)\) and zeros of automorphic \(L\)-functions., Arithmetic Fuchsian groups and the number of systoles, \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions and \(p\)-adic periods of modular forms, On the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for modular elliptic curves over totally real fields, More on super-replication formulae, Critical and ramification points of the modular parametrization of an elliptic curve, Estimation of genus of arithmetic curves and applications, Some remarks on almost rational torsion points, Central derivatives of \(L\)-functions in Hida families, Proving the triviality of rational points on Atkin-Lehner quotients of Shimura curves, Hecke algebras of semidirect products and the finite part of the Connes-Marcolli \(C^*\)-algebra, Zero-cycles on self-product of modular curves, On Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations. II, On maps between modular Jacobians and Jacobians of Shimura curves, Holomorphic spectral geometry of magnetic Schrödinger operators on Riemann surfaces, Arithmetic distributions of convergents arising from Jacobi-Perron algorithm, The group of automorphisms of the modular function field. Appendix by P. Deligne, Galois properties of points of finite order of elliptic curves, Note über das Geschlecht gewisser arithmetischer Gruppen, Elliptic curves: Diophantine torsion solutions and singular j-invariants, Über Thetareihen zu Quaternionen-Algebren, Kongruenzen für Fourierkoeffizienten gewisser Spitzenformen, Der Definitionskörper für den Zerfall einer abelschen Varietät mit komplexer Multiplikation, \(L\)-functions at \(s=1\). IV: First derivatives at \(s=0\), A determination of the points which are rational over \(\mathbb Q\) of three modular curves, On automorphic forms and Hodge theory, \(SL_ 2\) over complex quadratic number fields. I, Kummer's criterion for the special values of Hecke L-functions of imaginary quadratic fields and congruences among cusp forms, A hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra and the theory of Siegel modular forms of genus 2, On various means involving the Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Quelques applications du théorème de densité de Chebotarev, An arithmetic of Hermitian modular forms of degree two, Kloosterman sums and Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, The ``main conjectures of Iwasawa theory for imaginary quadratic fields, Computing rational cohomology and Hecke eigenvalues for Bianchi groups, Fields of definition for homomorphisms of abelian varieties, Hecke's converse theorem, \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions and rational points on elliptic curves with complex multiplication, Galois representations attached to mod \(p\) cohomology of \(GL(n,\mathbb{Z})\), Three constructions of rational points on \(Y^ 2=X^ 3\pm NX\), On the square root of special values of certain \(L\)-series, Monstrous moonshine from orbifolds, On the modular equation for Drinfeld modules of rank 2, Some modular functions associated to the Lie algebra \(E_ 8\), On the singular Drinfeld modules of rank 2, Cuspidal class number formula for the modular curves \(X_ 1(p)\), Bounds for automorphic \(L\)-functions, \(p\)-ordinary cohomology groups for \(\text{SL}(2)\) over number fields, Euler characteristics of discrete groups and G-spaces, The arithmetic of elliptic curves, Semi-free \(Z_p\)-actions on highly-connected manifolds, Units in the modular function field. I. - II: A full set of units. - III: Distribution relations, On certain Dirichlet series associated with Hilbert modular forms and Rankin's method, Units in the modular function field. IV: The Siegel functions are generators, Complex multiplication in pro-Abelian schemes, Elliptic curves and automorphic representations, A modular construction of unramified p-extensions of \(\mathbb{Q}(\mu_p)\), A quick proof of Hardy's estimate for Ramanujan function \(\tau(n)\), The Hecke correspondences for G(qsup(1/2)); q prime; Eisenstein series and modular invariants, Construction of modular forms, Die Invarianz gewisser von Thetareihen erzeugter Vektorräume unter Heckeoperatoren, On the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, Positive definite quadratic forms with the same representation numbers, Units in the modular function field. V: Iwasawa theory in the modular tower, Zeta functions and integral representation theory, Codes over GF(4) and complex lattices, Eigenvalues of Hecke operators on \(\text{SL}(2, \mathbb Z)\), Periods of primitive forms, On the real points of an arithmetic quotient of a bounded symmetric domain, Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal, Torsion points of elliptic curves over large algebraic extensions of finitely generated fields, Hecke operators on modular forms, Die Idealklassenzahl verallgemeinerter Eichler-Ordnungen, Arithmetic classification of Kuga fiber varieties of quaternion type, Correspondences for Hecke rings and \(\ell\)-adic cohomology groups on smooth compactifications of Siegel modular varieties, On the proof of Fermat's conjecture. II, Arithmetically defined representations of groups of type \(\text{SL}(2,\mathbb{F}_q)\), A note on the irreducibility of Hecke polynomials, The Hecke algebras for the Fricke groups, A twisted adjoint \(L\)-value of an elliptic modular form, Modular symbols for \(\mathbb{Q}\)-rank one groups and Voronoĭ reduction, Universal module in characteristic \(l>0\) associated to a character of the Hecke algebra of \(\text{GL}(n)\) over a \(p\)-adic field with \(l\neq p\), Quotients of theta series as rational functions of \(j_{1,4}\), Comparison of spectra. II, On A. Wiles' proof of Fermat's conjecture, Construction techniques for Galois coverings of the affine line, Congruences between cusp forms and the geometry of Jacobians of modular curves, On Cramér's theorem for general Euler products with functional equation, On the \(l\)-adic cohomology of Siegel threefolds, Euler products and Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on symplectic groups, Non-optimal levels of \(\text{mod }l\) modular representations, On the invariant measure of the natural extension of the continued fraction transformation, Certain Dirichlet series attached to automorphic forms over imaginary quadratic fields, Congruence subgroups and maximal Riemann surfaces, Poncelet 5-gons and abelian surfaces, Normal bases for rings of integers and modular units, Normal basis and Greenberg's conjecture, Motives over totally real fields and \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions, Twists of matrix algebras and Brauer groups, The existence of curves of genus two with elliptic differentials, Heegner points on modular elliptic curves, Automorphic forms for subgroups of the modular group. II: Groups containing congruence subgroups, Counting points on \(\text{CM}\) elliptic curves, \(p\)-adic Banach spaces and families of modular forms, A theory of ordinary \(p\)-adic curves, Nonexistence of elliptic curves with good reduction everywhere over real quadratic fields, Explicit elliptic units. I, A trace formula for the scalar product of Hecke series and its applications, Constructing irreducible representations of discrete groups, On the construction of Galois extensions of function fields and number fields, Newforms and functional equations, Hecke operators and \({\mathbb Q}\)-groups associated to self-adjoint homogeneous cones., On the traces of Hecke operators, Slopes of integral lattices., Weber's class invariants revisited, Complex multiplication symmetry of black hole attractors, The Shimura-Taniyama conjecture and conformal field theory., A combinatorial interpretation of Serre's conjecture on modular Galois representations., Rationality theorems for Hecke operators on GL\(_n\)., The isomorphism classes of abelian varieties of CM-type., p-torsion in elliptic curves over subfields of \({\mathbb Q}(\mu _ p)\), A note on numbers of the form \(n=x^ 2+Ny^ 2\), The Lefschetz number of an involution on the space of harmonic cusp forms of \(\mathrm{SL}_3\), On Artin's conjecture, Hecke correspondence and Betti cohomology groups for smooth compactifications of Hilbert modular varieties of dimension \(\leq 3\), A note on elliptic curves with ordinary reduction, Automorphic forms for subgroups of the modular group, Dihedral congruence primes and class fields of real quadratic fields, An \(\widehat{A_4}\) extension of \({\mathbb{Q}}\) attached to a non-selfdual automorphic form on \(GL(3)\), Sur le développement en fractions continues à quotients partiels impairs. (On the development of continued fractions with odd partial quotients.), Twists of newforms, On the local zeta functions of the Hilbert modular schemes, The isogeny class of a CM-type abelian variety is defined over a finite extension of the prime field, Taylorentwicklungen automorpher Formen und ein Transzendenzproblem aus der Uniformisierungstheorie, Mixed automorphic forms and invariants of elliptic surfaces, On the cuspidal cohomology of the Bianchi modular groups, Zur Arithmetik von Drinfeld-Moduln, A formula for the Größencharacter of a parametrized elliptic curve, On the Picard-Fuchs equation and the formal Brauer group of certain elliptic \(K3\)-surfaces, Arithmetic curves on ball quotient surface, Imbedded modular curves and arithmetic of automorphic forms on bounded symmetric domains, Class fields of abelian extensions of \(\mathbb Q\), Computations of cuspidal cohomology of congruence subgroups of SL(3,\({\mathbb{Z}})\), Some finite groups which appear as Gal L/K, where \(K\subseteq {\mathbb{Q}}(\mu _ n)\), On generalized Dedekind sums attached to Dirichlet characters, Opérateurs de Hecke pour \(\Gamma_ 0(N)\) et fractions continues. (Hecke operators for \(\Gamma_ 0(N)\) and continued fractions), Kolyvagin's method for Chow groups and Kuga-Sato varieties, Pullback of the lifting of elliptic cusp forms and Miyawaki's conjecture, On the number of elliptic curves with CM over large algebraic fields, Linear relations among the Fourier coefficients of modular forms on groups \(\varGamma_{0}(N)\) of genus zero and their applications, Variation of Heegner points in Hida families, Complex multiplication of exactly solvable Calabi-Yau varieties, A remark on congruences for coefficients of Faber polynomials, \(L\)-functions of \(S_{3}(\Gamma (4,8))\), Stickelberger elements and modular parametrizations of elliptic curves, Classification of non-rigid families of K3 surfaces and a finiteness theorem of Arakelov type, Kocher-Maaß-series for modular forms of quaternions, On \(p\)-adic analogues of the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, Deforming Galois representations: Controlling the conductor, Mock Heegner points and congruent numbers, On universal elliptic curves over Igusa curves, On the anticyclotomic main conjecture, Congruences for special values of L-functions of elliptic curves with complex multiplication, A classical Diophantine problem and modular forms of weight \(3/2\), Hecke operators for \(\Gamma_ 0(N)\), Algebraic cycles of abelian varieties, The rank of the solutions of \(Y^2=X^3\pm p^3\) over \(\mathbb Q\), Observations on Hecke eigenforms on the Hecke groups \(G(\sqrt{2})\) and \(G(\sqrt{3})\), On \(L\)-functions of elliptic curves and cyclotomic towers, Closed geodesics, periods and arithmetic of modular forms, On minimal diameters of algebraic integers in J-fields, p-adic congruences and modular forms of half integer weight, A p-adic measure attached to the zeta functions associated with two elliptic modular forms. I, Ternary quadratic forms and quaternion algebras, Cusp forms associated to loxodromic elements of Kleinian groups, Jacobiformen und Thetareihen. (Jacobi forms and theta series), SL(2,C), \(H^ 1\) and symmetric tensors, Twists of central simple algebras and endomorphism algebras of some abelian varieties, Torsion points on elliptic curves over all quadratic fields, Galois representations into \(\text{GL}_2(\mathbb Z_pX)\) attached to ordinary cusp forms., Some Euler products associated with cubic metaplectic forms on GL(3), Modular forms in characteristic \(\ell\) and special values of their \(L\)-functions, On the summation of the singular series, Local units, elliptic units, Heegner points and elliptic curves, Complex multiplication cycles on elliptic modular threefolds, Construction of Hermitian modular forms of genus 2 from cusp forms of genus 1, Tate-Shafarevich groups and L-functions of elliptic curves with complex multiplication, Representation theory and the cuspidal group of \(X(p)\), Nonsingular plane cubic curves over finite fields, Endomorphisms and torsion of Abelian varieties, On automorphic forms on the unitary symplectic group \(\mathrm{Sp}(n)\) and \(\mathrm{SL}_ 2(\mathbb R)\), Monogénéité de l'anneau des entiers de certains corps de classes de rayon. (Monogeneity of the ring of integers of certain ray class fields), Refined conjectures of the ``Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type, A Szegö limit formula for conjugates of \(\psi\) DO's by Hecke operators, On the modular representations of degree two of \(\text{Gal}({\overline {\mathbb Q}}/{\mathbb Q})\), A \(p\)-adic measure attached to the zeta functions associated with two elliptic modular forms. II, On the classification of elliptic surfaces with \(q=1\), On the critical values of certain Dirichlet series and the periods of automorphic forms, Eisenstein series on the four-dimensional hyperbolic space, The canonical height and integral points on elliptic curves, Quotients of theta series as rational functions of \(J\) and \(\lambda\), The Hecke-algebras related to the unimodular and modular group over the Hurwitz order of integral quaternions, Torsion of abelian varieties over GL(2)-extensions of number fields, Parabolic extensions of a Hecke ring of the general linear group, Quaternion orders with good divisibility, Class numbers of quadratic fields and Shimura's correspondence, Twists of modular forms and endomorphisms of abelian varieties, On the arithmetic of special values of L functions, An algorithm for computing modular forms on \(\Gamma_0(N)\), Modular curves and the class group of \(\mathbb{Q} (\zeta_p)\), On an explicit construction of Siegel modular forms of genus 2, Intersection numbers of sections of elliptic surfaces, Applications of the theory of modular forms to number theory, Siegel's modular forms and the arithmetic of quadratic forms, A remark on Ribet's theorem, Transformation theory of Eisenstein series, Congruences of cusp forms and special values of their zeta functions, Congruences of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators, Corps euclidiens, unites exceptionnelles et courbes elliptiques, On congruence divisors of cusp forms as factors of the special values of their zeta functions, Unnamed Item, Spectra of hyperbolic surfaces, Automorphic forms and differentiability properties, The signatures of the congruence subgroupsG0(τ) of the hecke groupsG4andG6, Relations between cusp forms on congruence and noncongruence groups, Numerical Calculation of Twisted Adjoint L-Values Attached to Modular Forms, Non-vanishing of high derivatives of automorphic L-functions at the center of the critical strip, Generalized Kac-Moody algebras and some related topics, Computing Heeke Eigenvalues Below the Cohomologieal Dimension, Some presentations for \overline{Γ}₀(𝑁), Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Tamagawa number conjecture of adjoint motives of modular forms, A Note on Some Fuchsian Groups, An Algorithm for Finding the Veech Group of an Origami, [ Invariant et s�rie sp�ciale -adique], Modular konstruierte unverzweigte abelsche p-Erweiterungen von Q(ζp) und die Struktur ihrer Galoisgruppen, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Étude de la courbe elliptique $y^2 = 4x^3 - 27 ((3 + \sqrt{-19})/2)^2$ et monogénéité de certains anneaux d'entiers, Unnamed Item, An upper bound for λ1 for Γ(q) and Γ0(q), Courbes de Shimura hyperelliptiques, On Fourier coefficients of certain cusp forms, On the error term of the prime geodesic theorem, Horizontal isogeny theorems, Modular curves of genus 2, Congruence Subgroups of PSL(2, Z) of Genus Less than or Equal to 24, Obstacles to the torsion-subgroup attack on the decision Diffie-Hellman Problem, Construction of CM Picard curves, Algèbres de Hecke quasi-ordinaires universelles, On the Vanishing of TwistedL-Functions of Elliptic Curves, Some Conjectures on Elliptic Curves over Cyclotomic Fields, On the computation of the cycle class map for nullhomologous cycles over the algebraic closure of a finite field, Galois representations and modular forms, On the Poles of Rankin-Selberg Convolutions of Modular Forms, Points rationnels sur les sous-groupes compacts des groupes algebriques, Twisted Torus Bundles Over Arithmetic Varieties, Rational Points on XO+(p), On the genus of some modular curves of level N, Experimental Indications of Three-dimensional Galois Representations from the Cohomology of SL(3, Z), Frobenius distributions of Drinfeld modules over finite fields, Zeta functions of twisted modular curves, Congruence Subgroups Associated to the Monster, Congruence Subgroups of Groups Commensurable with PSL (2, Z) of Genus 0 and 1, Hecke Eigenvalues for Real Quadratic Fields, The units of a ring spectrum and a logarithmic cohomology operation, ELLIPTIC AND AUTOMORPHIC DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS ON SURFACES, On certain identities between the traces of Hecke operators, Répartition asymptotique des valeurs propres de l’opérateur de Hecke 𝑇_𝑝, Multiplicities of representations in spaces of modular forms, Deformations and derived categories., Periods of Hilbert modular surfaces, Riemann surfaces, Gauss problem for function fields, Principal congruence subgroups of the Hecke groups, Local Borcherds products, Abelian varieties, \(\ell\)-adic representations and Lie algebras. Rank independence on \(\ell\), Shimura curve quotients with odd Jacobians, The non-vanishing of central values of automorphic \(L\)-functions and Landau-Siegel zeros, On Brumer's family of RM-curves of genus two, Abelian varieties, \(\ell\)-adic representations and Lie algebras. Rank independence on \(\ell\), Twisted \(L\)-functions and complex multiplication, Über die Automorphismengruppe von \(X_0(N)\), Self-recursion formulas satisfied by Fourier coefficients of some modular functions, On explicit formulas for the modular equation, Low lying zeros of families of \(L\)-functions, The signature of \(\Gamma_0^+(n)\), Hyperelliptic Simple Factors of J0(N) with Dimension at Least 3, On holomorphic differentials of some algebraic function field of one variable over C, Spectral theory of Laplacians for Hecke groups with primitive character, Generalized \(\mathbb Q\)-curves and factors of \(J_1(N)\), The Tits building of Siegel modular groups of genus 2, The Maaß space and Hecke operators, The Chebotarev density theorem in short intervals and some questions of Serre, Hyperelliptic modular curves, Über die Automorphismengruppe von \(X_0(N)\), On the Divisor of Involutions in an Elliptic Modular Surface, On the uniform equidistribution of long closed horocycles, On the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, Twists of Hilbert Modular Forms, A report on Wiles’ Cambridge lectures, On the number of Fourier coefficients that determine a Hilbert modular form, On the search of genuine $p$-adic modular $L$-functions for $GL(n)$. With a correction to: On $p$-adic $L$-functions of $GL(2)\times{}GL(2)$ over totally real fields, On the Hasse–Witt Invariants of Modular Curves, Galois representations and Hecke operators associated with the mod $p$ cohomology of $GL(1,\mathbb {Z})$ and $GL(2,\mathbb {Z})$, Common zeros of theta functions and central Hecke L-values of CM number fields of degree 4, Vanishing of certain spaces of elliptic modular forms and some applications, Congruence modules related to Eisenstein series, On the Fundamental Periods of Hilbert Modular Forms, Cohomology of vector-valued automorphic forms, On Atkin--Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations, Exchanging the places \(p\) and \(\infty\) in the Leopoldt conjecture, A note on some modular subgroups., Transfer functors on \(k\)-algebras, Maximally irregularly fibred surfaces of general type, \(\mathbb Q\)-lattices: quantum statistical mechanics and Galois theory, A remark about the Taniyama-Weil conjecture for an elliptic curve defined by an equation \(y^ 2=x^ 3+D^ 2x+D^ 3\), Hecke operators with respect to the modular group of quaternions, Higher regulators and Hecke \(L\)-series of imaginary quadratic fields. I, Explicit construction of a Ramanujan \((n_1,n_2,\dots,n_{d-1})\)-regular hypergraph, Spaces of modular forms generated by eta-quotients, On elliptic Galois representations and genus-zero modular units, Counting lattice vectors, Plane quartics with Jacobians isomorphic to a hyperelliptic Jacobian, Classification of torsion-free genus zero congruence groups, On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms for congruence subgroups, Generalized arithmetic intersection numbers, On the modularity of elliptic curves over 𝐐: Wild 3-adic exercises, The modularity of the Barth--Nieto quintic and its relatives, Bounds for special values of Selberg zeta functions of Riemann surfaces, SUR LES PRODUITS TRIPLES Λ-ADIQUES, The congruence relation in the non-PEL case, Unnamed Item, On the Topography of Maass Waveforms for PSL(2, Z), An elementary introduction to the Langlands program, Modular forms associated to closed geodesics and arithmetic applications, From the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture to Fermat's last theorem, Heegner cycles, modular forms and jacobi forms, Convolution Dirichlet Series and a Kronecker Limit Formula for Second-Order Eisenstein Series, Unnamed Item, TRANSCENDENTAL ZEROS OF CERTAIN MODULAR FORMS, ARITHMETIC SPACE–TIME GEOMETRY FROM STRING THEORY, The arithmetic and combinatorics of buildings for 𝑆𝑝_{𝑛}, On zeros of Eisenstein series for genus zero Fuchsian groups, Congruences Between Systems of Eigenvalues of Modular Forms, Determinant Expression of Selberg Zeta Functions. I, Galois groups associated with CM-fields, skew-symmetric matrices and orthogonal matrices, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces of Genus Two With Level Structures. I, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Finiteness of Mordell-Weil groups of generic Abelian varieties, Unnamed Item, Dirichlet and Poincaré series, Unnamed Item, Fonctions $L$ $p$-adiques à deux variables et ${\bbfZ}_2^p$-extensions, Iwasawa modules attached to congruences of cusp forms, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On Ricci flat 3-fold, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Un sous-groupe $p$-divisible de la jacobienne de $X_1(N p_r)$ comme module sur l'algèbre de Hecke, Unnamed Item, The algebraist’s upper half-plane, Unnamed Item, Groups of units of zero ternary quadratic forms, The determination of Gauss sums, Units and class groups in number theory and algebraic geometry, Unnamed Item, Antiholomorphic Involutions of Analytic Families of Abelian Varieties, Unnamed Item, Multiplicities ofp-finite modp Galois representations inJ 0 (Np), Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Torsion and periods in some groups of homeomorphisms of the circle, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Diophantine equations and modular forms, Automorphic forms and algebraic extensions of number fields, Formes modulaires de poids $1$, Spectral Multiplicity on Products of Hyperbolic Spaces, On the Hodge groups of some abelian varieties, On $l$-adic representations attached to certain Abelian varieties over algebraic number fields, An Ω‐result for the coefficients of cusp forms, Unnamed Item, A note on Hilbert class fields of algebraic number fields, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the Computational Complexity of Modular Symbols, Unnamed Item, Nombres de Hurwitz et unités elliptiques. Un critère de régularité pour les extensions abéliennes d'un corps quadratique imaginaire, Sur la courbe modulaire Xndép(ll), The shape of the Ford domains for Γ₀(𝑁), Modularity of certain potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations