Non-Abelian bosonization in two dimensions

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DOI10.1007/BF01215276zbMath0536.58012WikidataQ56504915 ScholiaQ56504915MaRDI QIDQ791942

Edward Witten

Publication date: 1984

Published in: Communications in Mathematical Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

81T60: Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics

81S10: Geometry and quantization, symplectic methods

53D50: Geometric quantization

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I. The classical case, Phase space structure of non-Abelian Chern–Simmons particles, Grassmann manifold bosonization of QCD in two dimensions, A new family of solvable self-dual Lie algebras, String theory and black holes, EXTENDED OPERATOR ALGEBRA AND REDUCIBILITY IN THE WZW PERMUTATION ORBIFOLDS, WZW BRANES AND GERBES, Twisted Einstein Tensors and Orbifold Geometry, AN ALGEBRAIC APPROACH TO LOGARITHMIC CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, Universal quantization of curvature jump at the roughening transition, Current algebra in three dimensions, Wess-Zumino-Witten model based on a nonsemisimple group, Nonsingularity of the exact two-dimensional string black hole, Quantization of the self-dual Yang-Mills system: Exchange algebras and local quantum group in four-dimensional quantum field theories, Nonperturbative solutions of string theory in gravitational backgrounds, Non-Abelian Chern-Simons quantum mechanics, Solvable supersymmetric continuum model in arbitrary dimensions, Sigma Models as Perturbed Conformal Field Theories, INTERACTIONS OF A STRING INSPIRED GRAVITON FIELD, SELF-DUAL YANG–MILLS: SYMMETRIES AND MODULI SPACE, A BASIC CLASS OF TWISTED OPEN WZW STRINGS, THE GENERAL TWISTED OPEN WZW STRING, Hecke algebraic properties of dynamical R -matrices. Application to related quantum matrix algebras, Geometrostatis and the current algebra of nonlinear sigma models on supergroup manifolds, Kac–Moody algebra from infinitesimal Riemann–Hilbert transform, Parastatistics and conformal field theories in two dimensions, CLASSICAL ODE AND PDE WHICH OBEY QUANTUM DYNAMICS, OPEN STRINGS IN THE SL(2,R) WZWN MODEL WITH SOLUTION FOR A RIGIDLY ROTATING STRING, QUASITRIANGULAR WZW MODEL, SU (N) skyrmions from harmonic maps S2→Gr(2,N), Generalized sine-Gordon/massive Thirring models and soliton/particle correspondences, Flat connections and nonlocal conserved quantities in irrational conformal field theory, Generalizations of the Wess–Zumino–Witten model and Ferretti–Rajeev model to any dimensions: CP-invariance and geometry, Towards a classification of su(2)⊕...⊕su(2) modular invariant partition functions, N=4 super KdV hierarchy in N=4 and N=2 superspaces, Quantization of a loop extended SU(2) affine Kac–Moody algebra, A relation between the Kauffman and the HOMFLY polynomials for torus knots, Lie algebra cohomology and group structure of gauge theories, THE SL(2,R) WZWN STRING MODEL AS A DEFORMED OSCILLATOR AND ITS CLASSICAL-QUANTUM STRING REGIMES, A NOTE ON NONCOMMUTATIVE CHERN–SIMONS MODEL ON MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY, QUANTUM ENERGY INEQUALITIES IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY, SUPERSYMMETRIC WZW σ MODEL ON INFINITE AND HALF-PLANE, DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND INTERTWINING OPERATORS, CONFORMAL FIELD THEORY IN TWO DIMENSIONS, Conformal sigma models corresponding to gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten theories., \(N=2\) gauged WZW models and the elliptic genus, Regularisation of nonlocal actions in two-dimensional field theories, Topological aspects of an antisymmetric background field on orbifolds, Condensates and singularities in string theory, A monopole solution in open string theory, \(\text{gl}(N,N)\) current algebras and topological field theories, Chiral gauged WZNW models and heterotic string backgrounds, Some global aspects of duality in string theory, Monopole-catalysed baryon decay: A boundary conformal field theory approach, On a universal class of WZW-type conformal models, String dynamics in \(D=4\) space-time. II: Quantum, Two-dimensional models as testing ground for principles and concepts of local quantum physics, Unoriented WZW models and holonomy of bundle gerbes, \(N\)-soliton strings in four-dimensional space-time, Horizons, constraints, and black hole entropy, Bosonization and fermionization of the superstring oscillators, The Thirring-Wess model revisited: a functional integral approach, Hamiltonian loop group actions and T-duality for group manifolds, An index theorem for Toeplitz operators on odd-dimensional manifolds with boundary, Chiral Lagrangians, anomalies, supersymmetry, and holomorphy, Non-reductive WZW models and their CFTs. II: \(N=1\) and \(N=2\) cosets, The symmetric space and homogeneous sine-Gordon theories, Non-abelian bosonization in two and three dimensions, On rational conformal field theories: explicit modular formulae, Self-dual strings in six dimensions: anomalies, the ADE-classification, and the world-sheet WZW-model, Abelian and non-abelian branes in WZW models and gerbes, Current algebra and Wess-Zumino terms: A unified geometric treatment, Classical origin of quantum group symmetries in Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory, The chiral WZNW phase space as a quasi-Poisson space, QUANTUM FIELD THEORIES ON NULL SURFACES, Generalized bc-systems based on Hermitian vector bundles, HAMILTONIAN FORMULATION OF OPEN WZW STRINGS, STRING THEORY AS A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, On the correlation functions of the vector bundle generalization of the bc-system, NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY, GEOMETRICAL ASPECTS OF SKYRMIONS AND STRING THEORY, Representations of the SL(2,C) Kac–Moody current algebra in the Fock space, ON MOMENT MAPS ASSOCIATED TO A TWISTED HEISENBERG DOUBLE, GENERAL COORDINATE TRANSFORMATIONS AS THE ORIGINS OF DARK ENERGY, Scalar gauge theory on a cylinder, THE MODULI SPACE OF N = 2 SUPER-RIEMANN SPHERES WITH TUBES, SYMMETRIES OF THE NEAR HORIZON OF A BLACKHOLE BY GROUP THEORETIC METHODS, Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras acting on the solution space of various σ models, Generalized graph theory on Lie g and applications in conformal field theory, Bosonization in background of metric and gauge, Quasi-invariant Lagrangians on Lie groups and the method of coadjoint orbits, New Semiclassical Non-Abelian Vertex Operators for Chiral and Nonchiral WZW Theory, Multiflavor Massive Schwinger Model with Non-Abelian Bosonization, Explicit Connection Between Conformal Field Theory and 2+1 Chern–Simons Theory, Boundaries of 11-Dimensional Membranes, Representations of the mapping class group of the two-punctured torus on the space of \(\widehat{\text{sl}}(2,\mathbb{C})\) spin-{1}/{2}-spin-{1}/{2} Kac-Moody blocks, Dynamical description of spectral flow in \(N = 2\) superconformal field theories, Solitonic integrable perturbations of parafermionic theories, \(\Phi^{(2)}\) perturbations of the WZW model, Chiral quantization of the WZW SU\((n)\) model, Path integral bosonization of massive GNO fermions, Majorana fermions, exact mapping between quantum impurity fixed points with four bulk fermion species, and solution of the ``Unitarity Puzzle, Towards new geometry, String dynamics in the \(D=4\) space-time. I: Hamiltonian formalism, Semi-classical spectrum of the homogeneous sine-Gordon theories, Coherent state transforms and vector bundles on elliptic curves., The 4-loop \(\beta\)-function in the 2D non-Abelian Thirring model, and comparison with its conjectured ``exact form, The isomorphism between two-dimensional conformal field theories with the affine-\(sl(2)\) and the \(N=2\) superconformal symmetry algebras, Factored coset models: A unifying approach to different bosonization schemes, Symmetry algebras of large-\(N\) Matrix models for open strings, Type IIB superstring action in \(\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\) background, On the general structure of gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten terms., String Kaluza-Klein cosmology, The conformal points of the generalized Thirring model, Perturbed gauged WZNW models, Three-dimensional topology and Verlinde formulae, Smooth non-abelian bosonization, Renormalisation group flows and conserved vector currents, Origin of logarithmic operators in conformal field theories., A study of fermions coupled to gauge and gravitational fields on a cylinder., Non-abelian bosonization from factored coset models in path integrals., Integrable theories that are asymptotically CFT., Relevant perturbations of the \(\text{SU}(1,1)/\text{U}(1)\) coset, Bosonization of three-dimensional non-abelian fermion field theories, Classical symmetries of some two-dimensional models, Quantum field theory, bosonization and duality on the half line., Three aspects of bosonized supersymmetry and linear differential field equation with reflection, Boundary dynamics and the statistical mechanics of the \((2+1)\)-dimensional black hole, Landau-Ginzburg theories for non-abelian quantum Hall states, Non-commutative open string and D-brane, Non-abelian Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz string theory, Boundary TBA equations for a non-diagonal theory., Gauge invariant variables and the Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory, Chiral extensions of the WZNW phase space, Poisson-Lie symmetries and groupoids, Theta-terms in nonlinear sigma-models, Asymptotic dynamics and asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional extended AdS supergravity, Discrete symmetries of functional determinants, Geometric description of a relativistic string, Lagrangian formulation of symmetric space sine-Gordon models., Finite-size scaling for correlations of quantum spin chains at criticality., Structural aspects of the fermion-boson mapping in two-dimensional gauge and anomalous gauge theories with massive fermions., Non-singular string-cosmologies from exact conformal field theories, Pseudoduality in sigma models, Many-body systems with nonabelian statistics, Basic gerbe over non-simply connected compact groups, Graph theory, \(SO(n)\) current algebra and the Virasoro master equation, \(SL(N)\) Kac-Moody algebras and Wess-Zumino-Witten models, Odd dimensional gauge theories and current algebra, Sigma-models with torsion, On the target-space geometry of open-string orientation-orbifold sectors, Topological order and conformal quantum critical points, A note on singular D-branes in group manifolds, WZW-Poisson manifolds, Canonical quantization of the boundary Wess-Zumino-Witten model, Symplectic geometries on \(T^*\widetilde {G}\), Hamiltonian group actions and integrable systems, \(SU(2)\) WZW theory at higher genera, Super-Poincaré invariant superstring field theory, On gauge theories for non-semisimple groups, Two-point spin-\(1/2\)-spin-\(1/2\) \(sl(2,\mathbb{C})\) conformal Kac-Moody blocks on the torus and their monodromies, String consistency for unified model building, \(T\)-duality and space-time supersymmetry, Irrational conformal field theory, Nonreductive WZW models and their CFTs, Conformal points and duality of non-Abelian Thirring models and interacting WZNW models, WZW models of general simple groups, Canonical quantization of interacting WZW theories, Heterotic coset models and (0,2) string vacua, WZNW models and gauged WZNW models based on a family of solvable Lie algebras, Characterizing invariants for local extensions of current algebras, Duality and restoration of manifest supersymmetry, Symmetries of the Kac-Peterson modular matrices of affine algebras, Kac-Moody symmetries of critical ground states, Seven-sphere and the exceptional \(N=7\) and \(N=8\) superconformal algebras, Deformation of the Poisson-Lie structure in the \(\text{SU} (2)\) WZW model, Abelian duality in WZW models, A theory of tensor products for module categories for a vertex operator algebra. I, A duality-like transformation in WZNW models inspired by dual Riemannian globally symmetric spaces, Operator realization of the SU(2) WZNW model, Duality in deformed coset fermionic models, Four dimensional realization of two dimensional current groups, Bound-state structure of two-dimensional QCD: Formalism and numerical results, Lagrangian formulation of the general modified chiral model, Integrable deformations of the \(\text{O}(3)\) sigma model. The sausage model, Induced and effective gravity theories in \(D=2\)., The WZNW model at two loops., The geometry of supersymmetric coset models and superconformal algebras., Quantum-group-invariant integrable \(n\)-state vertex models with periodic boundary conditions, Semiclassical versus exact solutions of charged black hole in four dimensions and exact \(\text{O}(d,d)\) duality, Bosonization as duality, Quadratic brackets from symplectic forms, Mirror symmetry for the Kazama-Suzuki models, Exact four-dimensional string solutions and Toda-like sigma models from null-gauged WZNW theories, On non-abelian duality, On string cosmology and the RG flow in 2D field theory., Exact conformal-field-theory results on the multi-channel Kondo effect: asymptotic three-dimensional space- and time-dependent multi-point and many-particle Green's functions.

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