J. Ning

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zbMath Open NoneMaRDI QIDQ1369368

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Identification of Gurson's material constants by using Kalman filter2003-01-07Paper
A moving cohesive interface model for fracture in creeping materials2003-01-07Paper
On crack path stability in a layered material2003-01-07Paper
Lyapunov exponents for higher dimensional random maps2002-11-07Paper
Center manifolds for infinite dimensional nonautonomous differential equations2002-01-31Paper
The periodic distribution of redshifts2001-11-25Paper
Relationships between discrete-time and continuous-time algebraic Riccati inequalities2001-10-21Paper
Regression and asymptotical location of a multivariate sample2000-09-26Paper
Homogenization of optimal control problems for functional differential equations2000-07-18Paper
On the optimal bounds for the effective conductivity of isotropic quasi-symmetric multiphase media2000-06-21Paper
Fluid flow-induced nonlinear vibration of suspended cables2000-06-13Paper
Equations of generalized bisymmetry and of consistent aggregation: Weakly surjective solutions which may be discontinuous at places2000-05-18Paper
Multi-target control problems2000-04-13Paper
The best possibility of the bound for the Kantorovich inequality and some remarks2000-04-10Paper
Quasi-potentials and Kähler-Einstein metrics on flag manifolds2000-04-10Paper
Comparison of initial value and eigenvalue codes for kinetic toroidal plasma instabilities1999-11-03Paper
Properties of annihilators of languages1999-09-15Paper
Dynamic stresses and strains in the left ventricular wall based on large deformation theory1999-08-24Paper
Diffusion simulation with a deterministic one-dimensional lattice-gas model1999-08-05Paper
Cyclotomic unit and its Fermat quotient1999-08-02Paper
The extended flow rule in plasticity1999-07-26Paper
\(LC\)-decomposability and the \(AR\)-property in linear metric spaces1999-07-19Paper
Ranked set sampling, coherent rankings and size-biased permutations1999-07-05Paper
Image restoration1999-06-30Paper
The limit of the folding of a manifold and its deformation retract1999-06-09Paper
A new finite element with `drilling' D. O. F1999-06-07Paper
Modeling the reciprocal of the survivorship function1999-06-07Paper
On the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of singular Sturm-Liouville problems with an indefinite weight function1999-06-01Paper
Nonlinear dynamics of a rigid unbalanced rotor in journal bearings. I: Theoretical analysis1999-04-21Paper
Weierstrass multiple loci of \(n\)-pointed algebraic curves1999-04-08Paper
Spline finite member element method for buckling of thin-walled members with any cross-sections in pure bending1999-03-23Paper
A parallel structural optimization method and its implementation on a Transtech Paramid1999-03-21Paper
The effect of elastic surface coating on the finite deformation and bifurcation of a pressurized circular annulus1999-03-09Paper
The post-critical analysis of axisymmetric hyper-elastic membranes by the finite element method1999-03-04Paper
A parallel solver for the \(hp\)-version of finite element methods1999-03-04Paper
On geometric-stable laws, a related property of stable processes, and stable densities of exponent one1999-02-14Paper
Variational inequalities in nonreflexive Banach spaces1999-02-08Paper
Decoding affine variety codes using Gröbner bases1999-01-31Paper
New contributions to the solution of transport equations in porous media1999-01-28Paper
Uniform association in contingency tables associated to Csiszár divergence1999-01-27Paper
Likelihood-based confidence limits for the common odds ratio1999-01-25Paper
Classification of ordered nonsingular configurations of at most seven lines of \(\mathbb{R} P^3\) up to rigid isotopy1999-01-24Paper
Lacunary series and pseudocontinuations1999-01-24Paper
Inversion of a theorem on action of analytic functions and multiplicative properties of some subclasses of the Hardy space \(H^\infty\)1999-01-24Paper
Holomorphic flows, cocyles, and coboundaries1999-01-19Paper
The numerical tokamak project: Simulation of turbulent transport1999-01-14Paper
An improvement on variational boundary element formulation for elasticity with body forces1998-12-10Paper
Some common fixed point theorems for non-self hybrid contractions1998-12-02Paper
A two-dimensional conservation laws scheme for compressible flows with moving boundaries1998-11-29Paper
Comment on noise and bifurcations1998-11-26Paper
Simultaneous vector variational inequalities and vector implicit complementarity problem1998-11-26Paper
Lagrangian duality for minimization of nonconvex multifunctions1998-11-26Paper
A note on homogeneous locally symmetric spaces1998-11-22Paper
Toeplitz operators with discontinuous presymbols in the Fock space1998-11-19Paper
A reduction of the globalization and \(U(1)\)-covering1998-11-12Paper
Poincaré's recurrence theorems for set-valued dynamical systems1998-11-11Paper
On the topological divisors of zero in metrisable locally convex algebras1998-11-10Paper
Finite element analysis of conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure with a conducting vertical wall1998-11-08Paper
Dynamic stability of a radially rotating beam subjected to base excitation1998-11-08Paper
Homology of bi-Grassmannian complexes1998-11-04Paper
Optimal planar interception with fixed end conditions: Approximate solutions1998-11-01Paper
Nonlinear interaction between gas bubble and free surface1998-11-01Paper
A monotone finite element method with test space of Legendre polynomials1998-11-01Paper
Complex variable approach to the BEM for multiple crack problems1998-11-01Paper
On the instability of inviscid, rigidly rotating immiscible fluids in zero gravity1998-11-01Paper
Design of plates with wide ribs1998-11-01Paper
Multigrid and multilevel methods for quadratic spline collocation1998-11-01Paper
Two three-parallel and three-processor SDIRK methods for stiff initial-value problems1998-11-01Paper
Finite groups in which some subgroups of prime power order are quasinormal1998-10-29Paper
Numerical investigation of free convective flow in divergent channels1998-10-25Paper
Kaluza-Klein or fibre bundles?1998-10-21Paper
On a Carathéodory's conjecture on umbilics: representing ovaloids1998-10-20Paper
Suitability of yield functions for the approximation of subsequent yield surfaces1998-10-19Paper
On a possible model to explain phytoplankton blooms produced by a receding ice edge1998-10-19Paper
On a coupled Stefan-like problem in thermo-visco-plastic rheology1998-10-19Paper
Dynamics of geometrically-exact sandwich beams/1-D plates: Computational aspects1998-10-19Paper
Rolle's theorem and negligibility of points in infinite dimensional Banach spaces1998-10-19Paper
Endochronic analysis for finite elasto-plastic deformation and application to metal tube under torsion and metal rectangular block under biaxial compression1998-10-11Paper
Design of an unconditionally stable, positive scheme for the \(K-\varepsilon\) and two-layer turbulence models1998-10-11Paper
A new frictional time integration algorithm for large slip multi-body frictional contact problems1998-10-11Paper
Generalized multiple scale reproducing kernel particle methods1998-10-11Paper
On the rank of intersection of subgroups of a free product of groups1998-10-06Paper
A novel implicit difference algorithm of primitive variable flow equations with higher-order extra terms1998-10-06Paper
\(C^1\)-continuous stress recovery in finite element analysis1998-10-06Paper
An 8-node brick element with mixed formulation for large deformation analyses1998-10-06Paper
Vorticity boundary conditions for Navier-Stokes equations1998-10-06Paper
Two parallel finite queues with simultaneous services and Markovian arrivals1998-10-01Paper
A completely stationary Markov chain with infinite state space1998-10-01Paper
The fuzzy theory based on AFS algebras and AFS structure1998-10-01Paper
Formal continued fractions solutions of the generalized second order Riccati equations. Applications1998-09-28Paper
A new path integration procedure based on Gauss-Legendre scheme1998-09-27Paper
Anisotropic yield and plastic flow of polycrystalline solids1998-09-21Paper
Flow past an elliptic cylinder1998-09-21Paper
Evolutionary families of analytic functions and time-nonhomogeneous Markov branching processes1998-09-20Paper
On the existence of nontangential boundary values of pseudocontinuable functions1998-09-14Paper
Homogenization of heterogeneous piezoelectric medium1998-09-13Paper
A three-dimensional free vibration analysis of cross-ply laminated rectangular plates with clamped edges1998-09-13Paper
A distributed arc-consistency algorithm1998-09-08Paper
Hamiltonian and Lagrangian for \(N\)-dimensional autonomous systems1998-09-07Paper
A new uncoupled formulation of the 2-D velocity-vorticity system1998-09-07Paper
Three-dimensional energetic particle distribution past an instantaneous uni-directional injection1998-09-07Paper
Presentation of software for movies of vibrating strings with obstacles1998-09-07Paper
Group actions, coverings and lifts of automorphisms1998-08-31Paper
Comparison of shape design sensitivity analysis formulations via material derivative-adjoint variable and implicit differentiation techniques for 3-D and 2-D curved boundary element1998-08-30Paper
On a horizontal version of the inverse pendulum problem1998-08-30Paper
Explicit finite-difference methods for nonlinear dynamic systems: Froude's pendulum1998-08-27Paper
On the stability of symplectic and energy-momentum algorithms for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems with symmetry1998-08-27Paper
The motion of a cylinder-rod system on a horizontal plane: Feasible control and path controllability1998-08-27Paper
A constitutive model of the artery with damage1998-08-24Paper
Consistent finite element structural analysis and error control1998-08-24Paper
A note on enhanced strain methods for large deformations1998-08-24Paper
The diffraction of Kelvin wave due to an island1998-08-24Paper
Closed loop control of the motion of a cart1998-08-24Paper
A disc inclusion at a nonhomogeneous elastic interface1998-08-24Paper
An improved quasilinearization method for second order nonlinear boundary value problems1998-08-24Paper
An upper-bound analysis of friction in metal forming1998-08-19Paper
Viscoelastic Rayleigh waves in a layered structure with a weak lateral inhomogeneity1998-08-19Paper
Potential reduction algorithms for structured combinatorial optimization problems1998-08-16Paper
The linear bi-spatial tensor equation \(\varphi_{ij}A^iXB^j=C\)1998-08-12Paper
A comparison of numerical models for evaporative two-phase flow in a self-heated porous medium1998-08-12Paper
Differential cubature method: A solution technique for Kirchhoff plates of arbitrary shape1998-08-12Paper
Computation of coprime factorizations of rational matrices1998-08-11Paper
An exact solution of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries1998-08-10Paper
Random-random walk on an asymmetric chain with a trapping attractive center1998-08-10Paper
Scaling relationships for anisotropic random walks1998-08-10Paper
The boson gas on a Cayley tree1998-08-10Paper
On the nilpotent multipliers of a group1998-08-09Paper
Complex-valued characteristic functions with (some) real powers. II1998-08-09Paper
A comprehensive unified set of single-step algorithms with controllable dissipation for dynamics. I: Formulation. II: Algorithms and analysis1998-08-03Paper
Seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings close to deep excavation1998-08-03Paper
Reynolds stress closure applied to axisymmetric, impinging turbulent jets1998-08-03Paper
Model misspecification in data envelopment analysis1998-08-03Paper
Singular links of type \((p,2k+1)\) in the \(4k+2\)-sphere. II1998-08-03Paper
The Ernst equation and the Riemann-Hilbert problem on hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces1998-08-03Paper
To the problem P=?NP1998-07-27Paper
Minimum inter-particle distance at global minimizers of Lennard-Jones clusters1998-07-27Paper
Analysis of an asymmetric polling system1998-07-27Paper
Generation of random variates using asymptotic expansions1998-07-23Paper
Numerical integration of singular integrands using low-discrepancy sequences1998-07-23Paper
Constitutive and damage evolution equations of elastic-brittle materials based on irreversible thermodynamics1998-07-22Paper
The \(T_1\) path independent integral in anisotropic media1998-07-22Paper
Generalization of the Arrow-Barankin-Blackwell theorem in a dual space setting1998-07-22Paper
Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for adaptive \(hp\) approximations of the Stokes problem with discontinuous pressure fields1998-07-19Paper
Buckling of poroelastic columns with axial diffusion1998-07-19Paper
The vulnerability of the diameter of folded \(n\)-cubes1998-07-19Paper
A note on the best invariant estimator of a distribution function under the Kolmogorov-Smirnov loss1998-07-16Paper
Modeling and random vibration analysis of SDOF systems with asymmetric hysteresis1998-07-16Paper
Use of augmented Lagrangian methods for the optimal control of obstacle problems1998-07-16Paper
Global method for monotone variational inequality problems with inequality constraints1998-07-15Paper
Notes on TQR algorithms1998-07-15Paper
Multiple solutions of semilinear Dirichlet problems on a domain with \(S^1\)-group actions1998-07-14Paper
Multigrid methods for the computation of singular solutions and stress intensity factors. II: Crack singularities1998-07-14Paper
The elastic-plastic finite element alternating method (EPFEAM) and the prediction of fracture under WFD conditions in aircraft structures. I: EPFEAM theory. II: Fracture and the \(T^*\)-integral parameter1998-07-14Paper
On the multiplicity of equilibrium solutions to a nonlinear diffusion equation on a manifold arising in climatology1998-07-14Paper
Spectral properties of matrix continuous refinement operators1998-07-08Paper
A family of hybrid exponentially fitted predictor-corrector methods for the numerical integration of the radial Schrödinger equation1998-07-06Paper
NP-stability of Runge-Kutta methods based on classical quadrature1998-07-06Paper
The pantograph equation in the complex plane1998-07-05Paper
On the generic solution to \(P(X)\cong X\) in distributive categories1998-07-01Paper
Flutter of a cantilever rod with a relocatable lumped mass1998-07-01Paper
Optimal calculation of residuals for ARMAX models with application to model verification1998-07-01Paper
Object-oriented finite elements. I: Principles of symbolic derivations and automatic programming. II: A symbolic environment for automatic programming1998-07-01Paper
Lower energy icosahedral atomic clusters with incomplete core1998-06-29Paper
On extended \((J,J')\)-lossless factorization1998-06-29Paper
Unramified quadratic extensions of real quadratic fields, normal integral bases, and 2-adic \(L\)-functions1998-06-28Paper
An application of the Ince algebraization to the stability of nonlinear normal vibration modes1998-06-25Paper
Efficient simulation of large overall motion of beams undergoing large deflection1998-06-25Paper
Constructing simple Lie superalgebras from associative graded algebras1998-06-25Paper
Turbulent natural convection flow in partitioned enclosure1998-06-25Paper
Some width function asymptotics for weighted trees1998-06-23Paper
Certain 2-stable embeddings1998-06-23Paper
The iterative solution of fully implicit discretizations of three-dimensional transport models1998-06-23Paper
Parameter estimation for 2-parameter generalized Pareto distribution by POME1998-06-22Paper
Orthogonal polynomials in two variables and second-order partial differential equations1998-06-22Paper
Conditioning and upper-Lipschitz inverse subdifferentials in nonsmooth optimization problems1998-06-22Paper
Control policy for a manufacturing system with random yield and rework1998-06-22Paper
Modified primal path-following scheme for the monotone variational inequality problem1998-06-22Paper
Saint-Venant's principle for rigid heat conductors with memory1998-06-18Paper
An algorithm for ODEs from atmospheric dispersion problems1998-06-18Paper
Damping effects on the dynamic stability of a rod subjected to intermediate follower loads1998-06-18Paper
Iterative solutions of parameter-dependent nonlinear equations of Hammerstein type1998-06-18Paper
On a maximal torus in subgroups of a general linear group1998-06-16Paper
Half-planes without coupling under contact loading1998-06-11Paper
A free resolution of a symplectic rank variety1998-06-11Paper
Time-efficient maze routing algorithms on reconfigurable mesh architectures1998-06-11Paper
A methodology for designing proof rules for fair parallel programs1998-06-11Paper
A modified backpropagation algorithm for training neural networks on data with error bars1998-06-11Paper
On modular homology in the Boolean algebra. II1998-06-09Paper
Quantum chromodynamics simulations on a non-dedicated highly parallel computer1998-06-04Paper
Stability of two-dimensional model problems for multiblock structured fluid-dynamics calculations1998-06-04Paper
A WKB analysis of radical growth in the hydrogen-air mixing layer1998-06-04Paper
Translational motion of a cylinder below the free surface of a fluid1998-06-04Paper
On regularized numerical inversion of Mellin transform1998-06-02Paper
Grid adaptation via node movement1998-06-02Paper
Comparing quasi-conservative averaging and dissipation energy balancing methods in nonlinear random vibration1998-06-01Paper
Stability of the triangular libration points of the circular restricted problem in the presence of resonances1998-06-01Paper
A finite volume method for solute segregation in directional solidification and comparison with a finite element method1998-06-01Paper
Convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms1998-06-01Paper
On exchange properties for Coxeter matroids and oriented matroids1998-05-29Paper
Products of idempotent endomorphisms of an order-independence algebra of finite rank1998-05-26Paper
Incorporation of an anisotropic (texture-based) strain-rate potential into three-dimensional finite element simulations1998-05-25Paper
The significance of \(J_ 3\) to the prediction of shear bands1998-05-25Paper
Logical considerations on default semantics1998-05-25Paper
Stochastic complexity in learning1998-05-25Paper
A quantitative bifurcation analysis of Hénon-like 2D maps1998-05-25Paper
On the elastic field of a spherical inhomogeneity with an imperfectly bonded interface1998-05-25Paper
Computation of Jacobi functions of the second kind for use in nearside-farside scattering theory1998-05-25Paper
Asymptotics of spatially periodic solution to Boussinesq's equation with dissipation for large time1998-05-25Paper
Preconditioning cubic collocation method for elliptic equations1998-05-25Paper
A spectral method for unbounded domains1998-05-25Paper
A linear systolic array for real-time morphological image processing1998-05-25Paper
Intertwine operators and elementary Darboux transforms in differential rings and modules1998-05-25Paper
Isometric embeddings of coinvariant subspaces of the shift operator1998-05-25Paper
Dynamics of a pulsating spray-diffusion flame1998-05-18Paper
Numerical prediction of separation and reattachment of turbulent flow in axisymmetric diffuser1998-05-17Paper
Influence of normal constraints in curved sandwiched beams with I-shaped cross section, subjected to flexion1998-05-11Paper
Asymptotic solutions to the Hartree equation localized in a small neighborhood of a curve as \(h\to 0\)1998-05-11Paper
Filtration of a liquid through a model elastic medium1998-05-11Paper
Large deflections of an end supported beam subjected to a point load1998-05-10Paper
Dynamic behavior of a semi-infinite elastic-hardening-softening beam1998-05-10Paper
Viscous perturbations of isotropic solutions of the Keyfitz-Kranzer system1998-05-10Paper
A decompositon method for finding a global optimal solution to a water distribution network1998-05-10Paper
On the first eigenvalue of minimal submanifolds1998-05-10Paper
On the structure of a differential algebra used by Connes and Lott1998-05-10Paper
Design and operation of manufacturing systems: A controls-based synthesis1998-05-05Paper
Special selfadjoint extensions of Schrödinger differential operators by means of Feynman integrals1998-05-03Paper
Admissible wavelets associated with the transform group on \(\mathbb{R}^ n\)1998-04-28Paper
Discrete qualocation methods for logarithmic-kernel integral equations on a piecewise smooth boundary1998-04-27Paper
On the neutral stability of mixed strategies in asymmetric contests1998-04-23Paper
Dual problems and separation of sets: Lagrange and Fenchel duality1998-04-22Paper
On the construction and existence of orthogonal arrays with three levels and indexes 1 and 21998-04-20Paper
Codimension one foliations without unstable compact leaves1998-04-20Paper
On the efficiency of some wreath products of groups1998-04-20Paper
Global annealing genetic algorithm and its convergence analysis1998-04-20Paper
A new computation of two-dimensional finite-part integrals1998-04-20Paper
Quantum system level-band in a strong quasiresonant field with a deep modulation1998-04-20Paper
Introduction to ``Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. V: A second-order sequel to Godunov's method1998-04-19Paper
Introduction to ``Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors, and difference schemes1998-04-19Paper
On the explicit representation of global solutions of the Cauchy problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations1998-04-19Paper
Spatio-temporal symmetries and bifurcations via bi-orthogonal decompositions1998-04-16Paper
Multiple Lie-Poisson structures, reductions, and geometric phases for the Maxwell-Bloch travelling wave equations1998-04-15Paper
Structural properties of the matrix quadratic and its inverse1998-04-13Paper
On the order and size of \(s\)-geodetic digraphs with given connectivity1998-04-08Paper
Connectivity of large bipartite digraphs and graphs1998-04-08Paper
Quantum chaos1998-04-06Paper
Optimal design of adaptive tracking controllers for nonlinear systems1998-04-06Paper
Splitting of the sequence of numbers into subsequences for the problem of M. Bischoff1998-04-05Paper
Strong consistency of least squares estimates in polygonal regression with random explanatory variables1998-04-05Paper
Demographic uncertainty and the stable equivalent population1998-04-05Paper
On the rate of convergence of 2-term recursions in \(\mathbb{R}^ d\)1998-04-05Paper
Performance analysis of a register insertion ring with a variable size buffer1998-04-03Paper
Investigations on fuzzy thresholding based on fuzzy clustering.1998-04-03Paper
A new approach to the modal regulator synthesis for interval plant with scalar input1998-04-02Paper
The topology of AFS structure and AFS algebras1998-04-02Paper
Transformation and summation formulas for double hypergeometric series1998-04-01Paper
On a property of the finite Fourier partial sums process1998-04-01Paper
Magnetic translation groups in \(n\) dimensions1998-04-01Paper
The students of the ``Systematic deviations from ordinary rectilinear construction in the Athenian Parthenon1998-03-31Paper
A simple method for calculating shear band angles for pressure sensitive plastic materials1998-03-30Paper
Efficient multi-level substructuring with constraints for buckling and vibration analysis of prismatic plate assemblies1998-03-30Paper
On the equations of nonlinear vibrations1998-03-30Paper
Micromechanical modelling of the elastoplastic behavior of polycrystals containing precipitates - application to hypo- and hyper-eutectoid steels1998-03-30Paper
Viscoplastic behaviour of porous metallic materials saturated with liquid. I: Constitutive equations1998-03-30Paper
Uranus and Neptune interior models1998-03-30Paper
A multibody approach in granular dynamics simulations1998-03-30Paper
Reliability analysis of hydraulic structures considering unit hydrograph uncertainty1998-03-30Paper
Shock-induced two-phase flows in an aligned baffle system filled with suspended particles1998-03-30Paper
Real bifurcations of two-unit systems with rolling1998-03-30Paper
Numerical solution of circular elastic plates using the method of local variations1998-03-30Paper
Stable finite element approximations of thermal visocelastic flows1998-03-30Paper
A random simulation of droplet distribution in nozzle and plume flows1998-03-30Paper
A four-layered self-consistent scheme applied to two-phase composites1998-03-30Paper
A multicriterial material tailoring of a hollow cylinder in functionally gradient materials: Scheme to global reduction of thermoelastic stresses1998-03-30Paper
Nonlinear transient analysis of submerged circular plates subjected to underwater explosions1998-03-30Paper
Fracture prediction in stretch forming using finite element simulation combined with ductile fracture criterion1998-03-30Paper
Characterization of \(p\)-generalized normality1998-03-26Paper
On identities of baric algebras and superalgebras1998-03-25Paper
A vectorizable random lattice1998-03-24Paper
A degenerate reaction diffusion system modelling an optical biosensor1998-03-24Paper
Primitive Vassiliev invariants and factorization in Chern-Simons perturbation theory1998-03-24Paper
An improvement of convergence in Newton's method1998-03-23Paper
Non-uniqueness of the motions of a friction oscillator with self-excitation1998-03-23Paper
Bispectral analyses of interactions in quadratically and cubically coupled oscillators1998-03-23Paper
Search problem on trees1998-03-23Paper
Microwave experiments on chaotic billiards1998-03-22Paper
The two-dimensional Coulomb gas on a sphere: Exact results1998-03-22Paper
A stochastic model for the HIV epidemic in homosexual populations involving age and race1998-03-18Paper
Ishikawa and Mann iteration methods with errors for nonlinear equations of the accretive type1998-03-17Paper
On the equations of motion for accelerated frames1998-03-15Paper
Combined relaxation method for solving vector equilibrium problems1998-03-09Paper
Optimal trajectories for Earth-to-Mars flight1998-03-05Paper
Application of stochastic global optimization algorithms to practical problems1998-03-05Paper
Dynamic programming, the Fermat principle, and the eikonal equation revisited1998-03-05Paper
Approximate Newton methods for nonsmooth equations1998-03-05Paper
New version of the Newton method for nonsmooth equations1998-03-05Paper
Collision avoidance by a ship with a moving obstacle: Computation of feasible command strategies1998-03-05Paper
Fixed-point technique for implicit complementarity problem in Hilbert lattice1998-03-05Paper
A perturbational approach to magneto-thermal problems of a deformed sphere levitated in a magnetic field1998-03-03Paper
Effect of preassigned gradient on pattern formation and morphogenesis during embryogenesis1998-03-03Paper
On Bing's question about fixed point property1998-03-03Paper
Remarks on a formula for the pseudoinverse by the modified Huang algorithm1998-03-03Paper
An \(n=(1,1)\) super-Toda model based on OSp\((1| 4)\)1998-03-02Paper
Algebraic structure of local symmetries for two-dimensional superparticles on a curved external background1998-03-01Paper
Generation of certain matrix groups by three involutions, two of which commute1998-03-01Paper
Multiloop \(\Phi^3\) amplitudes from bosonic string theory1998-02-26Paper
Coupled minimal models with and without disorder1998-02-26Paper
On the soliton-free structure of scattering data on perturbation of a two-dimensional soliton for the Davey-Stewartson equation II1998-02-25Paper
The four variational principles of mechanics1998-02-25Paper
One-dimensional autonomous systems and dissipative systems1998-02-25Paper
Master equation for an oscillator coupled to the electromagnetic field1998-02-25Paper
On the spectral solution of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in spherical and cylindrical regions1998-02-25Paper
Closed orbits and semiclassical wavefunctions in two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems1998-02-25Paper
The semiclassical limit of a quantum Fermi accelerator1998-02-25Paper
Lagrange interpolation based at the zeros of orthonormal polynomials with Freud weights1998-02-25Paper
Existence of perfect 3-deletion-correcting codes1998-02-25Paper
Color-critical graphs and hypergraphs with few edges and no short cycles1998-02-25Paper
A partial resummation of diagrams in the two-dimensional lattice fermion model with Pauli-Villars regularization1998-02-23Paper
Arithmetic progression sums of binomial coefficients1998-02-22Paper
Permutations which are the union of an increasing and a decreasing subsequence1998-02-18Paper
Eigenforms of the spin Laplacian and projectable spinors for principal bundles1998-02-17Paper
Scheduling imprecise computation tasks with \(0/1\)-constraint1998-02-17Paper
Euclidean \(D\)-branes and higher-dimensional gauge theory1998-02-17Paper
Periodic solution of a Mathieu-Duffing type equation1998-02-16Paper
On the least degree of polynomials bounding above the differences between multiplicities and length of generalized fractions1998-02-16Paper
An eigenvalue characterization of antipodal distance-regular graphs1998-02-15Paper
Some applications of the proper and adjacency polynomials in the theory of graph spectra1998-02-12Paper
On subgroups of the general linear group over a commutative von Neumann regular ring1998-02-11Paper
Duality for minmax \(B\)-vex programming involving \(n\)-set functions1998-02-09Paper
Pressure-based semi-analytical solution of radial Stokes flows1998-02-09Paper
The domination property for efficiency in locally convex spaces1998-02-09Paper
Bounds and characterizations of authentication/secrecy schemes1998-02-09Paper
Spectral concentration and perturbed discrete spectra1998-02-09Paper
Solving a class of optimal control problems which are linear in the control variable by the method of orienting curves1998-02-08Paper
SHP simulation of multi-phase flow1998-02-08Paper
On comparison of spline regularization with exponential sampling method for Laplace transform inversion1998-02-08Paper
Oscillations of means in the ergodic theorem1998-02-04Paper
Lyapunov's direct method in estimates of topological entropy1998-02-03Paper
To the memory of V. N. Popov1998-02-03Paper
Some exact representations for the mass current in \(^3\)He-A and their zero temperature implications1998-02-03Paper
Swell wave propagation in an inhomogeneous ice sheet1998-02-03Paper
On the validity of the dispersion model of hepatic drug elimination when intravascular transit time densities are long-tailed1998-02-02Paper
Tiling rectangles and half strips with congruent polyominoes1998-02-01Paper
Experimental and numerical investigation of the shock-induced fluidization of a particles bed1998-02-01Paper
Behavior of detonation waves at low pressures1998-02-01Paper
Error-bound wavelength selection for spectral rendering1998-02-01Paper
Binocular coupling in chameleon saccade generation1998-02-01Paper
Convergence of multidimensional cascade algorithm1998-02-01Paper
Mixed integer programming for strategic decision support in the slaughter by-product chain1998-01-28Paper
On \(k\)-\(EP\) matrices1998-01-28Paper
Epidemic thresholds and vaccination in a lattice model of disease spread1998-01-28Paper
Direct and inverse dynamics of a very flexible beam1998-01-28Paper
Solution methods for the balancing of jet turbines1998-01-28Paper
Resistance of a CAST-like encryption algorithm to linear and differential cryptanalysis1998-01-27Paper
Infinite-energy dyon-like solutions for Yang-Mills-Higgs theory1998-01-27Paper
Factorization of differential operators with rational functions coefficients1998-01-27Paper
A potential reduction approach to the frequency assignment problem1998-01-26Paper
Two packing problems1998-01-26Paper
The dynamics of an elastic membrane using the impulse method1998-01-26Paper
The street sweeping problem1998-01-25Paper
A time domain unstructured grid approach to the simulation of electromagnetic scattering in piecewise homogeneous media1998-01-25Paper
On differential \(\varepsilon\)-selections1998-01-25Paper
On depth of Boolean functions in arbitrary complete basis1998-01-25Paper
Finite element modelling of surface tension effects using a Lagrangian-Eulerian kinematic description1998-01-21Paper
The equivalence of stress- and strain-based plasticity theories1998-01-21Paper
On the consistent tangent operator algorithm for thermo-plastic problems1998-01-21Paper
Remarks on Kalton's paper: ``Compact convex sets and complex convexity1998-01-21Paper
A linear programming approach to solving a jointly constrained bilinear programming problem with special structure1998-01-21Paper
Impact of a viscoplastic rod against an elastic obstacle1998-01-21Paper
Firing sequences and processes of Petri nets1998-01-21Paper
Minimizing the product of two discrete convex functions1998-01-21Paper
On the stability of the characterization of double-composed random variables1998-01-21Paper
Probabilistic control of chaos: Chaotic maps under control1998-01-21Paper
A semi-infinite programming model for earliness/tardiness production planning with simulated annealing1998-01-21Paper
A remark on generalized variational inequalities in locally convex topological vector spaces1998-01-21Paper
Performance evaluation issues in real-time parallel signal processing and control1998-01-14Paper
On simple frame valuations in many dimensions1998-01-14Paper
Method of simple-body centroids1998-01-14Paper
On spectral analysis of an integral-difference operator1998-01-14Paper
On the violation of the ``traditional criterion for the existence of an optimal control1998-01-14Paper
On linear continuous open surjections of the spaces \(C_ p(X)\)1998-01-12Paper
Gel'fand pair associated with the quantum group of motions of the plane and \(q\)-Bessel functions1998-01-12Paper
High-frequency projection method for plane problems of wave diffraction on dielectric bodies1998-01-11Paper
Estimation of transport coefficient for systems of plasma transport equations1998-01-11Paper
Remarks on the real Jacobian conjecture and Samuelson maps1998-01-11Paper
Approximate collocation method for an integral equation with a logarithmic kernel1998-01-08Paper
A mean behavior model of aerobic biodegradation in heterogeneous formation1998-01-07Paper
Generalized synchronization of chaos in electronic circuit experiments1998-01-07Paper
On the automorphism group of the one-rooted binary tree1998-01-07Paper
Nonlinear wave dynamics in two-temperature electron-positron-ion plasma1998-01-07Paper
Operator versions of inequalities and equalities on a Hilbert space1998-01-06Paper
String theory and an integrable model in two-dimensional gravity with dynamical torsion1998-01-06Paper
A finite element formulation for modal analysis of twisted rotating elastic beams1998-01-05Paper
Effect of secondary flows on contaminant dispersion with weak boundary absorption1998-01-05Paper
On splitting the inverse problem for a multidimensional parabolic equation1998-01-05Paper
On groups with infinitely many right orders1998-01-05Paper
Infinite matrices and Cesàro sequence spaces1998-01-05Paper
Parametric identification of multibody models for crash victim simulation1998-01-04Paper
The complete solution for constrained delay problems in the calculus of variations by unconstrained methods1998-01-01Paper
Foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science. 17th conference, Kharagpur, India, December 18--20, 1997. Proceedings1997-12-21Paper
The Chebyshev hyperplane optimization problem1997-12-18Paper
A numerical comparison of some modified controlled random search algorithms1997-12-18Paper
A new subgraph of minimum weight triangulations1997-12-17Paper
A closed-form approximate solution of lateral buckling of doubly symmetric thin-walled members considering shear lag1997-12-17Paper
Anisotropic polynomial constitutive equations for electroelastic crystals1997-12-17Paper
Some global properties of a pair of coupled maps: Quasi-symmetry, periodicity, and synchronicity1997-12-17Paper
Phase model analysis of two lasers with injected field1997-12-17Paper
Convergence of the dual variables for the primal affine scaling method with unit steps in the homogeneous case1997-12-17Paper
Fuzzy inventory with backorder for fuzzy order quantity1997-12-17Paper
A recursive method for finding the inverse of a CSP matrix1997-12-17Paper
Exact solutions for interacting rules in generalized modus ponens with parameterized implication functions1997-12-17Paper
On the quasi-convexity of trinomial arcs1997-12-17Paper
Infinite-volume of reduced s-d model with antiferromagnetically coupled impurities1997-12-17Paper
Systems with refusal1997-12-15Paper
Numerical boundary conditions for solar magnetic hydrodynamic flows using the method of characteristics1997-12-15Paper
An efficient storage scheme for reduced chemical kinetics based on orthogonal polynomials1997-12-15Paper
On spline regularized inversion of noisy Laplace transforms1997-12-15Paper
Planar and non-planar nonlinear dynamics of suspended cables under random in-plane loading. I: Single internal resonance1997-12-14Paper
Todhunter's `The conflict of studies' and other essays1997-12-14Paper
Numerical study of wave processes in a pressure-wave refrigerator1997-12-14Paper
String cosmological models of Bianchi type-III1997-12-14Paper
Treatment of material discontinuity in the element-free Galerkin method1997-12-14Paper
Improving the divide-and-conquer approach to sum-of-pairs multiple sequence alignment1997-12-14Paper
(0, 1)-matrices with no half-half submatrix of ones1997-12-14Paper
Rational functions associated with double infinite sequences of complex numbers1997-12-14Paper
Asymptotic expansions of the generalized Bessel polynomials1997-12-14Paper
About semiclassical polynomials on the unit circle corresponding to the class (2,2)1997-12-14Paper
Study of interface constraints in a composite assembly consisting of two preconstraint plates or two heated plates1997-12-14Paper
Unsteady compressible boundary layer flow in the stagnation region of a sphere with a magnetic field1997-12-11Paper
Thermal dispersion effects on non-Darcy natural convection over horizontal plate with surface mass flux1997-12-11Paper
A unified approach to two types of evolutionary random response problems in engineering1997-12-11Paper
Large-deflection bending of symmetrically laminated rectilinearly orthotropic elliptical plates including transverse shear1997-12-11Paper
Multiresolution reproducing kernel particle methods1997-12-11Paper
Digital image-based modeling applied to the homogenization analysis of composite materials1997-12-11Paper
A coupled conduction, convection and radiation problem for three insulated cables suspended in air1997-12-11Paper
General boundary element method for nonlinear heat transfer problems governed by hyperbolic heat conduction equation1997-12-11Paper
Finite dynamic deformations of smart structures1997-12-11Paper
Numerical evaluation of J\(_{2}\)-integral for rubbery materials under dynamic loads with finite element method1997-12-11Paper
Aharonov-Bohm and other cyclic phenomena1997-12-10Paper
Large-time behavior of solutions of a system of PDE's governing diffusion processes in a heterogeneous medium1997-12-10Paper
Some typical properties of symmetrically continuous functions, symmetric functions and continuous functions1997-12-10Paper
Large sets containing copies of small sets1997-12-10Paper
An integral mean value theorem for regulated functions1997-12-10Paper
The Darboux property for gradients1997-12-10Paper
On characterizing extendable connectivity functions by associated sets1997-12-10Paper
Kubota's AD-integral is more general than Burkill's AP-integral1997-12-10Paper
A thermodynamic model for magnetorheological fluids1997-12-10Paper
Noh's constant-velocity shock problem revisited1997-12-10Paper
The formation of a secondary shock wave behind a shock wave diffracting at a convex corner1997-12-10Paper
Dimensional reduction for Helmholtz's equation on a bounded domain1997-12-10Paper
A block representation for products of hyperbolic Householder transforms1997-12-09Paper
Generalized trade-off directions in multiobjective optimization problems1997-12-09Paper
Analysis of hypersonic shock-wave laminar boundary-layer interaction phenomena1997-12-09Paper
A wall-distance-free low Re \(k\)-\(\varepsilon\) turbulence model1997-12-03Paper
On a conservative polar discretization of the Boltzmann equation1997-12-03Paper
A new algorithm for the assignment problem: An alternative to the Hungarian method1997-12-02Paper
Lie algebraic treatment of the degenerate parametric amplifier1997-12-02Paper
An exact graph coloring algorithm using color exchange1997-12-02Paper
Gert analysis of two-stage deferred sampling plan1997-12-02Paper
Use of data envelopment analysis in assessing information technology impact on firm performance1997-12-02Paper
Alternative discriminant vectors in LP models and a regularization method1997-12-02Paper
Stringy corrections to Kaluza-Klein black holes1997-12-02Paper
Heterotic/type I duality and D-brane instantons1997-12-02Paper
Bose symmetry and chiral decomposition of 2D fermionic determinants1997-12-02Paper
Instability of a superconducting line vortex1997-11-26Paper
Transition to chaos in the conservative four-wave parametric interactions1997-11-26Paper
Random design wavelet curve smoothing1997-11-26Paper
Lie-theoretic generating functions of multivariable generalized Bessel functions1997-11-25Paper
Coping with uncertainty in map learning1997-11-25Paper
Sound and complete rules for data reification1997-11-25Paper
Modelling the number and location of sidings on a single line railway1997-11-25Paper
On the complete integrability of the static axially symmetric self-dual gauge field equations for an arbitrary group1997-11-23Paper
Roughness of a fuzzy set1997-11-19Paper
A short proof of optimality of the bottom up algorithm for discrete resource allocation problems1997-11-19Paper
Analysis of bifurcation and chaos of tension-slack oscillator by Lyapunov exponent1997-11-18Paper
Ratchets driven by harmonic and white noise1997-11-18Paper
Analysis of complex and chaotic patterns near a codimension-2 Turing-Hopf point in a reaction-diffusion model1997-11-18Paper
Noninformative Bayesian testing and neutral Bayes factors1997-11-17Paper
The evaluation of Feynman graphs for a (2+1)-dimensional nonrelativistic electron gas1997-11-17Paper
On the perturbed Lagrangian formulation for nearly incompressible and incompressible hyperelasticity1997-11-13Paper
An eight-node curvilinear differential quadrature formulation for Reissner/Mindlin plates1997-11-13Paper
Temporal, spatial and thermal features of 3-D Rayleigh-Bénard convection by a least-squares finite element method1997-11-13Paper
Three-dimensional solution for simply-supported piezoelectric cylindrical shell for axisymmetric load1997-11-13Paper
The Babuška-Brezzi condition and the patch test: An example1997-11-13Paper
Three-dimensional mixed explicit-implicit generalized Galerkin spectral element methods for high-speed turbulent compressible flows1997-11-13Paper
Linear structure, evolutions and phases1997-11-13Paper
Chaos and destochastization in a two-dimensional network of coupled quadratic mappings1997-11-12Paper
Nonlinear stress analysis problems by spectral collocation methods1997-11-12Paper
A stability problem for discrete-time linear periodic systems1997-11-12Paper
The WTC and ARS Painlevé tests1997-11-12Paper
Duality in robust linear regression using Huber's \(M\)-estimator1997-11-12Paper
Stochastic simulations of two-dimensional composite packings1997-11-06Paper
Numerical conformal mapping via the Bergman kernel1997-11-06Paper
Symmetrizability of differential equations having orthogonal polynomial solutions1997-11-06Paper
Analysis and compuation of a cyclic plasticity model by aid of Ddassl1997-11-06Paper
Optimal design of piezoelectric microstructures1997-11-06Paper
A statistical theory of fatigue crack growth at damage cumulation1997-11-06Paper
The analytical solution of an unsteady gas flow with shocks1997-11-06Paper
Formulation of boundary value problems of statics for thin elastic asymmetrically-laminated anisotropic plates and solution using functions of a complex variable1997-11-04Paper
Asymptotic solution of the problem of the interaction of a plate with a foundation inhomogeneous in depth1997-11-04Paper
The conditions for the nonlinear stability of plane and helical MHD flows1997-11-04Paper
The axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a non-uniform plate of variable thickness1997-11-04Paper
The motion of an absolutely rigid body on a two-degrees-of-freedom joint in a uniform gravitational field1997-11-04Paper
Some problems in the theory of differential pursuit games in systems with distributed parameters1997-11-04Paper
The possibility of equilibrium positions of rapidly rotating bodies in gravitational fields1997-11-04Paper
The effect of slight anisotropy on the properties of shock waves in a compressible elastic medium1997-11-04Paper
On the existence of MFD intermediate shock waves for rectilinear motion in some models of plasma1997-11-04Paper
Numerical simulation of a class of integro-partial differential equations using a transformation technique1997-11-04Paper
Invertible preservers of certain decomposable tensors1997-11-04Paper
Inertial motion of an absolutely rigid body on a two-degrees-of-freedom joint1997-11-03Paper
Bifurcations of steady states in systems with rolling under constant force perturbations1997-11-03Paper
Calculation of the cavitating flow around a circular cone by a subsonic stream of a compressible fluid1997-11-03Paper
Parameterization of nonlinear \(H^ \infty\) state-feedback controllers1997-10-30Paper
Multigrid methods to accelerate convergence of element-by-element solution algorithms for viscous incompressible flows1997-10-30Paper
Wave pattern characteristics of a two-phase nozzle flow by shock propagation1997-10-30Paper
Quantum Liouville field theory as solution of a flow equation1997-10-29Paper
Different approaches for bosonization in higher dimensions1997-10-29Paper
Static cylindrically symmetric gravitational field with cosmological constant1997-10-28Paper
The instability of Lagrangian configurations of attracting point masses1997-10-28Paper
Global dynamic stability of a shallow arch by Poincaré-like simple cell mapping1997-10-28Paper
The study of a parametrically excited nonlinear mechanical system with the continuation method1997-10-28Paper
Penrose's volume: An investigation of the principles of Athenian architecture1997-10-28Paper
Friction-weighted self-consistent effective binary diffusion approximation1997-10-28Paper
On playing fair: Professor Binmore on game theory and the social contract1997-10-28Paper
Sensitivity analysis of rigid-flexible multibody systems1997-10-28Paper
On Hamiltonian averaging theories and resonance1997-10-28Paper
Injections of bodies into bodies are continuous1997-10-28Paper
Low-dimensional description of oscillatory thermal convection: The small Prandtl number limit1997-10-28Paper
Shock wave reflection over wedges: A benchmark test for CFD and experiments1997-10-28Paper
Elastic contact between a cylindrical surface and a flat surface. -- A non-Hertzian model of multi-asperity contact1997-10-28Paper
Continuum dynamics of a peptide chain1997-10-28Paper
Decoupling the normal modes of continuous symmetric structures using group representation theory1997-10-28Paper
Extinction of diffusion flames with nonunity Lewis numbers1997-10-26Paper
On hydrodynamic instability of the flame-wedge1997-10-26Paper
Topological flow structures in backward-facing step channels1997-10-26Paper
A numerical model of slug flow in vertical tubes1997-10-26Paper
An exact axisymmetric solution for a simply supported piezoelectric cylindrical shell1997-10-26Paper
Hybrid solution of the averaged Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent flow1997-10-26Paper
A fast algorithm for the minimax flow problem with 0/1 weights1997-10-26Paper
Mass, momentum and total excess energy transported by a weak plane \(N\) wave1997-10-26Paper
A theoretical foundation of the DSSSL location model1997-10-26Paper
On the asymptotic performance of IDA1997-10-26Paper
Nonmonotonic consequences in default domain theory1997-10-26Paper
Radiative transfer in a two-dimensional rectangular annulus medium1997-10-26Paper
An improved multistage time stepping for second-order upwind and TVD schemes1997-10-26Paper
Effect of particle inertia on the instability of a particle-laden flow1997-10-26Paper
Solution-adaptive grid generation for compressible flow1997-10-26Paper
Three-dimensional viscous flow simulation in a backswept centrifugal impeller at the design point1997-10-26Paper
Local mesh refinement within a multi-block structured-grid scheme for general flows1997-10-26Paper
Parameter sensitivity of inelastic buckling and post-buckling response1997-10-26Paper
Large displacement analysis of thin plates and shells using a flat facet finite element formulation1997-10-26Paper
Void formation and growth in a class of compressible solids1997-10-20Paper
Quadtree grid generation: Information handling, boundary fitting and CFD applications1997-10-20Paper
Interpretation of the behavior of metals under large plastic shear deformations: A macroscopic approach1997-10-20Paper
Maximal \(j\)-simplices in the real \(d\)-dimensional unit cube1997-10-20Paper
Micromechanical modeling of low cycle fatigue under complex loadings. I: Theoretical formulation. II: Applications1997-10-20Paper
Analytical expansion of the Earth's zonal potential in terms of KS regular elements1997-10-20Paper
Adaptive inverse control using a gradient-projection optimization technique.1997-01-01Paper
Propagation of pressure shocks in radiating fluids with variable transport coefficients1997-01-01Paper
A dissipation rate equation for low-Reynolds-number and near-wall turbulence1997-01-01Paper
A dynamic recurrent neural-network-based adaptive observer for a class of nonlinear systems1997-01-01Paper
On Hamilton cycles in cubic \((10,n)\)-metacirculant graphs1995-01-01Paper

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