Spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices

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DOI10.1007/978-1-4419-0661-8zbMath1301.60002OpenAlexW1586554030MaRDI QIDQ1039514

Jack W. Silverstein, Zhi-Dong Bai

Publication date: 30 November 2009

Published in: Springer Series in Statistics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-0661-8

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INFORMATION-PLUS-NOISE TYPE MATRICES, RANDOM COVARIANCE MATRICES: UNIVERSALITY OF LOCAL STATISTICS OF EIGENVALUES UP TO THE EDGE, TRUNCATIONS OF HAAR DISTRIBUTED MATRICES, TRACES AND BIVARIATE BROWNIAN BRIDGES, THE ABSOLUTE POSITIVE PARTIAL TRANSPOSE PROPERTY FOR RANDOM INDUCED STATES, EIGENVALUE VARIANCE BOUNDS FOR WIGNER AND COVARIANCE RANDOM MATRICES, Likelihood-based tests on moderate-high-dimensional mean vectors with unequal covariance matrices, Estimation of low-rank matrices via approximate message passing, Singular vector and singular subspace distribution for the matrix denoising model, Testing high dimensional covariance matrices via posterior Bayes factor, High-dimensional limits of eigenvalue distributions for general Wishart process, Estimation of high-dimensional integrated covariance matrix based on noisy high-frequency data with multiple observations, Statistical Inference for High-Dimensional Global Minimum Variance Portfolios, Circular law for sparse random regular digraphs, Multidimensional scaling of noisy high dimensional data, Kernel estimators for Marčenko-Pastur law of quaternion sample covariance matrices, Fluctuations of Marchenko-Pastur limit of random matrices with dependent entries, The Hadamard product and the free convolutions, On some spectral properties of large self-dual dilute quaternion random matrices, Tridiagonal random matrix: Gaussian fluctuations and deviations, On the convergence of the extremal eigenvalues of empirical covariance matrices with dependence, RDS free CLT for spiked eigenvalues of high-dimensional covariance matrices, Asymptotic distribution of singular values for matrices in a spherical ensemble, Optimal shrinkage of eigenvalues in the spiked covariance model, The sparse circular law under minimal assumptions, A local echo state property through the largest Lyapunov exponent, The spectra of random mixed graphs, Asymptotics of AIC, BIC and \(C_p\) model selection rules in high-dimensional regression, Matrix means and a novel high-dimensional shrinkage phenomenon, Tracy-Widom limit for the largest eigenvalue of high-dimensional covariance matrices in elliptical distributions, Fundamental limits of weak recovery with applications to phase retrieval, Convergence rate of eigenvector empirical spectral distribution of large Wigner matrices, On optimal bounds in the local semicircle law under four moment condition, Universality for certain Hermitian Wigner matrices under weak moment conditions, Central limit theorems for eigenvalues of deformations of Wigner matrices, Singular value distribution of dense random matrices with block Markovian dependence, Exponential growth of random determinants beyond invariance, Central limit theorem of linear spectral statistics of high-dimensional sample correlation matrices, On the eigenstructure of covariance matrices with divergent spikes, Wavelet eigenvalue regression in high dimensions, Limit theory for the largest eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices with heavy-tails, Halting time is predictable for large models: a universality property and average-case analysis, Most powerful test against a sequence of high dimensional local alternatives, Hurwitz and the origins of random matrix theory in mathematics, Convergence rates of eigenvector empirical spectral distribution of large dimensional sample covariance matrix, Comparison between two types of large sample covariance matrices, Hypothesis testing for high-dimensional covariance matrices, Distribution of eigenvalues of large Euclidean matrices generated from \(l_p\) ellipsoid, Limiting spectral distribution of a symmetrized auto-cross covariance matrix, Estimation in High-Dimensional Analysis and Multivariate Linear Models, Convergence rates of the spectral distributions of large random quaternion self-dual Hermitian matrices, Exchangeable pairs, switchings, and random regular graphs, A Survey on the Eigenvalues Local Behavior of Large Complex Correlated Wishart Matrices, Random matrix techniques in quantum information theory, The Marčenko-Pastur law for sparse random bipartite biregular graphs, Hypothesis testing on linear structures of high-dimensional covariance matrix, Joint convergence of sample autocovariance matrices when \(p/n\to 0\) with application, SHRINKAGE ESTIMATION OF MEAN-VARIANCE PORTFOLIO, Concentration of the empirical spectral distribution of random matrices with dependent entries, The limiting spectral distribution in terms of spectral density, Convergence rates of spectral distributions of large dimensional quaternion sample covariance matrices, Some sphericity tests for high dimensional data based on ratio of the traces of sample covariance matrices, Convergence of the empirical spectral distribution function of beta matrices, The circular law for random regular digraphs, From random matrices to long range dependence, Small screening design when the overall variance is unknown, Model-free tests for series correlation in multivariate linear regression, Hypothesis testing for the identity of high-dimensional covariance matrices, Outlier Eigenvalues for Deformed I.I.D. Random Matrices, Random matrix theory for heavy-tailed time series, The limiting spectral distribution for large sample covariance matrices with unboundedm-dependent entries, A limit theorem on moment convergence of centered spectral statistics of random matrices, The eigenstructure of the sample covariance matrices of high-dimensional stochastic volatility models with heavy tails, SOME REMARKS ON THE DOZIER–SILVERSTEIN THEOREM FOR RANDOM MATRICES WITH DEPENDENT ENTRIES, The circular law for sparse non-Hermitian matrices, The two-to-infinity norm and singular subspace geometry with applications to high-dimensional statistics, Testing for independence of large dimensional vectors, On connections between the theory of random operators and the theory of random matrices, THE SPECTRUM OF RANDOM KERNEL MATRICES: UNIVERSALITY RESULTS FOR ROUGH AND VARYING KERNELS, Estimation of deviation for random covariance matrices, Universality for the largest eigenvalue of sample covariance matrices with 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support of the limiting spectral distribution of quaternion sample covariance matrices, Local laws for non-Hermitian random matrices and their products, On the singular value distribution of large-dimensional data matrices whose columns have different correlations, Global one-sample tests for high-dimensional covariance matrices, Limiting Spectral Distributions of Sums of Products of Non-Hermitian Random Matrices, Positive solutions for large random linear systems, Generalized SURE for optimal shrinkage of singular values in low-rank matrix denoising, Random matrix models for datasets with fixed time horizons, Deterministic Parallel Analysis: An Improved Method for Selecting Factors and Principal Components, Limit Theorems for Two Classes of Random Matrices with Dependent Entries, Computing Spectral Measures of Self-Adjoint Operators, Quantitative Version of a Silverstein’s Result, Unnamed Item, On Asymptotic Expansion and Central Limit Theorem of Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for Sample Covariance Matrices when ${N/M\rightarrow0}$, On the universality of spectral limit for random matrices with martingale differences entries, Fine asymptotics for models with Gamma type moments, Spectra of adjacency and Laplacian matrices of inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi random graphs, Random matrices with independent entries: Beyond non-crossing partitions, A Unifying Tutorial on Approximate Message Passing, Detection and Estimation of Block Structure in Spatial Weight Matrix, Rate of convergence to the Circular Law via smoothing inequalities for log-potentials, The strong circular law: A combinatorial view, Random non-Abelian G-circulant matrices. Spectrum of random convolution operators on large finite groups, Circular law for random matrices with unconditional log-concave distribution, The conjugate gradient algorithm on a general class of spiked covariance matrices, Asymptotic coincidence of the statistics for degenerate and non-degenerate correlated real Wishart ensembles