Mixing: Properties and examples

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zbMath0801.60027MaRDI QIDQ1320432

Paul Doukhan

Publication date: 24 April 1994

Published in: Lecture Notes in Statistics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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Nonparametric estimation of the residual entropy function with censored dependent data, Grouped effects estimators in fixed effects models, A note on weak convergence of the sequential multivariate empirical process under strong mixing, Phantom distribution functions for some stationary sequences, A definition of qualitative robustness for general point estimators, and examples, Estimating beta-mixing coefficients via histograms, Joint empirical likelihood confidence regions for a finite number of quantiles under strong mixing samples, Conditional quantile estimation with truncated, censored and dependent data, On Edgeworth expansions for dependency-neighborhoods chain structures and Stein's method, Nonparametric estimation of conditional medians for linear and related processes, Asymptotic properties of conditional quantile estimator for censored dependent observations, Kernel regression estimation for continuous spatial processes, A note on asymptotic normality of kernel estimation for linear random fields on \(Z^{2}\), Strong pointwise consistency of the \(k_T\)-occupation time density estimator, A locally asymptotically powerful test for nonlinear autoregressive models, A large deviation inequality for \(\beta\)-mixing time series and its applications to the functional kernel regression model, Weakly dependent chains with infinite memory, Nonparametric estimation of level sets under minimal assumptions, Variable selection in neural network regression models with dependent data: a subsampling approach, Strong convergence in nonparametric regression with truncated dependent data, Strong Gaussian approximations of product-limit and quantile processes for truncated data under strong mixing, Asymptotic normality and Berry-Esseen results for conditional density estimator with censored and dependent data, Asymptotic normality of wavelet density estimator under censored dependent observations, Weakly dependent functional data, Smooth quantile estimators under strong 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comparison of time series, Nonparametric regression estimation with general parametric error covariance, The asymptotic behavior of quadratic forms in \(\varphi\)-mixing random variables, Bootstrap inference in local polynomial regression of time series, Inference for the limiting cluster size distribution of extreme values, On periodic GARCH processes: stationarity, existence of moments and geometric ergodicity, Multivariate contemporaneous-threshold autoregressive models, A semiparametric panel model for unbalanced data with application to climate change in the United Kingdom, Semiparametric quantile regression estimation in dynamic models with partially varying coefficients, A generalization of Hoeffding's lemma, and a new class of covariance inequalities, Learning near-optimal policies with Bellman-residual minimization based fitted policy iteration and a single sample path, A Berry-Esseen theorem for sample quantiles under weak dependence, A Berry-Esseen type bound in kernel 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inference, On the asymptotical normality of statistical solutions for harmonic crystals in half-space, Rosenthal's inequality for LPQD sequences, Least-square estimation for regression on random designs for absolutely regular observations, Statistical inference for reciprocal gamma diffusion process, Nearest neighbor conditional estimation for Harris recurrent Markov chains, Testing linearity for NARX models, Cramér type moderate deviations for self-normalized \(\psi \)-mixing sequences, Central limit theorem and the bootstrap for \(U\)-statistics of strongly mixing data, Empirical likelihood estimation of discretely sampled processes of OU type, Subspace estimation and prediction methods for hidden Markov models, Asymptotic normality of nonparametric estimators under \(\alpha\)-mixing condition, Empirical distributions in marked point processes, On the distribution of tail array sums for strongly mixing stationary sequences, The asymptotic distribution of nonparametric estimates of the Lyapunov exponent for stochastic time series, On the bootstrap and the moving block bootstrap for the maximum of a stationary process, A nonparametric goodness-of-fit test for a class of parametric autoregressive models, A bootstrap approximation to the joint distribution of sum and maximum of a stationary sequence, Functional estimation for time series: Uniform convergence properties, Longitudinal data with nonstationary errors: A nonparametric three-stage approach, Estimation and test of linearity for a class of additive nonlinear models, Estimation of conditional \(L_1\)-median from dependent observations, On convergence rates for quadratic errors in kernel hazard estimation, A note on variable selection in nonparametric regression with dependent data, On bandwidth selection in partial linear regression models under dependence, Asymptotic properties in partial linear models under dependence, Functional nonparametric model for time series: a fractal approach for dimension reduction, A new weak dependence condition and applications to moment inequalities, Sequential point estimation of parameters in a threshold AR(1) model, Strong convergence of estimators in nonlinear autoregressive models, Hypoelliptic stochastic Fitzhugh-Nagumo neuronal model: mixing, up-crossing and estimation of the spike rate, From Metropolis to diffusions: Gibbs states and optimal scaling., Sharp error terms and necessary conditions for exponential hitting times in mixing processes., A law of large numbers for random walks in random mixing environments., Asymptotic normality of estimators in heteroscedastic errors-in-variables model, Plug-in bandwidth choice for estimation of nonparametric part in partial linear regression models with strong mixing errors, Local likelihood density estimation on random fields, On the cusum of squares test for variance change in nonstationary and nonparametric time series models, An integrate-and-fire model to generate spike trains with long-range dependence, Partial mixing and Edgeworth expansion, Lyapunov exponents of Poisson shot-noise velocity fields., Asymptotic properties for LS estimators in EV regression model with dependent errors, Simpler PAC-Bayesian bounds for hostile data, Quenched phantom distribution functions for Markov chains, The blockwise bootstrap for general empirical processes of stationary sequences, On the central limit theorem for \(U\)-statistics under absolute regularity, A smooth block bootstrap for quantile regression with time series, About the Berry-Esseen theorem for weakly dependent sequences, A note on density mode estimation, Wavelet linear density estimator for a discrete-time stochastic process: \(L_ p\)-losses, On the asymptotic normality of sequences of weak dependent random variables, Empirical likelihood for conditional quantile with left-truncated and dependent data, Strict stationarity and mixing properties of asymmetric power GARCH models allowing a signed volatility, Continuity and differentiability of regression M functionals, Nonparametric relative error regression for spatial random variables, Asymptotic Palm likelihood theory for stationary point processes, Empirical likelihood for heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables model with \(\alpha\)-mixing errors, Asymptotic normality of wavelet estimator in heteroscedastic model with \(\alpha\)-mixing errors, Kernel spatial density estimation in infinite dimension space, Abrupt change in mean using block bootstrap and avoiding variance estimation, Asymptotic properties of conditional distribution estimator with truncated, censored and dependent data, Consistent estimation of complete neuronal connectivity in large neuronal populations using sparse ``shotgun neuronal activity sampling, Empirical likelihood inference for partially time-varying coefficient errors-in-variables models, Consistency of minimum description length model selection for piecewise stationary time series models, Sieve maximum 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rho-mixing, Density estimation in \(\mathbb{L}^\infty\) norm for mixing processes, Variable length Markov chains, Limit theorems for regression models of time series of counts, Some properties of stochastic volatility model that are induced by its volatility sequence, A triangular central limit theorem under a new weak dependence condition, Stable limits for Markov chains via the principle of conditioning, Mixing inequalities in Riesz spaces, Variable screening for high dimensional time series, Estimation of the asymptotic variance of univariate and multivariate random fields and statistical inference, Central limit theorem for exponentially quasi-local statistics of spin models on Cayley graphs, Subsampling weakly dependent time series and application to extremes, Rejoinder on: Subsampling weakly dependent time series and application to extremes, Local polynomial estimation of a conditional mean function with dependent truncated data, Study of the consistency of a stochastic algorithm under mixing, Large deviations for martingales., Adaptive estimation of mean and volatility functions in (auto-)regressive models., Regular variation of GARCH processes., On optimal spatial subsample size for variance estimation, Consistent and asymptotically normal parameter estimates for hidden Markov mixtures of Markov models, Asymptotic distributions of M-estimators in a spatial regression model under some fixed and stochastic spatial sampling designs, Coupling for \(\tau\)-dependent sequences and applications, Upper bounds for spatial point process approximations, Test for parameter change in stochastic processes based on conditional least-squares estimator, New dependence coefficients. Examples and applications to statistics, A note on estimating the conditional expectation under censoring and association: strong uniform consistency, Recursive identification of systems with binary-valued outputs and with ARMA noises, Efficient estimation of the mode of continuous multivariate data, Regression-type inference in nonparametric autoregression, Strong approximation of density estimators from weakly dependent observations by density estimators from independent observations, Convergence of a stochastic approximation version of the EM algorithm, The sequential estimation in stochastic regression model with random coefficients, A central limit theorem for a random quadratic form of strictly stationary processes, Necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency of \(M\)-estimates in regression models with general errors, Weak dependence beyond mixing and asymptotics for nonparametric regression, Time and Palm stationarity of repairable systems, Misspecified structural change, threshold, and Markov-switching models., A consistent test for nonlinear out of sample predictive accuracy., Model specification tests in nonparametric stochastic regression models, The local bootstrap for Markov processes, Block length selection in the bootstrap for time series, On the asymptotic distribution of a multivariate GR-estimate for a VAR(\(p\)) time series., Establishing geometric drift via the Laplace transform of symmetric measures, Optimal asymptotic quadratic errors of density estimators on random fields., Local likelihood of quantile difference under left-truncated, right-censored and dependent assumptions, The Number of MCMC Draws Needed to Compute Bayesian Credible Bounds, Statistical tools for discovering pseudo-periodicities in biological sequences, Model selection for (auto-)regression with dependent data, Density Estimation for One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, Exponential inequalities and functional central limit theorems for random fields, Cutoff for 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Consistency rates and asymptotic normality of the high risk conditional for functional data, A nonparametric conditional mode estimate, Bandwidth selection for kernel regression with correlated errors, Parameter estimation for Fisher–Snedecor diffusion, ESTIMATION OF AND INFERENCE ABOUT THE EXPECTED SHORTFALL FOR TIME SERIES WITH INFINITE VARIANCE, M-Procedures for Detection of Changes for Dependent Observations, Entry and return times distribution, A Progressive Block Empirical Likelihood Method for Time Series, Limit theorems for random transformations and processes in random environments, Maximum of partial sums and an invariance principle for a class of weak dependent random variables, Spectral representation of transition density of Fisher–Snedecor diffusion, Finite sample properties of system identification of ARX models under mixing conditions, Prediction of time series by statistical learning: general losses and fast rates, Asymptotics for linear random fields, Consistency rates and asymptotic normality of the high risk conditional for functional data, Large-sample inference in the general AR(1) model, Uniform consistency rate of kNN regression estimation for functional time series data, deviation bounds for additive functionals of markov processes, Least Squares Variogram Fitting by Spatial Subsampling, Fixed size confidence regions for parameters of threshold AR(1) models, Properties of the nonparametric autoregressive bootstrap, Kernel deconvolution of stochastic volatility models, Inference for Observations of Integrated Diffusion Processes, The change-of-variance function: A tool to explore the effects of dependencies in spatial statistics, A new semiparametric spatial model for panel time series, Subsampling Continuous Parameter Random Fields and a Bernstein Inequality, Hellinger distance estimation of SSAR models, Normal approximation for quasi-associated random fields, Plug-in bandwidth choice in partial linear models with autoregressive errors, Extremes of Stationary Sequences with Failures, Nonparametric testing for correlation models with dependent data, Nonconventional limit theorems, Robust estimates for arch processes, Central limit theorems for long range dependent spatial linear processes, Testing for Granger causality with mixed frequency data, Statistics of Robust Optimization: A Generalized Empirical Likelihood Approach, Perturbation-based inference for diffusion processes: Obtaining effective models from multiscale data, A Functional Central Limit Theorem for Integrals of Stationary Mixing Random Fields, Local Likelihood for non‐parametric ARCH(1) models, Estimation of Nonparametric Autoregressive Time Series Models Under Dynamical Constraints, Towards a Unified Approach for Proving Geometric Ergodicity and Mixing Properties of Nonlinear Autoregressive Processes, Absolute regularity of semi-contractive GARCH-type processes, Testing in partial linear regression models with dependent errors, Central limit theorems for functionals of stationary germ-grain models, Nonparametric Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Expected Shortfall, Estimating tail decay for stationary sequences via extreme values, Almost sure relative stability of the maximum of a stationary sequence, Approximations of the Restless Bandit Problem, Asymptotic properties for the estimators in heteroscedastic semiparametric EV models with α-mixing errors, Unnamed Item, Mixtures of Nonlinear Poisson Autoregressions, Comments on: Some recent theory for autoregressive count time series, Non-parametric estimation of reciprocal coordinate subtangent for right censored dependent scheme, A new limit result in change point analysis, A Consistent Estimator for Linear Models with Dependent Observations, LOCAL POLYNOMIAL QUASI-LIKELIHOOD REGRESSION ON RANDOM FIELDS, A Functional Wavelet–Kernel Approach for Time Series Prediction, Asymptotic normality in conditional wavelet density with left-truncated α-mixing observations, Testing for a 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column-wise dependence, Density and hazard rate estimation for censored and α-mixing data using gamma kernels, A Fourier analysis of extreme events, Nonparametric estimation and inference for conditional density based Granger causality measures, A Local Linear Least-Absolute-Deviations Estimator of Volatility, Subsampling for continuous-time almost periodically correlated processes, Extremal indices, geometric ergodicity of Markov chains and MCMC, Exploring spatial nonlinearity using additive approximation, On the rosenthal inequality for mixing fields, Nonparametric estimation of the stationary density and the transition density of a Markov chain, Empirical Likelihood for Conditional Density Under Left Truncation and α-Mixing Condition, Bahadur-Kiefer theory for sample quantiles of weakly dependent linear processes, Spline-backfitted kernel smoothing of nonlinear additive autoregression model, Testing Independence in Linear Process with Non-Normal Innovations, Modeling statistical dependence of Markov chains via copula models, Nonlinear wavelet estimator of the regression function under left-truncated dependent data, Nonparametric density estimation for nonmixing approximable stochastic processes, Asymptotic normality of variance estimator in a heteroscedastic model with dependent errors, On the statistical properties of a stationary process sampled by a stationary point process, Adaptive estimation of the transition density of a particular hidden Markov chain, Optimal and superoptimal rates of frequency polygons for continuous-time processes., Convergence of Hermite Series Density Estimators Under Conditions of Weak Dependence, Covariance estimation under spatial dependence, Strong Gaussian Approximations of Product-Limit and Quantile Processes for Strong Mixing and Censored Data, Blockwise bootstrap testing for stationarity, Stable limits of martingale transforms with application to the estimation of GARCH parame\-ters, Sum-functions of spacings of increasing order, Sequential empirical process in autoregressive models with measurement errors, Subsampling Variance Estimation for Non‐stationary Spatial Lattice Data, Non‐parametric Regression with Dependent Censored Data, Let's fix it: fixed-\(b\) asymptotics versus small-\(b\) asymptotics in heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust inference, Extensions of some classical methods in change point analysis, Qualitative robustness of statistical functionals under strong mixing, Reverse chaos may not be a curseexamples of stationary reverse chaotic sequences whose density can be estimated with optimal i.i.d. rate, Almost sure central limit theorem for exceedance point processes of stationary sequences, Inference for mean change-point in infinite variance \(AR(p)\) process, Some mixing properties of conditionally independent processes, Transient random walks on a strip in a random environment, Strong consistency result of a non parametric conditional mode estimator under random censorship for functional regressors, Asymptotic properties of Markov-modulated random sequences with fast and slow timescales, Weak convergence of Markov-modulated random sequences, Asymptotic Properties of Error Density Estimator in Regression Model Under α-Mixing Assumptions, Berry–Esseen type bounds in heteroscedastic errors-in-variables model, Semi-Parametric Density Estimation for Time-Series with Multiplicative Adjustment, Local Estimation in AR Models with Nonparametric ARCH Errors, Remarks on Asymptotic Independence, Averaged number of visits, Local-Likelihood Transformation Kernel Density Estimation for Positive Random Variables, Parameter Estimation for Inhomogeneous Space‐Time Shot‐Noise Cox Point Processes, Nonparametric estimation for dependent data, Properties of the neural network sieve bootstrap, Multiplicative Adjustment Method for Semiparametric Regression with Mixing Dependent Data, Towards localisation by Gaussian random potentials in multi-dimensional continuous space, A test of normality using nonparametrlic residuals, Regeneration-based statistics for Harris recurrent Markov chains, Exact asymptotics for estimating the marginal density of discretely observed diffusion proc\-esses, Nonparametric forecasting: a comparison of three kernel-based methods, Improved generalized method of moments estimators for weakly dependent observations, Large deviations and ruin probabilities for solutions to stochastic recurrence equations with heavy-tailed innovations, Distance estimates for dependent superpositions of point processes, Nonparametric estimation of the conditional variance function with correlated errors, On stationarity and \(\beta\)-mixing property of certain nonlinear \(\text{GARCH}(p,q)\) models, Kahane-Khintchine inequalities and functional central limit theorem for stationary random fields., A new covariance inequality and applications., Robust kernel estimators for additive models with dependent observations, Second-order expansion for the maximum of some stationary Gaussian sequences., Compound Poisson approximation of word counts in DNA sequences, About the Lindeberg method for strongly mixing sequences, A weak invariance principle for cumulated functionals of the regressogram estimator with dependent data, Structural Laplace Transform and Compound Autoregressive Models, A Simple Estimator of Error Correlation in Non-parametric Regression Models, THE CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM FOR UNIFORMLY STRONG MIXING MEASURES, A spectral domain test of isotropic properties for irregularly spaced spatial data, ARBITRARY FUNCTIONAL GLIVENKO-CANTELLI CLASSES AND APPLICATIONS TO DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEPENDENCE, Asymptotics for semi-strong augmented GARCH(1,1) model, SUBGEOMETRICALLY ERGODIC AUTOREGRESSIONS, Recursive kernel regression estimation under α – mixing data, Wavelet-based estimation of regression function for dependent biased data under a given random design, Generalized binary vector autoregressive processes, Asymptotics of surface waves over random bathymetry, Strong Approximation of Quantile Function for Strong Mixing and Censored Processes, Multiplicative deconvolution in survival analysis under dependency, Consistency result of recursive conditional distribution estimate for dependent data under left truncation, with applications to the conditional quantile, Local linear estimate of the point at high risk: Spatial functional data case, Local asymptotic normality for long-memory process with strong mixing noises, Asymptotic normality of conditional density estimation under truncated, censored and dependent data, Spatial local linear estimation of the L1-conditional quantiles for functional regressors, Non parametric estimation of the conditional density function with right-censored and dependent data, Consistency of a nonparametric least squares estimator in integer-valued GARCH models, Strong Consistency Rate for the Kernel Mode Estimator Under Strong Mixing Hypothesis and Left Truncation, Testing for the Equality of Two Autoregressive Functions Using Quasi-Residuals, Almost complete convergence for the sequence of approximate solutions in linear calibration problem with α-mixing random data, Almost sure limit theorems for the maxima of stochastic volatility models, Geometric ergodicity of the multivariate COGARCH(1,1) process, A Dynamic Taylor’s law, Second order expansions of estimators in nonparametric moment conditions models with weakly dependent data, Misspecified semiparametric model selection with weakly dependent observations, RESIDUAL-BASED GARCH BOOTSTRAP AND SECOND ORDER ASYMPTOTIC REFINEMENT, UNIFORM CONVERGENCE RATES OF KERNEL-BASED NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATORS FOR CONTINUOUS TIME DIFFUSION PROCESSES: A DAMPING FUNCTION APPROACH, AN ALMOST CLOSED FORM ESTIMATOR FOR THE EGARCH MODEL, IDENTIFYING LATENT GROUPED PATTERNS IN COINTEGRATED PANELS, Convergence Analysis of Stochastic Structure-Preserving Schemes for Computing Effective Diffusivity in Random Flows, Missing not at random and the nonparametric estimation of the spectral density, Mean convergence for intermediately trimmed Birkhoff sums of observables with regularly varying tails, Estimation of the limit variance for sums under a new weak dependence condition, Long range dependence of heavy-tailed random functions, Subgeometric ergodicity and β-mixing, On Eagleson's theorem in the non‐stationary setup, Unnamed Item, Asymptotic normality of the local linear estimation of the conditional density for functional time-series data, Some Asymptotic Properties Between Smooth Empirical and Quantile Processes for Dependent Random Variables, Ratio tests for variance change in nonparametric regression, Uncommon suffix tries, A Central Limit Theorem in Non‐parametric Regression with Truncated, Censored and Dependent Data, Multiscale functional inequalities in probability: Concentration properties, Dependent Lindeberg central limit theorem and some applications, Empirical likelihood methods for discretely observed Gaussian moving averages, On the rate of convergence for the length of the longest common subsequences in hidden Markov models, On sequential spectral analysis of amplitude-modulated time series, Berry-Esseen type bounds of the estimators in a semiparametric model under linear process errors with α-mixing dependent innovations, Asymptotic variance of Newton–Cotes quadratures based on randomized sampling points, Dependent Wild Bootstrap for the Empirical Process, A Smooth Block Bootstrap for Statistical Functionals and Time Series, Unnamed Item, A new spectral analysis of stationary random Schrödinger operators, Uniform almost sure convergence and asymptotic distribution of the wavelet-based estimators of partial derivatives of multivariate density function under weak dependence, NONPARAMETRIC EULER EQUATION IDENTIFICATION AND ESTIMATION, Indirect inference for time series using the empirical characteristic function and control variates, ITERATIONS OF DEPENDENT RANDOM MAPS AND EXOGENEITY IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, A Gaussian Mixture Autoregressive Model for Univariate Time Series, Optimal convergence rates for the invariant density estimation of jump-diffusion processes