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zbMath0416.46043MaRDI QIDQ3205815

Gert Kjaergård Pedersen

Publication date: 1979

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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The countable chain condition for \(C^\ast\)-algebras, On the \(K\)-theoretic classification of topological phases of matter, Crossed product extensions of spectral triples, Reduced crossed products associated with Banach algebra dynamical systems, The \((\ast\ast)\)-Haagerup property for \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Partial actions and KMS states on relative graph \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Spectral order on \(AW^\ast\)-algebras and its preservers, Minimal ambient nuclear \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Orthogonality in \(C^{*}\)-algebras, On an intermediate bivariant \(K\)-theory for \(C^*\)-algebras, Some automatic continuity theorems for operator algebras and centralizers of Pedersen's ideal, Decomposition of invariant states and nonseparable C*-algebras, Functional form of unitary representations of the quantum `\(az+b\)' group., Convergence in the dual of a \(\sigma\)-complete \(C^*\)-algebra, Geometric characterization of tripotents in real and complex JB\(^{*}\)-triples, The model theory of modules of a \(C^*\)-algebra, Tracial algebras and an embedding theorem, On C*-algebras from interval maps, Some mixed Hodge structures on \(l^{2}\)-cohomology groups of coverings of Kähler manifolds, Star product realizations of \(\kappa \)-Minkowski space, Baumslag-Solitar group \(C^*\)-algebras from interval maps, Tensor products of type III factor representations of Cuntz-Krieger algebras, Orthogonality-preserving, \(C^{*}\)-conformal and conformal module mappings on Hilbert \(C^{*}\)-modules, Integrability of dual coactions on Fell bundle \(C^*\)-algebras, Some algebraic structures related to a quantum system with infinite degrees of freedom, Maximal subalgebras of C\(^*\)-algebras associated with periodic flows, Convolution semigroups of states, Complementary inner ideals in JBW\(^*\)-triples, Semi-invertible extensions of \(C^{*}\)-algebras, A Dixmier-Douady theorem for Fell algebras, Families of type III KMS states on a class of \(C^*\)-algebras containing \(O_n\) and \({\mathcal Q}_{\mathbb N}\), The Kadison-Singer problem for the direct sum of matrix algebras, Deformations of quantum field theories on spacetimes with Killing vector fields, Restricted algebras on inverse semigroups. II: Positive definite functions, Regularity for stably projectionless, simple \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Compact group automorphisms, addition formulas and Fuglede-Kadison determinants, Phase transition on Exel crossed products associated to dilation matrices, Quantization of branched coverings, A descent homomorphism for semimultiplicative sets, Noncommutative geometry and classification of elliptic operators, On positivity and roots in operator algebras, Revisiting the Farey AF algebra, On a class of nonlocal elliptic operators for compact Lie groups. Uniformization and finiteness theorem, On the index of nonlocal elliptic operators for compact Lie groups, Countable degree-1 saturation of certain \(C^*\)-algebras which are coronas of Banach algebras, \(C^*\)-crossed products by \(\mathbb R\). III: Traces, AF-embedding of crossed products of certain graph \(C^\ast\)-algebras by quasi-free actions. II, KMS states on \(C^\ast\)-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs, Subprojective Banach spaces, Crossed products for interactions and graph algebras, The dual Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity, The reflexive closure of the adjointable operators, Automatic continuity and amenability in the non-commutative Schwartz space, Sign of a perturbed massive Dirac operator and associated Fredholm module, Variance of operators and derivations, Phase transition in \(O_{2}\), Pure states on Cuntz algebras arising from geometric progressions, Quantum spectral symmetries, Elliptic dilation-contraction problems on manifolds with boundary. \(C^*\)-theory, A new bicommutant theorem, Strict deformation quantization of a particle in external gravitational and Yang-Mills fields, Exactness of locally compact groups, The classification of simple separable unital \(\mathcal{Z}\)-stable locally ASH algebras, Rokhlin dimension for flows, KMS states and conformal measures, The Cuntz semigroup and comparison of open projections, Operator algebras with contractive approximate identities, Warped convolutions, Rieffel deformations and the construction of quantum field theories, Infinite non-simple \(C\)*-algebras: absorbing the Cuntz algebra \({\mathcal O}_\infty\), Non-commutative Poisson boundaries and compact quantum group actions, \(*\)-regularity of certain generalized group algebras, Disordered fermions on lattices and their spectral properties, A Galois correspondence for compact group actions on C\(^{\ast}\)-algebras, Quasi-multipliers of operator spaces, Finite group actions on \(C^*\)-algebras with the Rohlin property. I, Weighted projections and Riesz frames, On the facial structure of the unit ball in the dual space of a JB\(^*\)-triple, Continuous spectrum of automorphism groups and the infraparticle problem, Some results of Katznelson-Tzafriri type, Noncommutative extension of an integral representation theorem of entropy, On super-KMS functionals and entire cyclic cohomology, K-theory of reduced \(C^*\)-algebras and rapidly decreasing functions on groups, C*-algebras and automorphism groups, Preservers of \(\lambda\)-Aluthge transforms, Self-similar graphs, a unified treatment of Katsura and Nekrashevych \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Spectral triples for noncommutative solenoidal spaces from self-coverings, A note on majorization and range inclusion of adjointable operators on Hilbert \(C^\ast\)-modules, Spectral flow invariants and twisted cyclic theory for the Haar state on \(SU_q(2)\), \(C^*\)-algebras generated by semigroups, On convolution products and automorphisms in Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras, Local facial structure and norm-exposed faces of the unit ball in a \(\mathrm{JB}^\ast\)-triple, Orthogonality in \(\ell _p\)-spaces and its bearing on ordered Banach spaces, Characterization of central elements of operator algebras by inequalities, The Floquet theory and the state density of quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators, Abstract Bott periodicity in KK-theory, Derivations from subalgebras of operator algebras: Results and problems old and new, Positive one-parameter semigroups on ordered Banach spaces, Noncommutative topological dynamics and compact actions on \(C^*\)- algebras, Norms of inner derivations for multiplier algebras of \(C^*\)-algebras and group \(C^*\)-algebras, Decomposition rank of approximately subhomogeneous \(C^*\)-algebras, On some norm equalities in pre-Hilbert \(C^{\ast}\)-modules, Orthogonality preserving property for pairs of operators on Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, Isometries of absolute order unit spaces, Rieffel deformation via crossed products, Simple and prime crossed products of \(C^*\)-algebras by compact quantum group coactions, A generalized Fourier inversion theorem, Fredholm modules on P.C.F. self-similar fractals and their conformal geometry, On the Exel crossed product of topological covering maps, Commutativity and ideals in strongly graded rings., A noncommutative extended de Finetti theorem, The ideal property, the projection property, continuous fields and crossed products, Measuring noncommutativity in \(C^{*}\)-algebras, Kazhdan's property T and \(C^{*}\)-algebras, Equivariant maps and bimodule projections, Spaces of tilings, finite telescopic approximations and gap-labeling, Quantum logic and non-commutative geometry, A geometry on the space of probabilities. II: Projective spaces and exponential families, Central kernels of subspaces of JB\(^{*}\)-triples, Hereditary \(C^\ast\)-subalgebra lattices, Perturbation of \(\ell_1\)-copies in preduals of \(\operatorname{JBW}^\ast\)-triples, Separable representations, KMS states, and wavelets for higher-rank graphs, On a \(KK\)-theoretic counterpart of relative index theorems, Korovkin-type properties for completely positive maps, One-sided ideals of the non-commutative Schwartz space, \(C^\ast\)-algebras of holonomy-diffeomorphisms \& quantum gravity. II, Quantitative BT-theorem and automatic continuity for standard von Neumann algebras, Unique state extension and hereditary \(C^*\)-algebras, Continuous quasi-states on \(C^*\)-algebras, Deformations of super-KMS functionals, Approximate equivalence for representations of \(C^*\)-algebras and \(C^*\)-dynamical systems, On the boundary barycentric calculus, On amenable groups of automorphisms on von Neumann algebras, Low energy bands do not contribute to quantum Hall effect, Free and residually finite-dimensional \(C^*\)-algebras, The Atiyah-Segal completion theorem for \(C^*\)-algebras, Bitraces on partial \(O^{\ast}\)-algebras, On representations associated with completely \(n\)-positive linear maps on pro-\(C^{*}\)-algebras, Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles. II, On classifying monotone complete algebras of operators, Crossed products of \(C^*\)-correspondences by amenable group actions, C\(^*\)-bialgebra defined by the direct sum of Cuntz algebras, A dynamical systems approach to the Kadison-Singer problem, Groups with compact open subgroups and multiplier Hopf \(^*\)-algebras, A complex semigroup approach to group algebras of infinite dimensional Lie groups, The pressure in operator algebras, Spectrum of a homogeneous graph, The solutions to some operator equations, Hecke algebras for protonormal subgroups., The Atiyah-Singer index formula for subelliptic operators on contact manifolds. I., Non-commutative generalisations of Urysohn's lemma and hereditary inner ideals, The Rohlin property for automorphisms of the Jiang-Su algebra, Phase transition on the Toeplitz algebra of the affine semigroup over the natural numbers, Measures from Dixmier traces and zeta functions, Bost-Connes type systems for function fields, Ideals of factors, Combinatorial independence in measurable dynamics, On the commutant of \(C(X)\) in \(C^*\)-crossed products by \(\mathbb Z\) and their representations, A noncommutative Brooks-Jewett theorem, Geometric mean of states and transition amplitudes, The classification of certain non-simple \(C^*\)-algebras of tracial rank zero, Decomposing the essential spectrum, The \(G\)-Fredholm property of the \(\bar{\partial}\)-Neumann problem, The smallness problem for \(C^{*}\)-algebras, Stable outer conjugacy and strong Morita equivalence of group actions on pro-\(C^{*}\)-algebras, Traceless AF embeddings and unsuspended \(E\)-theory, Operator algebras and the Fredholm spectrum of advective equations of linear hydrodynamics, Bulk-boundary correspondence for disordered free-fermion topological phases, Convolution type \(C^*\)-algebras, Relatively weakly open convex combinations of slices and scattered \(\mathrm{C}^*\)-algebras, The extension problem for graph \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Simple stably projectionless C*-algebras with generalized tracial rank one, A Perron Frobenius theory for representations of locally compact Abelian groups, On \(\mathcal O\mathcal L_{\infty}\) structure of nuclear, quasidiagonal \(C^{*}\)-algebras, On Morita equivalence of nuclear C*-algebras, On factorial states of operator algebras, Dimension functions and traces on C*-algebras, Absolute continuity for linear forms on \(B^*\)-algebras and a Radon- Nikodým type theorem (quadratic version), Some contact points of mathematics and physics, Operator algebras associated with free products of groups with amalgamation, Produits finis de commutateurs dans les \(C^*\)-algèbres, A \(C^*\)-algebraic Schoenberg theorem, The theory and structure of dual JB-algebras, Minimal projections, integrable representations and property (T), The classification of rotational rotation \(C^*\)-algebras, Perturbation theory for groups and lattices, Power's property and simple \(C^*\)-algebras, The Fourier algebra as an order ideal of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra, Multipliers of \(AW^*\)-algebras, Spectral theory of group representations and their nonstandard hull, The KMS condition and spectral passivity in group duality, Relative locality of derivations, AF subalgebras of certain crossed products, A local version of the Dauns-Hoffmann theorem, Unbounded derivations tangential to compact groups of automorphisms. II, Compact derivations relative to semifinite von Neumann algebras, \(C^*\)-algebras associated with rotation groups and characters, Translation group and spectrum condition, The energy-momentum spectrum in local field theories with broken Lorentz- symmetry, The minimal primal ideal space and AF-algebras, Why there is a field algebra with a compact gauge group describing the superselection structure in particle physics, Crossed-products by finite index endomorphisms and KMS states., Isometries between \(C^ *\)-algebras., \({\mathcal COL}_p\) spaces -- the local structure of non-commutative \(L_p\) spaces, Particle weights and their disintegration. I, Particle weights and their disintegration. II, Jones index theory for Hilbert \(C^*\)-bimodules and its equivalence with conjugation theory, Crossed products whose primitive ideal spaces are generalized trivial \(\hat G\)-bundles, Operations on continuous bundles of \(C^*\)-algebras, Hecke algebras, type III factors and phase transitions with spontaneous symmetry breaking in number theory, Extension of covariant POV-measures in von Neumann algebras, Lattice of tripotents in a \(\text{JBW}^*\)-triple, Non-compact quantum groups associated with Abelian subgroups, Superstable semigroups of operators, The quantum structure of spacetime of the Planck scale and quantum fields, Strong semicontinuity for unbounded operators, Spectral invariance of smooth crossed products, and rapid decay locally compact groups, Induced representation and Frobenius reciprocity for compact quantum groups, Traces, unitary characters and crossed products by \(\mathbb{Z}\), A Rohlin property for one-parameter automorphism groups, \(K_ 0\) of multiplier algebras of \(C^*\)-algebras with real rank zero, Discrete groups of unitary isometries and balls in hyperbolic manifolds, Rickart \(C^*\)-algebras are \(\sigma\)-normal, Identifying derivations through the spectra of their values, Property \( T^{**}\) for \( C^*\)-algebras, Generalized Fredholm properties for invariant pseudodifferential operators, Involutive gradings of JBW\(^{*}\)-triple factors, The Heisenberg-Lorentz quantum group, Morphisms of extensions of \(C^*\)-algebras: Pushing forward the Busby invariant, Foundations of an equivariant cohomology theory for Banach algebras. II, The local multiplier algebra of a C\(^*\)-algebra. II, On the pseudo-manifold of quantum states, Compact sequences in quasifractal algebras, On the classification of group actions on \(C^*\)-algebras up to equivariant \(KK\)-equivalence, On vector-valued characters for noncommutative function algebras, A new proof of Kirchberg's \(\mathcal{O}_2\)-stable classification, The approximation property and exactness of locally compact groups, The KMS condition for the homoclinic equivalence relation and Gibbs probabilities, Halmos' two projections theorem for Hilbert \(C^\ast\)-module operators and the Friedrichs angle of two closed submodules, New multiplicative perturbation bounds for the generalized polar decomposition, Reduced \(C^*\)-algebras of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups, Boundary maps for \(C^*\)-crossed products with \(\mathbb R\) with an application to the quantum Hall effect, On the structure of KMS states of disordered systems, Decomposition rank and absorbing extensions of type I algebras, Separation properties in the primitive ideal space of a multiplier algebra, Operator version of the best approximation problem in Hilbert \(C^\ast\)-modules, Bounded trace \(C^*\)-algebras and integrable actions, Crossed products of the Cantor set by free minimal actions of \(\mathbb Z^d\), \(K_0\)-group of absolute matrix order unit spaces, Trace spaces of counterexamples to Naimark's problem, The polar decomposition for adjointable operators on Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules and centered operators, Quantum groups, from a functional analysis perspective, Continuity of the dual Haar measure, A note on crossed products, \(C^\ast\)-algebras generated by mappings. Classification of invariant subspaces, Roe \(C^*\)-algebra for groupoids and generalized Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for foliated manifolds, Finite presentation, the local lifting property, and local approximation properties of operator modules, Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated with product systems over right LCM semigroups, Continuous-trace \(k\)-graph \(C^*\)-algebras, The modular group and super-KMS functionals, On the \(K\)-theory of some \(C^*\)-algebras of Toeplitz and singular integral operators, Random walks on groups and KMS states, Pullback and pushout constructions in \(C^*\)-algebra theory, The possible temperatures for flows on a simple AF algebra, Continuous analogues of Fock space. IV: Essential states, Symmetry groups and non-abelian cohomology, Equivariant entire cyclic cohomology. I: Finite groups, A note on quasi-diagonal \(C^*\)-algebras and homotopy, Towards a ``pointless generalisation of Yang-Mills theory, The D-CTC condition is generically fulfilled in classical (Non-quantum) statistical systems, Representation and approximation of the polar factor of an operator on a Hilbert space, Operator \(K\)-theory and its applications, Deformation quantization of Heisenberg manifolds, Twisted crossed products of \(C^*\)-algebras. II, Geometric invariants of the quantum Hall effect, \(C^*\)-algèbres de Hopf et théorie de Kasparov équivariante. (Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras and equivariant Kasparov theory), KK-groups for generalized operator algebras. II, Stable rank of \(C^*\)-algebras of type I, Metric geometry in homogeneous spaces of the unitary group of a \(C^*\)-algebra. I: Minimal curves, Central and convolution Herz-Schur multipliers, Witten deformation using Lie groupoids, Normal product states for fermions and twisted duality for CCR- and CAR- type algebras with application to the \(Yukawa_ 2 \)quantum field model, The density of states for almost periodic Schrödinger operators and the frequency module: A counter example, Lifting theorems for completely positive maps, Order structures, traces and weights on Morita equivalent C*-algebras, Proof of the conjecture of A. Grothendieck on the Fuglede-Kadison determinant, Measures on projections and physical states, A spectral characterization of KMS states, Measures on the lattice of closed inner ideals in a spin triple, Pure infiniteness of spectral algebras, Rieffel induction as generalized quantum Marsden-Weinstein reduction, Markov dilations of semigroups of Fourier multipliers, Finite approximation properties of \(C^\ast\)-modules, Haar systems, KMS states on von Neumann algebras and \(C^*\)-algebras on dynamically defined groupoids and noncommutative integration, Separating points by inclusions of \(\mathcal{O}_\infty\), On injectivity and nuclearity for operator spaces, Primitive limit algebras and C\(^{*}\)-envelopes, Norms of certain functions of a distinguished Laplacian on the \(ax+b\) groups, On the state space of \(C^*\)-algebras, A bounded sequence of normal functionals has a subsequence which is nearly weakly convergent, Local properties of ternary rings of operators and their linking \(C^{*}\)-algebras, Elliptic \(G\)-operators on manifolds with isolated singularities, Discrete magnetic Laplacian, A relative bicommutant theorem: the stable case of Pedersen's question, A note on asymptotic homomorphisms, When does continuity on the center imply continuity?, A Kirillov theory for divisible nilpotent groups, Representing Yosida-Hewitt decompositions for classical and non-commutative vector measures, Multiple noncommutative tori as quantum symmetry groups, On Birkhoff-James and Roberts orthogonality, Endomorphisms of \(\mathcal{B(H)}\). II: Finitely correlated states on \(\mathcal{O}_n\), An equivariant Brauer group and actions of groups on \(C^*\)-algebras, On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of von Neumann algebras, Preferred traces on \(C^{\ast}\)-algebras of self-similar groupoids arising as fixed points, On a pair of automorphisms of \(C^*\)-algebras, Equilibrium states on operator algebras associated to self-similar actions of groupoids on graphs, Herz-Schur multipliers of dynamical systems, Infinite simple \(C^*\)-algebras and reduced cross products of abelian \(C^*\)-algebras and free groups, \(C^*\)-algebra distance filters, Characterizing projections among positive operators in the unit sphere, Lefschetz numbers and geometry of operators in \(W^*\)-modules, On the Borel enveloping \(C^*\)-algebra of a \(C^*\)-algebra, On integral representations of linear forms, Gel'fand pair associated with the quantum group of motions of the plane and \(q\)-Bessel functions, Quasidiagonal morphisms and homotopy, Quantum actions on discrete quantum spaces and a generalization of Clifford's theory of representations, Closed range and nonclosed range adjointable operators on Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, Semantics for a quantum programming language by operator algebras, Naimark's problem for graph \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Quantization of constrained systems with singularities using Rieffel induction, On conditional expectations arising from group actions, Constructing irreducible representations of discrete groups, Linear maps on \(\mathrm{C}^\ast\)-algebras which are derivations or triple derivations at a point, Amenability and uniform Roe algebras, The proof of inseparable prime \(AW^*\)-algebras being primitive \(C^*\)-algebras, Roberts orthogonality and Davis-Wielandt shell, A geometric characterization of structural projections on a JBW\(^{\ast}\)-triple., Semicrossed products generated by two commuting automorphisms, Faithful inner ideals in \(JBW^{\ast}\)-triples, On real operator spaces, A prime \(C^{*}\)-algebra that is not primitive, Serre-Swan theorem for non-commutative \(C^*\)-algebras., Crossed-products extensions, of \(L_p\)-bounds for amenable actions, On invariants of \(\mathrm C^{\ast}\)-algebras with the ideal property, On the stability of some preservers, Polarized states on the Weyl algebra, The Connes-Kasparov conjecture for almost connected groups and for liner \(p\)-adic groups, Crossed products and entropy of automorphisms., Non-simple purely infinite \(C^{*}\)-algebras: The Hausdorff case., Integrable and proper actions on \(C^*\)-algebras, and square-integrable representations of groups, An extension of compact operators by compact operators with no nontrivial multipliers, A differential complex for CAT(0) cubical spaces, KMS states of self-similar \(k\)-graph \(C^*\)-algebras, Quasidiagonality of \(C^\ast\)-algebras of solvable Lie groups, A solution of the maximality problem for one-parameter dynamical systems, Noncommutative Cantor-Bendixson derivatives and scattered \(C^*\)-algebras, The small projections property of \(C^\ast\)-algebras, The unit ball of an injective operator space has an extreme point, Construction of globalizations for partial actions on rings, algebras, \(C^\ast\)-algebras and Hilbert bimodules, KMS states on \(C^{\ast}\)-algebras associated to a family of \(\ast\)-commuting local homeomorphisms, On the unit sphere of positive operators, Closed quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups, Characterizing type I \(C^*\)-algebras via entropy, Free group representations from vector-valued multiplicative functions. I, On stability of \(C^*\)-algebras, Discrete product systems and twisted crossed products by semigroups, A Bott periodicity theorem for infinite dimensional Euclidean space, Morita-Rieffel equivalence and spectral theory for integrable automorphism groups of \(C^*\)-algebras, An algebraic framework for group duality, Inner ideals and facial structure of the quasi-state space of a JB-algebra, Hilbert \(C^*\) and \(W^*\)-modules and their morphisms, Diagonalizing operators in Hilbert modules over \(C^*\)-algebras, Geometry and topology of operators on Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, On the \(K\)-theory of \(C^*\)-algebras of principal groupoids, Outer automorphisms of the generic dynamics factor, Representations of invariant multilinear maps on Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules, Locally representable one-parameter automophism groups of AF algebras and KMS states, An infinite analogue of rings with stable rank one, Almost periodicity of mild solutions of inhomogeneous periodic Cauchy problems, Concavity of eigenvalue sums and the spectral shift function, Noncommutative Riemann integration and Novikov-Shubin invariants for open manifolds, Weak crossed products and a generalisation of a result of Sarason, Compatible subtriples of Jordan \(^*\)-triples, A quantum spin system with random interactions. I, Operator theory in the \(C^*\)-algebra framework, The operator quantization of the open bosonic string: Field algebra, Super-derivations, Simple \(C^*\)-algebras with unique tracial states and quantized topological spaces, The central hull and central kernel in JBW\(^*\)-triples, Covariant completely positive maps and liftings, The Heisenberg group and \(K\)-theory, A density theorem on the operator algebra in Pontrjagin space, Symmetrized non-commutative tori, Weak compactness in the dual of a \(C^*\)-algebra is determined commutatively, On non-semisplit extensions, tensor products and exactness of group \(C^*\)-algebras, Disjointness preserving operators on \(C^*\)-algebras, Lipschitz continuity of gap boundaries for Hofstadter-like spectra, Couplings to classical and non-classical squeezed white noise as stationary Markov processes, Jauch-Piron states on von Neumann algebras, Topological dynamical systems of type I, An analysis of completely-positive trace-preserving maps on \({\mathcal M}_{2}\), The Grothendieck inequality for bilinear forms on \(C^*\)-algebras, Locality and differential operators on \(C^*\)-algebras, Projective representations of the Hilbert Lie group \({\mathcal U}(H)_ 2\) via quasifree states on the CAR algebra, K-theory for the leaf space of foliations by Reeb components, Interpretation of AF \(C^*\)-algebras in Łukasiewicz sentential calculus, Markov dilations on \(W^ *\)-algebras, Zeta functions of analytic rings via Euler products, Measurable group actions are essentially Borel actions, Systèmes dynamiques non commutatifs et moyennabilité. (Non commutative dynamical systems and amenability), A note on the classification of UHF-algebras, The relative Dixmier property in discrete crossed products, Harmonic analysis on the free product of two cyclic groups, The homotopy type of the group of automorphisms of a UHF-algebra, Representations of completely bounded multilinear operators, Weakly compact operators on Jordan triples, Compact operators in type \(III_{\lambda}\) and type \(III_ 0\) factors. I, Type I orbits in the pure states of a \(C^ *\)-dynamical system, Embedding product type actions into C *-dynamical systems, Semi-crossed products of C*-algebras, A new look at KK-theory, KK-groups of crossed products by groups acting on trees, Algebraic analogs of the Connes spectrum, The existence of inner invariant means on \(L^{\infty}(G)\), Type I orbits in the pure states of a \(C^ *\)-dynamical system. II, Field algebras in quantum theory with indefinite metric. IV, Locally compact group actions on \(C^ *\)-algebras and compact subgroups, Crossed products of type I AF algebras by Abelian groups, Continuous fields of \(C^*\)-algebras coming from group cocycles and actions, Equivariant KK-theory and the Novikov conjecture, Elementary operators on prime \(C^*\)-algebras. I, Quasi-product actions of a compact abelian group on a \(C^*\)-algebra, Existence of the limiting mean field dynamics in general equilibrium representations, A class of hyponormal operators and \(weak^*\)-continuity of hermitian operators, The index of equivariant elliptic operators over \(C^*\)-algebras, Systems with outer constraints. Gupta-Bleuler electro-magnetism as an algebraic field theory, Characterizations of the trace, Relative Inversion in der Störungstheorie von Operatoren und \(\Psi\)- Algebren. (Relative inversions in perturbation theory of operators and \(\Psi\)-algebras), On generators for derivations from subalgebras of separable \(C^*\)- algebras, The extend centroid of C*-algebras, Sets of states and extreme points, Why the circle is connected: An introduction to quantized topology, On inner ideals in ternary algebras, Embedding \(C^*\)-algebra extensions into AF algebras, Fundamental approximate identities and quasi-multipliers of simple AF \(C^*\)-algebras, Abelian faces of state spaces of C*-algebras, A class of C*-algebras and topological Markov chains, Simplicity of crossed products of GCR algebras by abelian groups, An analogue of the Thom isomorphism for crossed products of a C* algebra by an action of R, Finite sums of commutators in \(C^*\)-algebras, Transformation group C*-algebras with continuous trace, Subcentrality of restrictions of boundary measures on state spaces of C*- algebras, Jensen's inequality for operators and Loewner's theorem, Second-dual, liminal C*-algebras, Prequantization and KMS structures, The KMS condition and passive states, On a problem of Sakai in unbounded derivations, Some observations on the spectra of positive operators on finite- dimensional C*-algebras, Duality type results and ergodic actions of simple Lie groups on operator algebras, The \(C^*\)-algebra of bosonic strings, Complex Borel structure in \(JC\)-algebras, \(G\)-central states of almost periodic type on \(C^*\)-algebras, Characterizations of spectral radius of positive operators of \(C^*\) algebras, Induced representations of crossed products by coactions, Type decomposition for von Neumann algebra embeddings, Lifting positive elements in \(C^*\)-algebras, The Dirichlet problem in \(C^*\)-algebras, On the structure of simple \(C^*\)-algebras tensored with a UHF-algebra, Amenability for twisted covariance algebras and group \(C^*\)-algebras, \(C^*\)-algebras of real rank zero, A weak approximate innerness for abelian actions on \(C^*\)-algebras, Characteristic classes of a \(\Pi\)-algebra and spectral sequences in biinvariant \(K\)-theory., Normal functionals and spaces of weights, Continuity properties of the electronic spectrum of 1D quasicrystals, \(KK\)-theories for topological algebras, The primitive ideal space of twisted covariant systems with continuously varying stabilizers, Inner ideals in \(C^*\)-algebras, On automorphisms of von Neumann algebras constructed by measure space transformations. I, Quantum \(E(2)\) group and its Pontryagin dual, Complete positivity, tensor products and \(C^*\)-nuclearity for inverse limits of \(C^*\)-algebras, Complements to various Stone-Weierstrass theorems for \(C^*\)-algebras and a theorem of Shultz, \(K\)-theory for Rickart \(C^*\)-algebras, Sobolev theory for non commutative tori, Quasi-multipliers of Pedersen's ideal, On the structure of simple \(C^*\)-algebras tensored with a UHF-algebra. II, Projections in full \(C^*\)-algebras of semisimple Lie groups, Quantum \(SU(2)\) and \(E(2)\) groups. Contraction procedure, Certain \(C^*\)-algebras with real rank zero and their corona and multiplier algebras. II, Approximately central matrix units and the structure of noncommutative tori, Finite sums and products of commutators in inductive limit \(C^ \ast\)- algebras, Isomorphisms of UHF-algebras, On the spectrum of the sum of generators for a finitely generated group, A new description of Kasparov's theory of \(C^*\)-algebra extensions, Absolute continuity and Radon-Nikodym type theorems for weights and traces on von Neumann algebras, Algebraic quantization of systems with gauge degeneracy, Quantum measures and states on Jordan algebras, Noncommutative analogs of probabilistic notions and results, Injective envelopes of \(C^*\)-dynamical systems, On the type of a discrete crossed product, Compact operators in type III\(_{\lambda}\) and type III\(_0\) factors, Non-commutative differential geometry, Products of projections, polar decompositions and norms of differences of two projections, KMS states on a generalized Toeplitz algebra, Similarities and differences between real and complex Banach spaces: an overview and recent developments, Characterisations of von Neumann algebras, Noncommutative Choquet simplices, Decomposition of self-adjoint mappings acting on the noncommutative Schwartz space, The Haagerup property for twisted groupoid dynamical systems, A comparison of the Georgescu and Vasy spaces associated to the \(N\)-body problems and applications, The nuclear dimension of \(\mathcal{O}_\infty \)-stable \(C^\ast \)-algebras, Non-amenable tight squeezes by Kirchberg algebras, Bundles of \(C^{*}\)-categories, Quantum Fokker-Planck dynamics, Stability of a \(\sigma _{P}\)-unital continuous field algebra, Completely compact Herz-Schur multipliers of dynamical systems, Absolute compatibility and Poincaré sphere, On spectral characterizations of amenability, An index formula for groups of isometric linear canonical transformations, \(C^*\)-algebras of transmission problems and elliptic boundary value problems with shift operators, Modular conjugation and the implementation of supersymmetry, Some continuous field quantizations, equivalent to the \(C^*\)-Weyl quantization, KMS states and continuous orbit equivalence for ultragraph shift spaces with sinks, Connections between centrality and local monotonicity of certain functions on \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Geometry of manifolds modeled on Hilbert modules, The Dixmier property and tracial states for \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Corrigendum to: ``A local global principle for regular operators in Hilbert \(C^\ast\)-modules, A projection-less approach to Rickart Jordan structures, Property \(T\ C^\ast\)-algebras with amenable tracial states, Fourier integral operators on Lie groupoids, Simple equivariant \(\mathrm{C}^\ast\)-algebras whose full and reduced crossed products coincide, Braided categories of endomorphisms as invariants for local quantum field theories, The norm closed triple semigroup algebra, Quantum symmetries of the twisted tensor products of \(C^*\)-algebras, Hopf actions on vertex operator algebras. II: Smash product, Noncommutative geometry for symmetric non-self-adjoint operators, Absolutely compatible pair of elements in a von Neumann algebra. II, Characterizations of centrality in \(C^*\)-algebras via local monotonicity and local additivity of functions, Homotopy equivalence in unbounded \(KK\)-theory, On the structure of the set of positive maps, Graded \(C^*\)-algebras, Continuous orbit equivalence of topological Markov shifts and KMS states on Cuntz-Krieger algebras, Orthogonality and disjointness preserving linear maps between Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras of locally compact groups, A Serre-Swan theorem for bundles of bounded geometry, The classification of simple separable KK-contractible C*-algebras with finite nuclear dimension, Bergman spaces of natural \(G\)-manifolds, Linear maps which are anti-derivable at zero, Positive type and positive definite functions on matrix valued group algebras, The Rokhlin property for inclusions of \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Quasidiagonal representations of nilpotent groups, Partial isometries in an absolute order unit space, One-parameter groups of orthogonality preservers on \(C^*\)-algebras, Nuclear dimension, \(\mathcal Z\)-stability, and algebraic simplicity for stably projectionless \(C^\ast\)-algebras, The groupoid \(C^\ast\)-algebra of a rational map, Infinite-dimensional Schur-Weyl duality and the Coxeter-Laplace operator., On the relationship between Jordan algebras and their universal enveloping algebras, A Besov algebra calculus for generators of operator semigroups and related norm-estimates, A \(C^{*}\)-analogue of Kazhdan's property (T), Real operator algebras and real positive maps, Quantization of edge currents along magnetic interfaces: a \(K\)-theory approach, Uncountable almost irredundant sets in nonseparable C*-algebras, Equivariant property (SI) revisited, Unitary equivalence of automorphisms of separable \(C^*\)-algebras, Symmetries of Lévy processes on compact quantum groups, their Markov semigroups and potential theory, \(L^2\)-Betti numbers and Plancherel measure, Non-stable \(K\)-theory and extremally rich \(C^\ast\)-algebras, KMS states on the \(C^\ast\)-algebras of finite graphs, The local multiplier algebra of a \(C^\ast\)-algebra with finite dimensional irreducible representations, Twisted \(K\)-theory, \(K\)-homology, and bivariant Chern-Connes type character of some infinite dimensional spaces, Characterization of compact quantum group, The extensions of \(C^{*}\)-algebras with tracial topological rank no more than one, Elliptic operators associated with groups of quantized canonical transformations, Cuntz semigroups of compact-type Hopf C\(^\ast\)-algebras, Isometries on positive definite operators with unit Fuglede-Kadison determinant, Gerbes over posets and twisted \(C^*\)-dynamical systems, Noncommutative boundaries and the ideal structure of reduced crossed products, Kawada-Itô-Kelley theorem for quantum semigroups, A full description of property \(T\) of unital \(C^\ast\)-crossed products, Heisenberg modules as function spaces, Topological centres of weighted convolution algebras, Approximation of the polar factor of an operator acting on a Hilbert space, Index pairings for \(\mathbb{R}^n\)-actions and Rieffel deformations, Generalized quasidiagonality for extensions, The structure of 2-local Lie derivations on von Neumann algebras, \(C^{*}\)-algebras with and without \(\ll\)-increasing approximate units, Contractive linear preservers of absolutely compatible pairs between \(\mathrm{C}^*\)-algebras, Local incompatibility of the microlocal spectrum condition with the KMS property along spacelike directions in quantum field theory on curved spacetime, Boundaries, spectral triples and \(K\)-homology, Weak frames in Hilbert \(C^*\)-modules with application in Gabor analysis, Measures of weak non-compactness in preduals of von Neumann algebras and \(JBW^\ast\)-triples, Sets of multiplicity and closable multipliers on group algebras, Exact circle maps and KMS states, Inverse-closed algebras of integral operators on locally compact groups, Isomorphisms and automorphisms of discrete multiplier Hopf \(C^*\)-algebras, Spatial realisations of KMS states on the \(C^\ast\)-algebras of higher-rank graphs, Norms of inner derivations for multiplier algebras of \(C^\ast\)-algebras and group \(C^\ast\)-algebras. II., Crossed products by spectrally free actions, Orbit representations from matrices, \(^\ast\)-Annihilators in proper \(^\ast\)-semigroups, Derivations with values in the ideal of \(\tau\)-compact operators affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra, Amenability and approximation properties for partial actions and Fell bundles, When do triple operator integrals take value in the trace class?, On Derivations of Certain Algebras Related to Irreducible Triangular Algebras, Sequential w‐right continuity and summing operators, Lieb-Robinson bounds, Arveson spectrum and Haag-Ruelle scattering theory for gapped quantum spin systems, Non-commutative odd Chern numbers and topological phases of disordered chiral systems, Finite Sections of Band-dominated Operators on Discrete Groups, Topologically irreducible representations of the Banach -algebra associated with a dynamical system, Noncommutative Topological Dynamics. I, Topological freeness for \(C^{\ast}\)-correspondences, Elementary operators on the algebra of adjointable operators on a Hilbert module, Vigier's theorem for the spectral order and its applications, On universal representations and universal enveloping locally C*-algebras for locally JB-algebras, Noncommutative Topological Dynamics. II, Examples of non-compact quantum group actions, Pointwise unitary automorphism groups, On Induced Covariant Systems, Principe d'Oka, K-théorie et systèmes dynamiques non commutatifs. (Oka's principle, K-theory and noncommutative dynamical systems), Quantization of the Poisson SU(2) and its Poisson homogeneous space - the 2-sphere, Parabolic induction and restriction via -algebras and Hilbert -modules, Permanence properties for crossed products and fixed point algebras of finite groups, Extended centroid and central closure of semiprime normed algebras. a first approach, Purely infinite corona algebras of simple C\(^*\)-algebras, The Levi problem on strongly pseudoconvex \(G\)-bundles, Nuclear dimension of simple stably projectionless \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Quantum logic is undecidable, How the norm one positive definite functions determine a finite group, Hölder classes via semigroups and Riesz transforms, Abelian von Neumann algebras, measure algebras and \(L^\infty\)-spaces, On classification of nonunital amenable simple \(C^\ast\)-algebras. III: The range and the reduction, On the representation of semigroup \(C^\ast\)-algebra as a crossed product, Homomorphisms from AH-algebras, C*-algebras from planar algebras I: Canonical C*-algebras associated to a planar algebra, Product systems of C*-correspondences and Baaj-Skandalis duality, Quantum Metric Spaces and the Gromov-Hausdorff Propinquity, Morita equivalence and Pedersen ideals, Nuclear dimension and 𝒵-stability of non-simple 𝒞*-algebras, A CHARACTERISATION OF CENTRAL ELEMENTS IN -ALGEBRAS, Ext and OrderExt Classes of Certain Automorphisms of C*-Algebras Arising from Cantor Minimal Systems, Ideal Structure of Multiplier Algebras of Simple C*-algebras With Real Rank Zero, The structure of the Brauer group and crossed products of $C_0(X)$-linear group actions on $C_0(X,\mathcal K)$, The Inner Corona Algebra of a C0(X)-Algebra, Star ring homomorphisms between commutative Banach algebras, Minimal index of a $C^{*}$-crossed product by a finite group, The Baum–Connes conjecture: an extended survey, Almost interior points in ordered Banach spaces and the long-term behaviour of strongly positive operator semigroups, Covariant representations for possibly singular actions on $C^*$-algebras, Compact group actions on operator algebras and their spectra, Quasi-multipliers and algebrizations of an operator space, Index theory for quasi-crystals. I: Computation of the gap-label group, The structure of quantum spheres, On \(C^*\)-algebras whose Glimm ideals are primitive, Classically normal pure states, Lifting unitary elements with application to approximately inner automorphisms, Approximations of \(C^{*}\)-algebras and the ideal property, Twisted K-theory of differentiable stacks, Crossed products of locally \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Cuntz-Krieger algebras representations from orbits of interval maps, Property (\(T\)) for non-unital \(C^{*}\)-algebras, On topologically finite-dimensional simple \(C^*\)-algebras, Multiplier cocycles of a flow on a \(C^*\)-algebra, Covariance algebra of a partial dynamical system, Discrete cocompact subgroups of \(G_{5,3}\) and related \(C^*\)-algebras, Noncommutative Riesz theorem and weak Burnside type theorem on twisted conjugacy, States on operator algebras and axiomatic system of quantum theory, A not so simple local multiplier algebra, Algebraic and Categorical Aspects of Quantales, The \(K\)-theory of Heegaard-type quantum 3-spheres, Diagonal invariant ideals of Toeplitz algebras on discrete groups, Ordered \(K\)-groups associated to substitutional dynamics, Orthogonal pure states in operator theory, On higher real and stable ranks for $CCR$ $C^*-$algebras, On discrete analytic functions: products, rational functions and reproducing kernels, Equilibrium states on the Cuntz-Pimsner algebras of self-similar actions, Geometric duality theory of cones in dual pairs of vector spaces, Representations of Crossed Products by Coactions and Principal Bundles, Model theory of 𝐶*-algebras, Noncommutative residues and a characterisation of the noncommutative integral, Spectra for compact quantum group coactions and crossed products, On the structure of Banach algebras associated with automorphisms, On the \(K\)-theory of Cuntz-Krieger algebras, Contributions to the theory of $\mathrm{C}^{*}$-correspondences with applications to multivariable dynamics, Linear orthogonality preservers of Hilbert $C^{*}$-modules over $C^{*}$-algebras with real rank zero, Derivations of subhomogeneous $C^*$-algebras are implemented by local multipliers, Stable rank of \(C^*\)-algebras of continuous fields, Nullspaces and frames, Classification of homomorphisms and dynamical systems, Operator algebras and a theorem of Dieudonne, Finite decomposition rank for virtually nilpotent groups, \(C^*\)-algebras which are Grothendieck spaces, Locally von Neumann algebras II, Compact operators and nest representations of limit algebras, Properties preserved under Morita equivalence of 𝐂*-algebras, Dynamical entropy in Banach spaces, A new quantum deformation of `\(ax+b\)' group, Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids in physics and noncommutative geometry, Spectral isometries on non-simple \textsl{C*}-algebras, Strongly self-absorbing $C^{*}$-algebras, Unitaires multiplicatifs et dualité pour les produits croisés de $\mathrm{C}^*$-algèbres, Symmetries on the discrete Heisenberg group C*-algebra, Amenability and exactness for dynamical systems and their 𝐶*-algebras, Group-Graded Rings, Smash Products, and Group Actions, Frobenius-Rieffel norms on finite-dimensional C*-algebras, Norm Estimations for the Moore-Penrose Inverse of the Weak Perturbation of Hilbert C ∗-Module Operators, A Dixmier type averaging property of automorphisms on a C∗-algebra, KMS states for generalized gauge actions on -algebras associated with self-similar sets, Absolutely compatible pairs in a von Neumann algebra, Completely positive maps and*-isomorphism ofC *-algebras II, Cancellation and stable rank for direct limits of recursive subhomogeneous algebras, Dirichlet Forms on Noncommutative Spaces, Covering dimension for nuclear 𝐶*-algebras II, Crossed products, the weak ideal property, and topological dimension zero, Some examples of extensions of \(C(\mathbb{T}) \), Classical and quantized Maxwell fields deduced from algebraic many-photon theory, Connes integration formula: a constructive approach, Subalgebras of finite codimension in semiprojective 𝐶*-algebras, The structure of KMS weights on étale groupoid \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Minimal boundaries for operator algebras, Representations and Bochner's theorem for matrix valued group algebras, Double relative commutants in coronas of separable C*-algebras, On \((\sigma, \tau)\)-derivations of group algebra as category characters, Generalized entropy for general subregions in quantum gravity, Classification of 𝒪_{∞}-Stable 𝒞*-Algebras, Goldie dimension for C*-algebras, Ideals in Haagerup tensor product of C^∗-ternary rings and TROs, Absolute matrix order ideals in absolute matrix order unit spaces, Finite approximation properties of \(C^*\)-modules. III, Soft operators in C*-algebras, On the strict topology of the multipliers of a \(\mathrm{JB}^\ast\)-algebra, About the notion of eigenstates for C*-algebras and some application in quantum mechanics, Continuous orbit equivalence for automorphism systems of equivalence relations, Traces on ultrapowers of \(\mathrm{C}^{*}\)-algebras, Representations of polynomial covariance type commutation relations by linear integral operators on \(L_p\) over measure spaces, \(\mathcal{K}_1\) and \(\mathcal{K}\)-groups of absolute matrix order unit spaces, \(C^*\)-isomorphisms associated with two projections on a Hilbert \(C^*\)-module, Thick elements and states in \(C^*\)-algebras in view of frame theory, Classification of real approximate interval \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Order type Tingley's problem for type \(I\) finite von Neumann algebras, A characterization of the Razak-Jacelon algebra, Covariant KSGNS construction and quantum instruments, Perfect JC-algebras, The emergence of noncommutative potential theory, Some new characterizations of central positive elements in \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Linear integral operators on \(L_p\) spaces representing polynomial covariance type commutation relations, Multiplication and linear integral operators on \(L_p\) spaces representing polynomial covariant type commutation relations, Representations of polynomial covariance type commutation relations by piecewise function multiplication and composition operators, On a class of subdiagonal algebras, Tracial oscillation zero and \(\mathcal{Z}\)-stability, The Fell topology and the modular Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity, Nowhere scattered \(C^{\ast}\)-algebras, On the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism. I: The reduced \(\mathrm{C}^*\)-algebra of a real reductive group and the \(K\)-theory of the tempered dual., The Frobenius distances from projections to an idempotent matrix, TRACES ARISING FROM REGULAR INCLUSIONS, Equilibrium states and growth of quasi-lattice ordered monoids, Fixed-points in the cone of traces on a $C^{\ast }$-algebra, Uniformization of nonlocal elliptic operators and \(KK\)-theory, Covering Dimension of C*-Algebras and 2-Coloured Classification, Automorphism Groups and Invariant Subspace Lattices, A Connes-amenable, dual Banach algebra need not have a normal, virtual diagonal, Semiprojectivity of universal $C^{*}$-algebras generated by algebraic elements, The full group C$^{*}$-algebra of the modular group is primitive, Determination of the Some Results for Coupled Fixed Point Theory in C*-Algebra Valued Metric Spaces, Noncommutative strong maximals and almost uniform convergence in several directions, (No) Wigner Theorem for C*-algebras, The Mackey bijection for complex reductive groups and continuous fields of reduced group C*-algebras, Decomposing the 𝐶*-algebras of groupoid extensions, Real Positive Maps and Conditional Expectations on Operator Algebras, Orthogonality: An Antidote to Kadison’s Anti-Lattice Theorem, The general stable rank in nonstable \(K\)-theory, A Morita theorem for algebras of operators on Hilbert space, Dilations of \(C^*\)-correspondences and the simplicity of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras, Topological \(^*\)-algebras with \(C^*\)-enveloping algebras. II, Extended Jacobson density theorem for rings with derivations and automorphisms, Strength of convergence in duals of \(C^*\)-algebras and nilpotent Lie groups, Relativistic corrections to the Moyal-Weyl spacetime, The Shilov boundary of an operator space and the characterization theorems, Covariant representability for covariant multilinear operators, Theory of genetic algorithms, On \(C^*\)-algebras related to asymptotic homomorphisms, Principal groupoid $C^*$-algebras with bounded trace, Multipliers and dual operator algebras, Locally compact quantum groups, Norm estimations for the Moore-Penrose inverse of multiplicative perturbations of matrices, A Stinespring type theorem for completely positive multilinear maps on Hilbert C*-modules, Another characterization of orthogonality in Hilbert C^*-modules, LOCALIZATIONS AT INFINITY AND ESSENTIAL SPECTRUM OF QUANTUM HAMILTONIANS I: GENERAL THEORY, APPROXIMATIONS OF SUBHOMOGENEOUS ALGEBRAS, Perturbation estimation for the parallel sum of Hermitian positive semi-definite matrices, On diagonal quasi-free automorphisms of simple Cuntz-Krieger algebras, Dynamics, Wavelets, Commutants and Transfer Operators Satisfying Crossed Product Type Commutation Relations, Sheaves of C*‐algebras, Radon–Nikodým type theorem for α-completely positive maps, A weak expectation property for operator modules, injectivity and amenable actions, On C*-algebras of singular integral operators with PQC coefficients and shifts with fixed points, Some improvements of the Katznelson- Tzafriri theorem on Hilbert space, Some Directed Subsets of C*–algebras and Semicontinuity Theory, On Hong and Szymański’s Description of the Primitive-Ideal Space of a Graph Algebra, A duality theorem for weak multiplier Hopf algebra actions, Ortho-sets and Gelfand spectra, Unnamed Item, Remarks on the extension group for purely infinite corona algebras, Logmodularity and isometries of operator algebras, The alternative Dunford-Pettis property in $C^*$-algebras and von Neumann preduals, Hilbert spaces built on a similarity and on dynamical renormalization, Which states can be reached from a given state by unital completely positive maps?, Actions of multiplier hopf algebras, On the complexity of the description of *-algebra representations by unbounded operators, Finite group actions on certain stably projectionless C*-algebras with the Rohlin property, C* -algebras, dynamical systems at infinity and the essential spectrum of generalized Schrödinger operations, FORKING AND STABILITY IN THE REPRESENTATIONS OF A C*-ALGEBRA, The ideal property in crossed products, Operator weak amenability of the Fourier algebra, Spectral triples on irreversible C∗-dynamical systems, Unnamed Item, A simple separable C*-algebra not isomorphic to its opposite algebra, A separable Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theorem and weak stability, Strong morita equivalence for conditional expectations, Nonamenable simple -algebras with tracial approximation, On the decomposition into Discrete, Type II and Type III C*-algebras, CORE SYMMETRIES OF A FLOW, The primitive ideal space of groupoid C^*-algebras for groupoids with Abelian isotropy, Unnamed Item, Actions of groups and quantum groups on amenable factors, The connes spectrums of certain finite non-abelian groups, The noncommutative Lorentzian cylinder as an isospectral deformation, Polar Decompositions of Bounded Linear Functionals on Operator Subalgebras, Amenable dynamical systems over locally compact groups, Morita equivalence and symplectic realizations of Poisson manifolds, Generalized parallel sum of adjointable operators on Hilbert C*-modules, Unnamed Item, Quantum collections, The K-theory ranks for crossed products of C&#8727;-algebras bythe group of integers, On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of a C*-algebra and 𝐵(𝐻), On Bernstein type theorems concerning the growth of derivatives of entire functions, Hilbert C*‐Modules over Monotone Complete C*‐Algebras, Pontryagin Duality for a Class of Locally Compact Quantum Groups, Yoneda completeness, Quasi-orders on the positive cone of aC, On the Range Inclusion for Normal Derivations on C*-algebras, Abelian strict approximation in $AW^*$-algebras and Weyl-von Neumann type theorems, Rigidity theory for C∗-dynamical systems and the “Pedersen rigidity problem”, On factor states of 𝐶*-algebras and their extensions, Duality for compact group actions on operator algebras and applications: Irreducible inclusions and Galois correspondence, Spectral Permanence for Joint Spectra, Déformations de $C\sp*$-algèbres de Hopf, Contractive projections and real positive maps\cr on operator algebras, Hermitian and algebraic $^*$-algebras, representable extensions of positive functionals, Integral Formula for Spectral Flow for -Summable Operators, Aperiodicity, topological freeness and pure outerness: from group actions to Fell bundles, Unnamed Item, Landstad–Vaes theory for locally compact quantum groups, A class of C∗-algebraic locally compact quantum groupoids part I. Motivation and definition, On the Relative Reflexivity of Finitely Generated Modules of Operators, A strict version of the non-commutative Urysohn Lemma, Operator 𝐾-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space, Strong pure infiniteness of crossed products, Explicit Construction of Universal Operator Algebras and Applications to Polynomial Factorization, The Unique Representation of a Selfadjoint Bounded Linear Functional, On the Lebesgue decomposition of positive linear functionals, On the algebra of quantum observables for a certain gauge model, 𝐶*-algebras of homoclinic and heteroclinic structure in expansive dynamics, Unnamed Item, An approximate universal coefficient theorem, Set Theory and C*-Algebras, Compact Actions Commuting with Ergodic Actions and Applications to Crossed Products, Commutator Ideals and Semicommutator Ideals of Toeplitz Algebras Associated with Flows, Crossed Products and Inner Actions of Hopf Algebras, On majorization and range inclusion of operators on Hilbert C*-modules, Crossed Products by Semigroups of Endomorphisms and the Toeplitz Algebras of Ordered Groups, Unnamed Item, Toeplitz Operators and Weighted Wiener-Hopf Operators, Pseudoconvex Reinhardt and Tube Domains, Factorizations of invertible operators and 𝐾-theory of 𝐶*-algebras, Property T for non-unital C*-crossed products, Dilations of Markovian semigroups of Fourier multipliers on locally compact groups, Weak amenability for dynamical systems, Dense subalgebras of purely infinite simple groupoidC*-algebras, Convergence of Fourier Series in Discrete Crossed Products of von Neumann Algebras, C-Algebra methods in the theory of functional differential equations, Unnamed Item, Approximate Innerness of Positive Linear Maps of Finite von Neumann Algebras. II, Unnamed Item, Toeplitz 𝐶*-algebras over pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains, Dynamics of compact quantum metric spaces, Unnamed Item, THE <i>C*</i><sup> </sup>-ALGEBRAS OF SEMI-DIRECT PRODUCTS OF FINITE CYCLIC GROUPS BY K-THEORY, Projectivity, transitivity and AF-telescopes, Remarks on some simple $C^*$-algebras admitting a unique lower semicontinuous 2-quasitrace, The positive cones of k0-groups of crossed products associated with Furstenberg transformations on the 2-torus, Regularity of operators on essential extensions of the compacts, Crossed products on the flow of groupoid with quasi-invariant measures, Unnamed Item, An equivariant Brauer semigroup and the symmetric imprimitivity theorem, Triangle inequalities in operator algebras, The Bunce-Deddens algebras as crossed products by partial automorphisms, The range of traces on quantum Heisenberg manifolds, Unnamed Item, The ideal structure of some analytic crossed products, Tracially AF 𝐶*-algebras, Unconditional integrability for dual actions