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zbMath0604.22001MaRDI QIDQ3741813

A. W. Knapp

Publication date: 1986

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: The multiplicity one theorem, 2-matrix versus complex matrix model, integrals over the unitary group as triangular integrals, Projective pseudodifferential analysis and harmonic analysis, Cubic surfaces and their invariants: some memories of Raymond Stora, Special \(K\)-types, tempered characters and the Beilinson-Bernstein realization, Fourier-Jacobi expansion of automorphic forms on \(\text{Sp}(1,q)\) generating quaternionic discrete series, Harmonic analysis for vector fields on hyperbolic spaces, Relativities and homogeneous spaces. I, The heat kernel on \(\text{AdS}_3\) and its applications, Cohomogeneity one de Sitter space \(S^n_1\), Dynamical symmetries of semi-linear Schrödinger and diffusion equations, On Howe's duality theorem, The holomorphic discrete series for affine symmetric spaces. I, On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras. 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III., An easy proof of the Stone-von Neumann-Mackey theorem, Berezin quantization for holomorphic discrete series representations: the non-scalar case, CFT description of three-dimensional Kerr-de Sitter spacetime, The heat kernel and Hardy's theorem on symmetric spaces of noncompact type, Class numbers of orders in cubic fields, Automorphic induction for \(\text{GL}(n,\mathbb C)\), Compositions of theta correspondences, The normalization constant of a certain invariant measure on \(\text{GL}_n(D_{\mathbb A})\), Functors for unitary representations of classical real groups and affine Hecke algebras, A family of singular oscillatory integral operators and failure of weak amenability, Symmetric spaces of higher rank do not admit differentiable compactifications, Indices of quaternionic complexes, A measure of symmetry for the moduli of spherical minimal immersions, On the principal symbols of \(K_C\)-invariant differential operators on Hermitian symmetric spaces, Tensor products of complementary series of rank one Lie groups, \(L^p\) norms of higher rank eigenfunctions and bounds for spherical functions, Deformations of nearly Kähler instantons, Jacquet modules and the Langlands classification, \(L^2\)-singular dichotomy for orbital measures of classical compact Lie groups, Whittaker functions for generalized principal series representations of \(\mathrm{SL}(3, \mathbb R)\), Generalized orthogonality relations and \(\text{SU}(1,1)\)-quantum tomography, Non-negative integral level affine Lie algebra tensor categories and their associativity isomorphisms, \(L^{2}\)-singular dichotomy for orbital measures of classical simple Lie algebras, Jacquet modules for semisimple Lie groups having Verma module filtrations, Theta lifting for unitary representations with nonzero cohomology, A prime geodesic theorem for higher rank. 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(With an appendix by Mustapha Tinfou), Real double flag varieties for the symplectic group, Differential equations for principal series Whittaker functions on \(SU(2,2)\), Von Neumann spectra near the spectral gap, The range characterizations of the totally geodesic Radon transform on the real hyperbolic space, An uncertainty principle of Paley and Wiener on Euclidean motion group, The volume measure for flat connections as limit of the Yang-Mills measure., The character and the wave front set correspondence in the stable range, On Weyl's asymptotics and remainder term for the orthogonal and unitary groups, A Miyawaki type lift for \(\mathrm{GSpin}(2,10)\), Conformally covariant differential operators for the diagonal action of \(O(p,q)\) on real quadrics, Automorphic Green functions associated with the secondary spherical functions, Invariant fundamental solutions and solvability for symmetric spaces of type \( G_C / G_ R \) with only one conjugacy class of Cartan subspaces, Higher weight on \(\mathrm{GL}(3)\). II: The cusp forms, Petersson norms and liftings of Hilbert modular forms, On the first Betti numbers of hyperbolic surfaces, Bounds for multiplicities of automorphic representations, Hochschild and cyclic homology of quantum groups, Poincaré series for \(SO(n,1)\), Spherical generalized functions induced on \(G_{\mathbb{C}}/G_{\mathbb{R}}\) and applications, Operator-valued Bessel functions on Schrödinger-Fock spaces and Siegel domains of type II, Restrictions of some unitary representations of \(SU(n, 1)\) to \(U(n-1, 1)\), Decay of eigenfunctions on semisimple symmetric spaces, Highly cuspidal pseudocoefficients and \(K\)-theory, Intertwining operators into Dolbeault cohomology representations, \(L^ 2\)-analytic torsion, Current superalgebras and unitary representations, Projections in full \(C^*\)-algebras of semisimple Lie groups, Low dimensional actions of semisimple groups, Operator-valued Bessel functions, holomorphic discrete series, and harmonic representations of \(U(p,q)\), Fourier expansion of holomorphic modular forms on classical Lie groups of tube type along the minimal parabolic subgroup, The Helgason Fourier transform for homogeneous vector bundles over compact Riemannian symmetric spaces -- the local theory, \(K\)-theory for Sp\((n,1)\), Bessel identities in the Waldspurger correspondence over the real numbers, Asymptotics of class numbers, Representation theoretic rigidity in \(PSL(2,\mathbb{R})\), Characters, dual pairs, and unitary representations, The multiplicities of certain \(K\)-types in spherical representations, An inequality among infinitesimal characters related to the lowest \(K\)-types of discrete series, \(q\)-difference intertwining operators and \(q\)-conformal invariant equations, The Langlands parameters of subquotients of certain derived functor modules, On the multiplicities of the discrete series of semisimple Lie groups, Harmonic analysis on \(SL(2,\mathbb{C})\) and projectively adapted pattern representation, Principal series Whittaker functions on \(\operatorname {Sp}(2;\mathbb{R})\). II, Unitary representations induced from maximal parabolic subgroups, Linear äquivariante Einbettungen Steinscher Räume. (Linearly equivariant imbeddings of Stein spaces), Schrödinger invariance and spacetime symmetries, Intertwining operators and unitary representations. I, Howe correspondence for real unitary groups, Intertwining operator realization of the AdS/CFT correspondence, Explicit Kazhdan constants for representations of semisimple and arithmetic groups, Holomorphic discrete models of semisimple Lie groups and their symplectic constructions, Symmetry groups of linear partial differential equations and representation theory: The Laplace and axially symmetric wave equation, New generalized Verma modules and multilinear intertwining differential operators, Uniform pointwise bounds for matrix coefficients of unitary representations and applications to Kazhdan constants, Harmonic analysis for spinor fields in complex hyperbolic spaces, Spherical functions on harmonic extensions of \(H\)-type groups, Degenerate principal series representations of \(GL_n(\mathbb{C})\) and \(GL_n(\mathbb{R})\), Invariant domains in the complexification of a noncompact Riemannian symmetric space, Half-sided modular inclusions of von Neumann-algebras, Mixing, counting, and equidistribution in Lie groups, Projective Fourier analysis for patterns, The conformal factor in the SAS Einstein-Maxwell field equations and a central extension of a formal loop group, The moduli space of flat connections on oriented surfaces with boundary, Tempered trace for \(\text{GL}_n(\mathbb C)\): a reading of the Langlands correspondence, One-dimensional representations of \({U(p,q)}\) and the Howe correspondence, The unitary dual of \(G_ 2\), Harmonic spinors on semisimple symmetric spaces, Coherent cohomology, limits of discrete series, and Galois conjugation, Symmetries and half-sided modular inclusions of von Neumann algebras, An index theorem for higher orbital integrals, A Cauchy problem for elliptic invariant differential operators and continuity of a generalized Berezin transform, Class numbers of orders in complex quartic fields, Effective circle count for Apollonian packings and closed horospheres, Differential equations and Lie group representations, \(N\)-point spherical functions and asymptotic boundary KZB equations, Nearly holomorphic sections on compact Hermitian symmetric spaces, Whittaker functions for \(P_J\)-principal series representations of \(\text{Sp}(3,\mathbb R)\), The differential form spectrum of quaternionic hyperbolic spaces, Deformation program for principal series representations, Quantum lump dynamics on the two-sphere, The Eisenstein series for \(\mathrm{GL}(3,\mathbb Z)\) induced from cusp forms, Density conditions with stabilizers for lattice orbits of Bergman kernels on bounded symmetric domains, Deformations of \(\text{G}_2\)-instantons on nearly \(\text{G}_2\) manifolds, Discretely shrinking targets in moduli space, Smoothness of convolution powers of orbital measures on the symmetric space \(\mathrm{SU}(n)/\mathrm{SO}(n)\), The big bang is a coordinate singularity for \(k = -1\) inflationary FLRW spacetimes, On holomorphic projection for symplectic groups, The size of infinite-dimensional representations, Algebras of symbols and modular forms, On the eigenfunctions of the Dirac operator on spheres and real hyperbolic spaces, Invariants, cohomology, and automorphic forms of higher order, Non-spherical Harish-Chandra Fourier transforms on real reductive groups, The density theorem for discrete series representations restricted to lattices, Selberg and Ruelle zeta functions for non-unitary twists, Counting and equidistribution for quaternion algebras, Asymptotics for Hecke eigenvalues of automorphic forms on compact arithmetic quotients, On the distribution of Satake parameters for Siegel modular forms, Families of symmetries and the hydrogen atom, Partial Dirac cohomology and tempered representations, On the extendability by continuity of angular valuations on polytopes, Extensions of real bounded symmetric domains, Pollicott-Ruelle resonant states and Betti numbers, Covariant uniformly continuous quantum Markov semigroups, Cotangent bundles for ``matrix algebras converge to the sphere, A geometric realisation of tempered representations restricted to maximal compact subgroups, Benjamini-Schramm convergence and zeta functions, Orthogonality relations and harmonic forms for semisimple Lie groups, Algebra, geometry and mathematical physics. AGMP, Mulhouse, France, October 24-26, 2011. Proceedings, On the strong coupling limit of the Faddeev-Hopf model, Cohomological equation and cocycle rigidity of discrete parabolic actions in some higher-rank Lie groups, Lifting of characters on orthogonal and metaplectic groups, Square integrable harmonic forms and representation theory, On the unitary dual of real reductive Lie groups and the \(A_g(\lambda)\) modules: The strongly regular case, Intertwining operator algebras and vertex tensor categories for affine Lie algebras, Equidistribution of holonomy about closed geodesics, The spectrum of Kleinian manifolds, Analytic torsion, dynamical zeta function, and the Fried conjecture for admissible twists, Affine Hecke algebras and their representations, Contractions of \(\mathrm{SU}(1,n)\) and \(\mathrm{SU}(n+1)\) via Berezin quantization, Phantom holomorphic projections arising from Sturm's formula, Correlation functions of Harish-Chandra integrals over the orthogonal and the symplectic groups, \(L\)-functions and theta correspondence for classical groups, Partially harmonic forms and models of \(H\)-series, Uniform pointwise bounds for matrix coefficients of unitary representations on semidirect products, Approximation by K-finite functions in \(L^p\) spaces, A prime geodesic theorem for \(\mathrm{SL}_4\), Coorbits for projective representations with an application to Bergman spaces, C\(^*\)-algebraic intertwiners for degenerate principal series of special linear groups, Separation of variables for the quantum \(\mathrm{SL} (3, \mathbb{C} )\) spin magnet: eigenfunctions of the Sklyanin \(B\)-operator, Groups whose Fourier algebra and Rajchman algebra coincide, Contraction of compact semisimple Lie groups via Berezin quantization, Degenerate principal series representations and their holomorphic extensions, Harmonic analysis on \(\text{SO}(n,\mathbb C)/\text{SO}(n-1,\mathbb C)\), \(n \geq 3\), On the standard \(L\)-function for \(\mathrm{GSp}_{2n}\times\mathrm{GL}_1\) and algebraicity of symmetric fourth \(L\)-values for \(\mathrm{GL}_2\), Semi-simple orbital integrals and center of the enveloping algebra, Gauge coupling constants as residues of spacetime representations, Knapp-Stein type intertwining operators for symmetric pairs. II. The translation principle and intertwining operators for spinors, Primitive rational points on expanding horospheres in Hilbert modular surfaces, Tian's \(\alpha_{m,k}^{\hat{K}}\)-invariants on group compactifications, First eigenvalue of Laplace operator on locally symmetric space, Berezin symbols and spectral measures of representation operators, Symmetry breaking differential operators for tensor products of spinorial representations, Degenerate principal series representations of \(\mathrm{SO}(p+1,p)\), On the rate of equidistribution of expanding translates of horospheres in \(\Gamma\backslash G\), Asymptotic equivariant real analytic torsions for compact locally symmetric spaces, Conformally covariant bi-differential operators for differential forms, Large deviation principle for moment map estimation, Subconvex bounds for Hecke-Maass forms on compact arithmetic quotients of semisimple Lie groups, Symmetry in Fourier analysis: Heisenberg group to Stein-Weiss integrals, Bessel identities in the Waldspurger correspondence over the complex numbers, Spectral gap and exponential mixing on geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds, A contraction of the principal series representations of \(\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})\), Renormalization of integrals of products of Eisenstein series and analytic continuation of representations, Ellipticity and discrete series, Eta invariants and the hypoelliptic Laplacian, A Whittaker-Plancherel inversion formula for \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{C} )\), Limit multiplicities for \({\text{SL}}_2(\mathcal{O}_F)\) in \({\text{SL}}_2(\mathbb{R}^{r_1}\oplus\mathbb{C}^{R_2})\), Geometric cycles in compact locally Hermitian symmetric spaces and automorphic representations, A new approach to the rigidity of discrete group actions, A primer of group theory for loop quantum gravity and spin-foams, AdS one-loop partition functions from bulk and edge characters, The dichotomy problem for orbital measures of \(SU(n)\), Archimedean zeta integrals on \(U(2,1)\), \(C^\ast\)-algebraic intertwiners for principal series: case of \(\mathrm{SL}(2)\), A generalised Gangolli-Lévy-Khintchine formula for infinitely divisible measures and Lévy processes on semi-simple Lie groups and symmetric spaces, Twisted Ruelle zeta function at zero for compact hyperbolic surfaces, Bosonic ghostbusting: the bosonic ghost vertex algebra admits a logarithmic module category with rigid fusion, Exotic group \(C^*\)-algebras of simple Lie groups with real rank one, Unnamed Item, Stable branching rules for classical symmetric pairs, Weighted Laplace transforms and Bessel functions on Hermitian symmetric spaces, Three rigidity criteria for 𝑃𝑆𝐿(2,𝐑), New identities of differential operators from orbital integrals on 𝐺𝐿(𝑟,𝐂), Sur les représentations différentiables des groupes de Lie algébriques, TEMPERED SPECTRAL TRANSFER IN THE TWISTED ENDOSCOPY OF REAL GROUPS, Associated symmetric pair and multiplicities of admissible restriction of discrete series, Parabolic induction and restriction via -algebras and Hilbert -modules, The value of the global intertwining operators on spherical vectors, The Use of Representations in Applied Harmonic Analysis, Covariant bi-differential operators on matrix space, A refinement of strong multiplicity one for spectra of hyperbolic manifolds, Fonction zêta associée à la série principale sphérique de certains espaces symétriques, Construction of the noncommutative complex ball, Unnamed Item, Det-Det correlations for quantum maps: Dual pair and saddle-point analyses, On the representations of Sp(p, q) and SO*(2n) unitarily induced from derived functor modules, Level one algebraic cusp forms of classical groups of small rank, Unnamed Item, Resonances for the Laplacian on Riemannian symmetric spaces: The case of 𝑆𝐿(3,ℝ)/𝕊𝕆(3), Spectral correspondences for rank one locally symmetric spaces: the case of exceptional parameters, Boundary value maps, Szegö maps and intertwining operators, Differential equations and logarithmic intertwining operators for strongly graded vertex algebras, Random walks, spectral gaps, and Khintchine's theorem on fractals, INVARIANT DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS FOR NON-COMPACT LIE GROUPS: PARABOLIC SUBALGEBRAS, ASYMPTOTIC TORSION AND TOEPLITZ OPERATORS, The action of a semisimple Lie group on its maximal compact subgroup, Shintani functions on $GL(2,{\mathbf {C}})$, Parametrizing maximal compact subvarieties, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Spinor $L$-functions for generic cusp forms on $GSp(2)$ belonging to principal series representations, Microlocal analysis on wonderful varieties. Regularized traces and global characters, On higher regulators of Siegel threefolds II: the connection to the special value, Discrete Series Characters as Lifts from Two-structure Groups, Twisted Lefschetz number formula and 𝑝-adic trace formula, Unnamed Item, The unitary spherical spectrum for split classical groups, Generalized principal series representations of $SL(1+n,\mathbb {C})$, Stable rank of the reduced $C^*$-algebras of non-amenable Lie groups of type I, Kaehler structures on 𝐾_{𝐂}/(𝐏,𝐏), Lifting of characters for nonlinear simply laced groups, Wave front sets of reductive Lie group representations II, Holomorphic Automorphic Forms and Cohomology, Unnamed Item, Harmonic analysis in weighted L2-spaces, The continuous spectrum of the Dirac operator on noncompact Riemannian symmetric spaces of rank one, The point spectrum of the Dirac operator on noncompact symmetric spaces, Unnamed Item, General solution of the Yang–Baxter equation with symmetry group $\mathrm {SL}(\mathit {n},\mathbb {C})$, The unitary 𝕀–spherical dual for split 𝕡–adic groups of type 𝔽₄, Schur orthogonality relations and invariant sesquilinear forms, 𝐿^{𝑝} version of Hardy’s theorem on semisimple Lie groups, Coalgebras Over the Higher Rank Symplectic Groups, Shintani functions on $GL(2,\mathbf {R})$, Multiplicity bounds and the subrepresentation theorem for real spherical spaces, A sufficient condition for convergence and extension property for strongly graded vertex algebras, Duistermaat-Heckman measures in a non-compact setting, Cusp forms on the exceptional group of type, Sharp Inequalities, the Functional Determinant, and the Complementary Series, Unnamed Item, On unitary unipotent representations of 𝑝-adic groups and affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters, An external approach to unitary representations, Archimedean Theory and 𝜖-Factors for the Asai Rankin-Selberg Integrals, Homogeneous functions on light cones: the infinitesimal structure of some degenerate principal series representations, Algorithms for representation theory of real reductive groups, Functional Equations Satisfied by Intertwining Operators of Reductive Groups, Opérateurs pseudodifférentiels et représentations unitaires des groupes de Lie, An invariant trace formula for rank one lattices, A Large Deviation Principle for the Reduction of Product Representations, Integrability and vesture for harmonic maps into symmetric spaces, Representations of the Conformal Lie Algebra in the Space of Tensor Densities on the Sphere, Parameters for twisted representations, Sur les groupes $EXT^n$ des représentations des groupes de Lie semi-simples, $C^{-\infty}$-Whittaker vectors for complex semisimple Lie groups, wave front sets, and Goldie rank polynomial representations, The Schrödinger model for the minimal representation of the indefinite orthogonal group 𝑂(𝑝,𝑞), The nonvanishing hypothesis at infinity for Rankin-Selberg convolutions, Bounding marginal densities via affine isoperimetry, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Radon-Nikodym property for some Banach algebras related to the Fourier algebra, Unnamed Item, The classical Hankel transform in the Kirillov model of the discrete series, Estimates for kernels of intertwining operators on SL(n, R), Unnamed Item, Discrete series characters and two-structures, On the composition series of the standard Whittaker $(\mathfrak {g},K)$-modules, On Siegel modular forms of half-integral weights and Jacobi forms, Holomorphic sections of pre-quantum line bundles on $G/(P,P)$, THE CONTINUOUS SPECTRUM IN DISCRETE SERIES BRANCHING LAWS, Quantum field theory on quantized Bergman domain, On the quantization of spherical nilpotent orbits, Jacquet modules of locally analytic representations of p-adic reductive groups I. Construction and first properties, Simple Weight Modules of Non-Noetherian Generalized Down-Up Algebras, Poisson transforms and mixed automorphic forms on semisimple Lie groups, Unitary Shimura correspondences for split real groups, Unnamed Item, Indefinite Harmonic Theory and Harmonic Spinors, Tempered subgroups and representations with minimal decay of matrix coefficients