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zbMath0612.35001MaRDI QIDQ3752751

Lars Hörmander

Publication date: 1985

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radar, The microlocal spectrum condition, initial value formulations, and background independence, The Steklov and Laplacian spectra of Riemannian manifolds with boundary, Wave front set for solutions to Schrödinger equations with long-range perturbed harmonic oscillators, Unique solvability of a steady-state complex heat transfer model, Solvability of a class of first order differential operators on the torus, Maslov's canonical operator in problems on localized asymptotic solutions of hyperbolic equations and systems, Spreading of Lagrangian regularity on rational invariant tori, Radiation condition bounds on manifolds with ends, On solutions of the Schrödinger equation with radiation conditions at infinity: the long-range case, Eigenvalue asymptotics for the Pauli operator in strong nonconstant magnetic fields, On controllability of waves and geometric Carleman estimates, First-order hyperbolic pseudodifferential equations with generalized symbols, Microlocal analysis of forced 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