
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0491.20010MaRDI QIDQ3952291

Adalbert Kerber, Gordon D. James

Publication date: 1981

05A15: Exact enumeration problems, generating functions

05A17: Combinatorial aspects of partitions of integers

20G15: Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields

20C30: Representations of finite symmetric groups

20G05: Representation theory for linear algebraic groups

20B30: Symmetric groups

20-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to group theory

Related Items

A conjecture of Regev about the Capelli polynomial, Minimal trees of given search number, Rational tableaux and the tensor algebra of \(gl_ n\), Combinatorial aspects of skew representations of the symmetric group, Subalgebras of Steenrod algebra and the action of matrices on truncated polynomial algebras, Symmetry-based matrix factorization, Modular group rings of the finitary symmetric group, Central polynomials and matrix invariants, The irreducible characters of the Lie superalgebras of type \(A(n,m)\) and filtrations of their Kac modules, A machine for producing inequalities involving immanants and other generalized matrix functions, A rational-function identity related to the Murnaghan-Nakayama formula for the characters of \(S_ n\), On Schur's \(Q\)-functions and the primitive idempotents of a commutative Hecke algebra, Integer partitions and binary trees, Fischer matrices for generalised symmetric groups -- a combinatorial approach, Rim hook tableaux and Kostant's \(\eta\)-function coefficients, A bijection between dominant Shi regions and core partitions, Quantum \(\mathfrak{gl}_\infty\), infinite \(q\)-Schur algebras and their representations, On Schur algebras and little Schur algebras, On irreducible characters of the group \(S_n\) that are semiproportional on \(A_n\) or \(S_n\setminus A_n\). I., On the socle of Weyl modules, Realizations of *-representations of Hecke algebras and Young's orthogonal form, The characters of the wreath product group acting on the homology groups of the Dowling lattices, On the number of characters in blocks of finite general linear, unitary and symmetric groups, On the decomposition rules of tensor products of the representations of the classical Weyl groups, A bijection proving orthogonality of the characters of \(S_ n\), A theorem on the representations of the Weyl groups of type \(D_ n\) and \(B_ n\), On the construction of primitive elements in field extensions, Specht modules and resolvents of algebraic equations, Problems of combinatorial optimization, statistical sums, and representations of the full linear group, Region distributions of some small diameter graphs, Hybrid tableaux and the Littlewood-Richardson rule, Multivariate polynomials, standard tableaux, and representations of symmetric groups, Ternary analogues of Lie and Malcev algebras, Trees, wreath products and finite Gelfand pairs, Weights of multipartitions and representations of Ariki-Koike algebras., The functor \(A^{\min}\) on \(p\)-local spaces, Young modules and filtration multiplicities for Brauer algebras., Irreducible Specht modules are signed Young modules., On minimal varieties of quadratic growth, Completely splittable representations of symmetric groups and affine Hecke algebras., Spin block inclusions., \(K_{0}\) of Hall's universal group, A new parametrisation of tilting modules for \(\text{GL}(3,k)\) over characteristic 2., \(p\)-restriction of partitions and homomorphisms between Specht modules., A construction of Coxeter group representations. II., Composition factors of Specht modules for Hecke algebras of type \(A_n\)., Poisson-Dirichlet distribution for random Belyi surfaces, Elementary divisors of Cartan matrices for symmetric groups., On the Navarro-Willems conjecture for blocks of finite groups., A canonical ensemble approach to the fermion/boson random point processes and its applications, Algebras with intermediate growth of the codimensions., Endomorphism rings of permutation modules over maximal Young subgroups., The ordinary quiver of a weight three block of the symmetric group is bipartite., A unified construction of Coxeter group representations., Finite groups whose all irreducible character degrees are Hall-numbers., On different models of representations of the infinite symmetric group., Zonal polynomials for wreath products, Symmetric functions, generalized blocks, and permutations with restricted cycle structure, Multialternating Jordan polynomials and codimension growth of matrix algebras, On products of conjugacy classes of the symmetric group, An explicit model for the complex representations of \(S_ n\), On the \(p\)-blocks of symmetric and alternating groups and their covering groups, Some observations of plethysms, On the decomposition of Brauer's centralizer algebras, Eigenvalues connected with Brauer's centralizer algebras, Young diagrammatic methods in the homology of groups, Spread-invariant representations of symmetric groups, Region distributions of graph embeddings and Stirling numbers, Computational complexity of immanents and representations of the full linear group, A remark on Brauer's k(B)-conjecture, On Artin's conjecture and the class number of certain CM fields. I,II, K. Saito's Conjecture for nonnegative eta products and analogous results for other infinite products, Primes dividing the degrees of the real characters., Joint relations on elements of the symmetric group., A realization of the irreducible representations of \(S_n\) corresponding to 2-row diagrams in the space of square-free symmetric forms., Finite Gel'fand pairs and their applications to probability and statistics, Some calculations of \(\mathrm{Lie}(n)^{\max}\) for low \(n\), Cyclotomic Solomon algebras., On vertices of simple modules for symmetric groups of small degrees., On the blocks of the walled Brauer algebra., Proper identities, Lie identities and exponential codimension growth., On applying the Littlewood-Richardson rule., On \(p\)-blocks of symmetric and alternating groups with all irreducible Brauer characters of prime power degree., Abstract Young representations for Coxeter groups of type \(D\), Simple module branching rules for \(K(S_p\times S_p)\) and \(KS_{2p}\)., Vertices of Specht modules and blocks of the symmetric group., Finite nonsolvable groups whose character graphs have no triangles., On inequalities and linear relations for 7-core partitions, Class-sum products in the symmetric group: minimally-connected reduced class coefficients, The complexity of certain Specht modules for the symmetric group., The Nekrasov-Okounkov hook length formula: refinement, elementary proof, extension and applications, Groups whose vanishing class sizes are not divisible by a given prime., A 2-basic set of the alternating group., A recursion of the Pólya polynomial for the symmetric group, The enumeration of fully commutative affine permutations, An LLT-type algorithm for computing higher-level canonical bases, Graded polynomial identities and codimensions: computing the exponential growth., Strict polynomial functors and unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra, Constants of formal derivatives of non-associative algebras, Taylor expansions and applications, Limits of characters of wreath products \(\mathfrak S_n(T) \) of a compact group \(T\) with the symmetric groups and characters of \(\mathfrak S_\infty(T)\). II: From a viewpoint of probability theory, Sets of uniqueness and minimal matrices, Schur functions and affine Lie algebras, Basic representations of \(A_{n-1}^{(1)}\) and \(A_{2n}^{(2)}\) and the combinatorics of partitions, The structure of the Young symmetrizers for spin representations of the symmetric group. II, Exponential codimension growth of PI algebras: an exact estimate, Whitney homology of semipure shellable posets, Defect \(3\) blocks of symmetric group algebras, On the semisimplicity of the Brauer centralizer algebras, Invariant algebra and cuspidal representations of finite monoids, On the random Young diagrams and their cores, Young's natural idempotents as polynomials, On Foulkes' conjecture, Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type \(A\) at roots of unity, Extreme rays for cones of Hermitian matrix functions that are non-negative on the positive semi-definite matrices, Morita equivalence for blocks of Hecke algebras of type \(B\), The derived categories of some blocks of symmetric groups and a conjecture of Broué, Quantum multiplication of Schur polynomials, To the Latimer-Macduffee theorem and beyond!, Indices and nonzero decomposable elements of a symmetry class of tensors, Irreducible products of characters in \(A_ n\), Stable properties of plethysm: On two conjectures of Foulkes, Fourier transforms with respect to monomial representations, The blob algebra and the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra, On perfect isometries and isotypies in finite groups, Generation of classical groups, A bijective proof of the hook-length formula and its analogs, Note on idempotents in the group ring of symmetric groups, On weight spaces of polynomial representations of the general linear group as linear codes, On Mullineux symbols, Generic representations of the finite general linear groups and the Steenrod algebra. II, Inequalities involving immanants, Combinatorial \(S_ n\)-modules as codes, On Schur algebras and related algebras. V: Some quasi-hereditary algebras of finite type, Generalized derivations and additive theory, Colorings and equality of tensors, Morita equivalence for blocks of finite general linear groups, On quadratic relations between roots of polynomials, Gram determinants of type \(B_ n\), A proof of Hozo's conjecture on the homology of a class of nilpotent Lie algebras, Varieties of anticommutative \(n\)-ary algebras, Tilted irreducible representations of the permutation group, Gauss maps and plethysm, A recursive rule for Kazhdan-Lusztig characters, Cells in certain sets of matrices, Expansion properties of Cayley graphs of the alternating groups, The 2-blocks of the covering groups of the symmetric groups, Subobjects of \(\overline I\otimes\Lambda^ n\) in the category of functors between \(\mathbb{F}_ 2\)-vector spaces, Morita equivalence for blocks of Hecke algebras of symmetric groups, Some remarks on a conjecture of Boyle and Handelman, Effective equivalence of orthogonal representations of finite groups, On the number of rim hook tableaux, Automorphisms of generic Iwahori-Hecke algebras and integral group rings of finite Coxeter groups, Decomposition of free Lie algebras into irreducible components, The covering number of the elements of a matroid and generalized matrix functions, Residue symbols and Jantzen-Seitz partitions, A characterization of the dependence of the Riemannian metric on the curvature tensor by Young symmetrizers, On residue symbols and the Mullineux conjecture, Tile invariants: New horizons., Brauer trees for the Schur cover of the symmetric group., Multiplicity of the trivial representation in rank-selected homology of the partition lattice, On trees and characters, Embeddings of higher Lie modules., Generation of finite almost simple groups by conjugates., Polynomial identities for \(2\times 2\) matrices with finite group actions., Highest weights, projective geometry, and the classical limit. I: Geometrical aspects and the classical limit, On a conjecture of Gow and Kleshchev concerning tensor products, Irreducible tensor products over alternating groups, Decomposition numbers of symmetric groups by induction, The structure of the tensor product of \(\mathbb{F}_2[-\) with a finite functor between \(\mathbb{F}_2\)-vector spaces], Double coset decompositions and computational harmonic analysis on groups, Formulas for the expansion of the plethysms \(s_ 2[s_{(a,b)}\) and \(s_ 2[s_{(n^ k)}]\).], A combinatorial interpretation of the inverse \(t\)-Kostka matrix., The partition algebra revisited, On the principal blocks of \({\mathfrak S}_9\) and \({\mathfrak S}_{10}\) over a field of characteristic \(3\), Some canonical basis vectors in the basic \(U_q(\widehat{{\mathfrak sl}_n})\)-module, Double centralizing theorems for the alternating groups, Fast Fourier transform for fitness landscapes, Linking first occurrence polynomials over \( \mathbb F_p\) by Steenrod operations, On the various realizations of the basic representation of \(A_{n-1}^{(1)}\) and the combinatorics of partitions, The graded identities of upper triangular matrices of size two, Colength sequences for matrices., PI-algebras with slow codimension growth., Frobenius classes in alternating groups, A combinatorial formula for the character of the diagonal coinvariants, Schur--De-Rham complex and its cohomology, Generalized derivations restricted to Grassmann spaces and additive theory, Matrices that preserve the value of the generalized matrix function of the upper triangular matrices, Spin representations, powers of 2 and the Glaisher map., Properties of some character tables related to the symmetric groups, Derangements on the \(n\)-cube, Automorphisms of the integral group ring of the wreath product of a \(p\)- group with \(S_ n\), The umbral symbolic method for supersymmetric tensors, On immanants of Jacobi-Trudi matrices and permutations with restricted position, On primitive overgroups of quasiprimitive permutation groups, Combinatorial algorithms for the expansion of various products of Schur functions, On the ring of simultaneous invariants for the Gleason-MacWilliams group, A formula for the Kronecker products of Schur functions of hook shapes, Zonal spherical functions on the complex reflection groups and (\(n+1,m+1\))-hypergeometric functions, Character correspondences in finite general linear, unitary and symmetric groups, The blocks of finite general linear and unitary groups, On a problem raised by P. J. Cameron, A property of the degree filtration on polynomial functors, Chromatic polynomials and representations of the symmetric group, Support varieties for modules over symmetric groups, Weyl modules for the Schur algebra of the alternating group., Hook interpolations., Hochschild cohomology and Linckelmann cohomology for blocks of finite groups., Rapidly mixing random walks and bounds on characters of the symmetric group, On a conjecture of Huppert for alternating groups, On a remarkable partition identity, \(A\)-codimensions and \(A\)-cocharacters, Identities for algebras of matrices over the octonions, On the semi-simplicity of the cyclotomic Brauer algebras., The Poisson-Dirichlet law is the unique invariant distribution for uniform split-merge transfor\-mations., Symmetric group blocks of small defect., The solution of the \(k(GV)\)-problem., Generalized Foulkes' conjecture and tableaux construction, Block theory, branching rules, and centralizer algebras., Extreme rays and faces for the cone of class functions non-negative on the set of Gram matrices, Fuchsian groups, coverings of Riemann surfaces, subgroup growth, random quotients and random walks., Simple components and central units in group algebras., Block-triangular matrix algebras and factorable ideals of graded polynomial identities., Modular irreducible representations of the symmetric group as linear codes., Splitting the square of a Schur function into its symmetric and antisymmetric parts, Resolutions for \(S_ n\)-modules, associated with rim hooks, and combinatorial applications, Euler-Poincaré characteristic and polynomial representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras, Autoequivalences of blocks and a conjecture of Zassenhaus, A combinatorial proof of the equivalence of the classical and combinatorial definitions of Schur function, Flags and equality of tensors, On Young's orthogonal form and the characters of the alternating group, Strong convergence and the polygon property of 1-player games, On a formula of J. Deruyts, Canonical bases and self-evacuating tableaux, Multilinear algebra: Recent applications, New conditions for equality of decomposable symmetrized tensors, Hecke algebras at roots of unity and crystal bases of quantum affine algebras, A refinement of a partition identity and blocks of some modular characters, On Young modules of defect \(2\) blocks of symmetric group algebras, On extensions of simple modules over symmetric and algebraic groups, On the representation theory of wreath products of finite groups and symmetric groups, Modular representations of \(\text{GL}(3,\mathbb{F}_p)\), symmetric squares, and mod-\(p\) cohomology of \(\text{GL}(3,\mathbb{Z})\), Graphs with given valences, Orthogonal Frobenius reciprocity, Searching for more general weight conjectures, using the symmetric group as an example., Schubert calculus on the arithmetic Grassmannian, Plane partitions and characters of the symmetric group, On a conjecture of Foulkes, Schur modules, Weyl modules, and Capelli operators., The principal \(3\)-blocks of four- and five-dimensional projective special linear groups in non-defining characteristic, Decomposition numbers of exceptional Weyl groups. I, Pfaffians and representations of the symmetric group, Vertices, sources and Green correspondents of the simple modules for the large Mathieu groups., Counting partitions on the abacus, On the Kummer construction, A problem related to Foulkes's conjecture, Cartan invariants and central ideals of group algebras., A combinatorial approach to the orthogonality on critical orbital sets, A \(k\)-tableau characterization of \(k\)-Schur functions, A family of modules with Specht and dual Specht filtrations., Character theory of symmetric groups, subgroup growth of Fuchsian groups, and random walks., On the Durfee size of Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric group and its double covers., A \(v\)-analogue of Peel's theorem, Crystal bases of the Fock space representations and string functions, On plethysm conjectures of Stanley and Foulkes, Bar weights of bar partitions and spin character zeros, Symmetric groups and expander graphs., \(q\)-analogues of regularisation theorems for linear and projective representations of the symmetric group., Towers of recollement and bases for diagram algebras: planar diagrams and a little beyond., A modular branching rule for the generalized symmetric groups., Codimensions of algebras and growth functions, The BG-rank of a partition and its applications, A criterion on the semisimple Brauer algebras., \([3:2\)-pairs of symmetric group algebras and their intermediate defect 4 blocks.], On bases of centres of Iwahori-Hecke algebras of the symmetric group., The Solomon system \({\mathcal F}_{\text{Sol}}(3)\) does not occur as fusion system of a 2-block., On generalized blocks for alternating groups., Representation theory of \(q\)-rook monoid algebras., Beyond Rouquier partitions, On the orders of zeros of irreducible characters., New identities for 7-cores with prescribed BG-rank, Tableaux on \(k+1\)-cores, reduced words for affine permutations, and \(k\)-Schur expansions, A Leibniz variety with almost polynomial growth, On projective and injective polynomial modules., Conjugacy decomposition of reductive monoids., Advanced determinant calculus: a complement, On the asymptotic number of non-equivalent \(q\)-ary linear codes., A Gel'fand model for a Weyl group of type \(D_n\) and the branching rules \(D_n\hookrightarrow B_n\)., Nonsolvable groups with few character degrees., On a conjecture of Alvis., Cranks and t-cores, The tilting tensor product theorem and decomposition numbers for symmetric groups., Representation theory of wreath products of finite groups, A characteristic free approach to Brauer algebras, A product formula for spherical representations of a group of automorphisms of a homogeneous tree, II, More cranks andt-cores, Orthogonal, symplectic and unitary representations of finite groups, Representation type of Hecke algebras of type 𝐴, The Ext1 -quiver for completely splittable representations of the symmetric group, Ribbon tilings and multidimensional height functions, Stable branching rules for classical symmetric pairs, The vertices and sources of the basic spin module for the symmetric group in characteristic 2., Specht and dual Specht filtrations of \(p\)-permutation \(KS_{2p}\)-modules., Multiplicity-free representations of symmetric groups., Super-cocharacters, star-cocharacters and multiplicities bounded by one., The Isaacs-Navarro conjecture for the alternating groups., Spectra of random linear combinations of matrices defined via representations and Coxeter generators of the symmetric group, On the representations of integers by the sextenary quadratic form \(x^2+y^2+z^2+7s^2+7t^2+7u^2\) and 7-cores, A recursion formula for \(k\)-Schur functions, A theorem on the cores of partitions, The varieties for some Specht modules., On the largest size of a partition that is both \(s\)-core and \(t\)-core, On fixed points of permutations., On the fusion procedure for the symmetric group., Lie, Jordan and proper codimensions of associative algebras., Brauer algebras with parameter \(n=2\) acting on tensor space., The complexity of the Specht modules corresponding to hook partitions., A bijection on core partitions and a parabolic quotient of the affine symmetric group, On simultaneous \(s\)-cores/\(t\)-cores, Sign conjugacy classes in symmetric groups., Inequalities and identities for generalized matrix functions, Wreath products and P.I. algebras, Degree-problems. I: Squarefree character degrees, A Schensted algorithm for rim hook tableaux, Shuffles of permutations and the Kronecker product, On the representations of the full matrix semigroup on homogeneous polynomials, Congruence relations characterizing the representation ring of the symmetric group, Orthogonality of the characters of \(S_ n\), The representations of wreath products via double centralizing theorems, On the \(p\)-deficiency class of a finite group, Lower defect groups in symmetric groups, Sur les invariants du groupe symétrique dans certaines représentations. (On the invariants of the symmetric group in certain representations), Generalized Harish-Chandra theory for unipotent characters of finite classical groups, Outer plethysms and \(\lambda\)-rings, On the characters of \(2^{n-\epsilon}\cdot S_ n\), Fischer matrices for wreath products \(G \wr S_ n\), Polynomial identities for the Jordan algebra of a symmetric bilinear form, Relative higher relation modules, and a property of irreducible K- representations of \(GL_ n(K)\), A converse to the Fong-Swan-Isaacs theorem, Jack symmetric functions and some combinatorial properties of Young symmetrizers, On the combinatorics of plethysm, Algebraic properties of the invariant charges of the Nambu-Goto theory, An analogue of the character formula for Hecke algebras, The evaluation of irreducible polynomial representations of the general linear groups and of the unitary groups over fields of characteristic 0, On finite groups all of whose \(p\)-blocks are of the highest defect, Determinantal method and the Littlewood-Richardson rule, Realizability of representations of finite groups, Decomposition numbers of exceptional Weyl groups. II, The \(\alpha\)-regular classes of rotation subgroups of Weyl groups, Relations between Young's natural and the Kazhdan-Lusztig representations of \(S_ n\), A combinatorial proof of the Giambelli identity for Schur functions, Remarks on symbols, hooks and degrees of unipotent characters, The Littlewood-Richardson rule for Coschur modules, Character restriction and relative normal complements, A note on plethysm, Ein weiterer Beweis, daß die konjugierende Darstellung der symmetrischen Gruppe jede irreduzible Darstellung enthält. (A further proof that the conjugating representation of the symmetric group contains every irreducible representation), Projective characters of finite Chevalley groups, Explicit codimension formulas of certain T-ideals, Shifted tableaux and the projective representations of symmetric groups, Fast generalized Fourier transforms, Some aspects of groups acting on finite posets, Statistiques d'ordre sur les permutations colorées. (Order statistics on coloured permutations), Character degrees of simple groups, The root number function in symmetric groups, Über die Schnittzahlen mehrfach balancierter Blockpläne. (On intersection numbers of \(t\)-fold balanced block designs), Modular cocharacters for P. I. algebras, Cartan matrices and Morita equivalence for blocks of the symmetric groups, On torsion free crystallographic groups, The projective representations of the hyperoctahedral group, On the cohomology of an arrangement of type \(B_ l\), The composition factors of \(F_ p[x_ 1, x_ 2, x_ 3\) as a \(GL(3, p)\)-module], Proof of a conjecture on immanants of the Jacobi-Trudi matrix, A counterexample to a question of Merikoski and Virtanen on the compounds of unitary matrices, Formulas for the expansion of the Kronecker products \(S_{(m,n)} \otimes{}S_{(1^{p-r},r)}\) and \(S_{(1^ k2^ l)} \otimes{}S_{(1^{p-r},r)}\), On the automorphism group of the integral group ring of \(S_ k \text{wr} S_ n\), The product of all the irreducible characters of a finite simple group, Duality in partially balanced block designs, Functors which produce Specht modules, SYMMETRICA, an object oriented computer-algebra system for the symmetric group, Some new explorations into the mystery of time and band limiting, Congruences like Ramanujan's for powers of the partition function, An explicit model for the complex representations of the finite general linear groups, Construction of graded covariant \(GL(m/n)\) modules using tableaux, The character covering numbers of the alternating groups, Homomorphisms between Solomon's descent algebras, Diagonalization of the \(XXZ\) Hamiltonian by vertex operators, On p-quotients for spin characters, Indecomposable A-module summands in H*V which are unstable algebras, Decomposition numbers of the group \(\mathcal J_ 2\), Induction and restriction of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells, Tilting modules, symmetric functions, and the module structure of the free Lie algebra, Calculating \(p(n)\) modulo small primes using quadratic forms, Characters induced from Sylow subgroups, A proof of Solomon's rule, The structure of the Young symmetrizers for spin representations of the symmetric group. I, Complex representations of finite monoids. II: Highest weight categories and quivers, Orbifold Euler characteristics and the number of commuting \(m\)-tuples in the symmetric groups, Branching of modular representations of the alternating groups, Representations of symmetric groups and free probability, A new plethysm formula for symmetric functions, On the Betti numbers of chessboard complexes, Longest increasing subsequences: from patience sorting to the Baik-Deift-Johansson theorem, Irreducible representations of the alternating group in odd characteristic, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fast Fourier Transforms for Symmetric Groups: Theory and Implementation, The efficient computation of Fourier transforms on the symmetric group, Partition Identities and Labels for Some Modular Characters, Modular Schur Functions, Codimension growth and minimal superalgebras, Algebras Associated to the Young-Fibonacci Lattice, Asymptotics for the multiplicities in the cocharacters of some PI-algebras, Zeros of characters of finite groups, The 𝑞-Schur² algebra, Semigroups and weights for group representations, The Jantzen sum formula for cyclotomic 𝑞–Schur algebras, Ribbon tile invariants, Representations of the symmetric group which are irreducible over subgroups, Integral representations for the alternating groups, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Low-dimensional linear representations of 𝐴𝑢𝑡𝐹_{𝑛},𝑛≥3, Representations of hecke algebras of type bn, Group actions on graphs related to Krishnan-Sunder subfactors, Relating polynomial GL (n)-representations in different degrees, Defect zero blocks for finite simple groups, A proof of polynomial identities of type sl(n̂)1⊗sl(n̂)1/sl(n̂)2, Codimension growth of two-dimensional non-associative algebras, Kleshchev's decomposition numbers and branching coefficients in the Fock space, Quantum cohomology and the 𝑘-Schur basis, On Cartan matrices and lower defect groups for covering groups of symmetric groups, Homomorphisms between Weyl modules for $\operatorname {SL}_3(k)$, Accurate and efficient evaluation of Schur and Jack functions, On the Andrews-Stanley refinement of Ramanujan’s partition congruence modulo 5 and generalizations, Schur subalgebras and an application to the symmetric group, On the generalized Burnside ring with respect to the Young subgroups of the symmetric group, Defect 3 blocks of symmetric group algebras. I, Degenerate affine Hecke algebras and centralizer construction for the symmetric groups, Nonlinear approximation theory on compact groups, Sign-balanced posets, A six generalized squares theorem, with applications to polynomial identity algebras, A stable range for dimensions of homogeneous \(O(n)\)-invariant polynomials on the \(n\times n\) matrices, Condensation of symmetrized tensor powers, Complementary algorithms for tableaux, Linear groups over \(\text{GF}(2^k)\) generated by a conjugacy class of a fixed point free element of order 3, On the kernel of the derivation operator., Variation of induced linear operators, Equivalent blocks of finite general linear groups in non-describing characteristic., Quasi-parabolic subgroups of \(G(m,1,r)\)., Linking first occurrence polynomials over \(\mathbb{F}_2\) by Steenrod operations, Research problems, Reduced unstable $A$-modules and the modular representation theory of the symmetric groups, Extensions of strict polynomial functors, Core partitions and block coverings, A note on abelian extensions, A local conjecture on Brauer character degrees of finite groups, Polynomial growth of the codimensions: a characterization, The blocks of the Brauer algebra in characteristic zero, Codimension growth of special simple Jordan algebras, Primitive central idempotents of finite group rings of symmetric groups, Module structure of cells in unequal-parameter Hecke algebras, Proof of Aldous’ spectral gap conjecture, Efficient Computation of the Fourier Transform on Finite Groups, Rock blocks, Tensors and Graphs, Rappresentazioni di gruppi simmetrici ed identita' polinomiali, The Generalized Dowling Lattices, Maximal ideals in modular group algebras of the finitary symmetric and alternating groups