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zbMath0493.28007MaRDI QIDQ3955608

S. V. Fomin, I. P. Kornfel'd, Yakov G. Sinai

Publication date: 1982

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: Interior hypersurfaces in domains with ergodic billiards, Cocycles over interval exchange transformations and multivalued Hamiltonian flows, Ergodic properties of boundary actions and the Nielsen-Schreier theory, General theorem for the existence of iterative roots of homeomorphisms with periodic points, Hilbertian Jamison sequences and rigid dynamical systems, Chaos out of order: quantum mechanics, the correspondence principle and chaos, Absence of mixing in area-preserving flows on surfaces, The ergodic hierarchy, randomness and Hamiltonian chaos, The generality of the zero-one laws, Approximation of stationary solutions of Gaussian driven stochastic differential equations, Are deterministic descriptions and indeterministic descriptions observationally equivalent?, The role of ergodicity and mixing in the central limit theorem for Casati-Prosen triangle map variables, On convex hull of \(d\)-dimensional fractional Brownian motion, Continuous dependence estimates for the ergodic problem of Bellman equation with an application to the rate of convergence for the homogenization problem, On conjugations of \(P\)-homeomorphisms, Invariant measure selection by noise. An example, Renormalizations of circle homeomorphisms with a single break point, On special flows over IETs that are not isomorphic to their inverses, Diffraction of random noble means words, Transport semigroup associated to positive boundary conditions of unit norm: a Dyson-Phillips approach, An ergodic theory approach to chaos, The generalised Berger-Wang formula and the spectral radius of linear cocycles, On the history of the isomorphism problem of dynamical systems with special regard to von Neumann's contribution, Modified Lyapunov exponent, new measure of dynamics, Combinatorial properties of sequences defined by the billiard in the tesselation triangles, On the fragmentary complexity of symbolic sequences, Representations of stochastic processes, Embeddability of homeomorphisms of the circle in set-valued iteration groups, Ergodicity and weak-mixing of homogeneous extensions of measure-preserving transformations with applications to Markov shifts, On the convex hull and winding number of self-similar processes, Spectral notions of aperiodic order, Stability index, uncertainty exponent, and thermodynamic formalism for intermingled basins of chaotic attractors, A Hilbert space of Dirichlet series and systems of dilated functions in \(L^ 2(0,1)\), Towers for commuting endomorphisms, and combinatorial applications, Spectral estimates and stable processes, Temporal distributional limit theorems for dynamical systems, On the limiting Markov process of energy exchanges in a rarely interacting ball-piston gas, Absolutely continuous cocycles over irrational rotations, Polynomial diffeomorphisms of \(\mathbb{C}^ 2\). 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II: Point spectrum for \(\lambda > 2\), Quantum chaos: Unexpected complexity, Interval stochastic matrices: A combinatorial lemma and the computation of invariant measures of dynamical systems, Linear stability analysis for bifurcations in spatially extended systems with fluctuating control parameter, Quantization of a class of piecewise affine transformations on the torus, A characterization of mixing processes of type G, Data-driven non-Markovian closure models, Finite approximations of Frobenius-Perron operators. 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II: Fermion shifts and their ergodic and Gibbs properties, \(\alpha\)-expansions with odd partial quotients, Localization for the Ising model in a transverse field with generic aperiodic disorder, Ergodicity of an SPDE associated with a many-server queue, Affinity of the Arov entropy, Interaction of particles governed by generalized integrated telegraph processes, On interrelations between divergence-free and Hamiltonian dynamics, Sumsets of dense sets and sparse sets, Statistical limit theorems for suspension flows, Recurrence near given sets and the complexity of the Casati-Prosen map, Soft chaos in a Hamiltonian system with step potential. II Topological properties, Coding of geodesics on some modular surfaces and applications to odd and even continued fractions, Towards a definition of the quantum ergodic hierarchy: Kolmogorov and Bernoulli systems, Time operator of Markov chains and mixing times. Applications to financial data, The Poisson boundary of covering Markov operators, An algorithmic view of pseudochaos, Chaotic knots and wild dynamics, Bernoulli convolutions and an intermediate value theorem for entropies of \(k\)-partitions, An estimate from above of the number of periodic orbits for semi- dispersed billiards, Quantum \(K\)-systems, Splitting of separatrices for standard and semistandard mappings, Accumulation and compensation turnpikes in a Leontief model, Topological classification of linear hyperbolic cocycles, Transformations with highly nonhomogeneous spectrum of finite multiplicity, An explicit approach to the \(\Lambda\)-operator and the H-theorem in the Prigogine theory of irreversibility, Remarks on quasicrystallic symmetries, Generalized continued fractions., Chaotic coupling constants, Time reversibility for modular \(K\)-systems, Invariant properties of a class of exactly solvable mixing transformations --- a measure-theoretical approach to model the evolution of material lines advected by chaotic flows, Well-balanced sequences, Stability results for a general class of interacting point processes dynamics, and applications, Chaos, fractional kinetics, and anomalous transport, New dynamical invariants on hyperbolic manifolds, Influence of noise on dynamics with fractal Fourier spectra, Representation of the resonances of a relativistic quantum field theoretical model in Lax-Phillips scattering theory, On the torus automorphisms: analytic solution, computability and quantization, Embedding the torus automorphisms to Hamiltonian flows, Energy and information of chaotic dynamical systems, The time operator of the cusp map, Billiards in Finsler and Minkowski geometries, Ergodic theory and maximal abelian subalgebras of the hyperfinite factor, On some derivations of irreversible thermodynamics from dynamical systems theory, Hierarchy of one- and many-parameter families of elliptic chaotic maps of \(cn\) and \(sn\) types, A Poisson limit theorem for a strongly ergodic non-homogeneous Markov chain, Stock market dynamics, Rényi entropies of aperiodic dynamical systems, Convergence of generalized Lorenz curves based on stationary ergodic random sequences with deterministic noise, Diffraction and Palm measure of point processes, On analyticity for Lyapunov exponents of generic bounded linear random dynamical systems, Santalo's formula and stability of trapping sets of positive measure, Necessary and sufficient conditions for a second-order Wiener-Itô integral process to be mixing, Distribution of the error term for the number of lattice points inside a shifted circle, Ergodic properties of random measures on stationary sequences of sets, Ergodic properties of Poissonian ID processes, Mean ergodic theorem in symmetric spaces, Dynamical directions in numeration, Output digitization of simple measure-preserving linear systems, The growth speed for the product of consecutive digits in Lüroth expansions, Entropy theory for cross-sections, Asymptotics of ODE's flow on the torus through a singleton condition and a perturbation result. Applications, Lower functions and Chung's LILs of the generalized fractional Brownian motion, Higher bifurcations for polynomial skew products, A nonadapted version of the invariance principle of Peligrad and Utev, Strict weak mixing of some \(C^{*}\)-dynamical systems based on free shifts, Wave function shredding by sparse quantum barriers, Logarithmic bounds for ergodic sums of certain flows on the torus: a short proof, Multiple Borel-Cantelli lemma in dynamics and multilog law for recurrence, Invariant measures of torus piecewise isometries, Attractors of dual continued fractions, Nonsingular Poisson suspensions, Purity results for some arithmetically defined measures, Singularity of the spectrum for smooth area-preserving flows in genus two and translation surfaces well approximated by cylinders, Billiards on Pythagorean triples and their Minkowski functions, Nonautonomous linear-quadratic dissipative control processes without uniform null controllability, Synthetic nonlinear second-order oscillators on Riemannian manifolds and their numerical simulation, Markov chains with doubly stochastic transition matrices and application to a sequence of non-selective quantum measurements, Bounded error uniformity of the linear flow on the torus, Misiurewicz parameters and dynamical stability of polynomial-like maps of large topological degree, Homogenization of ODE's in \(\mathbb {R}^N\), The Arnold cat map, the Ulam method and time reversal, On the entropy of conservative flows, Travelling times in scattering by obstacles in curved space, Quantitative behavior of non-integrable systems. I, Perron-Frobenius operators and the Klein-Gordon equation, Justifying typicality measures of Boltzmannian statistical mechanics and dynamical systems, On conjugacies between piecewise-smooth circle maps, Skew products over rotations with exotic properties, Maximally chaotic dynamical systems, Ergodic properties of the ideal gas model for infinite billiards, Quenched central limit theorems for sums of stationary processes, Testing the order of discrete Markov chains using surrogate data, Spectral decomposition of the tent maps and the isomorphism of dynamical systems, Initial, non-exponential decay in billiards, On entropy rates of dynamical systems and Gaussian processes, Stark effect in Lax-Phillips scattering theory, A picture of the ODE's flow in the torus: from everywhere or almost-everywhere asymptotics to homogenization of transport equations, On the intersections of localized Jarník sets and localized uniformly Jarník sets in continued fractions, A few problems connected with invariant measures of Markov maps -- verification of some claims and opinions that circulate in the literature, The boundary of the range of a random walk and the Følner property, Recurrence for measurable semigroup actions, Topological entropy of quadratic polynomials and dimension of sections of the Mandelbrot set, On a factorization of homeomorphisms of the circle possessing periodic points, Schröder equation and commuting functions on the circle, Bifix codes and interval exchanges, Smooth automorphisms and path-connectedness in Borel dynamics, Central limit theorems for simultaneous Diophantine approximations, The distribution of geodesic excursions out the end of a hyperbolic orbifold and approximation with respect to a Fuchsian group, Ergodic properties of max-infinitely divisible processes, Conjugations between circle maps with a single break point, Large deviation principle for arithmetic functions in continued fraction expansion, Spectral properties of grain boundaries at small angles of rotation, Ergodic deformations of nonlinear Hamilton systems and local homeomorphism of metric spaces, Multiple mixing and parabolic divergence in smooth area-preserving flows on higher genus surfaces, Best approximation of orbits in iterated function systems, Epicycles in the hyperbolic sky, Absolutely continuous invariant measures for random non-uniformly expanding maps, Precession of the Kovalevskaya and Goryachev-Chaplygin tops, Recent results on iteration theory: iteration groups and semigroups in the real case, Pinning model in random correlated environment: appearance of an infinite disorder regime, On \(L^1\) exponential trend to equilibrium for conservative linear kinetic equations on the torus, Maximal bifix decoding, Time-periodic measures, random periodic orbits, and the linear response for dissipative non-autonomous stochastic differential equations, Averaging of Hamiltonian flows with an ergodic component, Symmetries of cosmological Cauchy horizons with non-closed orbits, Iterated differences sets, Diophantine approximations and applications, Dynamical properties of endomorphisms, multiresolutions, similarity and orthogonality relations, The Klein-Gordon equation, the Hilbert transform and Gauss-type maps: \(H^\infty\) approximation, Polynomial entropy of nonautonomous dynamical systems for noncompact sets, Preimage entropy dimension of topological dynamical systems, Rigidity, weak mixing, and recurrence in abelian groups, Unpredictability in Hamiltonian systems with a hierarchical phase space, Universal mixers in all dimensions, Statistical properties of skew-endomorphisms with Bernoulli base, Structure of three-interval exchange transformations. III: Ergodic and spectral properties, On classifying processes, Inverse Jacobi multipliers, A sufficient condition for \(C^1\)-smoothness of the conjugation between piecewise smooth circle homeomorphisms, Decomposition of discrete time periodically correlated and multivariate stationary symmetric stable processes, Filtrations associated to some two-to-one transformations, Cross-ratio inequality with infinite type of singularities, Weak mixing in interval exchange transformations of periodic type, Ergodic theorems for dynamic imprecise probability kinematics, Diffraction theory of point processes: systems with clumping and repulsion, A Billingsley type theorem for Bowen topological entropy of nonautonomous dynamical systems, Essential spectra of weighted composition operators induced by elliptic automorphisms, Setvalued dynamical systems for stochastic evolution equations driven by fractional noise, Functional limit theorems for the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, Quantitative global-local mixing for accessible skew products, Bernoulli property for certain skew products over hyperbolic systems, Interpolation sets and nilsequences, Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics, On gradient-like random dynamical systems, Central limit theorem for recurrent random walks on a strip with bounded potential, Centralizer and liftable centralizer of special flows over rotations, Some open problems on multiple ergodic averages, Topological Equivalence of Foliations of Homogeneous Spaces, Symmetry of tilings of the plane, Ensemble d'invariants pour les produits croisés de Anzai, Three complexity functions, Nonstandard Analysis of the Behavior of Ergodic Means of Dynamical Systems on Very Big Finite Probability Spaces, Metrical diophantine approximation for continued fraction like maps of the interval, The Structure of Disjoint Iteration Groups on the Circle, Spike Train Statistics from Empirical Facts to Theory: The Case of the Retina, Estimation of zero-intelligence models by L1 data, The Poncelet Theorems in Interpretation of Rafaɫ Koɫodziej, Generalized Lorenz curves and convexifications of stochastic processes, Quasimorphismes sur le monoïde libre, et substitutions dans les mesures invariantes, The Wiener Lemma and Cocycles, Percival’s conjecture for the Bunimovich mushroom billiard, Criticality transport problems for spherical systems with specular type boundary conditions, Stochastic Operators and Semigroups and Their Applications in Physics and Biology, Complexité de suites définies par des billards rationnels, Universal adic approximation, invariant measures and scaled entropy, Cycles, randomness, and transport from chaotic dynamics to stochastic processes, Topological entropy of generalized polygon exchanges, Noise dependent synchronization of a degenerate SDE, Lyapunov spectrum of Markov and Euclid trees, Ergodic averaging with and without invariant measures, Infinite interval exchange transformations from shifts, On classes of infinite loaded graphs with randomly deleted edges, Recent Developments in the Translation Equation and Its Stability, Lyapunov exponents and entropy for divergence-free Lipschitz vector fields, Unitary flows with tensor simple spectrum, Bifurcation theory of attractors and minimal sets in d-concave nonautonomous scalar ordinary differential equations, General Framework, Normal Numbers and Symbolic Dynamics, Stochastic homogenisation of high-contrast media, Occupation times of discrete-time fractional Brownian motion, Invariant measures for Cantor dynamical systems, On Conformal Measures and Harmonic Functions for Group Extensions, On the invariant measure of a piecewise-smooth circle homeomorphism of Zygmund class, On weakly almost periodic measures, The behavior of the spectral gap under growing drift, Metric characterization of cluster dynamics on the Sierpinski gasket, Spatio-temporal spike train analysis for large scale networks using the maximum entropy principle and Monte Carlo method, Interval exchanges, admissibility and branching Rauzy induction, On ergodic flows with simple Lebesgue spectrum, On stable b-bistochastic quadratic stochastic operators and associated non-homogenous Markov chains, Geodesic excursions into an embedded disc on a hyperbolic Riemann surface, Probabilistic extension and logic of complex unstable dynamical systems, Unnamed Item, Limit theorems for random transformations and processes in random environments, Unbounded gaps for cocycles and invariant measures for their Mackey actions, Lyapunov exponents and invariant manifolds for random dynamical systems in a Banach space, Averaging of incompressible flows on two-dimensional surfaces, Unnamed Item, Amenable Relations for Endomorphisms, The Dynamics of Rotating Waves in Scalar Reaction Diffusion Equations, An Open Problem on Strongly Consistent Learning of the Best Prediction for Gaussian Processes, Billiards and Teichmüller curves on Hilbert modular surfaces, Multidimensional hyperbolic billiards, Rotation Sets of Toral Flows, Subgroup of interval exchanges generated by torsion elements and rotations, Coding Non-orientable Laminations, On ergodic problem for Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations, Predictive sets, Livsic theorems for hyperbolic flows, Spectral rigidity of group actions: Applications to the case gr⟨𝑡,𝑠;𝑡𝑠=𝑠𝑡²⟩, Minimal interval exchange transformations with flips, Ribbon ℝ-trees and holomorphic dynamics on the unit disk, Ergodic properties of the Anzai skew-product for the non-commutative torus, Persistence of Homoclinic Orbits under White Noise Perturbation, Groups of line and circle homeomorphisms. Criteria for almost nilpotency, Joining primeness and disjointness from infinitely divisible systems, On the uniqueness of the ergodic maximal function, Unnamed Item, Lessons Learnt from the Cryptanalysis of Chaos-Based Ciphers, Boundary conditions for streaming operator in a bounded convex body, The thermodynamic formalism and exponents of singularity of invariant measure of circle maps with a single break, Eventually dendric shift spaces, Family independence for topological and measurable dynamics, Topological Equivalence of Flows on Homogeneous Spaces, and Divergence of One-Parameter Subgroups of Lie Groups, A Poisson limit theorem for Gibbs–Markov maps, TheK-property for subadditive equilibrium states, Dynamical stability and Lyapunov exponents for holomorphic endomorphisms of CP(k), Periodic billiard orbits are dense in rational polygons, Pressure, Poincaré series and box dimension of the boundary, Excursion and return times of a geodesic to a subset of a hyperbolic Riemann surface, Constructive approach to limit theorems for recurrent diffusive random walks on a strip, Littlewood polynomials and applications of them in the spectral theory of dynamical systems, Stability of Periodic Billiard Trajectories in Triangle, On the self-similarity problem for Gaussian-Kronecker flows, Locating Ruelle–Pollicott resonances*, Dislocation Problems for Periodic Schrödinger Operators and Mathematical Aspects of Small Angle Grain Boundaries, Invariance principles and Gaussian approximation for strictly stationary processes, Limit theorems for numbers of multiple returns in non-conventional arrays, Random paths and current fluctuations in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, Multiple Markov Gaussian processes, Joint ergodicity and mixing, A note on entropy and inner functions, The Jones-Witten invariant for flows on a 3-dimensional manifold, Une nouvelle propriété des suites de Rudin-Shapiro. (A new property of Rudin-Shapiro sequences), Renewal theorem for a class of stationary sequences, A numerical study of the likelihood of phase locking, Ergodic theory, irreversibility and relativistic symmetry, From probabilistic descriptions to deterministic dynamics, A unique ergodicity of minimal symbolic flows with linear block growth, A condition for minimal interval exchange maps to be uniquely ergodic, Non-uniformly hyperbolic billiards, Principles for the design of billiards with nonvanishing Lyapunov exponents, Topological methods in surface dynamics, Measurable group actions are essentially Borel actions, A class of real cocycles having an analytic coboundary modification, Some mixing conditions for stationary symmetric stable stochastic processes, An extension of Kotani's theorem to random generalized Sturm-Liouville operators, A refined formula for the separatrix splitting for the standard map, Dynamic complexity in duopoly games, Limit distributions of polynomial trajectories on homogeneous spaces, Density of defects and spatial entropy in extended systems, Convex-invariant means and a pathwise central limit theorem, Anderson localization for the almost Mathieu equation: A nonperturbative proof, A new proof of M. Herman's theorem, The asymptotic behavior of the principal eigenvalue in a singular perturbation problem with invariant boundaries, When the integral is the limit, Singular measures without restrictive intervals, Bounded orbits of Anosov flows, Nonorientable recurrence of flows and interval exchange transformations, A metric study involving independent sequences, A linear code for the sawtooth and cat maps, Phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators by external driving, Spectral analysis of certain compact factors for Gaussian dynamical systems, A natural extension of a nonsingular endomorphism of a measure space, Multiple ergodic theorems, Billiards with Pesin region of measure one, Dynamical properties of expansive one-sided cellular automata, Measure-theoretic complexity of ergodic systems, Ergodic problem for the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. I: Existence of the ergodic attractor, Convergence to a stationary state and diffusion for a charged particle in a standing medium, Nonunitary transformations and hydrodynamic limit in the one-dimensional hard-point gas, Optimal decompositions of quantum states with respect to entropy, Ergodic properties of automorphisms on the rotation algebra, Measure-theoretic entropy for flows, Decay of correlations and control of chaotic billiards, Invariants for smooth conjugacy of hyperbolic dynamical systems. II, Topologically transitive subsets of piecewise monotonic maps, which contain no periodic points, Limit theorems for products of positive random matrices, Resonances and the extension of dynamics to rigged Hilbert spaces, Fractional dynamics, irreversibility and ergodicity breaking, Mixing of frame flow for rank one locally symmetric spaces and measure classification, Estimation of ordinal pattern probabilities in Gaussian processes with stationary increments, Strong asymptotic abelianness for entropic \(K\)-systems, Self-adjoint time operators and invariant subspaces, Hausdorff dimension of certain sets arising in continued fraction expansions, Patterns in chaos, A chaos-based approach to the design of cryptographically secure substitutions, Using integrability to produce chaos: Billiards with positive entropy, On maps with dense orbits and the definition of chaos, Ergodic properties of plane billiards with symmetric potentials, Directional differentiability of the rotation number for the almost- periodic Schrödinger equation, Ergodic properties of stationary Poisson sequences, Normal forms for random diffeomorphisms, A note on ergodic symmetric stable processes, A note on noncommutative unique ergodicity and weighted means, Constructive almost periodic factorization of some triangular matrix functions, The evolution of a spatial stochastic network, Teichmüller curves, triangle groups, and Lyapunov exponents, Quasi Markovian behavior in mixing maps, The dynamics of thermodynamics, Topological and measure-theoretic properties of one-dimensional cellular automata, Non-uniform time operator, chaos and wavelets on the interval, The time operator of wavelets, Measure-valued flows given consistent exchangeable families, Shuffles of copulas, Some uniform ergodic inequalities in the nonmeasurable case, Stabilizing stationary linear discrete systems: Minimal and balanced expansions in any real base, Boundary of central tiles associated with Pisot beta-numeration and purely periodic expansions, The Poisson boundary of Teichmüller space, Generalized spectral decomposition and intrinsic irreversibility of the Arnold cat map, Rank of Gaussian dynamical systems, Hamiltonian loops from the ergodic point of view, Entropy production in open volume-preserving systems, On the correlation dimension of the spectral measure for the Thue-Morse sequence, On \(C^{r}\)-closing for flows on orientable and non-orientable 2-manifolds, Billiard and the five-gap theorem, The natural extension of the \(\beta\)-transformation, Global observability of a class of nonlinear discrete time systems, Stationary queues with one autonomous server, The centralizer of a rank-one flow, Jointly ergodic measure-preserving transformations, The problem of recurrence for Lorentz processes, The dynamics of billiards with no-slip collisions, On the discontinuities of the boundary in billiards, Detecting the symmetry of attractors, Conditional expectations and the corona problem of ergodic Hardy spaces, Quantitative recurrence results, Krieger factors isomorphic to their tensor square and pure point spectrum flows, On the rate of mixing of Axiom A flows, K-theoretic invariants for \(C^*\)-algebras associated to transformations and induced flows, A review of Girsanov reweighting and of square root approximation for building molecular Markov state models, Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theorem for laminations, On cluster dynamics of infinite Newtonian dynamics, Real zeros of random trigonometric polynomials with dependent coefficients, The Asymptotic Frequency of Stochastic Oscillators, Decomposition theorems for koopman operators, Entropy of non-uniformly hyperbolic plane billiards, Symmetric Measures, Continuous Networks, and Dynamics, Loschmidt echo and Poincaré recurrences of entanglement, Tits Alternative for -dimensional complexes, Harmonic analysis on graphs via Bratteli diagrams and path-space measures, Functional limit theorems for Volterra processes and applications to homogenization*, A Note on the Conjugacy Between Two Critical Circle Maps, Modern Koopman Theory for Dynamical Systems, Synchronization for KPZ, The K-property for some unique equilibrium states in flows and homeomorphisms, On dynamical properties of generalized toggle automata, Pattern Size in Gaussian Fields from Spinodal Decomposition, Fine asymptotic expansion of the ODE's flow, Composition operators and generalized primes, Mixing and rigidity along asymptotically linearly independent sequences, Limit laws for rational continued fractions and value distribution of quantum modular forms, New Hilbert space tools for analysis of graph Laplacians and Markov processes, Critical Transitions in d-Concave Nonautonomous Scalar Ordinary Differential Equations Appearing in Population Dynamics, Generalized Eigenvalues of the Perron–Frobenius Operators of Symbolic Dynamical Systems, On special representations of automorphisms of \(\sigma\)-finite measure spaces using Poincaré recurrence theorem and Hopf decomposition, Correction to: ``Quenched large deviation principle for words in a letter sequence, Distinguishing between regular and chaotic orbits of flows by the weighted Birkhoff average, A Kesten-Stigum type theorem for a supercritical multitype branching process in a random environment, Hausdorff dimension of sets with restricted, slowly growing partial quotients, Embeddings of interval exchange transformations into planar piecewise isometries, Properties of mixing BV vector fields, Local Poincaré algebra from quantum chaos, Cut‐and‐project quasicrystals, lattices and dense forests, Nilsequences and multiple correlations along subsequences, Genericity of trivial Lyapunov spectrum for \(L^p\)-cocycles derived from second order linear homogeneous differential equations, BERNOULLI ACTIONS OF TYPE III WITH PRESCRIBED ASSOCIATED FLOW, Failure of Khintchine-type results along the polynomial image of \(\mathrm{IP}_0\) sets, Random splitting of fluid models: unique ergodicity and convergence, Extended-cycle integrals of modular functions for badly approximable numbers, Kolmogorov turbulence, Anderson localization and KAM integrability, Equilibrium states for self‐products of flows and the mixing properties of rank 1 geodesic flows, Poincaré recurrences and Ulam method for the Chirikov standard map, Every complex Hénon map is exponentially mixing of all orders and satisfies the CLT, Transfer operators and conditional expectations: the non-commutative case, the case of mu-Brownian motions and white noise space setting, Clock statistics for 1d Schrödinger operators, Dynamics of metrics in measure spaces and scaling entropy, A palm space approach to non-linear Hawkes processes, Mixing of linear operators under infinitely divisible measures on Banach spaces, Specific properties of the ODE's flow in dimension two versus dimension three, On one-parameter Koopman groups, Non-uniform Kozlov–Treschev averagings in the ergodic theorem, 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Asymptotics of the Flow by a Non-Ergodic Approach, Lens Rigidity in Scattering by Unions of Strictly Convex Bodies in R^2, Generic behavior of a measure-preserving transformation, Recurrence for free semigroups of measurable maps, An Extention of Herman’s Theorem for Nonlinear Circle Maps with Two Breaks, Asymptotic invariants of 3-dimensional vector fields, Möbius disjointness along ergodic sequences for uniquely ergodic actions, Random attractors for stochastic differential equations driven by two-sided Lévy processes, Marked length rigidity for Fuchsian buildings, A modified Lax-Phillips scattering theory for quantum mechanics, Ergodic homoclinic groups, Sidon constructions and Poisson suspensions, Ergodicity: How Can It Be Broken?, Recurrence, rigidity, and popular differences