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zbMath0715.14013MaRDI QIDQ3998951

Vladimir G. Berkovich

Publication date: 17 September 1992

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II: Analytic and algebraic stability, Higher analytic stacks and GAGA theorems, Differential forms in positive characteristic. II: cdh-descent via functorial Riemann-Zariski spaces, Morphisms of Berkovich curves and the different function, Stably uniform affinoids are sheafy, The dual boundary complex of the \(SL_2\) character variety of a punctured sphere, Abhyankar's perfectoid lemma, The direct factor conjecture, Enumeration of holomorphic cylinders in log Calabi-Yau surfaces. I, Gromov compactness in non-archimedean analytic geometry, Relative ampleness in rigid geometry, On a conjecture of Rapoport and Zink, The dynamical Manin-Mumford problem for plane polynomial automorphisms, Continuity of the radius of convergence of differential equations on \(p\)-adic analytic curves, Topology and geometry of the Berkovich ramification locus for rational functions. I, Geometric Bogomolov conjecture for abelian varieties and some results for those with some degeneration (with an appendix by Walter Gubler: the minimal dimension of a canonical measure), Radius of convergence of \(p\)-adic connections and the \(p\)-adic Rolle theorem, A nonarchimedean Ax-Lindemann theorem, Capacity theory and arithmetic intersection theory, Finiteness theorems for vanishing cycles of formal schemes, A note on tropicalization in the context of Berkovich spaces, Uniform \(K\)-stability, Duistermaat-Heckman measures and singularities of pairs, Cohomology of locally closed semi-algebraic subsets, An analogue of Hilbert's 10th problem for fields of meromorphic functions over non-Archimedean valued fields, Tropicalization of the moduli space of stable maps, Spectral theory for \(p\)-adic operators, The Thom-Sebastiani theorem for the Euler characteristic of cyclic \(L_\infty\)-algebras, A nondensity property of preperiodic points on Chebyshev dynamical systems, Igusa zeta functions and the non-archimedean SYZ fibration, Semi-stable extensions over 1-dimensional bases, On a geometric description of \(\text{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb Q}_p/\mathbb Q_p)\) and a \(p\)-adic avatar of \(\widehat{GT}\), Tropical geometry and correspondence theorems via toric stacks, Dagger geometry as Banach algebraic geometry, Period spaces for Hodge structures in equal characteristic, On basic concepts of tropical geometry, Motivic zeta functions of degenerating Calabi-Yau varieties, Matroids over partial hyperstructures, Motivic integral of \(K3\) surfaces over a non-Archimedean field, Rational connectivity and analytic contractibility, Tropical Hodge numbers of non-Archimedean curves, Covers in \(p\)-adic analytic geometry and log covers. 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I: Affinoid domains of the Berkovich affine line, The convergence Newton polygon of a \(p\)-adic differential equation. II: Continuity and finiteness on Berkovich curves, On Zhang's semipositive metrics, Canonical measures on metric graphs and a Kazhdan's theorem, Hodge index inequality in geometry and arithmetic: a probabilistic approach, On Tate's acyclicity and uniformity of Berkovich spectra and adic spectra, Tropical Hopf manifolds and contracting germs, Some results of algebraic geometry over Henselian rank one valued fields, Overconvergent modular forms and perfectoid Shimura curves, Stein domains in Banach algebraic geometry, Meromorphic solutions of equations over non-Archimedean fields, Faithful tropicalization of Mumford curves of genus two, On period spaces for \(p\)-divisible groups, The arithmetic Hodge index theorem for adelic line bundles, The ultrametric corona problem, Multiplicative spectrum of ultrametric Banach algebras of continuous functions, Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds. II: Bulk deformations, A criterion for weak convergence on Berkovich projective space, Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections. I: Surfaces, Hahn analytification and connectivity of higher rank tropical varieties, Berkovich spaces are excellent, Equidistribution over function fields, Forms of an affinoid disc and ramification, Differentials of the second kind on Mumford curves, Non-archimedean analytic curves in the complements of hypersurface divisors, Applications of the \(p\)-adic Nevanlinna theory to functional equations., A Gelfand-Beurling type formula for heights on endomorphism rings, Radiality of definable sets, Homogeneous \(p\)-adic vector bundles on abelian varieties that are analytic tori. II, A note on Berkovich spaces and \(p\)-adic differential equations, \(p\)-adic uniformization of unitary Shimura varieties, Étale cohomology for non-Archimedean analytic spaces, Tropicalizing the space of admissible covers, Faltings height and Néron–Tate height of a theta divisor, Uniform perfectness of the Berkovich Julia sets in non-archimedean dynamics, Cohomology of algebraic varieties over non-archimedean fields, Non-Archimedean indifferent components of rational functions that are not disks, Heights and totally p-adic numbers, The corona problem on a complete ultrametric algebraically closed field, A non-Archimedean Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem, A -adic monodromy theorem for de Rham local systems, Degenerations of amoebae and Berkovich spaces, Heights and totally real numbers, Non-archimedean analytification of algebraic spaces, Toroidal geometry and non-archimedean analytic geometry. Application to the homotopy type of certain formal schemes, Tropicalized Quartics and Canonical Embeddings for Tropical Curves of Genus 3, Tropical Skeletons, On the distribution of orbits in affine varieties, Unnamed Item, Equidistribution of the crucial measures in non-Archimedean dynamics, From the Carlitz exponential to Drinfeld modular forms, Berkovich curves and Schottky uniformization. I: The Berkovich affine line, Berkovich curves and Schottky uniformization. II: Analytic uniformization of Mumford curves, Non-Archimedean analytic geometry as relative algebraic geometry, Realizability of tropical canonical divisors, Motivic Milnor fibre of cyclic \(L_\infty\)-algebras, A classification of the commutative Banach perfect semi-fields of characteristic 1: applications, Tropical superelliptic curves, Non-Archimedean entire curves in closed subvarieties of semi-abelian varieties, The asymptotic Fubini-Study operator over general non-Archimedean fields, Normalized Berkovich spaces and surface singularities, Regularity of certain commutative Banach rings, Schottky spaces and universal Mumford curves over \(\mathbb{Z}\), The classical theory of calculus of variations for generalized functions, Higher dimensional essential minima and equidistribution of cycles, A dynamical construction of small totally \(p\)-adic algebraic numbers, Rigid analytix \(p\)-divisible groups, Endomorphisms of power series fields and residue fields of Fargues-Fontaine curves, An a priori bound for rational functions on the Berkovich projective line, Continuity of roots after Rabinoff, Apéry base and polar invariants for real valuations, Remarks on algebraic dynamics in positive characteristic, \(p\)-adic equidistribution of CM points, An Ahlfors Islands Theorem for non-archimedean meromorphic functions, Triangulations et cohomologie étale sur une courbe analytique 𝑝-adique, Lectures on Tropical Curves and Their Moduli Spaces, Berkovich spaces on \(\mathbb Z\): local study, Arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves over local fields, Resolution of nonsingularities for Mumford curves, Spherical tropicalization and Berkovich analytification, Equidistribution and integral points for Drinfeld modules, Global pluripotential theory on hybrid spaces, The space of finite-energy metrics over a degeneration of complex manifolds, Répartition galoisienne ultramétrique d’une classe d’isogénie de courbes elliptiques : Le cas de la mauvaise réduction. Application aux hauteurs locales., Non-archimedean connected Julia sets with branching, Rescaling limits in non-Archimedean dynamics, A Mahler-type estimate of weighted Fekete sums on the Berkovich projective line, Polynomial approximation of Berkovich spaces and definable types, Unnamed Item, Picard groups in \(p\)-adic Fourier theory, Constructible \(\nabla \)-modules on curves, DEGENERATION OF ENDOMORPHISMS OF THE COMPLEX PROJECTIVE SPACE IN THE HYBRID SPACE, Lower bounds for non-Archimedean Lyapunov exponents, On maximal ideals which are also minimal prime ideals in certain Banach rings, Topology of spaces of valuations and geometry of singularities, Deformation spaces of one-dimensional formal modules and their cohomology, Slope filtrations in families, Analytic Curves in Algebraic Varieties over Number Fields, Stable modification of relative curves, Quantitative uniform distribution of points of small height on the projective line, Optimal cycles in ultrametric dynamics and minimally ramified power series, Singular semipositive metrics in non-Archimedean geometry, Spectra of commutative non-unital Banach rings, Noetherianity and privilege in \(p\)-adic analytic geometry, How to Repair Tropicalizations of Plane Curves Using Modifications, Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, II: Excellent schemes, Configuration of the crucial set for a quadratic rational map, Unnamed Item, Effective faithful tropicalizations associated to linear systems on curves, On Non-Commutative Analytic Spaces Over Non-Archimedean Fields, Singular cohomology of the analytic Milnor fiber, and mixed Hodge structure on the nearby cohomology, Generalizations of rigid analytic Picard theorems, Forms and Currents on the Analytification of an Algebraic Variety (After Chambert-Loir and Ducros), The Non-Archimedean Monge–Ampère Equation, About Hrushovski and Loeser’s Work on the Homotopy Type of Berkovich Spaces, Analytification and Tropicalization Over Non-archimedean Fields, Berkovich Skeleta and Birational Geometry, Metrization of Differential Pluriforms on Berkovich Analytic Spaces, Skeletons and Fans of Logarithmic Structures, Introduction to Adic Tropicalization, Degeneration of Linear Series from the Tropical Point of View and Applications, Idempotents in an ultrametric Banach algebra, Differential modules onp-adic polyannuli, A specialization inequality for tropical complexes, Hasse-Arf filtrations in 𝑝-adic analytic geometry, Nonarchimedean geometry of Witt vectors, A new proof of the Gerritzen-Grauert theorem, Riemann existence theorems of Mumford type, DEFINABLE SETS OF BERKOVICH CURVES, Uniformizable families of $t$-motives, Tropical geometry and Newton–Okounkov cones for Grassmannian of planes from compactifications, DEGENERATIONS OF COMPLEX DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, SUR LES COMPOSANTES CONNEXES D’UNE FAMILLE D’ESPACES ANALYTIQUES -ADIQUES, Analyticity and resurgence in wall-crossing formulas, A new equivariant in nonarchimedean dynamics, Points of small height on semiabelian varieties, On local properties of non-Archimedean analytic spaces. II, Brolin's equidistribution theorem in \(p\)-adic dynamics., Tropical geometry over the tropical hyperfield, Equidistribution of small points, rational dynamics, and potential theory, Invariants for trees of non-Archimedean polynomials and skeleta of superelliptic curves, Non-Archimedean pinchings, Inseparable local uniformization, Points and topologies in rigid geometry, Tropical varieties for non-archimedean analytic spaces, The Bogomolov conjecture for totally degenerate abelian varieties, Convergence of volume forms on a family of log Calabi-Yau varieties to a non-Archimedean measure, Energy minimization principle for non-Archimedean curves, Mahler measures and logarithmic equidistribution, On the comparison theorem for étale cohomology of non-Archimedean analytic spaces, Dynamics of commuting rational maps on Berkovich projective space over \(\mathbb C_p\), Patching over analytic fibers and the local-global principle, Infinitesimal deformation of \(p\)-adic differential equations on Berkovich curves, A Lefschetz hyperplane theorem for non-Archimedean Jacobians, Analytic functions on tubes of nonarchimedean analytic spaces, Effective divisor classes on metric graphs, A Riemann-Hurwitz formula for skeleta in non-Archimedean geometry, Perfectoid spaces, Hyperbolicity notions for varieties defined over a non-Archimedean field, Berkovich spaces and tubular descent, Every tamely ramified form of an open polydisc is trivial, Constructing smooth and fully faithful tropicalizations for Mumford curves, \(p\)-adic distribution of CM points and Hecke orbits. I: Convergence towards the Gauss point, Valuations and asymptotic invariants for sequences of ideals, Dynamics of transcendental entire maps on Berkovich affine line, Spectrum of a linear differential equation with constant coefficients, Line bundles on rigid varieties and Hodge symmetry, Motivic volumes of fibers of tropicalization, Topological transcendence degree, Geometry of hyperfields, Varieties without boundary in rigid analytic geometry, Spaces of norms, determinant of cohomology and Fekete points in non-Archimedean geometry, A survey and new results on Banach algebras of ultrametric continuous functions, A comparison of the real and non-Archimedean Monge-Ampère operator, Spectrum of a linear differential equation over a field of formal power series, Variation of Tamagawa numbers of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves with semistable reduction, Derived non-Archimedean analytic spaces, Riemann-Hurwitz formula for finite morphisms of \(p\)-adic curves, Poincaré duality for the tropical Dolbeault cohomology of non-Archimedean Mumford curves, Tropical geometry of genus two curves, Continuity of the Green function in meromorphic families of polynomials, On nonarchimedean Banach fields, Tropical dynamics of area-preserving maps, Positivity properties of metrics and delta-forms, Deformations and rigidity of \(\ell\)-adic sheaves, Shilov boundary and \(p\)-adic injective analytic functions, Tropical and non-Archimedean limits of degenerating families of volume forms, Nonmaximal ideals and the Berkovich space of the algebra of bounded analytic functions, Metric uniformization of morphisms of Berkovich curves, Introduction to arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel theorems, Arakelov geometry, heights, equidistribution, and the Bogomolov conjecture, Comparison of two notions of subharmonicity on non-archimedean curves, Degenerations of \(\mathrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{C})\) representations and Lyapunov exponents, Skeletons of Prym varieties and Brill-Noether theory, Tamely ramified forms of closed polydisks and laces, A non-Archimedean analogue of Teichmüller space and its tropicalization, Initial degenerations of Grassmannians, Ultrafilters and ultrametric Banach algebras of Lipschitz functions, Metric uniformization of morphisms of Berkovich curves via \(p\)-adic differential equations, Berkovich spectra of elements in Banach rings, On the slopes of the lattice of sections of hermitian line bundles, The tight approximation property, Local acyclicity in \(p\)-adic cohomology, Convergence of \(p\)-adic pluricanonical measures to Lebesgue measures on skeleta in Berkovich spaces, Tropicalizing the moduli space of spin curves, Links of sandwiched surface singularities and self-similarity, Quantitative logarithmic equidistribution of the crucial measures, Equidistribution in non-Archimedean parameter curves towards the activity measures, Constructing local models for Lagrangian torus fibrations, Simple connectivity of Fargues-Fontaine curves, Continuity of plurisubharmonic envelopes in non-Archimedean geometry and test ideals. With an appendix by José Ignacio Burgos Gil and Martín Sombra., Analytic geometry over \(\mathbb{F}_1\) and the Fargues-Fontaine curve, Uniform K-stability and asymptotics of energy functionals in Kähler geometry, Representation theorems for operators on free Banach spaces of countable type, Moduli of stable maps in genus one and logarithmic geometry. II, An intrinsic characterization of Bruhat-Tits buildings inside analytic groups, The valuative tree is the projective limit of Eggers-Wall trees, Degenerated Calabi-Yau varieties with infinite components, moduli compactifications, and limit toroidal structures, The moduli space of stable coherent sheaves via non-Archimedean geometry, Valuative trees over valued fields, Plurisubharmonic geodesics in spaces of non-Archimedean metrics of finite energy, Non-Archimedean Koksma inequalities, variation, and Fourier analysis, Principal bundles on metric graphs: the \(\operatorname{GL}_n\) case, Lifting harmonic morphisms. I: Metrized complexes and Berkovich skeleta, The number of vertices of a tropical curve is bounded by its area, Berkovich spaces embed in Euclidean spaces, Tropical compactification in log-regular varieties, A note on \(\mu\)-stabilizers in ACVF, On the homeomorphism type of some spaces of valuations, Uniform positive existential interpretation of the integers in rings of entire functions of positive characteristic, Rescaling limits of complex rational maps, Linear series on metrized complexes of algebraic curves, Non-Archimedean normal families