Higher algebraic K-theory: I
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DOI10.1007/BFb0067053zbMath0292.18004OpenAlexW201935133WikidataQ55953081 ScholiaQ55953081MaRDI QIDQ4043211
Publication date: 1973
Published in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/bfb0067053
(Equivariant) Chow groups and rings; motives (14C15) Algebraic (K)-theory and (L)-theory (category-theoretic aspects) (18F25) Applications of methods of algebraic (K)-theory in algebraic geometry (14C35)
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(Rigidity of the Chow groups), Intersection theory using Adams operations, Notes on motivic cohomology, On the K-theory of curves over finite fields, Generalized Mayer-Vietoris sequences in algebraic K-theory, Characteristic classes for the classifying spaces of Hodge structures, Higher G-theory of nilpotent group rings, K-theory and intersection theory revisited, Cycle classes and Riemann-Roch for crystalline cohomology, Lefschetz-Riemann-Roch theorem and coherent trace formula, Cyclic homology of enveloping algebras, Induced resolutions and Grothendieck groups of polycyclic-by-finite groups, Loop spaces for the Q-construction, Equivariant algebraic vs. topological K-homology Atiyah-Segal-style, The K-theory of semilinear endomorphisms, The transfer maps induced in the algebraic \(K_ 0\)- and \(K_ 1\)-groups by a fibration. II, On fundamental theorems of algebraic K-theory, Homotopy commutative diagrams and their realizations, Bredon cohomology of cyclic geometric realization of \(G\)-cyclic sets, \(SK_1\) for finite groups rings. 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Abstracts from the workshop held May 15--21, 2011., Hecke algebras and affine flag varieties in characteristic \(p\), Duality categories, Exact model structures and recollements, \(n\)-abelian and \(n\)-exact categories, Witt, \(GW\), \(K\)-theory of quasi-projective schemes, Algebraic K-theory of group rings and the cyclotomic trace map, The \(K\)-theory of assemblers, Profinite higher algebraic \(K\)-theory of twisted flag varieties, Geometric phantom categories, Vector bundles on cones over projective schemes, K-theory of endomorphisms, Localization of the K-theory of polynomial extensions, A Thomason model structure on the category of small \(n\)-fold categories, On Quillen's calculation of graded \(K\)-theory, Duality and the topological filtration, Kazhdan-Lusztig basis and a geometric filtration of an affine Hecke algebra. II., Thomason cohomology of categories, Quotients of exact categories by cluster tilting subcategories as module categories, The homology of partial monoid actions and Petri nets, Homotopy fiber sequences induced by 2-functors, Rigidification of quasi-categories, Additive invariants of toric and twisted projective homogeneous varieties via noncommutative motives, Tilting objects in the stable category of vector bundles on a weighted projective line of type \((2,2,2,2;\lambda )\), The Borel conjecture for hyperbolic and CAT(0)-groups, Algebraic \(K\)-theory and abstract homotopy theory, Irreducible morphisms in the bounded derived category., Joyal's category \(\varTheta\) is a test category, Spectra associated to symmetric monoidal bicategories, Associahedra and weak monoidal structures on categories, Unstable Adams operations acting on \(p\)-local compact groups and fixed points, Approximations and adjoints in homotopy categories, On special elements in higher algebraic \(K\)-theory and the Lichtenbaum-Gross conjecture, On exact categories and applications to triangulated adjoints and model structures, Algebraic \(K\)-theory over the infinite dihedral group: an algebraic approach, Stable homology of automorphism groups of free groups., Period spaces for Hodge structures in equal characteristic, On Quillen's theorem A for posets, Isotypical indices of cyclotomic elements, The Farrell-Hsiang method revisited, Model structures on exact categories, Discrete approximations for complex Kac-Moody groups, \(K\)-theory and the bridge from motives to noncommutative motives, On the loop space of a 2-category, Three results on Frobenius categories, Cohomology of exact categories and (non-)additive sheaves, On monoidal group actions on tensor categories and their Green functors, On the torsion of Chow groups of Severi-Brauer varieties, A homological approach to the splitting theory of \(\mathrm{PLS}_{\mathrm{w}}\) spaces, Operad groups and their finiteness properties, The Novikov conjecture for algebraic K-theory of the group algebra over the ring of Schatten class operators, Homotopy colimits of 2-functors, Étale homotopy types of moduli stacks of polarised abelian schemes, \(K\)-regularity of locally convex algebras, \(p\)-adic \(K\)-theory of Hecke characters of imaginary quadratic fields and an analogue of Beilinson's conjectures, Derived sections, factorization algebras, and Deligne conjecture, Around 16-dimensional quadratic forms in \(I^3_q\), Comprehensive factorisation systems, Higher algebraic \(K\)-theory of ring epimorphisms, Stratifying endomorphism algebras using exact categories, Algebraic \(K\)-theory and derived equivalences suggested by T-duality for torus orientifolds, Hermitian \(K\)-theory, derived equivalences and Karoubi's fundamental theorem, \(G \)-theory of \(\mathbb F_1\)-algebras I: the equivariant Nishida problem, Cohomology theories in triangulated categories, Equivariant algebraic \(K\)-theory of \(G\)-rings, Periods of Hodge structures and special values of the gamma function, The \(K\)-groups of a blow-up scheme and an excess intersection formula, Étale twists in noncommutative algebraic geometry and the twisted Brauer space, A splitting result for the algebraic \(K\)-theory of projective toric schemes, The integer cohomology algebra of toric arrangements, Symmetric cubical sets, On uniqueness of characteristic classes, On the notion of a semi-abelian category in the sense of Palamodov, Double groupoids and homotopy 2-types, Central extensions of smooth 2-groups and a finite-dimensional string 2-group, On algebraic K-theory categorical groups, Lifting and restricting recollement data, Some computations of the cohomology of \(\text{GL}_N(\mathbb{Z})\) and the \(K\)-theory of \(\mathbb{Z}\), Motivic cohomology over Dedekind rings, On a representation of the idele class group related to primes and zeros of \(L\)-functions, Analysis of a problem of Raikov with applications to barreled and bornological spaces, Commutative algebras in Fibonacci categories, Algebraic geometry of topological spaces. I, The Raĭkov conjecture fails for simple analytical reasons, Bar and cobar constructions. II, p-adic K-theory of elliptic curves, A calculation of the multiplicative character, K-theory of discrete valuation rings, Modules de Hodge polarisables. (Polarisable Hodge modules), Automorphisms of manifolds and algebraic K-theory. II, Group cohomology and the cyclic cohomology of crossed products, Brauer induction for \(G_ 0\) of certain infinite groups, On the Chow ring of the stack of truncated Barsotti-Tate groups, Presentations of generalisations of Thompson's group \(V\), Toric surfaces over an arbitrary field, Exact sequences, Hochschild cohomology, and the Lie module structure over the \(M\)-relative center, On pure derived categories, Abstract representation theory of Dynkin quivers of type \(A\), Postnikov towers, \(k\)-invariants and obstruction theory for dg categories, Nerves and classifying spaces for bicategories, The Merkuriev--Suslin theorem for any semi-local ring, The fiber of functors between categories of algebras, Blanchfield and Seifert algebra in high-dimensional boundary link theory. I: Algebraic \(K\)-theory, Two-sided vector spaces, The normaliser decomposition for \(p\)-local finite groups, Postnikov extensions of ring spectra, The Steinberg group of a monoid ring, nilpotence, and algorithms, An imbedding property of \(K\)-groups, Bredon-style homology, cohomology and Riemann-Roch for algebraic stacks, The universal functorial equivariant Lefschetz invariant, Chow's moving Lemma and the homotopy coniveau tower, Spectra of small categories and infinite loop space machines, The Grothendieck group of a quantum projective space bundle, The group \(SK_1\) for simple algebras., Operations on algebraic \(K\)-theory and regulators via the \(A^1\)-homotopy theory, Explicit \(K_{2}\) of some finite group rings, Cluster-tilted algebras are Gorenstein and stably Calabi-Yau, Remarks on zeta functions and \(K\)-theory over \({\mathbb F}_1\), Quotient triangulated categories., Functoriality of the center of an algebra, Regulators and cycle maps in higher-dimensional differential algebraic \(K\)-theory, Localization sequences for logarithmic topological Hochschild homology, The Hall module of an exact category with duality., Motivic homology and class field theory over \(p\)-adic fields, Chow groups of tensor triangulated categories, Intersection products for tensor triangular Chow groups, A Brown-Gersten spectral sequence for the K-theory of varieties with isolated singularities, Application d'Abel-Jacobi p-adique et cycles algébriques. (p-adic Abel- Jacobi map and algebraic cycles), Caractère de Chern bivariant. (Bivariant Chern character), K-theory of twisted Grassmannians, On \(K_1\) of curves over global fields. Appendix by C. Weibel, Algebraic K-theory of Grassmann varieties and their convoluted forms, Note on the \(K_ 0\) of rings with Zariskian filtration, The Morava K-theory of algebraic K-theory spectra, K-theory of function rings, A remark on Dedekind zeta functions and the \(K\)-group, Essential dimension of finite \(p\)-groups., On the subdivision of small categories, A derived functor approach to bounded cohomology, Riemann-Roch theorem for higher bivariant \(K\)-functors, On the cohomology rings of small categories, The localization sequence for the algebraic \(K\)-theory of topological \(K\) -theory, The bar derived category of a curved dg algebra, Indecomposable \(p\)-algebras and Galois subfields in generic Abelian crossed products., An algebraic proof of the commutativity of intersection with divisors, Hochschild and ordinary cohomology rings of small categories, Higher \(K\)-theory via universal invariants, Coniveau and the Grothendieck group of varieties, Adams operations on higher arithmetic \(K\)-theory, On Drinfeld's DG quotient, Chern classes in Deligne cohomology for coherent analytic sheaves, Rigidity for henselian local rings and \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-representable theories, Moduli of finite flat group schemes, and modularity, Motivic cohomology of the simplicial motive of a Rost variety, The geometry of relations, Cohomology of classical algebraic groups from the functorial viewpoint., Centre of an algebra, Tangents to Chow groups: on a question of Green-Griffiths, Equivalences of derived factorization categories of gauged Landau-Ginzburg models, Chow ring of generically twisted varieties of complete flags, Homotopy groups of Hom complexes of graphs, The Gersten conjecture for Milnor \(K\)-theory, Comparing geometric realizations of tricategories, Wild kernels and divisibility in \(K\)-groups of global fields, The ideal class group action on \(K\)-groups and homology groups, Euler systems for Rankin-Selberg convolutions of modular forms, Retractions and Gorenstein homological properties., Forms of an affinoid disc and ramification, Gersten resolution with support, Chow-Witt groups and Grothendieck-Witt groups of regular schemes, Smooth parametrized torsion: A manifold approach, A Quillen-type spectral sequence for the K-theory of varieties with isolated singularities, La conjecture de Gersten pour les faisceaux de Hodge-Witt logarithmique. (The Gersten conjecture for the logarithmic Hodge-Witt sheaves), Wreath products and representations of \(p\)-local finite groups., Whittaker modules associated with highest weight modules, Cohomology of small categories with coefficients in an Abelian category with exact products, The equations of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices, Whittaker vectors and the Goodman-Wallach operators, Functorial construction of Frobenius categories, On the K-theory of surfaces with multiple curves and a conjecture of Bloch, Realising smashing localisations as morphisms of DG algebras., Classical invariants for global actions and groupoid atlases, Sheaves and \(K\)-theory for \(\mathbb F_1\)-schemes, Harder-Narasimhan categories, The excess intersection formula for Grothendieck-Witt groups, Geometric invariants of representations of finite groups, An extension of Quillen's theorem B, Split bounded extension algebras and Han's conjecture, \(K_2\)-cohomology and the second Chow group, Bar and cobar constructions. I, \(G\)-vector bundles and \(F\)-projective modules, Fields with vanishing \(K_ 2\). Torsion in \(H^ 1(X,K_ 2)\) and \(Ch^ 2(X)\), Riemann-Roch for algebraic versus topological K-theory, On the K-theory of local fields, Geometry of the category of complexes and algebraic K-theory, \(K_ 2\) d'un anneau euclidien, Classifying toposes and foliations, The Artin algebras associated with differential operators on singular affine curves, Theorem A for marked 2-categories, On the algebraic \(K\)-theory of model categories, Problems about torsors over regular rings, Modules attached to extension bundles, Cohomological direct images in model categories, \(K\)-theory of locally compact modules over orders, The classifying space of a bound quiver., Auslander's formula and correspondence for exact categories, \(K\)-theory and derived equivalences, Group completion in the \(K\)-theory and Grothendieck-Witt theory of proto-exact categories, Perverse schobers and GKZ systems, Deletion-restriction for sheaf homology of graded atomic lattices, Algebraic \(K\)-theory and Grothendieck-Witt theory of monoid schemes, On the \(K\)-theory and Hattori-Stallings traces of minimal primitive factors of enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras: the singular case, A note on Gersten's conjecture for logarithmic Hodge-Witt sheaves, Quillen closed model structures for sheaves, \(K\)-theoretic torsion and the zeta function, Continuous \(K\)-theory, The Hochschild cohomology of the algebra of differential operators tangent to a central arrangement of lines, Cohomological results in monoid and category theory via classifying spaces, Compatibility of t-structures in a semiorthogonal decomposition, Adams' cobar construction revisited, Grothendieck groups of invariant rings: Linear actions of finite groups, Zero-cycles on quadric fibrations: Finiteness theorems and the cycle map, Torsion in \(\text{CH}^ 2\) of Severi-Brauer varieties and indecomposability of generic algebras, On the growth of even \(K\)-groups of rings of integers in \(p\)-adic Lie extensions, Groups of piecewise-linear homeomorphisms with irrational slopes, A remark on the Gersten complex for Milnor \(K\)-theory, On equivalence of derived categories, Divisible homology classes in the special linear group of a number field, Surgery on the Novikov complex, The intrinsic fundamental group of a linear category, Homotopy sphere representations for matroids, De Rham \(\mathcal E\)-factors, The Stickelberger splitting map and Euler systems in the \(K\)-theory of number fields, The graded Grothendieck group and the classification of Leavitt path algebras., André spectral sequences for Baues-Wirsching cohomology of categories, Sato Grassmannians for generalized Tate spaces, Character formulæ and GKRS multiplets in equivariant \(K\)-theory, Derivators, pointed derivators and stable derivators, Higher algebraic \(K\)-groups and \(\mathcal {D}\)-split sequences, One-sided exact categories, A universal characterization of higher algebraic \(K\)-theory, On the global dimension of the category of diagrams of modules, Noncommutative deformations of Kleinian singularities, An Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem in Arakelov geometry, Relative homological algebra and purity in triangulated categories, \(K\)-theory and the singularity category of quotient singularities, 2-Segal objects and the Waldhausen construction, Connective \(K\)-theory and Adams operations, Fabric idempotents and higher Auslander-Reiten theory, Uniqueness of uniform decompositions in exact categories, Simple homotopy theory and nerve theorem for categories, A note on the Hambleton-Taylor-Williams conjecture, On the Grothendieck construction for \(\infty\)-categories, Relative tensor triangular Chow groups for coherent algebras, Voevodsky's motives and Weil reciprocity, The homotopy category of \(N\)-complexes is a homotopy category, Semi-derived Ringel-Hall algebras and Drinfeld double, Characteristic cycles and the microlocal geometry of the Gauss map. II, Intersections, sums, and the Jordan-Hölder property for exact categories, Homology of categories via polygraphic resolutions, On localizations of quasi-simple groups with given countable center, An additivity theorem for cobordism categories, Gabriel-Zisman cohomology and spectral sequences, Derived categories of \(N\) DG categories, Codimension 2 cycles on Severi-Brauer varieties and decomposability, Étale cohomology of arithmetic schemes and zeta values of arithmetic surfaces, Geometric structures and configurations of flags in orbits of real forms, Comparison of Waldhausen constructions, 2-categorical opfibrations, Quillen's Theorem B, and \(S^{-1}S\), Torsion pairs and quasi-abelian categories, \(K_{-1}\) and higher \(\widetilde{K}\)-groups of cones of smooth projective plane curves, 2-Verma modules, The Jordan-Hölder property and Grothendieck monoids of exact categories, Topological amenability and Köthe co-echelon algebras, \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homotopy theory and contractible varieties: a survey, Exact structures and degeneration of Hall algebras, Relative K-theory and vector bundles on certain singular varieties, Relative algebraic K-theory. An appendix to the paper of K.R. Coombes and V. Srinivas, On cohomologies and algebraic \(K\)-theory of Lie \(p\)-superalgebras, On the lattices of exact and weakly exact structures, Classification of special reductive groups, Infiniteness of the group Nil, The transcendental part of the regulator map for \(K_1\) on a mirror family of \(K3\)-surfaces., Higher algebraic \(K\)-theory of group actions with finite stabilizers, Geometric realization and its variants, Localization, monoid sets and \(K\)-theory, (Co)homology of \(\Gamma\)-groups and \(\Gamma\)-homological algebra, The \(\text{K}\)-theory of perfectoid rings, On maps of Grothendieck groups induced by completion., Dévissage and localization for the Grothendieck spectrum of varieties, Topology of spaces of hyperbolic polynomials and combinatorics of resonances, Comparison of \(n\)-categorical nerves, Norm principle for even \(K\)-groups of number fields, \(\mathcal{F}\)-copartial morphisms, Special values of \(L\)-functions on regular arithmetic schemes of dimension 1, Dévissage for Waldhausen \(K\)-theory, A comparison of Vassiliev and Ziegler-Živaljević models for homotopy types of subspace arrangements, The equivariant parametrized \(h\)-cobordism theorem, the non-manifold part, Classifying exact categories via Wakamatsu tilting, Gorenstein homological aspects of monomorphism categories via Morita rings, Minimal networks for sensor counting problem using discrete Euler calculus, Comparisons of left recollements, An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem, Extension spaces of oriented matroids, Isomorphism conjecture for homotopy \(K\)-theory and groups acting on trees, Homotopy theory of associative rings, Extensions of tempered representations, On coherent Hermitian Witt groups, Tilting, deformations and representations of linear groups over Euclidean algebras, Products, multiplicative Chern characters, and finite coefficients via noncommutative motives, Essential dimension: a survey, On homotopy varieties, Extensions of linking systems with \(p\)-group kernel, Noncommutative localisation in algebraic \(K\)-theory. I, Irreducible morphisms of categories of complexes., On the \(K\)-theory of the norm functor, The commutators of classical groups, Tethers and homology stability for surfaces, Separated monic representations. I: Gorenstein-projective modules, The group of \(K_{1}\)-zero-cycles on the second generalized Severi-Brauer variety of an algebra of index 4, \(\xi\)-phantom maps in \((n+2)\)-angulated categories, Categorical cell decomposition of quantized symplectic algebraic varieties, Morita duality emerging from quasi-abelian categories, The Galois action on symplectic K-theory, The abelian closure of an exact category, On faithfully balanced modules, F-cotilting and F-Auslander algebras, Symmetric topological complexity for finite spaces and classifying spaces, Polynomial monads and delooping of mapping spaces, Higher algebraic \(K\)-theory and representations of algebraic groups, Cotorsion pairs and a \(K\)-theory localization theorem, \(G\)-groups of Cohen-Macaulay rings with \(n\)-cluster tilting objects, Relative projectivity and the Green correspondence for complexes, The \(p\)-completed cyclotomic trace in degree 2, Weibel's conjecture for twisted \(K\)-theory, Algebraic \(K\)-theory of generalized free products and functors Nil, Phantom covering ideals in categories without enough projective morphisms, Motivic Gauss-Bonnet formulas, The acyclic closure of an exact category and its triangulation, On homotopy types of Vietoris-Rips complexes of metric gluings, On the motive of Kapustka-Rampazzo's Calabi-Yau threefolds, Relative singularity categories. II, Projective bundle formula for Heller's relative \(K_0\), Aspects of enumerative geometry with quadratic forms, The algebraic \(K\)-theory of the projective line associated with a strongly \(\mathbb{Z}\)-graded ring, Homotopy types of abstract elementary classes, Homotopic distance between functors, Hopfological algebra for infinite dimensional Hopf algebras, Canonical resolutions in hereditary abelian model categories, Differential KO-theory: constructions, computations, and applications, Unstable operations on \(K\)-theory for singular schemes, The ``fundamental theorem for the higher algebraic \(K\)-theory of strongly \(\mathbb{Z}\)-graded rings, A construction of rational elliptic surfaces with the non-surjective boundary map on \(K_{2}\), On the low-dimensional homology of \(\mathrm{SL}_2(k [t, t^{- 1})\)], A higher limit approach to homology theories, \(K\)-theory of toric varieties revisited, Bicategorical homotopy fiber sequences, Homotopy equivalences between \(p\)-subgroup categories, Algebraic K-theory, On the Cartan map for crossed products and Hopf-Galois extensions., Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 6 over an arbitrary field, Differential graded versus simplicial categories, Half exact functors associated with cotorsion pairs on exact categories, A multiplicative \(K\)-theoretic model of Voevodsky's motivic \(K\)-theory spectrum, Classifying spaces from Ore categories with Garside families, The IA-congruence kernel of high rank free metabelian groups, Dirac index and associated cycles of Harish-Chandra modules, On the \(K\)-theory of division algebras over local fields, Almost \(\mathbb{C}_p\) Galois representations and vector bundles, Higher differential objects in additive categories, On algebraic \(K\)-functors of crossed group rings and its applications, Complete cotorsion pairs in exact categories, Universal deformation rings of finitely generated Gorenstein-projective modules over finite dimensional algebras, On \(\mathcal{D} \)-closed submodules, Open embeddings and pseudoflat epimorphisms, A Lefschetz fixed point theorem for multivalued maps of finite spaces, Hochschild coniveau spectral sequence and the Beilinson residue, Rigidity in equivariant algebraic \(K\)-theory, Functorality of the gamma filtration and computations for some twisted flag varieties, A note on equivariantization of additive categories and triangulated categories, Auslander-Reiten theory in quasi-abelian and Krull-Schmidt categories, Derived \(\ell\)-adic zeta functions, G-theory of root stacks and equivariant \(K\)-theory, \(K\)-theory of Hermitian Mackey functors, real traces, and assembly, On the \(K\)-theory coniveau epimorphism for products of Severi-Brauer varieties. With appendices by Eoin Mackall., Matrix group integrals, surfaces, and mapping class groups. I. \(\mathrm{U}(\mathrm{n})\), Semisimplicial spaces, Orbifold products for higher \(K\)-theory and motivic cohomology, Reduction of exact structures, On the \(K\)-theory of pullbacks, Theorem of the heart in negative \(K\)-theory for weight structures, Classifying subcategories in quotients of exact categories, Presheaves of superselection structures in curved spacetimes, Weil restriction of noncommutative motives, Mixed Hodge complexes on algebraic varieties and \(t\)-structures, The homotopy fixed point theorem and the Quillen-Lichtenbaum conjecture in Hermitian \(K\)-theory, Relative singularity categories, Cyclic extensions of fusion categories via the Brauer-Picard groupoid, Exterior power operations on higher \(K\)-groups via binary complexes, Compatible intertwiners for representations of finite nilpotent groups, Unnamed Item, Homological epimorphisms, recollements and Hochschild cohomology -- with a conjecture by Snashall-Solberg in view, On the tame kernels of imaginary cyclic quartic fields with class number one, Frobenius pairs in abelian categories. Frobenius pairs in abelian categories, correspondences with cotorsion pairs, exact model categories, and Auslander-Buchweitz contexts, Waldhausen additivity: classical and quasicategorical, On the topological computation of \(K_4\) of the Gaussian and Eisenstein integers, A 2-Calabi-Yau realization of finite-type cluster algebras with universal coefficients, Homological systems in triangulated categories, Flat covers in abelian and in non-abelian categories, The Popescu-Gabriel theorem for triangulated categories, Detection theorems for K-theory and L-theory, On Milnor K-groups attached to semi-Abelian varieties, Cohomology of algebraic theories, Motivic weight complexes for arithmetic varieties, The Mayer-Vietoris principle for Grothendieck-Witt groups of schemes, Finiteness conditions and relative derived categories, Real topological Hochschild homology, Singularity categories with respect to Ding projective modules, The nilpotence theorem for the algebraic \(K\)-theory of the sphere spectrum, Holomorphic bundles on the blown-up plane and the bar construction, Projectivity of the Witt vector affine Grassmannian, On the \(K\)-theory of coordinate axes in affine space, On a theorem of Keune, Exact categories, big Cohen-Macaulay modules and finite representation type, The poset of rational cones, On Frobenius (completed) orbit categories, Euler class groups and the homology of elementary and special linear groups, Rational maps between varieties associated to central simple algebras, Unnamed Item, Idele class groups with modulus, Internal languages of finitely complete \((\infty , 1)\)-categories, Rigidity theorem for presheaves with $\Omega $-transfers, The homology of the Higman-Thompson groups, \(K\)-theory classification of graded ultramatricial algebras with involution, Hochschild cohomology of some finite category algebras as simplicial cohomology, Marked colimits and higher cofinality, A Bloch-Ogus theorem for henselian local rings in mixed characteristic, On a deformation theory of finite dimensional modules over repetitive algebras, Milnor \(K\)-theory of \(p\)-adic rings, The homotopy category of acyclic complexes of pure-projective modules, On the Chow groups of a biquaternion Severi-Brauer variety, Finite homological dimension and a derived equivalence, Algebraic K-theory of the varieties $\mathrm {SL}_{2n} / \mathrm {Sp}_{2n}$, $\mathrm {E}_6 / \mathrm {F}_4$ and their twisted forms, On the \(K\)-theory of regular coconnective rings, Isomorphism conjectures with proper coefficients, Graded semigroups, Perfect forms, \(K\)-theory and the cohomology of modular groups, Realizing stable categories as derived categories, On the \(\bmod p\) unramified cohomology of varieties having universally trivial Chow group of zero-cycles, Cohomology of presheaves with oriented weak transfers, Hereditary abelian model categories, Motivic cohomology spectral sequence and Steenrod operations, Generalized Koszul resolution, Towards a Thomason model structure on the category of strict \(n\)-categories, \(K\)-theory for topological algebroids, Algebraic v. Topological K-Theory: A Friendly Match, On derived equivalences of categories of sheaves over finite posets, Computing generators of the tame kernel of a global function field, Fibred sites and stack cohomology, Adams Operations and the Brown-Gersten-Quillen Spectral Sequence, The homotopy infinite symmetric product represents stable homotopy, Semistable conjecture via \(K\)-theory, Representations of categories and their applications, Zero-cycles on self-product of modular curves, Unramified cohomology of degree 3 and Noether's problem, Equivariant \(K\)-theory of smooth toric varieties, The behaviour of the \(\overline{W}\)-construction on the homotopy theory of bisimplicial sets, Oriented Chow groups, Hermitian \(K\)-theory and the Gersten conjecture, On a spectral sequence for equivariant \(K\)-theory, The \(K\)-theoretic Farrell-Jones conjecture for hyperbolic groups, Algebraic connective \(K\)-theory and the niveau filtration, Deformations of sheaves of algebras, Excision and restriction in controlled K-theory, On the Chow groups of certain rational surfaces, Negative \(K\)-theory of derived categories, Surjectivity of \(p\)-adic regulators on \(K_2\) of Tate curves, Universal lattices and property \(\tau\), The stable \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-connectivity theorems, Bivariant \(K\)-theory and the Weyl algebra, Cohomology of the Grothendieck construction, Space and spaces, Covering groups and their integral models, Manifolds with poly-surface fundamental groups, 𝐾-theory of endomorphisms via noncommutative motives, Perspectives on scissors congruence, Rationality of algebraic cycles over function field of \(\mathrm{SL}_1(A)\)-torsors, Topological K-theory of complex noncommutative spaces, Étale motives, Geometric models for higher Grothendieck-Witt groups in \(\mathbb A^1\)-homotopy theory, On modules over infinite group rings, Super Finitely Presented Modules and Gorenstein Projective Modules, Degree formula for the Euler characteristic, Transfer maps and projection formulas, Asphericity structures, smooth functors and fibrations, \(K_1\) of some non-commutative completed group rings, On the codimension of modules over skew power series rings with applications to Iwasawa algebras., Nonabelian localization in equivariant \(K\)-theory and Riemann --- Roch for quotients, Hochschild cohomology of Abelian categories and ringed spaces, A note on thick subcategories of stable derived categories, A purity theorem for the witt group, Unnamed Item, Riemann-Roch for general algebraic varieties, Relative Homological Algebra for the Proper Class ωf, The Category of Morphisms Between Projective Modules, First quadrant spectral sequences in algebraic k-theory via homotopy colimits, Some Examples of Hecke Algebras for Two-Dimensional Local Fields, Absolute cohomological purity, Derived dynkin extensions, A Singular Analogue of Gersten's Conjecture and Applications to K-theoretic Adèles, Sur la partie p-primaire du groupe de chow de codimension deux, An Algebraic Periodicity Theorem for Spheres, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Lefschetz Theorem in Higher EquivariantK-theory, Perverse, Hodge and motivic realizations of étale motives, Unnamed Item, A higher-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol: local theory, Becker-Gottlieb transfer for Hochschild cohomology, The unstable slice filtration, Deriving DG categories, Unnamed Item, The homological theory of maximal Cohen-Macaulay approximations, Function fields of generalized brauer-severi varieties, Théorème de Riemann-Roch par désingularisation, Cicli algebrici sulle varieta’ singolari, Derived categories and universal problems, The indecomposable $K_3$ of fields, Local homology of groups of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. III, Unnamed Item, Maximal exact structures on additive categories revisited, KV-Theory of Categories, The mathematical enterprises of Robert Thomason, Realizing Diagrams in the Homotopy Category by Means of Diagrams of Simplicial Sets, The combinatorics of Coxeter categories, K-Theory of Free Rings, K-théorie algébrique négative et K-théorie topologique de l'algèbre de fréchet des opérateurs régularisants, The homology of special linear groups over polynomial rings1, Gersten's conjecture and the homology of schemes, Unnamed Item, A categorical context for the james-hopf maps, The relation of quadratic k-theory to hermitian k:-Theory, Unnamed Item, Equivariant coarse homotopy theory and coarse algebraic K-homology, Prime Spectra of Abelian 2-Categories and Categorifications of Richardson Varieties, Étale Groupoids and Steinberg Algebras a Concise Introduction, Hermitian K-theory of exact categories, K2of artinian Q-algebras, with application to algebraic cycles, The K2' s of a 2-dimensional regular local ring and its quotient field, Determinant of period integrals, Infinitesimal 1-parameter subgroups and cohomology, Homology of algebraic varieties: An introduction to the works of Suslin and Voevodsky, A Note onK-Theory of Azumaya Algebras, A 𝑝-adic regulator problem in algebraic 𝐾-theory and group cohomology, Unnamed Item, The Equivariant Serre Spectral Sequence, Unnamed Item, Crossed Simplicial Groups and their Associated Homology, A chain morphism for Adams operations on rational algebraic K-theory, The Arason invariant and mod 2 algebraic cycles, Fibrations de petites catégories, Étale $K$-theory. II. Connections with algebraic $K$-theory, Simple noetherian rings not isomorphic to matrix rings over domains, Analysis on arithmetic schemes. II, Arens–Michael envelopes, homological epimorphisms, and relatively quasi-free algebras, Infinite loop space theory, The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem for group scheme actions, $K$-théorie algébrique et représentations de groupes, The theory of Coleman power series for 𝐾₂, Unnamed Item, Complete intersection points on affine varieties, Unnamed Item, Cellular Strings on Polytopes, A Category of Pseudo-tangles with Classifying Space Ω∞S∞and Applications, Higher Algebraic K-Theory, Niveau spectral sequences on singular schemes and failure of generalized Gersten conjecture, Localization in lower algebraic k-theory, Some theorems on the k-theory of coherent sheaves, Catégories dérivables, The homotopy theory of fusion systems, Whitehead groups of finite groups, Riemann-Roch theorems for higher algebraic 𝐾-theory, Homotopy colimits in the category of small categories, A simple proof for folds on both sides in complexes of graph homomorphisms, SK1 R[X, Y/(X2+Y2-1): Remarks on an example of bass and milnor], Invariance de laK-Théorie par équivalences dérivées, Zero-Cycles on Varieties Over Finite Fields, Hopf-theoretic approach to motives of twisted flag varieties, Maximal exact structures on additive categories, Unnamed Item, The syntomic regulator for the K-theory of fields, The Classifying Space of a Topological 2-Group, On the Whitehead Spectrum of the Circle, Sur l'image de l'application d'Abel-Jacobi de Bloch, 𝐾ᵣ(𝐙/𝐩²) and 𝐊ᵣ(𝐙/𝐩[𝜖) for 𝐩⩾5 and 𝐫⩽4], On the algebraic foundations of bounded cohomology, ON GALOIS EQUIVARIANCE OF HOMOMORPHISMS BETWEEN TORSION CRYSTALLINE REPRESENTATIONS, Algebraic independence in the Grothendieck ring of varieties, Crystalline conjecture via K-theory, Isotropy of 8-dimensional quadratic forms over function fields of quadrics, Higher ideal approximation theory, Integral models for spaces via the higher Frobenius, Endotrivial modules for finite groups via homotopy theory, Green groupoids of 2-Calabi–Yau categories, derived Picard actions, and hyperplane arrangements, Integral Chow motives of threefolds with $K$-motives of unit type, STABLE EQUIVALENCES AND STABLE GROTHENDIECK GROUPS, Fibrations of $\infty$-categories, A Quillen's Theorem A for strict $\infty$-categories II: the $\infty$-categorical proof, K-theory of n-coherent rings, Unnamed Item, The spectral sequence relating algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology, Quaternionic algebraic cycles and reality, Cell complexes, poset topology and the representation theory of algebras arising in algebraic combinatorics and discrete geometry, Bounds for computing the tame kernel, Thomason’s theorem for varieties over algebraically closed fields, Endomorphisms of Right Ideals of the Weyl Algebra, Remarks on classical number-theoretic aspects of Milnor–Witt K-theory, Motivic realizations of singularity categories and vanishing cycles, Grothendieck–Serre in the quasi-split unramified case, Unnamed Item, Reducers and K0 with support, What do Abelian categories form?, Unnamed Item, The hitchhiker guide to Categorical Banach space theory. Part II., Conjugacy of Cartan subalgebras in EALAs with a non-fgc centreless core, Higher Stickelberger ideals and even 𝐾-groups, The Gysin triangle via localization and 𝐴¹-homotopy invariance, FG-purity and FG-flat modules, Unnamed Item, Atiyah-Segal theorem for Deligne-Mumford stacks and applications, 𝐾-theory and 0-cycles on schemes, A BETTER COMPARISON OF - AND -COHOMOLOGIES, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Arithmetic Chern–Simons Theory II, Involution on pseudoisotopy spaces and the space of nonnegatively curved metrics, Unnamed Item, Unstable homotopy classification of, The asymptotic Connes–Moscovici characteristic map and the index cocycles, Frobenius line invariance of algebraic 𝐾-theory, AMALGAMABLE DIAGRAM SHAPES, The generalized Auslander–Reiten duality on an exact category, Recollement of colimit categories and its applications, The 𝑡-structure induced by an 𝑛-tilting module, Unnamed Item, Hyperelliptic graphs and the period mapping on outer space, Exact categories and infinite tilting, Strictifying and taming directed paths in Higher Dimensional Automata, Tensor structure on kC-mod and cohomology, Relatively divisible and relatively flat objects in exact categories, NET BUNDLES OVER POSETS AND K-THEORY, Cycles on curves over global fields of positive characteristic, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, L-FUNCTORS AND ALMOST SPLIT SEQUENCES, On cluster algebras with coefficients and 2-Calabi-Yau categories, On the Farrell-Jones conjecture for higher algebraic 𝐾-theory, Topological obstructions to graph colorings, A theorem on smoothness- Bass-Quillen, Chow groups and intersection multiplicity of Serre, Local Shtukas and Divisible Local Anderson Modules, On the K-theory of weighted projective curves, The Morita equivalence between parametrized spectra and module spectra, Recent developments on noncommutative motives, Motivic cohomology: applications and conjectures, The mathematics of Andrei Suslin, The edgewise subdivision criterion for 2-Segal objects, On $n$-exact categories, Deleting or adding arrows of a bound quiver algebra and Hochschild (co)homology, Two-primary algebraic 𝐾-theory of rings of integers in number fields, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fixed point theorems involving numerical invariants, An isomorphism between Bredon and Quinn homology, Higher symmetries in abstract stable homotopy theories, A local to global argument on low dimensional manifolds, Non-communtative Iwasawa main conjecture, Shortening binary complexes and commutativity of K-theory with infinite products, A Quillen Theorem B for strict ∞‐categories, Separated monic representations II: Frobenius subcategories and RSS equivalences, Triangular objects and systematicK-theory, Décomposition de Hodge pour l’homologie stable des groupes d’automorphismes des groupes libres, STRATIFYING SYSTEMS FOR EXACT CATEGORIES, Differential function spectra, the differential Becker-Gottlieb transfer, and applications to differential algebraic 𝐾-theory, K-theory of coherent rings, Buchweitz’s equivalences for Gorenstein flat modules with respect to semidualizing modules, The $K’$–theory of monoid sets, Unnamed Item, On -local, K-theory of valuation rings, Isomorphism of the cubical and categorical cohomology groups of a higher-rank graph, Formes de torsion analytique et familles des submersions I, Counterexamples to Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg in characteristic p, HIGHER -THEORY OF FORMS I. FROM RINGS TO EXACT CATEGORIES, A generalized Contou-Carrère symbol and its reciprocity laws in higher dimensions, Categorical measures for finite group actions, CLASSIFYING SPACES AND THE LASCAR GROUP, Equivariant connective 𝐾-theory, Cleft extensions of abelian categories and applications to ring theory, The homological theory of contravariantly finite subcategories:auslander-buchweitz contexts, gorenstein categories and (co-)stabilization, Torsion algebraic cycles, 𝐾₂, and Brauer groups of function fields, A note on derived categories of the second kind, Exact structures for operator modules, New foundations for geometry Two non-additive languages for arithmetical geometry, Bloch’s formula for 0-cycles with modulus and higher-dimensional class field theory, Varieties of Cubical Sets, Partition complexes and trees, Rees rings of grading filtrations and an application to weyl algebras, Orientations and transfers in cohomology of algebraic varieties, Algebraic 𝐾-theory via binary complexes, \(K\)-theory of admissible Zariski-Riemann spaces, A numerical approach toward the \(p\)-adic Beilinson conjecture for elliptic curves over \(\mathbb{Q}\), Universality of the homotopy interleaving distance, Reconstruction of a surface from the category of reflexive sheaves, On irreducible morphisms and Auslander-Reiten triangles in the stable category of modules over repetitive algebras, The tensor embedding for a Grothendieck cosmos, Chow groups of quadrics in characteristic two, K‐theory of regular compactification bundles, Unnamed Item, The left heart and exact hull of an additive regular category, Subgroup collections controlling the homotopy type of a \(p\)-local compact group, On the global homotopy theory of symmetric monoidal categories, On the obscure axiom for one-sided exact categories, Algebraic geometry in mixed characteristic, K-theory of large categories, Deligne-Riemann-Roch and intersection bundles, The degenerate Heisenberg category and its Grothendieck ring, Between buildings and free factor complexes: A Cohen–Macaulay complex for Out(RAAGs), Equivariant algebraic \(K\)-theory, \(G\)-theory and derived completions, The reductive Borel-Serre compactification as a model for unstable algebraic K-theory, Equivariant algebraic \(K\)-functors for \(\Gamma\)-rings, The enriched Thomason model structure on 2-categories, Grothendieck groups of \(d\)-exangulated categories and a modified Caldero-Chapoton map, A Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem and residue sequences for logarithmic Hochschild homology, A unified view on the functorial nerve theorem and its variations, On products in algebraic \(K\)-theory of crossed Hopf algebras, Modular flats of oriented matroids and poset quasi-fibrations, Rings and modules in Kan spectra, Auslander-Reiten n -exangles and morphisms determined by objects in n -exangulated categories, ZERO-CYCLES ON NORMAL PROJECTIVE VARIETIES, Yoneda lemma for simplicial spaces, Some recent advances in topological Hochschild homology, K‐flat complexes and derived categories, Equivariant Chow-Witt groups and moduli stacks of elliptic curves, On the structure of even $K$-groups of rings of algebraic integers, Two-variable fibrations, factorisation systems and -categories of spans, How is a graph not like a manifold?, Monoidal categories and the Gerstenhaber bracket in Hochschild cohomology, On rational fixed points of finite group actions on the affine space, A cobordism model for Waldhausen K‐theory, Unnamed Item, Algebras with radical square zero are either self-injective or CM-free, Cohomology for Generalized Bredon Coefficient Systems and Higher K-Theory, K′-Theory of a Local Ring of Finite Cohen-Macaulay Type, On the homology and cohomology of congruence subgroups, Some Homological Properties of SkewPBWExtensions, Idempotent completion of triangulated categories, Homotopy inverses for nerve, Cohomology of inverse semigroups, The ``fundamental theorem for the algebraic \(K\)-theory of spaces. I, Characterization of minimal Pfister neighbors via Rost projectors, Spectral sequences on combinatorial simplicial complexes, Systems of diagram categories and $K$-theory. I, On the Riemann--Roch theorem without denominators, Noncommutative rigidity, The ``fundamental theorem for the algebraic \(K\)-theory of spaces. II: The canonical involution, \({\mathcal C}at\) as a \(\Lambda\)-cofibration category, Complexes in Cat, On the Farrell-Jones Conjecture and its applications, The homotopy coniveau tower, On the First Galois Cohomology Group of the Algebraic Group SL1(D), -THEORY OF MONOID ALGEBRAS AND A QUESTION OF GUBELADZE, The Coniveau Filtration on for Some Severi–Brauer Varieties, Higher colimits, derived functors and homology, Matrix factorizations in higher codimension, Chow groups of products of Severi-Brauer varieties and invariants of degree 3, Algebraic functional equations and completely faithful Selmer groups, The symplectic geometry of higher Auslander algebras: Symmetric products of disks, Homotopy theory in additive categories with suspensions