scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3613366

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zbMath0395.30001MaRDI QIDQ4177796

Lars Valerian Ahlfors

Publication date: 1979

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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IV: Ahlfors-Sullivan construction of holomorphic Eichler integrals, Singularities and treatments of elliptic boundary value problems., Growth and zero sets of analytic families of Cauchy-Stieltjes integrals, Normal families of covering maps, On queueing delays of dispersed messages, Winding numbers, unwinding numbers, and the Lambert \(W\) function, The geometric invariants for the spectrum of the Stokes operator, Solvability of a class of hyperbolic-cosine-type difference equations, Extensions of Clenshaw-Curtis-type rules to integrals over a semi-infinite interval, Recurrence of multiples of composition operators on weighted Dirichlet spaces, Wigner and Wishart ensembles for sparse Vinberg models, Tilings associated with non-Pisot matrices, Series form of the characteristic functions of scale mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions, Integrability and adapted complex structures to smooth vector fields on the plane, Zeros of the i.i.d. 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III: Decay of the hole probability, Subclasses of biholomorphic mappings under the extension operators, The invariance of subclasses of biholomorphic mappings on Bergman-Hartogs domains, On the generalized squeezing functions and Fridman invariants of special domains, Renormalised energies and renormalisable singular harmonic maps into a compact manifold on planar domains, Asymptotic behavior of an implicit algebraic plane curve, Search frictions, competing mechanisms and optimal market segmentation, Polynomials defined by 5-term recurrence relations, banded Toeplitz matrices, and reality of zeros, Faber polynomials on quaternionic compact sets, Note on constructing a family of solvable sine-type difference equations, Crossing properties of F distributions, Poncelet triangles: a theory for locus ellipticity, On approximation of stable linear dynamical systems using Laguerre and Kautz functions, The Gribov problem in presence of background field for \(\mathrm {SU}(2)\) Yang-Mills theory, Recursive convolutions of unit rectangle function and some applications, Extrapolation methods for hyperbolic systems with relaxation, A characterisation of the Gaussian free field, Optimal and nearly optimal algorithms for approximating polynomial zeros, Symmetry and uniqueness of parabolic affine spheres, Structural aspects of the non-uniformly continuous functions and the unbounded functions within \(C\)(\(X\)), Uniqueness in the magnetic shaping problem without high frequency assumption, Parametric pseudo-manifolds, Integral means inequalities, convolution, and univalent functions, From orthogonal projections to a generalized quantum search, An optimal reconstruction of Chebyshev-Halley type methods for nonlinear equations having multiple zeros, Spectrum of weighted composition operators. 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I: Frequency-sweeping stability tests and applications, Counting characteristic roots of linear delay differential equations. II: From argument principle to rightmost root assignment methods, On harmonic homeomorphisms from the punctured unit disc onto its exterior, Boundary asymptotics of the relative Bergman kernel metric for elliptic curves, An Inferential Conception of the Application of Mathematics, Complex Methods for Bounds on the Number of Periodic Solutions with an Application to a Neural Model, A Directional Equispaced Interpolation-Based Fast Multipole Method for Oscillatory Kernels, Casimir free energy for massive fermions: a comparative study of various approaches, Regular Polygons and Central Moments, Non-extendability of holomorphic functions with bounded or continuously extendable derivatives, The high-speed submerged hydrofoil, Componentwise Products of Totally Non-Negative Matrices Generated by Functions in the Laguerre–Pólya Class, Unnamed Item, FINITENESS OF THE AREA OF BASINS OF ATTRACTION OF RELAXED NEWTON METHOD FOR CERTAIN HOLOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS, Computing the Wave-Kernel Matrix Functions, Harmonic Analysis in Non-Euclidean Spaces: Theory and Application, Bers embedding of the Teichmüller space of a once-punctured torus, Cusps in complex boundaries of one-dimensional Teichmüller space, A boundary equation of the principal period-2 component in the degree-nbifurcation set, Unnamed Item, The Evolution of Cauchy’s Closed Curve Theorem and Newman’s Simple Proof, Higher-dimensional generalizations of the Watanabe–Strogatz transform for vector models of synchronization, Moments of Balanced Measures on Julia Sets, On a generalized homogeneous Hahn polynomial, On bisectors in quaternionic hyperbolic space, Classification of attractors for systems of identical coupled Kuramoto oscillators, Direct and inverse scattering problems for the first‐order discrete system associated with the derivative NLS system, On the difference independence of the Euler gamma function and the Riemann zeta function, Pseudo-Fubini entire functions on the plane in the sense of Riemann, Effective Riemann mappings of multiply connected domains and Riemann surfaces, On the algebraic difference independence of the Euler gamma function \(\Gamma\) and Dirichlet series, A cell decomposition of the Fulton MacPherson operad, On the spread of a hermitian matrix and a conjecture of thompson, EXPANDING THE LAURENT SERIES WITH ITS APPLICATIONS, Unconditional Stability for Multistep ImEx Schemes: Theory, Resolvent-based optimal estimation of transitional and turbulent flows, On the growth of polynomials, A Review on Multiple Purely Imaginary Spectral Values of Time-Delay Systems, Deligne periods of mixed motives, $K$-theory and the entropy of certain $\mathbb {Z}^n$-actions, Riemann’s Work on Minimal Surfaces, An interesting strategic blunder, The boundary of the range of a constrained sesquilinear form, The Riemann Hypothesis and Holomorphic Index in Complex Dynamics, Moduli relations between l-adic representations and the regular inverse Galois problem, Simply and doubly periodic arrangements of the equi-stress holes in a perforated elastic plane: The single-layer potential approach, Multiplicity-induced-dominancy in parametric second-order delay differential equations: Analysis and application in control design, The ergodic theory of discrete isometry groups on manifolds of variable negative curvature, Invertible weighted composition operators, Chebyshev Polynomials Associated with a System of Continua, Stress-smoothing holes in an elastic plate: The triangular checkerboard lattice of low symmetry, A generalization of the equi-stress principle in optimizing the mechanical performance of two-dimensional grained composites, Boundary asymptotics of the relative Bergman kernel metric for elliptic curves III: 1 & ∞, Some eigenvalue problems for vectorial Sturm-Liouville equations with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions, Komatu-Loewner differential equations, A bivariate sampling series involving mixed partial derivatives, CAUCHY FRACTIONAL DERIVATIVE, On zeros of some entire functions, Some normality criteria, A family of fast derivative-free fourth-order multipoint optimal methods for nonlinear equations, A monotoneity property of the gamma function, Asymptotic inequalities for positive crank and rank moments, ON THE UNIVERSALITY OF THE HURWITZ ZETA-FUNCTION, Solutions to the Periodic Eshelby Inclusion Problem in Two Dimensions, THE LINEAR SYSTEMS APPROACH TO LINEAR RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS MODELS, Unnamed Item, Fourier transforms having only real zeros, A probabilistic proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra, Universality of Taylor series as a generic property of holomorphic functions, Normality criteria for families of meromorphic functions, On pseudospectra of matrix polynomials and their boundaries, Normality criteria for families of meromorphic functions, Families of meromorphic functions avoiding continuous functions, PERTURBATIVE SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IN LIE GROUPS, An integral with three parameters. II, KAWA 2015: Dynamical moduli spaces and elliptic curves, Symmetry via spherical reflection, Order-preserving property of maximum likelihood estimator, Basic analog of Fourier series on a \(q\)-linear grid., First- and Second-Order Methods for Online Convolutional Dictionary Learning, The Complex Zeros of Random Polynomials, A New Functional Equation of Pexider Type Related to the Complex Exponential Function, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fractional Multistep Methods for Weakly Singular Volterra Integral Equations of the First Kind with Perturbed Data, Holomorphic solutions of some functional equations related to nonlinear second orderq-difference equations which has only one characteristic value, Holomorphic surjectivity near the boundary: topological and algebraic genericity, A direct imaging method for half-space inverse elastic scattering problems, ψ-weighted Cauchy-Riemann operators and some associated integral representation, Location of Siegel capture polynomials in parameter spaces, Development of a new concept of polar analytic functions useful in Mellin analysis, A note on variance bounds and location of eigenvalues, Diagonal dominance and harmless off-diagonal delays, Sum rules for the supersymmetric eight-vertex model, On Landis’ Conjecture in the Plane, Extensions of Rosenblatt's results on the asymptotic behavior of the prediction error for deterministic stationary sequences, Compactness of Floquet isospectral sets for the matrix Hill's equation, Singularly Perturbed Markov Modulated Fluid Queues, Nonrelativistic Chern-Simons vortices on the torus, Geodesic planes in geometrically finite acylindrical -manifolds, Holomorphic solutions of some functional equations III, Random Walk on Quantum Blobs, An optimal eighth-order class of three-step weighted Newton's methods and their dynamics behind the purely imaginary extraneous fixed points, The continuation method and the real analyticity of the accessory parameters: the parabolic case, Transmutation operators based on homotope analysis for nonlocal boundary value problems, Complexity classification of the eight-vertex model, A uniqueness problem concerning entire functions and their derivatives, Quadratic prediction of time series via auto-cumulants, Spectral asymptotics for Toeplitz matrices having certain piecewise continuous symbols, A geometric property of the Möbius transformation, A multidimensional Hermite-Gauss sampling formula for analytic functions of several variables, Multiply connected wandering domains of meromorphic functions: Internal dynamics and connectivity, Self‐adjoint Laplacians and symmetric diffusions on hyperbolic attractors, Time-frequency analysis on flat tori and Gabor frames in finite dimensions, Dependence on the parameter of generalized Grötzsch ring and generalized Hübner functions, The number of representations of \(n\) as a growing number of squares, Loewner chains and evolution families on parallel slit half-planes, Transmission operators for the non-overlapping Schwarz method for solving Helmholtz problems in rectangular cavities, Walsh's conformal map onto lemniscatic domains for polynomial pre-images I, Casimir free energy for massive scalars: a comparative study of various approaches, Lerch-harmonic numbers related to Lerch transcendent, Multiply connected wandering domains of meromorphic functions: the pursuit of uniform internal dynamics, The sharp distortion estimate concerning Julia's lemma, Unnamed Item, Symmetry via spherical reflection, Inverse eigenvalue problems on directed graphs, Liouville theory and uniformization of four-punctured sphere, Riemann surface and quantization, Inequalities for finite trigonometric sums. An interplay: with some series related to harmonic numbers, A Proof of the Uniformization Theorem for Arbitrary Plane Domains, Series and power series on universally complete complex vector lattices, Unnamed Item, On the eigenvalues of principal submatrices of normal, hermitian and symmetric matrices, Approximation by polynomials on quaternionic compact sets, Stabilization of string system with linear boundary feedback, Bounding the $j$-invariant of integral points on $X_{\mathrm {ns}}^{+}(p)$, The residual spectrum of $\mathrm {Mp}_4(\mathbf {A}_k)$, Analytic solving of asset pricing models: the by force of habit case, Convergent interpolation to Cauchy integrals over analytic arcs, On the growth of meromorphic solutions of certain nonlinear difference equations, Accurate sampling formula for approximating the partial derivatives of bivariate analytic functions, A novel mathematical model of heterogeneous cell proliferation, Holomorphic representation of minimal surfaces in simply isotropic space, A solution of the Blasius problem, On multidimensional sinc-Gauss sampling formulas for analytic functions, Conversion of discrete-time time-invariant linear systems into continuous systems, Topological invariants and holomorphic mappings, Complex analytic dynamics on the Riemann sphere, Geometric deduction of the solutions to modular equations, Transcendental properties of entropy-constrained sets, On the non-Hermitian FEAST algorithms with oblique projection for eigenvalue problems, Piecewise homotopy methods for nonlinear ordinary differential equations, A uniparametric family of three-step eighth-order multipoint iterative methods for simple roots, On compact classes of solutions of Dirichlet problem in simply connected domains, A biparametric family of optimally convergent sixteenth-order multipoint methods with their fourth-step weighting function as a sum of a rational and a generic two-variable function, Szegő type asymptotics for the reproducing kernel in spaces of full-plane weighted polynomials, Explicit \(t\)-expansions for the elliptic curve \(y^{2}= 4(x^{3}+Ax+B)\), Spectral analysis of Brownian motion with jump boundary, Phase calculations for planar partition polynomials, Comparison of invariant metrics, Approximative model reconstruction of cascade systems, Transmutation Operators Boundary Value Problems, The Schwarzian operator: sequences, fixed points and 𝑁-cycles, Logarithmic corrections to the free energy from sharp corners with angle 2π, Composition Operators on Analytic Lipschitz Spaces, Unfolding CR Singularities, BEZIER AND B-SPLINE CURVES WITH KNOTS IN THE COMPLEX PLANE, An efficient construction of period-2 bulbs in the cubic Mandelbrot set with parametric boundaries, General Convergence of Continued Fractions, Insensitive Bounds for the Moments of the Sojourn Times in M/GI Systems Under State-Dependent Processor Sharing, Distribution of values of entire functions of lower order less than one, Solutions to the Pólya-Szegö conjecture and the weak Eshelby conjecture, A Martin Boundary in the Plane, On the mathematical foundations of learning, Harmonic Diffeomorphisms of the Hyperbolic Plane, On the asymptotic integration of a class of sublinear fractional differential equations, Regions of Variability for Univalent Functions, A tale of two conformally invariant metrics, Hypercyclic subspaces for Fréchet space operators, On the solution of the Dirichlet problem with rational holomorphic boundary data, The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras. I: Spectral flow, The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras. 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