zbMath0857.17009MaRDI QIDQ4857364
Shahn Majid
Publication date: 28 November 1995
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Non-commutative Hopf algebra of formal diffeomorphisms.,
Tensor categories attached to double groupoids.,
The Dirac operator on \(\text{SU}_{q}(2)\),
Nonassociative geometry in quasi-Hopf representation categories. II: Connections and curvature.,
Pointed Hopf algebras with triangular decomposition. A characterization of multiparameter quantum groups,
Tannaka-Kreǐn reconstruction and a characterization of modular tensor categories,
Ether and relativity,
Bar categories and star operations,
Involutory quasi-Hopf algebras.,
On quasi-Hopf smash products and twisted tensor products of quasialgebras.,
Some remarks on connected coalgebras,
The antipode of a dual quasi-Hopf algebra with nonzero integrals is bijective.,
Verma and simple modules for quantum groups at non-abelian groups,
Gauged Laplacians on quantum Hopf bundles,
Towards \((3+1)\) gravity through Drinfel'd doubles with cosmological constant,
Twistors for modules over algebras,
Quantum group-twisted tensor products of \(C^*\)-algebras. II.,
Lagrangian dynamics on matched pairs,
A characterization of weak Hopf (co) quasigroups,
Quantum random walk approximation on locally compact quantum groups,
A quasi-triangular Hopf structure derived from the Burchnall-Chaundy \(C^{\ast}\)-algebra,
Topological invariants from nonrestricted quantum groups,
Twisted partial actions of Hopf algebras.,
Noncommutative Riemannian geometry on graphs,
Structure theorems of \(E(n)\)-Azumaya algebras.,
Representation of the quantum plane, its quantum double, and harmonic analysis on \(GL_q^+(2,\mathbb{R })\),
The noncommutative topology of anti-self-dual gauge fields,
The coalgebra automorphism group of Hopf algebra \(k_q[x,x^{-1},y\).],
Normal Hopf subalgebras of semisimple Drinfeld doubles.,
Quantizations of Kac-Moody algebras.,
Lifting via cocycle deformation.,
Braided algebras and their applications to noncommutative geometry,
Fusion in the entwined category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules of a rank-1 Nichols algebra,
L-R-smash biproducts, double biproducts and a braided category of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules.,
Twisted tensor products of nonlocal vertex algebras,
A bialgebraic approach to automata and formal language theory,
Factorizable enriched categories and applications,
Braided Weyl algebras and differential calculus on \(U(u(2))\),
A conjecture on the use of quantum algebras in the treatment of discrete systems,
On integrals and cointegrals for quasi-Hopf algebras.,
The commutation relation \(xy=qyx+hf(y)\) and Newton's binomial formula,
Braided algebras and the \(\kappa \)-deformed oscillators,
The inhomogeneous invariance quantum supergroup of supersymmetry algebra,
Transmutation theory of a coquasitriangular weak Hopf algebra.,
A Clifford algebra is a weak Hopf algebra in a suitable symmetric monoidal category.,
Curvature from quantum deformations,
Monoidal ring and coring structures obtained from wreaths and cowreaths.,
Quantum algebras and effective interactions in discrete systems,
On a Morita equivalence between the duals of quantum \(SU(2)\) and quantum \(\widetilde E(2)\),
Quantum spaces associated to multipermutation solutions of level two,
\(q\)-fuzzy spheres and quantum differentials on \(B_q[\mathrm{SU}_2\) and \(U_q(\mathrm{su}_2)\)],
The Green ring of Drinfeld double \(D(H_4)\).,
On complements and the factorization problem of Hopf algebras.,
Quasi-elementary \(H\)-Azumaya algebras arising from generalized (anti) Yetter-Drinfeld modules.,
Quantum geons and noncommutative spacetimes,
Extending structures. II: The quantum version.,
Scalar field theory in Snyder space-time: alternatives,
Bicrossproducts of multiplier Hopf algebras.,
Multipermutation solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation,
Additive deformations of Hopf algebras.,
Partial inner product spaces: some categorical aspects,
Character groups of Hopf algebras as infinite-dimensional Lie groups,
The Hall algebra of a curve,
Braided quantum SU(2) groups,
The group of braided autoequivalences of the category of comodules over a coquasi-triangular Hopf algebra,
On finite dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type,
Generalized Yangians and their Poisson counterparts,
On the structure theorem for quasi-Hopf bimodules,
Orthogonality of Bethe ansatz eigenfunctions for the Laplacian on a hyperoctahedral Weyl alcove,
Symmetric bilinear form on a Lie algebra,
The trace on projective representations of quantum groups,
Noncommutative principal bundles through twist deformation,
Deformations of spectral triples and their quantum isometry groups via monoidal equivalences,
A \((2+1)\) non-commutative Drinfel'd double spacetime with cosmological constant,
Hopf algebras and universal Chern classes,
Squeezed states from a quantum deformed oscillator Hamiltonian,
Kitaev lattice models as a Hopf algebra gauge theory,
Symmetric invariant cocycles on the duals of \(q\)-deformations,
Hopf cyclic cohomology and transverse characteristic classes.,
Nonassociative strict deformation quantization of \(C^*\)-algebras and nonassociative torus bundles,
Hopf monads on monoidal categories,
Quivers, quasi-quantum groups and finite tensor categories.,
Field theory on the \(q\)-deformed fuzzy sphere. II: Quantization,
Hopf superquivers.,
Braided \(m\)-Lie algebras,
Braided differential operators on quantum algebras,
A Faà di Bruno Hopf algebra for a group of fliess operators with applications to feedback,
\(q\)-index on braided non-commutative spheres,
The spectral geometry of the equatorial Podleś sphere,
The braided structures for \(\omega\)-smash coproduct Hopf algebras.,
Abel's theorem in the noncommutative case,
Clifford and Graßmann Hopf algebras via the BIGEBRA package for Maple,
Green rings of weak Hopf algebras based on generalized Taft algebras,
Quantum Klein space and superspace,
Towards the map of quantum gravity,
Hopf-cyclic cohomology of quantum enveloping algebras,
CCAP for universal discrete quantum groups,
The \(\kappa \)-Newtonian and \(\kappa \)-Carrollian algebras and their noncommutative spacetimes,
Poisson-Lie plurals of Bianchi cosmologies and generalized supergravity equations,
Non-associative geometry of quantum tori,
Split extensions and actions of bialgebras and Hopf algebras,
Cocycle deformations for Hom-Hopf algebras,
Generalized Heisenberg algebra, realizations of the \(\mathfrak{gl}(N)\) algebra and applications,
On the Grothendieck rings of generalized Drinfeld doubles,
Quantum deformations of \(D=4\) Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic \(\mathfrak{o}^\star(4)\) symmetries in unified \(\mathfrak{o}(4; \mathbb{C})\) setting,
Non-semisimple 3-manifold invariants derived from the Kauffman bracket,
The Chebyshev-Frobenius homomorphism for stated skein modules of 3-manifolds,
Hodge star as braided Fourier transform,
The \(H\)-covariant strong Picard groupoid,
Extending lazy 2-cocycles on Hopf algebras and lifting projective representations afforded by them.,
Bounding the Frobenius norm of a \(q\)-deformed commutator,
Unrestricted quantum moduli algebras. I: The case of punctured spheres,
Double-bosonization and Majid's conjecture. IV: Type-crossings from \(A\) to \(BCD\),
The noncommutative space of light-like worldlines,
First quantization of braided Majorana fermions,
Non-associative geometry and the spectral action principle,
Toward the classification of differential calculi on \(\kappa\)-Minkowski space and related field theories,
Large \(N\) expansion of \(q\)-deformed two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory and Hecke algebras,
Quasitriangular (\(G\)-cograded) multiplier Hopf algebras.,
Coherent states for Hopf algebras.,
The monoidal center and the character algebra,
\(G\)-Frobenius manifolds,
Quantum field theory in generalised Snyder spaces,
Representation homology, Lie algebra cohomology and the derived Harish-Chandra homomorphism,
Almost involutive Hopf algebras,
Generalizations of Snyder model to curved spaces,
Partial corepresentations of Hopf algebras,
Braided Cartan calculi and submanifold algebras,
Podleś spheres for the braided quantum \(\mathrm{SU}(2)\),
Mapping spaces and automorphism groups of toric noncommutative spaces,
Braided Yangians,
Projective representations of mapping class groups in combinatorial quantization,
The fusion algebra of bimodule categories,
A van Est isomorphism for bicrossed product Hopf algebras.,
Frobenius cowreaths and Morita contexts,
A Dolbeault-Dirac spectral triple for quantum projective space,
Unified products for Leibniz algebras. Applications,
Structure theorem for dual quasi-Hopf bicomodules and its application.,
Algebraic deformations of toric varieties. I: General constructions,
Bosonization for dual quasi-bialgebras and preantipode.,
Homologies of algebraic structures via braidings and quantum shuffles,
Classifying complements for Hopf algebras and Lie algebras.,
Weak bialgebras of fractions.,
A two-parameter quantum \((2+1)\)-superspace and its deformed derivation algebra as Hopf superalgebra,
Second order Lagrangian dynamics on double cross product groups,
Double-graded quantum superplane,
On Frobenius and separable Galois cowreaths,
Hopf algebras and Markov chains: two examples and a theory,
Braided groups and quantum groupoids.,
A combinatorial approach to noninvolutive set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation,
A class of multiplier Hopf algebras.,
Unification of \(\kappa\)-Minkowski and extended Snyder spaces,
\(\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2\)-graded mechanics: the quantization,
The representation-theoretic rank of the doubles of quasi-quantum groups.,
Representations of a \(\mathbb Z/ 3\mathbb Z\)-quantum group,
Weak projections onto a braided Hopf algebra.,
Groups of tree-expanded series.,
A unified Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant for integral homology spheres,
The Kontsevich integral for bottom tangles in handlebodies,
Extending structures for Lie algebras,
Uniformly accelerated observer in Moyal spacetime,
Quantum symmetries and marginal deformations,
Symmetries of Lévy processes on compact quantum groups, their Markov semigroups and potential theory,
Algebraic quotient modules and subgroup depth,
Matched pairs approach to set theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation.,
Nonassociative geometry in quasi-Hopf representation categories. I: Bimodules and their internal homomorphisms,
Scalar field propagation in the \(\phi^{4}\kappa\)-Minkowski model,
Quantum groupoids and dynamical categories.,
Four-dimensional Yetter-Drinfeld module algebras over \(H_4\).,
Nichols-Woronowicz algebra model for Schubert calculus on Coxeter groups.,
The equitable presentation for the quantum group associated with a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra,
Zimmermann type cancellation in the free Faà di Bruno algebra,
Construction of cocycles for bicrossproduct of Lie groups,
When is a cleft extension \(H\)-Azumaya?,
Some advances about the existence of compact involutions in semisimple Hopf algebras,
One parameter family of Jordanian twists,
\(q\)-deformed quantum Lie algebras,
Generalised noncommutative geometry on finite groups and Hopf quivers,
Solvable Hopf algebras and their twists,
Hopf algebras of primitive Lie pseudogroups and Hopf cyclic cohomology,
Hom-Lie-Hopf algebras,
Quantum flag manifolds, quantum symmetric spaces and their associated universal \(K\)-matrices,
On the relationship between classical and deformed Hopf fibrations,
Coxeter categories and quantum groups,
A topological origin of quantum symmetric pairs,
Noncommutative spaces of worldlines,
Inverse scattering and solitons in \(A_{n-1}\) affine Toda field theories,
Interpolations between Jordanian twists induced by coboundary twists,
On sovereign, balanced and ribbon quasi-Hopf algebras,
The center of the reflection equation algebra via quantum minors,
Dual Lie bialgebra structures of \(W\)-algebra \(W(2, 2)\) type,
Towards a Galoisian lnterpretation of Heisenberg lndeterminacy principle,
Lazy cohomology: an analogue of the Schur multiplier for arbitrary Hopf algebras.,
Quantizations of some Poisson--Lie groups: the bicrossed product construction,
Rieffel deformation of tensor functor and braided quantum groups,
Braided Drinfeld and Heisenberg doubles.,
Crossed products as twisted category algebras.,
Braided autoequivalences and quantum commutative bi-Galois objects.,
Generalizations of Poisson structures related to rational Gaudin model,
\(\kappa\)-deformed covariant quantum phase spaces as Hopf algebroids,
New quantum conformal algebras and discrete symmetries,
The exponential map for Hopf algebras,
Deformed quantum phase spaces, realizations, star products and twists,
Extensions of locally compact quantum groups and the bicrossed product construction.,
Bialgebroids, \(\times_A\)-bialgebras and duality,
On the classification of strongly graded Hopf algebras,
Anti-Yetter-Drinfeld modules for quasi-Hopf algebras,
The Drinfel'd double versus the Heisenberg double for an algebraic quantum group.,
Hopf Galois extensions, triangular structures, and Frobenius Lie algebras in prime characteris\-tic.,
When is a smash product semiprime? A partial answer.,
\(q\)-algebras and arrangements of hyperplanes,
Twisted tensor coproduct of multiplier Hopf algebras.,
Factorizable quasi-Hopf algebras -- applications.,
Hopf-cyclic cohomology of the Connes-Moscovici Hopf algebras with infinite dimensional coefficients,
Addendum to: ``Quantum deformations of \(D=4\) Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic \(\mathfrak{o}^\star(4)\) symmetries in unified \(\mathfrak{o}(4; \mathbb{C})\) setting, Representation rings of quantum groups., Clifford algebras, multipartite systems and gauge theory gravity, PBW deformations of braided products, An explicit construction of the quantum group in chiral WZW-models, Dichromatic state sum models for four-manifolds from pivotal functors, Smooth dense subalgebras and Fourier multipliers on compact quantum groups, Renormalized Hennings invariants and \(2+1\)-TQFTs, \(I\)-factorial quantum torsors and Heisenberg algebras of quantized universal enveloping type, Classifying bicrossed products of two Taft algebras, Twisted supersymmetry in a deformed Wess-Zumino model in (2 + 1) dimensions, Twist star products and Morita equivalence, Hamiltonian coupling of electromagnetic field and matter, Preantipodes for dual quasi-bialgebras., Uncertainty relations for a \(q\)-deformed coherent spin state, From projective representations to quasi-quantum groups., On square roots of the Haar state on compact quantum groups, Weak rigid monoidal category, Fusion basis for lattice gauge theory and loop quantum gravity, Characterization of Unruh channel in the context of open quantum systems, Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. I, Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. II, Differential calculi on \(\mathbb Z_3\)-graded Grassmann plane, New Turaev braided group categories and group Schur-Weyl duality., Cyclic groups and quantum logic gates, Basic quantizations of \(D=4\) Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic \( {\mathfrak{o}}^{\star}(4) \) symmetries, Noncommutative relativistic spacetimes and worldlines from 2 + 1 quantum (anti-)de Sitter groups, Quantum twist-deformed \(D = 4\) phase spaces with spin sector and Hopf algebroid structures, Interpretation and extension of Green's ansatz for paraparticles, The cylinder product and cylinder matrices, A quantum deformation of invariants of higher binary forms, \(k\)-fractional spin through \(Q\)-deformed (super)-algebras., Irreducible representations of a class of quantum doubles, A categorical approach to cyclic cohomology of quasi-Hopf algebras and Hopf algebroids, Claspers and finite type invariants of links, Lie-deformed quantum Minkowski spaces from twists: Hopf-algebraic versus Hopf-algebroid approach, Dynamical spin chains in 4D \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) SCFTs, Algebraic random walks in the setting of symmetric functions, Hopf algebras which factorize through the Taft algebra \(T_{m^{2}}(q)\) and the group Hopf algebra \(K[C_{n}\)], Skew divided difference operators in the Nichols algebra associated to a finite Coxeter group, Differential calculi on super-Hopf algebra \(\mathsf{F}(\mathbb {R}_{q}(1|2))\), Completeness of the Bethe ansatz for an open \(q\)-Boson system with integrable boundary interactions, Quantum d = 3 Euclidean and Poincaré symmetries from contraction limits, Differential and twistor geometry of the quantum Hopf fibration, SAYD modules over Lie-Hopf algebras., Multiplication alteration by two-cocycles: the non-associative version, Double canonical bases, Cartan calculus for quantum differentials on bicrossproducts, Classifying bicrossed products of Hopf algebras., Quasi-quantum groups obtained from tensor braided Hopf algebras, Poisson principal bundles, Noncommutative Riemannian and spin geometry of the standard \(q\)-sphere, The quasitriangular structures for a class of \(T\)-smash product Hopf algebras., A 2-categorical extension of Etingof-Kazhdan quantisation, Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, braces and symmetric groups, Hopf algebra structure of generalized quasi-symmetric functions in partially commutative variables, On cores in Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf algebras, The \(\kappa\)-(A)dS quantum algebra in \((3+1)\) dimensions, Book review of: E. J. Beggs and S. Majid, Quantum Riemannian geometry, Grothendieck rings of a class of Hopf algebras of Kac-Paljutkin type, Stated skein modules of marked 3-manifolds/surfaces, a survey, The gauge group of a noncommutative principal bundle and twist deformations, Twisted submanifolds of \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Quasialgebra structure of the octonions, Coquasi-bialgebras with preantipode and rigid monoidal categories, Duals of pointed Hopf algebras, Generalized lattice gauge theory, spin foams and state sum invariants, Double-bosonization and Majid's conjecture. II: Irregular \(R\)-matrices and type-crossing to \(G_2\), Braided \(L_{\infty}\)-algebras, braided field theory and noncommutative gravity, Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization of fuzzy field theories, A new quantum supergroup and its Gauss decomposition, Fuzzy worldlines with \(\kappa\)-Poincaré symmetries, Invariants of long knots, One-parameter generalization of the Böttcher-Wenzel inequality and its application to open quantum dynamics, Radford's biproduct for quasi-Hopf algebras and bosonization, Finite-dimensional representations of a quantum double, Centers of braided tensor categories, On twisting of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras., Making non-trivially associated tensor categories from left coset representatives, Quantum group structure of the \(q\)-deformed Lie superalgebra, The status and programs of scale relativity theory, The quantum geometry of supersymmetry and the generalized group extension problem, Invariants of knots and 3-manifolds from quantum groupoids, Braided Lie algebras and bicovariant differential calculi over co-quasitriangular Hopf algebras, Kontsevich-Witten model from \(2+1\) gravity: new exact combinatorial solution, Clifford algebras obtained by twisting of group algebras, Integrals, quantum Galois extensions, and the affineness criterion for quantum Yetter-Drinfel'd modules, Pseudosymmetric braidings, twines and twisted algebras., Equivariant Poincaré duality for quantum group actions, Quasi-\(*\) structure on \(q\)-Poincaré algebras, Double quantum groups and Iwasawa decomposition, Structure theorems of \(H_4\)-Azumaya algebras., The Brauer group of modified supergroup algebras., Hochschild cohomology and ``smoothness in monoidal categories.,
Reconstruction of weak quasi Hopf algebras,
Bottom tangles and universal invariants,
Two-sided two-cosided Hopf modules and Yetter-Drinfeld modules for quasi-Hopf algebras.,
Crossed modules and Doi-Hopf modules,
Wavefunctions for topological quantum registers,
Higher-dimensional algebra. II: 2-Hilbert spaces,
The Heyneman-Radford theorem for monoidal categories,
Renormalization as a functor on bialgebras,
Cyclic cohomology of Hopf algebras of transverse symmetries in codimension 1.,
The breaking of quantum double symmetries by defect condensation,
Nematic phases and the breaking of double symmetries,
Products, coproducts, and singular value decomposition,
On some classes of lazy cocycles and categorical structures.,
A matrix model for branes on WZW simple current orbifolds,
L-R-smash product for (quasi-)Hopf algebras.,
Generalized diagonal crossed products and smash products for quasi-Hopf algebras. Applications.,
2-groups, trialgebras and their Hopf categories of representations,
General twisting of algebras.,
Hopf \(*\)-algebra structures on \(H(1,q)\).,
Dual Lie bialgebra structures of Poisson types,
Braided autoequivalences and the equivariant Brauer group of a quasitriangular Hopf algebra.,
FRT-duals as quantum enveloping algebras,
Braided Hopf algebras arising from matched pairs of groups,
Crossed modules of Hopf algebras and of associative algebras and two-dimensional holonomy,
Constants of coordinate differential calculi defined by Yang-Baxter operators.,
\(\kappa\)-deformed spacetime from twist,
Integrals for (dual) quasi-Hopf algebras. Applications,
Generalized Clifford algebras as algebras in suitable symmetric linear Gr-categories,
Milnor-Moore categories and monadic decomposition,
Quantizations of Hopf algebras of decorated planar trees and connection with quantum groups.,
Free \(q\)-deformed relativistic wave equations by representation theory,
A non-commutative Minkowskian spacetime from a quantum AdS algebra,
Operator representations on quantum spaces,
Strings on plane waves, super-Yang-Mills in four dimensions, quantum groups at roots of one,
Star products and quantum groups in quantum mechanics and field theory.,
Two-sided two-cosided Hopf modules and Doi-Hopf modules for quasi-Hopf algebras.,
Reflection equation, twist, and equivariant quantization,
An exact sequence for the Brauer group of a finite quantum group.,
Twisting of homogeneous algebras.,
Tannakian approach to linear differential algebraic groups.,
Lie comodules and the constructions of Lie bialgebras,
Covariant particle statistics and intertwiners of the \(\kappa \)-deformed Poincaré algebra,
Braided Hopf algebras obtained from coquasitriangular Hopf algebras.,
(Co)cyclic (co)homology of bialgebroids: An approach via (co)monads,
The crossed Burnside ring, the Drinfel'd double, and the Dade group of a \(p\)-group,
Hopf quasigroups and the algebraic 7-sphere,
Multiplicity in supersymmetric spin chains,
Covariant particle exchange for \(\kappa\)-deformed theories in 1+1 dimensions,
\(q\)-exponentials on quantum spaces,
Generalised Chern-Simons actions for 3d gravity and \(\kappa \)-Poincaré symmetry,
On \(\kappa \)-deformation and triangular quasibialgebra structure,
Generic super-orbits in \(gl(mn)^*\) and their braided counterparts,
Generalized (anti) Yetter-Drinfeld modules as components of a braided \(T\)-category.,
Tannaka-Krein duality for Hopf algebroids,
Quantisation of twistor theory by cocycle twist,
Noncommutative finite dimensional manifolds. II: Moduli space and structure of noncommutative 3-spheres,
Braided doubles and rational Cherednik algebras.,
Formal Hopf algebra theory. I: Hopf modules for pseudomonoids,
Quantum families of maps and quantum semigroups on finite quantum spaces,
Braids, \(q\)-binomials, and quantum groups,
An example of a braided category of \(C^*\)-algebras,
Tannakian categories, linear differential algebraic groups, and parametrized linear differential equations,
Combinatorial models for coalgebraic structures,
Noncommutative independence from the braid group \({\mathbb{B}_{\infty}}\),
Wedge products and cotensor coalgebras in monoidal categories,
Formal Hopf algebra theory. II: Lax centres,
Examples of gauged Laplacians on noncommutative spaces,
On the structure of graded \(\lambda\)-Hopf algebras.,
Topological field theory and the quantum double of \(\text{SU}(2)\),
Is quantum space-time infinite dimensional,
Motivations and physical aims of algebraic QFT,
Differential Hopf algebras on quantum groups of type A,
A class of twisted braided groups,
Relative Hopf modules for (dual) quasi-Hopf algebras,
Finite Hopf algebras in braided tensor categories,
Reflection equation algebras, coideal subalgebras, and their centres,
The weak braided Hopf algebra structure of some Cayley-Dickson algebras,
Finite quantum groups and Cartan matrices,
Involutive braided \(\text{Spin}(4-h,h)\) groups,
Classification of bicovariant differential calculi,
Double quantization of \(\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n\) type orbits by generalized Verma modules,
Quantum and braided group Riemannian geometry,
Quantum and braided diffeomorphism groups,
On a formula of Coll-Gerstenhaber-Giaquinto,
The near centre of Doi-Hopf module category \(_AM(H)^C\),
Braided structure of fractional \(\mathbb Z_3\)-supersymmetry,
Quasitriangular and differential structures on bicrossproduct Hopf algebras,
Self-inverse Yang-Baxter operators from (co)algebra structures,
Spacetime metric and the KMS condition at the Planck scale,
Hopf bimodules, coquasibialgebras, and an exact sequence of Kac,
Noncommutative Riemannian geometry of the alternating group \({\mathcal A}_{4}\),
A quantum algebraic description of D-branes on group manifolds,
Symmetric ordering and Weyl realizations for quantum Minkowski spaces,
Quantum double aspects of surface code models,
Conformal Yang–Baxter equation on Cur(sl2(C)),
Noncommutative Yang model and its generalizations,
Structures of adjoint-stable algebras over factorizable Hopf algebras,
The Moore Complex of a Simplicial Cocommutative Hopf Algebra,
Topological quantum computation on supersymmetric spin chains,
Hopf monads: a survey with new examples and applications,
Low-dimensional models of single neurons: a review,
Realizations of the extended Snyder model,
A categorical approach to dynamical quantum groups,
Algebraic aspects of boundaries in the Kitaev quantum double model,
The Grothendieck rings of Wu–Liu–Ding algebras and their Casimir numbers (I),
Multiscale thermodynamics of charged mixtures,
The indecomposable objects in the center of Deligne's category Re̲pSt$\protect\underline{{\rm Re}}\!\operatorname{p}S_t$,
Bicocycle double cross constructions,
Gauge theories on quantum spaces,
Lagrangian and orthogonal splittings, quasitriangular Lie bialgebras, and almost complex product structures,
Normal subgroups and relative centers of linearly reductive quantum groups,
Modified toric code models with flux attachment from Hopf algebra gauge theory,
Quantum traces for \(\operatorname{SL}_n (\mathbb{C})\): the case \(n = 3\),
An algebraic framework for the Drinfeld double based on infinite groupoids,
Discrete dynamical systems over double cross-product Lie groupoids,
A proposal for 3d quantum gravity and its bulk factorization,
A generalization of a SIS epidemic model with fluctuations,
Slack Hopf monads,
Braided Hopf algebras and gauge transformations. II: \(\ast\)-structures and examples,
Examples of non-semisimple Hopf algebra actions on Artin-Schelter regular algebras,
Exact factorizations and extensions of finite tensor categories,
Braided anti-flexible bialgebras,
Non-standard quantum algebras and finite dimensional PT -symmetric systems,
Duality for infinite-dimensional braided bialgebras and their (co)modules,
Brownian motion on involutive braided spaces,
Quantum perturbative solutions of extended Snyder and Yang models with spontaneous symmetry breaking,
Quantum jet bundles,
Hopf-Galois extensions and twisted Hopf algebroids,
A (partial) weak smash coproduct,
A connection between Uq(sl(3)) and Z2×Z2-graded special linear Lie colour algebras via Klein operators,
Simple modules of small quantum groups at dihedral groups,
Physical velocity of particles in relativistic curved momentum space,
Representation rings of small quantum groups U¯q(sl2),
A construction of Lie bialgebras from Lie coalgebras via antisymmetric bilinear forms,
The relative monoidal center and tensor products of monoidal categories,
Monoidal Categories, 2-Traces, and Cyclic Cohomology,
Comodule algebras and 2-cocycles over the (Braided) Drinfeld double,
Unnamed Item,
Toward classical geometrodynamics from the group field theory hydrodynamics,
Covariantization of quantized calculi over quantum groups,
The Green rings of Taft algebras,
Wells sequences for abelian extensions of Lie coalgebras,
Groenewold-Moyal product, α*-cohomology, and classification of translation-invariant non-commutative structures,
Novel quantum phases on graphs using abelian gauge theory,
Quantum gravity on a square graph,
Graphical calculus of Hopf crossed modules,
Quantum holonomies in \((2+1)\)-dimensional gravity,
Crossed Burnside rings. I: The fundamental theorem,
Untwisting noncommutative \({\mathbb{R}}^d\) and the equivalence of quantum field theories,
On Hopf algebras with positive bases,
Many body problems with ``spin-related contact interactions, The prime spectrum and representation theory of the 2 × 2 reflection equation algebra, Graded extensions of monoidal categories, The quantum geometry of spin and statistics, Physical aspects of the space-time torsion, Unnamed Item, Schrödinger representations from the viewpoint of tensor categories., Quasi-quantum linear spaces., Twisted Comodule Algebras and the Generalized Quantum Double, The structures of Hopf $\ast$-algebra on Radford algebras, Multiplication alteration by two-cocycles for bialgebras with weak antipode, Construction of higher groupoids via matched pairs actions, The gauge transformation of the q-deformed modified KP hierarchy, Miura and auto-Backlund transformations for the q-deformed KP and q-deformed modified KP hierarchies, Topological Hopf algebras and their Hopf-cyclic cohomology, Braided Hopf algebras from twisting, Non-commutative quantum gravity phenomenology in underground experiments, Actions of skew braces and set-theoretic solutions of the reflection equation, Representations of the small nonstandard quantum groups X¯q(A1), On Hopf algebras with triangular decomposition, Quantization by cochain twists and nonassociative differentials, Relative Yetter-Drinfeld modules and comodules over braided groups, Generalized twist deformations of Poincaré and Galilei quantum groups, The Grothendieck rings of Wu-Liu-Ding algebras and their Casimir numbers (II), Coderivations, abelian extensions and cohomology of Lie coalgebras, Bicrossed products of generalized Taft algebra and group algebras, The Hom–Yang–Baxter equation and Hom–Lie algebras, Braided symmetries in noncommutative field theory, Poisson–Hopf deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems revisited: deformed superposition rules and applications to the oscillator algebra, Z2×Z2 -graded parastatistics in multiparticle quantum Hamiltonians, Coisotropic Lie bialgebras and complementary dual Poisson homogeneous spaces, Inequivalent quantizations from gradings and Z2×Z2 parabosons, Set-theoretic Yang–Baxter equation, braces and Drinfeld twists, All noncommutative spaces of κ-Poincaré geodesics, Quantum double of Hopf monads and categorical centers, Brzeziński's Crossed Products and Braided Hopf Crossed Products, Spectral geometry of κ-Minkowski space, Hopf modules and the double of a quasi-Hopf algebra, On braided double-biproduct Hopf algebras, Unnamed Item, Invariants and reduced Wigner coefficients for quasi-triangular Hopf superalgebras, Mapping class group representations from non-semisimple TQFTs, Bialgebras in Rel, Unnamed Item, Hamiltonian dynamics on matched pairs, Marginal deformations and quasi-Hopf algebras, Quantum Galois groups of subfactors, Unnamed Item, Intelligent spin states constructed from SUq(2) coherent states, BRAIDED FIELD QUANTIZATION FROM QUANTUM POINCARÉ COVARIANCE, Noncommutative Deformations of Thick Points, Dual Lie Bialgebra Structures of Twisted Schrödinger-Virasoro Type, Classical r -matrices for the generalised Chern–Simons formulation of 3d gravity, A second look at Uq(Sl2) at third root of unity, Exact duality transformations for sigma models and gauge theories, Covariant realization of quantum spaces as star products by Drinfeld twists, Toward quantization of Galois theory, Non-geometric fluxes, quasi-Hopf twist deformations, and nonassociative quantum mechanics, Classifying bicrossed products of two Sweedler’s Hopf algebras, Exponential formulas, normal ordering and the Weyl-Heisenberg algebra, Quasi-bialgebras from set-theoretic type solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, ℤ₂ⁿ-graded quasialgebras and the Hurwitz problem on compositions of quadratic forms, Diagrammatic construction of representations of small quantum \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\), Mapping class group representations derived from stated skein algebras, On twisted tensor products of algebras, Spectral presheaves as quantum state spaces, Quantum walks, deformed relativity and Hopf algebra symmetries, Gauss decomposition and nonstandard deformation of \(\mathrm{GL}(1|1)\), Snyder-type space–times, twisted Poincaré algebra and addition of momenta, Generalized quantum phase spaces for the \(\kappa\)-deformed extended Snyder model, Twisted bialgebroids versus bialgebroids from a Drinfeld twist, On Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories, Poisson–Hopf algebra deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems, The quasi-nonassociative exceptional F(4) deformed quantum oscillator, A categorification of cyclotomic rings, Segre products and Segre morphisms in a class of Yang-Baxter algebras, Quantum difference equation for Nakajima varieties, Separable Functors and Formal Smoothness, CANONICAL, LIE-ALGEBRAIC AND QUADRATIC TWIST DEFORMATIONS OF GALILEI GROUP, CANONICAL AND LIE-ALGEBRAIC TWIST DEFORMATIONS OF GALILEI ALGEBRA, Skew braces and the Yang–Baxter equation, Small nonassociative corrections to the SUSY generators and cosmological constant, Differential Calculi on Quantum Groupoids, Frobenius Monoidal Algebras and Related Topics, Lie theory for fusion categories: A research primer, On Hom-Lie superbialgebras, Quasi-quantum groups obtained from the Tannaka-Krein reconstruction theorem, Quantum isometry groups and Born reciprocity in 3d gravity, TWIST DEFORMATION OF DOUBLY ENLARGED NEWTON–HOOKE HOPF ALGEBRA, Hopf–Sikorski algebras, N-ENLARGED GALILEI HOPF ALGEBRA AND ITS TWIST DEFORMATIONS, TWISTED RINDLER SPACETIMES, HOPF-ALGEBRA DESCRIPTION OF NONCOMMUTATIVE-SPACE–TIME SYMMETRIES, On combined standard–nonstandard or hybrid (q,h)-deformations, The braiding for representations of q-deformed affine sl2, Unnamed Item, Quasitriangular Structures for a Class of Hopf Algebras of Dimensionp6, On cohomological deformations of bicrossed product Hopf algebras, Hopf Algebras, Hopf algebra equivariant cyclic homology and cyclic homology of crossed product algebras, A Bialgebraic Approach to Automata and Formal Language Theory, Enveloping algebras of double Poisson-Ore extensions, The Drinfel’d double versus the Heisenberg double for Hom-Hopf algebras, Cyclic Homology of Hopf Comodule Algebras and Hopf Module Coalgebras, On some examples of simple quantum groups, Double affine Hecke algebras at roots of unity, Quantum Yang-Baxter equation and constantR-matrix over Grassmann algebra, Characterization of quasi-Yetter–Drinfeld modules, A new extended q-deformed KP hierarchy, Unnamed Item, Representation theory of (modified) reflection equation algebra of $GL(m|n)$ type, Large color R-matrix for knot complements and strange identities, A Morita Context and Galois Extensions for Quasi-Hopf Algebras, Galois and cleft monoidal cowreaths. Applications, Quantum κ-deformed differential geometry and field theory, Hopf algebras arising from partial (co)actions, Braided homology of quantum groups, Quantum field theory meets Hopf algebra, On the monoidal center of Deligne's category Re̲p(St), Structures of Nichols (braided) Lie algebras of diagonal type, Drinfel’d double for monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras, A monoidal structure on the category of relative Hom-Hopf modules, Extensions of Hopf Algebras and Lie Bialgebras, A monoidal approach to splitting morphisms of bialgebras, Constructing Hopf braces, Spectral Noncommutative Geometry and Quantization, Left-covariant differential calculi on GL̃q(2), A structure theorem for quasi-Hopf comodule algebras, Coquasitriangular Hopf Group Algebras and Drinfel'd Co-Doubles, Unnamed Item, On braided zeta functions, TWISTED DRINFELD DOUBLES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF A HOPF ALGEBRA, Some ribbon elements for the quasi-Hopf algebra Dω(H), Notes on Two-Parameter Quantum Groups, (II)