scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3278469

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zbMath0174.36202MaRDI QIDQ5562752

G. N. Watson

Publication date: 1966

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Some sojourn time problems for 2-dimensional Gaussian processes, The impact of a rigid axisymmetric indentor on a viscoelastic half-space, Flow due to an oscillatory point source in a rotating compressible fluid, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to polynomial renewal equations, Closed expressions for some infinite series of Bessel and Struve functions, A note on diffraction of normally incident P-wave by a line crack in micro-polar elastic medium, A local version of the two-circles theorem, The variation of zeros of certain orthogonal polynomials, On the existence of solutions of a class of singular nonlinear two-point boundary value problems, Bessel convolutions on matrix cones: Algebraic properties and random walks, Sampling inequalities for infinitely smooth functions, with applications to interpolation and machine learning, Besov-type spaces for the Dunkl operator on the real line, On the zeros of certain trigonometric integrals, Diffraction of waves by inhomogeneous obstacle, A harmonic expansion for the magnetic field of the helical solenoid, Functional inequalities involving special functions. II, Convolutions of Rayleigh functions and their application to semi-linear equations in circular domains, Subconvexity bounds for Rankin-Selberg \(L\)-functions for congruence subgroups, The Kontorovich--Lebedev integral transformation with a Hankel function kernel in a space of generalized functions of doubly exponential descent, Bounds for the first positive zero of a mixed Bessel function, Phase-space propagators for quantum quadratic Hamiltonians in one and two dimensions, Forced nonlinear oscillations of elastic membranes, A local two radii theorem on the Chébli-Trimèche hypergroup, Semilinear degenerate evolution inequalities with singular potential constructed from the generalized Greiner vector fields, Derivatives and integrals with respect to the order of the Struve functions \(H_{\nu}(x)\) and \(L_{\nu}(x)\), A characterization theorem for the Fourier transform on \(R^ n\), Special functions arising in the study of semi-linear equations in circular domains, A transplantation theorem for Fourier-Bessel coefficients, Changing the variable in convolution of distributions, Relativistic motion with linear dissipation, Inequalities involving modified Bessel functions of the first kind. II, Explicit solutions of a certain class of associated Legendre equations by means of fractional calculus, The weighted \(W^{2,p}\) estimate on the solution of the Gellerstedt equation in the upper half space, Clustering of spectra and fractals of regular graphs, Two-event models for carcinogenesis: Incidence curves for childhood and adult tumors, Convexity of mean values of non-negative subtemperatures, Wavelets and generalized windowed transforms associated with the Dunkl-Bessel-Laplace operator on \(\mathbb{R}^d \times \mathbb{R}_{+}\), Spherical Bessel functions of large order, A Fourier Bessel transform method for efficiently calculating the magnetic field of solenoids, The penny-shaped crack problem in micropolar thermoelasticity, First passage times of two-dimensional correlated processes: analytical results for the Wiener process and a numerical method for diffusion processes, A note on the indentation of a transversely isotropic half space, The complete monotonicity of the Rayleigh function, Mathematical analysis of oxygen transport to tissue, How does the shape of the substomatal chamber affect transpirational water loss?, Perturbation of threshold of essential spectrum for waveguides with windows. II: Asymptotics, Stabilization of a solution to the heat equation with boundary control in the exterior of a disc, Fourier-Bessel theory on flow acoustics in inviscid shear pipeline fluid flow, Limiting behaviour of the occupation of wedges by complex Brownian motion, Mathematical model for the propulsion of a ciliated micro-organism with differential spin, Differential inequalities for the positive zeros of Bessel functions, The value of the critical exponent for reaction-diffusion equations in cones, Concentrated force in an infinite space of transversely isotropic material, A Bieberbach condition for a class of pseudo-analytic functions, Inequalities involving Bessel and modified Bessel functions, Dunkl translation and uncentered maximal operator on the real line, Explicit solutions of Jacobi and Gauss differential equations by means of operators of fractional calculus, Weyl transforms associated with the Riemann-Liouville operator, Properties of the probability density function of the non-central chi-squared distribution, Casimir energy between two concentric half spheres, Global solutions and smoothing effects for semi-linear evolution equations in circular domains, An integral estimate of Bessel function and its application, A boundary-integral model for drop deformation between two parallel plates with non-unit viscosity ratio drops, \(L^2\) boundedness for commutator of rough singular integral with variable kernel, Improved stability estimates and a characterization of the native space for matrix-valued RBFs, Some embeddings into the Morrey and modified Morrey spaces associated with the Dunkl operator, Dynamical aspects of mean field plane rotators and the Kuramoto model, Nonlinear stationary states of the Vlasov equation in the Fourier-transformed velocity-space, Image analysis by Bessel-Fourier moments, Axisymmetric deformation of a transversely isotropic cylindrical body: A Hamiltonian state-space approach, Boundedness for commutator of rough hypersingular integrals with variable kernels, LeVeque type inequalities and discrepancy estimates for minimal energy configurations on spheres, Swinging Atwood Machine: experimental and numerical results, and a theoretical study, Heisenberg-Pauli-Weyl uncertainty principle for the spherical mean operator, Differential operator related to the generalized superradiance integral equation, Equidistribution of Heegner points and the partition function, Asymptotic expansions of Bessel, Anger and Weber transformations, Approximation power of RBFs and their associated SBFs: a connection, Weighted inequalities for the Bochner-Riesz means related to the Fourier-Bessel expansions, Nodal domains and spectral minimal partitions, Fast and accurate computation of Bessel functions with (large) complex order and argument, On fractional maximal function and fractional integrals associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line, A local central limit theorem on the Laguerre hypergroup, Generalized variance estimators in the multivariate gamma models, On the boundedness of singular integrals with variable kernels, Atomic decomposition of Hardy spaces associated with certain Laguerre expansions, The deformation quantizations of the hyperbolic plane, Explicit solutions of a certain class of differential equations by means of fractional calculus, On the range of the Fourier transform connected with Riemann-Liouville operator, Computation of the scattering amplitude for a scattering wave produced by a disc - approach by a fundamental solution method, On Hardy spaces associated with Bessel operators, Analytic transient solutions of a cylindrical heat equation with a heat source, Contact between an elastically supported circular plate and a rigid indenter, Balance equations for a relativistic plasma. II: Collision term, On the stability of steady rotation of a cylinder partly filled with a viscous incompressible fluid, Nonuniqueness in inverse Radon problems: The frequency distribution of the ghosts, Differentiability of sums of the series that contain solutions of a Sturm-Liouville-type differential equation, Asymptotic expansions for a remarkable class of random walks, Torsional loading of an elastic transversely isotropic nonhomogeneous semi-infinite solid, The Lebesgue constants for Fourier-Bessel series, mean convergence, and the order of singularity of a Sturm-Liouville equation, Weighted Hardy type inequalities and parametric Lamb equation, Some characterization of Herz and Herz-type Hardy spaces for the Dunkl operator, Zeros of quasi-orthogonal Jacobi polynomials, Diffraction of torsional elastic waves by a peripheral edge crack around a spherical cavity, Sums of divisors functions and Bessel function series, Analyticity and near optimal time boundary controllability for the linear Klein-Gordon equation, New pathways and connections in number theory and analysis motivated by two incorrect claims of Ramanujan, Failure mechanism of FRC slabs on non-local ground, Numerical evaluation of integrals involving the product of two Bessel functions and a rational fraction arising in some elastodynamic problems, Mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with the modified Bessel functions and products of two coupled random matrices, A fast numerical method for computing doubly-periodic regularized Stokes flow in 3D, High-order boundary integral equation solution of high frequency wave scattering from obstacles in an unbounded linearly stratified medium, A unified approach to the integrals of Mellin-Barnes-Hecke type, Solution of a transcendental equation encountered in diffraction problems, Plastic flow localization due to non-uniform void distribution, Le problème de la deconvolution, Sharp spectral stability estimates via the Lebesgue measure of domains for higher order elliptic operators, Nonreflecting boundary conditions for the time-dependent convective wave equation in a duct, Analytic solutions of newtonian and non-Newtonian pipe flows subject to a general time-dependent pressure gradient, A review of procedures for summing Kapteyn series in mathematical physics, Shannon-type sampling for multivariate non-bandlimited signals, Windowed-Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms, Pitt's inequality and logarithmic uncertainty principle for the Dunkl transform on \(\mathbb R\), The first moment of \(L\)-functions of primitive forms on \(\Gamma _{0}(p^\alpha )\) and a basis of old forms, Kepler's equation and limit cycles in a class of PWM feedback control systems, Convolution operators and Bochner-Riesz means on Herz-type Hardy spaces in the Dunkl setting, The asymptotic distribution of traces of Maass-Poincaré series, Analytical reduction of pitch-angle scattering in isotropic turbulence, Singular value expansion for the Green function of Helmholtz operator, \(L^p\) boundedness for Littlewood-Paley operators with rough variable kernels, On the shifted convolution problem in mean, On areas of random triangles, Source point discovery through high frequency asymptotic time reversal, Particular solutions of splines and monomials for polyharmonic and products of Helmholtz operators, Mass dependence of vacuum energy, Transformation formulas associated with integrals involving the Riemann \(\Xi\)-function, Potential operators associated with Jacobi and Fourier-Bessel expansions, Spectral multipliers for multidimensional Bessel operators, Accelerated convergence for Schrödinger equations with non-smooth potentials, Transition law-based simulation of generalized inverse Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, On sharp heat and subordinated kernel estimates in the Fourier-Bessel setting, Asymptotic variance of grey-scale surface area estimators, Positivity of the generalized translation associated with the \(q\)-Hankel transform, Functional estimates for derivatives of the modified Bessel function \(K_0\) and related exponential functions, Calderón-Zygmund operators related to Laguerre function expansions of convolution type, Weighted divisor sums and Bessel function series. 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An approximate solution, The multiplier for the ball and radial functions, Continuous data dependence, regularization, and a three lines theorem for the heat equation with data in a space-like direction, On the first order change of bifurcation buckling loads due to structural geometry perturbations, Harmonic analysis on constant curvature surfaces with point singularities, A method for symbolic evaluation of indefinite integrals containing special functions of their products, Asymmetric vibrations of an elastic sphere, Rational approximation of a class of infinite-dimensional systems. II: Optimnal convergence rates of \(L_{\infty}\) approximants, The stepping stone model: New formulas expose old myths, A fundamental solution method for the reduced wave problem in a domain exterior to a disc, Fast multipole method for 3-D Poisson-Boltzmann equation in layered electrolyte-dielectric media, Meromorphic functions with three radially distributed values, Gould-Hopper matrix-Bessel and Gould-Hopper matrix-Tricomi functions and related integral representations, Solutions to the discrete Airy equation: application to parabolic equation calculations, Vacuum currents in partially compactified Rindler spacetime with an application to cylindrical black holes, Outline of a scientific biography of Ernst Meissel (1826-1895), Bessel representation for amplitude distribution of noisy sinusoidal signals, Localization operators for the windowed Kontorovich Lebedev transform, Two infinite integrals of products of modified Bessel functions and powers of logarithms, Structural differences in wave propagation in discrete and continuous systems, Mean square of the remainder term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, A Cesàro average for an additive problem with an arbitrary number of prime powers and squares, A new identity involving positive roots of Bessel functions of the first kind, Stability and large displacements of a heavy rotating linked chain with an end mass, Rotation effects in the global/local analysis of cantilever beam contact problems, On generalized Bessel-Maitland function, Stationary thermoelastic analysis of thick cross-ply laminated cylinders and cylindrical panels, An axisymmetric steady-state thermoelastic problem of an external circular crack in an isotropic thick plate, Antiplane response of a flat-bottomed semicircular canyon to cylindrical elastic waves, An infinite integral of Bessel functions, Quantum-mechanical Liouville model with attractive potential, Weighted norm inequalities for the finite Hankel transformation, Energy statistics in open harmonic networks, Some recent progress on sharp Fourier restriction theory, Weighted divisor sums and Bessel function series. IV, Bellman functions and dimension free \(L^p\)-estimates for the Riesz transforms in Bessel settings, The Boussinesq flat-punch indentation problem within the context of linearized viscoelasticity, Wave motion in a thick cylindrical rod undergoing longitudinal impact, The boundedness for commutator of fractional integral operator with rough variable kernel, Multidimensional renewal theory in the non-centered case: application to strongly ergodic Markov chains, An asset return model capturing stylized facts, Water wave trapping in a long array of bottomless circular cylinders, Vekua theory for the Helmholtz operator, Indicial response functions in weak ground effect, A boundary-driven reaction front, On the asymptotics of a Bessel-type integral having applications in wave run-up theory, Weighted finite Fourier transform operator: uniform approximations of the eigenfunctions, eigenvalues decay and behaviour, Linear mixed model with Laplace distribution (LLMM), Axisymmetric non-Fourier temperature field in a hollow sphere, Strichartz estimate of the solutions for the free fractional Schrödinger equation with spatial variable coefficient, Efficient formulas for the Maslov canonical operator near a simple caustic, A sharpened Strichartz inequality for radial functions, The joint distribution of the hitting time and place to a sphere or spherical shell for Brownian motion with drift, Extremizers for Fourier restriction on hyperboloids, Ratios of Bessel functions and roots of \(\alpha J_v(x)+xJ_v'(x)=0\), The spectrum edge of random matrix ensembles., Theory of the measurement of resistivity of superconductors and its dual integral equations., Reflection of an impulsive torsional wave by a moving boundary, Nonnegative linearization coefficients of the generalized Bessel polynomials, Integral characteristics of wave packets in the problem of the evolution of a wave function on a one-dimensional lattice, Fundamental solution of general time-harmonic loading over a transversely isotropic, elastic and layered half-space: an efficient and accurate approach, Calderón's reproducing formulas and extremal functions for the Riemann-Liouville \(L^2\)-multiplier operators, Another form of 3D Green's function for an elastic solid with exponential inhomogeneity, First initial-boundary value problem for \(B\)-hyperbolic equation, A wideband fast multipole method for the Helmholtz kernel: theoretical developments, Trace formulas for non-self-adjoint periodic Schrödinger operators and some applications, Obtaining artificial boundary conditions for fractional sub-diffusion equation on space two-dimensional unbounded domains, Existence and nonexistence results for higher-order semilinear evolution inequalities with critical potential, Littlewood--Paley operators associated with the Dunkl operator on \(\mathbb R\)., Does shear flow stabilize an immersed thread?, Long time behaviour of the solution to non-linear Kraichnan equations, On time-domain NRBC for Maxwell's equations and its application in accurate simulation of electromagnetic invisibility cloaks, Sums of squares and products of Bessel functions, A nonlocal problem for a third order parabolic-hyperbolic equation with a spectral parameter, Estimates of the asymptotic Nikolskii constants for spherical polynomials, Superimposing theta structure on a generalized modular relation, On the law of killed exponential functionals, Near-circularity of the error curve in Chebyshev approximation of solutions to a class of elliptic partial differential equations in the complex plane, A numerical algorithm for hydrodynamic free boundary problems, Modulus of continuity and modulus of smoothness related to the deformed Hankel transform, \(L^p\)-boundedness of Stein's square functions associated with Fourier-Bessel expansions, Green's function for SH-waves in a cylindrically monoclinic material, Semiclassical asymptotics for a class of singular Schrödinger operators, On derivatives, Riesz transforms and Sobolev spaces for Fourier-Bessel expansions, Discretized Newman-Shapiro operators and Jackson's inequality on the sphere, Foundations of a theory of gravity with a constraint and its canonical quantization, Analytical formulation of thermal convection within a body of spherical shape, Upper bounds for the first zeros of Bessel functions, Balanced derivatives, identities, and bounds for trigonometric and Bessel series, On the performance of the linear discriminant function for spherical distributions, Fourier transforms of hyperbolic invariance functions on \(\mathbb{R}^2\), Decay of laminar flow inside a retarded rotating cylindrical vessel, Stability of an axially rotating heavy chain with an end mass, Generalized axially symmetric heat potentials and singular parabolic initial boundary value problems, Asymptotic solutions of contact problems of elasticity theory for media inhomogeneous in depth, Sur la limite du polynôme de Lommel, On a method of solving dual integral equations, Geometry and boundary control of pattern formation and competition, The geometric characterizations for a combination of generalized Struve functions, Existence and nonexistence results for reaction-diffusion equations in product of cones, Toeplitz matrices and classical and \(q\)-Bessel functions, Hankel convolution operators on entire functions and distributions, Uniform and non-uniform sampling of bandlimited functions at minimal density with a few additional samples, Domain of existence of the Laplace transform of negative multinomial distributions and simulations, Casimir effect between moving branes, Modelling of the moisture concentration field due to cyclical hygrothermal conditions in thick laminated pipes., A note on the motion of a rigid circular particle buried in an elastic solid, Subexponential behaviour of the Dirichlet heat kernel, Hydrodynamic exciting forces on a submerged oblate spheroid in regular waves, Fractional powers of the wave operator via Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps in anti-de Sitter spaces, Bessel phase functions: calculation and application, On the computation of Bessel functions of first kind, Graf-type theorem for Laguerre and Legendre functions, Algorithms to numerically evaluate the Hankel transform, An \(L^p\)-\(L^q\) version of Miyachi's theorem for the Riemann-Liouville operator, The Boussinesq problem in dipolar gradient elasticity, Generalized hypergeometric functions: product identities and weighted norm inequalities, Cheeger-Müller theorem on manifolds with cusps, On a symmetric identity of Ramanujan involving the sum of two squares function, On a method for obtaining bounds on the eigenvalues of certain integral equations, On the non-vanishing of Jacobi Poincaré series, Uncertainty principles for the Dunkl-Wigner transforms, Hermite polynomials, linear flows on the torus, and an uncertainty principle for roots, Harmonic analysis and integral transforms associated with a class of a system of partial differential operators, On the well-posedness for the nonlinear radial Schrödinger equation with spatial variable coefficients, Estimation of the generalized Bessel-Struve transform in a space of generalized functions, Uniform convergence of basic Fourier-Bessel series on a \(q\)-linear grid, A detailed fluctuation theorem for heat fluxes in harmonic networks out of thermal equilibrium, Estimate of the Fourier-Bessel multipliers for the poly-axially operator, A rotating elastic cylinder moving on an elliptic orbit, The analytical summation of a new class of Kapteyn series, Linear perturbations for the vacuum axisymmetric Einstein equations, An asymptotic formula for the primitive of Hardy's function, Analytic approximation to Bessel function \(J_0(x)\), Influence of the hidden regularity on the stability of partially damped systems of wave equations, Boundary-value problems for loaded third-order parabolic-hyperbolic equations in infinite three-dimensional domains, Minimax revisited. I, Elastodynamic Doppler effects in an anisotropic solid: SH-wave, High-order thin layer method for viscoelastic wave propagation in stratified media, Hardy's inequalities with remainders and Lamb-type equations, Fast and accurate algorithms for the computation of spherically symmetric nonlocal diffusion operators on lattices, Taylor expansion based fast multipole method for 3-d Helmholtz equations in layered media, Exact boundary controllability and energy decay for a system of wave equations linearly coupled, Sharp heat kernel estimates in the Fourier-Bessel setting for a continuous range of the type parameter, Calderón-Zygmund operators in the Bessel setting for all possible type indices, The Lambert \(W\) function and solutions to Kepler's equation, Application of integral transforms composition method (ITCM) to obtaining transmutations via integral transforms with Bessel functions in kernels, Two-parameter identities for divisor sums in algebraic number fields, Inversion formulas for Riemann-Liouville transform and its dual associated with singular partial differential operators, \(L^{2}\)-boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals along surfaces with variable kernels: another sufficient condition, The evaluation of Bessel functions via exp-arc integrals, Convolution of Rayleigh functions with respect to the Bessel index, The wave equation for the Bessel Laplacian, Functional inequalities involving special functions, Weighted divisor sums and Bessel function series, The transient solution to \(M/E_{k}/1\) queue, Weyl transforms on the upper half plane, Asymptotic expansions for singular differential operators with matricial coefficients, Exponential decay of errors of a fundamental solution method applied to a reduced wave problem in the exterior region of a disc, Properties of the solutions of the fourth-order Bessel-type differential equation, Solvability of a class of integro-differential equations and connections to one-dimensional inverse problems, On lower eigenvalue bounds for Toeplitz operators with radial symbols in Bergman spaces, Linear stability analysis for a thermoviscoplastic material under cyclic axial loading, Bessel functions and singular BVPs arising in physiology in the presence of upper and lower solutions in reverse order, On certain singular integral equations arising in the analysis of wellbore recharge in anisotropic formations, Analytical and numerical approximation formulas for the Fourier multiplier operators, Ramanujan-Hardy-Littlewood-Riesz phenomena for Hecke forms, A Wiener-Tauberian and a Pompeiu type theorems on the Laguerre hypergroup, Multivariate reciprocal inverse Gaussian distributions from the Sabot-Tarrès-Zeng integral, Asymptotics and exact formulas for Zagier polynomials, The propagation of elastic waves in thin cylindrical shells, Classical and quantum dynamics of a particle in a narrow angle, On slow decay of the solution of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave equation in the exterior of a three-dimensional obstacle, Thermal stresses in a long cylinder containing a penny-shaped crack, The smoothness of Hankel transforms, Modulus of continuity conditions for Jacobi series, On absolute convergence of Jacobi series, Legendre expansion and integral equations of displacement type, Bogoliubov causality in S-matrix theory, Non-axisymmetric, thermoelastic stress distribution in a solid containing an external crack, Outgoing solutions of \((-\Delta + q - k^ 2)u=f\) in an exterior domain, Determining bounds for the first conjugate point, Integrals involving continuum wavefunctions. I: One-center Coulomb integrals, An oscillation theorem for a one-parameter ordinary differential equation of the second order, The spatial variation of plasmalemma potential in a spherical cell polarized by a small current source, On the absolute integrability of Hankel transforms: An analog to Bernstein's theorem, Periodic axisymmetrical laminar flow of second-order liquids in cylindrical pipes of circular cross section, Some axially symmetric thermal stress distributions in elastic solids containing cracks. I: An external crack in an infinite solid, Singular solution near a rigid ribbon excited by plane waves, Uniform bounds for sums of Kloosterman sums of half integral weight, Resonant states and poles of the scattering matrix for perturbations of - \(\Delta\), Source in a rotating stratified fluid, Modeling of thermal distributions around a barrier at the interface of coating and substrate, The first passage time distribution of Brownian motion with positive drift, Grünbaum's inequality for Bessel functions, Axi-symmetric loads on an elastic half-space containing an inclusion, Nonnegativity of a discrete Poisson kernel for the Hahn polynomials, Multiple positive solutions of spherically symmetric nonlinear boundary value problems, Local solvability of the operator \(u_{tt}+ia(t)u_x+b(t)u_t+c(t)u\), Mean convergence of prolate spheroidal series and their extensions, On some integrals involving functions \(\varphi(x)\) such that \(\varphi(1/x)=\sqrt x\varphi(x)\), The Bochner-Riesz means for Fourier-Bessel expansions, The Bessel expansion of Fourier integral on finite interval, Energy decay for the linear Klein-Gordon equation and boundary control, Weighted divisor sums and Bessel function series. V., Spatial dynamics for lattice differential equations with a shifting habitat, The density of sets avoiding distance 1 in Euclidean space, A novel solution to the Klein-Gordon equation in the presence of a strong rotating electric field, Injectivity of the Pompeiu transform in the Heisenberg group, Structural default model with mutual obligations, Sharp mixed norm spherical restriction, Weighted bounds for the Carleson maximal operator in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\), The finite Hankel transform operator: some explicit and local estimates of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues decay rates, Expressions to Rayleigh circumferential phase velocity and dispersion relation for a cylindrical surface under mechanical pressure, Asymptotics of basic Bessel functions and \(q\)-Laguerre polynomials, The gravity duals of modular Hamiltonians, Fundamental eigenstrain solutions for axisymmetric crack problems, Inversion of the Radon transform on the Laguerre hypergroup by using generalized wavelets, Initial value problem for \(B\)-hyperbolic equation with integral condition of the second kind, Generalized discrete Fourier transforms: The discrete Fourier-Riccati-Bessel transform, The simultaneous computation of Bessel functions of first and second kind, Airey sums, Kloosterman sums, and Salié sums, Rational approximations for the modified Bessel function of the second kind, SH-wave in a cylindrically anisotropic solid, Stress intensity factors for an embedded elliptical crack in a plate of finite thickness, The Somigliana ring dislocation revisited. I: Papkovich potential solutions for dislocations in an infinite space. II: Solutions for dislocations in a half-space and in one or two perfectly bonded dissimilar half-spaces, Scattering form stellar acoustic-gravity potentials. II: Phase shifts via the first Born approximation, Asymptotic expansion and generalized Schläfli integral representation for the eigenfunction of a singular second-order differential operator, On the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of singular Sturm-Liouville problems with an indefinite weight function, Random-random walk on an asymmetric chain with a trapping attractive center, Induced vacuum currents in anti-de Sitter space with toral dimensions, Explicit quadrature formulae for entire functions of exponential type, Wave focusing by a spherical concave transducer, Calculating Bessel functions with Padé approximants, On Legendre functions of imaginary degree and associated integral transforms, Analytic properties of noncentral distributions, A wave propagation problem for non-uniform screw dislocation motion in a viscoelastic half-plane, Bounds for the non-local effective properties of random media, Error estimates for a fundamental solution method applied to reduced wave problems in a domain exterior to a disc, Interaction of acoustic shock waves with a cylindrical elastic shell immersed near a hard surface, Expansions in series of suitable systems of functions, The resonance frequencies of shells oscillating in an infinite fluid, Moment versions of the Morera problem in \(\mathbb C^n\) and \(\mathbb H^n\)., Whittaker vectors and conical vectors, The effects of displacement discontinuity derivatives on wave propagation. I. Three-dimensional elastic solid, A note on Neumann potential problems for a thin circular annulus, Two series representations of the integral \(\int_ 0^\infty \exp[- s(\psi + y \cos\psi - z \sin\psi) d\psi\)], Bounds for the non-local effective properties of random media. II, Some integral relations of Hankel transform type and applications to elasticity theory, Truncation error for the generalized Bessel type sampling series, On the thermal runaway of variable viscosity flows between concentric cylinders, Asymptotics of the modified Bessel and the incomplete gamma matrix functions, A pair of generalized Hankel-Clifford transformations and their applications, Growth estimates for semigroups generated by \(2\times 2\) operator matrices, Computing zeros and orders of Bessel functions, Spectral properties of the biconfluent Heun differential equation, The motion of vortices within a rotating, fluid shell, Norm estimates for the inverses of a general class of scattered-data radial-function interpolation matrices, Comparison results for the lower tail of Gaussian seminorms, On a Bessel function integral, On the zeros of \(aC_ \nu{}(x)+xC_ \nu'{}(x)\) where \(C_ \nu{}(x)\) is a cylinder function, Askey-Wilson functions of the first and second kind: Series and integral representations of \(C^ 2_ n(x ;\beta{}|{}q)+D^ 2_ n(x ;\beta{}|{}q)\), The general form of the three-dimensional elastic field inside an isotropic plate with free faces, Scattering of elastic waves by an arbitrary small imperfection in the surface of a half-space, Local asymptotic laws for the Brownian convex hull, A spherical Wiener-Plancherel formula, Point interactions in \(L^ p\), Note on a point source in a rotating stratified fluid, Torsion of a laminar composite debonded over a penny-shaped area, Slowly varying functions and asymptotic behavior of a class of integral transforms. III, The flow past a fixed sphere in a slowly rotating viscous fluid, On asymptotic solutions of the renewal equation, Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Function spaces associated with radially symmetric measures, Plane short-wave oscillations in the vicinity of the convex boundary of an elastic body, A new class of Bessel function integrals, The Rodrigues type representations for a certain class of special functions, Un approssimante delle funzioni di Bessel, Surface waves in a rotating fluid due to sources and internal boundaries, The torque on a rotating disk in the surface of a liquid with an adsorbed film, Sliding of a cylinder on a viscoelastic foundation, Bochner-Riesz means of functions in weak-\(L^ p\), Mean quadratic variations and Fourier asymptotics of self-similar measures, Plane Brownian motion in a region with holes, Modified Bessel functions and their applications in probability and statistics, Rapid solution of integral equations of scattering theory in two dimensions, Error estimates for interpolation by compactly supported radial basis functions of minimal degree, Conformal extension of massive wave functions, RFSFNS: A portable package for the numerical determination of the number and the calculation of roots of Bessel functions, On overdetermined eigenvalue problems for the polyharmonic operator, Transcendence of binomial and Lucas' formal power series, Spectra of quantum chains without the Yang-Baxter equation, Correlations for the orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary transitions at the hard and soft edges, Efficient and highly accurate computation of a class of radially symmetric solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation and the heat equation in two dimensions, Dirichlet series with periodic coefficients, On the summation of series involving Bessel or Struve functions, Hyperinterpolation on the sphere at the minimal projection order, Two-dimensional contact analysis of elastic graded materials, The convergence of multidimensional Fourier-Bessel series, Inverse spectral problems for differential equations on the half-line with turning points, Analytic solution of poro-mechanical problems in a hollow axisymmetric domain, On the smoothness of positive definite and radial functions, A necessary condition for Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operators, On a universality property of certain integral operators, An entire holomorphic function associated to an entire harmonic function, Dynamic fracture mechanics with contact interaction at the crack edges, Time-frequency analysis of thin slabs subjected to dynamic ring loads., Fourier series of functions whose Hankel transform is supported on \([0,1\)], Generalization of spherical Bessel's differential equation to functions of order zero, The Cauchy problem for the wave equation in the Schwarzschild geometry, Topographies lacking tidal conversion, Asymptotics of the far field generated by a modulated point source in a planarly layered electromagnetic waveguide, The Weak Behavior of Spherical Means, Non-formal star-exponential on contracted one-sheeted hyperboloids, Approximating Probability Measures on Manifolds via Radial Basis Functions, Lagrange Interpolation and New Asymptotic Formulae for the Riemann Zeta Function, The operational matrix of integration for Bessel functions, On the lifetime of a conditioned Brownian motion in the ball, High wavenumber spectrum of a passive scalar in isotropic turbulence, Theory and numerical evaluation of oddoids and evenoids: oscillatory cuspoid integrals with odd and even polynomial phase functions, Norms of inverses and condition numbers for matrices associated with scattered data, Crystal Symmetry Viewed as Zeta Symmetry II, Theory of ion-temperature-gradient-driven turbulence in tokamaks, On Boundary-Value Problems for a Partial Differential Equation with Caputo and Bessel Operators, RobustM-estimators of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of asymmetry, Blow-up of solutions of strongly nonlinear equations of pseudoparabolic type, Multiplier theorem for Hankel transform on Hardy spaces, Diffraction analytique sur une variete a singularite conique., Newton diagram of positivity for 1F2 generalized hypergeometric functions, A polynomial bound on the number of the scattering poles for a potential in even dimensional spaces IRn, Francesco Carlini: Kepler's equation and the asymptotic solution to singular differential equations, Mapping properties of fundamental harmonic analysis operators in the exotic Bessel framework, Unnamed Item, The Circle Problem of Gauss and the Divisor Problem of Dirichlet—Still Unsolved, Problèmes de Cauchy globaux, Analytical solutions to the general problem of oblique wave growth and damping, Logarithmic means and double series of Bessel functions, Measure-valued random processes, Beta-star polytopes and hyperbolic stochastic geometry, Weighted Inequalities for the Disc Multiplier, Multiple critical points of invariant functionals and applications, Two-Weight Mixed Norm Estimates for a Generalized Spherical Mean Radon Transform Acting on Radial Functions, Complete asymptotic expansion for an exponential-type operator related to \(p(x) = x^3\), The bound-state solutions of the one-dimensional pseudoharmonic oscillator, Riesz basis property of mode shapes for aircraft wing model (subsonic case), Hardy-type inequalities for the Jacobi weight with applications, The limiting-amplitude principle for the wave propagation problem with two unbounded media, A fast and accurate numerical approach for electromagnetic inversion, The aeroacoustics of slowly diverging supersonic jets, On some infinite integrals involving logarithmic exponential and powers, Stabilization of second order evolution equations by a class of unbounded feedbacks, Performance analysis of a fluid flow system modulated by a single server queue prone to catastrophic failures and repairs, Nonlinear Analysis of Perturbed Rotating Whirlpools in the Ocean and Atmosphere, Inverse Problems of a Fractional Differential Equation with Bessel Operator, Fast maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for square root and Bessel processes, Unnamed Item, Exact equilibria of axisymmetric magnetic configurations, Identities for trigonometric divisor sums, HIGH FREQUENCY APPROXIMATION FOR THE MODAL ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE COEFFICIENTS OF A CIRCULAR PLATE LOCATED AT THE BOUNDARY OF THE THREE-WALL CORNER REGION, Natural Exponential Families and Generalized Hypergeometric Measures, Properties and applications of a certain operator associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform, Derivative formulas for Bessel, Struve and Anger-Weber functions, Operational versus transform calculus: the similarities and the differences, On the Bessel-Wright Operator and Transmutation with Applications, Boundary Value Problem with Integral Condition for the Mixed Type Equation with a Singular Coefficient, The Borwein Brothers, Pi and the AGM, Surface waves of finite amplitude in axisymmetric swirling flow, Unsteady elastico-viscous flow in a curved pipe, A novel Trefftz method of the inverse Cauchy problem for 3D modified Helmholtz equation, NONVANISHING OF JACOBI POINCARÉ SERIES, Inégalités isopérimétriques et applications, Quadrature formulae using zeros of Bessel functions as nodes, The central limit theorem for summability methods of I.I.D. random variables, Inversion time of large spins, Applications of integral transforms composition method (ITCM) to wave-type singular differential equations and index shift transmutations, Über die Radon-Transformation kreissymmetrischer Funktionen und ihre Beziehung zur Sommerfeldschen Theorie der Hankelfunktionen, Unnamed Item, Pompeiu-type theorem associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line, Psedidifferential-difference operators associated with dunkl operators, Two-Sample Tests Based on the Integrated Empirical Process, Weber–Schafheitlin-type integrals with exponent 1, Mathematics enters the picture, Trapped modes in a wave guide with a circular cylinder, On the sound field due to a moving source in a superfluid, Singular perturbations for a singular parabolic initial boundary value problem, Efficient computation of highly oscillatory integrals with weak singularities by Gauss-type method, Limit theorems for radial random walks on p × q-matrices as p tends to infinity, Identities for Logarithmic Means: A Survey, On the expected surface area of the Wiener sausage, Phased and Phaseless Domain Reconstructions in the Inverse Scattering Problem via Scattering Coefficients, A monotonicity property of bessel functions, On a Sturm Liouville periodic boundary values problem, Orthogonality and distributional weight functions for Dunkl–Hermite polynomials, Stability theory of a relativistic electron beam-plasma system with finite geometries, The principle of limiting absorption for Laplacians on two-point homogeneous spaces, Koshliakovs Formula and Guinands Formula in Ramanujans Lost Notebook, Pseudo‐trigonometry and modified spherical Bessel functions, Conditions for Regge Behavior of an Absolutely Convergent Veneziano Series, Localization operators associated with the spherical mean operator, Integral expressions for Mathieu-type power series and for the Butzer-Flocke-Hauss Ω-function, On propagation in an electromagnetic waveguide with concentrated dissipation, Une approche hilbertienne de l’hypothèse de Riemann généralisée, A weighted uniform $L^{p}$--estimate of Bessel functions: A note on a paper of Guo, A decomposition of Bessel Bridges, APPLICATIONS ON THE BESSEL-STRUVE-TYPE FOCK SPACE, Mixing of passive scalar stripes by a three-dimensional multi-mode vector field, A characterization of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution by continued fractions, Singularities of bessel‐zeta functions and Hawkins' polynomials, A variation of uncertainty principles for the continuous wavelet transform connected with the Riemann-Liouville operator, Two formulae with nodes related to zeros of Bessel functions for semi-infinite integrals: extending Gauss-Jacobi-type rules, Asymptotic estimates for the growth of deformed Hankel transform by modulus of continuity, Input-to-state stability analysis of heat equation with boundary finite-time control, Maximal functions for Weinstein operator, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Propagation of SH-wave in a corrugated viscous sandy layer sandwiched between two elastic half-spaces, On an integro-differential fractional nonlinear Volterra-Caputo equation, GLUON CORRELATORS IN THE KOGAN–KOVNER MODEL, Spectral properties and dynamics of quantized Henon maps, A new product formula involving Bessel functions, On some formulas for the Horn functions H5 (a, b; c;w, z) and (a; c;w, z), Error estimates in the fast multipole method for scattering problems Part 1: Truncation of the Jacobi-Anger series, Error estimates in the Fast Multipole Method for scattering problems Part 2: Truncation of the Gegenbauer series, A new addition theorem for cylinder functions, Spherical Summability of Differentiated Multiple Fourier Series, Random walk on spheres, Unnamed Item, Norm inequalities for maximal operators, The stability of the asymptotic suction boundary layer profile, Fast multipole method for 3-D Laplace equation in layered media, An automatic quadrature method for semi-infinite integrals of exponentially decaying functions and its Matlab code, Two general series identities involving modified Bessel functions and a class of arithmetical functions, Hankel-type Segal-Bargmann transform and its applications to UP and PDEs, Addendum to: ``Poroacoustic solitary waves under the unidirectional Darcy-Jordan model, Error estimates for a Gaussian rule involving Bessel functions, Emergence of time periodic solutions for the generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equation in the disc, Nondeformed generalized Dunkl transform on the line, Gaussian rule for integrals involving Bessel functions, A Euclidean Fourier‐analytic approach to vertical projections in the Heisenberg group, Wiener-Hopf difference equations and semi-cardinal interpolation with integrable convolution kernels, On some properties of the Neumann polynomials, Analysis of a Peaceman-Rachford ADI scheme for Maxwell equations in heterogeneous media, One-radius theorem for harmonic tempered distributions, Stability of ground state eigenvalues of non-local Schrödinger operators with respect to potentials and applications, On applications of integral transforms composition method, Poisson Integrals for Hermite and Laguerre Expansions, Evaluation of Inverse Fourier Pressure Integrals for Finite Acoustic Sources on Cylindrical Baffles, The geometry of one-dimensional and spatial Hardy type inequalities, On the kernel of the -Generalized fourier transform, Inversion formula and uncertainty inequalities for the Weinstein-type Segal–Bargmann transform, \(K\)-functional related to the deformed Hankel transform, Uncertainty principles for the Weinstein type Segal-Bargmann space, Exponential Convergence Theory of the Multipole and Local Expansions for the 3-D Laplace Equation in Layered Media, inequality for a modified Struve transform, Certain extensions of results of Siegel, Wilton and Hardy, Relativistic stable operators with critical potentials, Conjugate Functions for Laguerre Expansions, Spin-down in a rapidly rotating cylinder container with mixed rigid and stress-free boundary conditions, Dirichlet Beta Function via Generalized Mathieu Series Family, Exotic multiplicity functions and heat maximal operators in certain Dunkl settings, On Cramér's First Contributions to Ruin Theory, Computation of Integrals over the Half‐Line Involving Products of Bessel Functions, with Application to Microwave Transmission Lines, The geometric complex for algebraic curves with cone-like singularities and admissible Morse functions, Global existence and blow-up solutions of the radial Schrödinger maps, Unnamed Item, Index and nullity of proper biharmonic maps in spheres, BMO spaces related to Laguerre semigroups, A note on the gravitational wave energy spectrum of parabolic and hyperbolic encounters, The inverse Laplace transform of the modified Lommel functions, Lagrange multiplier approach to unilateral indentation problems: Well-posedness and application to linearized viscoelasticity with non-invertible constitutive response, A new algorithm for solving some mechanical problems, Translational Chern-Simons action and new planar particle dynamics., From gauging nonrelativistic translations to \(N\)-body dynamics, Zeros of Dirichlet \(L\)-functions near the real axis and Chebyshev's bias, Fourier-Bessel analysis of patterns in a circular domain., Equivalence of integral means., Spaces of distributions of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin type for the Fourier-Bessel transform, Regularity properties of wave propagation on conic manifolds and applications to spectral multipliers, Some properties of multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with Macdonald functions, Orthogonal exponentials on the ball, Unnamed Item, The affine group and generalized Gegenbauer polynomials, The mathematical physics of rainbows and glories, On the spatially two-dimensional Boussinesq equation in a circular domain, On the recovery of a differential equation from its spectral functions, Padé approximants of random Stieltjes series, A string bit Hamiltonian approach to two-dimensional quantum gravity, Scattering by a periodic tube in R3  : part i. The limiting absorption principle*, A new identity for the infinite product of zeros of Bessel functions of the first kind or their derivatives, Bateman's equation and similar units, Torsion of a non-homogeneous infinite elastic cylinder slackened by a circular cut, Uniform approximation and explicit estimates for the prolate spheroidal wave functions, Asymptotic behavior and zero distribution of polynomials orthogonal with respect to Bessel functions, Certain functionals of squared telegraph processes, Кручение растущего вала, On the inertial wave activity during spin-down in a rapidly rotating penny shaped cylinder: a reduced model, On the summation of Schlömilch's series, The final problem: an identity from Ramanujan's lost notebook, INTERVALS BETWEEN CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS WHICH ARE SUMS OF TWO SQUARES, A generalized monogenic exponential function in ℍ, The convolution product is for exponential kernels transforms. Composition is suggested for other transforms, Total positivity, Grassmannian and modified Bessel functions, Moments of generalized Cauchy random matrices and continuous-Hahn polynomials, Resistance coefficients for Stokes flow around a disk with a Navier slip condition, Relative unitary implementability of perturbed quantum field dynamics on de Sitter space, Unnamed Item, A Recursive Algorithm for MultiFrequency Acoustic Inverse Source Problems, Non-asymptotic behavior and the distribution of the spectrum of the finite Hankel transform operator, Some a priori estimates of solutions to the Maxwell equations, High Contrast Elliptic Operators in Honeycomb Structures, A class of identities associated with Dirichlet series satisfying Hecke’s functional equation, On the fully anisotropic honeycomb lattice Green function, Bessel function integrals and Pearson random walks, Quasi-geostrophic shallow-water vortex–patch equilibria and their stability, q-index transforms generated by the q-Mellin operator