Invariants of Finite Groups Generated by Reflections

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DOI10.2307/2372597zbMath0065.26103OpenAlexW2314507527WikidataQ97011233 ScholiaQ97011233MaRDI QIDQ5849841

Claude Chevalley

Publication date: 1955

Published in: American Journal of Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

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II, The Noether numbers and the Davenport constants of the groups of order less than 32, Quantum completely integrable systems connected with semi-simple Lie algebras, Some remarks on additional integrals of motion for some Hamiltonian systems invariant relatively to finite groups generated by reflections, Transgression and Clifford algebras, Separating invariants and finite reflection groups, Degree bounds for modular covariants, Hessenberg varieties and hyperplane arrangements, Some primitive linear groups of prime degree., A combinatorial model for the decomposition of multivariate polynomial rings as \(S_n\)-modules, Coxeter multiarrangements with quasi-constant multiplicities, Rational function fields. 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(Invariants of finite groups and holomorphic mappings), On R. Steinberg's theorem on algebras of coinvariants, Quasiharmonic polynomials for Coxeter groups and representations of Cherednik algebras, A General Theory of Canonical Forms, The structure of the Lie field connected with a split semisimple Lie algebra, Functoriality of the BGG Category 𝒪††, A quadrature formula of degree three, Kähler Differentials, the $T$-functor, and a Theorem of Steinberg, On Weyl group equivariant maps, The Coxeter–Todd lattice, the Mitchell group, and related sphere packings, On the Realization and Classification of Cyclic Extensions of Polynomial Algebras Over the Steenrod Algebra, Modeling and simulation of martensitic phase transitions with a triple point, The classification of free algebras of orthogonal modular forms, Haar Measure and the Artin Conductor, Finite linear groups whose ring of invariants is a complete intersection, A criterion for completeness of Casimir operators, Finite Dimensional Lie Algebras in Singularities, On characteristic classes of compact homogeneous spaces and their applications in compact transformation groups I, Cohomology of Bieberbach groups