Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Event-triggered control for a class of switched linear systems with actuator saturation and denial-of-service attacks | 2025-01-22 | Paper |
Strong orthogonal Latin hypercubes for computer experiments | 2024-10-29 | Paper |
A more efficient isomorphism check for two-level nonregular designs | 2024-10-18 | Paper |
Coordination control strategy of motion stability and tire slip for electric vehicle driven by in-wheel-motors | 2024-09-26 | Paper |
Asynchronously switching control for a class of switched neutral systems: a novel discontinuous Lyapunov function approach | 2024-09-20 | Paper |
A new class of strong orthogonal arrays of strength three | 2024-08-29 | Paper |
A \( \mu\)-\(H_\infty\) control strategy for decreasing torque fluctuation of electro-hydraulic integrated braking system in mode switching | 2024-08-06 | Paper |
Quasinormal modes of electromagnetic perturbation for Bardeen black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter | 2024-08-06 | Paper |
An efficient GIPM algorithm for computing the smallest V-singular value of the partially symmetric tensor | 2024-08-02 | Paper |
Adaptive asynchronous output feedback control for a class of switched nonlinear systems with a novel aperiodic dynamic sampling rule | 2024-05-25 | Paper |
Formation containment control of multi-agent systems with actuator and sensor faults | 2024-05-03 | Paper |
Look angle tracking based three‐dimensional impact time control guidance law with field‐of‐view constraint | 2024-03-12 | Paper |
Copositive tensor optimization problem and its applications to hypergraphs | 2024-02-05 | Paper |
Regularized linear discriminant analysis via a new difference-of-convex algorithm with extrapolation | 2023-12-21 | Paper |
disturbance attenuation for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems with large input delay | 2023-10-31 | Paper |
Fast construction of efficient two-level parallel flats designs | 2023-10-17 | Paper |
Event-triggered disturbance attenuation for multi-agent systems with input delay | 2023-10-17 | Paper |
Three-dimensional predefined-time impact angle control guidance law with field-of-view limit | 2023-08-31 | Paper |
An alternating shifted inverse power method for the extremal eigenvalues of fourth-order partially symmetric tensors | 2023-06-26 | Paper |
The partially symmetric rank-1 approximation of fourth-order partially symmetric tensors | 2023-03-24 | Paper | | 2023-02-09 | Paper |
Three-dimensional vector guidance law with impact time and angle constraints | 2023-01-31 | Paper |
Construction of strong group-orthogonal arrays | 2022-07-19 | Paper |
Pursuit-evasion games of multiple cooperative pursuers and an evader: a biological-inspired perspective | 2022-05-16 | Paper |
Saturated and supersaturated order-of-addition designs | 2022-04-08 | Paper |
Two-level parallel flats designs | 2021-12-03 | Paper |
Distributed diffusion unscented Kalman filtering based on covariance intersection with intermittent measurements | 2021-11-19 | Paper | | 2021-09-29 | Paper |
Affine formation control for multi-agent systems with prescribed convergence time | 2021-09-28 | Paper |
Consensus Control of a Class of Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems With Input Delay | 2021-08-26 | Paper |
A Pipeline VLSI Architecture for Fast Computation of the 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform | 2021-08-26 | Paper |
A Pipeline VLSI Architecture for High-Speed Computation of the 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform | 2021-08-26 | Paper | | 2021-07-01 | Paper |
Construction of space-filling orthogonal designs | 2021-05-07 | Paper | | 2021-04-26 | Paper |
Quasi-Inertial Tseng’s Extragradient Algorithms for Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities and Fixed Point Problems of Quasi-Nonexpansive Operators | 2021-04-22 | Paper | | 2021-01-14 | Paper |
Robust formation control for unmanned helicopters with collision avoidance | 2020-12-31 | Paper |
Fully distributed affine formation control of general linear systems with uncertainty | 2020-12-31 | Paper |
An SDP method for copositivity of partially symmetric tensors | 2020-10-12 | Paper |
Cascade structure predictive observer design for consensus control with applications to UAVs formation flying | 2020-10-05 | Paper | | 2020-08-12 | Paper | | 2020-08-12 | Paper | | 2020-08-12 | Paper |
A robust three-dimensional cooperative guidance law against maneuvering target | 2020-06-30 | Paper |
Robust capped L1-norm twin support vector machine | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
On copositiveness identification of partially symmetric rectangular tensors | 2020-02-18 | Paper |
Cooperative control of multi-agent systems. An optimal and robust perspective | 2020-02-18 | Paper | | 2019-09-20 | Paper |
Primary studies on integration optimization of differential steering of electric vehicle with motorized wheels based on quality engineering | 2019-08-28 | Paper |
Mixed H\(_2\)/H\(_\infty\) road feel control of EPS based on genetic algorithm | 2019-08-28 | Paper |
A modified cooperative proportional navigation guidance law | 2019-06-21 | Paper |
Robust ℒ2disturbance attenuation for a class of uncertain Lipschitz nonlinear systems with input delay | 2019-06-18 | Paper |
Integral sliding-mode fixed-time consensus tracking for second-order non-linear and time delay multi-agent systems | 2019-04-18 | Paper |
A variance‐constrained approach to event‐triggered distributed extended Kalman filtering with multiple fading measurements | 2019-03-27 | Paper |
A Truncated Prediction Approach to Consensus Control of Lipschitz Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With Input Delay | 2018-12-04 | Paper | | 2018-10-22 | Paper | | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
Asymptotic analysis of reduced Navier-Stokes equations by homotopy renormalization method | 2018-04-19 | Paper |
FPGA design and implementation of a low-power systolic array-based adaptive Viterbi decoder | 2017-11-20 | Paper |
An Edge-Adapting Laplacian Kernel For Nonlinear Diffusion Filters | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
Robust consensus control of uncertain multi‐agent systems with input delay: a model reduction method | 2017-07-21 | Paper |
Consensus disturbance rejection for Lipschitz nonlinear multi-agent systems with input delay: a DOBC approach | 2017-02-09 | Paper |
Group consensus control for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with fixed and switching topologies | 2016-03-14 | Paper | | 2015-12-11 | Paper | | 2015-04-29 | Paper | | 2015-02-16 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper | | 2014-02-11 | Paper |
Massive Scalar Field Evolution in the Dyadosphere Spacetime of Charged Black Hole | 2013-06-10 | Paper | | 2013-04-30 | Paper |
Quasinormal Modes of a Black Hole with Quintessence-Like Matter and a Deficit Solid Angle for Electromagnetic Perturbation | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
A class of differential equations with impulses at variable times on Banach spaces | 2012-05-20 | Paper |
Dirac Quasinormal Modes of Reissner–Nödstrom Black Hole Surrounded by Quintessence | 2011-08-03 | Paper |
Entropy Corrections to Three-Dimensional Black Holes and de Sitter Spaces | 2011-06-30 | Paper |
Clifford Algebra Realization of Certain Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras | 2011-01-13 | Paper |
Wide-dynamic-range and high-sensitivity current-to-voltage converters | 2010-11-22 | Paper |
Dirac quasinormal modes of a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle | 2010-03-26 | Paper |
Dirac quasinormal modes of the deformed Hořava-Lifshitz black hole spacetime | 2010-03-26 | Paper |
Massive scalar field quasinormal modes of a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle | 2009-11-13 | Paper | | 2009-09-29 | Paper |
Discussion of Garfinkle–Horowitz–Strominger Dilaton Black Hole Entropy | 2009-08-27 | Paper | | 2009-02-26 | Paper | | 2007-09-11 | Paper | | 2007-09-10 | Paper | | 2007-01-12 | Paper | | 2006-09-11 | Paper | | 2005-08-23 | Paper | | 1992-06-27 | Paper |