Entanglement entropy and conformal field theory

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DOI10.1088/1751-8113/42/50/504005zbMath1179.81026arXiv0905.4013OpenAlexW2150094752MaRDI QIDQ3654337

Pasquale Calabrese, John L. Cardy

Publication date: 5 January 2010

Published in: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/0905.4013

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Definitions of entwinement, Bounding entanglement wedge cross sections, Analyticity of replica correlators and modular ETH, Aspects of \(N\)-partite information in conformal field theories, A note on islands in Schwarzschild black holes, Islands in proliferating de Sitter spaces, A freely falling graviton in the D1D5 CFT, Universal thermal corrections to symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy and full counting statistics, On the spread of entanglement at finite cutoff, Page curve and island in EGB gravity, Entanglement entropy from non-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations, Entanglement and geometry from subalgebras of the Virasoro algebra, The entanglement entropy for quantum system in one spatial dimension, Replica trick calculation for entanglement entropy of static black hole spacetimes, Revisit the entanglement entropy with gravitational anomaly, Absence of logarithmic enhancement in the entanglement scaling of free fermions on folded cubes, Multi-charged moments and symmetry-resolved Rényi entropy of free compact Boson for multiple disjoint intervals, Holographic renormalized entanglement and entropic \(c\)-function, Dynamics of charge imbalance resolved negativity after a local joining quench, Entanglement asymmetry in the ordered phase of many-body systems: the Ising field theory, \(Z_3\) and \((\times Z_3)^3\) symmetry protected topological paramagnets, On the (Non)Hadamard property of the SJ state in a 1+1 D causal diamond, Time evolution of entanglement entropy in quenched holographic superconductors, Entanglement thermodynamics for an excited state of Lifshitz system, \(N\)-partite information in Hawking radiation, Quantum local quench, AdS/BCFT and Yo-Yo string, Modular invariance and entanglement entropy, Entanglement entropy production in gravitational collapse: covariant regularization and solvable models, Finite temperature holographic duals of 2-dimensional bcfts, Higher spin entanglement and \( {\mathcal{W}}_{\mathrm{N}} \) conformal blocks, Thermalization with chemical potentials, and higher spin black holes, Renormalization group flow of entanglement entropy on spheres, On the entanglement entropy for gauge theories, Entanglement entropy through conformal interfaces in the 2D Ising model, Universal corner entanglement from twist operators, Entanglement scrambling in 2d conformal field theory, Virasoro conformal blocks and thermality from classical background fields, On shape dependence of holographic entanglement entropy in \(\mathrm{AdS}_{4}/CFT_{3}\), On the shape dependence of entanglement entropy, Effective entropy of quantum fields coupled with gravity, Effects of non-conformal boundary on entanglement entropy, The first law of differential entropy and holographic complexity, Symmetry resolved entanglement in integrable field theories via form factor bootstrap, Building bulk geometry from the tensor Radon transform, Renormalized entanglement entropy and curvature invariants, Probing phase transitions of holographic entanglement entropy with fixed area states, Complexity of mixed Gaussian states from Fisher information geometry, Quantum correction of the Wilson line and entanglement entropy in the pure \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\) Einstein gravity theory, Anyonic entanglement and topological entanglement entropy, Free compact boson on branched covering of the torus, Entangled spins and ghost-spins, Chaos and relative entropy, \(\mathbb{Z}_2\) boundary twist fields and the moduli space of D-branes, Corrections in the relative entropy of black hole microstates, Dynamics of charge imbalance resolved negativity after a global quench in free scalar field theory, Universal dynamics of heavy operators in boundary \(\mathrm{CFT}_2\), Deforming symmetric product orbifolds: a tale of moduli and higher spin currents, Rényi entropy and negativity for massless Dirac fermions at conformal interfaces and junctions, Thermal correction to entanglement spectrum for conformal field theories, Zoo of holographic 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