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zbMath0373.54002MaRDI QIDQ4150804

Ryszard Engelking

Publication date: 1977

54-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to general topology

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IV, Characterizing metric spaces whose hyperspaces are absolute neighborhood retracts, Representable topologies and locally connected spaces, Automatic continuity and representation of group homomorphisms defined between groups of continuous functions, On the compact open and finest splitting topologies, Classes defined by stars and neighbourhood assignments, Upper semifinite hyperspaces as unifying tools in normal Hausdorff topology, Issues in the design of a parallel object-oriented language, Normality in dense subspaces of products, Denotational semantics of a parallel object-oriented language, The product structure of homogeneous spaces, Strong realcompactness and weakly measurable cardinals, Two nonmetric locally connected continua, Comparative metric semantics for concurrent PROLOG, A proof of the theorem of Amir and Lindenstrauss, On biradial topological spaces and groups, A method for constructing examples of M-equivalent spaces, On \(\nabla\)-normal spaces, Contractions in comparing concurrency semantics, Imbeddings into topological groups preserving dimensions, Uniformities, hyperspaces, and normality, Thin and bounded subsets of free topological groups, Reduction principles in the theory of selections, On selections and classes of spaces, Moscow spaces and selection theory, Approximating orders in meet-continuous lattices and regularity axioms in many valued topology, The classes of mutual compactificability, Mutually compactificable topological spaces, Covering a Polish group by translates of a nowhere dense set, On the ideal \((v^{0})\), Ultrafilters and non-Cantor minimal sets in linearly ordered dynamical systems, On \(\pi \)-images of locally separable metric spaces, Hereditary, additive and divisible classes in epireflective subcategories of Top, On certain properties of the spaces of order-preserving functionals, A quotient-universal digital topology, Some covering properties of hyperspaces, Characterization of compact spaces with noncoinciding dimensions which are subsets of products of simple spaces, Precalibers, monolithic spaces, first countability, and homogeneity in the class of compact spaces, Selective screenability in topological groups, Inverse systems and I-favorable spaces, Embeddings of bornological universes, On a generalization of absolute neighborhood retracts, Some generalizations of Fedorchuk duality theorem-I, Sensitive dependence on initial conditions between dynamical systems and their induced hyperspace dynamical systems, Monolithic spaces and \(D\)-spaces revisited, Shape of global attractors in topological spaces, The problem of the formalization of constructive topology, Spaces of continuous functions defined on Mrówka spaces, A characterization of the maximally almost periodic abelian groups, Dyadicity index and metrizability of compact continuous images of function spaces, Remainders in compactifications and generalized metrizability properties, Mappings of Baire spaces into function spaces and Kadeč renorming, Some applications of positive formulas in descriptive set theory and logic, Connected subsets of dendrites and separators of the plane, Extensions of zero-sets in the product of topological spaces, Function spaces in dimension theory and factorization theorems, Nonnormality or hereditary paracompactness of some spaces of real functions, On question \(Q\)47, Star covering properties, Orbits of homeomorphisms and independent sets, Embeddings of finite-dimensional spaces into finite products of 1- dimensional spaces, The topological space of all extreme points of a compact convex set, Orderability properties of a zero-dimensional space which is a continuous image of an ordered compactum, Kneser type theorems for ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces, Open finite-to-one images of metric spaces, Some properties of C(X). II, More remarks on Souslin properties and tree topologies, Remark on compactifications of metrizable spaces, The notion of o-tightness and C-embedded subspaces of products, On completion of fuzzy metric spaces, Local connectedness in \(L\)-topological spaces, \(\kappa\)-normality and products of ordinals, Results about \(\kappa\)-normality, A Ramsey-type topological theorem, Diagonal structures on topological spaces, Existence of a semicontinuous or continuous utility function: a unified approach and an elementary proof., Compactifications of quasi-uniform hyperspaces., On cardinal invariants and metrizability of topological inverse semigroups, On cardinal invariants and metrizability of topological inverse Clifford semigroups, Simultaneously reflective and coreflective full subconstructs of stratified \(L\)-topological spaces are concretely reflective and coreflective, Characterizing completable fuzzy metric spaces, Some aspects of the theory of dimension of completely regular spaces, Bornological convergences, Network characterization of Gul'ko compact spaces and their relatives, The Hausdorff fuzzy metric on compact sets, Characterization of precompact shape and homology properties of remainders, Maps between a space and its square, On the metrizability number and related invariants of spaces, On Lindelöf sets of continuous functions, Logic, topology, and integration, What if \(C_ p(X)\) is perfectly normal?, Compact spaces that result from adequate families of sets, Liapunov theorem for modular functions, Rectifiable spaces, On compactness and extreme points of some sets of quasi-measures and measures. II, Compactifications, \(A\)-compactifications and proximities, On expandable discrete collections, Heredity and cartesian closed coreflective subcategories of the category of topological spaces, Sequential order of product of Fréchet spaces, Compatible connectedness in graphs and topological spaces, Choice principles in hyperuniverses, On inductive dimensions for fuzzy topological spaces, On \(L\)-Tychonoff spaces, A characterization of fuzzy compactness and its applications, On fuzzy bitopological spaces, Shrinking in perfect preimages of shrinking spaces, Topologies on pure quantum states, Evolution semigroups, translation algebras, and exponential dichotomy of cocycles, Barrelled and bornological function spaces, On Borel groups, Twisted Fréchet spaces of continuous functions, The group of invertible elements and the spectral radius in topological algebras, A selection of recent results and problems in \(C_{p}\)-theory, Choquet weak convergence of capacity functionals of random sets, Convergence of ergodic means of orbits of semigroups of nonexpansive mappings in sets with the \(\varGamma\)-Opial property, Some remarks in iterated function spaces, Continuous itinerary functions and dendrite maps, First countability, tightness, and other cardinal invariants in remainders of topological groups, On compactness and extreme points of some sets of quasi-measures and measures. III, A metric on the space of finite measures with an application to fixed point theory, The quantitative difference between countable compactness and compactness, Digital Jordan curves, Applications of \(k\)-covers II, Characterizing mixing, weak mixing and transitivity of induced hyperspace dynamical systems, Distances from selectors to spaces of Baire one functions, On the maximal \(G\)-compactification of products of two \(G\)-spaces, Denotational semantics for thread algebra, Full analogy of Sharkovsky's theorem for lower semicontinuous maps, Conditions ensuring that hyperspace dynamical systems contain subsystems topologically (semi-)conjugate to symbolic dynamical systems, Completion of semi-uniform spaces, Between compactness and completeness, On Choquet theorem for random upper semicontinuous functions, On metrization of the hit-or-miss topology using Alexandroff compactification, Vagueness, Kant and topology: a study of formal epistemology, Stability of solutions for Ky Fan's section theorem with some applications, Fréchet versus strongly Fréchet, Topologizing homeomorphism groups of rim-compact spaces, Spaces with a regular \(G_{\delta}\)-diagonal, A note on intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces, Distance to spaces of continuous functions, Mappings and Prohorov spaces, Free \(G\)-spaces and maximal equivariant compactifications, Continuity at the extreme points, Strong uniform continuity, Topological vector spaces, compacta, and unions of subspaces, Pontryagin-van Kampen reflexivity for free Abelian topological groups, The global dimension of anf-ring via its space of minimal prime ideals, Invariant Metrics on G-Spaces, A Note On g-Metrizable Spaces, Two-fold theorem on Fréchetness of products, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Subspaces of pseudoradial spaces, On Uniformly Locally Compact Quasi-Uniform Hyperspaces, Large deviations of semimartingales via convergence of the predictable characteristics, Lip microbundles, Unnamed Item, Infinite products of filters, Oscillations and concentrations in sequences of gradients, Sequence-covering maps of metric spaces, Descriptions of equivalence of O-connectivity, Descriptions of equivalence of O-connectivity, On pseudocompactness of remainders of topological groups and some classes of mappings, Functional equivalence of topological spaces, Spaces not distinguishing convergences of real-valued functions., Sequentially complete groups: Dimension and minimality, Weakly complete free topological groups, Classifying overlay structures of topological spaces, Dynamic programming method in the generalized traveling salesman problem: the influence of inexact calculations., A space with infinite span and zero surjective span, Type 1 shifts on \(C(X)\), Topological groups and \(C\)-embeddings, Fuzzy regular measures on topological spaces, Universal proper \(G\)-spaces, Equilibria of set-valued maps: A variational approach, Characterization of precompact shape and homology properties of remainders, On some generalizations of Lorentz's almost convergence, Some remarks on generalizations of countably compact spaces and Lindelöf spaces, Strong bonding homology and cohomology, Plasticity in metric spaces, A representation theorem for Boolean contact algebras, Convex compact spaces and their maps, The number of cozero-sets is an \(\omega\)-power, Every totally disconnected separable metrizable topological group is an autohomeomorphism group, Wallman prebases, Algebraic subrings and perfect compactifications, Spaces with an Oz Stone-Čech compactification, Set-spectrum method in structure comparison and the concept of topological kinship, Resolutions of topological linear spaces and continuity of linear maps, On some concepts of generalized differentials, The compactificability classes of certain spaces, Closed structures on reflective subcategories of the category of topological spaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Amorphe Potenzen kompakter Räume, On Dense Subspaces Satisfying Stronger Separation Axioms, On a Theorem of Holický and Zelený Concerning Borel Maps Without σ-Compact Fibers, On nonregular ideals and z°-ideals in C(X), The method of programmed iterations in abstract control problems, The Lattice of Contact Relations on a Boolean Algebra, Some notes on densely continuous forms, Asymptotic behavior of a Feller evolution family involved in the Fisher-Wright model, Unnamed Item, Pasting topological spaces at one point, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Espaces $K_\sigma$ et espaces des applications continues, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The slice topology: a viable alternative to mosco convergence in nonreflexive spaces, On a generic optimization theorem of Petar Kenderov, Unnamed Item, On the characterization of the B-property by the normality of product spaces, On sieve-complete and compact-like spaces, A Wage-type example with a pseudocompact factor, Characterizations of certain classes of infinite dimensional metrizable spaces, Erweiterungen topologischer Räume, Set-theoretic constructions of nonshrinking open covers, Topological spaces containing compact perfect sets and Prohorov spaces, Normality of product spaces and Morita's conjectures, A compactification problem of J. de Groot, Characterizations of stratifiable \(\mu\)-spaces, A separable normal topological group which is not Lindelöf, Open retractions onto n-ods, Normality in products, Analytic and Luzin spaces (non-separable case), Sur la stabilité de l'équation d'homomorphisme, A pseudocompact Tychonoff space all countable subsets of which are closed and \(C^*\)-embedded, A characterization of continuous images of compact ordered spaces and the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz problem, Non-collegial simple games and the nowhere denseness of the set of preference profiles having a core, Calibers and point-finite cellularity of the space Cp(X) and some questions of S. Gul'ko and M. Hušek, Semicompactness and dimension of increments, The spaces \(C_ p(X):\) decomposition into a countable union of bounded subspaces and completeness properties, Hereditary shape equivalences and complement theorems, Infinite-word languages and continuous mappings, On the well-posedness of the Hammer X-ray problem, Homeomorphisms between finite powers of topological spaces, On compactness in locally convex spaces, Arzela-Ascoli's theorem for Riemann-integrable functions on compact space, On local connectedness in fuzzy topological spaces, Topological properties of the addition map in spaces of Borel measures, A topology on the union of the double arrow space and the integers, On collectionwise Hausdorffness in countably paracompact, locally compact spaces, Time-average for physical quantities in infinite classical systems, The complete tunnel axiom, Applications of compactness in the Smyth powerdomain of streams, Designing equivalent semantic models for process creation, Subsets of \(C^*(X)\) generating compactifications, Homogeneity of Pixley-Roy spaces, Topologies larger than \(\alpha\)-compact topologies, Weight of a compactification and generating sets of functions, Locally compact, countably paracompact spaces in the constructible universe, On the uniqueness of fixed points of endofunctors in a category of complete metric spaces, Construction of right topological compactifications for discrete versions of subsemigroups of compact groups, Exactly (n,1) mappings onto generalized local dendrites, s-numbers of integral operators with Hölder continuous kernels over metric compacta, Spaces of Urelements. II, Closed graph theorem: Topological approach, Well behaved subclasses of \(M_ 1\)-spaces, Two examples of zero-dimensional sets in product spaces, The contraction property is sufficient to guarantee the uniqueness of fixed points of endofunctors in a category of complete metric spaces, Recursively enumerable subsets of \(\mathbb{R}^{q}\) in two computing models Blum-Shub-Smale machine and Turing machine, On spaces in which countably compact sets are closed, and hereditary properties, Piece-wise closed functions, On the measurable utility theorem, Compactifications determined by subsets of C*(X), Initial morphisms and monomorphisms, There is no compactification theorem for the small inductive dimension, Representing countable groups by homeomorphism groups in Hilbert space, Mappings onto metric space, The equivariant triangulation theorem for actions of compact Lie groups, Euclidean convexity cannot be compactified, Closed mappings onto metric spaces, Countable small rank and cardinal invariants. II, Hausdorff compactifications and Lebesgue sets, Products of regular-closed spaces, A compact F-space not co-absolute with betaN-N, Some properties of C(X). I, Many continuous functions have many proper local extrema, Four domains for concurrency, Dual fuzzy neighbourhood spaces. I, A note on injective \(C(T)\)-spaces and the Amir boundary, The topology of certain spaces of measures, A locally connected rim-countable continuum which is the continuous image of no arc, Order types, calibres and spread of Corson compacta, Fuzzy \(\theta\)-perfect irreducible mappings and fuzzy \(\theta\)-proximity spaces, Cartesian closed coreflective subcategories of the category of topological spaces, Compressibility: A property of topological spaces related to abstract convexity, On the injective \(C(T)\)-spaces, \(Q\)-binary spaces, Various smoothings of the long line and their tangent bundles, Essential weak efficient solution in multiobjective optimization problems, Holomorphic mappings of bounded type, Topological invariants in the Cohen model, Measure-compact spaces, The product of biradial compact spaces, Connectedness and dimension of GF-spaces, From failure to success: Comparing a denotational and a declarative semantics for Horn clause logic, Lattice-valued Hahn-Dieudonné-Tong insertion theorem and stratification structure, Continuous images of ordered compacta are regular supercompact, Structure of the set of annihilators, Products in the category of locales: Which properties are preserved?, On coverings of infinite-dimensional metric spaces, The general concept of cleavability of a topological space, Spaces with no uncountable submetrisable subsets, Uniform properties and hyperspace topologies for \(\aleph\)-uniformities, \(\aleph\)-spaces and spaces with a \(\sigma\)-hereditarily closure- preserving \(k\)-network, The \(K\)-property of \(N\) billiard balls. I, The product of a Fréchet space and a metrizable space, A technique for constructing honest locally compact submetrizable examples, An equivalence relation between optimization problems connected with the well-posedness, The Kakutani property and the fixed point property of topological spaces with abstract convexity, Complete quasi-pseudo-metric spaces, On pseudomanifolds with boundary. I, Subsets of \({}^ \omega\omega\) and the Fréchet-Urysohn and \(\alpha_ i\)-properties, Metrization of compact convex sets, Openness properties of real multifunctions on some connected spaces, A problem of coincidence of dimensions in topological groups, The Hahn-Mazurkiewicz theorem for hereditary locally connected continua, On absolute continuity, Combinatorics of topological posets. Homotopy complementation formulas, Weak topological categories, On \(F_\sigma\text{-}\delta\)-normality and hereditary \(\delta\)-normality, Strongly \(\tau\)-pseudocompact spaces, General theorems on functional equivalence of topological spaces, Topological ultraproducts: when is the quotient mapping closed?, Quasi-uniform hyperspaces of compact subsets, Introduction to topological groups, Characterization of spaces admitting a homotopy dense embedding into a Hilbert manifold, Pseudocompact Mal'tsev spaces, Continuous functions on locally pseudocompact groups, Normality and countable paracompactness of products with \(\sigma\)-spaces having special nets, Embeddings in \(C_p\)-spaces, Metrizability of decomposition spaces of metric spaces, Refining connected topological group topologies on Abelian torsion groups, Additivity of metrizability and related properties, Character and tightness of hyperspaces with the Fell topology, Hereditary screenableness and its Tychonoff products, On the Choquet-Dolecki theorem, Essential equilibria of \(n\)-person noncooperative games, Lecture notes for a minicourse on topological groups by Mikhail Tkačenko at the 13th summer conference on general topology and its applications, June 24--27, 1998, Mexico City, Mexico, \(G_ \delta\)-open functionally bounded subsets in topological groups, A construction of topological spaces rigid for continuous onto maps -- an application of Shelah's lemma, On inverse systems and cardinal functions of topological spaces, Linearly ordered extensions of GO spaces, Some topics in topological algebra, Metrizability of topological groups having weak topologies with respect to good covers, The comparison of a cpo-based semantics with a cms-based semantics for \(CSP\), Box products of \(\sigma\)-compact spaces, Étale cohomology for non-Archimedean analytic spaces, A connected pseudocompact space, Embeddings into \(c_ 0\), On decomposition of a space into certain subsets and \({\text cl}\)- cardinality of a topological space, A theorem on decomposition into compact-scattered subspaces and cardinality of topological spaces, Shrinking in products of cardinals and compact spaces, On hereditarily normal compact spaces, in which regular closed subsets are \(G_ \delta\)-sets, Absolutely countably compact spaces, Wijsman convergence: A survey, Compact spaces representable as unions of nice subspaces, Point-countable \(k\)-networks, closed maps, and related results, Fragments of Martin's axiom and \(\Delta_ 3^ 1\) sets of reals, Free topological groups and inductive limits, Axiomatic characterizations of the dimension of metric spaces, Some properties of cleavable spaces, Inverse compactness, Linear time and branching time semantics for recursion with merge, On fuzzy metric groups, On linearly topological structure and property of fuzzy normed linear space, A general construction of hyperuniverses, An extension of A. Ostrowski's theorem on the round-off stability of iterations, Some results on \(\widetilde I(L)\) and \(\widetilde R(L)\), Embeddings into (a)-spaces and acc spaces, Homeomorphisms of function spaces and hereditary cardinal invariants, Function spaces, On cleavability over \(T_{i,\rho}\) spaces, Generalizations of \(w\Delta\)-spaces, and developable spaces, Chains of pseudocompact group topologies, Refining connected topological group topologies on Abelian torsion-free groups, On Hurewicz properties., Answer to Raczkowski's questions on convergent sequences of integers, On homomorphism spaces of metrizable groups, Compactoid filters and USCO maps., Properties of function spaces reflected by uniformly dense subspaces., Scattered, Hausdorff-reducible, and hereditarily irresolvable spaces., A resolution for the product of a compactum with a polyhedron., On spaces of \(\sigma\)-additive probability measures, Inductively generated formal topologies., When the family of functions vanishing at infinity is an ideal of \(C(X)\)., Spaces which are generated by discrete sets., Characterizing continuity by preserving compactness and connectedness., Embeddings into pseudocompact spaces of countable tightness., A note on extensions of dynamical systems from uniform spaces., Ideal models of spaces., The regular spaces with countably based models., A non-commutative version of the first Alexandroff decomposition theorem in ordered topological groups, Theory of granular lattices and its applications, Metrizable extensions of dynamical systems from function algebras, Some properties of fuzzy metric spaces, Maps of finite powers of metric spaces (recursive conditions for spaces at work), On some properties of distance measures, Connectedness in \(L\)-fuzzy topological spaces, Separation axioms in \(L\)-fuzzy topological spaces. I: \(T_0\) and \(T_1\), Fuzzy intervals, Bisimulation indexes and their applications, Weaker connected and weaker nowhere locally compact topologies for metrizable and similar spaces, On index of total boundedness of (strictly) \(o\)-bounded groups, Functions with distant fibers and uniform continuity, On power homogeneous spaces, Quotient compact images of metric spaces, and related matters, Density properties and points of uncountable order for families of open sets in function spaces, Weight of precompact subsets and tightness, Three-space weak barrelledness