zbMath0960.62005MaRDI QIDQ4527387
Hiroshi Nagaoka, Shun-ichi Amari
Publication date: 5 February 2001
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Conformal vector fields on statistical manifolds,
Affine geometric description of thermodynamics,
Path-Based Divergence Rates and Lagrangian Uncertainty in Stochastic Flows,
Locally product-like statistical submersions,
Finsler geometries on strictly accretive matrices,
Information-Geometric Measures as Robust Estimators of Connection Strengths and External Inputs,
Locally dually flatness and locally projectively flatness of Matsumoto change with m-th root Finsler metrics,
Geometric mean of probability measures and geodesics of Fisher information metric,
Locally conformally Hessian and statistical manifolds,
Quantum information criteria for model selection in quantum state estimation,
Differential geometry for the optimal design of the contingent valuation method,
Object embedding using an information geometrical perspective,
Conelike radiant structures,
Statistical Inference, Learning and Models in Big Data,
Measurement of random operators, jet geometry and high-order phase transitions,
Einstein's equations and the pseudo-entropy of pseudo-Riemannian information manifolds,
Convergence of the Hesse-Koszul flow on compact Hessian manifolds,
Regression ellipses via hyperbolic geometry,
The bimetric model with an informational metric tensor,
Information geometry, Jordan algebras, and a coadjoint orbit-like construction,
Information space of multi-sensor networks,
Bayesian robustness modelling using the O‐regularly varying distributions,
Using covariates to model dependence in nonstationary, high‐frequency meteorological processes,
Robust federated learning under statistical heterogeneity via hessian-weighted aggregation,
Statistical $\rho$-commutative algebras,
Notes concerning Codazzi pairs on almost anti-Hermitian manifolds,
Alpha geodesic distances for clustering of shapes,
On the locality of the natural gradient for learning in deep Bayesian networks,
Information geometry of warped product spaces,
Lotka-Volterra model with mutations and generative adversarial networks,
Universal Features for High-Dimensional Learning and Inference,
Efficient approximations of the fisher matrix in neural networks using kronecker product singular value decomposition,
Fisher-Rao Riemannian geometry of equivalent Gaussian measures on Hilbert space,
Half a century of information geometry, part 1,
Geometry of EM and related iterative algorithms,
Affine statistical bundle modeled on a Gaussian Orlicz-Sobolev space,
Conditional inference of Poisson models and information geometry: an ancillary review,
A two-parameter family of non-parametric, deformed exponential manifolds,
Minimum information divergence of Q-functions for dynamic treatment resumes,
Natural differentiable structures on statistical models and the Fisher metric,
Conformal mirror descent with logarithmic divergences,
Parametric models and information geometry on \(W^\star\)-algebras,
Gram matrices of quantum channels via quantum Fisher information with applications to decoherence and uncertainty,
Geometric thermodynamics for the Fokker-Planck equation: stochastic thermodynamic links between information geometry and optimal transport,
Doubly autoparallel structure and curvature integrals. Applications to iteration complexity for solving convex programs,
G-dual teleparallel connections in information geometry,
Estimation with infinite-dimensional exponential family and Fisher divergence,
Legendre duality: from thermodynamics to information geometry,
The Fisher metric as a metric on the cotangent bundle,
Nonparametric Estimation of Repeated Densities with Heterogeneous Sample Sizes,
Conformal Fisher information metric with torsion,
Informative fractal dimension associated with nonmetricity in information geometry,
The Fisher-Rao loss for learning under label noise,
The face lattice of the set of reduced density matrices and its coatoms,
Entropic Trust Region for Densest Crystallographic Symmetry Group Packings,
A Nonlocal Graph-PDE and Higher-Order Geometric Integration for Image Labeling,
Geometry of parametric binary choice models,
Alpha-parallel priors on a one-sided truncated exponential family,
A dually flat geometry for spacetime in 5d,
Monotonicity of the scalar curvature of the quantum exponential family for transverse-field Ising chains,
The phase space description of the geodesics on the statistical model on a finite set. Trajectory-confinement and integrability,
Geodesic flows of \(\alpha \)-connections for statistical transformation models on a compact Lie group,
On a torsion/curvature analogue of dual connections and statistical manifolds,
Projectively Flat Finsler Spaces with Transformed Metrics,
On submanifolds of Sasakian statistical manifolds,
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics for probabilities on the statistical bundle,
The \(L^p\)-Fisher-Rao metric and Amari-Čencov \(\alpha\)-connections,
Informational separability and entropy,
Unnamed Item,
Metric on the space of quantum states from relative entropy. Tomographic reconstruction,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Theoretical investigations of an information geometric approach to complexity,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Parameter Learning for Alpha Integration,
Spatiotemporal Conditional Inference and Hypothesis Tests for Neural Ensemble Spiking Precision,
Natural Gradient Learning Algorithms for RBF Networks,
A Novel Parameter Estimation Method for Boltzmann Machines,
A Note on Divergences,
Derivation of Human Chromatic Discrimination Ability from an Information-Theoretical Notion of Distance in Color Space,
Nonparametric e-Mixture Estimation,
Parameter Identifiability in Statistical Machine Learning: A Review,
Unnamed Item,
Direct Learning of Sparse Changes in Markov Networks by Density Ratio Estimation,
Remarks on Kim's strong subadditivity matrix inequality: Extensions and equality conditions,
Information Geometry,
Information geometry and local asymptotic normality for multi-parameter estimation of quantum Markov dynamics,
Testing the manifold hypothesis,
Bregman Voronoi diagrams,
Information geometry,
Legendre submanifolds in contact manifolds as attractors and geometric nonequilibrium thermodynamics,
Asymptotic performance of optimal state estimation in qubit system,
Quantum Fisher information matrix and multiparameter estimation,
SU(2) and SU(1,1) group parametrizations via qubit induced correlated probabilities,
Monotonicity of a quantum 2-Wasserstein distance,
Sensitivity analysis for Bayesian hierarchical models,
First-order geometric multilevel optimization for discrete tomography,
On the geometric mechanics of assignment flows for metric data labeling,
Local softening of information geometric indicators of chaos in statistical modeling in the presence of quantum-like considerations,
Information geometry, simulation and complexity in Gaussian random fields,
A natural gradient algorithm for stochastic distribution systems,
The information geometry of Bregman divergences and some applications in multi-expert reasoning,
Information geometry on complexity and stochastic interaction,
Natural gradient flow in the mixture geometry of a discrete exponential family,
Information geometry formalism for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation,
Dualistic Hessian structures among the thermodynamic potentials in the \(\kappa\)-thermostatistics,
Information geometric complexity of a trivariate Gaussian statistical model,
On clustering histograms with \(k\)-means by using mixed \(\alpha\)-divergences,
Duality of maximum entropy and minimum divergence,
New Riemannian priors on the univariate normal model,
The geometry of relative arbitrage,
Information geometry approach to parameter estimation in Markov chains,
A construction of a nonparametric quantum information manifold,
Non-parametric kernel regression for multinomial data,
Interpreting Kullback--Leibler divergence with the Neyman-Pearson Lemma,
Synthetic theory of Ricci curvature bounds,
The maximal Strichartz family of Gaussian distributions: Fisher information, index of dispersion, and stochastic ordering,
Transformations and coupling relations for affine connections,
Semilocal properties of canonical divergences in dually flat spaces,
Equiaffine structures on statistical manifolds and Bayesian statistics,
Geometry of diffeomorphism groups, complete integrability and geometric statistics,
Asymptotic expansion of the risk difference of the Bayesian spectral density in the autoregressive moving average model,
The quantum relative entropy as a rate function and information criteria,
Flat bundles on affine manifolds,
Information geometry and interior-point algorithms in semidefinite programs and symmetric cone programs,
Kaluza-Klein type model for the structure of the neutral particle-like solutions,
On twisted products Finsler manifolds,
The geometry of least squares in the 21st century,
A geometry on the space of probabilities. II: Projective spaces and exponential families,
Bayesian prediction based on a class of shrinkage priors for location-scale models,
Local mixtures of the exponential distribution,
Exponential statistical manifold,
A modified EM algorithm for mixture models based on Bregman divergence,
The geometry of proper scoring rules,
On \(\varphi \)-families of probability distributions,
On the curvature of the quantum state space with pull-back metrics,
A characterization of extended monotone metrics,
Quantum local asymptotic normality based on a new quantum likelihood ratio,
On dually flat Finsler metrics,
Exponential families, Kähler geometry and quantum mechanics,
On the relation between geometrical quantum mechanics and information geometry,
A comparative evaluation of stochastic-based inference methods for Gaussian process models,
Curvature integrals and iteration complexities in SDP and symmetric cone programs,
Geodesics on the manifold of multivariate generalized Gaussian distributions with an application to multicomponent texture discrimination,
Information geometry of small diffusions,
A generalized Cauchy process having cubic nonlinearity,
Wasserstein geometry of porous medium equation,
Merging of opinions in game-theoretic probability,
Limiting behavior of relative Rényi entropy in a non-regular location shift family,
On generalized \(m\)-th root Finsler metrics,
A model for Gaussian perturbations of graphene,
Quantifying the complexity of geodesic paths on curved statistical manifolds through information geometric entropies and Jacobi fields,
Dual connections in nonparametric classical information geometry,
An information-theoretic characterization of weighted \(\alpha \)-proportional fairness in network resource allocation,
Displacement convexity of generalized relative entropies,
A general theory of quantum relativity,
An infinite-dimensional statistical manifold modelled on Hilbert space,
An approximate quantum Cramér-Rao bound based on skew information,
From \(f\)-divergence to quantum quasi-entropies and their use,
Parametric Bayesian estimation of differential entropy and relative entropy,
Squeezed vacuum as a universal quantum probe,
Income distributions and decomposable divergence measures,
Information theory and dynamical system predictability,
Fisher information metric and Poisson kernels,
The \(\alpha\)-geometric structures on manifold of positive definite Hermite matrices,
Unsupervised weight parameter estimation method for ensemble learning,
Geometry of quantum state space and entanglement,
Fisher information distance: a geometrical reading,
Curvature of Hessian manifolds,
Asymptotical improvement of maximum likelihood estimators on Kullback-Leibler loss,
Interaction of Codazzi couplings with (para-)Kähler geometry,
Towards a geometry of imprecise inference,
The algebro-geometric study of range maps,
On locally dually flat \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-metrics,
The geometric structures and instability of entropic dynamical models,
On \(m\)-th root Finsler metrics,
Geometric study for the Legendre duality of generalized entropies and its application to the porous medium equation,
\(\kappa \)-exponential models from the geometrical viewpoint,
Universal approximation of multi-copy states and universal quantum lossless data compression,
Geometry of distributions associated with Tsallis statistics and properties of relative entropy minimization,
Studies of information quantities and information geometry of higher order cumulant spaces,
Quantum convex support,
Statistical hypersurfaces in the space of Hessian curvature zero,
Locally dually flat Finsler metrics with special curvature properties,
Fisher information geometry, Poisson kernel and asymptotical harmonicity,
Emulation of higher-order tensors in manifold Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inverse problems,
Classification into Kullback-Leibler balls in exponential families,
Thermodynamic semirings,
Amari-Chentsov connections and their geodesics on homogeneous spaces of diffeomorphism groups,
Edge selection based on the geometry of dually flat spaces for Gaussian graphical models,
Generalized twin Gaussian processes using Sharma-Mittal divergence,
Hereditary structure in Hamiltonians: Information geometry of Ising spin chains,
Learning problem for functional programming and model of biological evolution,
Comparison of contraction coefficients for \(f\)-divergences,
Escort distributions minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence for a large deviations principle and tests of entropy level,
Hamilton-Jacobi approach to potential functions in information geometry,
Statistical mechanical analysis of learning dynamics of two-layer perceptron with multiple output units,
Likelihood Geometry,
The Mean Relative Entropy: An Invariant Measure of Estimation Error,
Nuisance parameter problem in quantum estimation theory: tradeoff relation and qubit examples,
A study of Rényi entropy based on the information geometry formalism,
A review of tests for exponentiality with Monte Carlo comparisons,
A novel information geometry method for estimating parameters of the Weibull wind speed distribution,
Information geometric methods for complexity,
Prediction in Riemannian metrics derived from divergence functions,
Wigner–Yanase information on quantum state space: The geometric approach,
A note on harmonic maps of statistical manifolds,
Exponentiality test based on alpha-divergence and gamma-divergence,
On the Ricci curvature of homogeneous Finsler spaces with $(\alpha,\beta)$-metrics,
Geometrical structures for classical and quantum probability spaces,
Unnamed Item,
Estimating Instantaneous Irregularity of Neuronal Firing,
Revisiting Hyperbolic Voronoi Diagrams in Two and Higher Dimensions from Theoretical, Applied and Generalized Viewpoints,
On the geometry of lift metrics and lift connections on the tangent bundle,
On the Rigidity of Spherically Symmetric Finsler Metrics with Isotropic $E$-Curvature,
Geometry from divergence functions and complex structures,
The Information Geometric Structure of Generalized Empirical Likelihood Estimators,
A Hilbert Space Embedding for Distributions,
Multiclass Boosting Algorithms for Shrinkage Estimators of Class Probability,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Manifolds of differentiable densities,
F‐Manifolds and geometry of information,
Maximum likelihood estimators for generalized Cauchy processes,
Diffusion equations from master equations—A discrete geometric approach,
Data-Informed Modeling in the Health Sciences,
Security analysis of the decoy method with the Bennett–Brassard 1984 protocol for finite key lengths,
Self-Assignment Flows for Unsupervised Data Labeling on Graphs,
The quantum geometric tensor from generating functions,
From Complexity to Information Geometry and Beyond,
Curvatures of semi-symmetric metric connections on statistical manifolds,
Maps on statistical manifolds exactly reduced from the Perron-Frobenius equations for solvable chaotic maps,
Assignment Flows,
A superharmonic prior for the autoregressive process of the second-order,
Information geometric analysis of phase transitions in complex patterns: the case of the Gray-Scott reaction–diffusion model,
Uniqueness and characterization theorems for generalized entropies,
Contact Hamiltonian Systems for Probability Distribution Functions and Expectation Variables: A Study Based on a Class of Master Equations,
Gauge Freedom of Entropies on q-Gaussian Measures,
Asymptotic expansion of the risk of maximum likelihood estimator with respect to α-divergence,
Distinguishability notion based on Wootters statistical distance: Application to discrete maps,
Generalized second law for a simple chaotic system,
Entropy driven transformations of statistical hypersurfaces,
A two-parameter entropy and its fundamental properties,
An Information-Geometric Approach to Learning Bayesian Network Topologies from Data,
Novel Perceptually Uniform Chromatic Space,
Lagrangian Uncertainty Quantification and Information Inequalities for Stochastic Flows,
A new class of entropic information measures, formal group theory and information geometry,
Conditional Mixture Model for Correlated Neuronal Spikes,
Discussion on “Sequential Estimation for Time Series Models” by T. N. Sriram and Ross Iaci,
Quantifying networks complexity from information geometry viewpoint,
Influence of External Inputs and Asymmetry of Connections on Information-Geometric Measures Involving Up to Ten Neuronal Interactions,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Hessian–information geometric formulation of Hamiltonian systems and generalized Toda’s dual transform,
Measure of Correlation Orthogonal to Change in Firing Rate,
A Class of Non-parametric Deformed Exponential Statistical Models,
Statistical Manifolds Admitting Torsion and Partially Flat Spaces,
Conformal Flattening on the Probability Simplex and Its Applications to Voronoi Partitions and Centroids,
Some Universal Insights on Divergences for Statistics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence,
Warped Riemannian Metrics for Location-Scale Models,
Unnamed Item,
Multivariate group entropies, super-exponentially growing complex systems, and functional equations,
The explicit construction of all dually flat Randers metrics,
Topological Data Analysis in Information Space.,
Penalization of Barycenters in the Wasserstein Space,
Unnamed Item,
Unnamed Item,
Information geometric complexity of entropic motion on curved statistical manifolds under different metrizations of probability spaces,
Generalized potential functions in differential geometry and information geometry,
Unnamed Item,
Maximum Entropy Methods for Texture Synthesis: Theory and Practice,
Unnamed Item,
Conformal transformations of the pseudo‐Riemannian metric of a homogeneous pair,
Geometric numerical integration of the assignment flow,
The AdaBoost Flow,
Mixture decompositions of exponential families using a decomposition of their sample spaces,
Unnamed Item,
The Deformation of an $(\alpha, \beta)$-Metric,
Unnamed Item,
The $\chi ^2$χ2-divergence and mixing times of quantum Markov processes,
The variational problem in lagrange spaces endowed with a special type of (α,β)-metrics,
Unnamed Item,
Continuous-domain assignment flows,
A geometric approach to complexity,
Information geometry of Busemann-barycenter for probability measures,
Information Geometry and Integrable Hamiltonian Systems,
Relevant Differential Topology in Statistical Manifolds,
A Lecture About the Use of Orlicz Spaces in Information Geometry,
Information geometry of the space of probability measures and barycenter maps,
Information geometry of sandwiched Rényiα-divergence,
An information-geometric approach to a theory of pragmatic structuring,
Random inscribed polytopes have similar radius functions as Poisson-Delaunay mosaics,
Dually flat geometries of the deformed exponential family,
On the average uncertainty for systems with nonlinear coupling,
Geometric algebra and information geometry for quantum computational software,
Higher-order correlations in common input shapes the output spiking activity of a neural population,
Maximum Fisher information in mixed state quantum systems,
Geometry and control of thermodynamic systems described by generalized exponential families,
An information geometric perspective on the complexity of macroscopic predictions arising from incomplete information,
Dually flat general spherically symmetric Finsler metrics,
Conditions for the existence of a generalization of Rényi divergence,
On lightlike geometry of indefinite Sasakian statistical manifolds,
A shape distance based on the Fisher-Rao metric and its application for shapes clustering,
Notions of the ergodic hierarchy for curved statistical manifolds,
Catching homologies by geometric entropy,
Towards an information geometric characterization/classification of complex systems. I: Use of generalized entropies,
Generalized divergences from generalized entropies,
Towards an information geometric characterization/classification of complex systems. II: Critical parameter values from the (c,d)-manifold,
On a constant curvature statistical manifold,
When optimal transport meets information geometry,
Kantorovich distance on finite metric spaces: Arens-Eells norm and CUT norms,
Coordinate-wise transformation of probability distributions to achieve a Stein-type identity,
Expectation parameter representation of information length for non-equilibrium systems,
Towards an information description of space-time,
Supervised nonnegative matrix factorization via minimization of regularized Moreau-envelope of divergence function with application to music transcription,
A pedagogical intrinsic approach to relative entropies as potential functions of quantum metrics: The \(q\)-\(z\) family,
Argumentwise invariant kernels for the approximation of invariant functions,
Principal whitened gradient for information geometry,
On the geometry of multivariate generalized Gaussian models,
Statistical structures on metric path spaces,
Quantum hypothesis testing for Gaussian states: quantum analogues of \(\chi ^{2}\), \(t\)-, and \(F\)-tests,
Relationships between the Legendre structure in the \(S_{2-q}\)-formalism and the dually-flat structure in the space of escort distributions,
Recognizing interactive group activities using temporal interaction matrices and their Riemannian statistics,
Source localization and denoising: a perspective from the TDOA space,
On locally dually flat \((\alpha,\beta)\)-metrics with isotropic S-curvature,
Theoretical foundation for CMA-ES from information geometry perspective,
Image labeling by assignment,
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo acceleration using surrogate functions with random bases,
Hessian surfaces and local Lagrangian embeddings,
Logarithmic divergences from optimal transport and Rényi geometry,
Chentsov's theorem for exponential families,
Wasserstein Riemannian geometry of Gaussian densities,
Superharmonic priors for autoregressive models,
An exponential quantum projection filter for open quantum systems,
Minimax robust optimal estimation fusion for distributed multisensor systems with a relative entropy uncertainty,
Flat connections and Wigner-Yanase-Dyson metrics,
On dually flat square metrics,
A perturbative picture of cubic tensors in dually flat spaces,
Robust hypothesis testing for asymmetric nominal densities under a relative entropy tolerance,
On strongly convex projectively flat and dually flat complex Finsler metrics,
Semibinomial conditionally nonlinear autoregressive models of discrete random sequences: probabilistic properties and statistical parameter estimation,
Articulated estimator random field and geometrical approach applied in system identification,
Cramér-Rao lower bounds arising from generalized Csiszár divergences,
On the covariance-Hessian relation in evolution strategies,
On the characterisation of paired monotone metrics,
Dual scaling of comparison and reference stimuli in multi-dimensional psychological space,
On dually flat \((\alpha,\beta)\)-metrics,
Nonparametric bootstrap prediction,
Quantum probes for fractional Gaussian processes,
Thermodynamics of boson systems related to Dunkl differential-difference operators,
Information geometry of Poisson kernels on Damek-Ricci spaces,
Online natural gradient as a Kalman filter,
Statistical estimation of parameters for binary conditionally nonlinear autoregressive time series,
Learning adaptive regularization for image labeling using geometric assignment,
On the geometry of generalized Gaussian distributions,
Confounding ghost channels and causality: a new approach to causal information flows,
Information-geometric indicators of chaos in Gaussian Models on statistical manifolds of negative Ricci Curvature,
Almost product structures on statistical manifolds and para-Kähler-like statistical submersions,
Natural alpha embeddings,
The dually flat structure for singular models,
Towards a canonical divergence within information geometry,
Information geometry and asymptotic geodesics on the space of normal distributions,
1-conformal geometry of quasi statistical manifolds,
A characterization of the alpha-connections on the statistical manifold of normal distributions,
Statistical submanifolds from a viewpoint of the Euler inequality,
Harmonic exponential families on homogeneous spaces,
Robust estimation for binomial conditionally nonlinear autoregressive time series based on multivariate conditional frequencies,
Coupling matrix manifolds assisted optimization for optimal transport problems,
Assignment flow for order-constrained OCT segmentation,
Principal component analysis of measures, with special emphasis on grain-size curves,
On generalized Kropina change of generalized \(m\)-th root Finsler metrics,
Numerical method based on fiber bundle for solving Lyapunov matrix equation,
Hypersurfaces in statistical manifolds,
Information divergence and the generalized normal distribution: a study on symmetricity,
The Bonnet theorem for statistical manifolds,
A regularity method for lower bounds on the Lyapunov exponent for stochastic differential equations,
On the hypersurfaces of almost Hermitian statistical manifolds,
Assignment flows for data labeling on graphs: convergence and stability,
Bures-Wasserstein geometry for positive-definite Hermitian matrices and their trace-one subset,
The information geometry of two-field functional integrals,
One-dimensional exponential families with constant Hessian sectional curvature,
Comparative study of FeedForward and radial basis function neural networks for solving an environmental boundary value problem,
Local normal forms of EM-wavefronts in affine flat coordinates,
Dynamical maps beyond Markovian regime,
Explicitly antisymmetrized neural network layers for variational Monte Carlo simulation,
Geodesics and curvature of the quotient-affine metrics on full-rank correlation matrices,
Information geometry and Hamiltonian systems on Lie groups,
Properties of nonlinear diffusion equations on networks and their geometric aspects,
Rényi relative entropy from homogeneous Kullback-Leibler divergence Lagrangian,
Statistical bundle of the transport model,
Information geometric aspects of probability paths with minimum entropy production for quantum state evolution,
Geometry of matrix decompositions seen through optimal transport and information geometry,
The information metric on the moduli space of instantons with global symmetries,
A Grouped Ranking Model for Item Preference Parameter,
Sasakian statistical manifolds,
Divergence measures and a general framework for local variational approximation,
Jensen-Shannon divergence and non-linear quantum dynamics,
Bayesian estimation of the wave function,
Geometry of quantum group invariant systems,
On the smallest enclosing information disk,
Optimal Reparametrizations in the Square Root Velocity Framework,
Relative entropy and proximity of quantum field theories,
Information geometry of entanglement renormalization for free quantum fields,
On dually flat Randers metrics,
Neighbourhoods of independence and associated geometry in manifolds of bivariate Gaussian and Freund distributions,
Bayesian prediction of a density function in terms of \(e\)-mixture,
Diffeomorphic Density Matching by Optimal Information Transport,
Geometry on degradation models and mis-specification analysis by using \(\alpha\)-divergence,
Hermite-Gaussian model for quantum states,
On geodesic completeness for Riemannian metrics on smooth probability densities,
A geometric analysis of time series leading to information encoding and a new entropy measure,
Analysis of a micro-macro acceleration method with minimum relative entropy moment matching,
Gaussian distributions, Jacobi group, and Siegel-Jacobi space,
Strong converse exponent for classical-quantum channel coding,
Generalized conjugate connections and equiaffine structures on semi-Riemannian manifolds,
The uniqueness of the Fisher metric as information metric,
Dynamical aspects in the quantizer-dequantizer formalism,
The geometry of mixed-Euclidean metrics on symmetric positive definite matrices,
On the statistical model of source localization based on range difference measurements,
The measurement and analysis of shapes. An application of hydrodynamics and probability theory,
Immersions into statistical manifolds,
\(O(n)\)-invariant Riemannian metrics on SPD matrices,
Complex activity recognition via attribute dynamics,
Amortized channel divergence for asymptotic quantum channel discrimination,
New computable entanglement monotones from formal group theory,
Rational inattention when decisions take time,
A Note on Semivariogram,
The volume of Gaussian states by information geometry,
Unsupervised assignment flow: label learning on feature manifolds by spatially regularized geometric assignment,
Randers metrics based on deformations by gradient winds,
Dually flat and projectively flat Minkowskian product Finsler metrics,
Quantifying causal influences,
Infinitely imbalanced binomial regression and deformed exponential families,
On generalized Kropina change of mth root Finsler metric,
Geometry of Arimoto algorithm,
Image classification with the Fisher vector: theory and practice,
Inference on the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution -- geometrical view,
Genome as a functional program,
A five-dimensional Riemannian manifold with an irreducible \(\mathrm{SO}(3)\)-structure as a model of abstract statistical manifold,
Quantum divergences with \(p\)-power means,
An Estimation of Generalized Bradley-Terry Models Based on the em Algorithm,
On the monotonicity of scalar curvature in classical and quantum information geometry,
Foreword to the special focus on mathematics, data and knowledge,
On some explicit constructions of dually flat Finsler metrics,
On Kropina change for \(m\)th root Finsler metrics,
On asymptotic properties of the plug-in cepstrum estimator for Gaussian time series,
Tutorial on brain-inspired computing. II: Multilayer perceptron and natural gradient learning,
Informative barycentres in statistics,
Bootstrap prediction and Bayesian prediction under misspecified models,
Shrinkage priors for Bayesian prediction,
Book review of: S. Sullivant, Algebraic statistics,
The geometry of recombination,
A class of non-parametric statistical manifolds modelled on Sobolev space,
Density codes and shape spaces,
On some dually flat Finsler metrics with orthogonal invariance,
Continuity of the maximum-entropy inference,
Opinion particles: classical physics and opinion dynamics,
An improved quantum projection filter,
Explicit formula for the Holevo bound for two-parameter qubit-state estimation problem,
Conformal geometry of sequential test in multidimensional curved exponential family,
The uniqueness of hierarchically extended backward solutions of the Wright–Fisher model,
Mixed region covariance discriminative learning for image classification on Riemannian manifolds,
On the theory of 4-th root Finsler metrics,
Sampling from manifold-restricted distributions using tangent bundle projections,
Conformal Geometry of Statistical Manifold with Application to Sequential Estimation,
Estimation of a continuous distribution on the real line by discretization methods,
Contact geometric descriptions of vector fields on dually flat spaces and their applications in electric circuit models and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics,
Local equivalence problem in hidden Markov model,
Information geometry of modal linear regression,
From Hessian to Weitzenböck: manifolds with torsion-carrying connections,
Statistical Einstein manifolds of exponential families with group-invariant potential functions,
On a class of dually flat general \((\alpha,\beta)\)-metrics,
An Extension of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and AUC-Optimal Classification,
Information-Geometric Measures for Estimation of Connection Weight Under Correlated Inputs,
A tale of three probabilistic families: Discriminative, descriptive, and generative models,
Histogram-based embedding for learning on statistical manifolds,
Geodesic Monte Carlo on Embedded Manifolds,
Generalized Hunter-Saxton equations, optimal information transport, and factorization of diffeomorphisms,
On dually flat general \((\alpha,\beta)\)-metrics,
On the construction of dually flat Finsler metrics,
Information geometry and sufficient statistics,
Equiaffine structure and conjugate Ricci-symmetry of a statistical manifold,
A new class of projectively flat Finsler metrics with constant flag curvature \(K=1\),
Entropy distance: New quantum phenomena,
Information geometric characterization of the complexity of fractional Brownian motions,
Horospheres and hyperbolicity of Hadamard manifolds,
Hessian structures on deformed exponential families and their conformal structures,
A path integral formalism for non-equilibrium Hamiltonian statistical systems,
Escort distribution, energy, and relative entropy of macrosystems with nonlinear pair interactions