scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3445271

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zbMath0284.05101MaRDI QIDQ4770409

Norman L. Biggs

Publication date: 1974

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Periodicity of quantum walks defined by mixed paths and mixed cycles, Adjacency preservers on invertible Hermitian matrices. I., Some remarks on Laplacian eigenvalues of connected graphs, Divisors on graphs, binomial and monomial ideals, and cellular resolutions, Geometric achromatic and pseudoachromatic indices, Families of metrized graphs with small tau constants, Tutte polynomials for benzenoid systems with one branched hexagon, Tutte polynomial of scale-free networks, On the number of broadcast schemes in networks, The spectrum and Laplacian spectrum of the dice lattice, Cantor--Bernstein type theorem for locally constrained graph homomorphisms, Almost-bipartite distance-regular graphs with the \(Q\)-polynomial property, An age-structured multi-strain epidemic model for antigenically diverse infectious diseases: a multi-locus framework, Edge-transitivity of Cayley graphs generated by transpositions, Asymptotic enumeration of vertex-transitive graphs of fixed valency, Some remarks on the eigenvalue multiplicities of the Laplacian on infinite locally finite trees, Spectral partitioning works: planar graphs and finite element meshes, 5-arc transitive cubic Cayley graphs on finite simple groups, The spectra of some families of digraphs, Characterizing \((\ell ,m)\)-walk-regular graphs, Arc-transitive cubic Cayley graphs on PSL\((2, p)\), On the edge-forwarding indices of Frobenius graphs, On bi-regular cages of even girth at least 8, Ring structure digraphs: spectrum of adjacency matrix and application, Automorphism group of the complete transposition graph, The spectral excess theorem for distance-biregular graphs., Integral circulant Ramanujan graphs of prime power order, A remark on zeta functions of finite graphs via quantum walks, Locally injective \(k\)-colourings of planar graphs, Cauchy-Binet for pseudo-determinants, On the local spectra of the subconstituents of a vertex set and completely pseudo-regular codes, Containment control of continuous-time linear multi-agent systems with aperiodic sampling, A generalization of Boesch's theorem, Six signed Petersen graphs, and their automorphisms, Stability of twisted states in the Kuramoto model on Cayley and random graphs, \(Z_3\)-connectivity of wreath product of graphs, Large bipartite Cayley graphs of given degree and diameter, Quotients of incidence geometries, Adjacency preservers, symmetric matrices, and cores, Exact partition functions for the \(q\)-state Potts model with a generalized magnetic field on lattice strip graphs, Effective masses for Laplacians on periodic graphs, Constructing the vertex-transitive graphs of order 24, Dual concepts of almost distance-regularity and the spectral excess theorem, On distance-regular graphs with fixed valency. 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Laplacians on periodic graphs, Hypergroups derived from random walks on some infinite graphs, Enumeration of graphs with the same Ihara zeta function, Polyhedral graphs via their automorphism groups, On the Laplacian and signless Laplacian polynomials of graphs with semiregular automorphisms, A new class of polynomials from the spectrum of a graph, and its application to bound the \(k\)-independence number, The number of the skew-eigenvalues of digraphs and their relationship with optimum skew energy, Combinatorial modulus, the combinatorial Loewner property, and Coxeter groups., One conjecture of bubble-sort graphs, Symmetric diameter two graphs with affine-type vertex-quasiprimitive automorphism group, On quasiprimitive edge-transitive graphs of odd order and twice prime valency, A note on recurrent random walks on graphs., Normal quotients of diameter at most two of finite three-geodesic-transitive graphs, The local structure of a bipartite distance-regular graph, Graph covers with two new eigenvalues, Characteristic polynomials of graphs having a semifree action, Lower bounds for multicolor classical Ramsey numbers \(R\overbrace{(q, q,\dots, q)}^n\), Maximal cubic graphs with diameter 4, Koszul algebras and flow lattices, Doubly transitive lines. I: Higman pairs and roux, A theory of Cartesian product and factorization of circulant graphs, Identification and estimation of linear social interaction models, Moore-Penrose inverse of the incidence matrix of a distance regular graph, Conformally covariant operators and conformal invariants on weighted graphs, On some properties of graph irregularity indices with a particular regard to the \(\sigma \)-index, The effective resistance of the \(N\)-cycle graph with four nearest neighbors, Distance degree regular graphs and distance degree injective graphs: an overview, Betweenness centrality in some classes of graphs, Cubic graphs and the golden mean, Injective edge-coloring of graphs with given maximum degree, Edge-transitive graphs and combinatorial designs, Some observations on the smallest adjacency eigenvalue of a graph, Knots and statistical mechanics, Confluence of some presentations associated with graphs, On \(F\)-geodetic graphs, A graph theoretic approach to construct desired cryptographic Boolean functions, Binary trees, symplectic matrices and the Jacobi coordinates of celestial mechanics, The Sylvester graph and Moore graphs, The partial differential coefficients for the second weighted Bartholdi zeta function of a graph, Distance-regularised graphs are distance-regular or distance-biregular, A characteristic equation associated to an eigenvalue problem on \(c^ 2\)-networks, Practical time-varying output formation tracking for high-order multi-agent systems with collision avoidance, obstacle dodging and connectivity maintenance, On forwarding indices of networks, Automorphism groups of symmetric graphs of valency 3, On the \(k\)-independence number of graphs, The multiplicities of eigenvalues of a graph, Edge-colorability of graph bundles, Characterization of the graphs of the Johnson schemes G(3k,k) and G(3k+1,k), On the uniqueness of the graphs G(n,k) of the Johnson schemes, There are only finitely many finite distance-transitive graphs of given valency greater than two, Robust formation control for uncertain multi-agent systems, A new approach to gross error detection for GPS networks, Distance-regular graphs and (s,c,a,k)-graphs, The spectra of digraphs with Morita equivalent \(C^\ast\)-algebras, Chromatic polynomials and broken cycles, Containment control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with time-varying delays, Hypercube and tetrahedron algebra, Accelerated diffusion algorithms for dynamic load balancing., Characterization of split graphs with at most four distinct eigenvalues, Lower bounds for boxicity, Forest matrices around the Laplacian matrix, A note on normalized Laplacian energy of graphs, Locally constrained homomorphisms on graphs of bounded treewidth and bounded degree, Burnside chromatic polynomials of group-invariant graphs, Bounding the largest eigenvalue of trees in terms of the largest vertex degree, Finding optimal routings in Hamming graphs, Ordering graphs with small index and its application, A classification of spectrum-determined circulant digraphs, Heat conduction on graphs, Unimodular congruence of the Laplacian matrix of a graph, A note on unimodular congruence of graphs, The edge-forwarding index or orbital regular graphs, Fractional isomorphism of graphs, 1/2-transitive graphs of order \(3p\), Spectral characterization of odd graphs \(O_ k, k\leq 6\), Algebraic graph theory without orientation, Remarks on characteristic coefficients of fullerene graphs, Graph domination, tabu search and the football pool problem, Intersection numbers of bipartite distance-regular graphs, Eigenvalues, eigenspaces and distances to subsets, Price competition in product variety networks, Finite fields and Ramanujan graphs, On quasi-Cayley graphs, From local adjacency polynomials to locally pseudo-distance-regular graphs, Adjoint polynomials and chromatically unique graphs, Digraphs having the same canonical double covering, Time-varying formation tracking for high-order multi-agent systems with switching topologies and a leader of bounded unknown input, The diameters of almost all Cayley digraphs, On the structure and chromaticity of graphs in which any two colour classes induce a tree, On the characterization of graphs with maximum number of spanning trees, The vulnerability of the diameter of folded \(n\)-cubes, On isomorphisms of connected Cayley graphs, On orbital regular graphs and Frobenius graphs, On Deza graphs with disconnected second neighborhood of a vertex, Gibbsian stationary non-equilibrium states, On distance-regular graphs with height two. II, Curved thin-walled open-closed cross section beams with finite width, The solution of a problem of Godsil on cubic Cayley graphs, Covering regular graphs, On arc-transitive pentavalent Cayley graphs on finite nonabelian simple groups, On alternatively connected edge-transitive graphs of square-free order, On the weighted complexity of a regular covering of a graph, 3-colorability and forbidden subgraphs. I: Characterizing pairs, Weakly distance-regular digraphs., On the automorphism group of polyhedral graphs, Automorphisms of Cayley graphs, On the Brauer group of a localization, Spectra of regular polytopes, Topological solvability and DAE-index conditions for mass flow controlled pumps in liquid flow networks, A survey on graphs with polynomial growth, On several symmetry conditions for graphs, Unimodular equivalence of graphs, The weighted Kirchhoff index of a graph, Graphs with polynomial growth are covering graphs, Diameters of cubic graphs, The \(k\)-orbit reconstruction and the orbit algebra, On the \(p\)-rank of incidence matrices and a bound of Bruen and Ott, Distance regular covers of the complete graph, The 4-star graph is not a subgraph of any hypercube, A generalization of an inequality of Brouwer--Wilbrink, A Higman-Haemers inequality for thick regular near polygons, The regular near polygons of order \((s,2)\), Spectral properties and asymptotic periodicity of flows in networks, The rotor effect can alter the chromatic polynomial, Spectral bounds and distance-regularity, Spectra of Cayley graphs, An upper bound for the number of spanning trees of a graph, Completely O-simple semigroups and their associated graphs and groups, Homogeneity conditions in graphs, A new algorithm for distributed control problem with shortest-distance constraints, Finite-time consensus of networked multiagent systems with time-varying linear control protocols, Regular groups of automorphisms of cubic graphs, On \(\sigma\)-polynomials and a class of chromatically unique graphs, Graph isomorphism, general remarks, On unimodal sequences of graphical invariants, On a class of distance transitive graphs, An analogue of group divisible designs for Moore graphs, On spin models, triply regular association schemes, and duality, The nonexistence of certain Moufang polygons, On the spectra of certain graphs arising from finite fields, The algebra of flows in graphs, Patterns that allow given row and column sums, A note on the zeta function of a graph, Automorphism groups of circulants and adjoint matrices of graphs, Graphs with the same determinant as a complete graph, Some properties of the spectrum of graphs, Distance-regular graphs of valency 6 and \(a_1=1\), Symmetric flows and broadcasting in hypercubes, The distance-regular graphs of valency four, Three-class association schemes, A family of Cayley graphs on the hexavalent grid, Tree and forest weights and their application to nonuniform random graphs, The computation of chromatic polynomials, The number of nets of the regular convex polytopes in dimension \(\leq 4\), Eigenvalue interlacing and weight parameters of graphs, Calculations of level probabilities for normal random variables with unequal variances with applications to Bartholomew's test in unbalanced one-way models., The finite upper half space and related hypergraphs, Counting representable sets on simple graphs, On the average rank of an element in a filter of the partition lattice, The parameters of bipartite \(Q\)-polynomial distance-regular graphs, Remarks on umbral evaluations of chromatic polynomials, Laplacian matrices of graphs: A survey, The antipodal layers problem, Clique polynomials and independent set polynomials of graphs, Ultimate chromatic polynomials, Optimal data exchange algorithms on star graphs, On the existence of certain generalized Moore geometries. III, Distance-transitive representations of the symmetric groups, Matroid Steiner problems, the Tutte polynomial and network reliability, On almost nexus semi-symmetric designs, Strong uniform times and finite random walks, The Twenty-fifth International Symposium on Functional Equations, August 16--22, 1987, Hamburg-Rissen, Germany. (Abstracts of the meeting), Polynomials on graphs, A bound for the complexity of a simple graph, Association schemes and quadratic transformations for orthogonal polynomials, Spanning tree formulas and Chebyshev polynomials, Bounding the diameter of distance. Regular graphs, Eigenvalues and expanders, Arithmetical graphs, A characterization of \(P\)- and \(Q\)-polynomial association schemes, On distance transitive graphs in which the stabilizer of a point contains an alternating group, Tactical configurations and their generic ring, Properties of graphs with polynomial growth, The degree of the eigenvalues of generalized Moore geometries, Duality in coherent configurations, On the Brauer group of \(k[x_ 1,\dots ,x_ n,1/f\)], Spectra of categories, On regular graphs, V, On regular graphs, VI, Finite common coverings of pairs of regular graphs, On the spectra of certain distance-regular graphs, Classification of graphs by regularity, Distance transitive digraphs, The smallest graphs with certain adjacency properties, A smallest graph of girth 10 and valency 3, Feasibility conditions for the existence of walk-regular graphs, Optimal scaling for arbitrarily ordered categories, Chromatic polynomials for regular graphs and modified wheels, A new partial geometry with parameters \((s,t,\alpha)=(7,8,4)\), The construction of some automorphic graphs, Another example of a finitely presented infinite simple group, Permanental polynomials of graphs, Maximizing the total number of spanning trees in a graph: two related problems in graph theory and optimum design theory, Tree counting polynomials for labelled graphs. I: Properties, On distance-regularity in graphs, Signed graphs, Locally truncated buildings and M//(24), A generalization of the matrix-tree theorem, Two combinatorial applications of the Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities, Star-transitive graphs, Tables of large graphs with given degree and diameter, The diameter of bipartite distance-regular graphs, On the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix of the subdivision graph of a graph, On the existence of certain distance-regular graphs, Equiarboreal graphs, On the Brauer group of surfaces, Infinite distance transitive graphs of finite valency, Characterization of the odd graphs \(O_ k \)by parameters, Random walks on highly symmetric graphs, Eigenvalue multiplicities of highly symmetric graphs, On the complexity of a hypermap, The partition polynomial of a finite set system, On the geometry and Laplacian of a graph, Orientation of signed graphs, The \((\Delta{} , d, d', \Delta{} - 1)\)-problem with applications to computer networks, The centipede is determined by its Laplacian spectrum, On an infinite class of non-bipartite and non-Cayley graphs having 2-arc transitive automorphism groups, Bounding the diameter of a distance regular graph by a function of \(k_ d\), A finite group attached to the laplacian of a graph, On the numbers of spanning trees and Eulerian tours in generalized de Bruijn graphs, Isomorphisms and automorphisms of graph coverings, A new condition for distance-regular graphs, On 3rd and 4th moments of finite upper half plane graphs, The spectra of Manhattan street networks, The stochastic weighted complexity of a group covering of a digraph, Spectral characterization of the Hamming graphs, Clique-inserted-graphs and spectral dynamics of clique-inserting, Smith normal form and Laplacians, The local spectra of regular line graphs, Spectra of digraphs, Combinatorics in glass, On the eigenvalues of distance powers of circuits, Vertex-transitive expansions of (1, 3)-trees, On the Szeged and the Laplacian Szeged spectrum of a graph, Comparing universal covers in polynomial time, The hierarchical product of graphs, Generalized thrackle drawings of non-bipartite graphs, Regular partitions of (weak) finite generalized polygons, A combinatorial proof of the removal lemma for groups, On large vertex-symmetric digraphs, On the first group of the chromatic cohomology of graphs, Interconnection networks for parallel molecular dynamics simulation based on Hamiltonian cubic symmetric topology, The generalized hierarchical product of graphs, On the characteristic and Laplacian polynomials of trees, Generalized n-gons and Chebyshev polynomials, The sextet construction for cubic graphs, Girths of bipartite sextet graphs, Distance-biregular graphs with 2-valent vertices and distance regular line graphs, Distance-transitive graphs and generalized polygons, Harmonics on posets, A class of distance-regular graphs that are \(\phi\)-polynomial, On weakly symmetric graphs of order twice a prime, Hadamard graphs. I, Distance-regular graphs with girth 3 or 4: I, Uniqueness and nonexistence of some graphs related to \(M_{22}\), An inequality between intersection numbers of a distance-regular graph, ON THE SPECTRUM OF DERANGEMENT GRAPHS OF ORDER A PRODUCT OF THREE PRIMES, On the Variance-Type Graph Irregularity Measures, The Broken-Circuit Complex, COMPUTING THE EIGENVALUES OF CAYLEY GRAPHS OF ORDER p2q, Eigensolutions for matrices of special structures, Bicycles and Spanning Trees, On the Laplacian Eigenvalues and Metric Parameters of Hypergraphs, Pseudo-Strong Regularity Around a Set, On the Laplacian Szeged Spectrum of Paths, Unnamed Item, On split liftings with sectional complements, The Second Immanantal Polynomial and the Centroid of a Graph, Transitive Graphs With Fewer Than Twenty Vertices, Caracteristics polynomials of some grap bundlesII, Unnamed Item, Enumeration of spanning trees of middle digraphs, Enumeration of spanning trees of complete multipartite graphs containing a fixed spanning forest, One more proof of the first linear programming bound for binary codes and two conjectures, Adaptive task‐space cooperative tracking control for manipulators with a desired trajectory estimator and a velocity observer, Exceptional graphs with smallest eigenvalue -2 and related problems, Algebraic and combinatorial expansion in random simplicial complexes, Bearing‐only neural network adaptive formation control using negative gradient method, Hybrid event‐triggered control of linear multiagent systems via a fully distributed approach, Combinatorial explanation of the weighted Laplacian characteristic polynomial of a graph and applications, Counting spanning trees with a Kekulé structure in linear hexagonal chains, Wiener index and addressing of some finite graphs, Precedence constrained generalized traveling salesman problem: polyhedral study, formulations, and branch-and-cut algorithm, On the inclusion submodule graph of a module, Bounding the list color function threshold from above, Improved frequency sweeping technique and stability analysis of the second-order consensus protocol with distributed delays, Two-geodesic-transitive graphs of odd order, Synchronization of Coupled Phase Oscillators with Stochastic Disturbances and the Cycle Space of the Graph, Estrada and L-Estrada Indices of a Graph and Their Relationship with the Number of Spanning Trees, Complexity of graph covering problems, A new method for the sum-edge characteristic polynomials of graphs, Spectra of Laplacian Matrices of Weighted Graphs: Structural Genericity Properties, GRAPHS COSPECTRAL WITH H(3, q) WHICH ARE DISJOINT UNIONS OF AT MOST THREE COMPLETE GRAPHS, Trivalent Non-symmetric Vertex-Transitive Graphs of Order at Most 150, Unnamed Item, The number of spanning trees in a class of double fixed-step loop networks, On the genus of the k-maximal hypergraph of commutative rings, On the algebraic connectivity of a double covering graph, Characteristic polynomials and spectra of Boolean graphs, Symmetry in complex networks, TOPOLOGY OF INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS WITH GIVEN DEGREE AND DIAMETER, Ordering trees by algebraic connectivity, SUPERSYMMETRY ON GRAPHS AND NETWORKS, The Laplacian permanental polynomial for trees, The lattice of integral flows and the lattice of integral cuts on a finite graph, A note on the number of spanning trees in a prism graph, Block transitivity and degree matrices, Complete rotations in Cayley graphs, Distance-regular antipodal covering graphs, On pseudo-distance-regularity, Recursive sampling simulations of 3D gravity coupled to scalar fermions, On the Broken-Circuit Complex of Graphs, The Semilinear Heat Equation on Sparse Random Graphs, On the energy and spectral properties of the He matrix of hexagonal systems, The Brauer group of a toric variety associated to a finite distributive lattice, Asymptotic enumeration of Latin rectangles, AN AVERAGING PRINCIPLE FOR COMBINED INTERACTION GRAPHS — CONNECTIVITY AND APPLICATIONS TO GENETIC SWITCHES, On strongly regular graphs with \(\mu =1\), Normal edge-transitive and -arc-transitive semi-Cayley graphs, Asymptotic spectral analysis of growing regular graphs, REDUCTION OF DISCRETE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS OVER GRAPHS, Factorization for efficient solution of eigenproblems of adjacency and Laplacian matrices for graph products, Quantum simulations of classical random walks and undirected graph connectivity, Constructions of self-complementary circulants with no multiplicative isomorphisms, Product networks:a family of symmetric interconnection networks from a group model, Expansions of Chromatic Polynomials and Log-Concavity, On routing and diameter of metacyclic graphs, Automorphism group and category of cospectral graphs, Uniform emulations of Cartesian-product and Cayley graphs, On the Brauer Group of Toric Varieties, On a version of the spectral excess theorem, On two Laplacian matrices for skew gain graphs, Characterization of fundamental networks, Relationship between Coefficients of Characteristic Polynomial and Matching Polynomial of Regular Graphs and its Applications, LOCALLY PRIMITIVE GRAPHS OF PRIME-POWER ORDER, A unified method for eigendecomposition of graph products, PRODUCTS OF CIRCULANT GRAPHS, Martingales and character ratios, Finite edge-transitive Cayley graphs and rotary Cayley maps, SPECTRUM BASED TECHNIQUES FOR GRAPH ISOMORPHISM, Minimum Cycle Bases and Their Applications, AUTOMATED BIFURCATION ANALYSIS FOR NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC PARTIAL DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS ON GRAPHS, Coalescence times andFSTvalues in subdivided populations with symmetric structure, A generalization of the zero-divisor graph for modules, Unnamed Item, On bipartite graphs of diameter 3 and defect 2, Bounds on the Reliability Polynomial for Shellable Independence Systems, Geometric representations of graphs, On isomorphisms of connected Cayley graphs, III, A note on integral non-commuting graphs, On Middle Cube Graphs, On distance signless Laplacian spectrum and energy of graphs, Vertex-primitive groups and graphs of order twice the product of two distinct odd primes, Geometric representations of graphs, On the spectrum of Cayley graphs related to the finite groups, MORE ON EDGE HYPER WIENER INDEX OF GRAPHS, On the spectrum of finite Cayley graphs, The generalized distance spectrum of a graph and applications, An approach to parallel algorithm design, A new approach for determining fuzzy chromatic number of fuzzy graph, Vertex extensions of 4-layer graphs and hypercubes, A Most General Edge Elimination Polynomial, Evaluations of Graph Polynomials, Topology and graph products; eigenproblems in optimal structural analysis, COMMON NEIGHBOR POLYNOMIAL OF SOME DENDRIMER STRUCTURES, MIXING OF QUANTUM WALKS ON GENERALIZED HYPERCUBES, FROBENIUS CIRCULANT GRAPHS OF VALENCY FOUR, Normalized Laplacian polynomial of n-Cayley graphs, Embedding complete binary trees into star networks, Coloured Graphical Models and their Symmetries, Nowhere-harmonic colorings of graphs, Trees with Four and Five Distinct Signless Laplacian Eigenvalues, On the Complexity of the Classification of Synchronizing Graphs, Matrix Scaling and Tipping Points, Some properties of various graphs associated with finite groups, On Combinatorial Properties of Bands, Nonlinear Consensus on Networks: Equilibria, Effective Resistance, and Trees of Motifs, SYMMETRIC GRAPHS WITH 2-ARC TRANSITIVE QUOTIENTS, A NOTE ON THE TUTTE POLYNOMIAL AND THE AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF A GRAPH, POWER PROPERTIES OF INVARIANT TESTS FOR SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION IN LINEAR REGRESSION, Normal edge-transitive and 12−arc−transitive Cayley graphs on non-abelian groups of order 2pq, p>q are odd primes, Practical time-varying formation tracking for high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems based on the distributed extended state observer, Equivalent characterizations of the spectra of graphs and applications to measures of distance-regularity, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Merging the first and third classes in bipartite distance-regular graphs, Unnamed Item, ON THE NORMALISED LAPLACIAN SPECTRUM, DEGREE-KIRCHHOFF INDEX AND SPANNING TREES OF GRAPHS, Hamiltonian walks on the Sierpinski gasket, A consensus protocol under directed communications with two time delays and delay scheduling, Observer-based quasi-containment of fractional-order multi-agent systems via event-triggered strategy, Robust output formation control for uncertain multi-agent systems, Expression for the Number of Spanning Trees of Line Graphs of Arbitrary Connected Graphs, Cayley Graphs of Diameter Two from Difference Sets