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zbMath0121.27801MaRDI QIDQ5732721

Pierre Samuel, Oscar Zariski

Publication date: 1960

13F20: Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials

14-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to algebraic geometry

13A18: Valuations and their generalizations for commutative rings

13F25: Formal power series rings

13-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to commutative algebra

13J05: Power series rings

13Hxx: Local rings and semilocal rings

Related Items

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I., Recent improvements in the complexity of the effective Nullstellensatz, A new inversion formula for a polynomial map in two variables, A faster way to count the solutions of inhomogeneous systems of algebraic equations, with applications to cyclic \(n\)-roots, Contractions of the actions of reductive algebraic groups in arbitrary characteristic, The prime spaces as spectral spaces, Duality of space curves and their tangent surfaces in characteristic \(p>0\), Solutions of systems of algebraic equations and linear maps on residue class rings, Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of modules, An isomorphism theorem for Henselian algebraic extensions of valued fields, Prime-independent arithmetical functions, Integral group rings of polycyclic-by-finite groups, Cohomology mod 2 of the classifying space of the compact connected Lie group of type E\(_8\), On a lifting problem for principal Dedekind domains, Prime ideals and localization in commutative group rings, Linear dynamical systems over integral domains, On a problem in the theory of rings of principal ideals, Algebraic Perron-Frobenius theory, Ein relativer Satz von Chow und die Elimination der Unbestimmtheitsstellen meromorpher Funktionen, A note on the Hilbertfunction of a one-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay ring, A K-theory for the category of projective algebras, Endoprojective dimension of modules, Sulla proprieta di estensione nei domini noetheriani, Algebraische Geometrien, Semicontinuity of L-dimension, Almost approximability of finitely generated \(\mathfrak A,\mathfrak P\)-groups without torsion with finite \(p\)-groups, Zum Nachweis arithmetischer Cohen-Macaulay Varietäten, Singularities. II: Automorphisms of forms, \(C^k\) and analytic equivalence of complex analytic varieties, On the cohomology mod 2 of the classifying space of the 1-connected exceptional Lie group \(E_7\), Partition identities and invariants of finite groups, Nagata's criterion and openness of loci for Gorenstein and complete intersection, Algebraic structures of characteristics in involutive systems of non- linear partial differential equations, Some applications of Griffith's basic submodules, Notes on a new chain condition for prime ideals, Geometry of algebraic varieties, Arithmetisch ganze Differentiale, The signature of Milnor fibres and duality theorem for strongly pseudoconvex manifolds, The transcendence degree of a coordinatization of a combinatorial geometry, Similarity of matrices over Artinian principal ideal rings, Sull'estensione delle topologie (m)-adiche di un dominio fattoriale al suo campo delle frazioni, On the Riemann \(\mathfrak p\)-space of a field. The \(\mathfrak p\)-adic analogue of Weierstrass' approximation theorem and related problems, An arithmetic characterization of the rational homotopy groups of certain spaces, Die Sätze von Bertini für lokale Ringe, On the nonflatness of analytic tensor product, Quadratic semigroups on affine spaces, Solving power series equations. II: Change of ground field, The multiplications in GF[(q)x/(a(x)) considered as linear transformations], Standard bases, critical tropisms and flatness, Three facts of valuation theory, The toroidal embedding arising from an irrational fan, On the splitting of big Cohen-Macaulay modules, Reduction numbers of ideals, Explicit computations around the Lichtenbaum-Hartshorne vanishing theorem, Output feedback stabilizability and stabilization algorithms for 2D systems, Étale cohomology of Henselian rings and cohomology of abstract Riemann surfaces of fields, On valuations invariant under a reductive group, Generalized Lyapunov equations, matrices with displacement structure, and generalized Bézoutians, Factorisation of generalised theta functions. 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II, On the graded algebra relative to a valuation, New zero lemmas in commutative algebraic groups, Equisingular stratifications associated to families of planar ideals, Bounds for the postulation numbers of Hilbert functions, Local weak simultaneous resolution for high rational ranks, Hilbert coefficients of Hilbert filtrations, Metric invariants over Henselian valued fields., On the Jung method in positive characteristic., The plus closure of an ideal., Star operations and pullbacks., Bounds on annihilator lengths in families of quotients of Noetherian rings, On the integral closures of certain ideals generated by regular sequences, The tight integral closure of a set of ideals, Finding a basis of a linear system with pairwise distinct discrete valuations on an algebraic curve, Gröbner bases applied to finitely generated field extensions, Jordan pairs and Hopf algebras, Gröbner bases in orders of algebraic number fields., The blowup closure of a set of ideals with applications to \(TI\) closure., Basically full ideals in local rings., Unnamed Item, Anneaux henséliens, A certain system of parameters in a local ring, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Arithmetical rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A property of A-sequences, On the canonical topology of an analytic algebra and of an analytic module, Splitting of Algebras by Function Fields of One Variable, Crossed Products and Hereditary Orders, A note on the projective modules over group rings, Sur la finitude de la fermeture intégrale, Simple Algebras over a Commutative Ring, An algebraically closed field, Integral domains in which each non‐zero ideal is divisorial, Alcuni recenti risultati relativi al corpo delle funzioni razionali sopra una varieta’ algebrica, Anneaux henséliens et conditions de chaînes, Sur les séries formelles restreintes, Anneaux de 'polynômes à valeurs entières' et anneaux de Fatou, Some remarks on the formal power series ring, Crossed Products and Maximal Orders, Differential forms of the second kind on algebraic varieties with certain imperfect ground fields, Fibres formelles d'un anneau local noethérien, Anneaux henséliens et conditions de chaînes. III, On Trace for Modules, Ringe mit Approximationseigenschaft, Sulle varieta’ aritmeticamente normali, A note on the number of generators of an ideal, Étude de certains éclatements, Contracted ideals from integral extensions of regular rings, Continuous derivations of valued fields, On the complement of a nef and big divisor on an algebraic variety, On the complement of a nef and big divisor on an algebraic variety, Using Galois ideals for computing relative resolvents, Anneaux gradués factoriels et modules réflexifs, Canonical free realizations for delay differential systems with incommensurable delays, Über einen Existenzsatz der Bewertungstheorie, Bezout domains with stable range 1, Localizing systems, module systems, and semistar operations, Extension of ideal-theoretic properties of a domain to submodules of its quotient field, \((2,3)\)-constructible numbers, Kronecker's and Newton's approaches to solving: a first comparison, Direct-sum decompositions over local rings, On Quasinormality of A Group Ring R[Zn], Quasi-smoothness and arithmetical surfaces, Embedding ordered fields in formal power series fields, Invariant valuations for differential Galois group action., Valuations determined by quadratic transforms of a regular ring, Graded rings associated with contracted ideals, Adjacent integrally closed ideals in dimension two, On the theories of triangular sets, Triangular sets for solving polynomial systems: a comparative implementation of four methods, Definable invariants of bilinear mappings, Cycle exceptionnel de l'éclatement d'un idéal définissant l'origine de \({\mathbb C}^ n\) et applications. (Exceptional cycle of the blowing-up of an ideal defining the origin of \({\mathbb C}^ n\) and applications), State for 2-D systems, Crossed products over arithmetically graded rings, Equivalence of Hardy submodules generated by polynomials, Valuations of the quotient field of the ring of quantum mechanics, The analytic continuation of generalized functions with respect to a parameter, Über die Anzahl der linear unabhängigen Siegelschen Modulformen von gegebenem Gewicht, Über Homomorphismen projektiver Hjelmslev-Ebenen, A generalization of the class group, Rings of invariants of reductive groups acting on regular rings are Cohen-Macaulay, On the prime ideal structure of tensor products of algebras, A note on regularity of Noetherian complete local rings of unequal characteristic., Canonical comprehensive Gröbner bases, Places of algebraic function fields in arbitrary characteristic, Projectively equivalent ideals and Rees valuations, Rees rings and derivations, Some elementary remarks about \(n\)-local fields, Automorphisms of algebras of restricted formal series, The algebraic closure of a formal power series field, Clusters of infinitely near points, Depth of modular invariant rings, Computation of Hilbert polynomials in two variables, The differential ideal \([P : M^ \infty\).], Essential divisors, essential components of singular toric varieties, Successioni di Gorenstein e proprieta G\(_n\), Sulle localizzazioni che conservano il grado, Sugli anelli che soddisfano alla condizione topologica di Artin-Rees, Nash wings and real prime divisors, A dimension series for multivariate splines, Ideal class semigroups of overrings, Valuations in algebraic field extensions, Hypersurface singularities in positive characteristic, Factorization of complete ideals in normal birational extensions in dimension two, Uniformization of Jungian local domains, Reduction of polynomial modules by means of an arbitrary valuation, Eine Bemerkung zu den invertierbaren und fast invertierbaren Idealen, Über die Bettizahlen lokaler Ringe, Asymptotic prime divisors of torsion-free symmetric powers of modules, Adjoint ideals and Gorenstein blowups in two-dimensional regular local rings, On formal local cohomology and connectedness, Euler characteristics of Teichmüller curves in genus two, Some remarks on Prüfer \(\bigstar\)-multiplication domains and class groups, On the zero set of semi-invariants for regular modules over tame canonical algebras., Domains of dimension 1 with infinitely many singular maximal ideals, Generic fiber rings of mixed power series/polynomial rings, Some results relating to adjacent ideals in dimension two, Geometry at Cambridge, 1863--1940, Spezialisierungen in Polynomringen. Relativ-Normen bei Polynomidealen, On the completion of a valuation ring, Vollständige Durchschnitte und p-Basen, Domains in which valuation ideals are prime powers, Spezialisierungen über analytisch irreduziblen lokalen Bereichen, Riemannsche Hebbarkeitssätze für Cohomologieklassen mit kompaktem Träger, General graded rings, A short note on Henselian fields, Considerazioni sulla conferenza tenuta da M. Baldassarri a Torino nel 1961: 'Osservazioni sulla struttura dei fasci lisci', The valuation theory of meromorphic function fields over open Riemann surfaces, On the coefficients of the Hilbert-Samuel polynomial, Einige Beispiele faktorieller lokaler Ringe, Über die Divisorenklassengruppen lokaler Ringe auf zweidimensionalen normalen Hyperflächen, Sur les algèbres universelles, On the complete integral closure of an integral domain of Krull type, Pfaffsche Formen auf komplexen Räumen, Sul prodotto tensoriale di fasci algebrici coerenti e lisci, Localization in non-commutative Noetherian rings, On proper of integral domains, Irredundant intersections of valuation rings, An algorithm on polynomials in one indeterminate with coefficients in a two dimensional regular local domain, Modules and binary quadratic forms over integral domains, Konstruktionsverfahren bei Moduln über Polynomringen, On homogeneous ideal decompositions in general graded rings with ACC, Sur l'arithmétique des extensions galoisiennes à groupe de Galois diédral d'ordre \(2p\), Sopra un problema d'immersione per certi fasci algebrici coerenti su una varieta affine, The ideal transform and overrings of an integral domain, Generalized Hilbert functions and resolutions associated with maximal one-sided ideals, Ein weiterer Beweis des Hilbertschen Nullstellensatzes, A theorem on difference equations and its generalization to operator equations, Rings of formal power series over a Krull domain, Über das Verhalten des Geschlechts eines Funktionenkörpers einer Variablen bei Konstantenreduktion, Bewertungssysteme in Moduln, Sur une publication de P. Ribenboim, Sulla torsione in un prodotto tensoriale di moduli senza torsione, Algebraic approximation of structures over complete local rings, Integral dependence in power series rings, Über die Reinheit von Entartungs- und Verzweigungsmengen, Sulla fattorialita delle algebre graduate e degli anelli locali, Bewertungssysteme in algebraischen Funktionenkörpern, Kohomologiegruppen und Konstantenreduktion in Funktionenkörper, Linearly compact Noetherian rings, Automorphisms of analytic local rings, Invariants of analytic local rings, Lüroth field extensions, The varieties and the cohomology ring of a module, Ramification of valuations, Deformation techniques to solve generalised Pham systems, Geometric continuity, On unique and almost unique factorization of complete ideals. II, Exponentials in algebraic matrix groups, Maximal immediate extension of a fibre product of valuation domains, Definite lattices over real algebraic function domains, On the state reconstruction of 2D systems, On subfields of rational function fields, The structure of valuation rings, Generalizations of the spectral theorem for matrices. II. Matrix polynomials over arbitrary fields, Einbettung lokal-beschränkter topologischer Ringe in Quotientenringe, Algebras with affine fibres over an excellent ring, Geometric invariant theory on Stein spaces, Spaces of orderings of fields under finite extensions, Counting characters in blocks. I, Approximated roots, generating sequences, sufficiency of jets, Evaluation codes and plane valuations, Adjacent integrally closed ideals in 2-dimensional regular local rings, Projectively full ideals in noetherian rings, A formula for Tignol's constant, Integral closedness of \(MI\) and the formula of Hoskin and Deligne for finitely supported complete ideals, Toroidalization of generating sequences in dimension two function fields, Projective Schur groups of Henselian fields, Hilbert series of subspace arrangements, Chains of prime ideals in tensor products of algebras, Toroidalization of generating sequences in dimension two function fields of positive characteristic, On the extension of Nash functions, Transcendence degree of some fields generated by values of the exponential function, The conductor of one-dimensional Gorenstein rings in their blowing-up, A moduli scheme of embedded curve singularities, Algebraic series and valuation rings over nonclosed fields, Rees algebras on smooth schemes: Integral closure and higher differential operator, On finite generation of \(R\)-subalgebras of \(R[X\)], Resolution of singularities of threefolds in positive characteristic. I: Reduction to local uniformization on Artin-Schreier and purely inseparable coverings, Value monoids of zero-dimensional valuations of rank 1, On a measure of algebraic independence of values of Jacobi elliptic functions, The restricted Nagata's pairwise algorithm and the Euclidean algorithm, Configuration types and cubic surfaces, On the corners of certain determinantal ranges, A note on the inverse scattering problem in quantum field theory, First neighborhood complete ideals in two-dimensional Muhly local domains, Factorization of linear systems: A generalized framework, Some generic invariant factor assignment results using dynamc output feedback, Fields of large transcendence degree generated by values of elliptic functions, Analogues of a theorem of Cohen for overrings, On the rank of Abelian groups acting freely on \((S^n)^k\), On the two generator problem for the ideals of a one-dimensional ring, On linear systems and the divisor class group of a real variety, Typical tensorial rank, Dedekind domains which are not obtainable as finite integral extensions of PID, Five notes on asymptotic prime divisors, On observable algebras of a class of associative mechanical systems, Some curiosities of rings of analytic functions, The Brauer group and the center of generic matrices, Pseudo-immersions, Three notes on \(R^{(1)}\), The Ehrenfeucht conjecture: An algebra-framework for its proof, An Euler-Poincaré characteristic for improper intersections, The primary components of and integral closures of ideals in 3-dimensional regular local rings, Matrix fields, regular and irregular: A complete fundamental characterization, The uniform distribution group of a commutative ring, Zur Stetigkeit der Wurzeln der algebraischen Gleichungen über topologischen Integritätsbereichen. (Continuity of the roots of an algebraic equation over topological integral domains), On superrigidity and arithmeticity of lattices in semisimple groups over local fields of arbitrary characteristic, On the embedding of ideals in some one-dimensional local rings, On the rational homotopy Lie algebra of spaces with finite dimensional rational cohomology and homotopy, Some connections between Heyting valued set theory and algebraic geometry. Prolegomena to intuitionistic algebraic geometry, Stability of Gröbner bases, An algebraic approach to the residues in algebraic geometry, Computing dimension and independent sets for polynomial ideals, Castelnuovo's regularity and multiplicity, Torsion of the differential module of singularities of curves with maximal Hilbert function, Injective modules, localization and completion in group algebras, PI-subrings and algebraic elements in enveloping algebras and their fields of fractions, On quasi-factorial domains, Linking numbers and Chen groups, On the order of approximation in approximative triadic decompositions of tensors, Infinite elementary divisors of polynomial matrices and impulsive solutions of linear homogeneous matrix differential equations, On analytic primals, On matrix equivalence and matrix equations, Algebraic characteristic of certain classes of maps and the perfection of Wiener extensions of harmonic spaces, Sulla proprieta di estensione in anelli noetheriani, Zeta- und L-Funktionen eines algebraischen Funktionenkörpers in zwei Veränderlichen, The Frobenius rank equality for morphisms, Ultraproducts and approximation in local rings. II, Integral closure in multiplicative lattices, Young diagrams and determinantal varieties, A note on the local-global principle for similarity of matrices, Sulla seminormalità delle superficie algebriche, Polynôme de Hilbert-Samuel dans les algèbres enveloppantes et les algèbres de groupe, Polynomial transformations of finite commutative local principal ideal rings, Der Approximationssatz für Manisbewertungen, Combinatorial methods in the theory of Cohen-Macaulay rings, Normale Einbettungen von \(G/U\), On the Noetherian property in endomorphism rings of certain comodules, Normale Flachheit und Äquimultiplizität für vollständige Durchschnitte, Zero estimates on group varieties. I, Sur l'alignement dans les schémas de Hilbert ponctuels du plan. La famille des N-uplets de \({\mathbb{P}}^ 2\) contenant au moins r points sur une droite. (Alignment in the punctual Hilbert schemes of the plane. The family of N-tuples containing at least r points on a line), T-block monoids and their arithmetical applications to certain integral domains, Multiplicité et formes éliminantes, Simple complete ideals in two-dimensional regular local rings, The relation-type conjecture holds for rings with finite local cohomology, On associated graded rings having almost maximal depth, On the equivalence of plane curve singularities, Pseudo-symmetric ideals of semigroup and their radicals, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Quasi-complete intersections of monomial curves in projective three-space, Prolongations of valuations to simple transcendental extensions with given residue field and value group, Picard's theorem, Mittag-Leffler methods, and continuity of characters on Fréchet algebras, Note on analytic spread and asymptotic sequences, Absolutely superficial sequences, On a real places of a field and their holomorphy ring, Immediate extensions of rings and approximation of roots, Valuation ideals of order one in 2-dimensional regular local rings, Normal ideals of graded rings, Two counterexamples in normalization, Über die Reduktionszahl und erste Nachbarschaft von Moduln, k-affinoide Gruppen, Invariant theory, old and new, Bewertungssysteme in Moduln. II, On the vanishing of \(\lim_{(i)}\), A nullstellensatz for ordered fields, Quotients of analytic sheaves, Separable endomorphisms and higher-order commutators, The mod 2 cohomology rings of extra-special 2-groups and the spinor groups, Reducibility of the families of O-dimensional schemes on a variety, Linearly compact rings and modules, Co-imaging rings, Das Verhalten des Geschlechts bei Konstantenreduktionen algebraischer Funktionenkörper. (The behavior of the genus by the reduction of constants of algebraic function fields), On Brauer's main theorem on blocks with normal defect groups, A note on overrings of the ring of entire functions, Ein Korrekturglied in der Multiplizitätstheorie von D. G. Northcott und Anwendungen, Criteria for equality of ordinary and symbolic powers of primes, Sul completato di un anello rispetto ad un ideale di tipo finito, Regular local rings and excellent rings, Local monomialization of transcendental extensions., On Krull dimension of tensor products of algebras arising from AF-domains, Polyhedral cones and monomial blowing-ups, Invariants and fundamental functions, Über die Struktur der Differentialmoduln von diskreten Bewertungsringen, Eine Anwendung Riemannscher Hebbarkeitssätze für analytische Cohomologieklassen, One variable equations over groups, Inequalities related to certain couples of local rings, A new characterization of rational surface singularities, Certain ideals for which \(I_ 1 \dots I_ g=I_ 1\cap \dots \cap I_ g\), On the computation of the Ratliff-Rush closure, Compactification of varieties, On the set of Hilbert polynomials, Monoidal extensions of a Cohen-Macaulay unique factorization domain, Rank 2 valuations of K(x), Necessary and sufficient conditions for propagation of singularities for systems of linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients, Unnamed Item, A note on the Koszul homology of ordinary singularities, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Sur les anneaux factoriels, On ruled fields, Natural Operators Lifting Vector Fields to Bundles of Weil Contact Elements, On bounding the Stückrad-Vogel multiplicity, Une majoration de la fonction de Hilbert et ses conséquences pour l'interpolation algébrique, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the functions invariant under the action of an algebraic group on an algebraic variety, Unnamed Item, Algebres de Lie regulieres, Generators for sk1Of plane affine curves 1 i. General facts, Form rings and projective equivalence, Cohomology of induced modules in rings of differential operators, On the real spectrum of a ring and its application to semialgebraic geometry, The Algebraic Geometry of Motions of Bar-and-Body Frameworks, Integrally closed factor domains, Sulle varieta' normali di Cohen-Macaulay, Dual continuous modules over commutative noetherian rings, Torsion-free pre-images of modules of finite length, Unnamed Item, Non-splitting of prime divisors, Unnamed Item, Structure of algebras, Reduction Exponent and Degree Bound for the Defining Equations of Graded Rings, A note on universally catenary rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Zero sets—consequences for primitive near-rings, Cycle exceptionnel de l'éclatement de Nash d'une hypersurface analytique complexe à singularité isolée, Fonction de Hilbert-Samuel dans les anneaux locaux réguliers non-commutatifs, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Enriques graphs of plane curves, Artinian modules over commutative rings, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the Cohen-Macaulay property of A[pt, p(2)t2 for space monomial curves], The Upper Bound Conjecture and Cohen-Macaulay Rings, Homogeneous ideals inK[x, y, z], Propriete topologique du gradue associe d'un anneau (Sr), Unnamed Item